hack princeton

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of hack princeton

Hack Princeton

Kunal BatraDeveloper Evangelist


What is SendGrid ?

• Cloud based SMTP email Provider– Transactional: Registration, forgotten

passwords, account notifications.

• Massively Scalable• Analytics on the emails you send

– Unsubscribes, bounces …etc.

Why not build it myself ?

• Focus on your core application

• Maintaining Email Infrastructure Sucks!– Costly, Time-consuming, Boring!!

• 20% of legitimate email goes to spam

Some of our APIs

• SMTP API• Web API• Parse Webhook (Cool!)• Event Webhook

Parse API Demo!!

Take a photo of some Text&&

Send an email to:


Take a Photo

Parse Data from email

//Get Post from SendGrid

$from = $_POST["from"];$subject = $_POST["subject"];

//Get Attached Image $fh = fopen('/tmp/parse.log', 'a+');if ( $fh ) { fwrite($fh, print_r($_POST, true) . print_r($_FILES, true)); foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], "upload/".$file['name']); } fclose($fh); }

Convert Photo to text

$ocrapi = new Abby($config['abby']['app_id'], $config['abby']['password']);$docName = $ocrapi->convert($file['name']);

Send reply email//Send reply email with attached text document $filePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/upload/'.$docName;$sendgrid = new SendGrid($config['sendgrid']['api_user'], $config['sendgrid']['api_key']);

$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();

$mail-> addTo($from)-> setFrom($config['sendgrid']['my_email'])-> setSubject('Re: '.$subject)-> setText($docName)-> setHtml($docName)-> addAttachment($filePath);


Awesome Prizes- Retro NES/SNES Game Systems

Ouya Gaming Console

Mortal Kombat- 1993

Assorted NES Games


GO TOHack.Sendgrid.comSign up for a FREE account &&Tweet @kunal732 with your SendGrid username to get setup.