Handout for IYSI Presention

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Handout for IYSI Presention

Paper Circuits & LED Cards

Cost: Level of difficulty: Age group:

Size of group: 12-15 kids Program duration: 1 hour-1.5 hours

Prep time: Low Staffing: 1-2 people

Equipment: LEDs, copper tape, CR2032 batteries, crayons, colored pencils, tape, scissors, card stock, thumb tacks, cardboard scraps, templates, tape, glue (Amazon.com).

Program Tips:

Use squishy circuits or Little Bits to introduce how circuits work

Kids/Teens can create also anything using paper, copper tape LEDs, batteries - cards, lanterns or adding LEDS to pictures

Positive to positive and negative to negative when creating a circuit with the LEDs and batteries.

tinkerfolks@gmail.com http://tinkergroup.wordpress.com @TinkerGroup facebook.com/tinker.folks

Contact information:

Alison Tseng, Algonquin Public Library, atseng@aapld.org

Katie LaMantia , Schaumburg Township District Library, klamantia@stdl..org

Renee Neumeier, Evanston Public Library, rneumeier@cityofevanston.org


Cost: Level of difficulty: Age group:

Size of group: 10 kids (1 kit and computer for 2 kids) Program duration: 1-1.5 hours

Prep time: High Staffing: 1-2 people

Equipment: Computers, Arduino kit (including LEDs, wires, resistors, etc.) , Arduino software

Prep: Download free Arduino software from www.arduino.cc and Arduino codes . Assemble the boards and

breadboards for each Arduino kit.

Program Tips:

Purchasing a kit gives your materials for a variety projects

Arduinos use the coding language C/C++

Start with a simple program like blink, have teens look at the code and see if they figure out how to set-

up Arduino, breadboard LED and resistor to work

Once they’ve mastered the project encourage kids to tweak the code

Introduce new projects the same way—some favorites are projects that play music or light up multiple


tinkerfolks@gmail.com http://tinkergroup.wordpress.com @TinkerGroup facebook.com/tinker.folks

Squishy Circuits

Cost: Level of difficulty: Age group:

Size of group: 12-15 kids Program duration: 45-60 minutes

Prep time: Medium Staffing: 2 people

Equipment: Squishy Circuits kits (Amazon.com) or battery pack, buzzer, motor, conductive and insulating

dough, 10mm diffused LED (Radio Shack), food coloring

Prep Time: 30 minutes to make conductive/insulating dough

Program tips:

Use activities from the St. Thomas University website http://courseweb.stthomas.edu/apthomas/


Little Bits

Cost: Level of difficulty: Age group:

Size of group: 12-15 kids Program duration: 45-60 minutes

Prep time: Low Staffing: 1-2 people

Equipment: Little Bits http://littlebits.cc/ (educator discount)

Program tips:

Tons of project ideas on the website http://littlebits.cc/

Create an open ended question— ex: make something that lights up, make something that vibrates

Wearables Cost: Level of difficulty: Age group:

Size of group: 12-15 kids Program duration: 1.5-2 hours

Prep time: Low Staffing: 2 people

Equipment: Felt, lace, sewing needles, thread, conductive thread, snaps, 10mm LEDs, CR2032 batteries, Adafruit sewable battery holder (Ada Fruit, amazon.com)

Program tips:

Talk through how circuits work

May need to go over sewing basics

Try, fail , revise