Habits property value

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Presentación de la solución de geomarketing inmobiliario Habits Property Value (#HabitsPV) en la Conferencia Europea ESRI 2011 ()#EUC11). Habits Property Value es la solución diseñada por AIS para la gestión de la venta de inmuebles.Habits Property Value tiene tres ejes fundamentales. Por un lado, facilita la localización geográfica de los posibles compradores para promociones de viviendas o cualquier tipo de activo inmobiliario. De este modo, permite realizar acciones mejor dirigidas y con un mayor retorno de la inversión.En segundo lugar, proporciona información de mercado. Esto es, por ejemplo, la distribución del precio por metro cuadrado en la zona del inmueble a vender.Por último, ofrece un simulador de precios que muestra cómo varía la probabilidad de venta para cada inmueble si se modifica el precio fijado.

Transcript of Habits property value

© AIS 2002- 2012

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Geomarketing and GIS tools for real estate sales and financial planning

© AIS 2002- 2012

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Wiser and richer

© AIS 2002- 2012

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How many?

How much?


Demand & Supply

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Real estate

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Immediate benefits Possibilities?

Naive strategy Data driven strategy

© AIS 2002- 2012

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Communication Convenience


• Local market preferences

• Personalized advertising

• Attraction of non clients

• Direct marketing in hotspots

• Client lists per office

• Specialized agencies by products and consumer profiles

• Web customization

• Consumer profiles

• Locate customers

• Local price definition

• Segment products by selling potential

• Financial impact

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Habits® Database

Demographic evolution

Property characteristics

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Where? How many?

The target in the area of influence is quantified through an origin (buyers) and destination (properties) precalculated data matrix

Higher Propensity


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Geographical sales model

Spain coverage at census area level

Local markets effect


Real estate selling potential

Higher smp

Lower smp

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Price policies

ROI calculation

Portfolio optimization

Minimum offer price to accept is also studied

Houses Apartments Discount Sold houses ROI Discount Sold apartments ROI

© AIS 2002- 2012

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Campaign designing

Census area level data allows a selection of the best properties in terms of selling probability by zone and price

Definition of the best channels to act through (offices, agencies, cashiers, mailing…)

Adaptation of the message to reach segmented markets

Give a look at the real estate selection we have made for you

We have thoroughly chosen those properties which stand out the most from our stock and which could be the beginning of new horizons and projects for you

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New business strategy through GIS data analysis

250% ROI

Path to follow in other sectors?

© AIS 2002- 2012

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AIS Intelligent Decisions

c/ Castillejos, 365, 2ª Planta 08025 Barcelona - España

Tel: +34 93 414 35 34 Fax: +34 93 414 10 28

marketing@ais-int.com www.ais-int.com