Hade Edge Breeze Autumn 2014

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Hade Edge Breeze Autumn 2014

Transcript of Hade Edge Breeze Autumn 2014



Hade Edge Breeze !

Autumn 2014



As  summer  starts  to  turn  to  autumn,  it’s  back  to  school  for  the  kids  and  6me  to  reflect  on  the  great  days  of  summer  2014.  

The  Tour  de  France  brought  thousands  of  people  to  the  area  to  line  the  streets  and  experience  the  spectacle  of  the  race  passing  through  our  beau6ful  countryside.  However  on  the  following  Saturday,  the  roads  of  Hade  Edge  were  lined  with  spectators  as  the  Gala  procession  made  its  way  to  the  football  field.  The  weather  was  kind  to  us  and  our  biggest  Gala  ever  was  a  huge  success.  This  was  followed  in  the  evening  with  our  Party  in  The  Park.  Read  all  about  it  in  this  issue  of  The  Breeze.  

There’s  also  news  on  the  developments  at  Hope  Bank  where  the  new  crea6ve  hub,  headed  by  Simon  Wood,  has  broadened  its  range  of  ac6vi6es  in  addi6on  to  the  well  established  Academy  of  Music.  Read  Simon’s  ar6cle  for  details.  

Michael  Moorhouse  has  shared  his  most  recent  observa6ons  on  the  variety  of  birds  he  has  seen  during  the  summer  months.  Take  a  look  at  his  ar6cle  to  see  if  you  have  no6ced  these  birds  in  and  around  Hade  Edge.  

In  this  issue,  there’s  the  latest  news  from  the  Hade  Edge  Band  and  their  busy  schedule  of  summer  and  autumn  events.  There  are  also  details  of  the  latest  developments  at  the  Band  Room  or,  to  give  it  its  correct  6tle,  The  Edgar  Dickinson  Building.  Read  all  about  the  Adult  Learning  Courses  that  Kirklees  College  have  chosen  to  hold  there.  

Also  in  this  issue,  we  have  lots  of  news  from  our  regular  contributors  and  details  of  our  latest  Photo  Compe66on  so  make  yourself  a  coffee  and  relax  with  your  Autumn  Breeze.  

Dave  Lloyd  

Editor     3

Go  to  BBC2  radio  podcasts  and  you  will  4ind  a  series  introduced  by  Jeremy  Vine  (brother  of  the  one  line  king  Tim)  in  which  he  interviews  famous  people  and  invites  them  to  explore  the  question,  what  does  it  mean  to  be  human?  Each  has  a  unique  perspective  and  they  make  for  fascinating  listening  particularly  on  long  car  journeys.    !One  thing  I  believe  to  be  true  is  that  human  beings  tend  to  be  social  creatures  that  are  most  content  and  most  successful  when  they  feel  secure  in  their  surroundings  and  at  peace  with  themselves.  Occasionally  we  are  able  to  witness  this,  for  example  on  Gala  day  this  year.  The  sun  shone  and  the  people  of  Hade  Edge  and  beyond  came  together  to  enjoy  the  largest  ever  range  of  stalls,  exhibits  and  attractions.  To  see  families  and  friends  coming  out  together,  to  hear  neighbours  saying  “I  haven’t  seen  you  for  ages,”  just  to  be  part  of  a  major  community  endeavour  that  pulled  together  over  1000  people,  undoubtedly  feeds  the  soul.    !The  evening  party  in  the  park  has  in  4ive  years,  grown  from  being  a  small  gathering  of  thirty  or  so  to  resembling  a  mini  festival  with  bands,  a  bar,  and  campers.  We  even  got  the  prerequisite  for  all  festivals,  rain!  It  was  a  wonderful  end  to  a  fantastic  day  that  saw  us  all  having  a  great  time  whilst  raising  money  for  local  good  causes.  I  would  like  to  thank  everyone  that  contributed  to  the  day  from  those  who  just  turned  up  and  had  a  mooch  around  to  those  who  spent  weeks,  planning  and  organising  to  ensure  that  the  event  passed  off  so  smoothly.    Your  efforts  are  greatly  appreciated  and  the  event  raised  in  the  region  of  4ive  thousand  pounds,  a  tremendous  effort.  Particular  thanks  should  go  to  the  Gala  Committee  and  to  our  business  sponsors  who  made  sure  that  the  event  could  run  without  fear  of  making  a  loss.    !The  Gala  is  just  one  of  the  events  that  HEAR  help  to  organise.  On  the  penultimate  Sunday  of  August  about  twenty  volunteers  went  to  the  Common  to  cut  and  tidy  the  grass  that  had  been  allowed  to  grow  in  order  to  encourage  wild  4lowers  and  wild  life.  The  following  day  there  was  a  quiz  night  held  at  the  Postcard  in  Holm4irth  and  at  the  end  of  the  year  we  will  stage  a  Christmas  dinner  for  the  senior  citizens  of  the  village.  We  meet  once  a  month  on  a  Tuesday  evening  and  the  group  is  absolutely  not  a  closed  shop,  we  would  welcome  anyone  who  is  interested  in  getting  involved.  If  you  would  like  to  participate  and  want  to  4ind  out  more,  please  feel  free  to  call  me  on  680  767.  You  don’t  have  to  be  involved  in  everything;  it  certainly  doesn’t  have  to  be  onerous.  Being  part  of  the  group  has  certainly  helped  me  feel  more  connected.  At  the  same  time,  you  will  be  doing  your  bit  to  further  a  sense  of  belonging  and  helping  to  make  Hade  Edge  a  great  place  to  live.    !Matthew  Milburn  Chair  of  Hade  Edge  Action  for  Residents  


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Starting the year at Hade Edge J& I School !Head Teacher Jeff Kilner reports… !!September has seen lots of changes within education both Nationally and here at Hade Edge School. On arrival back at school we have stirred things up again with a change to our classes. We now have a four class structure with very small numbers in each class. We have adapted our approaches to meet the new primary curriculum and have lots of changes to routines and events. !A big change is the introduction of ENTERPRISE lessons and the much discussed programming in ICT. The pupils have responded so well to our developments in ICT so I know we will make great progress in computing and programming! !Our curriculum is now set, educational visits have been booked and we are already looking to the school council and our FOHE group to see what exciting events we will have throughout the year. I have already heard pupils discussing Hade Edge has got Talent, an Autumn disco and there are rumblings of a Great Hade Edge Bake Off within school! !So, a busy start to the school year. With the excitement and the enthusiasm that is in abundance within school I am sure we will have more to report in the coming months. !Thanks, Jeff Kilner.


The boys and girls enjoying the whole school trip to Filey in July.


! !

!The Friends committee have been having a well-earned rest over the summer from their usual fund raising and social events organizing. The 2013/14 school year was a great success ending with the FOHE paying for the whole school trip to Filey at the end of term. A real benefit to all the children of the school and a lovely way to spend some of the money raised during the year. !We are all raring to get started again in September and are hoping that some new parents or friends of the School might decide to pop along to our first meeting of the school year on Tuesday 16th September 8pm at school. If they do, they will be able to find out more about what we do for the school as well as bringing all their ideas along to help with future events. !Events coming up…. !It is the annual Macmillan coffee afternoon on Friday 26th September 2pm – 4pm and the half yearly Bags to School collection has been booked for Wednesday 5th November so look out for the bags and start saving your unwanted clothes etc. !Other ways to fundraise !With Christmas round the corner (yes I used the “C” word already)…..don’t forget you can also help raise funds for the school just by shopping. Make sure you do your online shopping through www.thegivingmachine.co.uk to help raise funds at no extra cost to yourselves. In addition if you shop at www.yellowmoon.co.uk  (a  great  website  for  party  things  and  craWy  things)  you  can  get  cashback  for  the  school.    They  are  websites  definitely  worth  checking  out.  !


HADE EDGE Academy of Music

by Simon Wood

Those  hot  summer  days  never  quite  last  long  enough  do  they!!!  Ah  well,  the  sun  shone  once  again  on  us  at  the  village  gala.  The  Youth  band  marched  us  through  the  village  and  the  Junior  band  entertained  on  the  4ield.  Once  again  I  didn’t  get  chance  to  conduct  the  band  as  the  kids  kept  taking  charge.  It  was  another  lovely  day  though  and  the  Accordion  and  Concertina  band  were  able  to  conclude  the  afternoons  entertainment  with  their  eclectic  mix  of  song.  !We’ve  had  a  lovely  mix  of  concerts  over  the  summer,  the  old  folks  treats  are  always  a  pleasure  and  of  course  the  TDF  weekend  was  fantastic.  Chloe  managed  the  preparation  of  the  40  pieces  of  art  work  hanging  by  the  river,  fantastic,  and  our  Rock  Schools  and  Jazz  Collective  played  at  Honley  Festival  and  Honley  Summerfest  while  the  Youth  Band  watched  the  spit4ires  4ly  over  Upperthong  Gala!!  We  also  had  two  gloriously  sunny  days  at  Cliffe  Rec  and  Oakwell  Hall.  Well,  I'm  telling  myself  they  were  sunny…..  !We’ve  had  Trinity  College  and  Associated  Board  exams  in  the  summer  term.  Running  simultaneous  exams  was  a  4irst  for  me  but  worked  perfectly  and  we  had  our  best  set  of  results  ever  so  THANKYOU  to  all  our  brilliant  teachers  and  all  the  pupils  that  did  so  well.    !We  have  two  new  teachers  to  add  to  our  team  this  term  with  a  specialist  Piano  and  Cello  tutor  so  anybody  looking  for  music  tuition  can  contact  me  directly.  07973  426939.  Brass,  wind,  percussion,  guitar,  strings  and  piano  lessons  are  all  available  now.  !We  will  soon  be  running  as  Hope  Bank  Works  Creative  Hub,  changing  from  the  Academy  of  Music  to  re4lect  the  diversity  at  Hope  Bank.  Apart  from  the  music  we  have  lots  and  lots  of  art,  yoga,  drama,  dressmaking  and  fashion,  patchwork,  baby  massage,  afternoon  sing  song  and  lots  more.  We  also  have  plenty  of  rooms  available  for  hire.  Alternatively  pop  in  and  have  a  coffee.  On  Saturdays  you  can  even  get  breakfast  all  morning  and  as  ever  there’s  the  obligatory  free  Wi-­‐Fi.      See  you  all  soon    !Simon   8

Hade  Edge  Birds  (To  August  2014)  

As  I  write  this  in  late  August  it  is  a  quiet  6me  for  birdlife.  The  raising  of  young  is  largely  complete,  there  are  s6ll  plenty  of  insects  and  other  food  so  life  is  probably  easier  than  at  any  other  6me  of  year.  This  makes  it  more  difficult  for  birdwatchers  as  the  birds  are  quiet  and  not  easy  to  see  amongst  the  thick  leaf  cover.    The  major  excep6on  of  course  is  the  Robin  which  has  suddenly  become  very  vocal  and  conspicuous  defending  their  territories  in  prepara6on  for  the  winter.    It  always  seems  the  Robin’s  autumn  song  is  a  li\le  more  mournful  than  in  the  spring6me;  but  maybe  it’s  just  one’s  own  percep6on  with  the  changing  of  the  seasons.    

For  some  years  cuckoos  seem  to  have  been  fairly  scarce  judging  by  the  lack  of  their  dis6nc6ve  double  note  in    the  countryside.  This  year  I  have  heard  them  around  (though  not  necessarily  seen)  several  6mes  and  I  wonder  if  anyone  else  has  no6ced  this?    The  spring  and  summer  seems  to  have  been  good  again  for  the  numbers  of  waders  in  and  around  our  moorlands  with  Snipe  being  seen  on  many  occasions  displaying    in  the  area  of  Flight  Hill;    Lapwings,  Curlews  and  Oystercatchers  in  good  numbers,  and  Common  Sandpipers  occasionally  seen  on  the  banks  of  Winscar  reservoir.    

 On  the  minus  side  Li\le  Owls  must  have  suffered  from  the  very  wet  winter.    Their  feathers  are  not  waterproof  and  so  feeding  at  6mes  of  con6nuous  wet  weather  is  a  big  problem  for  them.    In  the  last  few  years  I  have  seen  them  perching  on  the  stone  walls  of  the  fields  around  the  village  and  with  remarkable  consistency  on  the  stone  wall  just  below  the  school.    However  this  year  I  have  so  far  seen  none.    I  would  be  very  interested  if  anyone  else  has  seen  them.  

Our  bird  table  has  been  busy  as  usual.  Blue  Tits  and  Great  Tits  seem  to  have  had  a  good  season  with  the  occasional  Bullfinch  and  the  usual  profusion  of  Sparrows.    The  scarcity  of  the  la\er  in  many  parts  has  been  well  documented  but  we  do  seem  to  have  a  good  popula6on  here.    Collared  Doves  too  are  a  daily  visitor  to  the  table.    Difficult  to  imagine  they  only  arrived  naturally  in  this  country  in  the  1950s.  On  the  down  side  Greenfinches  have  been  very  scarce  on  our  bird  table.    In  previous  years  they  have  always  been  regular,  so  again  has  this  been  no6ced  on  other  tables  in  Hade  Edge  or  are  we  just  unfortunate?    Linnets  also  seem  to  be  less  common  but  have  been  made  up  for  by  an  apparent  increase  in  the  number  of  Goldfinches  which  have  been  foraging  on  the  seed  heads  in  some  of  the  fields.      

One  of  the  bird  highlights  of  the  year  for  me  has  been  the  sigh6ng  of  two  Siskins,  one  on  the  bird  table  and  the  other  in  Green  Abbey,  both  in  July.  This  is  unusual  as  Siskins  are  generally  winter  visitors  to  the  area.  

As  for  birds  of  prey,  Kestrels  may  not  have  been  quite  such  a  regular  sight  hovering  over  our  fields,  but  a  Buzzard  was  seen  over  Magnum  earlier  this  month    and  a  Sparrowhawk  has  made  a  few  forays  into  our  garden,  dashing  through  hoping  no  doubt  to  latch  onto  some  unsuspec6ng  Sparrow.  

Swallows  were  quite  a  sight  on  a  wet  day  on  August  Bank  holiday  with  a  large  number  swooping  for  insects  very  low  over  Dunford  Road.  They  will  need  to  stock  up  on  fat  for  their  arduous  journey  to  Africa  coming  up  soon.    

Michael  Moorhouse    9

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If you want to revisit the Breeze Magazine it can now be found on line at http://www.hadeedgevillage.org.uk in the Newsletters Section. Click on the issuu sign and you can find the publications on there to refer back to.


Hi can you help? We are having a Hade Edge Goes Vintage Event on 4th October and need willing volunteers for the day and/or night This will be a fun event and enjoyable for volunteers involved and you will help raise much needed money for the local children's cancer charity Candlelighters. If you can spare an hour or two please get in touch, or even if you can give out flyers or sell tickets. THANK YOU it means such a lot ! Call Laura, 07939 091010 or Dinah, 07738 676689 and help raise money for a fantastic charity.!

Day Event


Evening Event



Senior football Secretary Edward Dalton 688689. Junior football Representative Audrey Dalton 684924 !Do have a look at us on www.hadeedgeafc.co.uk !TRAINING Senior training has begun, Wednesday evenings 7.00pm at the ground. U 16’s training on Sundays and Tuesdays. U 13 /12 training on Wednesdays 6 – 7 pm at the rec. U 11.s Wednesday 5.30 at the rec. Under 9’s training on Saturday mornings 10am at the rec All training begins at the start of September. THIS SEASON This next season begins on the 27th August for the Seniors and 6/7th September for the Juniors. We will have the three senior teams and nine junior teams – there are spaces so do contact us if you are interested in playing for the club, and two training teams for the very young enthusiasts. The ethos of the club is to enable all who would like to play the game of football in a friendly and encouraging way. !NEW CLUB HOUSE. Nearly there but still some fundraising needed to do the finishing off. Hopefully the Harvest Auction will be able to be held in the new facilities, I’ll let you know. !


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L & CA Tyas Local plumber and Heating Engineer Bathrooms and Kitchens Fitted Tiling and all General Plumbing ! Please call Les on 01484 690486 Barn House, Bowshaw, Hade Edge

PPC Services Professional Pest Control Moles, Wasps, Ants, Fleas, Rats, Mice, Cockroaches, Rabbits and Foxes. Paul Harvey 07973 524332 (ph37jh38@aol.com5


Huddersfield Sailing Club Bart’s Bash September 21st !!On the 21st September Huddersfield Sailing Club will be taking part in Bart’s Bash, a global sailing race and fundraising event. Thousands of sailors worldwide will race on the same day in an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record, raise money for charity, inspire the next generation and remember Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson, Gold & Silver Olympic medallist and America’s Cup sailor . !Andrew Simpson was killed on the 9th May 2013 during training for the 34th America's Cup, when the Swedish Artemis Racing team yacht he was aboard capsized near Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. !In 2013 a charity named the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation was set up to honour his life and legacy by using sailing to transform the lives of young people. !The inaugural Bart’s Bash is a sailing race that will be run by sailing clubs all around the world on the same day on behalf of the charity. Each sailing club will sail an individual Bart’s Bash race at their location with certain requirements to meet the Guiness World Record criteria for "The Largest Sailing Race in 24 Hours.” Huddersfield Sailing Club will be racing against 570 clubs in 50 different countries and against Yachts, dinghies and windsurfers. !Much more information on the event can be found at www.bartsbash.co.uk !

! Huddersfield Sailing Club

Hade Edge Where it’s always a good sailing day!



If you had a great time at the Huddersfield food and drink Festival, then don't forget to get the Holmfirth Food and Drink Festival in your diaries! Running on September 27th and 28th September 2014, we have lot's of food stalls to tickle your taste buds, lots of entertainment and competitions to join in with.!!We have a large range of Worldwide cuisines to savour from locally made jams, pies to ostrich burgers with lot's of lovely beverages to wash them down with!!!We also have the Cookery demonstrations compered by Holmfirth's own DJ Gary Duncan. You will learn loads of new things so are well worth a watch!!!The festival takes place across the centre of Holmfirth with the park and walk available at the Sands Recreation Ground.!!The festival runs from 10am-5pm on the Saturday and Sunday.!!!Kerry Sykes!!



Well what a jolly successful Gala we had this year. The weather was kind to us and the football field was full of happy smiling faces having a great time. The procession of the Gala King, Queen and attendants was led by the Holmfirth Police and the wonderful Simon Wood and the Hade Edge Academy training band. The Gala was officially opened by Jason McCartney MP. The field was full of classic vehicles and lots of fantastic attractions and stalls for both adults and children. It was the best Gala yet. There was lots to keep people occupied with entertainment including the Hade Edge School Choir, MSA Thai boxing display team and Simon Woods band. The fun dog show was super, we had lots of happy waggy tails. The competition entries were amazing! Thank you all who entered. Thank you to all who came to support the Gala and thanks to our volunteers, who are the back bone of the Gala, without you it wouldn't be possible. We raised around £5K (A RECORD) to be split between the School, Nursery, Chapel, Football Club and the HEAR Committee (for the seniors Christmas meal, the common maintenance and the village planters). Thank you every body! Roll on 11th July 2015!! !

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Party in the park gets better every year. It is turning into a mini festival. The four bands, Reg & the Tormentors, Unsuited, Firth Wind & Fire and State of Confusion were brilliant . The rain held off until around 10pm and by then people were having so much fun that they were dancing in the rain! Alfresco Pizza and Masala Lounge laid on great food and the bar kept every body well hydrated. People brought their tents and camper vans and a wonderful fun filled family event was had in Hade Edge. Thanks to all volunteers who helped clear the field the following morning (paid in kind with bacon butties). If you haven’t tried the Party in the Park before then it’s highly recommended. Ask any body who came this year!


Beautiful Gala Queen Lucy Sykes & Handsome Gala King Harry Crook

Jason McCartney MP with our Gala King & Queen and attendants Faith Swindell & Jack Dalton 21

Willow the Eagle Owl & Storm the Harris Hawk


Faith Swindell- 2014 Winner of the Breeze Photography Competition with her Trophy


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Busy Busy Busy!



!!!!!Simon Law & Son Plumbing & Heating are specialists

in power-flushing central heating systems, which is a requirement when installing a new boiler onto old pipework and radiator systems. We use the latest power-flushing equipment to clean your heating system and increase the efficiency. Power-flushing your central heating system could save you up to 25% off your fuel bills. We are also Gas Safe Registered and carry out gas work, boiler changes and servicing. We are a local independent family company from Holmfirth, so please give us a call & we will be more than happy to help




Photos courtesy of Joe Brereton & Kerry Sykes


Photo Competition The theme for this photography competition is “ ANIMALS” We want entries from adults and children please. All kids get a prize & the overall children's winner for each breeze will get a super prize too. Don’t forget your photos will be printed in the December Breeze! The overall best children’s photo for the year will get a trophy at the Hade Edge Gala 2015. Find the Breeze in full colour too at http://www.hadeedgevillage.org.uk !

Send us your photos!



Seasonal  cuts  available  at  Addys  

A2er  enjoying  a  long  hot  summer,  ripe  for  firing  up  the  BBQ,  Hade  Edge  is  slowly  finding  itself  subject  to  cooler,  weAer  condiBons.  Whilst  this  may  not  be  to  everybody’s  liking,  it  brings  along  a  few  perks,  namely  some  of  the  delicious  cuts  of  meat  and  seasonal  Game  birds.  

We  have  bulk  buy  offers  on  Prime  Diced  beef  and  Minced  Steak,  so  if  you  wish  to  make  a  pan  full  of  Chilli  or  a  huge  Meat  and  Potato  pie  we  have  you  covered.  We  also  stock  our  always  popular  Beef  George’s  and  Lamb  Henrys.  These  are  individual  porBons  of  meat  le2  on  the  bone  for  full  flavour.  The  lamb  is  then  marinated  in  Mint  and  the  Beef  is  in  a  Salt  and  Pepper  Glaze.  Pot  roast  for  3-­‐4  hours  or  alternaBvely  leave  in  the  slow  cooker  while  you  go  to  work  for  a  delicious  meal  you  can  serve  when  you  get  home.  

The  shooBng  season  is  upon  us  also  and  as  a  result  we  will  have  a  variety  of  game  birds  in  stock  as  they  become  available.  These  include  Grouse,  Partridge  and  Pheasant.  Don’t  worry  if  you  have  never  cooked  game  before  as  advice  is  always  on  hand.  

We  will  also  be  taking  orders  for  our  famous  pies  for  both  Halloween  and  Bonfire  night.  If  you  are  having  a  party  and  need  to  cater  for  the  masses  our  Family  Steak  pies  feed  around  10  people  and  just  need  warming  and  serving,  or  you  could  always  go  for  the  tradiBonal  pork  pie  and  mushy  peas.  

All  of  these  products  can  be  found  alongside  our  extended  range  menBoned  in  the  last  issue  of  the  Breeze,  so  if  you  need  any  pantry  items  or  ingredients  to  help  you  prepare  these  dishes  please  pop  in  and  have  a  browse.    

All  the  best,  



Country Watch with Jack Snittle

Safeguarding Yorkshire’s Gold Reserves !Many of us in Yorkshire don’t know it, but we’re sat on one of the world’s most wonderful natural resources. !Forget Gold, forget Platinum. Not oil, gas or coal (or rhubarb!). I’m talking about a resource so plentiful we see it every day. We walk on it and it shelters us from the rain. Yet it’s so valuable that scumbags, scroats and shysters travel in gangs to pillage it by night. !I’m talking about Yorkshire stone. A raw materials par excellence. So versatile it’s been used for flagstones, roofing, walling (coursed, random, dry stone, snack and jump), kerbs, cobbles, copings and slabs. Our location, in the foothills of the Penines, places us right in the centre of the Yorkshire triangle. !Along with wool, turbochargers and set-top box technology, it’s one of West Yorkshires finest exports. If you don’t believe me look at London’s finest kerbs and pavements- see that Yorkshire flags pave the revitalised Belfast Harbour- and wonder at the fact that it’s exported from here- the li’l old Holme Valley- for projects as far afield as Finland, Japan and the US of A. !So maybe now we can see why we’re constantly seeing roofs part-stripped, wall toppings taken and random flags lifted around the valley. Unscrupulous ne’er-do-wells thieve by night and e bay by day. Enough I say! Let’s all be vigilant and catch these lowlifes- before there are no roofs left!


!!Hade Edge Preschool !Early years Education for 2 – 4 year olds !

www.hadeedgepreschool.com info@hadeedgepreschool.com

Tel: 01484 681206 or 07584 895929 !Learning through play

!What a busy few months we have had …

We have said good bye to a few of our children at the end of summer who are moving up to “Big School” and very excited they are too. To help their transition we have had some visits to school and played in Mrs Koltuk’s class room. The children were very impressed with their school dinners too! We have also welcomed a few new faces and still have spaces for 3yrs + so please get in touch with us if you would like your child to start preschool in the village.

What a fantastic summer term we had, with some lovely weather, we had lots of outdoor fun. The children love playing in the chapel gardens and going for walks around the village. We really do live in such a lovely place.

The Chapel held a tea and cakes morning during Le Tour de France weekend. They have kindly donated ½ the takings to the preschool and we plan to use this to take all our children on a special outing when we get back from our holidays. Thank you very much to all who were involved.

The Tour de France really was spectacular and it was great for families to get involved. We had our own mini Tour de France with our tricycles and the children had fun chasing each other. They also produced some fantastic artwork (handprints in the shape of a bicycle). This was displayed as part of a giant cycling jersey at Bridge Mills over le Tour De Yorkshire weekend.

As well as all our normal fun things; cooking, painting, drawing, singing, role-playing, number work, letter work, phonics and dancing, we also had a visit to Holmfirth police station to complement our “Public Services” topic – thank you to Sgt Hughes who showed us around the building, let the children sit in a real police car (with the sirens on!), try on a police officer’s jacket, handcuffs, hat and look at truncheon. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and when they returned to the preschool they had great fun putting Jane and Lyndsay in the mock jail area. In fact, they have been left there all summer! (ha-ha)

The Hade Edge gala was a huge success and the preschool children looked wonderful in their animal costumes. Well done everyone! Very well done to Sam and Zoe S for winning the animal costume competition, to Millie T for winning the animal print artwork and to Lucie G for coming 3rd in the children’s chocolate cupcake competition. Thanks also go to the parents and staff who helped run stalls on behalf of the preschool and to Sally Swindell for organising all our stalls. Our village gala really does get bigger and better every year.

Thank you for all your continuous support over the last term, and we look forward to the term ahead.

Rachael Oaks (Preschool committee secretary)


The HEAR Committee of Hade Edge

If you are interested in coming along to a the HEAR Committee meeting and want to help in making Hade Edge a great place to live please do. Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month. Call Matthew on 680767 for the meeting venue. Village Committee HEAR members Chair- Matthew Milburn 680767 Deputy- Richard Slack- 07871 959102 Deputy- Charlotte Earnshaw- 688190 Treasurer- Alan Davidson 07732 531123 Secretary- Leigh Milburn 680767 Breeze Editor- Dave Lloyd 07733 243059 Advertising Secretary- Janet Johnston 687677 Chapel Liaison- Charlotte Earnshaw 688190 School Liaison- David Craggs 07919 698917 Pre school Liaison- Rachel Smith 07841 743671 Band Liaison/ Edgy Sessions/Breeze- Helen Craggs 0784 1752973 Football Liaison- David Dalton 684924 Events Promotions- Kerry Sykes 680235

Pam Moorhouse Michael Moorhouse Andrea Turner

Howard Johnston Emma Atkin Tracey Hawley Audrey Dalton Cameron Irving

If you have anything you would like to include in the Breeze stories/comments/letters/events please do not hesitate to either ring Dave Lloyd the Editor or e mail info@hadeedgebreeze.co.uk We would love to HEAR from you! Next Breeze due out early December 2014


Hade Edge Band

A  warm  welcome  to  you  all  from  the  Band  and  we  hope  you  all  had  a  pleasant  summer  in  Hade  Edge.    Since  our  last  report  in  The  Breeze  the  Band  have  had  a  very  busy  schedule  during  the  Spring  and  leading  up  to  the  summer  break  in  August.  

During  May  and  June  the  Band  performed  at  many  of  their  tradiBonal  venues:  Whit  Friday,  Morley,  Brighouse  also  this  year  at  Brockholes  Gala,  and  especially  at  the  Durham  Miners  Gala  in  July  which  was  so  well  supported  by  the  public  this  year    the  bands  had  great  difficulty  ge\ng  through  the  streets  of  Durham.  It  was  esBmated  that  there  were  in  excess  of  120,000  spectators  at  the  event  this  year  and  the  Band  enjoyed  playing  once  again  for  the  village  of  Sacriston.  For  this  year  in  parBcular,  during  June  and  July  the  Band  were  involved  in  events  linked  into  the  Tour  De  France  through  Yorkshire  FesBval  and  their  sponsors  Welcome  to  Yorkshire.  The  open-­‐air  concert  at  the  Band  Room  in  June,  as  part  of  The  Tour  De  Brass  concert  events  (only  8  Bands  were  chosen  in  the  whole  of  the  Yorkshire  region),  was  very  well  supported  and  comments  a2erwards  from  villagers    that  we  should  make  the  concert  an  annual  event  in  Hade  Edge  at  the  Band  Room.  The  weekend  of  the  Tour  De  France  was  a  magical  weekend  for  the  Band.  The  building  and  field  were  open  to  many  visitors  from  far  and  wide  who  visited    Yorkshire  and  especially  our  region.The  bacon  bu\es  etc  served  in  the  Band  Room  were  a  delight  to  everyone  who  parked    on  the  field  or  who  were  passing  the  Band  Room  on  their  way  to  Holme  Moss.  The  disrupBon  in  the  village  appeared  to  be  well  managed  and  did  not  disrupt  the  village  life  too  much  on  the  day.  In  fact  it  was  lovely  to  see  so  many  visitors  in  the  village.  

Now  into  September  the  Band  have  a  very  busy  schedule  this  month,  playing  at  Homfirth  Civic  Hall  for  the  Friends  of  Holme  Valley  Hospital,  and  the  following  day  playing  in  the  Hardraw  Scar  Contest  up  in  the  Dales  to  defend  our  Btle  of  Winners  in  2013.  The  following  weekend  the  Band  are  at  Wetherby  Bandstand  for  a  pleasant  Sunday  a2ernoon  concert  and  then  on  Sunday  28th  September  an  evening  concert  at  The  Carding  Shed,  Hepworth  with  guest  soloist  Johnny  Bates,  Solo  Horn  player  with  Black  Dyke  Band.  Tickets  are  available  from  the  Band,  but  please  get  them  early  as  the  last  concert  was  a  sell-­‐out.    

In  October  we  will  be  holding  a  “Subscribers”  Concert  in  the  Band  Room  on  Thursday  30th  October.  This  will  replace  the  usual  rehearsal  for  the  Band  on  this  night  and  everyone  is  welcome  to  come  along  –  you  don’t  have  to  be  a  Subscriber/Friend  of  Hade  Edge,  but  you  may  wish  to  sign-­‐up  on  the  night.  Please  come  along  and  support  your  local  village  Brass  Band  –  we  depend  on  you  for  the  future  of  the  Band  and  remember  we  are  less  than  4  years  away  from  our  110thanniversary  celebraBons  in  2018  of  the  Bands  formaBon  in  1908.  


November  will  see  the  Band  playing  in  The  Brass  Factor  in  Holmfirth  once  again  and  performing  at  a  new  contest  venue  down  in  Leicestershire  later  in  the  month.  Please  see  our  Website  for  details  on  all  our  engagements  for  the  remainder  of  2014.  

As  menBoned  in  our  last  report  the  plans    to  start  up  our    Junior  Band  are  going  ahead.  The  first  rehearsal  will  be  on  Thursday  25th  September  at  7pm  for  an  hour  before  the  Senior  Band  rehearsal  and  every  Thursday  therea2er.  If  you  know  of  anyone  who  plays  a  brass  instrument  and  wants  to  join  the  Junior  Band  (no  age  limit)  then  please  come  along  to  our  rehearsals.  

The  plans  to  gain  much  needed  income  in  order  to  maintain  The  Edgar  Dickinson  Building  and  the  Home  of  Hade  Edge  Band  have  seen  the  building  being  used  by  various  groups  and  acBviBes  over  the  last  few  months  including  a  pre-­‐wedding  recepBon  gathering,  exam  boards  ,concerts  and  the  perfect  place  to  rest  during  the  Tour  De  France  event.  

One  important  event  that  the  villagers  can  support  is  the  Candlelighter’s  event  (Children’s    Cancer  Charity)  which  will  take  place  on  Saturday  4th  October  in  the  Band  Room.  There  will  be  lots  of  stalls  etc  for  you  to  support  and  get  involved  in  on  this  day.  Please  call  in  and  see  what  it  is  all  about.  We  will  post  more  informaBon  on  this  event  as  we  get  it.  Please  read  our  noBce  board.  

We  are  also  very  excited  that  Kirklees  College  have  chosen  our  venue  for  Adult  Learning  Classes  that  will  take  place  from  September  2014.  Classes  on  Healthy  Cooking,  Yoga,  Sewing  and  Upholstery  are  being  organised  by  the  College.  Please  go  to  their  website  if  you  are  interested  in  joining  any  of  these  classes:  their  website  is  www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk  or  call  the  College  on  01484  437070  for  more  details.  Classes  will  take  place  over  Monday/Tuesday  and  Wednesday’s  of  each  week  and  it  is  hoped  that  villagers  will  join  and  support  these  classes  which  for  the  very  first  Bme  will  take  place  in  your  home  village  Band  Room.  

To  end  the  year  we  have  a  very  exciBng  concert  coming  up  on  Sunday  21st  December  in  the  evening  at  the  Carding  Shed,  Hepworth.  The  Christmas  concert  will  be  full  of  fesBve  music  and  food  for  the  occasion  and  the  Band  will  be  joined  by  those  wonderful  ladies  from  Denby  Dale  Ladies  Choir.  What  a  treat  for  you  everyone  in  the  lead  up  to  Christmas  Day.  Tickets  will  be  on  sale  at  The  Carding  Shed  and  through  the  Band  so  please  book  early.  

Once  again  thank  you  all  for  your  support  over  the  last  few  months.  Hade  Edge  Band  is  very  grateful  to  you  all  and  wish  it  to  conBnue  for  many  years  to  come.  

!Robert  Turnbull  

Chair  of  HEB  

07774  121391  



For more details or enrolment on any of the classes please contact Kirklees!College.!www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk !



A warm welcome awaits at theA warm welcome awaits at the



& Thurs9am - 3pm

Fri9am - 1pm

per hour


Hade Edge Sunday School/Village Hall ! The hall is available for hire for only £25 for 2 hours. Ideal for Children’s Birthday Parties. ! Contact: Sarah Pursehouse on 688861 or 07746 145631 36

Hade Edge Methodist Church !

Services  are  held  every  Sunday  at  2.30p.m.  

Everyone  is  most  warmly  welcomed.  Tea  and  coffee  and  biscuits  a2er  each  service  and  our  welcome  is  as  warm  as  

our  coffee.  Minister  Rev  Jo  Brown:  Telephone  

681477    (from  1  Sep  2014)  !

!The  Warmest  of  Welcomes  

We  extend  the  very  warmest  of  welcomes  to  our  new  probaBonary  minister  Rev  Jo  Brown.  We  pray  for  God’s  blessing  on  her  ministry.  Rev  Jo’s  first  service  will  be  on  Sunday  7  September  which  will  provide  you  with  an  opportunity  to  meet  her.  

Good  News  from  the  Pews  

1.   Jacob’s  ladder  

             These  services  are  specifically  designed  for  families  and  last  around  45  minutes.  All  services  commence  at  2.30p.m.  Dates  of  forthcoming  services  are  as  follows:    

             September  7  (Welcome  back  aQer  the  holidays)  

October  5  (JL  and  harvest  FesBval)  

November  2  

December  7  (Toy  and  Gi2  Service)  

!2.   Harvest  FesSval  –  5  October  2014  

With  a  tradiBonal  harvest  display.  DonaBons  of  Bnned  food  and  packets;  cereal,  tea,  coffee,  pasta,  will  be  given  to  the  Huddersfield  Mission  for  their  work  with  the  Kirklees  community.    

!3.   Remembrance  Sunday  –  9  November  2014  

A  service  which  provides  an  opportunity  for  each  of  us  to  remember  the  fallen.  

!! 37

!4.   Church  Anniversary  –  16  November  2014  

Come  and  celebrate  the  birthday  of  our  Church.  

!5.   First  Sunday  in  Advent  –  30  November  2014  

Come  and  celebrate  the  news  of  the  coming  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour.  Children  are  especially  welcome  to  help  decorate  our  Christmas  tree.  

!6.   Toy  and  GiQ  Service  –  7  December  2014  

Please  bring  your  gi2s  of  new  toys  (unwrapped  please)  which  will  be  given  to  the  Huddersfield  Mission  for  distribuBon  at  Christmas  to  the  children  in  the  Kirklees  area  who,  without  your  gi2,  would  receive  nothing.  RegreAably,  good  quality  second  hand  toys  are  no  longer  acceptable  for  health  and  safety  reasons.  

!7.   Candlelight  Carols  –  Christmas  Eve  2014,  11.30p.m.  

You  are  most  warmly  welcomed  to  celebrate  the  birth  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  at  this  very  special  service.  

  No  service  will  be  held  on  28  December  2014  

!!Smiles  from  the  Aisles  

I  remember  when  tenders  were  being  submiAed  for  the  construcBon  of  the  Channel  Tunnel.  McAlpine  had  submiAed  one  for  £50  million.  Wimpey’s  was  £49  million.  However,  Fred  and  Charlie  Entwistle’s  quote  was  for  £2  million.  When  the  appropriate  Ministry  official  quesBoned  the  intrepid  duo  how  they  were  going  to  achieve  this  monumental  project  for  just  £2  million,  the  reply  was  –  Fred  will  start  digging  from  Dover  and  Charlie  will  start  digging  from  Calais.  “Ah”  said  the  official,  “what  if  you  don’t  meet  in  the  middle?”  “Well”  said  Fred  and  Charlie,  “you’ll  have  two  tunnels,  won’t  you!”  

David  EllioA  (Pastoral  Secretary)  


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!!My name is Hettie Irving and I am 16 years old. I am currently studying at Holmfirth High School and I live in Hade Edge. I am available for babysitting on weekdays until 11pm and later on Fridays and Saturdays. My fee is £5 per hour. Please contact me if you are interested. Thank you.

07713 138239 01484 681692

Babysitting Service


The postcard Inn !

Edgy Sessions

Acoustic Night

!First Saturday of every Month

!Free Entry Music starts at 8.30pm

Come along & support your village

October 4th Lewis Jack Manning Unsuited !November 1st Stephany Stevenson & Matt Bentley Roger Davis Firth Wind & Fire !!December 6th Reg & the Tormentors Rum Doodle Alex Quinn & the Man in the Street 40


Hade Edge is in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Holmfirth. Services; 8.00am B.C.P. Communion, every other week. !10.30am Parish Eucharist every week. !Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals; Rev Keith Griffin 682644 !We have Sunday Activities for four to ten year olds during the service every Sunday morning. !Harvest Festival to be held on the 5th October at 10.30am. !Events; During the Autumn there will be various events held in the gallery room in the church; Saturday 27th September – church cake stall at the Food and Drink Festival !Saturday 8th November is the date of the Autumn Fair 10.00am until 2.00pm All are welcome to any of these services and events. !!!!Appeal for books. Appeal for books. Appeal for books. Appeal for books. We would be very grateful for any books you no longer require, which we can sell in our second hand bookstall which is open during the summer months. We can arrange to collect any books: 01484 684924. Thank you.


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