HALL - A€¦ · Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.30 Debate: statin in primary...

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Transcript of HALL - A€¦ · Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.30 Debate: statin in primary...

Hall Date Time Title

Hall A 20-Sep-19 8.15 ECG for physicians: basics of ECG interpretation

Hall A 20-Sep-19 9.00 Emerging Concepts in Hypertension:

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Is there a J curve for hypertension and CVD?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Which is the preferred diuretic in hypertension,

chlorthalidone or indapamide?Hall A 20-Sep-19 Is betablockers still relevant in initial management of

hypertension in Indian patientsHall A 20-Sep-19 How do we treat hypertension peri- operatively

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Role of newer ca channel blockers in hypertension

Hall A 20-Sep-19 What is the evidence for tight BP control?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 10.00 Decision making in lipid abnormalities of my patient

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Should I continue high intensity statins, in ASCVD, when LDL is

below 40 mg/dL?Hall A 20-Sep-19 How to manage my patient with CAD, on statins and elevated

liver enzymesHall A 20-Sep-19 Is very high dose statins not indicated in Asians?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 My patient’s LDL remains above target despite high intensity

statins. What are the options?Hall A 20-Sep-19 Should my elderly patient also receive high intensity statins?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 When should I begin drug treatment in Hypertriglyceridemia?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 11.00 Invited Lectures

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Betablockers in COPD

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 A case for aggressive lipid lowering in CAD

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Plenary Session 11.30 am to 1.00 pm

Hall A 20-Sep-19 11.30 Guest Lecture

Hall A 20-Sep-19

It is not good to have too much goodness? The mystery of HDL

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 11.50 Heart Failure Oration

Hall A 20-Sep-19 11.50 Looming Burden of Heart Failure in India: Can we Reduce it?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 12.05 Pharmacia Oration

Hall A 20-Sep-19 12.05 Reaching technology to the doorstep of every Indian

Hall A 20-Sep-19 12.20 Guest Lecture

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Multimodality Imaging of the Pericardium: An imaging Guided

ApproachHall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 12.40 Guest Lecture

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Coronary Calcium Score is far superior to exercise stress


Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Plenary Session Ends 13.00

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.00 -13.30

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.30 Meet my Mentor – Narasimhan C

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.00 Introducing the Mentor

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.05 How did I benefit from mentorship?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.10 How did I benefit from mentorship?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.15 Comments from the Mentor

Hall A 20-Sep-19 13.25 Q and A Audience

Hall A 20-Sep-19 14.00 Point Counter Point : Stable ischemic heart disease

managementHall A 20-Sep-19 I will manage conservatively in most cases

Hall A 20-Sep-19 I will go for early intervention

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Audience interaction

Hall A 20-Sep-19 A consensus approach

Hall A 20-Sep-19 ARS

Hall A 20-Sep-19 14.30 Clinical management issues: answers in a nutshell

Hall A 20-Sep-19 When to start and when to stop RAS blockers in hypertension

with CKDHall A 20-Sep-19 How do you manage statin intolerance?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Has chelation treatment any role in treatment of chronic

stable angina?Hall A 20-Sep-19 Patients with prosthetic valve on OAC coming for surgery.

How do you manage?Hall A 20-Sep-19 Heart failure with hyponatremia- how do I manage?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Managing hypertension in CKD

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Dosing time of anti hypertensive medications: is it important?

Do we have evidence? Hall A 20-Sep-19 FDA ARB Recalls. What should we advise our patients?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Management of iron deficiency in heart failure. How to treat

and what to target?Hall A 20-Sep-19 How to manage hyperkalemia in heart failure?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 15.30 Symposium on Heart Failure

Hall A 20-Sep-19 When Do Biomarkers Really Help in HF?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Acute Decompensated Heart Failure ‐ how to manage and

what to target? Hall A 20-Sep-19 How to diagnose and manage heart failure with preserved EF?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Which is the ideal inotrope in ADHF?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 How to optimise diuretic therapy in heart failure?

Hall A 20-Sep-19 In hospital initiation ARNI in heart failure with reduced EF

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 16.30 Guest Lecture

Hall A 20-Sep-19 How to detect vulnerable plaque

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 16.50 Guest Lecture

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Triglycerides

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 20-Sep-19 17.10 Challenging Cases in Cardiology Session

Hall A 20-Sep-19 17.10 Case 1

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Presentation of the case

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Case discussion and interaction with panellists

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Q and A

Hall A 20-Sep-19 17.40 Case 2

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Presentation of the case

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Case discussion and interaction with panellists

Hall A 20-Sep-19 Q and A

Hall A 20-Sep-19 18.20 Convocation

Hall A 20-Sep-19 19.00 GBM

Hall A 20-Sep-19 20.00 Entertainment Program

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000 )Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall A 21-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 9.00 STEMI Management in 2019

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Strategies to improve delay in revascularization

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Is pharmaco-invasive management the best strategy for STEMI

in India?Hall A 21-Sep-19 Does Streptokinase stillhave a role in STEMI management in

India?Hall A 21-Sep-19 Timing of PCI after lytic treatment

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Late presenters for STEMI: issues in management

Hall A 21-Sep-19 In hospital rehabilitation after STEMI

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 10.00 Debate Multi-vessel PCI in STEMI and Shock

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Case presentation

Hall A 21-Sep-19 I feel that this approach is lifesaving

Hall A 21-Sep-19 I disagree. Data does not support multi-vessel PCI in patients

with shockHall A 21-Sep-19 Interactive discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Audience Poll

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Symposium/invited lectures

Hall A 21-Sep-19 10.25 Epidemiology of Rheumatic Fever in India: can we hope to

conquer it in near future?Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 10.40 ICC Heart Failure Registry: what have we learned?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 10.55 Dawn of a new era: enter NOACs and exit Vitamin K

antagonists in nonvalvular AFHall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 11.10 Will shrinking of atherosclerotic plaque become a

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Plenary Session 11.25 to 13.30

Hall A 21-Sep-19 11.25 Guest Lecture

Hall A 21-Sep-19 New paradigm in structural heart interventions

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 11.45 Presidential Oration

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Oration

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.05 Guest Lecture

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.05 Familial Hypercholesterolemia: under diagnosed and under

treated entity?Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.22 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.25 Jayadeva Surgical Oration

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.25 A journey through heart transplantation in India

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.40 Guest Lecture

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.40 Most Recent Advances in Echocardiography

Hall A 21-Sep-19 12.55 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.00 to 13.30

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.30 Meet my Mentor: Manjunath CN

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.30 Introducing the Mentor

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.35 How did I benefit from mentorship?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.40 How did I benefit from mentorship?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.45 Comments from the Mentor

Hall A 21-Sep-19 13.55 Q and A Audience

Hall A 21-Sep-19 14.00 Rapid Fire

Hall A 21-Sep-19 When to suspect and how to diagnose cardiac sarcoidosis?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 High dose EPA to REDUCE CV events?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 A risk stratification algorithm for primary prevention in Indians

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Is being Indian a cardiovascular risk factor?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Is hypoglycaemia a new cardiovascular risk factor?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 High intensity Interval training-do we have enough evidence

to recommend it routinely?Hall A 21-Sep-19 What is diastolic stress testing?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Is AF burden important in considering oral anticoagulants?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 How to prevent atrial fibrillation?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 When to stop secondary prophylaxis with penicillin in

Rheumatic Heart Disease?Hall A 21-Sep-19 15.00 Wearable devices in Cardiology

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Newer technologies in ambulatory ECG monitoring

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Apple watch monitoring: lessons learned from Apple Heart

StudyHall A 21-Sep-19 Wearable devices in obstructive sleep apnoea

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Wearable cardiac defibrillators in high risk cases

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Patient monitoring Apps in cardiology

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Sensors in early diagnosis of heart failure

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.00 Pharmacologic treatment of pulmonary hypertension: Recent

AdvancesHall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.15 Invited Lectures

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Mechanism of beneficial effects of SGLT2 inhibitors

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.30 Debate: statin in primary prevention

Hall A 21-Sep-19 I will use high intensity statins

Hall A 21-Sep-19 I will not use high intensity statins.

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Audience interaction

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Can we have a consensus?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 ARS

Hall A 21-Sep-19 16.55 Invited Lectures

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Lytic therapy for pulmonary embolism: Indian perspective

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Is NASH a CAD risk factor?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 RF ablation for AF: how to choose the right patient?

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 21-Sep-19 17.35 Guest Lecture

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Mitral valve prolapse revisited: Sudden death in the young

adult and mitral disjunctionHall A 21-Sep-19 18.00 Case Based Session

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Presentation of the case

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Case discussion and interaction with panellists

Hall A 21-Sep-19 Q and A

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000 )Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall A 22-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 9.00 Award Session (Best paper carries prize of Rs 50000, second

best paper with prize of Rs 25000 and third best paper with

prize of Rs 10000 )Hall A 22-Sep-19 Presentation 1

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Presentation 2

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Presentation 3

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Presentation 4

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Presentation 5

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 10.00 Heart failure - Newer options

Hall A 22-Sep-19 NOACs in heart failure

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 22-Sep-19 10.15 SGLT2 Inhibitors

Hall A 22-Sep-19 SGLT2 Inhibitors in heart failure

Hall A 22-Sep-19 10.30 Symposium on ARNI

Hall A 22-Sep-19 ARNI in stable heart failure patients

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 22-Sep-19 ARNI in heart failure with reduced: should we worry about

renal dysfunctionHall A 22-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 22-Sep-19 11.00 Symposium on Remogliflozine

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Remegliflozin: an affordable SGL2 inhibitor for Indian diabetic

patientsHall A 22-Sep-19 Real world experience with Remegliflozine

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall A 22-Sep-19 11.30 Invited Lecture

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Echo in the emergency room

Hall A 22-Sep-19 11.45 Invited Lecture

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Heart failure in children - is it different?

Hall A 22-Sep-19 12.00 Challenging Cases Contest

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Case 7

Hall A 22-Sep-19 Evaluation

Hall Date Time Title

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Interventional Cardiology and Advanced Imaging Part 1

(09.00 to 11.30)Hall B 20-Sep-19 9.00 CTO Session

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case based talks

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 1: Angiogram analysis

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 2: Antegrade CTO intervention: guide wire choice and

usageHall B 20-Sep-19 Case 3: Antegrade dissection re entry

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 4: Septal channel analysis

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 5 Retrograde intervention

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 6: Complications in CTO

Hall B 20-Sep-19 10.15 Guest Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Imaging in CTO PCI

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 10.40 Paravalvular Leak Session

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case based talks

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 20-Sep-19 11.05 Guest Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Techniques and outcomes of management of paravalvular

leakHall B 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Plenary Session 11.30 to 13.00 from Hall A

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.00 – 13.30

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Interventional Cardiology and Advanced Imaging Part 2

(13.30 to 19.00)Hall B 20-Sep-19 13.30 Guest Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 13.30 Constriction vs restriction. What is new?

Hall B 20-Sep-19 13.45 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 13.50 Guest Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 13.50 Molecular Imaging: is it the future?

Hall B 20-Sep-19 14.05 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 14.10 Rapid Fire Session

Hall B 20-Sep-19 1.00 What is Campeau Paradox in interventional cardiology?

Hall B 20-Sep-19 2.00 What is supersaturated oxygen system for PCI of LAD-STEMI?

Hall B 20-Sep-19 3.00 What is the antiplatelet drugs strategy in patients with CAD

already on NOACS?Hall B 20-Sep-19 4.00 CABG OR PCI for LMCA disease?

Hall B 20-Sep-19 5.00 What is meant by proportionate MR and disproportionate MR

in interventions for Secondary MR?Hall B 20-Sep-19 6.00 Is renal denervation treatment for hypertension making a

come-back?Hall B 20-Sep-19 7.00 What is the feasibility of early discontinuation of aspirin after

DES implantationHall B 20-Sep-19 8.00 What is the current status of hybrid coronary

revascularization?Hall B 20-Sep-19 15.00 Let us get the rhythm right: A case based approach to

diagnosis and management of rhythm disorders


Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case based talks

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Sinus node dysfunction

Hall B 20-Sep-19 AV blocks

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Paroxysmal SVT

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Ventricular Tachycardia in LV dysfunction

Hall B 20-Sep-19 VT in structurally normal heart

Hall B 20-Sep-19 His Bundle Pacing

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Rhythm control in AF

Hall B 20-Sep-19 16.20 Invited Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Management of Arrhythmic Storm

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 16.35 LMCA bifurcation

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case based talks

Hall B 20-Sep-19 My preferred technique

Hall B 20-Sep-19 My toolkit

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Imaging in LMCA interventions

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Debulking in LMCA interventions

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Assessment of physiology of bifurcation

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Perfect POT and Perfect KISS

Hall B 20-Sep-19 17.45 Invited Lecture

Hall B 20-Sep-19 EBC guidelines and key learning points

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 20-Sep-19 18.00 Unusual cases in my interventional practice

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall B 20-Sep-19 Case 7

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000 )Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall B 21-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Interventional Cardiology and Advanced Imaging Part 3.

(09.00 to 11.30) Hall B 21-Sep-19 9.00 TAVR Session

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case based talks

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Patient selection and preparation

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Step by step approach

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Choice of valve & hemodynamics

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Tips & tricks in challenging situations

Hall B 21-Sep-19 A challenging case of TAVR

Hall B 21-Sep-19 10.00 Invited Lecture

Hall B 21-Sep-19 An overview of TAVR

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 21-Sep-19 10.15 Key Note Address

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Laser Angioplasty

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 21-Sep-19 10.35 Mitral Interventions Session

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Quantification and role of ECHO in mitral interventions

Hall B 21-Sep-19 2D and 3D Echo in Mitral Interventions

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Guest lecture

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Mitral Clip: Indications, Procedural techniques, Outcomes and

FutureHall B 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Plenary Session Main Hall 11.30 to 13.00

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.00 Meet my mentor: Mathew Samuel

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.00 Introducing the Mentor

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.05 How I benefited from mentorship?

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.10 How I benefited from mentorship?

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.15 Comments from the Mentor

Hall B 21-Sep-19 13.25 Q and A Audience

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.30 – 14.00

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Interventional Cardiology and Advanced Imaging Part 4

(14.00 to 19.00)Hall B 21-Sep-19 14,00 Case I lost

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall B 21-Sep-19 15.00 Imaging and physiology symposium

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Beyond angiography: consensus and criterion in OCT imaging

Hall B 21-Sep-19 IVUS in left main assessment

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Functional assessment of coronary stenosis: resting or

hyperemic indicesHall B 21-Sep-19 Case 1 : ACS – OCT

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 2 : serial stenosis assessment

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 3 : bifurcation PCI - OCT

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 4 : OCT surprises

Hall B 21-Sep-19 16.30 My challenging case

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 7

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 8

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 9

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 10

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 11

Hall B 21-Sep-19 18.00 Peripheral interventions

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 3 Hepatic venous occlusion

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 21-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000 )Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall B 22-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Interventional Cardiology and Advanced Imaging Part 5

(09.00 to 13.30)Hall B 22-Sep-19 9.00 Complications in my practice

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 7

Hall B 22-Sep-19 10.00 STEMI interventions

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Talk 1

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Talk 2

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Talk 3

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Talk 4

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Talk 5

Hall B 22-Sep-19 11.00 STROKE interventions

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Evolution of mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke

Hall B 22-Sep-19 11.30 Invited Lectures

Hall B 22-Sep-19 PFO closure

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Ulnar Angioplasty

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Lithoplasty

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall B 22-Sep-19 12 .00 Night mares in the Cath Lab

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 3

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 4

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 5

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 6

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 7

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 8

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Case 9

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Satellite Symposium 20.00 to 21.00

Hall B 22-Sep-19 Pearls of wisdom from the Master: Jaffer Farouc

Hall B 22-Sep-19 IVUS and OCT guided stent optimization for improving PCI


Hall C 20-Sep-19 Emergency Medicine Session 09.00-11.00

Hall C 20-Sep-19 9.00 Timely action matters in acute cardiovascular disease

Hall C 20-Sep-19 9.00 ACS : STEMI & NSTEMI

Hall C 20-Sep-19 9.15 Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Hall C 20-Sep-19 9.30 Acute onset dyspnoea

Hall C 20-Sep-19 9.45 Hypotension in the emergency room

Hall C 20-Sep-19 10.00 Empowering the community for acute cardiac care

Hall C 20-Sep-19 10.00 Heart Rescue India (HRI): The Bangalore plan

Hall C 20-Sep-19 10.15 Quality measures in HRI

Hall C 20-Sep-19 10.30 Telemedicine as the central co-ordinator

Hall C 20-Sep-19 10.45 Role of hospitals in CVD prevention

Hall C 20-Sep-19 11.00 Issues in Coronary Imaging

Hall C 20-Sep-19 11.00 Assessment of myocardial viability

Hall C 20-Sep-19 11.10 CMR IN CAD

Hall C 20-Sep-19 11.20 CAG in Cardiac arrest

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Plenary Session in Hall A 11.30 to 13.00

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.00 to 13.30

Hall C 20-Sep-19 13.30 Issues in Diet: Is there an end to controversies?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is periodic fasting helpful to improve metabolic profile?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is too much salt restriction harmful?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Which is the Ideal cooking oil for Indians?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is alcohol in moderation beneficial or harmful?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Low carbohydrate high fat diet (LCHF). What should we advise

our patients?Hall C 20-Sep-19 Finally how much dietary cholesterol can we permit?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 20-Sep-19 14.30 Rapid Fire

Hall C 20-Sep-19 When to suspect and how to diagnose cardiac sarcoidosis?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 High dose EPA to REDUCE CV events?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 A risk stratification algorithm for primary prevention in Indians

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is being Indian a cardiovascular risk factor?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is hypoglycaemia a new cardiovascular risk factor?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 High intensity Interval training-do we have enough evidence

to recommend it routinely?Hall C 20-Sep-19 What is diastolic stress testing?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Is AF burden important in considering oral anticoagulants?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 How to prevent atrial fibrillation?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 When to stop secondary prophylaxis with penicillin in

Rheumatic Heart Disease?Hall C 20-Sep-19 15.30 Chronic Stable Angina

Hall C 20-Sep-19 What is the ideal heart rate in stable angina?

Hall C 20-Sep-19 What should be the fourth drug after betablockers, CCB and

nitrates in the pharmacologic treatment of stable angina

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Management options for refractory angina, not suitable for


Hall C

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 20-Sep-19 16.30 How do I manage session: Uncontrolled hypertension

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Take home messages

Hall C 20-Sep-19 17.15 How do I manage session: Heart Failure

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Case 1

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Case 2

Hall C 20-Sep-19 Take home messages

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000)Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall C 21-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall C 21-Sep-19 9.00 Interesting ECHO Clippings Contest (Best ECHO clipping

carries first prize Rs 25000, second prize Rs 10000 and third

prize Rs 5000)Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 1

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 2

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 3

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 4

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 5

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 6

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 7

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 8

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 9

Hall C 21-Sep-19 ECHO Image 10

Hall C 21-Sep-19 10.00 Invited Lecture on ECHO

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Echocardiographic findings in acute pulmonary embolism: the

obvious, the subtle and the ambiguousHall C 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 21-Sep-19 10.15 Invited Lecture on ECHO

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Advances in left atrial function assessment by ECHO

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 21-Sep-19 10.30 ECHO Quiz

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Plenary Session Main Hall 11.30 to 13.00

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Lunch Break 13.00 to 13.30

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Comprehensive Post-graduate Teaching Course (A 12 hour

capsule that covers it all; conducted by the best teachers

from the country and beyond in a unique and highly

interactive format)Hall C 21-Sep-19 13.30 The relevance of clinical evaluation in 2019

Hall C 21-Sep-19 A How to work up and present a case well?

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 21-Sep-19 B Physical Examination

Hall C 21-Sep-19 1.00 Physical signs and the haemodnamic basis that matter

Hall C 21-Sep-19 2.00 JVP - the basics

Hall C 21-Sep-19 Discussion

Hall C 21-Sep-19 14.45 Hemodynamics of structural heart disease

Hall C 21-Sep-19 A Ensuring accuracy with pressures and flow estimations -

Common pitfallsHall C 21-Sep-19 1.00 Flow calculations

Hall C 21-Sep-19 2.00 Pressures and Resistances

Hall C 21-Sep-19 B Hemodynamic rounds: 3 detailed cases that illustrate key

concepts. Student volunteersHall C 21-Sep-19 C Rapid Fire: 10-15 hemodynamic vignettes

Hall C 21-Sep-19 16.45 Angiography: The essentials

Hall C 21-Sep-19 A Congenital and Structural Heart Disease

Hall C 21-Sep-19 1.00 Which view, how much and what flow rates?

Hall C 21-Sep-19 2.00 Interactive session on angiogram for congenital and structural

heart diseaseHall C 21-Sep-19 B Coronary Angiography

Hall C 21-Sep-19 1.00 How to do it every time

Hall C 21-Sep-19 2.00 Interactive session on coronary angiogram

Hall C 21-Sep-19 18.15 CT and MRI

Hall C 21-Sep-19 A Illustrative cases: 5 detailed cases

Hall C 21-Sep-19 B Rapid fire: 15-20 vignettes

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.20 Oral Presentations (Best presentation will get prize of Rs

10000)Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.20 Presentation 1

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.25 Evaluation

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.28 Presentation 2

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.33 Evaluation

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.36 Presentation 3

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.41 Evaluation

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.44 Presentation 4

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.49 Evaluation

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.52 Presentation 5

Hall C 22-Sep-19 8.57 Evaluation

Hall C 22-Sep-19 Comprehensive Post-graduate Teaching Course (Continuing)

Hall C 22-Sep-19 9.00 Interactive Arrhythmia Session

Hall C 22-Sep-19 10.30 ECHO Rapid Fire

Hall C 22-Sep-19 11.30 Coronary Interventions: What every postgraduate should

know? Hall C 22-Sep-19 12.30 Putting it all together:

Hall C 22-Sep-19 Case based discussions

Hall C 22-Sep-19 Adult CHD

Hall C 22-Sep-19 Valvular Heart Disease

Hall C 22-Sep-19 Coronary artery disease