Habitat Selection and Site Fidelity of Cope's Gray Treefrog (Hyla ...

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Habitat Selection and Site Fidelity of Cope’s Gray Treefrog(Hyla chrysoscelis) at the Aquatic-Terrestrial Ecotone


Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina 28035-7118, USA

ABSTRACT.—Wetlands are essential breeding sites for many amphibians. The importance of terrestrial

habitat for many aquatic-breeding amphibian species is well known, although often understudied and

understated. This study examined the recapture rates, habitat use, and site fidelity of Cope’s Gray Treefrogs

(Hyla chrysoscelis) within and surrounding a wetland for 15 months. Using visible implant elastomer and

visible implant alpha tags, we tracked individuals as they used a grid of 110 PVC pipes as refugia. PVC pipe

refugia allow treefrogs to be sampled when not actively calling or breeding. We captured 82 individual frogs

a total of 141 times (59 recaptures). Treefrogs occupied pipes every month except during winter (December,

January, and February). Recapture rates decreased during the breeding season (May, June, and July).

Preferred pipes were in terrestrial habitat or close to trees instead of in aquatic habitat devoid of trees.

Treefrogs displayed high site fidelity; only three frogs were recaptured in pipes different from those in

which they were originally captured. Our results suggest that H. chrysoscelis select terrestrial habitat

adjacent to wetlands and have high site fidelity, which could have important implications for the

conservation of treefrogs and other wetland-breeding amphibians.

Wetlands provide critical habitat for a widevariety of amphibian species. However, manyamphibian species also require terrestrial hab-itat adjacent to wetlands to complete their lifecycle (Semlitsch, 1998). Understanding basicecological requirements is integral for develop-ing effective management and conservationstrategies for amphibians and the ecosystemsin which they reside (Pechmann et al., 1991).Although research focusing on rare or threat-ened species is important, common species playimportant roles in ecosystems, and their demisecould have serious consequences to overallecosystem integrity (Price et al., 2006). Addi-tionally, studies performed on common speciesare important because they can provide newinsight into the ecology of that species and rarespecies that share similar ecological traits.

Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) is anabundant hylid frog found throughout much ofthe eastern United States and all of NorthCarolina (Wright and Wright, 1949; Cline,2005). This species breeds in a variety of habitatsand is often found calling along the edges ofephemeral wetlands, ponds, and roadsideditches (Ritke et al., 1990). As a result of itsabundance, broad distribution, and easily de-tectable call, numerous studies have document-ed the natural history and dispersal mecha-nisms of this amphibian (Zweifel, 1970; Ritke et

al., 1990, 1992). Ritke et al. (1992) and Johnsonand Semlitsch (2003) found H. chrysoscelis andthe closely related Hyla versicolor prefer a singlebreeding site and are unlikely to disperse toother breeding ponds within or between breed-ing seasons. Both studies stressed the need topreserve upland habitat surrounding a wetlandto ensure that juveniles and adults havesufficient habitat. However, little data exist onupland habitat use by either H. chrysoscelis or H.versicolor.

Treefrogs are highly reclusive and wellcamouflaged, making them difficult to studyoutside of the breeding season and within theterrestrial habitat (Wright and Wright, 1949;Cline, 2005). Previous studies have employedvarious methods of studying these animals,such as opportunistic searching during periodsof high reproductive activity (Ritke et al., 1992),creating artificial pools near breeding sites toencourage colonization (Resetarits and Wilbur,1991), or performing frog-calling surveys (Zwei-fel, 1970). These methods are unlikely to allowobservations of treefrogs during nonbreedingseasons. One relatively novel method for sam-pling treefrogs is the use of polyvinyl chloride(PVC) pipe refugia (Moulton et al., 1996;Boughton et al., 2000). This is a passivesampling technique that facilitates the locationof treefrogs during the daytime or at times ofyear when they are not actively breeding(Wright and Wright, 1949; Cline, 2005), thusproviding a method to reliably and systemati-cally sample these frogs in aquatic and terres-trial habitats (Johnson, 2005).

1 Corresponding Author. E-mail: midorcas@davidson.edu

Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 378–385, 2008Copyright 2008 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

In this study, we used PVC pipe refugia tostudy the ecology of H. chrysoscelis within andaround a wetland for 15 months (September2005 to November 2006). Specifically, we exam-ined (1) capture and recapture rates throughoutthe study, (2) habitat selection of H. chrysoscelisthroughout a 15-month period, (3) movementand site fidelity of individuals, and (4) pipeoccupancy during the breeding and nonbreed-ing seasons.


We conducted this study within and aroundan ephemeral wetland at Cowan’s Ford WildlifeRefuge in Huntersville, North Carolina. Cow-an’s Ford Wildlife Refuge is a 270-ha areasurrounded on three sides by the CatawbaRiver. Our study was confined to a 0.93-hawetland and adjacent terrestrial habitat withinthe refuge. Vegetation surrounding the wetlandconsisted mostly of deciduous and pine forest,with some areas dominated by grasses andshrubs. We placed 110 PVC pipes in a 100 3

110 m grid over the wetland and surroundingwoodland habitat; pipes were arranged with10 m spacing between them at 90u angles(Fig. 1). Pipes had an inside diameter of3.8 cm, were approximately 1.5 m tall, and weredriven approximately 15 cm into the ground.

PVC pipes were set out in the wetland in July2005. All pipes were checked for the presence offrogs by looking into the pipe from the top onceevery two weeks from September 2005 throughNovember 2006—a total of 15 months. Samplingwas sporadic during July and August 2005;therefore, we only report data from September2005 until November 2006.

To coerce frogs out of a pipe, we removed thepipe from the ground and gently shook thepipe, allowing the frog to fall into our hands ora plastic bag (Boughton et al., 2000). The date oflast rainfall was determined for each samplingperiod, and we recorded the sampling periodsduring which the wetland was dry. Rainfall wasrecorded hourly at McGuire Nuclear ResearchStation (Duke Power) approximately 14.5 kmfrom the study site. Temperature to the nearest

FIG. 1. Diagram of wetland showing pipe array and indicating pipes occupied by treefrogs; 110 pipes werespaced at 90u angles, 10 m apart. Note that occupied pipes were primarily in terrestrial habitat, close to the trees.


1uC was recorded during each sampling period.Daily minimum temperature (recorded hourly)was obtained from the Davidson College Biol-ogy Department’s weather station in Mecklen-burg County, approximately 27.4 km northeastof the study site.

We individually marked adult and subadultfrogs and gave all recently metamorphosedfrogs a cohort mark. Individual marks werecreated with visible alphanumeric tags (VIalpha; Visible Implant [VI] Tags AlphanumericFormat, Northwest Marine Technology, ShawIsland, WA; Buckmeier and Irwin, 2000). Thesetags were inserted under the skin of each frog inthe tibial region of the left hind leg. Cohortmarks were created by injecting visible implantelastomer (VIE; Visible Implant Elastomer Tags,Northwest Marine Technology, Shaw Island,WA; Marold, 2001) under the skin within thetibial region of the right hind leg. Additionally,we photographed the back patterns of each frogto aid in identification (Kurashina et al., 2003).We determined the sex and approximate age ofeach frog. Age was determined by SVL andpresence of discernible back pattern; frogs werecategorized as follows: adults, SVLs of 30 mmor more; subadults, SVLs of more than 20 mmbut less than 30 mm; and recently metamor-phosed frogs, SVLs of 20 mm or less (Wrightand Wright, 1949; Harding, 1997). Subadultfrogs were those frogs with discernible backpatterns and smaller SVLs than the lower cutofffor adult frogs as determined by previousstudies (Wright and Wright, 1949; Harding,1997). Frogs with SVLs less than 20 mm did nothave discernible back patterns and, therefore,were considered recent metamorphs. Sex wasdetermined by examining the throat colorationof each animal (males had darker throats thanfemales, even during the nonbreeding season).Frogs were processed on site and returned tothe pipe in which they had been found within60 min.

We considered the peak breeding season to beMay, June, and July (Dorcas et al., 2007). Theshortest distance of each pipe from the high-water line of the wetland was measured to thenearest meter (Fig. 1). The distance of each pipeto the nearest tree trunk was measured to thenearest centimeter (Fig. 1). Trees were consid-ered to be any vegetation with a trunk diametergreater than 4.8 cm at breast height (15-cmcircumference).

To evaluate habitat selection, we comparedthe habitat surrounding pipes in which frogswere found to the distribution of pipes in andaround the wetland. We separated pipes intogroups based on distance to the high water lineof the wetland so that there were similarnumbers of pipes in each group. We used a

Chi-squared analysis to compare number ofpipes at each distance range with number offrogs captured at each distance range todetermine whether frogs were more likely tobe captured at certain distances. We alsocompared the distribution of frogs in pipesbetween the breeding and nonbreeding seasons.We separated pipes into groups based ondistance to the nearest tree so that there weresimilar numbers of pipes in each group. Weused a Chi-squared analysis to compare numberof pipes at each distance range with number offrogs captured at each distance range todetermine whether frogs were more likely inpipes closer to trees. We used a regressionanalysis to determine whether the number offrogs captured was affected by either monthlyrainfall or rainfall three days prior to thesampling date. We also used a Chi-squaredanalysis to determine whether capture rates ofmales were different than females. We used analpha of 0.05 to determine significance for alltests.


We captured 82 individual frogs, a total of 141times (59 recaptures). Of the frogs captured, 61were adults, 16 were subadults, and five wereclassified as metamorphs. Of the 61 adultscaptured, 54 were male and seven were female.Males were captured more often than females(X2

1 5 36.20, P , 0.05). The most oftenrecaptured individual was a subadult male thatwas captured nine times from 15 October 2005to 28 October 2006. Most frogs (N 5 56) werecaptured only once.

We captured frogs throughout the 15-monthsampling period except for: December 2005 andJanuary, February, and November 2006 (Fig. 2).Forty of the 110 pipes were occupied at leastonce by a treefrog. The greatest number of frogs(N 5 29) was captured in October 2005 (Fig. 2).The highest relative recapture rates (number ofunmarked vs. marked frogs) occurred duringNovember 2005, March 2006, September 2006,and October 2006, directly before and after thewinter months (Fig. 2). We observed a decreasein recapture rates in May, June, and July 2006(Fig. 2).

The lowest daily minimum air temperature atwhich a frog was found was 0.3uC in March2006. Daytime air temperature at the time of thiscapture was 12.7uC. The lowest monthly rainfalloccurred during September 2005, in which only4.1 mm of rain fell (Fig. 2). Mean monthlyrainfall between June 2005 and November2006 was 99.1 mm. Monthly rainfall was notrelated to the number of captures or recapturesper month (y 5 0.08x + 8.98, P 5 0.96, R2 5


0.0002, N 5 15). We also found no relationshipbetween pipe occupancy and cumulative rain-fall three days prior to the sampling date (y 521.12x + 5.83, P 5 0.82, R2 5 0.0022, N 5 25).The wetland was completely dry during sam-pling periods in November 2005, July 2006, andAugust 2006.

Frogs selected pipes in terrestrial habitat orwetland habitat near the high-water line morefrequently than wetland habitat far from thehigh-water line (X2

9 5 18.48, P 5 0.03; Fig. 3).During the nonbreeding season, we capturedthe greatest number of frogs in pipes 12–21 minto the terrestrial habitat from the high-waterline of the wetland (Fig. 3). During the peakbreeding season, the greatest number of frogswas captured 10–11.5 m into the terrestrialhabitat from the high-water line (Fig. 3). Frogswere captured at a distance greater than 10 minto the wetland only during the breedingseason (Fig. 3). However, the distribution offrogs throughout the wetland during the peakbreeding season did not differ significantlyfrom that during the remainder of the year(X2

9 5 13.16, P 5 0.16; Fig. 3).Frogs selected pipes that were closer to trees

than those further away from trees (X29 5 24.05,

P 5 0.004; Fig. 4). Only one frog was captured

in the 27 pipes that were farther than 4.5 maway from a tree. Most frogs were captured inpipes 1.6–2.0 m from a tree (18 frogs, Fig. 4). Ofthe 82 individual frogs captured, 26 wererecaptured at least once. Of the 26 recaptured,11.5% (three males) were found in pipesdifferent from those in which they wereoriginally captured.


Hyla chrysoscelis preferred pipes located alongthe edges of the wetland and close to trees,suggesting that the terrestrial habitat surround-ing wetlands is an important component of theecology of this species. We found that individ-uals had high site-fidelity and often returned tospecific refugia.

We did not find a strong correlation betweenair temperature or rainfall and the number offrogs captured during each sampling period.Previous studies on anurans have found thatenvironmental variables, such as temperature,relative humidity, and wetness of vegetation,were positively correlated with anuran activity(Bellis, 1962; Cree, 1989). Johnson (2005) foundthat higher humidity and rainfall decreasednumber of H. versicolor captures in artificial

FIG. 2. Number of captures and recaptures by month and year and total monthly rainfall. Note that no frogswere captured during the winter months, and a low relative number of recaptures occurred at the beginning ofthe breeding season.


refugia, whereas higher temperatures increasedcaptures, both of which suggest that pipesmay serve as protection during hot, dryperiods. However, we did not observethis relationship, which may be because our

study encompassed only 15 months. Frogs werefound in pipes throughout the year exceptduring winter months, suggesting that occu-pancy of the wetland and surrounding terres-trial habitat may be related to foraging or

FIG. 3. Habitat selection in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons determined by distance to high-water line.The distribution of pipes (open bars) and the distribution of frogs (gray and black bars) were statisticallydifferent (P 5 0.03). Frogs preferred pipes in upland habitats or the edge of the wetland. The distribution offrogs was not statistically different between the breeding and nonbreeding seasons (P 5 0.16).

FIG. 4. Habitat selection determined by distance to nearest tree. Note that few frogs were captured in pipesfarther than 5 m away from a tree (P 5 0.004).


habitat preferences and not solely to reproduc-tive activities.

Relative numbers of recaptures varied con-siderably throughout our study. In May andJune 2006, the relative number of recapturesdecreased as the breeding season began. Theincrease in unmarked frogs during May andJune of 2006 may have been a result of an influxof frogs moving to the wetland from uplandhabitat for breeding. A decrease in unmarkedfrogs in March, April, August, September, andOctober suggested that frogs captured in pipesat these times resided close to the wetland forlonger periods of time and, therefore, weremore likely to be recaptured.

We found that relative numbers of recaptureswere high and that many frogs were captured inthe same pipes immediately before and afterwinter, suggesting that frogs captured at thesetimes may have overwintered near their pipes.Studies show that H. chrysoscelis, like H.versicolor, are freeze tolerant (Schmid, 1982;Costanzo et al., 1992). However, previousstudies also indicate that H. chrysoscelis preferto overwinter within insulated refugia, such asunder logs and leaf litter and inside hollow trees(Johnson, 2005; Trauth et al., 2006), presumablyto avoid freezing temperatures. Because wintertemperatures in North Carolina are frequentlybelow freezing, frogs may prefer insulatedhabitat within which to overwinter. It appearsunlikely that a PVC pipe provided suitablewinter refugia for H. chrysoscelis. However,insulation may have been sufficient under leaflitter near or at the bottom of the pipe, and it ispossible that frogs in our study overwinteredthere. Johnson (2005) found that H. versicoloroverwintered close to their foraging grounds,supporting our conclusion that frogs capturedoften in pipes likely overwintered near thesesame pipes.

We found considerably more males thanfemales in our study, indicating that (1) theremay be fewer females residing in and aroundthis wetland, (2) PVC pipes may be a bettersampling method for male frogs, or (3) maletreefrogs may remain at the wetland for longerperiods of time. Previous studies have indicatedthat male and female frogs may use differentfactors to choose a calling or oviposition site(Resetarits and Wilbur, 1989). For example,female H. chrysoscelis strongly avoid breedingsites containing Ambystoma maculatum larvae,whereas male frogs do not (Resetarits andWilbur, 1991). Because A. maculatum larvaewere present at our study site (SEP, unpubl.data), fewer female frogs may have chosen thissite to breed. Johnson (2005) found that femaleH. versicolor spent considerably less time at abreeding site than male frogs and, after mating,

would return to upland habitat an average of80 m away from the breeding site.

Habitat Selection.—Distance to the high-waterline of the wetland and proximity to trees wereimportant factors in determining occupancy ofpipes by treefrogs. Frogs were found more oftenin forested areas that were rarely inundatedthan they were in pipes more than 10 m into thewetland from the high-water line, suggestingthat forested habitat surrounding wetlands isimportant for this species (Johnson and Sem-litsch, 2003; Johnson, 2005). Because water wasrarely at the high-water line, frogs that werecaptured within the delineated wetland bound-ary were often captured in pipes not surround-ed by water. Even when the wetland wascompletely dry, frogs preferred pipes close toor beyond the delineated wetland boundary.Frog distributions did not vary between thebreeding and nonbreeding seasons, indicatingthat terrestrial habitat is important habitat forfrogs even during the breeding season. Al-though our study did not find a significantdifference in treefrog distributions between thebreeding and nonbreeding seasons, Johnson(2005) extended artificial refugia 200 m intoupland habitat and found that distributionswere shifted toward breeding sites during thebreeding season. Pipes in our study did notextend far enough into upland habitat todistinguish this trend. Johnson and Semlitsch(2003) suggest a minimum 60 m of core terres-trial habitat surrounding a wetland for H.versicolor; however, they found that the greatestnumber of oviposition instances occurred inponds 15 m or closer to the main breedingpond. Our findings also indicate that preserva-tion of terrestrial habitat close to the wetland iscritical for H. chrysoscelis.

Site Fidelity.—We found a high rate of sitefidelity; only three frogs were recaptured inpipes other than those in which they wereoriginally captured. High breeding-site fidelityhas been demonstrated in H. chrysoscelis bothwithin and between breeding seasons (Ritke etal., 1992). We found that even within a breedingsite, treefrogs used the same refugia repeatedly.Often, several months passed between firstcapture and recapture, but in most cases,treefrogs were captured in the pipe of theirprevious capture. A study by Freda andGonzalez (1986) followed the daily movementsof Hyla andersonii using radioactive tags andfound that frogs could move up to 102 m in aday and would often move more than 30 m in aday. Of the three frogs that moved in our study,two were recaptured more than once, and bothmoved back to, or in the direction of, the pipe oftheir original capture.


Implications of high site fidelity in treefrogsinclude possible negative effects of forcedemigration. Previous studies have found thatshort distance translocation of anurans inducesstress, disorientation, and, in most cases, adecreased ability to breed and forage (Oldham,1967; Matthews, 2003). Rana clamitans has beenfound to show strict site fidelity both to abreeding site and to specific locations within abreeding site (Oldham, 1967). Therefore, dis-ruption of habitat via development or otheranthropogenic causes may have considerablenegative effects on a treefrog’s ability to orientitself to needed refugia to survive.

Conclusions.—Similar to other studies ofamphibians and turtles (Burke and Gibbons,1995; Semlitsch, 1998; Joyal et al., 2001), wefound that terrestrial habitat adjacent to wet-lands is important for H. chrysoscelis. Becausemost treefrogs we captured were male, terres-trial habitat extending even farther into uplandhabitat from wetlands could be critical forfemale H. chrysoscelis (Johnson, 2005). High sitefidelity exhibited by most treefrogs suggeststhat frogs have acute directional abilities andthat forced emigration as a result of habitatdestruction may seriously upset the abilityof these frogs to breed, forage, or find suitablerefugia. Conservation and management strate-gies for treefrogs should include the con-servation of upland, wooded habitat adjacentto breeding sites and habitat alteration closeto the wetland should be avoided or mini-mized.

Acknowledgments.—We thank C. Jennison, C.McCoy, W. Anderson, K. Cecala, L. A. Harden,C. Steelman, K. Coffey, and MecklenburgCounty Natural Resources Division for assis-tance with the study. We thank T. Luhring andR. Semlitsch for providing comments on thismanuscript. This research was approved by theDavidson College Institutional Animal Care andUse Committee (Protocol 3-04-11). Manuscriptpreparation was aided by the EnvironmentalRemediation Sciences Division of the Office ofBiological and Environmental Research, U.S.Department of Energy through Financial Assis-tance Award DE-FC09-96SR18546 to the Uni-versity of Georgia Research Foundation. Fund-ing was provided by the Department of Biologyat Davidson College, Duke Power, and NationalScience Foundation grants (DBI-1039153 andDEB-0347326) to MED.


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Accepted: 13 December 2007.