Guv urges people to contribute for war 1800 ponds to be Against … · 2019. 12. 7. · BUREAU...

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Transcript of Guv urges people to contribute for war 1800 ponds to be Against … · 2019. 12. 7. · BUREAU...





The more we come out and dogood to others, the more our

hearts will be purified, and God willbe in them.

Swami Vivekananda

CancelledNithyananda’spassport: GovtNEW DELHI: The governmenthas cancelled passport of contro-versial self-styled godmanNithyananda and rejected his ap-plication for fresh one, Ministry ofExternal Affairs (MEA) said on Fri-day. “We have cancelled his pass-port and rejected his applicationfor new one. We have sensitisedall our missions and posts thatthis man is wanted in several cas-es of crime. We have asked ourmissions to sensitise the localgovernment,” MEA spokespersonRaveesh Kumar said.A recent report by news agencyReuters said that Nithyanandaannounced in a YouTube videothat he had set up his own coun-try called Kailaasa, dedicated tothe “preservation, restoration andrevival of an enlightened cultureand civilisation based on authen-tic Hinduism”. Though the exactlocation of Kailaasa is unknown,Reuters said the island, pur-chased by some of Nithyananda’swealthy followers, is situated nearEcuador.

Nirbhaya's parentsmove President's officefor rejection of convict'smercy petitionNEW DELHI: The parents of Nirb-haya have moved the President'soffice seeking rejection of themercy petition filed by one of theconvicts, Vinay Sharma.Nirbhaya was brutally raped in thenational capital in December 2012and subsequently died.The letter by Nirbhaya's parentsstates that the mercy petition is a"deliberate" attempt to avoid theexecution of the death sentenceand hamper the dissemination ofjustice. They stated that the trauma,pain and the agony suffered bythem is unbearable and the wait forjustice is getting longer and longer.In 2017, the Supreme Court haddismissed the appeal and the re-view petition of the convicts andconfirmed the sentence awarded.Recently, the Ministry of Home Af-fairs (MHA) had received the mercyplea of the convict after it was re-jected by the Delhi government.

1800 ponds to be rejuvenated in

first phase: Khattar .... PAGE 3

Windies 207/5 in First T20IAgainst India

...PAGE 8

Guv urges people to contribute for warwidows, needy ex servicemen

.... PAGE 3

Woman shot in facefor stopping danceperformance CHITRAKOOT: In a bizarre inci-dent, a dancer was shot in theface because she stopped per-forming for while at a wedding inChitrakoot.The dancer identified as Hina isrecuperating at a hospital in Kan-pur. The accused, identified asAjit Singh, is a relative of the vil-lage head. "The incident tookplace in Tikra village. Two probeteams have been constituted.We are making all efforts to nabthe accused and put him behindbars. He is said to be a residentof Ranipur village of Kaushambidistrict," said Ankit Mital, Super-intendent of police. "Three peo-ple were injured. The firing tookplace after a dispute about adance at the wedding.


All the four accused in the rapeand murder of a woman veteri-narian in Hyderabad, were killedin an encounter with police onFriday morning.

According to police, the ac-cused were being taken to thescene of the crime, where thecharred body of the doctor wasfound, when they allegedly triedto escape.

"The accused MohammedArif, Naveen, Shiva and Chen-nakeshavulu were killed in a po-lice encounter at Chatanpally,Shadnagar today in the weehours, between 3 am and 6 am. Ihave reached the spot and furtherdetails will be revealed," Cyber-abad Police Commissioner V CSajjanar said. The four accusedwere arrested and were in judicialcustody and lodged in high-secu-

rity cells at Cherlapally CentralJail in Hyderabad. DCPShamshabad Prakash Reddy said,"Cyberabad Police had broughtthe accused persons to the crimespot for re-construction of the se-quence of events. The accusedsnatched weapon and fired on Po-

lice. In self-defence the policefired back, in which the accusedwere killed." Police officials arepresent at the spot. After the newsbroke out, locals gathered near the spot and shouted slogansof 'DCP Zindabad, ACP Zind-abad'.

JUSTICE DONE?Hyderabad rape: Four accusedshot dead in police encounter


Terming women safety as a "seriousissue", President Ram Nath Kovindon Friday said that rape convicts un-

der POCSO Act should not haveright to file mercy petition.

"Women safety is a serious issue.Rape convicts under POCSO Actshould not have the right to file mer-cy petition. Parliament should reviewmercy petitions," he said while ad-dressing the National Convention onEmpowerment of Women for SocialTransformation.

The President emphasised that asociety based on equality and harmo-ny could only be possible by em-powering women.

The President said that while alot of work has been done on the is-sue, but much remains to be done.

"The incidents of demonic at-tacks on girls shake the conscience ofthe country. It is the responsibility ofevery parent to instil among boys thefeeling of respect for women," hesaid.

No mercy for childrapists: Prez Kovind

NOVEMBER 27 : Hyderabad vetvisits a dermatologist in Tondupal-li; four accused allegedly abductedher from near toll plaza and gang-rape herNOVEMBER 28: Her charredbody is found at a nearby under-pass and is identified by her familyfrom her locket and a scarfNOVEMBER 29: The four ac-cused arrested by cops amid na-tionwide anger against the grue-some rape-murderNOVEMBER 30: The accusedwere remanded in 14-day judicialcustodyDECEMBER 5: A special investi-gation team takes custody of theaccused for further investigationDECEMBER 6: All the accusedgunned down in an encounter withthe police after one of them al-legedly snatches a police rifle atthe crime scene where they hadbeen taken for investigation



Detailing the sequence of events that led tothe encounter of all the four accused in thebrutal gang-rape and murder case of womanveterinary doctor, Cyberabad Police Com-missioner VC Sajjanar said here on Fridaythat the accused were killed in a 'retaliatory'action by the cops after they started attack-ing the police with stones, sticks, and othermaterials while they also snatched theweapons of two police personnel and openedfire on them.

"Today, the police took the accused tothe crime spot as a part of the investigation.All the four accused got together and theystarted attacking the police party withstones, sticks, and other materials and alsosnatched away weapons from two of our of-ficers and started firing," said Sajjanar at apress conference.

According to the Commissioner of Po-lice (CP), the police officials maintained re-

straint and asked them to surrender but theaccused continued firing on the police, afterwhich the police fired in retaliation killingthe accused.

"Even though our officers maintainedrestraint and asked them to surrender, theycontinued to fire and attack us. In the retal-iatory firing, all the four accused got killed.

Accused snatched weaponsand attacked police party: CP

Cell phone, power bank &watch of victim recoveredHYDERABAD: Cyberabad Police on Fridaysaid that they had recovered the murdered vet-erinarian's mobile phone, power bank andwatch from the crime scene. The police'sstatement comes after the four accused -- whowere arrested for raping and burning themedico on November 27 in the Shamshabadarea -- were killed in an encounter earlier to-day.

Over 1,000 fast track courtsto be set up for rape casesNEW DELHI: The government told the Parliament on Friday that it has formulated ascheme to set up 1,023 fast track special courts (FTSCs) for expeditious trial anddisposal of rape cases, including that of minors.In a written reply, Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani said that thescheme would cost Rs 767.25 crore to state and Central governments."Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India has formu-lated a Scheme, on the lines of other Centrally Sponsored Schemes, for setting up ofa total of 1,023 Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs) for expeditious trial and disposalof rape cases and cases under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POC-SO) Act," a PIB release said.


Haryana Chief Minister, MrManohar said that under the“Chatra Parivahan SurakshaYojana” women-special buseswould be started on pilot basisin five districts namely Am-bala, Panchkula, Yamunanagar, Karnaland Kurukshetra.

Manohar Lal was reviewing theprogress of “Chatra Parivahan SurakshaYojana” here. Senior officers of Educa-tion and Transport Departments werealso present in the meeting.

The Chief Minister said that thesespecial buses are being started keeping inview the security of girl’s students. Hesaid that women police constable would

also be deputed in each such bus so as tokeep a vigil on the anti-social elements.Initially, educational institutions ofHigher Education would be included forto and fro facility for the girl’s studentsand later on other educational institutionswould also be included under thisscheme. He directed the officers to pre-pare the routes of buses in such a mannerthat the time and buses both could be ef-fectively utilized.

He directed the offi-cers of Education Depart-ment that while preparingroute in each district, asenior officer be appoint-ed as Nodal Officer whowould coordinate with theofficers of Transport De-partment for preparing bet-

ter routes for these buses. He said thatplaces where big buses are not re-quired, girl’s students should be pro-vided transport facility by using smallvehicles.

He directed the officers concerned tomaintain proper coordination for the suc-cess of the scheme and also to further ex-pand its scope so that the girl’s studentsdo not face any difficulty in pursuingtheir studies.

Special buses for girls to be startedin five Haryana districts: Khattar


The Unnao rape survivor is critical andchances of her survival are less, doctors saidon Friday, a day after she was set ablaze byfour men accused of raping her.

"Her present condition is very critical.However, some vitals are functioning fine.But sometimes it deteriorates," said Dr SunilGupta, Medical Superintendent (MS) of Saf-darjung Hospital.

"As she has suffered more than 90 per-cent of extensive burn injuries, chances ofher survival are less. Our Head of Depart-ment of Burn and Plastic Department DrShalab Kumar is closely monitoring thecase," he added.

The 23-year-old was airlifted from Luc-know's SMC government hospital to nation-al capital's Safdarjung Hospital last night.

The woman had filed a rape case inMarch this year, which is under trial at a lo-cal court in Unnao. According to the police,five men identified as Shubham, Shivam,Harishankar, Umesh and Ram Kishore, hadallegedly thrown kerosene on the womanand set her ablaze when she was on her wayto the court for a hearing in the rape case.

On Thursday, Chief Minister YogiAdityanath had taken cognisance of the inci-dent and said that the treatment of the victimwill be carried out on the government's ex-pense and strict action will be taken againstthe accused.

Unnao rape survivor very critical,chances dim: Hospital


Public Notice

Court Notice

Disown NoticeMatrimonial

Situation Vacant


I, Shivam S/o Parveen I, Manjit Rani D/o Devi I Hitherto Known As Jasjit I, Service No. 3396196p I, Ramesh Lal S/o Hazari I, Sinderpal Kaur W/o I, Lakhbir Singh S/o I Bhagwan Saran Shakya Sharma R/o # 2383/10, Detta W/o Vijay Kumar Kaur W/o Bhupinder Ex Nk Sukhdev Singh S/o Ram, R/o V.p.o. Wadala, Harp ree t S ingh R /o Harbans Singh R/o Vill: alias Ajay Kumar alias Vashisth Colony, Distt. R/o Jhansa, Sub Tehsil K u m a r R / o V p o Ajit Singh R/o Vpo- District Jalandhar Have Su lhan i (Fe rozepur ) Kamalgarh Kalan Teh- Bhagavan Sharan S/o Siya Kurukshetra Have Change I s m a i l a b a d , D i s t t . Kandola,distt. Jalandhar, S a i d o w a l K a l a n , Changed The Name Of My changed my name to Z i r a ( F e r o z e p u r ) Ram Shakya R/o 187 My Name Shivam To Kurukshetra Have Change Punjab-144103, Have Tehsil/distt- Gurdaspur Minor Son Shubham To Chhinderpal Kaur. 1 5 2 0 2 8 , P b , I n d i a , W.No. 8 Prathvi Darwaza Shivam Sharma. My Name Manjit Rani To Changed My Name And State Punjab. That I Shubham Kailey. 63372 changed my name to Kaimganj Farrukhabad

52724 Vandana Rani. Shall Hereafter Be Known Declare Changed My Son 72778 I, Daljeet Singh S/O Rajpal Lakhbir Singh Manes. Uttar Pradesh–207502 52724 As Jasjeet Kaur. Name From Sarabjit Singh I, Tajinder Sodhi S/o Singh Bawa R/O Vpo 63372 have changed my name to

I Darshana Kumari D/o 100077 To Sarabjit Singh And Dob Nirmal Singh R/o Vill Pakka Kalan District I Shaitan Ram S/o Dulha Ajay Kumar.Sh. Madan Lal Sharma, I Hitherto Known As From 20/11/2000 To Nandanpur P.o Nagra Distt Bathinda Have Changed Ram R/o Teetari Nagaur 63372W/o Sh. Prem Parkash Bindu Rani Alias Bindu 20/09/2001. Jalandhar I Have Changed My Name To Daljeet J o d h i y a s i I No.15484663n,Rank Residence- Ismailabad, Rani Arora Wife Of Dr. 100073 My Name Tajinder Sodhi Singh Bawa. Rajasthan–341001 have L d . N a t u H a r i b a h u Te h s i l - I s m a i l a b a d , Parshotam Kumar Arora I, Anita Rani D/o Sukhdev To Tajinder Singh . 63372 changed my name to Shivajirao S/O Shivajirao District- Kurukshetra D/o Dev Raj, Residing At Raj R/o 280, Cantt 72778 I Avtar Singh S/O Jion Aditya. Present Serving With 90 Haryana Have Changed House No. B-v-651, St. Road, Garha, Jalandhar, I I, Malkiat Singh S/o Singh R/O Dialpura Bhai 63372 Armd. Regt. C/O 56 Apo, My Name From Darshana No. 2-3 Green Avenue Have Change My Name Karam Singh R/o V. Ka Distt Bathinda Have I, Tirath Kaur Sandhu Have Declared That In Kumari To Pooja Sharma. Abohor Distt Fazilka, From Anita Rani To Neetu M u s t a f a b a d , P . o . Changed My Name Avtar W/o Ja t inde r S ingh My Army Record My Please Note All Concern. Punjab, Have Changed My Kaur Chahal. (arpit) S u b h a n p u r , D i s t t . Singh Dhaliwal. Bhullar R/o Village Bal Father Name Is Wrongly

100074 Name And Shall Hereafter 72778 K a p u r t h a l a , H a v e 63372 Hukmi Po . Ladhran Written As Shivajirao But I Army No. 15567525l Be Known As Bindu Rani I t I s F o r G e n e r a l Changed My Name From I Kanwaljit Kaur W/O Tehsil Nakodar Distt My Father Correct Name L/nk Jagjit Singh S/o Arora. Information That Reena @ Malkiat Singh To Malkit Avtar Singh Dhaliwal R/O Jalandhar , Pb India Is Natu Shivaji Chander.Sadhu Singh R/o Khilchian 62647 Reena Arora D/o Rajinder Singh. Dialpura Bhai Ka Distt N o w a t I t a l y h a v e 63372Tehsil Baba Bakala District I Dinesh Kumar S/o Singh W/o Prem Singh 72778 Bathinda Have Changed changed my name to I, Amarjit Singh Dhaliwal Amritsar Do Hereby Baldev Parshad Grover Belong To Sikh Family I Daljit Singh S/o Sadhu My Name Kanwaljit Kaur Tirath Kaur Bhullar. S/O Pritam Singh R/O Solemnly Declare That In R/o Gidderbaha Distt Sri And She Has Changed Her Singh R/o Village And P.o. Dhaliwal. 63372 B i r B a d h n i , M o g a My Service Record My Muktsar Sahib Have Name From Reena @ Bhano Langa Dis t t . I , R a v i n d e r K u m a r Changed His Name To 63372Son Harpreet Singh’s Date C h a n g e d M y N a m e Reena Arora To Tejpal Kapurthala Have Changed Verma S/o Mohan Lal A m a r j e e t S i n g h I Sukhminder Singh S/O Of Birth Is Wrongly Dinesh Kumar Grover. Kaur. My Name Daljit Singh To Verma R/o H.No. 4 Dhaliwal.Gurbakhsh Singh R/O Mentioned As 16/01/2011 62647 72778 Daljit Singh Chahal. P h a s e - 1 D u g r i 63372Bhai Rupa Distt Bathinda But Correct Date Of Birth I Dinesh Kumar Grover I, Hither To Known As (Ludhiana) I known by I , J a s w i n d e r S i n g h 72778 Have Changed My Name According Is 06/01/2011 S/o Late .baldev Parshad Reena @ Reena Arora W/o two names Ravinder K h u r m i R / O K a b i r I, Gurmail Singh S/o Mander Singh.

98748 R/o Gidderbaha Distt Sri Prem Singh And R/o B-41, K u m a r Ve r m a a n d Nagar, Moga Changed Joginder Singh R/o Vill. 63372I Himangshu Kalia Alias Muktsar Sahib Have L a r i o y a n M o h a l l a , Ali Chak, P.o. Basti Ravinder Verma. Both His Minor Son Name I Sanjeev Bansal S/O Himanshu Kalia Son Of Declared That My Father Nawanshahr, Shaheed Guzan, Jalandhar Have names are same and one Akarashan Singh Khurmi Makhan Lal Street No 18 Shri Avinash Kumar Kalia Also Known By Baldev Bhagat Singh Nagar, Changed The Name Of person. To A k a r s h a n S i n g h B, Janta Colony, Rampura Resident Of, Parshad Grover Punjab-144514, Have My Minor Son From 63372 Khurmi.Phul Distt Bathinda Have Adarsh Nagar, Kapurthala, 62647 Changed My Name And Parminder Singh To I Rajpal Kaur Sandhu 63372C h a n g e d M y N a m e Punjab, India Declare That I Hitherto Known As Shall Hereafter Be Known Parminder Singh Pannu. W/O Kulvinderjit Singh Sanjeev Kumar Bansal.Himangshu Kalia And Kashmir S/o Gurbachana As Tejpal Kaur. R/O Vi l l .Tare Wala 72778 63372Himanshu Kalia Are The Residing At Village Heran, 72778 Teh.Jalalabad, Distt . I, Jaskaran Preet Singh S/o I, Jagdish Singh Gallan Two Names Of One And N a k o d a r D i s t r i c t I Hither To Known As Fazilka (Punjab) Have Gurmeet Singh R/o Vill. S/O Pooran Singh R/O The Same Person. All Jalandhar Punjab - 144040 Amarjit Singh Biringh S/o Changed My Name To Ali Chak, P.o. Basti H.No. B 22.MCH.11, Concerned Please Note. Have Changed My Name Swarn Singh R/o Vpo Rajpal Kaur.Guzan, Jalandharhave Bassi Janna, Hoshiarpur,

98706 And Shall Hereafter Be Bhanoki, Tehsil Phagwara, 63372Changed My Name From Have Changed My Name Known As Kashmir Distt. Kapurthala, Punjab, Jaskaran Preet Singh To I , J a sma i l Kaur @ From Jagdish Singh Singh S/o Gurbachan India Have Changed My Jaskaran Preet Singh Kartar Kaur W/O Balvir Gallan To Jagdish Singh.Singh. Name And He Shall Pannu. Singh R/O Vill Mall PO 63372

100066 Hereafter Be Known As 72778 Dod Dis t t Fa r idko t I, Parvinder Singh Brar S/o I Shallu W/o Varinder Amarjit Singh. I, Pallavi Gupta D/o Arun Declared That I Known Sh. Avtar Singh R/o Vill-Kumar R/o 488, 72778 Kumar Have Changed My To Me Above Both L a k h m i r w a l a Te h -M o h a l l a M u n a r a I Madhu W/o Ashok Name From Pallavi Gupta Names.Budhlada (Mansa) have N a k o d a r D i s t r i c t Sharma R/o H. No. Nb - To Pallavi Mahajan W/o 63372c h a n g e d m y n a m e Jalandhar Have Changed 203, Laxmipura, Jalandhar Tarun Mahajan R/o I, Veer Chand Singh S/o Parvinder Singh.My Minor Son's Name Have Changed My Name 154, Bank Enclave Khurla Gurdev Singh R/o Malla 63372From Harsh To Harsh From Madhu To Madhu Jalandhar After Marriage (Faridkot) changed my I, Jaspal Singh S/o Amarjit Bhatara. All Note Please. S h a r m a A f t e r M y name to Veer Chand.72778 Singh R/o Chotian Kalan

100066 Marriage. 63372I, Veerpal Kaur W/o Avtar (Moga) Changed Name I Chhinder Pal Son Of 72778 Singh Baath R/o Mallan I, Parshotam Lal S/o Jaspal Singh Bhatti.S h r i A m i n C h a n d , I Biker Singh S/o Bakhshi Wala Road Near Hira Banarsi Das R/o Prem 63372Resident Of Ward 2, Near Ram Village Kharar Rawal Factory Zira (Ferozepur) N a g a r K o t k a p u r a I Dalbara Singh S/O Pritam Khansar Chowk, Safidon Bassi Post Office Kharar changed my name to (Faridkot) declare that Singh R/O Vill. Bahman City, Distt.jind (haryana) A c h h a r w a l T e h s i l Veerpal Kaur Baath. in school record of my Wala, Kotkapura (Faridkot) Have Chan g e d M y Garhshankar ( Hoshiarpur daughter Sakshi my 63372 Have Changed My Name To Name From Chhinder ) Diclare That In My n a m e i s w r o n g l y I, Avtar Singh S/o Resham Dalbara Singh Brar.Paul To Chhinder Pal. Passport My Name Is inserted as Parshotam Singh R/o Mallan Wala 63372

98732 Written As Bikram Singh Kumar. So correct it as Road Near Hira Factory I Jagdeep Kaur W/O Dalbara I, Baldev Singh Johal And In My All Other Zira (Ferozepur) changed Parshotam Lal.Singh Brar R/O Vill. Bahman S /o Darshan S ingh Documents My Name Is my name to Avtar Singh 63372Wala, Kotkapura (Faridkot) Jauhal R/o.501 Mohini Written As Biker Singh. Baath. I, Ravi Kumar S/O Teja Have Changed My Name To P a r k O p p K h a l s a Biker Singh And Bikram Singh R/O W.No.22, 63372 Jagdeep Kaur Brar.C o l l e g e A m r i t s a r - Singh Both Names Are B h a t t i a n , K h a n n a I, Anmol Sidhu W/o 63372143002 Have Changed The Same One Person. ( L u d h i a n a ) H a v e Paramvir Singh R/o Vpo. I Jagmeet Singh S/O My Name To Baldev 72778 Changed My Name To Jadla Teh-Nawanshahr Gurdarshan Singh R/O VPO. Singh Jauhal. Note It I Harjinder Singh S/o Ravi Choudhary.(SBS Nagar) Pb, India, Sivian (Faridkot) Have

72737 Partap Singh R/o Panjour 63372changed my name after Changed My Name To I, Sukhjeet Kaur W/o Tehsil Garhshankar ( marriage Anmol Sidhu I, Gurvir Singh S/O Jagmeet Singh Brar.Jaskaran Singh R/o Vill. Hoshiarpur ) Diclare That to Anmol Sidhu Bhatia. Ranjit Singh R/O VPO 63372Ash i -ke , Po .ma l l an In My Passpor t My Dhamot, Maddo Patti, 63372 I Chamkaur Singgh S/o Wala Ferozepur Have M o t h e r ` s N a m e I s L u d h i a n a C h a n g e d I, Rajneesh Kaur W/O Satwant Singh R/o Rampura Changed My Name To Wrongly Written As Avtar Name My Minor Son's J a s p a l S i n g h R / O (Bathinda) have changed my Surjeet Kaur. Please Kaur Instead Of Kartar From Parnur Singh Gill G h u l a l ( L u d h i a n a ) name to Chamkaur Singh.Note It Kaur. My Mother`s Exact To Parnoor Singh Gill.C h a n g e d M y N a m e 63372

Andcorrect Name Is 72737 63372Rajnish Kaur. I, Jaspreet S/o Gurmej Kartar Kaur And In My I, Kuldeep Sandhu S/o I, Rahul Ramesh S/O 63372 Mehmi R/o Vpo. Amargarh Mother`s Voter Card Ajit Singh R/o Vpo Ramesh R/O 2235/2, I, Mangu S/O Bhola Teh-Nawanshahr (SBS Pb/06/046/066586 And In Malsian Kalan Tehsil S t ree t No. 03, Issa S ingh R /O Poon ian Nagar) changed my name to Her Death Certificate Her Zira Distt Ferozepur N a g r i , L u d h i a n a (Ludhiana) Changed Jaspreet Mehmi.Name Is Written As Kartar H a v e C h a n g e d M y Changed Name Rahul.M y N a m e M a n g u 63372Kaur.Name Kuldeep Sandhu Singh. 63372I, Sarbjit D/o Sucha Singh

72778To Kuldeep Singh. Note 63372 I, Anandi W/O Sita Ram R/o B-5/ H.No. 148 Gali It I Hitherto Known As I, Pardeep Kumar S/O R/O 15/1, Near Islam Lakh Data Peer Garhshankar

K a n t a D e v i A l i a s 72737 Surinder Kumar R/O Ganj Puli, Prem Nagar, Road NSR (SBS Nagar) Manpree t Kaur W/o I, Rupinder Kaur W/o L u d h i a n a C h a n g e d S a m r a l a ( L u d h i a n a ) changed my name to Sarbjit Kulwinder Ram, R/o Vpo Balraj Singh R/o Gali Name Anandi Devi.C h a n g e d M y N a m e Kaur.Mehram Pur, Distt. Sbs Master Major Singh P a r d e e p K u m a r 6337263372Nagar-144518, Punjab, Wa l i S h r i C h a n d e r Wadhera. I, Shashi Bala & Shashi I Simarjit Kaur W/O India, Have Changed My Colony Tarn Taran Have 63372 Prabha W/O Kishan Lal Gurmeet Singh R/O Vpo Name And Shall Hereafter Changed My Name To I, Surinder Kumar S/o R/O 3227, Street No. 4, Bhamipura Tehsil Jagraon Be Known As Manpreet Rup inde r Pa l Kau r. Sham Gopal R/o W.No. Cheema Colony, Near Distt Ludhiana Have Kaur.Please Note It 4 B a l a c h a u r ( S B S T r a n s p o r t N a g a r , Changed My Name To

72778 72737 Nagar) declare that I Ludhiana Declare That Simerjeet Kaur.I Hitherto Known As I , Smt Saro j Nehra Both Names Are One have changed my name 63372Prabhjit Kaur W/o Anil Spouse (wife) Of No. And Same Surinder Sareen. I, Jasveer Kaur W/o Daljit Kumar Sharma, R/o 14940088k Hav Khinwa Ram 63372 63372Singh R/o Bhalaiana (Sri 141, Street No. 05, Guru Gandas R/o Vill. Kushalpur I, Nishan Singh S/o I, Balwinder Kumar S/O Muktsar Sahib) declared H a r k r i s h a n N a g a r , Po-reengan, Tehsil Ladnun Bachit tar Singh R/o Ratan Kumar Jain R/O that the correct spelling of Phagwara, Distt. Kapurthala-Distt Nagour (raj) Have Vill: Chohla Teh-Zira 4392, Street No. 3, m y s o n ’ s n a m e i s 144401, Punjab, India, Have Changed My Name From (Ferozepur) changed N a r i n d e r N a g a r , Bhupinderjit Singh Sidhu Changed My Name And Smt. Saroj Nehra To Smt. my name of Nishan L u d h i a n a C h a n g e d that same is mentioned in Shall Hereafter Be Known As Saroj Vide Affidavit Dated Singh @ Mastan Singh. Name Balwinder Kumar his Date of Birth certificate Manju Sharma.21/11/2019. both name same person. Jain.also.

7277872737 63372 6337263372

RNI NO. 61323/95 | Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications,

Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Editor Chander Trikha, Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail:

Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018




I, Army No. 4568010K, Ex-Nk Harcharan Singh, Resident of Vpo. Burj Mehma Teh & Dist t . Bathinda Punjab inform all that name of my wife is wrongly given in my service record as Karmjeet Kaur, Her Correct name is Karamjeet Kaur. name of my son is wrongly given in my service records as Arasdeep Singh, His correct name is Arshdeep Singh, His DOB is 18-03-2004, Aadhar No. 9359 1501 2418.

63372I Hitherto Known As Kamaljit Kaur Saggu W/O Shamhser Singh Residing At House No. 609, Ward No. 7, Godhewala Dodhrian Wali Gali, Moga Punjab-142001, Have Changed My Name And Shall Hereafter Be Known As Kamaljit Kaur. It Is Certified That I Have Complied With Other Legal Requirement In This Connection.

63372I, Gurcharan Singh S/o Surjit Singh R/o H.No. 1827 St.No. 8E Amritsar Road Dashmesh Nagar Moga declare that in my 10th class certificate my name entered wrongly Gurcharan Singh. But my correct name is Gursharn Singh. And also my mother name entered wrongly Kuldeep Kaur. But my mother correct name is Kuldip Kaur and in my birth certificate my DOB entered by mistake 13-10-1990. But my correct DOB is 13-12-1990.



This is bring into the notice that I Harjinder Kaur D/O late Ram Simar now W/O Sohan Lal Rattan VPO Mukand pur Teh Banga District SBS nagar Punjab have lost my Mark Sheet M.A.(1) Political science, Enroll no G-1135201740 Of S a m H i g g i n b o t t o m University of agriculture, technology and science, Uttar Pradesh, any where, if any body found please contact me. 9878914881.


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3HARYANAAmbedkar was a great personality: NarendraMAINPAL KASHYAPINDRI: On the occasion of Parinirvan Divas of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Master Narendra, chiefguest from Garhi Birbal Mandal of Indri Vidhan Sabha constituency said that Dr. BhimraoAmbedkar was a person who devoted his entire life to the society and worked for every sec-tion. The time which was considered exploited and victimized, he was always in the form of asocial reformer, a knowledgeable scholar of law. He will be a source of inspiration for theworld and by following the path shown by him, one can help the society and the world Todayworkers of Bharatiya Janata Party are moving towards awakening the society. Arun KumarVipin Kumar Sachin Kumar Vinod Kumar Rinku Kumar Dharamvir Anil Kumar Rahul andmany others attended the programme.


Concern forsafety of head


After the threat of killing KuldeepHindu, the national president of theinternational Hindu organizationYogi Sena, the matter of security ofthe Chief of the Yogi Army in thewhole country was raised. A mem-orandum was handed over to thedistrict authorities by the YogiArmy in different states of thecountry ! In many states, Yogi Senaworkers are still submitting memo-randas to protect Kuldeep Hindu inthe name of Prime Minister Naren-dra Modi and Home Minister AmitShah, in the whole country. The or-ganisation is demanding protectionfrom the government! Karnal Po-lice has already registered a case inthis matter! The Central Investiga-tion Agency along with HaryanaPolice is investigating this matter!

Talking to journalists, YogiSena national president KuldeepHindu said that now he will meetUnion Home Minister Amit Shah inthis matter and will ask for protec-tion from the Government of India!

On this occasion, many stateofficials were appointed, Silji Dut-ta was appointed as District Presi-dent of Mahila Morcha Gomti dis-trict, Vipin Sharma was appointedas the Union Minister of UttarPradesh, Ranu Rajput Chauhan asMahila Morcha Pradesh BhupendraSingh Bhandari, Secretary Uttarak-hand, has been appointed as mediain charge of Uttarakhand! The or-ganization claimed that every daythousands of youth are joining theorganization, by 2024, the organi-zation is working on a plan to con-nect ten crore youth.

‘Govt shouldtake concrete

steps to protectwomen and girls’ROHIT LAMSARTARAORI, DEC 6

The people of the whole countryand state are in fear because of theuntoward incident that happened inHyderabad with Dr. Priyanka Red-dy. The shocking incident has againraised the question of security forwomen. Social activist SavitaKabirpanthi and Rekha Kabirpanthisaid that concrete laws should beenacted to give strict punishment tothe accused who committed suchshameful incident. If the accusedare punished severely immediately,then to some extent such incidentswill be curbed.

Dr. Sarbjit Kaur, Principal ofSiri Guru Tegh Bahadur College,said that the government will haveto take appropriate steps to protectthe daughters. Poet Dr. Kanta Ver-ma said that when will the momentcome, when our daughters will befree and move ahead without anyfear, Preeti Gupta, Principal of St.Paul Diwyn School said that the in-cident of humiliation with the fe-male doctor in Hyderabad made thesociety ashamed Sangeeta Gupta,who is associated with social or-ganizations, said that such inci-dents should not happen in future,to spread awareness in societyneeded. Renu Gupta, director ofBrain O Brain, said that in today'stime women and girls are not safeanywhere in the country.

Baba Saheb wasa great socialreformer and


The Congress Sevadal paid floraltributes to Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar'sstatue on Mahaparinirvana Day. Onthis occasion, State General Secre-tary Jogindra Chauhan, State Secre-tary Jagir Saini and District HeadAnil Sharma said that Dr. BhimraoAmbedkar had a big role in draftingour Constitution. For this reason, heis known as the creator of the Con-stitution. He was a great social re-former and scholar. Today is hisdeath anniversary and his death an-niversary is celebrated as Maha-parinirvana Day. Anil Sharma saidthat Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's nameis foremost among the prominentpeople who have given a major voiceto the issues of social change like so-cial equality and social justice. Hedevoted his entire life to works likehigh-low, discrimination, elimina-tion of untouchability. On this occa-sion, State General Secretary Jogin-der Chauhan, State Secretary JagirSaini, District Head Anil Sharma,Media In-charge Sunil Sharma, Dis-trict General Secretary Jitendra Pan-chal Pundrak, Deputy PrincipalMadan Rana, Block Nising PrincipalSanjeev Kumar, former General Sec-retary Ramesh Saini, Rajkaran Seh-gal, Satbir Sehgal, General SecretaryVishal Sharma, Secretary Ashok Ku-mar, General Secretary Siraj Chaud-hary and Secretary Advocate Gurjarwere present.


Haryana Chief Minister, Mr ManoharLal said that all such ponds in theState which are in the revenue recordswould be rejuvenated. He directedthat in the first phase, about 200ponds in those villages which are in-cluded in the Mahagram Yojana andponds of having religious and histori-cal significance be taken up on prior-ity basis. About 16,000 ponds in theState are to be rejuvenated out ofwhich 1800 ponds would be devel-oped in the first phase in a year’s time.

This decision was taken in themeeting held under the Chairmanshipof Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lalhere.

Manohar Lal said that the prima-rily, the State Government aims to en-sure drinking water supply in thehouseholds through taps and also topurify the water used in the householdkitchens by pouring into the ponds sothat the same could be utilized by cat-tle for drinking purpose. He said thatthereafter, the remaining water would

be utilized for irrigating crops throughmicro irrigation. He directed the offi-cers to identify agriculture fields fordischarging water of big ponds.

It was informed in the meetingthat as per the survey conducted bythe officers of District Pond Manage-ment, 600 ponds on the basis of 38 pa-rameters in urban areas and 15,946ponds on the basis of 44 parameters inrural areas have been identified forrejuvenation.

An action plan has been pre-pared for this purpose as per whichabout 16,000 ponds would be reju-venated in coming 10 years. HaryanaPond and Waste Water Management

Authority, Urban Local Bodies, Irri-gation and Development and Pan-chayats Department would workjointly for the improvement of suchponds.

Among those present in the meet-ing included Additional Principal Sec-retary to Chief Minister Mr V.Umashankar, Additional Chief Secre-tary Irrigation and Water ResourcesDepartment Mr Devender Singh,Principal Secretary Development andPanchayats Department Mr SudhirRajpal, Deputy Principal Secretary toChief Minister Mrs Ashima Brar andother senior officers of the State Gov-ernment.


Haryana Governor, Mr. Satyadeo NarainArya has appealed to the people of theState to make give their contribution to-wards the welfare work related to the re-habilitation of war widows, disabled sol-diers and needy ex-servicemen.

Satyadeo Narain Arya was speaking atan event organized occasion of ArmedForces Flag Day at Raj Bhawan on Friday.On the occasion, Minister of State forSainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare, Mr. OmPrakash Yadav, pinned a Flag sticker to theHaryana Governor. The Governor alsogave his contribution to the donationamount for the welfare of military fami-lies.

Arya said that on this day, everyoneshould remember the scarifies of the bravesoldiers of the armed forces for the coun-try. He said that on the occasion of ArmedForces Flag Day, the State honors the mar-tyrs and show solidarity towards the armedforces, express sensitivity towards warwidows, disabled and needy ex-service-men and further assure them that the wholecountry stands with them.

He said that the 'Flag Day' provides anopportunity for everyone to show their sol-idarity towards the serving and retired sol-

diers of the armed forces and their familiesby generously making contributions forthem. He said that the people of Haryanahave always respected the brave soldiersand their families. The Haryana govern-ment has also implemented severalschemes for their welfare.

Speaking on the occasion, Minister ofState for Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare,Mr. Om Prakash Yadav said that efforts aregoing on for making a wide expansion ofthe military welfare activities and pro-grams and dedicated efforts will be madeto reach all the needy military families.

He further shared that every tenth sol-dier in the Indian Army is from Haryana e,while the population of Haryana is only 2percent of the population of the country, insuch situation, every resident of the Statefeels proud of the fact that they have gotthe opportunity to serve the country. Hesaid that the State Government has startednew works of guidance and skill develop-ment for the education of war scholars,children of disabled soldiers. He said thatthe Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare de-partment is committed to the welfare ofparamilitary forces as well as their fami-lies. He gave detailed information aboutother activities related to the department tothe Governor Mr. Arya.

1800 ponds to be rejuvenatedin first phase: Khattar

Guv urges people to contribute forwar widows, needy ex servicemen


Senior Vice President of BJP KisanCell Harpreet Singh Virk said that for-mer MLA Bakhsh Singh Singh Virkhas changed the picture of Assandhduring his tenure. He said that whilethere is currently an Opposition MLAfrom Assandh assembly constituen-cy,former MLA Bakhsh Singh SinghVirk still has the ability to take theright decision for the area. He saidthat no core work will be left unturnedin the development of the region andin particular the progress report ofeach work will be submitted directlyto Chief Minister Manohar Lal.

BJP leader Harpreet todayreached to see the progress of the con-struction work. He was accompaniedby a group of local BJP workers andhe took stock of the development

works being done at various places inAssandh. Harpreet Singh said that thework is done without corruption in theBJP rule and that is the reason thatwhatever road, building, culvert orother construction work is going on,they are being strengthened. He saidthat in the same way, former MLA

Baksheesh Singh Virk is trying to im-plement other works and make As-sandh as a district.

Sandeep Singh, Rajbir Singh,Ramesh, Kuldeep, Karan Singh, Ra-jkumar, Rajendra Singh and other activists were present on theoccasion.

No reduction will be allowedin development works: Virk


Fancy dress andsolo dance compe-tition was held forthe young childrenof class 1 to 8 inMM Public Schoollocated on KarnalMarg of the city. Inthis inter-competi-tion, many students gave theirfirst presentation and alsocaptivated the audience pres-ent. Conducted in conjunc-tion with school manager In-dira Bhardwaj and PrincipalRV Bhardwaj, the famous so-cial worker Mridula partici-pated in the competition,while dance teachers Dipu

and Govind Chauhan playedthe judges.

Principal RV Bhardwajsaid that while children per-formed in colourful in thiscompetition, some childrenalso highlighted burning is-sues like air and water pollu-tion etc. In this competition,Priya, Gauri and Shruti se-

cured first, second and thirdplace respectively, on theother hand, in the solodance, Aryan, Aranur,Mehak, Sarthak, Gurnoor,Praneet, Himanshi, amongothers, performed well.

The awards were distrib-uted to children at the end ofthe programme.

Fancy dress contest heldat MM Public School


PWD mechanical workers held a protestfor their demands and warned the govern-ment that they would beforced to lay siege if theirdemands were not metsoon. On Friday, HaryanaGovernment PWD Me-chanical Workers Unionexpressed its anger bymeeting for two hours infront of Public Health En-gineering Board numberone office. District chair-man Sarup Singh and district secretaryDharamvir Jangra said that on November8, the Executive Engineer was given a let-ter of demands, but even after about amonth, the Executive Engineer did notcall the organization to discuss their prob-lems.

Temporary employees are being firedfor no reason. Employee leaders said thatto enforce the demands, employees willnot shy away from burning the officers'siege and effigy. On this occasion, SKS

Assandh chief Karmaveer Sharma,Neelokheri to Pawan Sharma, Hussanlal,Naresh, Rohtash, Sumerchand, LaxmanNegi, Jaipal, Naresh San, Sadhu Ram,Subay Singh, Satish Sharma, Suresh, LalSingh and Krishna Kumar addressed theemployees Addressed.

PWD mechanical officers holdprotest for their demands

Protest against contractawarded for road repair


On Friday, field workers at Charkhi Dadri protested at the of-fice of Superinten-dent Engineer Cir-cle Civil in protestagainst the gov-ernment's decisionto give road repairwork on contract.The workersprotested againstthe privatisation ofall the three de-partments of thePWD. The protestwas led by Satyapal Verma and State Deputy Principal TejpalGurjar and Registrar Rana. Leaders of Raman Kulwant Shar-ma, Mahabir Kashyap, Ishwar Dahiya, State General Secre-taries Dharamvir Sharma, Anil Rawal, Rampal Tanwar etc. saidthat if the government does not cancel the contract soon themovement against the union government will intensify its agi-tation.

Complaint againstfilth to NDRI


Taking cognizance of thecomplaint of filth on theback of Swami Vivekanan-da Park at the NationalDairy Research Institutefor a long time, Subhash Chandra, vice president of SwachhBharat Mission, said that if the government institute itself is re-sponsible then what can we expect from common man. He re-ceived a complaint from the local residents that behind theSwami Vivekananda Park at the Central Dairy Institute, therehas been a pile of filth for a long time Nearby residents have toface the problem.

Subhash Chandra also met Dr. RRB Singh, Director, DairyInstitute, on this problem and apprised him of the problemcaused by the filth and mess. On this, the director of the insti-tute assured them that they would soon dispose this waste andmake the place clean., Ramesh Narang, Bharat Bhushan, Sub-hash Trehan, Gopal Kumar and Shankar were also present onthe occasion.

Onion price hiketroubles people


The rise in onion prices across the country has trou-bled the common people. There is no mention of stag-nating onion inflation. In the market, onion priceshave crossed Rs 100. People have to buy onions at therate of Rs 100 to 120 per kg. Onion prices are nowtouching the sky. The taste of the common man's platehas completely deteriorated in this era of inflation.

In such a situation, the administration has alsotightened the stock limit to control onion status. Theadministration has reduced the stock limit of whole-salers and retailers by 50 per cent. Now wholesalerscan only stock up to 25 metric tons and retailers onlyup to five metric tons.


Women's Wing of JCI Karnaltoday organized a meeting to-day to elect the female headfor the year 2020. The meet-ing was addressed by AshaGoyal, Inderjit Dhamija,Poonam Goyal and MadhuGupta, Preeti Gupta. ShilpiDhull was appointed chair-person for the year 2020.

Shilpi thanked all respectedmembers for being given theresponsibility of Uneh JCKarnal Wing. In his executivetoday, he was given the re-sponsibility of the post ofGeneral Secretary to MeenuChopra, and Poonam Agar-wal to the post of Cashier.

Preeti said that this timeall of us together will coop-erate fully in whatever so-cial work is done towards

the society. Shilpi and herentire team vowed from to-day that they will do moreand more work in socialwork this year. Asha Goyal,Madhu Gupta, Inderjit,Nisha, Suman, Trisha, Poon-am Jindal, Poonam Agarwal,Nisha Goyal, Suman Gupta,Anupama Jain, PoonamGoyal, Sonaya Gupta,Meenu Chopra, etc. werepresent on the occasion.

Shilpi Dhull becomes head ofwomen's wing of JCI Karnal

Prevention of sexual harassment:Dev Samaj College of Education

conducts pertinent workshop


In an endeavor of ensuring a safe, secure and gender-neutralcampus, Dev Samaj College of Education, Sector 36 B,Chandigarh, conducted a workshop on 'Enhancing capacity inpreventing sexual harassment at the workplace', in associationwith National Alliance Of Women's Organisations (NAWO) atits premises. The session was supported by the British DeputyHigh Commission . The workshop assumes significance inlight of a series of cases of sexual violence against women inthe country.

An eminent academician and internationally renowned ac-tivist Professor (Emeritus) Pam Rajput along with AssistantProfessor Ameer Sultana from the Department cum Centre forWomen’s Studies and Development, Panjab University con-ducted the interactive session with the students.

The Principal of the college Dr. Agnese Dhillon welcomedthe guests with a sapling, which is a symbol of prosperity andharmony. The objectives of this training programme were tocreate awareness, prevention and redressal of sexual harass-ment at workplace.


Found in the Mahabharata,the Bhaga-vad Gita is themost well-known and

renowned portion of this great

epic. Even though, it wastaught to Arjuna thou-sands of years ago, theGita continues to retainits popularity and appeal— especially in today’sfast-paced, nerve-rack-ing and challengingworld. Why is this so?

The Bhagavad Gitais considered to be theessence of all the Upan-ishads.

The background,setting and atmosphereof the Upanishads werevery different. Therein,we find the wise rishis,sitting in the calm andserene surroundings of

their ashram or on the banks ofa river, far away from the dinand roar of the marketplace.The truth was expounded toevolved disciples — intelli-

gent men and women who hadexamined and understood thelimitations ofworldly life.

In contrast,Arjuna was aperson of theworld. He wasan ambitious,noble and hero-ic man of action. He had un-dergone numerous trials andtribulations; abundant experi-ences, good and bad.

How-ever, when confront-ed with the prospect of fight-ing his own kin, he was over-whelmed. This is the plight ofmost of us today — we be-come incapacitated whenfaced with unpleasant dutiesor insurmountable problems;we do not know right fromwrong; we do not know howto act.


When the government first brought the CitizenshipAmendment Bill (CAB) to Parliament in January thisyear, it was unconstitutional through and through

since it sought to confer Indian citizenship in a discriminatorymanner based on religion, as though India is a theocratic state.

The revised measure cleared by the Union Cabinet onWednesday — and expected to be introduced in Parliament onMonday — is no different from the original bill in its funda-mentals, and suffers from exactly the same frailty. So, in whatway is this bill a revised venture? The answer lies in dubiouspolitics, which also has the effect of undercutting the Constitu-tion. The strongest voice against the January bill came from theNortheast —where the BJP has muscled its way into govern-ments in several capitals since coming to power at the Centrein 2014 — and civil society in those states. So the bill in its newavatar says illegal Hindu immigrants will not be permitted tosettle in most of the Northeast (as this will hurt the BJP’s po-litical prospects there).

Thus, when illegal immigrants become citizens under thenew law, they will not be free to reside where they like as oth-er citizens. This is plainly discriminatory.

The new law is meant to give refuge to non-Muslims sup-posedly running away from religious persecution in Pakistan,Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The government has offered nodata on the numbers involved. Indeed, besides weak anecdotalevidence, the whole construct seems a hoax.

Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jains and Buddhists arenot clamouring for entry into India. From Afghanistan, the fig-ure is likely to be nil. From Pakistan, close to nil. Indeed, thosefacing discrimination there are mainly Islamic sects, like Ah-madiyas and Shias.

Essentially, then, the whole thing will centre onBangladesh, which borders India’s Northeast and West Bengal,and the rest is a smokescreen. If illegal Bangladeshi immi-grants, if any, are denied entry to the Northeast as envisionedin the bill to be tabled, they are most likely to flock to WestBengal, Odisha and Bihar, given the geography.

Besides creating religion-based citizenship, and question-ing democracy’s inviolable principle of equality before the law,the supposedly revised CAB also violates the 1985 Assam Ac-cord. Under this law, those found to have entered India fromBangladesh after March 24, 1971 are aliens, while the CABpermits illegal Hindus to become Indian citizens if they cameby December 31, 2014 — a completely arbitrary date.

In keeping with BJP-RSS’s political theology, if there is noCAB, there can be no compilation of a National Register of Cit-izens (NRC). The CAB is meant to give legal cover to illegalHindus in Assam. The recent disastrous exercise of compilingthe NRC for Assam showed there were more Hindu illegalsthan Muslims. The state BJP rejected the exercise.

EditorialDubious politics behindrush to enact new CAB

The glory of the Bhagavad Gita If one hails from the sub-continent, it is hard neverto have heard the throbbing

beat of ‘dama dam mast qalan-dar’ — a Sufi anthem whosefollowing has transcended ge-ographical boundaries thanksto the popularity of fusion mu-sic and technological advance-ment. Hundreds of singershave rendered it in genresranging from qawwali to filmsongs. It is believed to havebeen originally written byAmir Khusro in the 13th cen-tury and then added to byBulleh Shah in the 17th centu-ry.

Recently, it was claimedon a TV show that Saghar Sid-diqui penned the famous song.Now Saghar was a tremen-dous poet who went uncele-brated and totally ignored. Hedeserves appreciation and ac-knowledgement without anydoubt. However, he was toobig a poet to be laden withsomeone else’s creation. Prob-ably what caused this confu-sion is that he may have writ-ten the lyrics for one of the twomovies featuring this song in1956 and 1969. In the latteryear, it was sung by MadamNoor Jehan who truly immor-talised it.

It happens many a timethat folklore is adapted forcontemporary usage and mi-nor tweaks make it more ac-cessible and attractive for au-diences. To that extent,Saghar, or anyone else for thatmatter, would deserve acco-lades as it is no mean feat tomake a change, no matter howminor, in an already phenome-nally popular work of art with-out taking something away

from the beauty of the origi-nal. It is important to differen-tiate between dhamal, the tuneand the lyrics of the song set toit. Since this region has been amelting pot, in all likelihoodthe tune predates the song asdhamal, a stomping beat, is ac-companied by an ecstaticwhirling and stamping that hascome to be associated with aparticular type of dance per-formed in a trance-like state atSufi shrines. Its appeal is sowidespread that both dhamaland the song’s refrain “damadam mast qalandar” have en-tered the sociopolitical lexiconto connote meanings far fromits original intent. Among itsmyriad usages, “dhamal” isused to signify “intense” and“dama dam” to warn “the endis nigh”.

It was Zulfikar Ali Bhuttowho first used the term “damadam mast qalandar” in 1973 topredict the political turmoilahead. Subsequently, the late

Pir Pagaro used it to relay hismaster’s voice to the electedgovernments that their dayswere numbered.

It is also attributed to ZABthat right before the orders forhis judicial murder were to bepronounced by the presidingjudge, he murmured “Qalan-dar pat rakh jaan” (O Qalan-dar, help save my honour).This attribution is weak ontwo counts. One, it has notbeen corroborated sufficiently,and two, ZAB most likely wasnot so conversant with Sindhito have used “pat” for honour.While tracing the genesis andevolution of the anthem, itshould be kept in view thatJhuley Lal is a different saintfrom Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.His real name was Udero Lalwhile the latter was named Us-man Marwandi. Udero was aHindu saint and his mau-soleum complex in TandoAdam, district Sanghar inSindh, has a unique distinction

of being administered jointlyby the Muslim and Hinducommunity. The references to“jhula” (cradle) as in “jhuleylal” or “jhuley lalan” are re-minders of the legend of Ud-ero Lal and how as an infanthe is believed to have per-formed miracles from his jhu-la. There is nothing wrong incombining reverence for twoor multiple mystics whospread the message of loveand peace. Like Shahbaz Qa-landar, Udero Lal enjoys ahuge following among peoplefrom various faiths, but veryfew people realise that the ref-erences to “jhuley lal” in folkmusic may actually pertain tohim, and the song as we knowit today may be an amalgam ofdevotion to various mystics, adefinite case of “the more themerrier”. As a noun, “dhamal”means a loud melody that isnot just heard, but felt underthe feet — of earthshaking va-riety, you may say. It is used as

an adjective, especially in In-dia to signify something veryexciting, very intense, eg “thematch had a dhamal ending”.The spontaneous dance thatPakistanis all over the countrybreak into when surprised bysomething good coming theirway is what we are referring tohere — yes, those index fin-gers in the air, shoulders raisedwhirl is dhamal! Given the ris-ing political temperature andthe excitement it causesamong those vying for power,it seems we are poised for arather extended dama damseason as the next generalelections are not due before2023. Incidentally, the econo-my too can be explained with-in the ambit of this piecethrough a proverb that reflectsour predicament so perfectlythat it cries out to be shared:“pai na paisa paley; dhamalpendi challey” (not even acoin in the pocket, but the gaitis earthshaking).







STARS TALKSSeemaa Singh, As-

trologer and Vastu Ex-pert known for her accu-

rate predictions of winningBJP minister Kirron Kher, as

well winningof Punjabelections byCongress. Shehas deliveredmany lectureson astrologyin India as

well as abroad. Followed byinternational conferences andT.V. shows on various Chan-nels. ARIES :- The moon is defi-nitely a confidence-booster.On the other hand, it alsomakes you more sensitive andemotional, so along with ex-tra compassion and care for

others comes a risk of self-pity. Exploit whatever littletricks you know to lift yourmorale.

Lucky Color :- TurquoiseLucky No :- 4

TAURUS :- Opportu-nities for change andvariety should beseized for two rea-sons.

Lucky Color :-Sea Green

Lucky No :- 5GEMINI :- Happilyeverything which isoptimistic, changeable, so-ciable and full of life is em-phasized today. Mind you,you'll be in no mood to wasteyour time.

Lucky Color :- MaroonLucky No :- 9

CANCER :- The happiest in-dividuals could be those atwork today. If you're takingtime off then the best leisurepursuits should be thosewhich encourage you to com-

plete, and give you thechance to shine in

front of yourfriends. There'snothing wrongwith showing off!

Lucky Color :-Forest Green

Lucky No :- 8LEO:- You may splash

out some money if that's thebest way to stay happy.

Lucky Color :- SilverLucky No :- 11

VIRGO :- Financial mattersgrab the headlines. In brief it'sa fine moment for going

shopping, haggling and pick-ing up a few bargains.

Lucky Color :- OrangeLucky No :- 2

LIBRA :- There's no doubtabout it : you will have to dowhat partners want! Howev-er, that doesn't mean you can'tenjoy yourself.

Lucky Color :- LavenderLucky No :- 6

SCORPIO :- Please keepbusy-and don't overlook anyessential details.

Lucky Color :- Dark greyLucky No :- 22

SAGITTARIUS :- The sparkof love could burst intoflames if the emotional windblows from the right direc-tion.

Lucky Color :- VioletLucky No :- 1

CAPRICORN :- Even en-forced changes in your per-sonal life can do you a powerof good.

Lucky Color :- BeigeLucky No :- 3

AQUARIUS :- What reallymatters is that you explainyourself. It's an excellent dayfor communication, but bythe same token if you fail tomake yourself clear, especial-ly at home, misunderstandingcould multiply.

Lucky Color :- CoffeeLucky No :-15

PISCES :- The moon in afavourable position, onewhich brings out your desirefor travel and adventure.

Lucky Color :- Goldenbrown

Lucky No :- 7

The myriad interpretations of Sufi anthem ‘Mast Qalandar’

Embracing conservation agricultureto enhance farmer’s financial health

Climate change has posedthe biggest challenge sofar to Agricultural pro-

ductivity. It has led to droughtlike conditions in some parts ofthe country and heavy, erraticrainfall in other regions.

The severity and unpre-dictability of weather haswreaked havoc on crop pro-ductivity, especially in rain-fedregions of our country. Manyfarmers have shifted to shortduration crops that can with-stand harsher conditions, in-stead of cultivating staplegrains as before. The low pro-ductivity and shifts in the culti-vated crops are posing a chal-lenge for food security for ourgrowing population. Thefarmer is also battling increas-

ing production cost, scarcity offarm labour, declining or stag-nating yield and farm income.The vulnerability of farm prof-itability is pushing farmers to-wards desperate and recklessuse of chemicals to managecrops and enhance yields, mak-ing them a target for unscrupu-lous suppliers. The increaseduse of fossil fuels, polluted soiland water resources and loss of

biodiversity are additional en-vironmental concerns. Rice isthe staple food of more than60% of the world’s populationespecially in South East Asia.Among the rice growing coun-tries in the world, India has thelargest area under rice crop i.e.,43.86 million hectare (Mha)and ranks second in production(163.5 MT) next to China (203MT). India’s average rice pro-ductivity is below world aver-age of 4 MT/ha and much low-er as compared to China’s 6.5MT/ha.

Therefore, India is contribut-ing 1.4 times more land area forproducing 1.2 times less rice ascompared to China, this is avery harmful statistic for ourgrowing economy.

The Bhagavad Gita is considered tobe the essence of all the Upanishads

The moment Pakistan’sSupreme Court tookcognisance of the proce-

dural lapses in the extensionorder for Gen. Qamar Bajwa’scontinuation as Army Chief, itwas obvious that a crisis wasin the making. Now grantinghim a six-month reprieve tohim and to Imran Khan’s gov-ernment, with the caveat thatproper legislation must bepassed in this period on thetenure of service chiefs, hasnot resolved the issue. In fact,the grounds for more turbu-lence within Pakistan’s polityand military have been laid.Work on a new law has re-portedly already begun, butthere are competing forces atplay which may not make thetransition through the next sixmonths easy.

First is the attempted per-petuation of status quo. PrimeMinister Imran Khan has acomfort level with Gen. Ba-jwa, and after all without hislargesse the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) would perhapsnever have seen the light ofday as far as political power isconcerned. Whether its writ issupported by others in thePakistan Army is not clear.What was being assumed as awell-knit, professional higherleadership promoting Pak-istan’s interests has actuallyproven to be a self-serving setof senior officers. Gen. Bajwawould have done himself andImran Khan some good if herecalled the events of 1969,that led to the ouster of formerPresident Ayub Khan. It wasnone other than Yahya Khan,the man bolstered by Ayub,who ultimately forced him toabdicate. In the face of poten-tial power coming their way,

the Pakistan Army’s generalshave displayed little loyalty,best exemplified by the re-ported spat at the corps com-manders, where the chief wasapparently hounded. Why wasthis so? Gen. Bajwa is of the1980 batch and followed Gen.Raheel Sharif (1976 batch) aschief, who in turn followedGen. Ashfaq Kayani (1970batch). Gen. Kayani also got athree-year extension and upsetthe chances of the 1973-75batches to throw up a chieffrom among them. Gen.Sharif went without an exten-sion, allowing the 1980 batchto throw up Gen. Bajwa.

Now if Gen. Bajwa’stenure is extended by threeyears, the next batch to have achief would be 1986 or be-yond, effectively ruling outthe 1983-85 batches, whichhave about 15-16 lieutenant-generals in contention. It isfrom among these that sevenlieutenant-generals are report-ed to have joined hands withChief Justice Asif Khosa to set

up the three tense days inwhich the Supreme Courttook suo moto cognisance of awithdrawn petition againstGen. Bajwa’s extension.

The three-judge bench,besides pointing to glitches inthe government’s proceduralaspects, also made observa-tions about the nature of thesituation which the govern-ment said dictated the need foran extension of not one or twobut three full years, equal tothe original tenure. The latteris what probably upset thecorps commanders no end.What is likely to be the out-come? Sheikh Rashid, themaverick railway minister,has publicly declared thatGen. Bajwa will get his fullthree years as originallysought by the government. MrRashid is an astute politician.He knows that both the Pak-istan Army and the govern-ment can ill afford to allow thejudiciary to take such a standand have it implemented; itwill set a wrong precedent and

further embolden the judiciaryinto creating a 2007-type situ-ation in which a major tussletook place between Chief Jus-tice Iftikhar Chaudhry andGen. Parvez Musharraf, thenPakistan’s President.

The court order asked theImran Khan government toguarantee that a constitutionalamendment would be fi-nalised and approved in Par-liament in the next sixmonths, adding importantpoints including specificationof the tenure of appointmentand extension of the ArmyChief, retirement of a four-stargeneral and clarity over thepension and privileges anArmy hief and a four-star gen-eral would get. The court or-der clearly said: “Gen. Bajwaas COAS shall be subject tothe said legislation and shallcontinue for a period of sixmonths from November 28,whereafter the new legislationshall determine his tenure andother terms and conditions ofservice”.

The Supreme Courtwould of course be aware thatthe legislature can approverules by which the ArmyChief could be given exten-sions upto or more than threeyears. Mr Rashid’s claim wasthat the PML(N)’s support hasalready been secured. Thepossibility of political lobby-ing by senior generals and asplit wide open at the highestlevels of the Pakistan Armymay not be ruled out.

The intent will be to keepthe legislative power of exten-sion for service chiefs to amaximum of six months.While Gen. Bajwa himselfmay not have wished to havea long extension, as has beenreported, it is the survival ofthe Imran Khan governmentwhich is at stake. WithMaulana Fazlur Rehman hav-ing laid the foundations ofdestabilisation of the ImranKhan government, and thePML(N) and PPP also havingagreed to give support to thecleric, Imran Khan’s position

is weak and entirely dependson the Army. However, withthe political environment sovitiated, and the Army itselfdivided, Pakistan could beheading for a period of sus-pension of the legislature anddirect rule by the Army. Thatagain would have been theeasiest option if things wereall right on the economic andinternational front and Pak-istan was not under intensepressure from the IMF and ahost of other lenders.

It is not going to be aneasy six months in Pakistanunless the government de-cides to act quickly and com-plete the formalities in an ear-lier timeframe. The proverbialpound of flesh will be extract-ed by the Opposition and thatperhaps may end in partialmarginalisation of Gen. Ba-jwa’s powers. With only limit-ed support from the seniorranks and rampant mistrust,his weakening position wouldalso affect the fortunes of theImran Khan’s government.The Opposition might be sali-vating at the thought of freshelections, but given the stateof the economy and likely lessthan three per cent GDPgrowth, exercises like elec-tions would be considered aluxury.

Internal turbulence andsubterfuge within Pakistandoes not necessarily lead toinstability at the borders, butIndia will need to be doublycareful as many of the actionswould be unpredictable and infact verge on being irrational.It could also throw Pakistanipolitics to the wolves; the irra-tional radicalised elementstemporarily ruling the roostonce again on the streets.

How Bajwa affair may impact politics in PakistanThe three-judge bench,besides pointing to glitches inthe government’s proceduralaspects, also madeobservations about the natureof the situation which thegovernment said dictated theneed for an extension of notone or two but three full years,equal to the original tenure.

It is also attributed to ZABthat right before theorders for his judicialmurder were to bepronounced by thepresiding judge, hemurmured “Qalandar patrakh jaan” (O Qalandar,help save my honour).This attribution is weakon two counts. One, it hasnot been corroboratedsufficiently, and two, ZABmost likely was not soconversant with Sindhi tohave used “pat” forhonour.

Story of Oudh’s begum & prince comes to life

It took Pulitzer Prize win-ner Ellen Barry of theNew York Times to put at

rest last week the 40-year-old mystery of “BegumWilayat Mahal” of Oudh,her children, “Princess” Sak-ina and “Prince” Ali Reza,alias, Cyrus. The hauntingvisitation began in the early1970s at the New Delhi rail-

way station and ended in thethickly forested Malcha Ma-hal four decades later. It wasa story of bleak, dark pathos,not quite the stuff of hightragedy.

As early as 1975, AnjumQadar, whose descent fromthe Oudh “royals” is estab-lished, had rubbished Wilay-at Mahal’s claims. The self-

proclaimed “royals” wouldnot speak to Indian journal-ists — “only to foreigners”.All of this blocked light onthe cardinal question: Whowere these fakes? Indeed,why was this fake beingplayed out? It took EllenBarry’s dogged determina-tion to help tie up loose endsof the story.


Former J&K MLC slams Pak for ceasefire violations,seeks rehab policy for border dwellersJAMMU: Former Jammu and Kashmir Member Legislative Council Dr ShehnazGanai on Thursday slammed Pakistan for frequent ceasefire violations along theLine of Control in Poonch district and also demanded rehabilitation policy for theborder villagers. Dr Ganai however, expressed concern over repeated incidents ofcross LOC shelling from Pakistan in Poonch. Dr Ganai also visited to theGovernment Medical College at Jammu to meet border firing injured and urged theGovernment to provide free medical treatment to them and compensation for thedamages caused. In a handout issued here, Ms Ganai also expressed anguish overthe fact that despite Bandichichian and the neighboring villages being on LOC, noBunker has till date been constructed in the area.

Sadbhawna Divasorganised by ABVP

ASHOK KUMAR ARYASAOONI: Akhil Bharatiya VidyarthiParishad of Telka today celebratedsocial harmony day on the deathanniversary of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.All India Vidyarthi Parishad celebratesSocial Harmony Day all over Indiatoday. Abhilash Sharma of DistrictCoordinator says that on the basis ofcaste system in Manu period, peoplewere not divided, but based on thevarna system, they performed readingand writing. Due to foreign invasion,poison of caste system came intoIndian culture. To end this casteismand bring harmony in the society, aprogram was organized by the AkhilBharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad today. Theseminar was organized by VidyarthiParishad Telka. On this occasion,activist Sahil Khan said that thestudent council is working in the societywith the aim of making India united witha sustainable work. Sandeep Kumar,Anita Devi, Deeksha Sharma, SonuRajput Manoj Kumar, Sapna Devi,Madhu Kumari, Shivani Sharma werepresent on the occasion.

AIDS awarenessprogramme organizedSHANTI GAUTAMBADDI: A day-long public awarenessprogramme was organized under theAIDS Disease Awareness Fortnight atthe auditorium of the VSLM College ofEducation Chandi by HealthDepartment. Dr. Brijesh Sharma andhealth teacher Ram Avatar Thakurfrom the civil hospital Chandi werepresent as chief guests. Dr. BrijeshSharma gave detailed informationabout the diagnosis of AIDS diseaseand its remedy to B.Ed and D.L.Edtrainees present in the collegeauditorium. Health teacher Ram AvtarThakur o gave detailed information toeveryone about this incurable disease.He called upon youth to stay awayfrom the drug and apprised the traineeabout its ill effects. Dr. Brijesh Sharmaadministered oath to trainees to makea drug-free India and state. In thisevent, winners of various competitionswere also awarded by HealthDepartment Chandi. On this occasion,various competitions were alsoorganized on this subject, under whichspeech and slogan writingcompetitions were organized.Shobhana got first, Hemraj secondand Pushpa third in speech. Anjali gotconsolation prize.

Night chill continues,early morning densemist disrupt trafficSRINAGAR: Night chill continued asthe minimum temperature remainedsub-zero in the Kashmir valley, wheredense fog, coupled with icy cold winds,disrupted normal traffic movement inthe morning. A Met departmentspokesman said that weather willremain dry during the next 24 hours inthe Kashmir valley. There will be nochange in the weather during thesubsequent 48 hours, he said, addingthat due to open sky and dry weather,the minimum temperature will remainbelow normal though maximumtemperature could be near or abovenormal. Very dense fog, coupled withicy cold winds, this morning badly hitnormal work, particularly trafficmovement in summer capital, Srinagar,where the people remained indoor dueto sub zero temperature.


Jai Ram Thakur announces Sub Tehsilat Lambloo in Hamirpur district

Technical education to help youth in skill upgradation , says CMAGENCYHAMIRPUR, DEC 6

A recurring grant of Rs. 10 crorewould be provided to the HPtechnical University Hamirpur bythe State Government, said JaiRam Thakur Chief Minister afterinaugurating AdministrativeBlock of HPTechnical Universityconstructed at a cost of Rs. 66.61crore and laying foundationstones of Students Cafeteria andShopping Complex and Open AirTheatre of the University atHamirpur today. Jai Ram Thakursaid the campus of HP TechnicalUniversity is one of the bestCampuses of the State. He saidthat the new block of the Campuswould be completed within nextsix months and provide besteducational infrastructure to thestudents studying there. He saidthat the University would helpyouth in upgradation of theirskills by providing thememployment oriented education.The Chief Minister said thatunlike the previous StateGovernment the presentGovernment was ensuring thatadequate budget provisionswould be made for developmentprojects so that these could becompleted within stipulated timeperiod.

Denies discrimination with Hamirpurin terms of development

HAMIRPUR: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Jai RamThakur on Friday said that development that was haywireduring Congress regime had been brought on rails and equaland balanced development of all parts of the state was goingon. He said that it was wrong to say that Hamirpur district wasbeing discriminated in field of development. Talking toreporters on the sidelines of a function, he invited the Congressparty leaders to the official functions to know how muchdevelopment activities were going on in the district, adding thatequal and balanced development of all parts of the state wasgoing on including that of Hamirpur.

Inaugurates Hamir Utsav

HAMIRPUR: HimachalPradesh Chief Minister JaiRam Thakur on Fridayinaugurated two- day longHamir Utsav( Festival) in alocal school ground here. Itwas on September 1st, 1972that the then Chief MinisterDr Yashwant Singh Parmarhad dedicated the people ofthe district a fully-fledgeddistrict, the twelfth district ofstate at Hamirpur. However,it was not observed in themonth of September andthereafter due to rains andbad weather. The CM offeredpuja at the local Shiva templeand sought blessings of theLord Shiva for the people ofthe state in general andHamirpur district inparticular. Union Minister ofState for Finances andCorporate Affairs, AnuragThakur, Kamlesh Kumari,Narendra Thakur, localMLAs and Baldev Sharma,newly elected district BJPchief was also present in thefunction.

Himachal CM pays tribute to Dr. BhimraoAmbedkar on 64th death anniversary


Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today paidrich tributes to the founder of Constitution Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, popularly knownas Babasaheb Ambedkar, on his 64th deathanniversary by paying floral tributes at hisstatue at Ambedkar Chowk here today.

While interacting with the media on theoccasion, Chief Minister said that DrAmbedkar was known as the architect of theconstitution of India and an eminent juristwho laid the foundation of democracy in Indiaand worked continuously for socio-economicequality in the Indian society. He was also anotable economist, politician and socialreformer who worked for upliftment of poorand downtrodden so that they could becomeintegral constituent of development in thesociety. He campaigned against socialdiscrimination towards untouchables.

Artistes of the Information and PublicRelations Department recited ‘Bhajans’ of the

occasion. Education Minister SureshBhardwaj, MLAs Kishori Lal and RakeshSingha, Mayor Kusum Sadrate, DeputyMayor Rakesh Sharma and people from allwalks of life paid tributes to Dr. Ambedkar onhis death anniversary.

Governor awards 87 SilverJubilee Scholarships to

meritorious students


Governor Bandaru Dattatraya hasemphasized on the need of vibrantnew India which has prosperityreaching common man in all walksof life ranging from social, economicand technical spheres. It is possiblewith empowerment of youth whowere equipped with moderntechnical education and able to servethe country with hard work. TheGovernor was speaking as ChiefGuest on the occasion of scholarshipAward Distribution ceremonyorganized by Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigamtoday. SJVN under its CSR initiative- ‘SJVN Silver Jubilee MeritScholarship Scheme’ has awardedscholarships to meritorious studentsof class 12th for academic session2018-19, from the states of itsoperations. Today, 87 meritoriousstudents of Himachal Pradesh wereawarded scholarships at a functionheld at SJVN Corporate Head

Quarters, Shimla. In addition to this,under the projects of SJVN in otherstates of Uttarakhand, Bihar,Maharashtra and Gujarat would alsobe awarded remaining 63 MeritScholarships for the year 2019 fromtheir respective offices. On theoccasion, he said that the SJVNL wasnot only a reputed company in thepower sector but also workingtowards its social responsibilityobligations. He said that thescholarship function was a uniqueand inspiring initiative in the field ofeducation taken by the company. Hesaid youth are the real wealth of thenation. He called upon the students topursue higher education with skilldevelopment. He also stressed theneed to develop scientifictemperament in students and focuson character building. Stressing onmodernization while preservingcultural values and heritage,Dattatraya said that India has a namein the world in computer science anddigitization.

Competitions organizedat Ramshahar College

against drug abuse


Poster making, sloganwriting, essay writing andspeech competitions wereorganized in the state collegeof Ramshahar as part of thecampaign organized by theHimachal government againstdrug abuse and substance use.Prof Neelam Kumariconducted these competitions.The program was chaired bySenior Prof Ranjodh Singhwho instructed the students tostay away from all forms ofintoxication and especially tokeep away from their friendswho themselves are

intoxicated and also forceother students to getintoxicated. In the postermaking competition, Chetnagot first and Sagar got secondplace. In slogan writing,Kavita got first and Neha gotsecond place. In essaywriting, Rajina got first andReena Devi second. Vishalgot first and Ritika got secondplace in the speechcompetition. On thisoccasion, Prof SatvinderSingh, Prof. Suman Kumari,Prof. Shipra, Prof. Deepa,College students includingVinay, Sanjay Kumar, RamRatan, Rita Devi werepresent.

Farmers should adoptmaximum natural

farming: Aslam


Asian CSR is working on a number of projects for thebenefit of the people, such as sewing centers, teachinghow to make woolen garments, IT classes and workingfor the environment. In the same way, natural farming isbeing done by CSR in village Beed Plasi and Sainimajra(Bairampur) for the last one and a half years, farmers arealso being continuously trained about natural farming.In this natural farming, pesticides and poisonousmedicines are not used at all, instead bacteria andghanjivamitra are used for the nutrition of the crop andneemastra for pesticides. After this natural farmingmaize, gram and green vegetables were grown whichhas yielded very good results. Asian CSR ManagerAslam says that our endeavor is to bring more and morefarmers to natural farming and by taking inspirationfrom farmers who do natural farming, other farmersshould also adopt this natural farming and do poisonfree farming. He said that wheat cultivation is beingcultivated in a completely natural way.

UHF scientist conferred withIndian Academy of Horticulture

Sciences fellowship


For his outstandingcontributions to the field offloriculture and landscaping,Dr YC Gupta, a seniorscientist of the Dr YS ParmarUniversity of Horticulture andForestry (UHF), Nauni hasbeen conferred fellowship ofthe Indian Academy ofHorticultural Sciences. DrGupta is presently working asthe Dean of College ofHorticulture and Centre ofExcellence for Horticulture,Research and Extension,Thunag, Distt Mandi. He wasconferred with the fellowshipduring the IndianHorticulture Congress 2019at NAAS Complex, NewDelhi held recently.

Born in Mandi, Dr Guptaobtained his BSc and MSc in1986 from Agra University.After completing hisdoctorate in horticulture(Floriculture and

Landscaping) from IARI,New Delhi, Dr Gupta joinedUHF as AssistantFloriculturist in 1988. Heserved as Professor andHead of Department ofFloriculture and LandscapeArchitecture for 12 yearsafter which in 2019 hebecame the founding dean ofthe fourth constituent collegeof the university at Thunag.

Dr Gupta has beenassociated in the developmentof seven hybrids of Gladiolus,five hybrids in Marigold, fourhybrids in Antirrhinum and 3hybrids in Pansy besides apatent named ‘HIMFLORA-a computerized botanicaldatabase of wild ornamentalsof Himachal Pradesh’. Twovarieties, Solan Mangla ofGladiolus and SolanShringar of Chrysanthemumwere released in 2014 andVirbhadra Singh, a variety ofcarnation was released in2016.

Lyallpur Khalsa Collegeholds alumni meet

HARPREET SINGH LEHALJALANDHAR: The latest edition of theAlumni Meet of Lyallpur Khalsa Collegemarking the 81st Birth Anniversary ofLate Sardar Babir Singh, formerMember Parliament, former CabinetMinister, Punjab and former President ofCollege Governing Council, surpassedall the previous editions virtue of its vigorand association. Dr SPS Virk, Founder,Virk Hospital Jalandhar was the specialchief guest on this momentous occasion.The president of the College GoverningCouncil, Sardarni Balbir Kaur andCollege Principal Dr. Gurpinder SinghSamra warmly welcomed the chief guestwith a bouquet of flowers. This wasfollowed by the main attraction of theevening 'Dhamaka by Young andForever Young' put forth by the formerstudents of the college, now serving theinstitution as staff members in variousdepartments, namely Prof. JasreenKaur, Prof. Arunjit Kaur, Prof. SumanChopra, Prof. Manmeet Sodhi, Prof.Patwant Atwal, Prof. Geetanjali Moudgil,Prof. Gitanjali Mahajan, Prof. TarsemSingh, Prof. Gagandeep Singh, Prof.Dinkar Sharma, Prof. Palwinder Singh,Prof. Surinder Mand, Prof. Gulzar Singh,Surinder Kumar and this entirecontingent was duly led from the front byCollege Principal Dr Gurpinder SinghSamra.

Sanskriti KMV Schoolorganises AthleticMeet 2019

JALANDHAR: Sanskriti KMV Schoolheld Annual Athletic Meet 2019,marking the national mission of FitIndia Movement. Chander Mohan,President, Arya Shiksha Mandalinaugurated the event on a grandnote. Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi,Manager, Dr S.P. Gupta, Member,Sanskriti KMV School ManagingCommittee and other dignitaries werealso present. On this day, Dr GirishBali, Additional Commissioner ofIncome Tax, also gave his generouspresence. He felicitated the winners ofvarious event in the closing ceremonyhour. National, state and zonal levelplayers were awarded for theiroutstanding contribution by ChanderMohan. Rachna Monga, Principal,extended her gratitude to the ChnaderMohan, Dr Girish Bali and dignitaries.She mentioned that the honestapproach towards the duties can onlymake each one of us successful.

Health team detectstwo larva casesJALANDHAR: As part of its driveagainst vector-borne diseases in thecity, the anti-larva cell of the healthdepartment detected two dengue larvacases in various areas of the city onFriday. The various teams of anti-larvacell led by Amanpreet, Amit Kumar,Gurwinder, Jaswinder, Shakti Gopal,Vinod Kumar, Sher Singh, ShaktiGopal, Sukhjinder Singh, RajwinderSingh, Vijay Kumar, Pawan Kumar,Sarbajeet and others conducted theinspections in Ekta Nagar Phase-1,Guru Ram Dass Nagar, Canal Colony,Saraswati Vihar, Gandhi Camp andDharampur Abadi.




DC exhorts people to carve out egalitarian society as abefitting tribute to Baba Sahib AmbedkarJALANDHAR: Deputy Commissioner Jalandhar Varinder Kumar Sharma today called upon people tomake dedicated efforts for carving out an egalitarian society for securing justice and equality for all thesections of society as a real but befitting tribute to Bharat Ratna Baba Sahib Dr BR Ambedkar.Presiding over a function to mark pre-Nirvan diwas of Dr Ambedkar here at the District AdministrativeComplex today, the Deputy Commissioner said that said that no one could ever forget the gloriouscontribution made by Dr Ambedkar for the country and its people. He said that Baba a Sahib was agreat scholar, jurist, economist, social reformer and a statesman. Mr Sharma said that Dr Ambedkarwas one of the most towering personalities in the entire world history adding that Dr Ambedkar was theonly person who was well educated and had read all the books in the London library.

Japanese Ambassador meets Amarinder,discusses investment opportunities in PbGAURAV GOELCHANDIGARH, DEC 6

Punjab Chief Minister CaptainAmarinder Singh on Thursdayurged the JapaneseAmbassador to India, SatoshiSuzuki, to impress uponcompanies in his country to setup ventures in the upcomingMega Industrial Parks atRajpura and Bathinda. TheJapanese envoy called onCaptain Amarinder Singh afterattending the ProgressivePunjab Investors Summit-2019 at ISB Mohali on Day 1.

The Chief Ministerpointed out that Rajpura,being located in the vicinity ofthe world-class Mohali City,offers the basic infrastructurein terms of road and airconnectivity, with prestigiouseducational institutes. He alsomentioned that the RajpuraThermal plant would cater to

the power requirements ofcompanies intending to set uptheir units in the IndustrialPark. Suzuki appreciated thecongenial investmentatmosphere in the state andassured the Chief Ministerthat several Japan basedcompanies in various sectorswould be looking at makinginvestments in Punjab. He

also extended an invite toCaptain Amarinder Singh tovisit Japan for exploringinvestment opportunities forPunjab. The visiting envoyalso requested CaptainAmarinder to depute adedicated officer to liaisonwith the Japan External TradeOrganisation (JETRO) forsetting up of Industries,

besides forging technicalalliances and collaborationswith Japanese companies.Additional Chief SecretaryIndustries and InvestmentPromotion, Vini Mahajanapprised the JapaneseAmbassador that severalrenowned Japanese companieslike Aiche, Isuzu, Yanmar andKansai had alreadycollaborated with PunjabVardhman Group, SwarajMazda Limited, Sonalika andNerolac paints respectively.Japan’s strong base in thestate and the conduciveatmosphere provided by thestate government would actas a catalyst to bring in hugeinvestments from Japan, shesaid. She also requestedSuzuki to visit the state-of-the-art STPI IncubationCentre at Mohali, and to be apartner in this prestigiousinstitute.


The second day of the ProgressivePunjab Investors Summit – 2019 onFriday saw delegates call for moreinternational flights from the state toharness its massive potential to emergeas a Medical Tourism hub. With itsstate-of-the-art infrastructure, skilledmanpower and government support toset up new multi-speciality hospitals,coupled with its vibrant Hospitalitysector, Punjab was an ideal state toemerge as a hub of medical tourism,pointed out the delegates at the sessionon ‘Developing Punjab into a hub ofInternational and Domestic MedicalTourism’. The only thing the Punjab

Government needs to do is to pressupon the Union Government to bringmore direct international flights in theState from CIS Nations, such asUzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and tocater to NRI populations in USA,Canada, UK, Australia and NewZealand, in order to attract NRIpatients, the delegates stressed. At theonset, Arurag Aggarwal, PrincipalSecretary, Health and Family Welfare,Punjab, gave a detailed presentationhighlighting the availability of world-class medical healthcareinfrastructure, skilled manpower andthe roadmap of the PunjabGovernment for futuristic endeavoursin the health sector.

Amazon inks MoU with Pb Govt to help driveexports from statethrough e-commerce


Amazon India today announcedthat it has signed a Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) withPunjab Small Industries &Export Corporation Limited,Government of Punjabto conduct

workshops to enable MSMEexporters to export their productsand reach out to millions of ourcustomers across 180+ countriesthrough Amazon Global SellingProgram. The MoU will helpMSMEs the state to benefitthrough e-commerce. As part of

the MoU, Amazon will conducttrainings and on-boardingworkshops at key MSMEclustersin Ludhiana, Jalandhar,Amritsar, Patiala and Bathinda inorder to help MSME Exportersgetting onboard Amazon’s 12international marketplaces.

Expedite work on setting up STP at Goraya-DC tells Local Government department


Deputy CommissionerJalandhar Varinder KumarSharma today asked theLocal governmentdepartment to expedite theprocess of starting work onSewerage Treatment Plant(STP) at Goraya.

The DeputyCommissioner, whoconducted inspection at thevarious government officesin Phillaur and Goraya, saidthat the work would becarried out at a cost of Rs 16crore and needs to becompleted at the earliest tofacilitate the people. He saidthat besides solving thesewerage problem of thetown this would also helpmaking the city clean andgreen. Mr Sharma said thatthe work needs to becompleted at the earliest anda plan must be evolved at

the earliest to assureoptimum use of treatedwater for the irrigationpurpose. The DeputyCommissioner also checkedthe entire record of theExecutive Officer of GorayaMunicipal Council and thatof the Naib TehsildarGoraya. He asked theofficers to maintain properrecord and registers of theirwork besides ensuring

proper public dealing tobenefit the people. MrSharma also interacted withthe general public andenquired about the servicesbeing offered by theadministration in theseoffices.

Later, on the DeputyCommissioner alsoconducted inspection at theSub Divisional Magistrate(SDM) office, Tehsildar

Office, Municipal Counciloffice, Fard Kendra,Treasury Office, BlockDevelopment and PanchayatOfficer office and others inPhillaur. He also asked theofficers to ensure optimumutilisation of the STP toensure zero discharge ofpolluted water in rivers anddrains. Mr Sharma alsoasked the officers to accordtop priority to the works ofgeneral public coming intheir offices.

The DeputyCommissioner categoricallysaid that the motive ofinspection was not faultfinding but to streamline theworking of governmentoffices. He said that suchinspections would be carriedin future for benefitting thegeneral public. The DeputyCommissioner wasaccompanied by SDM MrVineet Kumar, Tehsildar MrTapan Bhanot and others.

Pb embraces industry 4.0 to unleash newwave of opportunities for industrial growth


With Industry 4.0 unleashing a newindustrial revolution, focused ontechnological investments, Punjab hasopened a new wave of opportunities forindustry in the state. Setting the tone for`Industry 4.0’ session of the ProgressivePunjab Investors Summit (PPIS) 2019,centered on theme of ‘Punjab: ChangingGears for Industry 4.0’, PrincipalSecretary, Science, Technology andEnvironment, Punjab, R. K. Verma saidthe state government was facilitating theinvestment and growth of technology,under the Industrial and BusinessDevelopment Policy 2017, to keep pacewith the revolution. The panelists in thesession included Raj Kiran, India HeadIoT/AI Business, PTC; ChandanChowdhury, Senior Associate Dean, ISBMohali; Anup Wadhwa, Director,Automation Industry Association; andPankaj Goyal, VP- Eco Struxure &Digital, Schneider Electric. The panelistsshared their ideas and spoke about thetechnologies that could be used by theindustry for the growth of production/quality enhancement etc. Focusing onthe MSMEs, the panelists appreciated

that the growth of economy in the State ofPunjab was contributed by about 2 LakhMSMEs and approximately 500 Largeand Medium Units. The presence ofstrong Textile, Food Processing and LightEngineering sectors makes the industrialscenario a vibrant platform, they said.The Industry 4.0 concept focuses on themodernization of manufacturing processthrough integration of advancedtechnologies and physical productionelements. It creates a fully digital valuechain by the simultaneous use ofcommunication, IT, data, physicalelements etc. Harish Chawan, CEO,Swaraj Tractor, shared his experience andappreciated the efforts made by thePunjab Government in promoting thelatest technology for the growth ofindustry, particularly MSMEs, as well as

Delegates at PPIS-2019 call for moreinternational flights from Punjab to

make it a medical tourism hub

NC Sunam gives 30 garbagecollection rehries


The acting President of Nagar Council (NC), Sunam, KomalKansal while handing over 30 garbage collection rehries to thesafai Karamcharies here today, urged the local residents tomaintain cleanliness in the city and put dry & wet garbage inthe separate blocks of these rehries. "These rehries cost to thethe council 4.43 lakh & are specially designed to collectdry &wet garbage separately", she added. Among the prominentDaman Thind Bajwa, spokesperson of Punjab PradeshCongress Committee; EO, NC, Sunam, Sanjay Bansal; KantaPappa, Manjit Singh Kaka, Sukhwinder Kaur Dhillon, VikramSingh, Prem Chand Dhamaka, Manjit Singh, Hakam Singh,Amrit Kaur, Rishi Pal all MCs & Pappi Singh, Avtar Singh,Parveen Kumar, Anil Kumar and Ghanshayam Kansal,President of SDIC were present on the occasion. The gestureof the NC was highly appreciated by the local residents.

Auto giants find Punjab'spolicy reforms conducive to

growth of mobility sector


Major auto giants on Friday appreciated the policyreforms taking place in Punjab, which was all set topolevault to a new era in mobility. During a paneldiscussion on ‘Future of Mobility in Punjab-Challenges and Opportunities’ at Progressive PunjabInvestors Summit-2019, leading auto industryplayers said the conditions in the state wereconducive for investment. Setting the context for thediscussion, Principal Secretary-Transport K.SivaPrasad said the state’s industry-friendly policies andskilled labour were key factors in attractinginvestment in the sector. Prasad highlighted thesalient features of the Government’s policy whichhad attracted hundreds of crores of investment instate during the past two and half years. He shared adetailed presentation about the policies of the stategovernment, wherein subsidies and other help isoffered to industrialists investing in Punjab.

Agro industry bats for valueaddition to farmers' produce to

ensure remunerative returns


Leading players in the Agro Industry on Friday batted forproviding value addition to the agricultural produce of farmersin order to ensure remunerative returns for them. The consensuson the issue emerged during the session, ‘Agri & FoodProcessing Session-Punjab: Value Addition to Agri Economy’session’ on the second day of the Progressive Punjab InvestorSummit-2019. The delegates also underscored the need to layspecial focus on the processing of fruits, vegetables, animalsand meats, besides developing logistics & cold chains.


In a special campaignlaunched against DrugSmugglers led by DSP PiaraSingh, today, SI SurinderKumar SHO Shahkot hassucceeded in apprehending 2Smugglers with 1.1 KgHeroin, Pistol of 315 boreand motorcycle. Accordingto Information, SI SurinderKumar, along with the police

party, apprehend 2 Smug-glers with 1.1 Kg Heroin,Pistol of 315 bore and motor-cycle near village, SaidpurJhiri.

The motorcycle ridernamed his name GurvinderSingh (23) and the youngman sitting behind himnamed himself Jagdish Singh(22) of Firozpur. SHOSurinder Kumar called DSPShahkot Piara Singh on thespot. In the presence of DSP

Shahkot, police opened a kitbag that was with GurvinderSingh and checked it. In oneof the envelopes, 900 gramsof heroin was recovered andthen Gurvinder was searchedfrom which pistol 315 borewas recovered. Anotheryouth, Jagdish Singh, wassearched and 200 grams ofheroin was recovered fromhis pocket.




“I am a Little Scientist” competition organisedMOHALI: The students of Gain Jyoti Global School,Phase 2 participated in I am a Little Scientist Competitionheld at its Campus .They showed different experiment withmaterials like balloons, milk , water etc. for participating inthe competition with independent chosen topic . The stu-dents shared the knowledge and facts with the detailed ex-planation about their experiments. Some students made alabelled model and explained scientific principle, issue orconcept whereas Students created a visually stimulatingposters or conveys a scientific principle, concepts or issue.This competition not only helped them to improve their sci-entific skills, it helped them in gaining confidence too.

32nd dental check upcamp organised

RAKESH SHARMAFARIDKOT: The 32nd Free Dentalcheck up organised at Civil Hospitalhere today. As many as 30 patientswere examined. The District CivilSurgeon Dr. Rajinder Kumar said thatthe civil hospital was given target ofputting 30 dentures. He said that it is avery good type of denture which wasprovided to 30 examine patients. On thisoccasion, Dr. H ChandrashekharKakkar, SMO, Civil Hospital, told thepatients that the state government hasprovided free treatment facility to seniorcitizens in government hospitals. All test,medicines are being made availablefree of cost. On this occasion, DrNirmiljit Singh Brar, Dr. Shaminder Kaur,Immunization Officer Sanji And Sethi,pharmacy officer Naresh Sharma,technician Surinder Singh, Dr. SandeepGoyal, Tina Sharma.

Outsource employees shouldbe adjusted in department:Mulazim Committee

MAMOON RASHIDMALERKOTLA : Outsourceemployees should be adjusted in thedepartment instead of being expelled.Demanding it, representatives ofSanjhi Mulajim action committee civilhospital Malerkotla said this whilespeaking to the media. They said thatDirector NHM has ordered to expel theemployees who are working on smallsalaries. Deepak Kaura said that theemployees are serving the departmentfor years so department should adjustthem or otherwise they will be leftunemployed due to this order.

Blood donation campheld by Mata Amar KaurVivek Chartitable Trust

DHARAM PAL PUNNIJAITU: In memory of Sant KarnailDass founder of Vivek Charitable Trust, a blood donation camp wasorganised at Mata Amar Kaur VivekCharitable trust China road Jaitu incollaboration with team of Dr NareshKumar Kotkapura. Tehsildar LovepreetKaur and Naib Tehsildar Hiravantiwere chief guest and they jointly cutthe ribbon and initiated this camp. Onthis occasion, 44 blood donorsdonated blood. Sant Rishi Ramappreciated the blood donors and saidthis camp was held for humanitywelfare. Fruits, bread and milkprovided to the blood donors by thetrust. Blood donors were honored withmemento and certificates byAdministrator of Mata Amar Kaur VivekChartitable Trust. On this time, MataRajni Devi, Bhupinder Brar, JagdishSingh, Vishnu Singh, Baba RamSingh, Sandip Singh, Chanan Singh,Sukhdeep Singh, Lakhwinder SinghKhara, Gagandeep Singh, Karan Brarwere present.


The Allahabad High Court to-day dismissed an Election Pe-tition filed against PrimeMinister Narendra Modi,challenging his Election toLok Sabha from VaranasiParliamentary Constituencyin the election held in May2019. The Election Petitionwas filed in July 2019 by Sh.Tej Bahadur, whose nomina-tion papers were rejected bythe Returning Officer on 1-5-2019.

Justice Manoj KumarGupta, who pronounced theorder today had reserved thejudgement on Oct 23, 2019,after hearing the argumentsof Senior Advocate Satya PalJain appearing for PrimeMinister Narendra Modi and

Senior Advocate Sh. Shalen-der Shrivastava appearingfor the Election PetitionerSh. Tej Bahadur. Appearingfor Sh. Modi, Senior Advo-cate Sh. Satya Pal Jain hadargued that under Section 82of the Representation of Peo-ple Act, 1951, an ElectionPetition against any electedcandidate can be filed eitherby a voter or a candidate inthat constituency.

He submitted that it isTej Bahadur’s own case thathe was not a voter ofVaranasi Parliamentary Con-stituency. Since Tej Ba-hadur’s nomination paperswere defective and invalidand hence were rightly re-jected. Therefore, he cannotclaim to be a validly nomi-nated candidate also.

Election petition againstModi dismissed


Ambika College of Nursing,Kharar in collaboration withPunjab State Aids ControlSociety organized 4th Na-tional Seminar on "AIDS"here today.

The Seminar com-menced at 9:30 with registra-tion of delegates followed byinaugural. Inaugural waspresided by Vibha Pandey,Managing Director, AmbikaGroup of Colleges,Kharar.Chief Guest for theprogram was Dr. ManpreetChhatwal, Additional Projec-tor, Punjab State Aids ControlSociety. Dr. N.Balasubra-manian, Principal unfoldedthe theme of the seminar tothe gathering on the occasion.

Pavan Rekha, Joint Di-rector (IEC), Assistant Direc-tor (Youth Affairs), Yad-

winder Singh Virk, AssistantDirector (Meterial Manage-ment), Manish Kumar, Assis-tant Director (GIPA) andPurnima Behal were alsopresent.

The Resource personswere invited from differentuniversity and Hospitals.Speakers were Dr. RanjeetRandhawa, Pathologist and

Nodal Officer Aids ProjectCivil Hospital, Kharar, Prof(Mrs.) Chinna Devi Ph.D (N)Principal cum ProfessorSBBS Institute ofNursing,SBBS University,Ja-landhar, Prof. MalathiPh.D(N) , Principal cum Pro-fessor, Babe ke College ofNursing,Moga, Prof. RintuChaturvedi, Ph.D (N) Princi-

pal, Royal Institute of Nurs-ing , Gurdaspur Prof, G.Eliz-abeth Charlien,Ph.D (N) VicePrincipal, Bebe RehmeteChristian College of Nurs-ing,,Gurdaspur. There were450 registrations from vari-ous institutions in and aroundPunjab. The Seminar came toan end with valedictory ses-sion.(The Entire Program is

organized in motto of " Plas-tic and Ecofriendly". The fac-ulty members of AmbikaCollege of Nursing and Am-bika Public School preparedthe cloth bags to replace theplastic files usually given inSeminar to create an aware-ness to say bye to plastic.Ourcampus zone is plastic freeand Eco friendly.

National seminar on AIDS held

Missing child unitedwith family

KULJEET SINGHJANDIALA GURU: District head ofthe Lok Insaf Party incharge KhadurSahib Rajbir Singh Pakhoke and JasbirSingh Noordi Jhabbal met a child whois little and retarded. His team tried itsbest to know about this child but noone came forward with his relation. Hespoke to ADC Tarn Taran on thismatter and he advised to register anFIR. After registering the FIR, theDistrict Child Development OfficerRajesh Kumar was put on duty.Preparations were being made to sendthis child to Hoshiarpur Children'sHouse. Information was also givenabout the missing child in social mediaand print media.

Chick vendors arguing with Municipal Corporation Commissioner K K Yadav and other officials during demolition drive in Sector 22 Chick Market in Chandigarh on Friday. Photo by: S. Shrama

Central Goods & Service Tax Division II, Chandigarh Organised a Seminar on Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute

Resolution) Scheme 2019 in their building in Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.

Shahkot police arrest two smugglers with 1.1 kg heroinDelegate session of SAD held


The delegate session of Shiromani Akali Dal (Gid-derbaha Constituency) held here today under theleadership of Senior Akali leader Hardeep SinghDimpy Dhillon. On this occasion, observer of theparty, Jeet Mohinder Singh Sidhu was present as achief guest and 450 delegates belonging to Gidder-baha Constituency were unanimously given the rightto elect the office-bearers of all the wings and districtcommittees to party president Sukhbir Singh Badal.

Jathedar Navtej Singh Kauni read out the resolu-tions. Jeet Mohinder Singh Sidhu and DimpyDhillon, in their address, urged every worker to workfor strengthening of the party as per the direction ofparty leadership. On this occasion, Amit KumarShimpy Bansal, Jaswant Singh Sidhu, Ashok Butter,Navtej Singh Kauni, Harjeet Singh Neela Mann,Raju Tharajwala, Sujeet Singh Faqarsar, GurmeetMaan, Gurwinder Dhillon, Sanjeev Bablu, RajanGarg, Baldev Krishan Tharajwala, Resty Randhwa,Kulwinder Dhillon, Jagtar Singh Dhaliwal, CharnjeetSingh Bhundar and Madho Dass were also present.

Manjot was honored by school for getting first prizeGURDASPUR (VERMA): In order to assess the talent of thestudents, in the examination taken at the block level, ManjotKaur, a student of class 10th of the nearby village Kandila, hastaken first place in 27 schools of block qadian. In this regard,Manjot Kaur was welcomedby the school's headmistressVarinderpal Kaur on reachingthe school and while givinginformation, she said thatspecial preparation of stu-dents is done for competitiveexaminations in the school.She said that special arrangements have been made for the all-round development of students.


HDFC Bank of Dhuribranch and Malwa Friendswelfare Parivartan has con-ducted a blood donationcamp at Dhuri today in as-sociation with RicelaHealth Foods Ltd, Dhuri atSnatan Dharam Sabha heretoday. P.K. Singla DirectorRicela health foods limited

has inaugurated the camp &Blood bank team from civilhospital Sangrur visited inthe camp and forty units ofblood collected during thecamp, In this event BranchManager Tarun Gupta ,Branch Operations Manag-er Pankaj Garg, RamitSingla Manager, and otherbank staff & Malwa friendssociety members werepresent.

Blood donation camp organised

New plan by ManipalCignahealth insuranceCHANDIGARH: ManipalCigna HealthInsurance Company Limited, a jointventure between Manipal Group, aneminent player in the field of healthcaredelivery and higher education, U.S.based global health service leader,Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI), andIndian conglomerate TTK Group, todayannounced the launch of‘ManipalCigna Super Top Up’ healthinsurance plan. The product is speciallydesigned to suit an individual’s and afamily’s additional healthcare needs.The company has introduced a uniquesolution for people looking to ‘top up’their existing individual plan or amediclaim from the employer at anominal cost, said Prasun Sikdar, MDand CEO of the company.


MELBOURNE: Australia's Glenn Maxwell seems to be moving closer to a comeback from his mental health break after the all-rounder was seen training with his state side Victoria here. Maxwell, who stepped away from cricket to deal with his unspecified problems during Australia's Twenty20 series against Sri Lanka in October, returned to club cricket recently. He has played three Victorian Premier Cricket matches with club side Fitzroy Doncaster since and has taken part in some aspects of Victoria's Shield program. On Thursday, the 31-year-old, who bowls off-spin, participated in Victoria's training session at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

First Dronacharya awardee in TT Bhawani Mukerji dies at 68KOLKATA: Former India head coach and the first Dronacharya awardee in table tennis, Bhawani Mukerji, breathed his last at his Zirakpur residence, near Chandigarh, today. Mukherji, 68, is survived by his wife and a son, was ailing for quite some time. Bhawani da for scores of his friends and all top paddles of the country, who had known him personally and trained under him, was an affable personality who joined NIS, Patiala, in the mid-seventies after obtaining diploma in coaching at NIS. Mukherji, a widely travelled coach with the Indian teams abroad, had the ability to spot out talent and nurture them. Mukherji did his schooling and graduation from Ajmer where his father was a medical practitioner. Bhawani da, who had a passion for table tennis played the sport at school and college level, before taking up full-time coaching. He was the head coach at NIS, Patiala, and became the head coach of the national team for a brief period when India did not have a foreign expert after the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

SPORTSAnd this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and

good in everything.

William Shakespeare

Amalraj, Sutirtha emerge champs as India top

chart at SAG

KATHMANDU, DEC 6 Indonesian Open recently (UNI) and the latter would have

relished the gold won at Anthony Amalraj defeated Kathmandu after having compatriot Harmeet Desai 4- avenged that loss.Sutirtha, 3 to claim the men singles too, did not have an easy t i t l e , w h i l e S u t i r t h a flow of things as began Mukherjee downed Ayhika badly against Ayhika but Mukherjee 4-2 for the s o o n a f t e r t h e y w o n women singles crown to a l t e r n a t e g a m e s u n t i l make a clean sweep of gold Sutirtha pulled up her medals and silver medals in socks to take the last three the 13th SAF Games in games to push Ayhika to be Kathmandu today. With satisfied with the silver. today’s sweep, Indian Sutirtha won 8-11, 11-8, 6-paddlers have won the 21, 11-4, 13-11, 11-8.maximum medals on offer at Earlier, in the semifinals, the Games—seven gold and top-seed Harmeet defeated five silver medals—to lead Purushottam B of Nepal 11-the medal chart. It was a 5, 11-4, 11-1, 11-4 and difficult start for Amalraj, Amalraj accounted for who was 0-3 down in the Santoo Shrestha 11-4, 12-10, final before overcoming 11-8, 11-2, also of Nepal. In Harmeet, who has had a women’s semifinals, Sutirtha fantastic form, 6-11, 9-11, and Ayhika beat their. Sri 10-12, 11-7, 11-4, 11-9, 11- Lankan opponents, Ishara 7. This was the finest Madurangi (11-7,11-4, 11-comebacks in recent times 7 , 11 - 5 ) a n d E r a n d i for Amalraj, including Dilushika (11-7, 11-9, 11-4,

on the domestic circuit. 11-5), also in straight In fact, Harmeet had beaten games to s tamp the i r Amalraj in the final of the authority.

Mumbai Indians wish Jasprit Bumrah on his birthday with cheeky dig at Abdul Razzaq

AGENCY his recovery is on track and MUMBAI, DEC 6 he is likely to be available

for the New Zealand tour.The comments made by Razzaq in his interview with former Pakistan all-rounder a Pakistani portal had said: Abdul Razzaq for Jasprit "After having faced world-Bumrah wherein he termed class bowlers in my time, I the Indian pacer as a "baby would have had no problem bowler" created quite a stir against a bowler l ike on social media. On Friday, Bumrah. The pressure Indian Premier League would have been on him. I franchise Mumbai Indians have played against great took a cheeky dig at the bowlers like Glenn McGrath former Pakistan all-rounder and Wasim Akram, so and wished the Indian and Bumrah is a baby bowler in pacer in a unique way. front of me and I could have "From a 'baby bowler' to a eas i ly domina ted and world-beater," tweeted MI him out of the game for pacer missed the series attacked him." Following while wishing Bumrah on some time, Bumrah is against South Africa and this, netizens, including his 26th birthday. Bumrah is working on his strength and Bangladesh due to a stress some of the former Indian currently the No. 1 ranked fitness under Delhi Capitals fracture, went through an cr icketers , merci lessly bowler in ODIs. Recovering t r a i n e r R a j n i k a n t h assessment post the Diwali trolled Razzaq for his from an injury that has kept Sivagnanam. The lanky break which revealed that comments.

Make Smith director, Boucher coach: Kevin Pietersen suggests Cricket SA

career that spanned over 10 years. Pietersen suggested in his tweet to make former fast bowler Makhaya Ntini the bowling coach, former all-rounder Robin Peterson the spin coach, all-round great Jacques Kallis the team consultant and Jacques Faul, the chief executive of domestic franchise Titans, as Cricket South Africa CEO.Graeme Smith had confirmed he is again in discussions with AGENCY former wicketkeeper Mark Cricket South Africa (CSA) to be NEW DELHI, DEC 6 Boucher as head coach to resolve their new Director of Cricket. the impasse that South African Smith, the most successful test Former England captain Kevin cricket presently finds itself in. captain in cricket history with 53 Pietersen has urged the CSA Kevin Pietersen, who was born wins, had been encouraged to management to appoint former and brought up in South Africa, apply by embattled CSA chief Proteas skipper Graeme Smith played 104 Tests, 134 ODIs for executive the director of cricket and England in an international

Right benchmark: Wrestler Sushil on

Telangana encounterNEW DELHI: After the four men accused in the gang-rape and murder of a young veterinarian in Telangana were shot dead by police on Friday, wrestler Sushil Kumar lauded the force, saying that they have set the right example. "I would like to congratulate the police for taking immediate action. The whole country was feeling outraged with what happened with that girl. People wanted justice, and today the police have done a commendable job. The police have set the right benchmark, now people would think before committing such crimes," Kumar told ANI. "For such big crimes, an immediate verdict should be given, everyone will be happy with what happened today. It was such a heinous crime, today everyone will say that what happened was right," he added. Ten days ago, the victim left home on her two-wheeler in the evening to go to a doctor's appointment. Later she called up her to say she had a flat tyre, and a lorry driver had offered to help. Efforts to contact her afterwards were unsuccessful, and her charred body was discovered under a flyover by a milkman the following morning. The incident created a national outcry with people demanding stricter laws for crime against women.

Australia eyes more than one Day/Night Test against India in 2021 series

MELBOURNE, DEC 6: Cricket Kolkata recently. A CA delegation, led by Australia (CA) is set to request the BCCI to its Chairman Earl Eddings, will meet BCCI agree for more than one Day/Night Test top brass during the three-match ODI series during India's 2021 tour Down Under, in India starting January 14 next year. "As when officials of the two boards meet on the you build that trust and build that sidelines of a three-match ODI series in relationship you have that chat," Eddings January next year. According to a report in told the website. "Pleasingly they've played 'ESPNCricinfo', CA feels encouraged about their first day-night Test and won easily. the proposal after India won their maiden Now they've got through that it might give Day/Night Test against Bangladesh in them the right build-up to it over here.

Maxwell closer to return, trains with VictoriaMELBOURNE: Australia's Glenn Maxwell seems to be moving closer to a comeback from his mental health break after the all-rounder was seen training with his state side Victoria here. Maxwell, who stepped away from cricket to deal with his unspecified problems during Australia's Twenty20 series against Sri Lanka in October, returned to club cricket recently. He has played three Victorian Premier Cricket matches with club side Fitzroy Doncaster since and has taken part in some aspects of Victoria's Shield program. On Thursday, the 31-year-old, who bowls off-spin, participated in Victoria's training session at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). "I think he is doing everything he needs to do ... when he is ready to come back (he will)," teammate Marcus Harris was quoted as saying by ''.

Glenn Maxwell closer to return, trains with Victoria



Hetmyer, Pollard power WI to 207 Hetmyer, Pollard power WI to 207

AGENCY Sundar (1/34) leaked runs in the first over many. Young King and Hetmyer then added 37 HYDERABAD , DEC 6 before Deepak Chahar (1/56) gave India the runs for the third wicket before the former was

breakthrough in the next over, taking the wicket stumped by Rishabh Pant off Ravindra Jadeja's Shimron Hetmyer struck a quick half-century as of Lendl Simmons, caught by Rohit Sharma in (1/30) bowling.West Indies produced a fine batting display to the first slip. Evin Lewis (40 off 17) and young Hetmyer, on the other hand, went about his post a challenging 207 for 5 against India in the King then added 51 runs for the second wicket, business in a quiet fashion, hitting the bad first T20 International of the three-match series during which they played some fearless shots, deliveries out of the park to register his fifth half-here on Friday. An aggressive Hetmyer made 56 to take West Indies forward. Lewis, in century in T20 cricket in 35 balls. But a double off 41 balls which was studded with two particular, was the more aggressive of the two breakthrough by leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal boundaries and four hits over the fence to hold as he dispatched to the stands any bad delivery (2/36) in the 18th over put a check on West Indies' West Indies from one end after being sent into that came his way. scoring rate. Hetmyer was the first to depart in the bat. He first added 37 runs with Brandon King He pulled Chahar for two sixes in the fourth first delivery of the 18th over when he gave a (31 off 23 balls) and then shared 71 runs with over to make his intentions clear. Lewis simple catch to Rohit at deep backward square skipper Kieron Pollard (37 off 19 balls) to lay continued the onslaught and struck comeback and then a ball later, Pollard was cleaned up by the base for the West Indies total. The Indians, man Bhuvneshwar Kumar for a six and a four in Chahal. Jason Holder (24 not out off 9 balls) and however, were far from impressive on the field consecutive balls. He then smoked off-spinner Dinesh Ramdin (11 not out off 7) remained as Washington Sundar and Rohit Sharma Sundar over the cover boundary but perished in unbeaten as West Indies scored 63 runs off the dropped a few catches. Off-spinner Washington the next ball, LBW in search of one shot too last five overs.