Hacking Git and GitHub

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Hacking Git and GitHub

www.edureka.co/git-githubHacking Git


What will you learn today?

Creating GitHub repository

Pushing code to remote GitHub repository

Unstaging files

Using alias and gitignore file

Creating new branches and merging them back to master branch


Initializing a Git Repository



Staging and Committing Changes

Staging changes

Committing changes


Creating a remote GitHub Repository

To push the committed changes, you need to create a repository on GitHub. To create a GitHub repository go to https://github.com/ and create a new repository, by clicking on New repository link


Creating a remote GitHub Repository

GitHub Repository


Pushing to GitHub Repository

Once GitHub repository is created copy the repository link and push the code as shown below

Note that master is the default branch which is created automatically when we create a GitHub repository


Changes on GitHub repository

After pushing changes to GitHub repository, all the committed code can be seen on GitHub. Its always a good idea to put a README file in all the GitHub repo which explains about repository


Adding a README file

You can see the complete syntax for markdown here https://help.github.com/articles/markdown-basics/



Staging and Committing the README file

Staging README.md

Committing README.md


Pushing README changes to GitHub

Pushing changes


GitHub repo after adding README file

After adding READMe.md file Live repository will look like as shown below, which explains about the repo


Creating a remote handle

Previously we pushed the changes to remote repository using the URL of the repository. Rather than typing the URL each time or copying and pasting the URL, we can create a short handle for that as shown below

Creating a remote handle

Pushing changes to GitHub repository

Note that master is the default branch which is created automatically when we create a GitHub repository


Adding new file

Added new file data.txt

git status shows, there is one file data.txt which is untracked by Git


Staging and Committing in one command

We can stage and commit changes in one command by combining git add and git commit, as shown below

Note that we have used && operator to combine both add and commit command


Staging multiple filesBut what If I added 5 new

files, can I commit all the files with one

single command ?


Adding new files

Here we have added 5 new files (file1.html, file2.html and so on). git status shows that 5 files are untracked


Staging multiple files

We can stage all the untracked files using –A option with git add as shown below

Staging multiple files with git add -A


Creating Alias

Staging and committing is very frequent operation while working with Git, its always a good option to create a short alias for long Git commands that you have to type frequently

Above we have created alias add-commit for add and commit git commands


Removing some files from Commit

Its always a good practice to commit only those files to GitHub repository that are required. So if you are having a Java project you should remove .class files and any other file that have sensitive information e.g. username/password etc.


Creating .gitignore file

.gitignore file is used to specify which files to exclude from commit.Here we have excluded all the files that are under .settings and build directory


Committing and Pushing the changes

Committing the changes

Pushing the changes


Verifying the changes

Note that both build and .settings directories are not pushed on GitHub, as we included them in .gitignore file


Unstaging a file

Consider the scenario where you have two files meetup-session.py and exercise.py You accidentally put both the files in staging area but you only want to commit meetup-session.py

Problem :

Solution :

We can unstage the exercise.py by using git rm --cached <file>


Staging both the files


Unstaging a file

Below we have unstaged exercise.py file




Why Branching ?

Suppose you want to add/update courses.html file to add new features but you don’t want to mess the original courses.html file. So what you will do ?


Why Branching ?

You will copy courses.html file and rename it to something else (in this case courses2.html). Once you are satisfied with your changes in courses2.html, you will delete courses.html file and rename courses2.html to courses.html. This tedious workflow can easily be solved by Git


Initializing the directory as Git repository


Committing all the changes

After committing all the changes

Now you want to add new feature to the project without messing with the current working code. Lets see how to achieve this efficiently with Git branching


Creating a new branch and switching to it

Creating new branch newFeature from master branch

Switching to new branch newFeature from master branch


Making changes in new branch


Just for demo purpose lets add a title tag and h1 header tag to courses.html, while we are working in newFeature branch


Unstaged changes in new branch

courses.html after adding title and h1 tag


Unstaged changes in new branch

Lets add a new file about.html while we are on newFeature branch

So we have modified courses.html and added a new file about.html while we are working on newFeature branch


Magic of Branches

Staging and committing the changes in the new branch

Changes made in newFeature branch will only be visible in newFeature branch not in master branch


Magic of Branches

When we switch to master branch, about.html will not be present as shown below, because those changes were made in newFeature branch and not in master branch.

To combine those changes in master branch we will have to merge newFeature branch in master branch


Merging Branches

To merge newFeature branch into master, first checkout to master branch and use the command git merge newFeature, as shown below

After merging, about.html and any other changes made in newFeature branch will be reflected in master branch as shown below



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