Hamas' goal...destroy israel mar-apr 2006

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Endtime Magazine | March/April 2006 | Vol 16/No 2 $3.00

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Prophecy Watch Behold a Green HorseWorld Religion WatchWill the Real AntichristPlease Stand Up?Guest ArticleReinventing Jesus: A Globalist Fantasy




Euphrates River to Be Dried Up üIn revelatIon 16:12, the bIble predIcts that the euphrates rIver wIll be drIed up to prepare the way for the kings of the East to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish his kingdom and usher in His one-thousand year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

China Goes to War üIn revelatIon 9:15-16, the bIble prophesIes that an army of 200 mIllIon soldIers wIll launch a war which will kill “the third part of men.” Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reported that, in the year 2001, it was estimated that China had 200,866,946 men of military age and that this number is growing by 10 million per year.

Worldwide Numbering System Predicted üIn revelatIon 13, the bIble prophesIes that a world dIctator wIll soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people on the earth to receive a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the world has now been assigned a number. In America, it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people actually urging the abolition of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered.

The Emergence of a New World Order ürevelatIon 13:7 and danIel 7:23 prophesy the establIshment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War was Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand.

Coincidence or Divine Providence? üIs It coIncIdental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously? Hardly!

ProofWE aRE liviNG iN ThE ENDTimE


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EditorialIrvinBaxter Jr. Editor-in-Chief

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Research Partner Relations

Conference DirectorInternet

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Irvin Baxter Jr.Ken RaggioGinger BoerkircherKathy McKinneyJana RobbinsKara McPeakDavid NovickJoseph E. Romero

March/April 2006



statEmEnt oF FaitH We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3–5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christ forever.

wHat is endtime? In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the “New World Order.” These things have now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications.

endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 449 Kingsbridge Drive, Garland, TX 75040. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Garland, TX, and additional mailing offices. © 2005 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 461167, Garland, TX 75046-1167. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-531-0100 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Central).


cover: Hamas supporters raise the green flag of Islam over the Palestinian parliament in Ramallah 1/26/2006 amid clashes with Fatah loyalists. The two camps threw stones at each other, breaking windows in the building. ap photo/muhammed muheIsen

All This Over Cartoons

Has the green power of Islam replaced the red power of Communism as the most dreaded force on planet earth?

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There is something quite foreboding about thousands of people rioting, burning and killing over cartoons—especially when those thousands represent one-fourth of the world’s population. No matter how many times I am told that Islam is a religion of peace, I cannot seem to ignore:

1}All the Islamic suicide bombers.2}The crowds chanting “Death to Israel! Death to the United States!” 3}The burning of embassies.4}The fact that 19 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were avowed Muslims.

Now, Muslim prayer leader Yousaf Qureshi has announced a million dollar reward to anyone that kills the man who drew the cartoons! In India, a politician in that nation’s largest state has offered an $11 million reward for the killing of any of the Danish cartoonists! What kind of beast is rampaging among us?

In this issue of Endtime, you will learn the implications of Hamas’ takeover of the Palestinian territories. What about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s belief that he is the forerunner of the Muslim messiah, the Twelfth Imam? Ahmadinejad believes that a time of international chaos will usher in the Twelfth Imam, and that it should occur within the next two years. And this man wants a nuclear bomb?

Has the “green power” (Islam) replaced the “red power” (Communism) as the most dreaded force on planet earth? Is Islam mentioned in the endtime prophecies of the Bible? Don’t miss the article in this issue, “Behold, a Green Horse.”

BECAUSE THE ENdTIME IS NOW,irvin baxtEr | Editor-in-cHiEF

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WORlD REvIEW» Will the U.S. bomb Iran?

» America begins the “long war”

» Japanese kids get RFID

» VeriChip goes public

» Are you being tracked?

» Egypt prepares war with Israel

» High priest’s robes ready

» Iran leader: Islam to rule world





Hamas’ goal... Destroy IsraelAs shocking as it is, we must face the reality—

Hamas is in power in the Palestinian territories.

They won four out of East Jerusalem’s six seats

in the Palestinian Parliament. They control eight

major Palestinian cities in close proximity to

Israel. And their goal is to eliminate Israel.

PROPHECYWATCHbehold a green HorseCould the green horse of Revelation 6:8 be a prophetic

symbol of Islam?

WORlDRElIgIOnWill the Real Antichrist Please stand up?The New World Order crowd plainly intends to answer all

the world’s messianic expectations with one man. Who

will he be?

guEsTARTIClEReinventing Jesus: A globalist FantasyAllow me to introduce to you the new Jesus. This isn’t the

Jesus Christ known to us from the pages of the Holy Bible.

Rather, this Jesus is a new version cast into the arena of

global politics and world citizenship. In fact, you wouldn’t

be out of place calling him the political Planetary Savior.










Endtime thanks you for your letters. These letters do not necessarily reflect

the views of Endtime and/or its staff. Endtime reserves the right to edit

letters according to space and style.

* tHanK You For Your lEttErs

06 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006

* tHE grEat tribulation I have just completed Lesson 3 of Under-standing the Endtime. I understand the Abomination of desolation and the road to Armageddon. I do not understand what the great tribulation is. Could you provide a brief explanation? Also, when the Con-firmation of the Covenant occurs, will the Antichrist rule for 3.5 years? And what ex-actly lasts 7 years? Will these questions be answered in upcoming lessons? Thanks.—Denise Koehler

reply| In Matthew 24:15–21, Jesus taught that the great tribulation would be-gin at the time of the abomination of deso-lation, which occurs 3.5 years before the Battle of Armageddon, and would culmi-nate at the time of Armageddon. It’s at Ar-mageddon that the world’s kingdoms are removed and replaced with the 1,000-year kingdom of Jesus Christ and His church.

During this three and one-half year peri-od of time, Satan will make war against the saints. Revelation 12:12 describes it this way: “…Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down

unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

Another description of the great tribula-tion is found in Daniel 7:21–22. “I beheld, and the same horn (the Antichrist) made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.”

A little later in verse 25, we are told exactly how long the great tribulation will last: “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” A ‘time’ is one year, ‘times’ is two years, and the ‘dividing of time’ is half a year—a total of 3.5 years.How do we know this? Because the exact same prophecy about the great tribulation is given in Revelation 13:5–7: “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months… And it was given unto him

to make war with the saints, and to over-come them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

To summarize—from the confirmation of the covenant to Armageddon will be seven years. The Antichrist will assume power halfway through this seven-year period. This begins the great tribulation.

* rEstitution oF all tHings The ‘times of restitution of all things’ is mentioned in Acts 3:21. Is this a possible reason the church goes through the tribu-lation (does the church have restitutions to pay for its sins)? What does this mean? —Lanis Johnson | Memphis, TN

reply| Once we are born again, we do not have to pay restitution for our sins. Jesus paid for those in full by his death on the cross. What then is the restitution of all things? This refers to the Second Coming of Jesus when Satan will be bound and the earth will be as God originally intended for it to be before the fall. This speaks of the millennial reign when the will of God will be done “on earth as it is in heaven.”

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&* quantum lEap In daniel 8, are the kings of Media and Persia “the eastern nations,” and the king of Grecia “the western nations”? Could this be the Islamic peoples (Iran, Syria, maybe even China) vs. the western union?

Verse 17 says, “…at the time of the end shall be the vision.” Is this the 2,300 days (the last 7 years) in verse 14? does the 6th trumpet happen somewhere in the first half of this week when the he-goat “smote the ram”? Verse 4 says the ram was pushing (not conquering) to the west, north and south, but the he-goat is broken and split into four parts where the Antichrist arises from. Then the sacrifice is stopped and the abomination of desolation happens. Is there a specific lesson that explains this? I’ve seen the level 1 lessons and several others but haven’t seen this explained. —Dan Nordquist

reply| Daniel 8 is a long prophecy cover-ing the time from the overthrow of Babylon by the Medes and the Persians in 539 BC to the Antichrist’s destruction. Verses 1–8 depict the ascent to power of the Medo-Persian Empire, and then its destruction

by the Grecian Empire in 331 BC. They do not pertain to today’s nations at all. The one great horn in the forehead of the Gre-cian goat was Alexander the Great. When he died, four generals took his place.

Here the prophecy takes a quantum leap, moving to the latter times of the four divisions of the Grecian empire. The little horn described in verse 9 is the coming Antichrist. We know this because verse 11 says that the daily sacrifice was taken away by him. Daniel 9:27 and 11:31 tell us that it is the Antichrist who will take away the daily sacrifice. Finally, in verse 25, the Antichrist stands up against the real Christ and will be destroyed by him.

* on EaglE’s wings Can you give me scripture that states that America is in the seven-year period? What about America being the lion’s cub? Isn’t the symbol of eagle’s wings coming out of the lion the symbol that Nebuchadnezzar used for the Babylon Empire? —John | Indianapolis

reply| In Daniel 7, Great Britain is the lion, Russia is the bear, and the eagle’s

wings growing out of the lion represent the United States. (See Lesson 1 of Under-standing the Endtime—Level 1).

The eagle’s wings don’t show up again in prophecy until Revelation 12:14, where Israel is symbolized as a woman with 12 stars about her head, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. Satan is making war against the woman at the beginning of the great tribulation. The passage says: “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wil-derness, into her place, where she is nour-ished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” This appears to describe the U.S. protecting Israel, just before and during the great tribulation. It is highly significant that the U.S. is Israel’s only friend and protector at this time.


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* tHE wisE sHall undErstandMatthew 24:36 states that no man knows the day and hour. Yet you state that if certain confirming events happen, you will know the day and hour. You will count forward 3.5 or 7 years forward from September 20, 2005 and know the day and maybe even the hour. To me this seems to be a discrepancy. This is why I suspect that Christians will be raptured before the Confirmation of the Covenant. I would appreciate very much if you could explain this seeming discrepancy and your reasoning as to when the rapture occurs. Thank you. —Fred Herschelman

reply| There are two possible answers to your question. In Daniel 12:11–12 we are told: “And from the time that the dai-ly sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.”

I have not yet heard a concrete explana-tion of the gap between the 1,290 days and the 1,335 days spoken of here. This variable makes it impossible to predict with certainty the exact time of the Second Coming.

The second thing to consider is that some scriptures spoken to people 2,000 years ago may not be true about us today. For example, in Acts 1:7, Jesus told His dis-ciples: “…It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” This was certainly true about that generation, since God told Dan-iel that the understanding of these things was reserved for the people of the time of the end (Daniel 12:9). Yet, when referring to the endtime, Daniel was told: “…and none of the wicked shall understand; but

the wise shall understand.” When the Apostle Paul spoke about the

coming of the Lord in 1 Thessalonians 5:1–5, he said that the day of the Lord would come as a thief in the night. But in verse 4–5 he added, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.” Paul explicitly states that the coming of the Lord would only be a surprise to those living in darkness.

* a spidEr in tHE castlESince the scriptures in Ezekiel indicate that Russia will “command” the Islamic nations in the battle of Gog and Magog, don’t you think Russia is just playing ‘possum,’ trying to be a ‘spider in the castle’ or a ‘fly on the shoulder’ by attending the UN Security Council meetings, so it can know how best to lead those nations? How can the other four members be so blind as to believe that Russia wants Iran to be censured by the Security Council? —Lynda Hughes Lowery

reply| Lynda, you and I have the advan-tage of understanding the prophecies of the Bible. Consequently, we know exactly what Russia is up to. The leaders of the world are not availing themselves of this advantage, even though they could. Your assessment of the situation is right on.

* rEvElation’s dragonSince animals represent nations in scripture (i.e., the leopard symbolizes Germany and the eagle symbolizes the USA, etc.), could the dragon of Revelation represent China? I know it says the dragon is the devil, but could it also refer to a nation controlled by the devil? —Belinda

reply| It is true that the dragon is the recognized symbol of China. However, the beast described in Revelation 13 depicts the world government of the endtime and portrays the nations that will be included in that world government. They include the lion (Great Britain), the bear (Russia), the leopard (Germany) and the ten-horned kingdom from Europe. Then it states that the dragon gave the world government beast its seat, power and great authority.

Since this last-day world government is the satanically inspired government of the Antichrist himself and since Revelation 12:9 identifies the dragon as Satan, I have concluded that the dragon in Revelation 13 refers to the Devil and not China.

* marK oF tHE bEastI thought I heard you say that the Antichrist is revealed half way through the last 7 years. If that is true, does that mean that the mark won’t be instituted until then? I know that the rapture of the church hap-pens at the “last trump,” so when does the mark happen in relation to the rapture? —Daryl Williams

reply| You are correct. The mark of the beast cannot be implemented until the beast (the Antichrist) is revealed. Accord-ing to Revelation 13:5, the Antichrist will reign 42 months. The mark of the beast will be enacted some time during that 42-month period.As you pointed out, the rapture happens at the last trump. The last trump is described in Revelation 11:15–19. That is when the kingdoms of this world become the king-dom of our Lord and his Christ. This hap-pens at the Battle of Armageddon. ¨

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6tH trumpEt watcH

6tH trumpEt| Iran defies nuclear restraintTehran resumed full-scale uranium enrichment after 27 of 35 IAEA member nations referred them to the UN Security Council. Condoleezza Rice told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the US would “actively confront” Iran and called for $75 million to fund anti-Tehran propaganda and opposition groups.

6tH trumpEt| Russia equipsIran for warIran plans to buy 29 TOR-M1 systems from Russia. These surface-to-air missiles can bring down aircraft and guided missiles at low altitudes. The U.S. is pressuring Russia on this missile deal. State department spokesman Adam Ereli said, “It’s important to remember and underscore that Iran is a state sponsor of terror, they have engaged in actions that we think are hostile and unhelpful, and that we view this proposed sale in that context.”

6tH trumpEt| Syria will hideIran nukesJane’s Defense Weekly reported that Iran and Syria signed a strategic accord to protect either country from international

pressure on their weapons programs. Syria agreed to store Iranian materials and weapons if Tehran comes under UN sanctions and supply Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah with weapons, ammunition and communications. Iran pledged to supply military aid to Syria, and to help upgrade Syrian ballistic missiles and chemical weapons systems.

6tH trumpEt| Chinese firms aid Iran militaryThe U.S. has placed sanctions on several Chinese companies involved in selling missile goods and chemical-arms materials to Iran. Sanctions cover six Chinese government-run companies, two Indian firms and one Austrian company. China reacted angrily to the sanctions saying the U.S. move was not beneficial to the two countries’ cooperation in the non-proliferation field.

6tH trumpEt| Washington worries Iran targeting USRevolutionary Guards in Iran held a conference on the use of weapons of mass destruction, electromagnetic pulse weapons and other technologies under development for use against the U.S. A congressional panel says that even one nuclear weapon, used

in an EMP-style attack, would prove catastrophic to the United States.

6tH trumpEt| Will U.S. bomb Iran?Republican and democratic senators say the U.S. may have to strike to deter Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. John McCain (R-AZ) called the nuclear standoff “the most grave situation that we have faced since the end of the Cold War…” “We may have no choice but to use military force,” said Frank J. Gaffney Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy.

6tH trumpEt| Attack in the worksThe New Yorker says American forces entered Iran in 2005 to mark targets for an assault. German Der Tagesspiegel says the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is considering a strike against Iran. The U.S. is coordinating with NATO. CIA director Porter Goss requested the Turkish Prime Minister to provide military bases to the U.S. from where they could launch an assault. Central Command is planning possible actions if diplomacy fails to thwart the Islamic Republic’s nuclear bomb ambitions.

6tH trumpEt| America begins “The Long War”The Guardian reports that U.S. defense

4 gingEr boErKircHEr & KEn raggio

g l o b a l n e w s t h r o u g h t h e e y e s o f p r o p h e c y

World Review

08 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006


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chiefs have unveiled their plan for battling global Islamist extremism. The Pentagon presented a four-year strategy to Congress called “The Long War,” replacing the “war on terror.” U.S. commanders envisage a war unlimited in time and space against global Islamist extremism that may be fought in dozens of countries simultaneously and for many years to come. The report exposes U.S. ambition to mastermind global security.

Eu watcH

Eu watcH| EU Constitution: “Time is Ripe”Pentagon Europe’s federalist leaders say “time is ripe” for reviving the EU Constitution. Ursula Plassnik, Austrian foreign minister, said, “We need to look at what we want, how we want to live in Europe, in our re-unified Europe, which is coming closer together.” The German chancellor said its government, which will hold the rotating presidency of the EU in the first half of 2007, “has the clear intention of reviving the European Constitution.”

Eu watcH| Belgium will be 14th to ratifyJacques delors, a former European Commission president, is now helping the commission revive the EU Constitution. Thirteen countries have ratified it. Belgium is close to becoming the 14th EU country to ratify the EU Constitution, which was put on ice last year following the negative outcomes of French and dutch referendums over the document.

Eu watcH| European nations urged to harmonize lawsThe European Commission is pushing EU countries to create order in their various legal practices especially as governments step up cooperation in the fight against terrorism. different legal practices mean a court in one nation could dismiss criminal evidence collected by police in another country. Quick changes are not expected as public support for the EU is feeble, but with terrorist threats facing Europe, they recognize that EU cooperation is essential.

marK oF tHE bEast watcH

marK oF tHE bEast| Real ID Act faces real challengesOpposition is building against the Real

Id Act. Privacy-concerned groups fear the new rules could force states to include RFId chips on their driver licenses. The Real Id Act of 2005, passed by Congress last May requires standardized driver licenses by 2008. The National Conference of State Legislatures estimated the cost of implementing the REAL Id Act at $9–13 billion.

marK oF tHE bEast| Public accepts RFIDMasterCard and Visa say 1.5 million RFId-enabled cards have been issued with no customer complaints. But Lee Tien, staff attorney for EFF said of RFId, “These people don’t even know that they’re carrying the [RFId] cards. If consumers wait and hope for the best, it might be too late. Privacy violations are not like a lot of other kinds of violations. You don’t see them right away.” He compared privacy violations with identity theft. According to Silicon.com, we could soon all be carrying credit cards with RFId chips. Banks would gather information on customer habits and interactions

marK oF tHE bEast| Company ‘chips’ workersAn Ohio company embedded silicon chips in two of its employees, becoming the first in America to require it. The technology’s defenders say the glass-encased chips are like identity cards planted in the upper right arm of the recipient, and “read” by a device similar to a card reader. Manufacturer VeriChip said the implants were designed primarily for medical purposes. Around 70 people in the U.S. have had the implants so far, the company said.

marK oF tHE bEast| Couple implants chips for loveJennifer Tomblin and Amal Graafstra had a small electronic chip embedded under their skin, granting access to each other’s front doors and home computers. The couple saw the decision as a modern declaration of love. Graafsta plans to teach others how to follow suit.

marK oF tHE bEast| Japanese kids get RFIDSome children in Japan are wearing 2.4 GHz RFId tags to keep them safe on their way to and from school. The bracelet tags track children in a 1.6 mile area, can send a signal to access points as far away as

1,000 feet, and trace children within 33 feet of their location. The tag comes with a call button a child can press notifying the system he or she needs assistance. The manufacturer hopes to use the system at other schools in Japan and worldwide.

marK oF tHE bEast| VeriChip goes publicVeriChip Corp. filed for an initial public offering (IPO). The company did not release information on how many shares it will release or the share price. It is under fire by privacy advocates who claim the company’s human RFId chips could be unfairly exploited. VeriChip recently announced that 68 medical facilities, including 65 hospitals, had agreed to implement the VeriMed system for patient identification and for relaying patient’s medical history to hospital staff.

marK oF tHE bEast| RFID spending rockets in healthcareAnalysts say that spending on RFId track-and-trace technology will skyrocket, and barcoding is likely to disappear by 2015. Revenue from RFId within healthcare and pharmaceuticals is projected to rise almost sixfold by 2011. Swift uptake of RFId technology is due to easily demonstrable benefits like cutting the risk of drugs being misplaced or given to patients incorrectly.

marK oF tHE bEast| U.S. data mining eliminates privacyThe U.S. government is developing a computer system to collect massive amounts of data to search for patterns of terrorist activity. It is called Analysis, dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement (AdVISE), with storage estimated at one quadrillion entities. Few public documents mention it. AdVISE involves data mining - collecting a vast array of corporate and public online information and cross-referencing it against U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement records. AdVISE looks very much like the Total Information Awareness (TIA) that was canceled in 2003 due to public uproar. “data mining” is at the core of the argument raging over government eavesdropping. It is the process of extracting trillions of bits of raw data from phone calls, e-mails, Internet, airlines, car rentals, stores, credit card records and a myriad of other sources. The data is stored, organized, searched

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and analyzed. “Every single search you’ve ever conducted - ever - is stored on a database somewhere,” said Tim Wu, a professor at Columbia Law School.

marK oF tHE bEast| Lawsuits challenge Bush eavesdroppingCivil liberties groups fired lawsuits at President George Bush challenging the legality of his domestic eavesdropping program. An injunction was sought prohibiting government surveillance of communications in the United States without judicial warrants. “This illegal activity is cloaked in the guise of national security,” said Bill Goodman, director of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). The wiretap program has sparked a debate about presidential powers. In 2002 Bush enabled the NSA to monitor, without court warrants, the international telephone calls and electronic mail of U.S. citizens with suspected ties to Al-Qaeda.

marK oF tHE bEast| Are you being tracked?The industry that makes and markets RFId considers it the next logical step from bar codes. But privacy-rights advocates fear the tiny chips will invite corporations and government into our personal lives. In early October, privacy-rights advocates Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre published a book, Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID, which holds up plenty of evidence to back up these fears. Simson Garfinkel, Ph.D., an author and instructor at Harvard, said, “The public is largely not participating in this debate, and unfortunately the decisions are being made right now.” (Ed. Note: SPYCHIPS is available from www.endtime.com).

middlE East watcH

middlE East| Study: Internationalize Temple MountIsrael and the Palestinians should allow the international community to supervise Jerusalem’s Temple Mount – so says a study carried out by liberal Jerusalem think tank, the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, according to a report in the Jerusalem Post. Researchers concluded that entrusting the authority of the historical sites to an international body is the preferable and the most realistic option, provided that both sides

put their faith in the international body.

middlE East| PA: Western Wall is Moslem PropertyThe Palestinian Authority’s official website claims Moslem ownership of the Western Wall, referring to the wall as the Al-Boraq Wall. According to Moslem tradition, the wall is the place where Mohammed tied his horse, named Boraq, before ascending to heaven. According to Rabbi Chaim Richman, director of the International department of the of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, the PA’s denial of the Jewish Temple’s existence “is part of a campaign to totally eradicate, erase, and destroy all Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, and the land of Israel.” Richman said “Islam has for many years been waging a campaign to destroy any evidence of a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.” By destroying the remnants of the Jewish temples, Richman said that the PA believes that it is strengthening its hand in the final status negotiations with Israel over the status of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

middlE East| Olmert wants permanent bordersActing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the 6th Annual Herzliya Conference that Israel would implement a second unilateral disengagement from the West Bank if the Palestinians fail to fulfill their road map obligations. He called for full implementation of the U.S.-backed “Roadmap” and pledged to meet a commitment to remove unauthorized settler outposts. Olmert told conference attendees “we support the establishment of a modern, democratic Palestinian state that will respect civil rights,” but “we’re tired of declarations and empty promises.” Olmert added, “the most important task facing Israel today is the establishment of the final boundaries of the Jewish state.”

middlE East| Security fence almost doneIsrael’s security fence, which roughly follows the Green Line will be nearly finished by the end of March. The total barrier is not expected to be complete until next year. Court petitions, construction permits and detailed on-the-ground surveying have all served to lengthen the fence’s estimated completion time. Work on the project began after Operation defensive Shield in 2002

and proceeded rapidly, with more than 150 km. built during the first year.

middlE East| Settlers face public wrathShlomo Riskin, the chief religious spokesperson for the Jerusalem Post, said that the settlers are becoming some of the most hated people in Israel. Sectors most hated by the Israeli population are the Palestinians, but settlers are a close second. Among left-wingers, hostility toward the settlers ranked higher than hostility toward the Palestinians. Settlers were sent as the agents of every government of Israel since the Six day War, and successfully turned the desert into a garden of fruits, vegetables and flowers, which were exported throughout the world. They have now become a demonized and de-legitimized sector of Israeli society.

middlE East| Egypt prepares war with IsraelKnesset member Yuval Steinitz says that Egypt’s arms build up over the past few years has focused on the possibility of future war with Israel. Steinitz, a former professor of political science at Haifa University and Chair of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and defense Committee, says Egypt is a major supporter of terrorism and that it is a mistake for Israel to view Syria as its principle enemy, while neglecting the Egyptian threat.

middlE East| High Priest’s robe ready for Third TempleThe Temple Institute has completed the Techelet robe of the High Priest. The azure blue robe sports 72 golden bells alternating with 72 pomegranates. It was researched and made by skilled artisans over the past three years, and will join the already completed ephod and breastplate, featuring 12 precious stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. This is the first robe woven entirely out of techelet in nearly 2,000 years. The commandment to make such a robe appears in Exodus 28:31-35.

middlE East| Temple Institute will produce priestly garmentsThe Institute plans to embark on another major project: the production and supplying of the Torah-specified white garments of the ordinary priests for every male Jewish descendant of Aaron. “Every

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Kohen from all over the world, will be given the opportunity to register and order his own uniform so that he can be ready to serve in the rebuilt Holy Temple,” says Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute. Photos of the garments already completed can be seen on the Institute’s website www.templeinstitute.com.

world govErnmEnt

world govErnmEnt| India-U.S. nuclear deal in troubleIndia’s atomic energy establishment is raising objections to the terms of the deal. New delhi had offered to separate its civilian and military nuclear programs and place the civilian part under international supervision, but the U.S., under pressure from Congress, wants to see more of India’s program under international supervision.

world govErnmEnt| U.S. house urges halt to Palestinian aidThe United States House of Representatives has passed a resolution urging that direct U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority be stopped. The non-binding resolution was passed 418 to one. As long as the militant group Hamas calls for Israel’s destruction they should not be getting aid.

world govErnmEnt| Bosnia war crimes suspect walks on technicalityA Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect is to go free on a legal technicality. dragomir Abazovic was indicted in 2002 for war crimes against Muslims in his home area of Rogatica in eastern Bosnia. The court is saying that Abazovic was arrested on an old warrant that was no longer valid.

world govErnmEnt| Milosevic trial resumes after health delayThe much-delayed war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic, 64, resumed this week. Milosevic is suffering from a heart condition and high blood pressure. The trial began almost four years ago. Milosevic has insisted on his right to self-defense but his poor health has kept him from the trial repeatedly. The court is hoping to wrap up the trial this year. Slobodan Milosevic is being charged with 66 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in complex indictments covering conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo in the 1990s.

world govErnmEnt| Kyoto climate accord becomes operationalThe controversial Kyoto protocol became fully operational after a UN climate conference adopted it last week. The 34 signatory countries, not including the United States or Australia, passed the final regulatory measures. “This is an historic step,” said conference chairman Stephane dion, Canada’s environment minister. The 34 agree to limit emissions of gases that cause global warming through 2012.

world rEligion

world rEligion| Iran leader: Islam to ‘rule the world’Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a crowd of theological students that Islam must prepare to rule the world. He said that the return of the Shiite messiah, the Mahdi, is not far away, and Muslims must prepare for it. According to Shiites, the 12th Imam disappeared in the year 941. When he returns, they believe, he will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment. Some people working closely with Ahmadinejad believe the Mahdi will return in the next two years.

world rEligion| Churches celebrate Darwin’s birthdayNearly 450 Christian churches celebrated the 197th birthday of Charles darwin this week. darwin’s theory holds that all life on earth developed over millions of years through natural selection and random mutation. “Evolution Sunday’’ drew participation from a variety of churches, including Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Baptist and many more. The event’s creator, Michael Zimmerman, a former biology professor, collected 10,000 Christian clergy members’ signatures on his project. (Ed. note: A Bible-based “Creation Seminar” is available from www.endtime.com)

world rEligion| Vatican wants dialogue with MuslimsThe Vatican is exploring the possibility of expanding its interfaith Catholic-Jewish dialogue to include Muslims. According to Vatican official, Monsignor Michael Fitzgerald, who heads the Vatican’s office for interreligious dialogue, Rabbi Israel Singer discussed the initiative with him and other high-ranking Vatican officials.

world rEligion| European women turning to IslamThe number of Islamic converts in Europe is rising, most of them women. Pascal Mailhos, of the French domestic intelligence agency, says “The phenomenon is booming, and it worries us.” Mary Fallot converted to Islam three years ago after asking herself spiritual questions to which she found no answers in her childhood Catholicism. She says she liked the way “Islam demands a closeness to God. Islam is simpler, more rigorous, and easier because it is explicit. I was looking for a framework; man needs rules and behavior to follow. Christianity did not give me the same reference points.” Curiosity about Islam has grown since 9/11, say both Muslim and non-Muslim researchers, though only a fraction of converts are attracted to radical strands of Islam. ¨

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Talk about a political earth-quake! The world went to bed thinking that the terror-ist organization Hamas had finished a few percentage

points behind Fatah in the Palestin-ian elections. It awoke to the shocking news that Hamas, who has openly taken credit for many horrific suicide bomb-ings in Israel, had won the elections by a landslide.

The vaunted Middle East peace pro-cess lay in tatters. How could civilized nations be expected to deal with an entity that had perpetrated 53 suicide attacks, killing 289 Israelis and injuring 1,649 since September 2000? (See page 11) How could Israel live side-by-side

with a government whose charter spe-cifically calls for her annihilation?

Immediately, the international spin-doctors attempted to find some way to pick up the pieces of the international community’s “Roadmap for Peace.” The rescue effort resembled the many pictures we have seen of religious Jews attempting to pick up the fragments of body parts blown to smithereens by a Hamas suicide bomber. World lead-ers huddled frantically trying to decide what should happen next.

The Palestinians depend on interna-tional welfare to exist. If the U.S., the EU and other international benefactors cut off Palestinian aid, the Palestinian people might begin to starve and the

Palestinian territories disintegrate into chaos. Or worse yet, the Iranians might step in to make up the financial short-fall, turning Palestine into an Iranian cli-ent state…if it wasn’t already.

Yet, how could America and other nations at war against terror continue to fund an organization that was on the official U.S. list of terrorist entities? Hamas was born out of the Muslim Brotherhood, which also gave birth to Osama bin Laden. Even Egypt had out-lawed the radical Muslim Brotherhood. Oh yes, one other problem: It is against the law for the U.S. to give funds to any-one on America’s official terrorist list. So America openly declared, “No mon-ey from the United States to Hamas.”

�� irvin baxtEr jr. | Editor-in-cHiEF

12 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006

Hamas’ goal... Destroy Israel


How could Israel live side-by-side with a government whose charter specifically calls for her annihilation?


Photo courtesy Emin Ozkan

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Ex-president Jimmy Carter was quick to pronounce this as a mistake. By some system of convoluted logic, Carter be-lieves we should continue to fund a movement that finances the blowing up of women and children and the people who voted that terrorist movement into power. Perhaps this should not surprise us since it was Carter who enforced the embargo in 1979 that brought down the government of Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) and replaced it with the reign of terror of avowed Marxist Robert Mugabe. Mugabe, faithful to his Marxist principles, launched a program of land redistribution. Consequently, Zimbabwe has been transformed from being an exporter of food to a nation with rampant food shortages.

Who is Hamas?The name Hamas stands for Islamic Resistance Movement. The acronym corresponds to an Arabic word, mean-ing: fire, ardor, fervor, zeal, fanaticism.

Hamas was born in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in 1987. It started as an offshoot of Egypt’s Muslim Broth-erhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hassan al-Banna, a Wa-habbi Sunni Muslim. Wahabbism is an extremely strict form of Islam, not dissimilar to the brand pushed by the Taliban.

In the early 1970s, Sayyid Qutb, a Muslim Brother, reached out to Osama bin Laden, the prodigal son of one of Saudi Arabia’s leading families. The rest of that story is now history.

In 1981, the Brotherhood assassi-nated Anwar Sadat for daring to make peace with Israel. It had previously at-tempted the assassination of several of Egypt’s leaders including President

Gamel Abdul Nasser. As a result, the Brotherhood is outlawed in Egypt unto this day.

The public face of the Muslim Broth-erhood is still based in Egypt, where the organization continues to live and work despite being banned by the govern-ment. It officially renounced violence in the 1970s. But the organization is believed to be structured to conceal its militant and jihad aspects. Most observ-ers speculate with some justification that the Brotherhood still calls the shots for its militant “splinters” like Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

So what does Hamas really believe?As shocking as it is, we must face the reality—Hamas is in power in the Pal-estinian territories. They control Beth-lehem, four miles south of Jerusalem. They won four out of East Jerusalem’s six seats in the Palestinian Parliament. They control eight major Palestinian cities in close proximity to Israel.

So what are their goals? What do they believe? For straight and accurate answers, here are exact quotes from Hamas’ founding charter:

• Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.

• The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (kill-ing the Jews), when the Jew will hide be-hind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.

• The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf (trust) consecrated for fu-ture Moslem generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be

squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that.

• This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Mos-lems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgment.

• There is no solution for the Pales-tinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with, as is said in the honorable Hadith:

• Secularism completely contradicts religious ideology. Attitudes, conduct and decisions stem from ideologies. That is why, with all our appreciation for the Palestinian Liberation Organiza-tion and what it can develop into—and without belittling its role in the Arab-Israeli conflict—we are unable to ex-change the present or future Islamic Palestine with the secular idea. The Is-lamic nature of Palestine is part of our religion, and whoever takes his religion lightly is a loser.

• The day the Palestinian Liberation Organization adopts Islam as its way of life we will become its soldiers and fuel for its fire that will burn the enemies.

• We should not forget to remind every Moslem that when the Jews con-quered the Holy City in 1967, they stood on the threshold of the Aqsa Mosque

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While the CorruptIon of fatah undoubtedly played a role in the elections, We still cannot deny that a majority of the palestinians voted for a mIlItant

movement Whose singular goal is the deStruCtIon of tHe State of ISrael. they voted in favor of terrorISt attacks and suicide bombIngS. they had to knoW

that HamaS favored SuICIde bomberS because it never failed to publICly take CredIt When an attack Was successfully carried out.”

wHo is Hamas?

so wHat doEs Hamas rEallY bEliEvE?

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and proclaimed that “Mohammed is dead, and his descendants are all women.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: The above is totally untrue. Instead, Israel invited the Muslims back, giving them control over the Temple Mount.

• The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) considers itself to be the spear-head of the circle of struggle with world Zionism and a step on the road. The Movement adds its efforts to the efforts of all those who are active in the Palestinian arena. Arab and Islamic Peo-ples should augment by further steps on their part. Islamic groupings all over the Arab world should also do the same, since all of these are the best equipped for the future role in the fight with the warmon-gering Jews.

Why did Hamas win the elections?As much as we might want to whitewash it and put the best possible face on the results of the Palestinian elections, we might as well face the truth. The people who voted Hamas into office knew exact-ly what they were voting for. They have lived with the followers of Hamas on a daily basis since 1987. The Palestinian ter-ritories are the birthplace of Hamas.

Some have tried to say that people didn’t really vote for Hamas—that they

were really voting against the corruption of the Palestinian Authority. While the corruption of Fatah undoubtedly played a role in the elections, we still cannot deny that a majority of the Palestinians voted for a militant movement whose singular goal is the destruction of the state of Is-rael. They voted in favor of terrorist at-tacks and suicide bombings. They had to know that Hamas favored suicide bomb-ers because it never failed to publicly take credit when an attack was successfully carried out. (See page 16)

Present situationApparently, Hamas was as surprised as ev-eryone else when it realized it had won 74 seats out of 132 in the Palestinian Parlia-ment. Knowing that it had no experience in government, Hamas asked Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party to enter into a national unity government. So far, the offer has been declined by Abbas.

Even though Hamas now controls the Parliament, Mahmoud Abbas’ presiden-tial term runs for three more years. Ab-bas considered resigning in light of his party’s overwhelming defeat. However, the United States has asked him to remain as president, hoping to salvage something from the political tsunami. It appears that

Abbas has decided to continue in the presidency for now. It should be noted that Hamas does have the power to im-peach him, if they so desired. This being true, Abbas will either ‘play ball’ with the Hamas majority or else.

Abbas has reminded Hamas that, as a legitimate succeeding government, it is obligated to honor agreements signed by the PLO. Hamas says that it will not rec-ognize Israel’s right to exist because that decision was a mistake.

The UN Security Council has said that the new government must renounce vio-lence, recognize Israel’s right to exist and honor agreements signed by the PLO such as the Roadmap for Peace.

Where will the Hamas victory lead?We may not know the exact path that future events in Israel will take. We don’t know whether Hamas will be in power from now on, or whether the interna-tional community will cut off financial assistance to the Palestinians, leading to the collapse of the Hamas government. There are many other possible scenarios that may or may not play out. However, we do know from scripture that five spe-cific things will happen in Israel between now and the Second Coming:

the Hamas has carried out 53 suicide attacks, killing 289 Israelis and injuring 1,649 since September of 2000. the record of these attacks is listed on page 16.

wHY did Hamas win tHE ElEctions?

prEsEnt situation

wHErE will tHE Hamas victorY lEad?

1} Great tribulation in JudeaIn Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus prophesied that the West Bank (Judea) will become a place of slaughter three and one-half years before the Battle of Armageddon, and that Jews living there will have to run for their lives.

The West Bank area is the next area scheduled for handover to the Palestin-ians. Israel is building the security wall right now that will separate Judea from Is-rael proper. All three candidates for prime minister of Israel are in favor of the se-curity fence. The only reason for building the fence is to withdraw to the west of the barrier, providing security for the people in Israel, while leaving Jews in Judea vul-nerable to the terrible time of tribulation that Jesus foretold.

2}Sharing of the Temple MountRevelation 11:1-2 describes a Jewish tem-ple on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. The area on which the temple sits is described as being under Jewish control, but the outer court of the temple is under Gentile con-trol. This obviously describes a sharing of the Temple Mount very much like Presi-dent Bill Clinton proposed at the Camp David negotiations in 2000.

3} Temple Mount under international supervisionPaul’s prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 describes the Antichrist sitting in the tem-ple of God claiming to be God, or claim-ing sovereign authority over the Temple Mount. When proposing the sharing of the Temple Mount, world leaders have agreed that the arrangement will have to be supervised by the international com-munity. Since the Antichrist will be the leader of the international community, it is only natural that he will lay claim to be-ing the ultimate authority there.

4} A Jewish temple on the Temple MountBoth Revelation 11:1-2 and 2 Thessalo-nians 2:4 refer to a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. It is interesting to note that, in June of 2005, the recently re-born Sanhedrin in Israel announced plans to begin building the Jewish temple.

5} World community will invade Israel.The Prophet Zechariah prophesied that God would “…gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle.” (Zechariah 14:2) This speaks of the Battle of Armaged-

don when Jesus will return to the earth, defeating the armies of the world com-munity and establishing his promised 1,000-year reign of peace.

Israel faces elections on March 28th. Would the nation be better off with Ben-jamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert or Amir Peretz as prime minister? Will the Pales-tinian courtship with Hamas be short-lived? Perhaps Hamas will change its radi-cal beliefs, becoming a legitimate peace partner with Israel? Will Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acquire nuclear weapons and use them against Israel? Or will the War on Terror spread to Iran, ulti-mately escalating into World War III?

The answer? There is no answer…ex-cept one. The entire Middle East situ-ation will continue to deteriorate until the world’s nations gather to solve it at Armageddon. When it appears that Is-rael will be crushed beneath the iron heel of the Antichrist and his world govern-ment, salvation will come from the east-ern skies. Jesus Christ will touch down on the Mount of Olives and Israel will finally say, “Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord!” Jesus Christ is the only answer. ¨

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“the ansWer? there is no anSwer…exCept one. the entire middle east situation Will continue to deterIorate until the World’s nations gatHer to solve it at armageddon. When it appears that israel Will be crushed beneath the Iron Heel of the antichrist and his World government, SalvatIon Will come from the eastern skies. JeSuS CHrISt Will touch doWn on the mount of olives and israel Will finally say, “blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord!” jesus christ is tHe only anSwer.”

apr. 17 2004—A border policeman killed, an Israeli civilian injured, and two border policemen injured, when a suicide bomber exploded himself at the work-ers terminal crossing at the Erez industrial area. mar. 14 2004—Two suicide bombers detonated an explosive belt and an explosive bag at the Ashdod port. Ten Israelis were killed, and 12 injured.mar. 6 2004—Suicide bombers traveling in three vehicles drove into the Erez crossing, and detonat-ed two car bombs at Palestinian checkpoints, while firing at the Israeli checkpoint. Two Palestinian po-licemen were killed.jan. 29 2004—A suicide bomber detonated a bag laden with explosives on a No. 19 bus line on Aza Street in Jerusalem. Ten Israelis and one foreigner were killed, and 44 were injured.jan. 14 2004—A female suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt detonated herself at the workers ter-minal in the Erez crossing, resulting in the death of four Israelis and the injury of five.sep. 9 2003—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive device at the entrance of the “Hillel Cafe” in Jerusalem. Seven Israelis were killed, and 70 injured.sep. 9 2003—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive device at a bus stop near the IDF “Tzrifin” Base. Nine IdF soldiers were killed, and 10 were injured.aug. 19 2003—A suicide bomber wearing an ex-plosive belt blew himself up on a No. 2 bus line in Jerusalem, resulting in the death of 23 Israelis and the injury of 115.aug. 12 2003—A suicide bomber wearing an ex-plosive belt blew himself up near a bus stop at the entrance to Ariel. Two Israelis were killed, and two others injured.jun. 11 2003—A suicide bomber wearing an explo-sive belt blew himself up on the No. 14 bus line in Jerusalem. Seventeen Israelis were killed, and 104 were injured.may 19 2003—A Hamas terrorist on a bicycle blew himself up next to a military jeep in Kfar darom in the Gaza Strip. Three IdF soldiers were wounded.may 18 2003—A suicide bomber, with a bag filled with explosives blew himself up near the A-Ram Junction in Jerusalem.may 18 2003—A suicide bomber, wearing an explo-sive belt, detonated himself on a bus at the French Hill Junction in Jerusalem. Seven Israelis were killed, and 20 were wounded.may 17 2003—A suicide bomber dressed as a reli-gious Jew, and wearing an explosive belt, blew him-self up in Hebron’s Gross Square, killing two Israeli civilians.apr. 30 2003—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive belt at the entrance to the “Mike’s Place” pub on the Tel Aviv boardwalk. An additional suicide bomber hurled an explosive device nearby. Three Is-raeli civilians were killed, and 62 were wounded.apr. 15 2003—Two Israeli civilians were killed, and three were injured when a terrorist armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades and an explo-sive belt penetrated the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip fired and hurled grenades. The terrorist was shot and killed.mar. 5 2003—A suicide bomber blew himself up on the No. 37 bus line in Haifa. Seventeen Israeli civil-ians were killed, and 42 were wounded.jan. 17 2003—A raft laden with explosives and guided by a suicide bomber, exploded after Israeli Navy ships fired at the craft, four kilometers from

dugit, in the northern Gaza Strip.nov. 21 2002—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive belt on the No. 20 bus line in Jerusalem. Eleven Israelis were killed, and 50 were wounded.oct. 27 2002—A suicide bomber wearing an ex-plosive belt detonated himself, despite being shot, at the gas station near the entrance to the city of Ariel. Three Israeli civilians were killed, and 17 were wounded.oct. 11 2002—A suicide bomber is arrested at the entrance to a cafe before he could detonate his ex-plosive belt.oct. 10 2002—A suicide bomber wearing an explo-sive belt detonated himself near a bus stop at the Bar Ilan Bridge in Ramat Gan. An Israeli civilian was killed, and 20 were wounded.sep. 19 2002—A suicide bomber detonated a bag laden with explosives on the No. 4 bus line on Al-lenby Street in Tel Aviv, in which six Israelis were killed, and 66 were injured.aug. 4 2002—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive device strapped to his body on a bus travel-ing near Mt. Meron in northern Israel. Nine Israeli civilians were killed, and 48 wounded.jun. 18 2002—A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-laden bag on a bus traveling along dov-Yosef Street in Jerusalem. Nineteen civilians were killed, and 50 wounded.may 7 2002—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive belt and an additional explosive device in a bag, at a club in Rishon Letzion. Sixteen Israeli civil-ians were killed, and 51 were wounded.mar. 31 2002—A suicide bomber detonated himself at the ‘Matzah’ restaurant in Haifa. Fifteen Israeli civilians were killed, and 31 were wounded.mar. 27 2002—A suicide bomber blew himself up with an explosive belt in the Park Hotel in Netanya. Thirty Israeli civilians were killed, and 144 were wounded.mar. 9 2002—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive device strapped to his body at the entrance of the ‘Moment Café’ in Jerusalem. Eleven Israeli civilians were killed, and 58 were wounded.mar. 7 2002—A suicide bomber attempted to deto-nate an explosive device strapped to his back in the ‘Kafit Café’ in Jerusalem. Nobody was injured.Feb. 6 2002—A suicide bomber boarded a bus trav-eling between the city of Maale Adumim and Jerusa-lem, and attempted to detonate an explosive belt.dec. 12 2001—Two suicide bombers detonate ex-plosive devices next to Israeli vehicles in the area of Ganei Tal in the Gaza Strip, while an additional explosive device is detonated near another Israeli vehicle. Three Israeli civilians were injured.dec. 2 2001—A suicide bomber detonated an explo-sive device concealed under a coat on a bus near Yad L’banim in Haifa. Fifteen civilians were killed, and 35 wounded.dec. 1 2001—Two suicide bombers detonated ex-plosive devices concealed in bags on Ben Yehudah Street in Jerusalem. Immediately following, a car bomb exploded nearby. Eleven civilians were killed, and 170 wounded.nov. 26 2001—A suicide bomber wearing an explo-sive belt detonated himself at the Erez checkpoint in the Gaza Strip. Two policemen were wounded.nov. 8 2001—A suicide bomber detonated himself in the area of Bakah Al Sharkiah, during an attempt to arrest him while on his way to enter Israel. Two IdF soldiers were wounded.sep. 9 2001—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-

plosive device strapped to his body at the Nahariya train station. An Israeli civilian and two soldiers were killed, and 46 were wounded.sep. 4 2001—A suicide bomber detonated an explo-sive device strapped to his body on Nevi’im Street in Jerusalem. Thirteen Israeli civilians were wounded.aug. 9 2001—A suicide bomber blew himself up at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem. Fifteen Israelis were killed, and 110 wounded.aug. 8 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb next to the Bekaot checkpoint in the West Bank. An IdF soldier was injured.jul. 9 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb near an IdF vehicle in the area of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the injury of an IdF soldier.jun. 22 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb near IdF forces in Alei Sinai in the Gaza Strip. Two IdF soldiers were killed, and another soldier was wounded.jun. 1 2001—A suicide bomber detonated himself at the entrance to the ‘dolphinarium’ club in Tel Aviv. Twenty-two Israeli civilians were killed, and 83 were wounded.may 29 2001—Two terrorists approached an IdF po-sition at the ‘Tofah’ Junction in the Gaza Strip. One terrorist detonated an explosive device strapped to his body, and the other hurled grenades and opened fire. Two IDF soldiers were wounded.may 25 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a con-tainer filled with 48 kg. of explosives and three gas balloons at the Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip.may 18 2001—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive device strapped to his body at the entrance to a mall in Netanya. Five Israeli civilians were killed, and 86 were wounded.apr. 29 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb near a bus carrying children at the dir Sharif Junction.apr. 22 2001—A suicide bomber detonated himself near a bus stop in the city of Kfar Saba. An Israeli was killed and 45 were wounded.mar. 28 2001—A suicide bomber blew himself up near a gas station at the Neveh Yamin/Kfar Saba Junction. Two Israeli civilians were killed, and four were wounded.mar. 27 2001—A suicide bomber detonated an ex-plosive strapped to his body, near an Israeli bus at the French Hill Junction in Jerusalem. Twenty-one Israeli civilians were wounded.mar. 4 2001—A suicide bomber detonated a case laden with explosives on the main street of Netan-ya. Three Israelis were killed, and 53 injured.mar. 1 2001—A suicide bomber blew himself up while in a taxi, near the Me Ami Junction. An Israeli civilian was killed, and 10 were wounded.jan. 1 2001—A car bomb exploded in Netanya. Thir-ty-five Israeli civilians were wounded.dec. 22 2000—A suicide bomber wearing an explo-sive belt detonated himself at the entrance to a res-taurant in the Jordan Valley, resulting in the injury of three IdF soldiers.dec. 15 2000—A suicide bomber attempted to det-onate an explosive belt near Israeli security forces close to the Erez crossing. The suicide bomber also attempted to stab Israeli security personnel.nov. 6 2000—A booby-trapped raft exploded close to an Israeli Navy ‘dabur’ near the Israel-Egypt bor-der in Rafah. Hamas publicly claimed responsibility for the suicide attack. ¨

6 hamas acts of terror

16 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime| www.endtime.com

irvin baxtEr jr. | Editor-in-cHiEF

“...and I looked, and behold a ‘green’ horse: and his name that sat on him was death, and Hell followed with him.” revelation 6:8

The translation of Revelation 6:8 in the King James Version reads: “And I looked, and

behold a pale horse.” The Greek word that was translated ‘pale’ is chloros. Strong’s

Exhaustive Concordance gives the definition of chloros as “green or pale.” The word chloros

is the root word for chlorophyll, the pigment in plants that make them green. Knowing

this, we have to ask if the passage shouldn’t really have been translated “Behold a green

horse.” The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible actually renders the passage: “I looked and there was a pale green horse.”

Hamas supporters celebrate their election victory.

AP Photo / Muhammed Muheisen



“and i looked, and behold a ‘green’ HorSe: and his name that sat on him Was deatH, and hell folloWed With him.”

revelation 6:8

behold a green Horse...Is Islam in the bible?

ABOVE Muslim painting depicts the Twelfth Mahdi’s horse with Islam’s green flag. Counter-clockwise spiral symbolizes death.

endtimemagazine | March & April 2006 17


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18 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime| www.endtime.com

The rider on the black horse in

Revelation 6:5 had a pair of

balances in his hand. Balances

are a symbol of trade and commerce. What

international spirit in the world embodies the message

of commerce? Capitalism, of course! The world’s capitalist

nations enjoy higher standards of living than the other nations

of the world.This is reinforced in the next

portion of this prophecy: “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four

beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley

for a penny” (Revelation 6:6). One of the things heard daily in the news of

capitalist countries is, “Dow Jones Indus-trials—up 3 cents; AT&T down a penny;

Xerox is steady.” This passage is a pro-

green—tHe Color of ISlam. With the poWer-

ful resurgence of islam in the World, many people are Wondering Why the movement that

holds sWay over one-fourth of the World’s population is not mentioned in the prophecies

of the bible. Would it startle you to knoW that the official color of islam is green?

and is it possible that this relates in any Way With the green horse of revelation 6:8?

in order to consider this possibility, let’s revieW What the other three horses in this

prophecy symbolize. zechariah 6 gives another account of this same prophecy. in verse 5, the

angel told zechariah that the horses repre-sented spirits, Which go forth into the earth.

There is an international spirit in the earth today known as the “red” power. Nations who embrace communism (or socialism) are known as red nations. Red China, Red Russia, and Red Romania are just a few examples.

Revelation 6:4 states that “Power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth.” Everywhere communism has raised its ugly head, revolution and war has broken out. Korea, Berlin, the Congo, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Nicaragua are just a few of the many examples.

The prophecy says that those controlled by this red spirit would kill one another. It has been estimated that 80 million Chinese have been killed in political purges since the communists took over China in 1948. Twenty million were killed in political purges in Russia by Josef Stalin. Everywhere communist revolution has gone, there has been bloodshed and death.

Finally, in the same verse, there was given to the rider of this red horse a great sword. What g r e a t e r military might exists

in the world today than the combined power

of Russia and China? Is there a nation that would like

to go to war against these two giants? The red spirit, which takes peace from the earth,

is communism.

tHE rEd HorsE

tHE blacK HorsE

phetic stock market report! Obviously, the stock markets are at the center of capitalist economies.

Finally, in the same passage, the Bible says “... and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” One of the quickest ways for a man to lose office in the political world of capitalism is for the economy of that nation to suffer under his administration. One of the major issues of any political campaign in the free-world countries is that of the economy. Bill Clinton’s slogan during the 1992 U.S. presidential cam-paign was, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

The December 9, 1966 issue of Time magazine, page 34, reported that a new coalition government had recently been formed in Germany between the Social-ist Party and the Christian Democratic Party. In describing the union, Time said, “... a grand coalition of the two major parties—the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, that have bitterly fought each other for years...[has been made]. A union of black and red, it was a marriage of convenience—but a stunning match nonetheless.”

In political and news circles socialism is referred to as the “red power”. Likewise, democracy is referred to as the “black power”. God knew that this would be true; so He let the red horse symbolize communism and the black horse symbol-ize capitalism.

The black horse is the spirit of capital-ism foreseen by God 2,000 years ago!

In political science book Communism, Democracy and Catholic Power, Paul Blanshard contends that almost every conflict between nations in modern histo-ry has been produced by conflicts gener-ated among three forces—Communism, Capitalism, and Catholicism.

Catholicism perfectly fits the descrip-tion of the white horse rider of Revela-tion 6:2. It is Roman Catholic custom that the pope dresses in white. His helicopter is white; his jet airplane is white; and his pope-mobile is white. If he had a horse, I wonder what color it would be?

White is used as a symbol of peace. The predominant message of Roman Catholi-cism is the message of peace. The Vatican has become a diplomatic peace center for the world. When peace is being negotiated between rulers of our world, the pope and other high officials of the Roman Catholic Church are often consulted. Newspapers, magazines, books, television and radio ap-plaud his efforts towards peace. Pope Paul VI was the world’s first religious leader to speak before the United Nations General Assembly. His message was, “Lay down your arms. War no more. Never again!”

A crown was given to the one sitting on the white horse. History teaches that the pope originally had no crown, but today the pope’s crown is a tiara consisting of three crowns.

Revelation 6:2 states that the rider of the white horse went forth conquering and to conquer. Although Catholicism at present has no standing army, it is cer-tainly a conquering power. When the ma-jority of the people of a nation becomes Catholic, that nation is referred to as a “Catholic” nation. One of the Vatican’s major goals is to conquer America. This is the spirit of the white horse! Conquering and to conquer is the spirit of the Roman Catholic Church.

Could the green horse be a prophetic symbol of Islam?

Islam certainly fits into the pattern of the previous three world movements symbolized by Catholicism, Communism and Capitalism. These are all powerful international movements that affect the course of the nations that embrace them, and they each have symbolic colors that match one of the four horses of the apocalypse.

In his book, Militant Islam Reaches America, Daniel Pipes describes the rise of Islam in a very interesting way: “The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 prompted loose talk about Islam replac-ing Marxism-Leninism as the West’s necessary enemy. In symbolic terms, it was said that green (Islam’s color) had replaced red (communism’s color) in the West’s rogues’ gallery.”

Let’s look at the entire prophecy about the pale green horse: “And I looked, and behold a pale (green) horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell fol-lowed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Since the color of the horse can legiti-mately be translated as green, and since the official color of Islam is green, that aspect of the prophecy certainly fits.

The rider of the green horse was Death. Islam has become synonymous with the dreaded suicide bomber. Almost daily we are receiving reports of deadly suicide at-tacks in Israel, Iraq, Spain, or London.

The prophecy says that hell followed the rider of Death. Islam teaches their suicide bombers that paradise follows their act of martyrdom. But scripture teaches that all murderers will have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).

The spirit of the green horse is de-scribed as having power over the fourth part of the earth. Estimates of follow-

ers of Islam by country based on U.S. State Department figures yield a total of 1.48 billion (Wikipedia Encyclopedia). This would be exactly one-fourth of the world’s population.

The death horse rider was to kill with the sword, hunger, and death. Each of these forces thrives where Islam reigns. Is-lamic countries are known for the prolif-eration of violence, poverty and disease.

The prophecy of the green horse occurs under the 4th Seal. The 5th Seal that im-mediately follows (Revelation 6:9-11) is the time of the great tribulation. The 6th Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) describes the Second Coming of the Lord at the time of the Battle of Armageddon.

It is clear from many events that we are very near the beginning of the great tribulation right now. If the 4th horse rider actually is the present resurgence of Islam, the timing is absolutely perfect.

In Zechariah 6, it states that the black horse went into the north country. The prophecy is amazingly accurate since capitalist countries are located in the northern hemisphere.

The passage then says that the fourth horse went into the south country. This too is amazingly accurate since over 96.5% of the world’s Muslims live in Africa and southern Asia, and Islam’s capital, Mecca, is south of Israel.

The passage concerning the death rider says that it will kill with the “beasts” of the earth. Exactly how killing with “the beasts of the earth” would fit under the reign of Islam is not exactly clear unless it refers to the jungles of Africa where Is-lam is strong.

In the Zechariah 6 account of the “four horse” prophecy, there are white, red and black horses exactly as in Revela-tion 6. However, the horses that pulled the fourth chariot were not described as green. They were described as grizzled and bay, dappled, dappled gray or spotted (depending on the translation you use). If this is the exact same prophecy as Revela-tion 6, and it certainly appears to be, then this discrepancy would cast doubt on the fourth horse representing Islam.

I have always taught that the pale horse represents exactly what it says…death. Unless further light can be shed on the fourth horse of Zechariah 6, I have to be-lieve that is still the correct understanding.

However, we have to admit that many aspects of the 4th Seal rider seem to refer to Islam in a very interesting way. ¨

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tHE wHitE HorsE

tHE grEEn HorsE

FourtH HorsE’s location

problEms witH tHis viEw

is tHE timing rigHt?

20 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006

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“The New World Order crowd plainly intends to answer all the world’s messianic

expectations with one man. Who will he be? Christians call him the Antichrist. He

will come, and he will fail miserably.”


*Buddha courtesy Lindy Roquemore | dallas, TX

�� KEn raggio | Editor

1 • Jews are looking for “Meshiack,” their messiah. 2 • Christians are looking for Jesus Christ to return. 3

• Muslims are looking for the “Twelfth Mahdi.” 4 • Buddhists are looking for the Fifth Buddha, “Maitreya.” 5 • Hindus are looking for the Tenth Avatar, “Kalki.” And who knows what so many other religions are expecting? Even while each religion looks for its long-awaited one, there is a new anticipation emerging from within the world’s ecumenical societies declaring that one single man might actually fulfill ALL these religions’ expectations! That is the alarming sentiment of many people at the United Nations and within the United Religions Organization. Both entities reflect an increasingly universal belief. The coming of a one-size-fits-all messiah is the vogue concept circling the earth right now. World opinion is turning toward one who will bring peace to the earth by bringing all the world’s religions together. One Messiah fits all? This subject can certainly be complicated, since there are countless variations within the many religions. And in all religions, conflicting teachings occur, so we will focus only on the most prominent beliefs.

22 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006


Will theReal AntichristPlease stand up?


many major religions are presently looking for their “savior.” In each case, these religions anticipate a divine incarnation—a physical manifestation of eternal wisdom of their perceived god.


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CHRISTIANITY Christianity is loosely comprised of 2.1 billion people—1/3 of the world’s population—if you consider the broadest definition of Christianity. Not all these anticipate the arrival of Jesus Christ as Messiah. The Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as other Orthodox groups, does not teach the Second Return of Jesus Christ, especially the so-called “rapture”, but rather refutes it. In all, probably less than 350 million Christians expect the return of Jesus Christ.

ISLAMIslam is a religion of almost 1.5 billion people. What do Muslims say about their Mahdi?• He will be a righteous man.• He will be a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed.• He will come from Mecca, Saudi Arabia.• He will appear when Muslims are severely oppressed everywhere.• He will precede the coming of Jesus Christ.• He will face his own “antichrist.”• Jesus will destroy Mahdi’s antichrist.• With Allah’s help, Mahdi will convert the whole world to Islam.• He will bring peace and justice to the world.

A Mahdi, or Imam, is a leader. There are many Imams, but only twelve great Imams through history. According to Shia Islam, the Twelfth Mahdi, who is of their tribal lineage, was born in 868 Ad and disappeared in 941. They say he was hidden by Allah in what is called “the occultation”, and that he will some day appear again as the great Islamic savior of the world.

Sunni Muslims do not agree with the Shiites on his identity. Sunnis expect a new Imam to appear in Medina, Saudi Arabia at an appointed time. Sunnis believe that mosques built to the last Imam are an idolatrous abomination. They recently bombed and destroyed the highly revered Askariya Mosque in Iraq where the Twelfth Imam disappeared in the tenth century, nearly causing a civil war. Ahmadinejad will surely be tempted to avenge this act.

According to Muslim beliefs, this prophesied redeemer of Islam will change a world of chaos into a perfect world before the day of resurrection. A hadith, or traditional saying of Mohammed, says that one of his descendants will “fill the Earth with peace and justice as it will have been filled with injustice and tyranny before then.” This will be accomplished, they believe, by spreading Islam throughout the world.

Muslims believe that the thing which will precipitate the appearance of the Twelfth Mahdi is a world descended into chaos. They believe that the Twelfth Mahdi will be preceded by a “deputy” who will prepare the way for the Mahdi. This deputy follows in the tradition of many historical deputies who served the great Imam’s in their time.

There is at least a suggestion that the current President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has aspirations to be the next deputy of the Twelfth Imam. One of his first official acts in office was to require his ministers and deputies to sign an agreement with the Twelfth Iman, which was then dropped down the Jamarakan Well, which is the likely setting for their “Long Awaited One”.

In many recent speeches and actions, President Ahmadinejad threatened to develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction and “wipe Israel off the face of the map” – both acts which he clearly considers to be divinely inspired. Most of the international community views his threats as entirely unacceptable, but many Moslems hold the view that world chaos precipitated by Islamic war is an inevitable prelude to the return of the Twelfth Imam. Non-Muslims should take these threats seriously because they are not likely to diminish, but rather escalate into a longed-for world war. There is evidence that some Muslim powers truly want international chaos to escalate so their Imam will appear.

In September of 2005, President Ahmadinejad delivered an inflammatory speech before the United Nations General Assembly. A reporter for Radio Free Europe wrote on November 29, 2005 that Ahmadinejad believes that his speech at the United Nations was supernaturally empowered.

Ahmadinejad said that someone present at the UN told him that a light surrounded him while he was delivering his speech to the General Assembly.

“One of our group told me that when I started to say ‘In the name of God the almighty and merciful’, he saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura. I felt it myself... for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink... and they were rapt. It seemed as if a hand was holding them there and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic… I am not exaggerating when I say they did not blink; it’s not an exaggeration, because I was looking,” he says. “They were astonished as if a hand held them there and made them sit.”

The exact length of his speech was seven minutes and fifty-seven seconds, not twenty-seven or twenty-eight minutes as he claimed. Nor was his audience as captivated as he claimed. Nevertheless, that event demonstrated the context of a radical Muslim who feels divinely commissioned to create the chaos, perhaps as Allah’s deputy, that will prepare the way for the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi.

Ahmadinejad closed his UN speech with this statement: “From the beginning of time, humanity has longed for the day when justice, peace, equality and compassion envelop the world. All of us can contribute to the establishment of such a world. When that day comes, the ultimate promise of all divine religions will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being who is heir to all prophets and pious men. He will lead the world to justice and absolute peace. O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the promised one, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace.”

The “last repository” he referred to was the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi. Most of Ahmadinejad’s speeches contain references to the Twelfth Imam. In Christian vernacular, Ahmadinejad perceives himself as a “John the Baptist” for the Mahdi. His antics have probably done more to arouse global Islamic expectations of Mahdi than any other single factor in modern times.

In Iran, a group called the Hojjatieh believes that humans can stir up chaos to encourage the Twelfth Mahdi to return.

According to a Reuters report, Ahmadinejad has clearly articulated his immense respect for Iran’s leading Hojjatieh-leaning cleric, and several members of Ahmadinejad’s cabinet are said to have Hojjatieh backgrounds. Proponents of this group teach that those who insult their religion be immediately executed, that killing “intellectuals” is sanctioned by Allah himself, and that “pluralism” is satanic trickery.

Ahmadinejad’s politics are clearly driven by his desire to use his presidency to usher in Islam’s messiah by causing international chaos. An arsenal of nuclear weapons in his hands will be the ultimate religious experience. Nothing is likely to deter his ambitions for war. Let the world beware.

HINdUISMHinduism is a vast, complex religion of about 900 million people that did not

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evolve from a single person, a single book, or a single point in time. Its written history contains many epic tales that are based on oral traditions, and contain many conflicting concepts. Its teachings are countless and quite diverse, ranging from polytheistic, monotheistic, agnostic, to atheistic.

What do Hindus say about their Tenth Avatar – Kalki? Most believe Vishnu exists as the Creator, but he also dwells within each person’s soul. He also incarnates himself in the form of an Avatar whenever his presence is needed. Most teach that there have been nine Avatars in over one million years of history, and the Tenth Avatar will be the last and will reign for over 400,000 years.

All Avatars are supposed to be exactly equal in status, but Krishna seems to be most often discussed. In the 1960s, the Hare Krishna movement introduced these ancient tales into the English language, and with the Beatles’ help, it became a major movement in America, Europe, Russia, Africa and South America. Lord Krishna (circa 3102 BC, the “dark one” or the “black one”) was supposed to be the Eighth Avatar. He allegedly said, “Whenever there is a decline of religion, and a rise of irreligion, I incarnate myself.” Speaking as god, he came to represent Absolute Truth.

Nevertheless, Hinduism now claims to be in the era of the Ninth Avatar, Balarama. Many consider Buddha to be the Ninth Avatar.

The next – Tenth – Avatar is yet to appear. His name, Kalki, varies in meanings: “Eternity,” “Time,” “destroyer of Foulness, Confusion and darkness,” “Annihilator of Ignorance.” He is popularly expected to be coming on a white horse, brandishing

a flaming sword, to eradicate evil and death and establish dharma (virtue) and righteousness. Kalki’s divine mission is to close the current age of darkness and ignorance and usher in a new era of peace, prosperity and harmony. He is to liberate the world from suffering, and enlighten all mankind.

BUddHISMThere are approximately 375 million Buddhists. What do Buddhists say about Maitreya?

Buddha (623-543 BC) taught that Buddhism would almost perish from the earth because the world would abandon moral conduct and become amoral, but then a new Buddha, a Bodhisattva, or Maitreya would appear. He will achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma - “the way of the higher truths.”

The XIV dalai’ Lama of Tibet states, “This is the time of the fourth Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni, whose teaching is still existing, and the fifth Buddha will be Maitreya Buddha.”

Lord Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the first and ancient Shakyamuni (Guatama) Buddha. He is predicted to be a “world-ruler,” uniting those who he rules over. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is accepted by nearly all Buddhist traditions.

Since 1975, Benjamin Crème of Share International in London has declared that he has found the Maitreya, and claims that he is presently alive. Pictures of this Maitreya were circulated in 1988. As a result, Crème held international attention for several years. However, the Maitreya was never forthcoming.

Much of Crème’s teachings sprang from

the 19th century occultist Helen Blavatsky, and her ‘Theosophical Society’, created to distill the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. Crème also drew heavily from Alice Bailey, a well-known occultist whose material she claimed was received telepathically from an “ascended master” by the name of djhwal Khul. Crème’s teachings are a hodge-podge of esoteric theosophies – a belief that there is a body of ‘divine’ wisdom common to all religions. Although he continues to attract media attention around the world, Crème has been heavily discredited on the subject of Maitreya.

More importantly, according to Buddhism, Gautama Buddha anticipated Maitreya and said the following about him: “Now in those days, brethren, there shall arise in the world an Exalted One by name Maitreya (the Kindly One) an Arhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom and righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of men to be tamed, a teacher of the devas (angels) and mankind, an Exalted One, a Buddha like myself… He shall make known the wholly perfect life of righteousness in all its purity, both in the spirit and in the letter of it, even as I do now. He shall lead an Order of Brethren numbering many thousands, even as I do now lead an order of Brethren numbering many hundreds,” (Gautama Buddha in dIGHA NIKAYA).

JUdAISMCompared to the major world religions, Judaism is miniscule, with roughly 14 million Jews world-wide. Still, Judaism wields enormous religious influence on the world stage. What do Jews say about their Meshiack?

Jews long for Messiah. They call him “Meshiack,” the Anointed King. He must come from the lineage of King david. Obviously, Orthodox Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

One of Israel’s most quoted sages, Maimonides, wrote the thirteen “Articles of Faith” for Jews. Article Twelve articulated the doctrine of the coming of Messiah According to Maimonides, Messiah will:• Restore the davidic Kingdom• Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem• Re-gather the strayed “sheep” of Israel• Re-institute Torah statutes: sacrifices, Sabbaths, jubilees, etc.• defeat Israel’s enemies• Turn all nations to Jehovah• Resurrect the dead Israelites• Prosper the land





/ Pa





Left—Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at the UN. Right—The Ten Avatars of Hinduism: Kalki is depicted bottom center on white horse.


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LUCIFERIANISM / NEW WORLdFrom the United Nations to the United Religions Organization, the World Council of Churches, the UN Interfaithism movement and so many other new age, ecumenical groups, there is a rising expectation of a universal messiah.

From its founding, the UN has been heavily influenced by the Lucis Trust (once called the Lucifer Foundation, but renamed for obvious reasons). The Lucis Trust sprang from the same roots as so many of the Cabbalistic, esoteric, occult secret societies, such as Freemasonry, Wicca, Order of the Golden dawn, etc.

The thinking of historic occult figures like Adam Weishaupt, Aleister Crowley, Madame Helen Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and others, still lives and flourishes here. Robert Muller, also known as the prophet of the United Nations, and Maurice Strong, one of Kofi Annan’s closest confidantes are both adept new age advocates who tirelessly promote the welding together of all religious faiths.

On the international level, enormous efforts are being made to homogenize all the world religious ideologies into one. In September, 2005, delegates from around the world met in the United Nations Economic and Social Council chambers and hammered out new INTERFAITH guidelines.

They think the world will truly be as one by the time they are through. Blavatsky once said, “It is but the Occultist, the Eastern adept, who stands a Free Man, omnipotent through its own divine Spirit as much as man can be on earth. He has rid himself of all human conceptions and religious side-issues; he is at one and the same time a Chaldean Sage, a Persian Magi, a Greek Theurgist, an Egyptian Hermetist, a Buddhist Rahat and an Indian Yogi. He has collected into one bundle all the separate fractions of Truth widely scattered over the nations, and holds in his hand the One Truth, a torch of light which no adverse wind can bend, blow out or even cause to waver.”

The New World Order crowd plainly intends to answer all the world’s messianic expectations with one man. Who will he be? Christians call him the Antichrist. He will come, and he will fail miserably.

Then the real Christ will come, terminating the reign of the Antichrist. Jesus will establish his kingdom on earth—a kingdom that will never pass away and never be destroyed. during his 1,000-year reign, there will not be one war. The prophecies tell us that men will learn war no more. The promise given at the birth of Jesus will finally be realized: Peace on earth, goodwill toward men. ¨

luciFErianism/nEw world

26 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006


allow me to IntroduCe to you tHe new JeSuS. this isn’t the jesus christ knoWn to us from the pages of the Holy BiBle. rather, this jesus is a new verSIon cast into the

arena of global polItICS and World citizenship. in fact, you Would not be out of place calling him the polItICal planetary SavIor. Wondering What i’m talking about? bear

With me; it’s a perplexing blend of politics and religion.

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�� bY | carl tEicHribi n the fall of 1999, I received a little book titled The Night Jesus Christ Returned to Earth, authored by Captain Tom A. Hudgens. In the late 1990s, while attending various conferences on interna-tional affairs, I had the opportu-nity of listening to Mr. Hudgens present his views on “world order” and global citizenship. At that time, Mr. Hudgens was

President and CEO of the Association to Unite the Democracies—an organi-zation dedicated to the advancement of global government by specifically work-ing towards the unification of leading democratic countries—so his views car-ried a decidedly internationalist flavor. Not surprisingly, so too does the Jesus character of Hudgens’ book.


Carl Teichrib is a Senior Fellow with the August Review [www.augustreview.com] and operates as a freelance analyst and writer. Additional articles: www.gracesite.net/articles.htm

carl tEicHrib

r e i n v e n t i n g j e s u s:a g l o b a l i s t f a n t a s y


Former United Nations high-official Robert

Muller (above) readily preached and still advocates a new

global order which incorporates a politically

internationalist New Age Jesus. His 1982 book New Genesis (page 28) spells out his views on “global spirituality.”

In his forward, Hudgens writes, “In this book I have intentionally put words into Jesus’ mouth. Whether the words came directly to me from Him or that the words are my own invention is de-batable.” Moreover, Hudgens provokes his readers with a warped challenge of sorts; “If what I have Jesus say in this book does not agree with what you think He would say, I challenge you to write down what you think He would endorse today.”

As a work of fiction, the author por-trays Jesus Christ returning to earth during the Millennium Celebrations at Times Square in New York City. The year 1999 is only seconds from closing.

At the very moment that the white ball should start its descent, a loud explosion scat-ters the ball into a million pieces of confetti. In its place is Jesus Christ, descending and arriving at the bottom for his triumphal re-turn to Earth, not as described in the Book of Revelation, but as He Himself had decided to make His entrance [p.35]. At this point in the book, Jesus explains why he appeared first in the United States, and New York City more spe-cifically: 1 } America has the most Christians, 2 } The United Nations is headquar-tered in New York, and… 3 } The U.S. is the “freest of all na-tions and the guarantor of freedom and human rights” [p.36].

Jesus then asks “all citizens of the world to elect ten disciples for me…”

All of this is rather novel, especially given the fact that the Jesus of the Bi-ble always invited His disciples to fol-low Him—it was not a matter of de-mocracy, but of invitation and personal calling.

Hudgens goes on to describe what his new Jesus “would endorse today.” 1 } A stabilization of the United Na-tions and a call to global democracy.2 } A uniting of all democratic coun-tries into a limited federal republic; i.e., a world government. In fact, this “Millennium Jesus” [my phrase] makes numerous direct references to the As-sociation to Unite the Democracies—Hudgens’ world-government-lobbying organization—its agendas and ideas, and its importance in striving for a po-litical, economic, and military unifica-tion of like-minded nations.3 } That the European Union should become the core group used to unite the democracies, and that other exist-ing international arrangements (such as NATO) be brought into the fold.

endtimemagazine | March & April 2006 27

tHE nigHt jEsus rEturnEd

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4 } A calling for population control and the necessity of abortion in order to ensure the safety of the earth’s envi-ronment. Hudgens’ Jesus even tells us when life begins: “when the umbilical cord is severed.” Moreover, Jesus goes so far as to tell his New York audience that, “I plan to speak with the Pope about this matter.”5 } And, among many other items of social and political importance, Je-sus brings religion into the picture by declaring, “Over time I believe we can show that Christianity is compatible with all other religions. My coming will help to solidify the religions.”

I understand that Mr. Hudgens’ name and organization are not recognized household words. Few people outside of World Federalist circles and global citizenship lobby groups will have ever heard of either the individual or his as-sociation. And it’s not that his book The Night Jesus Christ Returned to Earth has been an influential top-seller. Odds are that those who have the book are few and far-between.

So why introduce his new Jesus? Why bring all this up? Simply because these concepts represent a line of thinking found within certain elements of the international community—and of this we need to be aware.

The Political Planetary SaviorFormer United Nations high-official, Robert Muller [not the FBI Robert Muller], readily preached and still advocates a new global order which incorporates a politically internationalist New Age Jesus. In his 1982 book, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, Muller writes, “If Christ came back to earth, his first visit would be to the United Nations to see if his dream of human oneness and brotherhood had come true” [p.19].

In a section of New Genesis titled “The Reappearance of Christ,” Muller spells out a lengthy yet revealing vision of “Christ” within a new world para-digm.

So everywhere I look—and I am not a theologian or a philosopher, I am just a United Nations official trying to make a little sense out of all this—everywhere I see the Christ’s luminous messages. They are all still among us, they are coming again to the fore ever more potently. In the present global world they have to express themselves in the ecumenism of religions. The world’s major religions in the end all want the same thing, even though they were born in different places and circumstances on this planet. What the world needs today

tHE political planEtarY savior

is a convergence of the different religions in the search for and definition of the cosmic or divine laws which ought to regulate our behavior on this planet. World-wide spiritual ecumenism, expressed in new forms of religious cooperation and institu-tions, would probably be closest to the heart of the resurrected Christ. I would wholeheartedly support the creation of an institutional arrangement in the UN or in UNESCO for a dialogue and coopera-tion between religions. There is a famous painting and poster which shows Christ knocking at the tall United Nations building, wanting to enter it. I often visualize in my mind another even more ac-curate painting: that of a United Nations which would be the body of Christ [pp.126-127].

Muller’s vision didn’t emerge from his own sense of spiritual understanding. It is the result of other people’s work —includ-ing the mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Muller devotes a chapter to Chardin in his book New Genesis), and the occultist and theosophist Alice Bailey, whose writ-ings heavily influenced the Robert Muller School program.

Chardin, a highly controversial Catholic theologian, advocated the complete unifi-cation of mankind, including,

A “new spiritual dimension” based on “universal unification” and the estab-lishment of a universal human creed; “…a new spirit for a new order” [see Chardin’s The Future of Man].

A complete economic, political, and social planetary structure based on group thinking,

“…everything suggests that at the pres-ent time we are entering a peculiarly criti-cal phase of super-humanization. This is what I hope to persuade you of by draw-ing your attention to an altogether extraor-dinary and highly suggestive condition of the world around us, one which we all see and are subject to, but without paying attention to it, or at least without under-standing it: I mean the increasingly rapid growth in the human world of the forces of collectivization.

The phenomenon calls for no detailed description. It takes the form of the all-en-compassing ascent of the masses; the con-stant tightening of economic bonds; the spread of financial and intellectual associa-tions; the totalisation of political regimes; the closer physical contact of individuals as well as nations; the increasing impossi-bility of being or acting or thinking alone – ” [20] [italics in original].

Global unification through supernat-ural powers; “Whether we wish it or not, Mankind is becoming collectivised, total-ised under the influence of psychic and spiritual forces on a planetary scale.”

And an endorsement and longing for the United Nations to flourish, even

though it is still imperfect and will remain so until complete social totalization is achieved.

Placing the capstone on all of this is the ongoing and incomplete work of the New Age Christ,

“And since Christ was born, and ceased to grow, and died, everything has continued in motion because he has not yet attained the fullness of his form. He has not gathered about Him the last folds of the garment of flesh and love woven for him by his faithful. The mystical Christ has not reached the peak of his growth…and it is the continuation of this engendering that there lies the ulti-mate driving force behind all created activ-ity…Christ is the term of even the natural evolution of living beings” [The Future of Man, p.320, italics in original].

Similar to Chardin, Alice Bailey—a leader in the early Theosophical move-ment and founder of Lucifer Publishing Company, which later morphed into Lucis Trust and has since spurred on a whole se-ries of New Age subsidiaries —taught that a transformed world was close at hand. And like Chardin’s “new spirit for a new order,” Bailey writes in The Rays and The Initiations, “Some day the minds of men—illuminated by the light of the soul—will formulate the one universal religion, rec-ognizable by all.”

Expanding this spiritual collective phi-losophy further, Bailey revealed that the new world Christ would manifest himself physically, directing his will into the arena of world politics, economics, and reli-gion. Even the apparent contradiction of national and international conflict, Bailey explained, is geared toward a singular pur-pose—a “climax,” a “point of tension” that “will eventually prove to be the agent that will bring about a point of emergence.”

And now we’re brought around full circle, coming face-to-face with Hudgens’ Jesus and Hudgens’ challenge: what would Jesus endorse today?

Actually, this isn’t too hard to figure out. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Knowing this, it is fairly easy to discern what Jesus Christ would endorse today; it’s the same thing He endorsed 2000 years ago—His exclusive way to the Fa-ther (John 14:6) and that man is in need of a Savior because man is a sinful creature (John 3:16-21).

But none of this bodes well in today’s climate of global tolerance and planetary correctness. Instead, a New Age Jesus is desired and anticipated, a Millennium Mes-siah that is willing to embrace all religions and unite all nations. ¨

28 endtimemagazine | March & April 2006


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robert muller


is the result of other people’s work —including the mystic Pierre Teilhard

de Chardin [Muller devotes a chapter to

Chardin in his book New Genesis (below)], and the occultist and theosophist

Alice Bailey (above).


1 }

2 }

3 }

4 }


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