Hands On! Masks Off! 2013

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The programme for the workshop series presented during the 2103 National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa.

Transcript of Hands On! Masks Off! 2013

Business and Arts South Africa presents

COLOURYOUR CAREERA series of workshops for the serious arts

professional at the 2013 National Arts Festival.

When last did you review your sponsorship strategy? Are you achieving your sponsorship objectives through appropriate ways of engaging with business?

If you are an artist or arts organisation wanting to maximize or develop a sponsorship strategy that speaks the language that business understands, visit www.basa.co.za to download the easy to use toolkit.

Sponsorship Toolkit for the Arts


CONTENTSStudent Theatre Professional Advisors 2 SouthAfricanPostOfficeStudentTheatreAwards 3 StudentTheatreFestivalschedule 4

On Stage, Backstage and Offstage Let’s Circus 5 Creatingcharacterswiththebody 5 Fromstagehandtotechnicaldirector 5

Focus on Arts Marketing Theposter,thehandbillandthepublicist 6 “Ok,youhavezeromoneyforpublicity,sowhatdoyoudo?” 6 UsingSocialMediatoboostyourcareerinthearts 6

The Funding Challenge Thebasicsofwritingafundingproposal 6 MeettheNationalLotteryDistributionTrustFundspokesperson 6

National Youth Skills Development Programme & CATHSSETA Personalbranding101:TheArtofdiscoveringandcreatingbrand‘You’ 7 FinancialLiteracy:Acrashcourseintheessentialsinfinancesforartists 7 Beyondthetrack:Masteringtheworldbeyondyourtalent 7 IntroducingCATHSSETA 7

Focus on Film Anintroductiontoproducing 8 Anintroductiontoscreenwriting 8 Anintroductiontodirecting 8 Howtoenterthefilmindustry 8 Careersinthefilmindustry 8

Focus on Networking Meettheproducers 8 PANSA 8 ASSITEJ 8 ArtistLounge 8

Complete Day by Day Schedule 9


STUDENT THEATREPROFESSIONAL ADVISORS…partnering seasoned professionals with emerging professionals

Initiated in 2008 with support from Business and Arts South Africa and launched by Pieter Dirk Uys, the Hands On! Masks Off! programme has entrenched its reputation as a dynamic platform for learning and collaboration. It is a “join the dots” programme which allows artists to meet funders, and other artists, and to interact and learn from a wide range of people and institutions that can contribute to their professional

growth and development.

A critical component of this learning takes place on our Student Theatre programme. A panel of Student Advisors attend all 17 productions on the Student Theatre Festival, as well as a number of productions across the Fringe. They offer a constructive critique of the work they see, noting the trends in cultural practice, and advise the National Arts Festival about any opportunities available for productions to extend their longevity beyond Grahamstown. The advisors are well grounded internationally and have strong professional careers in the arts. More than that, each of them has a brilliant track record of grooming the next generation of professionals.

SMALNDABAis co-founder of the Sibikwa Arts Centre and an award- winning playwright and director. The Star newspaper nominated him as one of the ten top contributors to the arts in South Africa and he is the recipient of a Naledi Lifetime Achievement Award. Smal has toured extensively in Europe, Canada, USA and Southern Africa presenting plays and facilitating workshops. Some of the plays he has co-

written and directed with Phyllis Klotz are D.E.T Boys High, Uhambo – The Journey and the recent revival of the musical theatre piece Kwela Bafana. His work has been enthusiastically received and critically acclaimed. He is committed to creating a culture of learning through the arts and has a particular interest in youth at risk. He has worked extensively with young offenders facilitating programmes to rehabilitate them through the performing arts.

PETERTERRYspent 28 years with the Drama Company of the Performing Arts Council Transvaal / State Theatre, as an actor, and later as Artistic & Administrative Head of Drama. Since 2000 he has been freelancing, and appeared in the international television series The Devil’s Whore and Wild At Heart. Recent theatre includes David Mamet’s Romance, Much Ado About Nothing, the world premiere of Dream of the Dog, and the State

Theatre’s production of The Rivonia Trial in 2010 and 2011. Peter has had a number of his plays produced professionally in theatres around the country, and he has narrated many wild life series for National Geographic, Animal Planet and other international television channels. In May this year, Peter had a cameo role in Shotgun Garfunkel, the fastest film ever made.

GEZCASEYis an actor and playwright. Since 2007, he has been the Literary Manager of Live Theatre, a new writing company based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the UK. He has run classes in playwriting for ten years and is the co-creator of beaplaywright.com, an online course for aspiring dramatists. He has also worked with emerging playwrights on new writing initiatives with the RSC and the BBC Writers Room. He is currently helping to develop a verbatim

theatre project with young women in the Eastern Cape. He also teaches at Northumbria University.

CHRISTINAKENNEDY is a seasoned South African theatre critic and arts writer. She commenced her career in 1994 with a community newspaper in the East Rand prior to joining The Citizen in 1999 as Deputy Arts Editor. Until 2006, she took a hands-on approach to the production side of the arts pages, taking care of commissioning freelancers, assigning stories to reporters, editing copy, compiling and designing

pages and proofreading. As a long time arts journalist and theatre critic, Christina has been at the forefront of writing about the careers of South Africa’s artistic directors, designers, performers and their productions. This is her third stint as a Festival Advisor on the Student Theatre Festival.


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In 2012 the South African Post Office became sponsor of the Student Theatre Festival. A set of incentive awards were introduced to catapult emerging professionals into the more complex creative economy. All

award-winners will be announced on Sunday 7 July 2013.


(The2012winningcampaignfromtheUniversityofStellenbosch)The Student Advisors will judge the posters designed by each institution. The poster that succeeds in effectively reflecting the production content will win this award. An prize of R1000 will be presented to the winning

institution to spend on their 2014 marketing programme.


A panel from the Festival’s marketing team will pre-judge all the posters and identify the one that works best as an advance marketing promotional tool. In this regard, the more critical elements of poster design and marketing strategy will be judged prior to the play being reviewed.(Left:The2012winningdesignfromtheUniversityofJohannesburg)

MostPromisingStudentWriterThe winner of the Most Promising Student Writer award will receive a cash award of R2000.

MostPromisingStudentDirectorThe winner of the Most Promising Student Director award will receive R2000. In addition to the cash award, the winning director will receive support to present a two-hander player on the 2014 Fringe programme. The co-winners in 2012 were Joanna Evans and Kline Smith, who are bringing productions to the Fringe this year - The Year of the Bicycle and Umphephumelo respectively.


(TheposterfromthewinningUCTproductionin2012)The institution that wins the best Student Theatre Production award will receive R5000 towards their 2014 production, and will receive the prestigious Cape Triangular Trophy, designed by the South African Post Office to honour the first South African postage stamp.

06 July :: 12:30 ::07 July :: 17:00 ::









Fire:Burn (UniversityoftheWitwatersrand) Thursday 27 June (18:00) Saturday 29 June (19:00)

BetweentheLines (AFDACollege,CapeTown)Friday 28 June (11:00) Saturday 29 June (21:30)

TheUnmen (CityVarsitySchoolofMedia&CreativeArts,CapeTown)Friday 28 June (15:00) Saturday 30 June (21:30)

Moor (RhodesUniversity)Friday 28 June (21:00) Monday 1 July (17:30)

Vrek (UniversityofFreeState)Saturday 29 June (16:00) Monday 1 July (15:00)

Romeo‘nJulietUnplugged (UniversityofJohannesburg)Sunday 30 June (11:00) Tuesday 2 July (21:30)

BehindEveryYawnThereisaSilentShout (UniversityofCapeTown)Tuesday 2 July (11:30) Thursday 4 July (14:30)

Bitter (UniversityofStellenbosch)Monday 1 July (11:30) Wednesday 3 July (14:30)

OneLonelyLight (UniversityofKwaZuluNatal,Pietermaritzburg)Sunday 30 June (18:30) Tuesday 2 July (19:00)


Words4Men(UniversityoftheWesternCape)Tuesday 2 July (15:30) Thursday 4 July (17:00)

MilkandHoney(MarketTheatreLaboratory)Wednesday 3 July (11:00) Saturday 6 July (21:00)

TheYellowWood(WaterfrontTheatreSchool)Thursday 4 July (11:30) Saturday 6 July (16:00)

Go Sana Le Lina (UniversityofPretoria)Wednesday 3 July (21:00) Friday 5 July (14:30)

Journey (OakfieldCollege)Thursday 4 July (20:30) (Transnet Great Hall)Friday 5 July (16:30) (Transnet Great Hall)

TheOffSideRule(UniversityofKwaZuluNatal,Durban)Friday 5 July (20:00) Saturday 6 July (11:00)

AppleSoup(TshwaneUniversityofTechnology)Friday 5 July (11:30) Saturday 6 July (18:30)

Sarcophagus (DurbanUniversityofTechnology)Thursday 4 July (21:30) Saturday 6 July (13:30)

LET’SCIRCUSIn a challenging arts environment, emerging artists with well-honed circus skills, will find generous audiences willing to drop coins in a hat in exchange for entertaining them on the streets. Partnering with the UK-based company, Let’s Circus, an intensive skills training programme aims to empower emerging artists with creative skills that they can use beyond the Festival.

Circus is a dynamic, engaging, dramatic art form that combines spectacle, skill, physical expression and theatre. It develops confidence, self-esteem, trust, co-operation and teamwork. It provides a framework within which people can push their personal limits in a safe, structured, supportive environment. Participants attending the workshops will be trained in circus skills as varied stilt-walking, fire manipulation and juggling. Workshops in voice, physical theatre, clowning and comedy will be held. These workshops will boost the artist’s confidence to earn money by busking in public spaces. More information about Let’s Circus can be found at www.letscircus.comParticipants must wear comfortable clothing for practical work

DATES&TIMES:Saturday29June 09:00–17:00Sunday30June 08:30–10:30Wednesday3July 08:30–10:30Thursday4July 09:00–11:00Venue: RecreationCentre


From his own extensive 25 year career as one of South Africa’s leading technical directors, Barry Snow will discuss various career options in the technical sector. He starts off by looking at stage-hands, moves on to what is expected of technical staff in the theatre environment, and the requirements and expectations that managements and artists have of stage staff. He will discuss the working environment that an aspirant technician can expect and how to deal with it. Barry will base his presentation on a training manual drawn up by himself and a colleague that “fleshed out” a unit standard that was put out a number of years ago by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

DATES&TIMES:Tuesday2July 15:00–16:00Venue: EdenGrove



Maarten Lok is a Dutch theatre director and head of staff at the mime department of The National Theatre School in Amsterdam. His teaching method revolves around physical experience. The point of departure is the body. Together with participants, Maarten looks for the physical impression of a feeling. Through small physical changes he helps to create specific characters and scenes by giving performers a great deal of responsibility in the creating process. Participants will have to bring their own ideas and intuition in creating scenes and characters. This workshop gives the participants the possibility to experience the process of developing a theatre piece, which is common in the Dutch mime scene. This technique was used in creating the performance Florence Foster Jenkins that will be performed on the Arena programme at this year’s Festival (see p41 of the Festival programme).

DATES&TIMES:Monday1July 09:00–11:00Tuesday2July 09:00–11:00Venue: RecreationCentre Thesameworkshopwillberepeatedonbothdates.

Onstage, Backstage and Offstage …

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein



Writing funding proposals is one of the most challenging tasks for most emerging professionals. Unathi Malunga will take participants through the basic fundamentals to be considered when writing funding proposals. Drawing on her expertise as both an artist and a lawyer, Malunga aims to empower participants to acquire the kind of skills that will enable them to make a fruitful and sustainable living off their

work. Malunga was the Legacy Officer & Co-Stakeholders Officer and assisted in talent management on behalf of the consortium appointed to produce the 2010 FIFA World Cup Opening and Closing Ceremonies. She drafted all the agreements for those ceremonies as well as for the ANC Centenary opening ceremony held in January 2012.

DATES&TIMES:Sunday30June 15:00–16:00Friday5July 15:00–16:00Venue: EdenGrove


Understanding in the funder can improve the likelihood of funding success. Since inception of the Hands On! Masks Off! programme, the National Arts Festival has encouraged opportunities for artists to meet with representatives from funding agencies. Building a relationship with

grant funding sources begins by researching their mission, funding interests, history, preferred method of initial contact, application process, size of their awards, featured projects and their grant review process. Sershan Naidoo, a spokesperson for the National Lottery Distribution Trust, will be available to help artists better understand the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund.

DATES&TIMES:Thursday4July 15:00–16:00Venue: EdenGrove

The Funding Challenge


Through a practical and hands-on approach Bridget van Oerle will share ideas of how emerging artists can embark on a successful campaign to promote their next production. Bridget van Oerle has managed arts events that range from as large the Johannesburg Arts Alive Festival to

medium sized events such as the Bushfire Festival in Swaziland. Bridget van Oerle also manages the promotional campaign for Pieter Dirk Uys.DATES&TIMES:Friday28July 15:00–16:00Saturday6July 15:00–16:00Venue: EdenGrove


Online. mobile and social media are creating new ways for artists to interact, collaborate, learn, raise funds, promote and market their productions. Steven Kromberg, the General Manager of Grocotts Mail, the oldest independent newspaper in South Africa, will share his research, experience and ideas. He will offer participants the “do’s” and “don’ts” by looking at some brilliant and some terrible examples of that artists use on social media to promote themselves.

DATES&TIMES:Monday1July 15:00–16:00Venue EdenGrove


Small, emerging professional and community based artists often feel challenged with having no budgets to market their productions. Brooks Spector, a former Cultural Diplomat

with the US Embassy, a member of the Board of Directors of the Market Theatre, and a respected cultural journalist, will offer “industry secrets” about how artists and arts organisations with no budget can make better use of community radio, word-of-mouth, whispering campaigns, viral advertising and the hijacking of other info streams.

DATES&TIMES:Wednesday3July 15:00–16:00Venue: EdenGrove

Arts Marketing



An interactive and practical workshop that takes you into a realm of marketing and branding – with the subject being YOU! This exciting workshop looks at practical ways to define, create and build a phenomenal personal brand. The workshop will be presented by Sheree O’Brien.Areas that will be covered include: - An introduction to personal branding and building personal brand equity.- Defining what makes you unique – defining your values, passions,

reasons to believe, and the true essence and core of who you are.- How to build your personal brand – practical action steps to build a successful personal brand, both online and offline, allowing you to bring through your characteristics to a wide audience.- Practical examples and case studies of successful individuals, and how to apply their secrets.Key insights and wisdoms for this workshop have been gleaned from an in-depth interview with Timothy Maurice Webster, a thought leader in brand leadership, design and innovation. He is an author, speaker & creative strategist, and has recently launched his third book, titled ‘Soul to Sole’, which tackles the next step in authentic personal branding.

DATES&TIMES:Monday1July 12:00-13:00 Venue: EdenGrove

BEYONDTHETRACK:MASTERINGTHEWORLDBEYONDYOURTALENTAn exciting workshop that will allow you to think about the world of music, art and entertainment completely differently. This workshop draws important learnings and secret tools from one of SA’s most successful young dance DJ’s; DJ Euphonik. The workshop will be presented by Sheree O’Brien.The workshop explores the following areas: - Defining your world within the music and entertainment industry.- Taking an introspective look at your passion points, and what drives you beyond your talent, and your success within the industry.- Outlining opportunities ‘beyond the track’ into other areas such as presenting, MC’ing, hosting of events, concerts, launches etc. - Case studies and examples of artists who have taken their dream one step further, and created a new world, for themselves, and others.- Practical tips and tricks from DJ Euphonik on how to take you dream and passion beyond the music industry.Through an interview with DJ Euphonik we were able to glean some important nuggets to provide you with cutting edge ideas and action points for your sustainable future. DJ Euphonik has a reputation for being able to please a diverse crowd both in the clubs and on the radio. DJ Euphonik is passionate about young people and the creation of opportunities for SA’s youth.DATES&TIMES:Tuesday2July 12:00-13:00Venue: EdenGrove

National Youth Skills Development Programme & CATHSSETA

FINANCIALLITERACY:ACRASHCOURSEINTHEESSENTIALSINFINANCESFORARTISTSThis workshop teaches you to become financially free and gives you practical points and tips on how to manage your money. The workshop will be presented by Sheree O’Brien.Areas covered in the workshop include: - Understanding how to separate personal and artistic finances.- Looking at budgeting, a spending plan and cash flow - How to tell the “story” of your project in the form of a budget that is compelling to potential funders.- How to get out of debt and start saving. - Sound advice on debt, the cost of credit, savings and investments - Managing yourself, your business and your career by correctly planning for the future, being an entrepreneur and really making your dreams come true. The sound financial advice and insight for the workshop will be gleaned from an in-depth interview with Nigel Willmott. He has been involved in the financial services industry for over twenty years, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and a member of the Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa (the FPI). Nigel currently provides independent holistic financial life skills solutions and financial wellness programmes for individuals, business and entrepreneurs. DATES&TIMES:Wednesday3July 12:00-13:00Venue: EdenGrove

INTRODUCINGCATHSSETACathsseta, the Culture, Art, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education and Training Authority, is the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) established under the Skills Development Act for the Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Economic Sector.

A SETA’s main function is to contribute to the raising of skills – to bring skills to the employed, or those wanting to be employed, in their sector. They have to do this by ensuring that people learn skills that are needed by employers and communities. There is no value in training people if they cannot use the skills they have learnt. Training and skills development, to agreed standards, is not just for young people starting their first jobs, though it is important for them too! The skills of people already in jobs must also be enhanced.

Generally speaking a SETA should develop and implement a sector skills plan; develop and administer learnerships; disburse levies collected from employers in their sector and report to the Minister and to the South African Qualifications Authority.

These workshops are your opportunity to discover more about CATHSSETA, the programmes it runs, and to learn how you can benefit from these programmes. It is essential for anyone with an ambition to be employed in the Arts sector.

The CATHSSETA bus will be parked outside Eden Grove from 6 July - feel free to visit, meet the CATHSSETA team, and learn more about their programmes and opportunities.DATES&TIMES:Thursday4July 12:00-13:00Friday5July 12:00-13:00Venue: EdenGroveThesameworkshopwillberepeatedonbothdates.


Aseriesofdiscussionsinspiredbyscreeningspresentedbythe NationalFilm&VideoFoundation(SponsorsoftheFilmprogrammeattheNationalArtsFestival)

The National Film & Video Foundation (NFVF) is a statutory body mandated by parliament to spearhead the development of the South African film and video industry. The NFVF is guided by a council consisting of highly respected film professionals with diverse expertise in the film and television industry. The Foundation will

bring a successful group of film-makers to the Festival to share skills, information and experiences. Discussions will be inspired by a selection of films screened at the Festival.


A discussion led by Cati Weinek inspired by the

film Gog HelenFriday5July 14:30–16:30Venue OliveSchreiner,Monument

ANINTRODUCTIONTOSCREENWRITINGFacilitated by Loyiso Maqoma and a Q & A session with Mutodi Neshehe inspired by the film Little OneSaturday6July 14:30–16:30Venue EdenGrove

ANINTRODUCTIONTODIRECTINGFacilitated by Akin Omotoso and inspired by the film Man on the GroundSaturday6July 18:00–19:30Venue EdenGrove

HOWTOENTERTHEFILMINDUSTRYAn interactive session that will focus on case studies of Akin Omotoso, Isaac Mogajane, Cati Weinek, Mutodi Neshehe, Loyiso Maqoma, and inspired by the film Blitz Patrolie.Sunday7July 16:00–18:00Venue EdenGrove

CAREERSINTHEFILMINDUSTRYInspired by the film Material, this strongly focused workshop for high school students and emerging professionals will provide practical advice presented by Naomi Mokhele.Monday8July 19:30Venue GuyButlerTheatre,1820Monument

Focus on FilmMEETTHEPRODUCERSIn an informal session over coffee, tea and muffins, network with visiting international festival producers and South African artistic directors, presenters, managements, funders and some of the members of the National Arts Festival’s Artistic Committee. Visiting international producers include at least three directors from the World Fringe Alliance, presenters from Amsterdam’s MC Theatre, the UK Arts International team, a representative from MAPP International and a representative from Botswana’s Matisong Arts Festival, amongst others.Wednesday3July 09:00Venue ArtistsLounge,Monument

PANSAThe PANSA desk at the Festival aims to provide network opportunities for local and international partners. PANSA will aim to provide an informal environment for face-to-face meetings between performing artists, producers, funders and writers; a chance for all players in the performing arts arena to interact, to create collaborations and future projects, to explore possibilities and find common cause. Members of ASSITEJ SA and Arterial Network will be at hand to provide information about their organisations. PANSA would like to engage artists about how it can take its workshops and training programmes to a broader arts community.The PANSA Desk will be located in the Artists Lounge throughout the Festival.

ASSITEJFORUMInspiringaGeneration-TheatreforTeensAlmost half our population is under the age of 21. Can we wrestle teens away from ipods, instagram and street culture to actually CHOOSE theatre? Be part of the debate with four of the most interesting young voices in theatre today: Eliot Moleba, Tristan Jacobs, Lereko Mfono and Clara Vaughn are experimenting with the notion of writing fresh, provocative theatre, which will be highly attractive to teens, as part of an international collaboration with French artists.Inspiring a Generation 2013 will see four plays for teenagers developed under mentorship over the course of a year, with writers engaging with learners from the National School of the Arts for critical responses and material development. The mentorship forms part of “Correspondance” a project on the SA-French Seasons of Performance, which will allow the four writers to engage with four counterparts in France, who are debating the same questions.Inspiring a Generation is an ASSITEJ SA programme, in partnership with Theatre Arts Admin Collective, Well Worn Theatre Company and National

School of the Arts.Saturday6July 16:00Venue OatlandsHall

ARTISTSLOUNGEHang out in our exclusive Artists Lounge on the top floor of the 1820 Monument between the Restaurant and the Media Centre – free WIFI, tea, coffee and the occasional surprise … it’s the perfect place to network, have meetings and catch up with your Facebook fans.

Opendailyfrom09:00to17:00Artists wishing to use the artists Lounge need to present the access card provided at registration.

Focus on Networking



Day by Day ScheduleDATE TIME EVENT

Friday 28 June 15:00 - 16:00 The poster, the handbill and the publicist

Saturday 29 June 09:00 - 17:00 Let’s Circus

Sunday 30 June 08:30 - 10:30 Let’s Circus

Sunday 30 June 15:00 - 16:00 The basics of writing a funding proposal

Monday 1 July 09:00 - 11:00 Creating characters with the body

Monday 1 July 12:00 - 13:00 Personal Branding 101

Monday 1 July 15:00 - 16:00 Using social media to boost your career

Tuesday 2 July 09:00 - 11:00 Creating characters with the body

Tuesday 2 July 12:00 - 13:00 Beyond the track: Mastering the world beyond your talent

Tuesday 2 July 15:00 - 16:00 From stage hand to technical director

Wednesday 3 July 08:30 - 10:30 Let’s Circus

Wednesday 3 July 09:00 - 10:30 Meet the Producers

Wednesday 3 July 12:00 - 13:00 Financial Literacy: A crash course

Wednesday 3 July 15:00 - 16:00 Ok, so you have no money for publicity

Thursday 4 July 09:00 - 11:00 Let’s Circus

Thursday 4 July 12:00 - 13:00 Introducing CATHSSETA

Thursday 4 July 15:00 - 16:00 Meet the NLDTF spokesperson

Friday 5 July 12:00 - 13:00 Introducing CATHSSETA

Friday 5 July 14:30 - 16:30 Introduction to producing film

Friday 5 July 15:00 - 16:00 The basics of writing a funding proposal

Saturday 6 July 14:30 - 16:30 An introduction to screenwriting

Saturday 6 July 15:00 - 16:00 The poster, the handbill and the publicist

Saturday 6 July 16:00 - 18:00 ASSITEJ Forum

Saturday 6 July 18:00 - 19:30 An introduction to Directing film

Sunday 7 July 16:00 - 18:00 How to enter the film industry

Monday 8 July 19:30 - 21:30 Careers in the film industry

Presented By