Gwinnett Daily Post Special Section - HealthSource-Spring-2011

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Gwinnett Daily Post Special Section - HealthSource-Spring-2011

Transcript of Gwinnett Daily Post Special Section - HealthSource-Spring-2011

Sunday, April 24, 20Sunday, April 24, 2011An Advertising Supplement for theAn Advertising Supplement for the

Sunday, April 24, 2011An Advertising Supplement for the




April 30TH April April 3030THTH


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providers and related businesses.

Saturday, April 30, 201110am-5pm at Discover Mills

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Post booth. Get Signatures from all vendors and return itto our booth for your chance to win fabulous prizes!


Fox TheatreMay 17-22, 2011

Arena atGwinnett CenterMay 13-14, 2011

Arena atGwinnett Center

May 22, 2011

Thanks to our Discover Mills Health PartnerWELLNESS EXPO SPONSORED BY:

VISIT US AT THE Gwinnett Daily Post WELLNESS EXPOSaturday, April 30th in the Discover Mills Food Court

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Page 2 • HealthSource • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • Gwinnett Daily Post • gwinnet tdai lypost .com

gwinnet tdai lypost .com • Gwinnett Daily Post • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • HealthSource • Page 3

Four Corners Primary Care CenterWe Value Your Senior Years

Four Corners Primary Care Center

Now Accepting Medicaid, Medicare and Private InsuranceNow Accepting Medicaid, Medicare and Private Insurance

Your heath is the foundation of your senior years. At Four Corners Primary CareCenter we treat you with respect and compassion and look forward to providingyou with outstanding quality healthcare.

From treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma to routine illness such as pneumonia, sore throats, infections and arthritis, our providers work to help meet your healthcare needs.

SERVICES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:Primary CarePreventive Health ServicesLab workB12 InjectionsMinor ProceduresDiabetes Management

High Blood PressureWomen’s ServicesSpirometry Pre/PostEKGHigh CholesterolPrescription Help ThroughPatient Assistance Program

5030 Georgia Belle CourtSuite 20662nd floor

Norcross, GA 30093

770-806-2928Mon, Thurs, Fri – 8am-5pmTues, Wed – 8am-6:30pm

Located in Norcross,Georgia,FourCorners, a federally qualified healthcenter, provides non-emergency,affordable and accessible healthcarefor the entire family at the lowest costpossible.

From treatment of chronic conditionssuch as diabetes, high blood pressureand asthma to routine illnesses such aspneumonia, sore throats, infections,and arthritis, our multi-lingualproviders work to help meet yourhealthcare needs.

At Four Corners, servicesencompass not only treatment andprevention of illness but also healtheducation, children’s preventivedental services, referrals to WICservices and much more.

Services include, but are not limitedto: Adults: Primary Care, PreventiveHealth Services, Lab Work, Diabetes

Management, Minor Procedures, HighBlood Pressure,Women’s Services, HighCholesterol, B12 Injections, SpirometryPre/Post, EKG, Prescription assistancethrough Patients Assistance Program.

Children: Preventive Health, SportsPhysicals, Health Check, Hearing/Vision,Immunizations, Dental Services,Asthma Treatments, PPD Screening,Lead Screening, Sutures,Allergy Injections.

At our health center, you will betreated with respect and with dignityregardless of race, religion, gender,National origin, sexual orientation orpolitical affiliation.

Charges for services at our healthcenter are available on a sliding fee scalebased on household size and income.

Four Corners Primary Care Centeraccepts Medicaid, Medicare, someprivate insurance, cash, debit cards,Visa, Master Card, and Discover Card.

At Four Corners we know thathealthy people are the foundation ofhealth communities and are committedto providing comprehensive andcompassionate medical care.

So come check us out and makeFour Corners Primary Care Center yourfamily’s medical home.

Appointments are stronglyencouraged.Walk-ins are available on afirst come, first serve basis.

Come visit us at 5030 Georgia BelleCourt, Suite 2066 in Norcross. OurCenter is open Mondays, Thursdays,Fridays from 8:00 AM–5:00 PM andTuesdays, Wednesdays from 8:00 AM-6:30 PM,with the exception of holidays.

For more information visit us online at or call 770.906.2928.

Four Corners Primary Care, your family’s medical home for affordable healthcare.

Page 4 • HealthSource • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • Gwinnett Daily Post • gwinnet tdai lypost .com


Summer heat, get on your feet...

Charles B. Moomey, Jr., M.D. • James K. Elsey, M.D. FACS • Sudhindra K. Anegundi, M.D. FACS

631 Professional Drive • Ste 300 • Lawrenceville, GA 30046 • 770.962.9978 •

• One hour office-based procedure• Back to normal activity usually by next day• Less painful recovery than Laser• 98% of patients would recommend the procedure Book your appointment for summer legs NOW!

At Gwinnett Vein Special-ists, our mission is to provideeach patient with an individu-ally tailored program of totalvein care that will result in theabsolute best outcomes andresults. Unlike other medicalspecialists, vascular surgeonsare in the unique position toprovide the entire spectrum ofvein care ranging from conser-vative management practicesto the latest minimally invasivetreatments for venous reflux.

Vein Treatments:After a comprehensive eval-

uation that includes an ultra-sound examination of theveins, our vein specialists willdetermine the optimal treat-ment for each patient’s needs.

Our Services Include:• VNUS® Closure Procedure

• Ambulatory Phlebectomy• Sclerotherapy• Injection and Veinwave Scle-rotherapy

The VNUS® Closure Pro-cedure, an alternative treat-ment option to traditional veinstripping surgery, brings state-of-the-art technology to anage-old disease.

The Closure procedure isperformed on an outpatientbasis. Using ultrasound,your physician will positionthe Closure catheter into thediseased vein, through asmall opening in the skin.The tiny catheter deliversradiofrequency (RF) energyto the vein wall. As the RFenergy is delivered and thecatheter is withdrawn, thevein wall is heated, causing

the collagen in the wall toshrink and the vein to close.Once the diseased vein isclosed, blood is re-routed toother healthy veins.

Following the procedure, asimple bandage is placedover the insertion site, andadditional compression maybe provided to aid healing.Your doctor may encourageyou to walk, and to refrainfrom extended standing andstrenuous activities for aperiod of time.

Patients who undergo theClosure procedure typicallyresume normal activities with-in a day.

Highlights of the Closure® Procedure

• Relief of symptoms• Resume normal activity

within a day• Outpatient procedure• Local or general anesthesia• Good cosmetic outcomewith minimal to no scarring,bruising or swelling

Ambulatory PhlebectomyAmbulatory phlebectomy

is a method of surgicalremoval of surface veins.This is usually completed inour office using local anes-thesia. Incisions are tiny(stitches are generally notnecessary) and typicallyleave imperceptible punc-ture mark scars. Post-opera-tive discomfort is minimal.After the vein has beenremoved by phlebectomy, abandage and/or compres-sion stocking is worn for ashort period.

Injection and Vein-wave Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is acosmetic medicalprocedure used totreat varicoseveins and spiderveins. A tiny nee-dle is used toinject a solutiondirectly into the vein.Over time, the body will absorbthe treated vein. A new treatmentalternative to injection sclerother-apy is Veinwave sclerotherapy. Ingeneral, spider veins respond totreatment in 6 to 8 weeks, andlarger veins respond in 3 to 4months.

Please call us at770.962.9977 with questionsor to set up your appointmentnow!

Mother’s Day is right around the corner ... get pampered!

gwinnet tdai lypost .com • Gwinnett Daily Post • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • HealthSource • Page 5

Written by Suzanne Holtkamp,Holtkamp Heating & Air

It’s pollen season.The azaleas are inbloom, the dogwoods are singingand that familiar yellow cloud iseverywhere. Your mailbox is full ofads telling you it’s duct cleaningtime. Don’t fall for it. I believe thatconsumers should have access tothe latest facts, not recycled indus-try habits.

Airborne allergies are causedby irritants, whether that be pollen,mold, dust, dander or animal hair.It seems logical that cleaning yourhvac ducts would eliminate thisfrom your home.But until you havepinpointed where the irritants arecoming from and then devised aplan to limit or eliminate thesource, cleaning your ducts willsimply be addressing the symptomand not the disease.

I offer another solution. Haveyou had your duct system inspect-ed and/or had your house tested foroutside air infiltration? Leaky ductsare not only wasteful (dumpingconditioned air into attics andbasements) but can also suck inirritants like insulation, wood dust,mold spores and pest droppingsfrom attics and basements,recircu-lating them throughout your home.

Secondly, if you have outside airinfiltrating your house throughcracks around windows and doors,leaky fireplaces and ceiling gaps,this causes heating losses in winterand cooling losses in summer. Soalong with throwing away moneyto heat or cool the outside, you’realso drawing in pollen and otherairborne allergens.

Sealing ducts and plugging out-side air holes is not hard. It justtakes time and you need to know

exactly where the leaks are. Wehave handy customers who havedone these tasks themselves. Oth-ers choose a blower door test andelect to have their duct systemcompletely sealed and all outsideair leaks addressed. We are happyto help you with either solution. Ifwe do the sealing, we test beforeand after, and guarantee yourresults. This can also reduce yourutility bills up to 40% as it increas-es your indoor health and comfort.

A properly sealed duct systemwill regularly clean itself, everytime your hvac system kicks on.That’s right. Read that again. Aproperly sealed duct system elimi-nates the need for duct cleaningbecause your filter can now proper-ly remove particulates from yourindoor air. If you want an addedlayer of protection, we then recom-mend a whole house filtration sys-

tem like the Aprilaire 5000™.The best part is customer suc-

cess stories. One customer’s childwas experiencing such bad allergicreactions, that we performed ablower door test and completelysealed their ducts, eliminated out-side air infiltration, and installedan Aprilaire 5000 Whole House AirCleaner. The customer removed allindoor carpeting from the home,and by addressing these sources ofallergens the child was actuallyable to eliminate her allergy med-ications.

So if your nose is running asyou sift through the ads scream-ing at you to clean your ducts,remember this article and give usa call 770.271.7511 or Wewould love to help create a healthyindoor environment that is com-fortable and energy-efficient. Or

stop by the Holtkamp Heating &Air booth at the Gwinnett PostWellness Expo on April 30th. Thisjust may be the year you enjoy allthose blooming flowers!

Holtkamp Heating & Air isowned by Matthew and SuzanneHoltkamp and located in Suwanee.

Voted “Best of Gwinnett” for both2009 and 2010, they specialize inhelping customers receive the mostfrom their heating and cooling dol-lars. They are also proud sponsorsof the CAN Challenge – an effort toraise 10 tons of food for local foodbanks in 12 months.

Seal Your Ducts – Don’t Clean Them – For Allergy Relief and Greater Indoor Comfort

Page 6 • HealthSource • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • Gwinnett Daily Post • gwinnet tdai lypost .com

For those with seasonal allergiesin Georgia, it’s an annual rite of pas-sage: blocked sinuses, loss of sense ofsmell, recurring headache and a feel-ing of pressure on the face. But thereis hope thanks to a minimally-inva-sive treatment option offered byGwinnett Medical Center – RelievaBalloon Sinuplasty technology.

37 million Americans suffer fromchronic sinusitis, an inflammation ofthe sinus lining caused by bacterial,viral and/or microbial infections, as wellas structural issues like blockages of thesinus opening. If the sinus opening isclosed, normal mucus drainage may notoccur, which may lead to infection andinflammation of the sinuses.

Balloon sinuplasty technology isdesigned to open blocked sinuseswithout painful tissue or boneremoval, using a small, flexible bal-loon catheter, which is passed through

the nostril into the blocked sinus pas-sageway. When the balloon is inflated,it gently restructures and opens thepassageway, restoring normal sinusdrainage and function.

Until recently, sinusitis patientswere limited to two treatment options:medical therapy such as antibioticsand topical nasal steroids, or conven-tional sinus surgery. Balloon sinuplas-ty is less invasive than conventionalsurgery, which means there is lesspain, a shorter recovery and betterlong-term results.

Created by a cardiologist who hadchronic sinusitis, balloon sinuplasty issimilar in concept to balloon angioplas-ty. In many cases it can be done withoutremoving any tissue or bone, leading toless post-procedure discomfort. The lat-est innovation to this technology allowsthe surgeon to place antibiotics directlyinto the sinus cavity, too, if needed.

Balloon sinuplasty is:• Minimally invasive – The technolo-

gy uses small,soft, flexible devices intro-duced entirely through the nostrils.These devices gently open blockedsinuses.

• Safe and effective – While use of anysurgical instrument involves some risk,studies demonstrate that the Relieva Bal-loon Sinuplasty system is safe and effec-tive in relieving sinusitis symptoms.

• Reduced bleeding – No tissue orbone is removed during surgery usingthis technology,which results in reducedbleeding.

• Fast recovery time – While recoverytime varies with each patient, somepatients have been known to return tonormal activities within 24 hours.

Sinusitis sufferers can find help at Gwinnett Medical Center. For more

information on balloon sinuplasty, or for a physician referral, call 678-312-5000.

New Sinusitis Treatment at Gwinnett Medical Center

Fresh air and outdoor fun arebeneficial to maintaining yourphysical and mental health. Out-door toys are a great way to keepyour children outside, active andhaving fun during the summermonths. Buying the right out-door toys will help ensure yourkids not only have fun, but stayhealthy without even realizing it.

What is a good summer toy?

A popular outdoor toy manyparents buy their children eachsummer are ride-on-toys. Asidefrom being fun, ride-on-toysoffer many additional benefits,such as developing a sense ofbalance and coordination whilecontributing to a child’s overallphysical fitness. One popularriding toy is the PlasmaCar byPlasmart Inc. The PlasmaCar isa mechanical marvel that can bedriven on any flat surface,indoors and outdoors, and ispowered solely by kid-power.The PlasmaCar is a fun way forkids to ride around the neigh-

bourhood and keep their bodiesfit and having fun as it requiresno batteries or fuel, just theoccasional cookie or two.

What makes a good outdoor toy?

Outdoor toys need to be wellmade. Not only do they need tostand-up to rough and tumblekid treatment, they need to beable to survive all types ofweather. Outdoor toys shouldalso have rounded corners tohelp prevent scrapes and cutsthat go hand-in-hand with out-door fun.The PlasmaCar is verydurable and can handle a loadof up to 100 kg (220 lbs) on asmooth, flat surface, and 55 kg(120 lbs) on a rough, flat sur-face. Not only will it handle thedaily abuse at the hands of yourchildren, but it’s so durable thatparents can have fun riding ittoo. Its colorful designs endearit to kids and its roundedcurves, seat and steering wheelwill help reduce summerbumps and bruises.

Popular outdoor toy keeps children fit through fun this summer

gwinnet tdai lypost .com • Gwinnett Daily Post • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • HealthSource • Page 7



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Genes are responsible formany traits in a person. They'lldetermine if you'll have browneyes or blond hair, and could dic-tate whether you will be tall orshort. Genes are also largelyresponsible for dental problemsthat could necessitate orthodonticbraces, something many childrenneed to correct crooked teeth orbite issues.

Finding Out About BracesYour family or pediatric dentist

will likely be the first person topoint out the need for braces. He orshe can usually recommend anorthodontist who specializes inchildren's teeth.

The Mechanics of BracesBraces work by slowly forcing

teeth into a position the orthodon-tist decides upon. Brackets areglued onto the front (or rear, lin-gual side for "invisible braces") andthen connected by an arch wire. Abuccal tube on the band of the lastmolar holds the end of the archwire securely in place.At each visit,the orthodontist will either trimthe wire or place a shorter wire inplace that draws the teeth back-ward. The child might also have towear rubber bands or headgear, ametal brace that fits into slots inthe brackets and wraps around thehead, pulling the front teeth backfor additional pressure.

When Is a Good Time for Braces?

It is not necessary to wait untilyour child's permanent teeth are allin place before investigatingbraces. Many alignment problemsand jaw problems can be correctedwhile the child is still growing. Themajority of children now get bracesaround the age of nine.

Length of Treatment and Cost

Braces are worn between oneand three years depending upon theseverity of the problem and howdiligent the patient is regarding theuse of headgear or rubber bands, orother treatmentprocedures. Afterbraces areremoved, a retain-er will likely haveto be used tomaintain the posi-tion of the teethuntil wisdom teethhave grown in -- oreven into adult-hood. The cost ofbraces ranges from$5,000 and up.Less visible bracesmay cost morebecause of theircosmetic nature.

A child willgenerally see theorthodontist everymonth for adjust-ments made to thehardware in his or

her mouth.Are Braces Painful?

Most patients will experience mildsoreness after tightening appoint-ment or irritation from frictionwith mouth tissues and the metalhardware. Over-the-counter painmedications can alleviate soreness,while dental wax can smooth overpoints of irritation.

Today's braces are smaller andmore advanced than in years past.Therefore the wires and otherhardware used may cause less dis-comfort.

Does My Child Need Braces?


DENTISTRYMichelle Whyte, DMD

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Page 8 • HealthSource • Sunday, April 24, 2011 • Gwinnett Daily Post • gwinnet tdai lypost .com