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A Study Group Curriculumby Joette Calabrese

Learn to cure yourself and others with confidence!


A Study Group Curriculum by Joette Calabrese

Gateway to Homeopathy: A Study Group Curriculum is solely intended to assist the student in learning the principles of homeopathy. It is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for consultation with a licensed medical health professional.

© 2016 by Joette Calabrese INC.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, by any means, without prior written permission from the author.


We are not responsible for the information the Study Group Leader shares with her/his study groups. We are only responsible for the

information provided in this book.

The information provided in this curriculum is for educational purposes only

and should not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make

independent inquiries and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.


I dedicate this book to the Doctors Prasanta & Pratip Banerji for openly sharing their 150 cumulative years of knowledge and experience with me.

To my parents, Jim and Della, for giving me guts, spunk, and moxie.

Because of you, I learned to never trust mediocre thinking.

To my husband Perry, for believing and trusting in me.

And to my three sons, Perry, Peter, and Giuseppe, for allowing me the privilege to use you as my lab rats.


Life shouldn’t be measured by the length

of your medical troubles, but by your

memories, deeds, and adventures instead.



Welcome To The Study Group Curriculum!

Welcome to the world of homeopathy. Get ready, because your life is about to change for the better ... forever. Not only will it transform your life, but also those of the ones you love most. By choosing to study, learn, understand and employ homeopathy, you’ve wisely decided to silence the naysayers by bucking convention. Throughout this process, you will eventually emerge triumphant as a true master of health autonomy in our otherwise over-saturated world of ‘conventional’ medicine. You are on your way to breaking free from the binding chains of conformity, soon to discover how safe, effective, and side-effect free homeopathic medicine truly is. I’m delighted to join you on this life-long journey as you surface from the rough waters to embark on smoother sails. Glad to have your aboard!

I am the first to acknowledge busy moms are not able to study homeopathy for long stretches of time. Even if they do make the effort to do so, the journey toward self-reliance with homeopathy can often be a lonely one. As a young mother, I clearly remember encountering a health-crisis in the home and feeling utterly alone in the process. I remember thinking, “If only I had a friend, or better yet a whole group of them, who were onboard with my homeopathy journey, I would at least have someone to turn to when I have questions about which remedy to choose, while providing me with support as I work through various health issues”. For this reason, I started my own homeopathy study group. This was nearly 27 years ago and to this day, I have remained close friends with my original study pals. To say that homeopathy “touched our lives” is an understatement; it did much more than that. Homeopathy became a portal for all of us, and how we chose to live the rest of our lives. Of the women in my first-ever study group, one became a midwife who chose homeopathy while attending to a woman’s most important work; laboring and delivering the child she safely carried and protected in her womb for nine months. Another friend became a homeopath like me, as other friends from our group simply used homeopathy to raise their children with the same bold-faced moxie and determination we all shared. I can only imagine they were, and are, much like you.


Learning Practical Homeopathy within a cohesive study group is a powerful force in the life of a mother-turned-healer. Through study groups, you can all share your insights and fears. You can open up about the very things that trouble you as you begin to gain your footing, and you can all benefit from a combined understanding about issues that affect you locally. Is the flu going around? How about strep? Perhaps one of your friends just dealt with one or the other in her home, and she may have valuable information about which remedies she selected and why. She may even have the exact remedy you need if you or one of your family members is sick and you haven’t yet purchased your own kit. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, and individuals who participate in homeopathy study groups (particularly mothers) talk about the “collective knowledge” their group forms over time. One mother knows how to deal with teething babies like the back of her hand, while another knows about homeopathy and otitis media (commonly referred to as an ear infection). A different group member knows about bladder infections and the next about relentless vomiting. Having a friend to turn to in times of illness helps build a capable community of mothers in the know. I know a group of mothers in California who, upon forming their study group, hatched a plan to have each other ‘on call’ should the unexpected occur. Together, they all downloaded a specific smart phone application to send special group text messages to each other. Another group in Virginia simply sends an email with a subject line like, ‘Homeopathy - Help!’ and within minutes, the person in need receives feedback from fellow group members who have ideas on how to address the issue.

In a pilot study we conducted, we observed many positive health-related experiences mothers witnessed within their families. This was a direct result of their involvement in an 8-week homeopathy study group. When a collection of 10 curious women got together and learned about the power of homeopathy, a ripple effect began. In just eight short lessons, they began to cure themselves, their families, and the people around them who were asking for help. As the ripple swelled and expanded, the results spoke for themselves. They reported the following issues they addressed as a result of their participation in the study group:

Illness/Symptom Medically Diagnosed?

Success with homeopathy alone?

Strep throat Y Y

Influenza Y Y

Sore throat N Y



Chronic yeast infection (diaper) rash Y Y

Teething Y Y

Chronic cough Y Y

Bronchitis Y Y

Warts Y Y

Uterine fibroids Y Y

Sleeplessness Y Y

Acute yeast infection Y Y

Sleeplessness Y Y

Acne N Y

Menstrual cramps Y Y

Acute gastro-intestinal illness N Y

Acid reflux Y Y

Teething N Y

Night terrors N Y

Varicose veins Y Y

Mastitis Y Y

Bruising Y Y

Sunburns N Y

Scratched eye N Y

Flu Y Y

Sore muscles N Y

Mollescum contagiosum Y Y

While many of these illnesses were covered in this study group course, several were not. But with their newfound understanding of homeopathy, coupled with their use of all the resources available to them (including my blog and educational materials, as well as other websites and books), these moms clearly became a force to be reckoned with.

I have designed the Study Group Curriculum as the essential launch pad for every determined mom – whether you are brand new to homeopathy or have lots of experience with it – to gather a band of like-minded people and put together your own study group.


All of this information will provide the keys to successfully raising healthy children and effectively treating and curing the ones you love most. Consider this step one.

The results from the pilot study should be reason enough for you to want to start your own study group. This curriculum will guide you by the hand and transform you into the healer you wish to be through the power of homeopathy if you just give it a chance! You will walk away from this with the knowledge and skill to cure your family and those around you. YOU will be able to tend to them and restore their precious health.

A client of mine spoke of how she was able to diagnose an asthmatic and seasonal-allergy cough her son suddenly developed after having had no prior allergies. The cough was incessant and after about a month, this wise and observant mother knew her son had something more than just a summer cold and cough. She’d already had some experience with a study group, and she had practiced with remedies in other acute situations in the past. She selected her son’s allergy remedy and within 4 days, his nagging cough, itchy eyes, and pronounced asthmatic wheezing slowly started to melt away. Within 2 weeks, it was nothing more than a distant memory. “I did that”, she told me on the phone. “I cured him. Me. His mother.” But, of course, a mother is the best person to do that. When armed with homeopathy, you are unstoppable.

Let this curriculum be your gateway into the wonderful world of homeopathy. I’m glad you’re here.

In this Guide, you’ll receive…

• Guidance on how to start your own study group• Planning and organizational tips• Discussion starters• Suggestions about where to find valuable information• Tips on how to become self-sufficient and confident when addressing your

family’s health • Treatments for the most common illnesses and injuries the average person faces • Tips on how to anticipate and plan for various health crises• Plus Much More…


Introduction to Study Groups

Each chapter in this book represents one group meeting. It includes detailed, step-by-step instructions for familiarizing yourself with the principles of Practical Homeopathy. You will learn specific remedies, and how to use them, when treating your own family.

Get ready to take your first steps towards learning how to become the healer in your home. You can achieve, and even exceed, your health goals with homeopathy, and this Study Group Curriculum will set you on the right path.

Here’s my suggestion to get you started: forget everything you’ve ever been taught about health and medicine. Erase the myths, the dogma, everything the doctor told you, all the advice you’ve read in newspapers and magazines or heard on TV, and start anew here. The words contained in this curriculum will teach you how to successfully gift those you love with the beauty of genuine health.

What the doctors, pharmaceutical industry and American Medical Association (AMA) count on is that you’ll continue to receive advice from others who don’t already have methods, strategies, or even the slightest clue of how to counter and/or avoid potentially dangerous medicines and unnecessary medical procedures, in place.

If you’re already using homeopathy instead of conventional drugs, you’ll find that this curriculum will grant you the opportunity to share with others what you know, while allowing you to delve deeper into a subject you love. The camaraderie and sense of community you will gain in your study group makes it valuable beyond price. This is the place for those who know nothing about homeopathy, those who know much and have wisdom and experience to share, and especially those who like homeopathy, but have felt frustrated by it in the past. For you newbies: if you know nothing about homeopathy but have an inquiring mind, this curriculum will turn you on to an alternative world method tens of millions are already aware of…the world of homeopathy; one of the greatest medical paradigms ever discovered.

This curriculum will get the fire started. Everything you need to know about starting a group and helping each other raise a drug-free family is right here.


Leading Discussions

Depending on the level of experience the Leader has with homeopathy, she/he may or may not feel comfortable leading group discussions. Here are some ways to help the Leader feel more at ease:

If the Group Leader is experienced in homeopathy, I recommend studying each chapter in this booklet ahead of the meeting date to become comfortable and familiar with the material. If, perhaps, you are the one who knows most about homeopathy and are not the Group Leader, it is logical for you to guide the discussion and answer questions, however; it is not imperative for you to be an expert, so please don’t feel pressured to be all-knowing on the subject. This curriculum is geared toward easing the burden for the Group Leader. If you are not the expert, let your group know upfront you are a co-learner who is on the same journey they are and that you, too, are looking to gain a deeper understanding of how to live a drug-free, homeopathic lifestyle. Setting yourself up as a co-learner allows you to say, ‘I’m not sure about that,’ giving way for the entire group to dig deeper and find answers. If you plan to pay for the live Q & A with me, keep track of your major questions as you meet to guarantee they are properly and thoughtfully addressed when we speak.

Finally, let your group members know from the get-go the guidelines you may have in mind. For example, I recommend that study group discussions remain centered around the subject of homeopathy. There are many other topics (like essential oils or herbs) members may want to discuss, but in order to get through the material in each chapter, it’s most helpful to remain focused on the present subject matter.

The Jigsaw Model

If you are new to homeopathy, you may choose to study each week and deliver the message yourself (as described above). If this seems too daunting a task, that’s ok, too! Don’t let this stop you from forming your group! One highly effective solution is to employ the “Jigsaw Model.” This model asks for a volunteer to become an expert on the material described in just one of the eight chapters. While becoming an expert in all eight chapters can feel overwhelming, becoming an expert in just one or two is less frightening and quite doable. Think about dividing each chapter among group members, allowing different members to run the discussion at each meeting. This ‘Jigsaw Model’ takes the pressure off you, while allowing the rest of the group the opportunity to take ownership of the learning process.


Prior to the first meeting

Once you have selected a date for your first group meeting, it is time to send your initial group email. Below is a sample email our Study Group Leader sent to her members during the pilot study. Don’t forget it is recommended each participant listen to my podcast (linked below) before the first gathering. This is a great way to get everyone on the same page as they learn about the basic laws of homeopathy. They can also order How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Mendelsohn to make certain it arrives in time for the second meeting.

Tip: You can download a free QR code app to your mobile device. Then scan the square black-and-white images using the app, and you will instantly be taken to the referenced websites. No typing long URL’s!

Joette’s Podcast http://joettecalabrese.com/podcast/podcast-17-homeopathy-can-help-


How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor by Pediatrician Dr. Robert Mendelsohn http://goo.gl/IHR0cK


Sample E-mail

To: Homeopathy Study Group friends From: The Study Group Leader Subject: Study Group starts THIS THURSDAY {Date, Time}

Hi Friends,

I’m so excited to start our homeopathy Study Group this coming Thursday {Day Month Year}!

Please plan to meet at my house at 7pm this THURSDAY :) ! Please RSVP to this email so that I can make sure I know how many seats to set up. When you RSVP, let me know if you are a local attendee or long-distanced one. If you are planning on attending via the internet, I need to send you instructions on how to join us via the Zoom application. We will be meeting every Thursday for 8 weeks.

My address is: {provide address}

Feel free to park on the street or in the driveway.

Also, please call or text me if you are on your way but get lost: {Home phone number} {Cell phone number}

Study Group Overview:

Because I will be hosting this study group, I wanted to share with you some information regarding our meetings:

1) HOMEOPATHY! You will understand how the medicine of homeopathy works and how it can affect you and your family’s health. I would appreciate it if we could (generally speaking) stick to the subject of homeopathy throughout our study group meeting. This helps us get through the material in a timely manner. Also, I enjoy hearing and answering hard questions. I may not know all the answers, but I think as a group, we will be able to learn a lot from each other and the reading material. But please understand that debates and arguments aren’t the best learning environment for our group.

2) We may have a chance to meet Joette Calabrese! We will have the opportunity to engage in a live video conference with (arguably) one of the best homeopaths in the U.S., Joette Calabrese. She will appear in class meeting #4 and #8. There are some fees


involved and it all depends on whether or not she has availability in her schedule, but I wanted you to know this option is possible, should we choose it. We can talk more about this later on in class. Yay!

3) A benefit for regular attendance: For those of you who make attendance a priority and attend 7 of the 8 classes, you will receive an official Certificate of Completion. Currently, there is a ‘perk’ associated with this certificate {describe the associated bonus currently being offered, if any}

4) Being considerate of my time: I have decided not to charge a fee for hosting these study group nights at my house. Please be aware that because I don’t gain anything (financially) from teaching these classes, it means a lot to me that you make it a priority to attend them.

5) What if you can’t come to class? If you can’t physically attend class, I will have an online video conferencing tool available for you to join remotely (if you have internet access.) But if you live locally, please do try to physically make it to my house. It bums me out to clean and plan everything, only to have an empty room with no attendees :( I kindly ask you to be considerate of my feelings :)

OK, on to the good stuff!


a) Please try and listen to this short, thirty-minute podcast with Joette before our first class: http://joettecalabrese.com/podcast-2/podcast-17-homeopathy-can-help-mothers-care-for-their-children/

b) Go ahead and order the book “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor” by pediatrician Dr. Robert Mendelsohn -- this book costs a few pennies if you buy it used, and the information is priceless: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0345342763/ref=sr_1_1_twi_mas_1_olp?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1455586162&sr=1-1&keywords=robert+mendelsohn

My little study groups and I tend to become close over the next weeks, and I’m excited to get to know all of you.

Hugs to you,

{Your Name}


Action Point Summary

Before Your First Meeting

1. Gather materials • Begin skimming this booklet • Purchase and scan through a copy of Dr. Mendelsohn’s book on raising healthy children. Go to http://goo.gl/IHR0cK for more information

2. Group Members • Select group members for your study group • Let them know once the course has concluded, group members who have attended at least 7 of the 8 classes will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion and any available perks associated with it • Contact study group members to learn which dates are best suited for meetings for the majority of the group • Schedule your first meeting

3. Provide pertinent information to group members • Day/Time/Location of your first meeting • Ask them to purchase materials including: • A copy of their own Study Group Curriculum • A copy of Dr. Mendelsohn’s book on raising healthy children

4. Assign Homework prior to the first meeting: Podcast #1: http://joettecalabrese.com/podcast-2/


At your First Meeting

1. Schedule your next meeting It may not be possible to schedule all seven remaining group dates at once, but make it a habit of scheduling your next meeting at the beginning of each study group session.


2. Discuss Attendance Let them know that at the completion of this course, group members who attended at least seven of the classes will earn a Certificate of Completion, which may include certain perks. Remind them that students who miss more than one class will not earn a certificate. Attendance is imperative.

3. Discuss cost • Will the leader be charging a fee to attendees to compensate for any costs involved in running the group? (Remember: this fee is not associated with me, and I will not receive any portion of it.) • Would the group like to schedule video-conference calls with me as part of their course?

4. Pass around a ‘treat sign-up’ sheet to group members (optional).

5. Discuss who will lead the meetings Will there be one leader for the entire eight weeks, or will you follow the ‘Jigsaw Model’?

6. Begin following the lesson plan outlined in Chapter 1.

WEEK 1Classical Homeopathy: A Tutorial

My familyloves this!

24 WEEK 1

The human body is a miraculous machine.

It is capable of great resilience, and healing

ability - often in spite of all our abuses.

Over the counter and prescribed medications

suppress these strengths; they do not cure.

WEEK 1 25

The Father of Homeopathy

At this point, you should have already listened to my first podcast. Let’s make sure you understood the information presented there, and then go a little deeper.

Homeopathy originated in eighteenth century Germany with Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a physician and scholar whose practice served aristocracy and royalty. Disappointed in the results of the medicine he and his colleagues were using at the time, Hahnemann left his prominent practice. He went on to discover a profound natural law, The Law of Similars, which became the foundation for homeopathy. The Law of Similars asserts any substance that can cause symptoms when given to a healthy person can help to heal those who are

Homework prior to the first meeting

Lesson Objective

Study Group members should listen to my podcast prior to the first group meeting: http://joettecalabrese.com/podcast-2/

podcast-17-homeopathy-can-help-mothers-care-for-their-children/ This is a great way to get everybody on the same page as they learn about the basic laws of homeopathy.

By the end of this lesson, you will know the basic rules and laws of homeopathy, and will be able to define Classical Homeopathy and how it differs from other forms of homeopathy.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)

26 WEEK 1

experiencing similar symptoms when given in a very minute amount.

Many people view homeopathy as an alternative, and hence a “non-mainstream” form of medicine, however; until around the 1940s, homeopathy occupied a central place in American medicine. In Washington, D.C., only one memorial is dedicated to a physician — the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.


Notwithstanding the fact that conventional medicine is widely administered and blindly promoted by the media, government and health professionals alike, a growing trend has begun to gain momentum over the last decade or so. Intelligent people are beginning to question the status quo. Tylenol is now being linked to childhood asthma, numerous antibiotics are currently considered dangerous, and ADHD and other such maladies are prevalent illnesses today, despite being relatively unheard of a mere generation ago. From the public’s frustration and disillusionment with conventional medicine, an appreciation of holistic medicine has arisen. The underlying concept of holism emphasizes the individual as an ‘integrated whole’ instead of a ‘fragmented body’ with separate illnesses or diagnostic categories.

This newfound appreciation of holism can be traced back to two centuries ago, when homeopaths had already recognized and integrated the whole person, body and mind, into their approach. This does not mean, however, that homeopathy and holistic medicine are one and the same. Similarly, homeopathy is often confused with the broad term “home remedy,” which is also inaccurate.

Though at first glance, the word “homeopathy” seems to have much in common with the two terms “holism” (or “holistic”) and “home remedy,” its root words clearly indicate how it differs from them. The two Greek words Homoios and Pathos constitute “homeopathy.” Homoios translates as “similar,” while pathos means “disease” or “suffering.” In short, “homeopathy” means “similar pathology,” and this holistic paradigm bases its science on the underlying principle known as The Law of Similars.

Let me give you an example of the Law of Similars. What happens when you chop an onion? If you’re like most people, you experience watery or burning eyes, a runny nose, and sometimes sneezing. I can only imagine what symptoms would arise if you

WEEK 1 27

bit right into an onion. Now, where else have we seen this constellation of symptoms? If you thought seasonal allergies, then you are right! Indeed, if your seasonal allergies present with burning, watery eyes and a runny nose, then the homeopathic preparation of an onion—Allium cepa—is a possible candidate to effectively attend to them.

As with the onion example, the Law of Similars states that any substance that can cause symptoms when given to a healthy individual can also heal those same symptoms in a person who is unwell. Of course, this idea runs opposite to conventional medicine, yet it is not a new concept. As early as the fourth century B.C., Hippocrates wrote, “Through the like, disease is produced, and through the application of the like, it is cured.”

Because this principle has been finessed and perfected by homeopaths over these last two centuries, this age-old concept now explains homeopathy’s efficacy. As long as the homeopathic remedies are judiciously chosen, their curative power is remarkable. This holds true for the royal family of England, who has employed homeopathic physicians since the 19th century. It also holds true for animals, infants and unconscious people (which further proves homeopathy’s efficacy cannot be explained away with popular arguments that it provides nothing more than a “placebo effect.”)

Yet the “placebo effect” is how conventional medicine explains away the positive results of homeopathic medicine, because no material substance can be found in the remedies. This is because the remedies are substances that have been highly diluted by following the Hahnemann Method, named after the Father of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann.

Samuel Hahnemann Memorial – Washington, D.C.

28 WEEK 1

The Preparation of Homeopathic Potencies

The Hahnemann Methods incorporate the Decimal scale (giving the potency X, or ten) or Centesimal scale (giving the potency C, or one hundred). To construct a remedy, a substance that causes a certain reaction (for example, poison ivy), is drastically diluted. According to the Centesimal scale method, one drop of the substance in tincture form is added to ninety-nine drops of alcohol. This is then vigorously shaken (referred to as succussion) one hundred times. The solution is thus considered 1C. Then, a single drop of this 1C solution is diluted in another vial with 99 more drops of alcohol and again, vigorously shaken. This new solution is considered 2C. This procedure is repeated 30 times to give it a 30C potency. Now you have the mother tincture, which has been diluted 30 times to the hundredth power.

As a result of this extreme dilution, often not even one molecule of the original substance remains in the homeopathic remedy, so there is no risk of ingesting any bit of the aforementioned poison ivy. Be sure the original substance is not necessary to promote healing. Instead, the remedy’s power is thought to stem from the “blue print” or “energy” of the original substance that remains in the final dilution.

In other words, after being homeopathically prepared, the original (potentially toxic) substance is diluted to such an extreme degree, it brings the toxicity levels down while bringing the curative action to the forefront. This simply means that the homeopathically prepared liquid solution no longer contains any significant toxicity due to the process of dilution. However, dilution alone without succussion is not effective; the succussion is a crucial part of the process when creating a homeopathic medicine. What does remain in the solution, subsequent to this process of dilution and succussion, is responsible for its curative action. Despite the lack of original molecules, these remedies work with remarkable consistency!

Homeopathy is a safe and legal alternative to more conventional medicine. It has been monitored in the United States since the 1940s Preparation of Homeopathic Potencies

1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x

1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C



WEEK 1 29

by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The remedies are prepared according to the very stringent standards set by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). Such standards apply not only to American pharmacies, but also to homeopathic pharmacies throughout the world, ensuring all homeopathic remedies are universally standardized when manufactured by reputable pharmacies.

From a materialistic viewpoint, it may appear contradictory that a substance that is shaken and diluted to such a degree could become more potent. Though it may seem strange, it is true. The potentization process minimizes, and even eliminates, the toxicity of a substance while liberating the healing properties. Those who argue otherwise are behind the times, as this phenomenon was first tested by Hahnemann as a theory, then eventually established as a provable fact through his years of work and countless experiments. This “Law of Similars” is not merely a conclusion exclusive to homeopathy alone. Rather, it is a resounding law of nature (or a biological law) that has been proven time and again. In fact, we see glimpses of this thinking in modern medicine as well. The difference is that homeopathy fully embraces this law.

Classical Homeopathy vs. Advanced Homeopathy

Today, homeopathy has taken many different forms. The term “Classical Homeopathy” is used to describe what is generally considered to be the most original form of homeopathy, insofar as it follows the principles outlined by Hahnemann in his foundational book, The Organon of the Healing Art (Organon der Heilkunst). Classical Homeopathy is certainly a powerful healer, and many of today’s homeopaths strictly adhere to this practice alone. I myself hold degrees and certificates in Classical Homeopathy. However, I agree with many of my colleagues who believe there are other advanced homeopathic methodologies that also possess incredible merit and value. Later in this study group, we will discuss another homeopathic approach but for now, Classical Homeopathy is an excellent place to begin understanding homeopathy in general.

Homeopathic Remedies from my collection circa 1910-1935

WEEK 1 37

Action Point Summary

Here is What We Just Learned

✓✓ Homeopathy • Cares for simple health issues at home • Has more than one type, including Classical and other advanced models • Is an inexpensive & safe method of healing • Allows you to gain independence from the healthcare industry • Is holism - unity of body & mind • Utilizes emotions as symptoms • Is a therapeutic method of individualized care

✓✓ Law of Similars • Is a scientifically-proven theory first introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann • States that any substance which can cause symptoms in a healthy person can also heal the same symptoms in people who are not well, especially when the substance has undergone the process of dilution, succussion and potentization

✓✓ Hering’s Laws of Cure • Hering’s First Law: healing migrates from inner (ex: emotions/lungs) to outer (ex: muscles/skin) body. It will retrace past conditions. This is not regression but progression • Hering’s Second Law: symptoms appear and disappear in the order they have come (often observed in chronic cases) • Hering’s Third Law: moving from upper to lower (ex: headache to wrist). We are happy for the movement, but the illness is not finished. We move to the next remedy for the new symptoms to resolve • These laws apply no matter what form of homeopathy one uses (Classical vs. Advanced)

✓✓ Remedies • Diluted and succussed (shaken), leave no molecule of the original substance, but instead the “blue print” or “energy” • Contrary to common belief, they become more potent the more this is done • Classical Homeopathy selects remedies based on the entire person, while other methods exist and have merit

38 WEEK 1

Group Discussion Guidefor the Discussion Leader

Now that you have listened to the podcast and studied the information from Week 1, you can plan the lesson and discussion points for your upcoming group meeting. Use this as your guide.

Items of Business

1. Take Attendance. Remember, only members who attend 7 out of the 8 meetings will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion, enabling them to receive any associated perks that may be available.

2. Discuss what date is best for your next meeting.

3. Discuss who is in charge of bringing treats next time, if applicable.

4. Confirm that everyone was able to obtain their course materials (this booklet and the Dr. Mendelsohn book.)

5. Other:

Discuss, ask, and share the following

Students should feel comfortable to share what they know. The ideal learning environment consists of discussions where members collectively share what they know, building off one another’s individual knowledge of the subject.

WEEK 1 39

First: Welcome the group!

1. Tell students about what they will gain from this class: a) The opportunity to meet with me live (for a fee). b) A Certificate of Completion and eligibility for any perks currently being offered.

2. Read the following disclaimer to the class: Joette says: “Remember it is your responsibility to identify the appropriate healthcare strategy for you and your family. The purpose of this Curriculum is to help you learn and understand the benefits of homeopathy, should you choose this method of treatment”. With this in mind, please remember Joette is not a medical doctor and the information provided in this course is for educational purposes only. The relationship between you and her is one of student and educator.

3. Log into the Study Group Student Resource Page at http://Studygroups.

joettecalabrese.com/resources and play the following videos listed under Week 1: • 5 Goals of Homeopathy • Why a Drug Free Family? These videos are segments from my course Intro to Homeopathy, which is provided as a supplement to any student who purchases a homeopathy course from me.

4. After watching the videos, discuss the benefits of raising a drug-free family, and share with each other why you chose to join a homeopathy Study Group.

5. What is the main Law of Homeopathy? a) If members were able to listen to the podcast, they should be able to answer this. b) Consider the example of Allium cepa I used in the podcast.

6. Explain to the group there are other laws to homeopathy, namely Hering’s Laws of cure: a) Explain that healing moves from the innermost part of the person, such as the emotions or the vital organs, to the outermost, the skin. Provide an example from the chapter. b) Summarize the second law - that healing occurs from the present to the past. Provide an example from the chapter. c) Summarize the third law - that health is restored as the symptoms move from the upper part of the body to the lower parts. Provide an example from the chapter.

40 WEEK 1

7. Visit the Student Resource page for Study Groups at http://Studygroups.joettecalabrese.com/resources and scroll to the video section for week one. Watch the video entitled, “Remedies: Diluting and Toxicity?”. This is a video segment from my Intro to Homeopathy course. This course is provided as an ‘extra add on’ to anyone who purchases a homeopathy course from me.

8. How is a homeopathic remedy made? Students should know how to respond if they were able to listen to the podcast Consider the following: a) Who makes homeopathic remedies? b) How can a poisonous substance be turned into a remedy? c) Why is it safe? d) Tricky question: You now know that some remedies, before they have been turned into homeopathic remedies, can be considered toxic. Why is it that the more toxic the substance is in its gross form, the more curative it often is in its homeopathic form? Answer: Because when you are very sick, by nature of the Law of Similars, a very toxic substance is what best mimics your symptoms. Therefore, something toxic can be incredibly curative if your symptoms are severe. Sometimes when the Law of Similars is employed, the most serious of symptoms need the most toxic of remedies, which have been turned into curative homeopathic medicines through the dilution process

9. Explain that in homeopathy, symptoms are celebrated. Have someone read the following from the “Week 1” Chapter:

“Symptoms are meant to be celebrated. In fact, the word “symptom” in Latin means signal. Symptoms act like the alerting smoke alarm that warns us of a fire on the stove or elsewhere in the home. If we dismantle the alarm, there may be a temporary sense that everything’s okay because the annoying sound has been silenced, but what about the potential harm we continue to face when left with a still-burning fire? Similarly, even though the double-blind and placebo-controlled trials demonstrate that we can turn off the body’s intrinsic alarms by administering a drug, the fact remains the “fire” within us still rages on, as the condition continues to deteriorate.”

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10. Define homeostasis to the group as the body’s ability to compensate for imbalances, and to adapt to the stress of illness. a) Ask the group, “How do symptoms help us return to health?” (answer found in Principles section). b) What is the theory of like cures like, and provide an example (answer found in Classical vs. Advanced Homeopathy section. Refer to the Apis melifica example).

11. Go over the first three remedies: Aconite, Belladonna, and Chamomilla. Hand out index cards and have the group members write down notes for each one. Encourage them to commit some of the keynotes of each remedy to memory.

12. Homework: Read Dr. Mendelsohn’s chapter on fevers.
