Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power

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  Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power Plant is a coal-based plant. The requirement of 

coal for four units based on specific fuel consumption of 0.60 k ! k"h. The conve#in

and crushin s#stem will have the same capacit# as that of the unloadin s#stem. The

coal comes in as lare pieces. This coal is fed to primar# crushers$ which reduce the si%e

of coal pieces from &00mm to '(0mm. Then the coal is sent to secondar# crusher throuh

forward conve#ors where it is crushed from '(0mm to )00mm as required at the mills.

Then the coal is sent to boilers with the help of primar# fans. The coal is burnt in the

 boiler. *oiler includes the pipes carr#in water throuh them+ heat produced from the

combustion of coal is used to convert water in pipes into steam. This steam enerated is

used to run the turbine. "hen turbine rotates$ the shaft of enerator$ which is

mechanicall# coupled to the shaft of turbine$ ets rotated so$ three phase electric suppl# is


The basic requirements are,-

uel /coal


1team turbine


2sh handlin s#stem

3nit au4iliaries





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  Due to hih rate of increasin population da# b# da#$ widenin ap between power 

demand and its availabilit# was one the basic reason for envisain the G.N.D.T.P.

for the state of Pun5ab. The other factors favorin the installation of the thermal

 power station were low initial cost and comparativel# less estation period as

compared to h#dro electric eneratin stations. The foundation stone of G.N.D.T.P.

at bathinda was laid on '


 November '6$ the auspicious occasion of (00



anniversar# of reat Guru Nanak Dev 7i.

The historic town of bathinda was selected for this first and prestiious thermal

 pro5ect of the state due to its ood railwa# connections for fast transportations of coal$

availabilit# of canal water and pro4imit# to load center.

 The total installed capacit# of the power station &&08" with four units of 

''08" each. The first unit of the plant was commissioned in 1eptember$ '9&.

1ubsequentl# second$ third and fourth units started eneration in 1eptember '9($ 8arch

'9:$ 7anuar# '9 respectivel#. The power available from this plant ives spin to the

wheels of industr# and aricultural pumpin sets.





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;<8 of GNDTP unit '<) has alread# been completed pendin PG Test. ;<8 works of 

unit =<& is underwa# to improve performance$ enhance capacit# and e4tend operatin

life of the units. The present status of ;<8 works of GNDTP units is as under,

3nit ><>>, - 2ainst approved pro5ect ;eport of ;s. )) ?rores$ @rder was placed on 8!1

 N21A$ New Delhi for ma5or ;<8 works on Turnke# basis at a total of ;s.':= ?rores.

3nit >>, ;<8 works completed in @ctober$ )00( /Pendin attendin to some deficiencies

 b# the firm. 2verae PA achieved post ;<8 works is :9B.

3nit >, - ;<8 works completed and taken for normal operation in 8a#$ )009/Pendinattendin to some deficiencies b# the firm. 2verae PA achieved post ;<8 durin

8a#C09 and 7une C09 is (.6(B.

3nit >>> < >, - @rder for e4ecutin ;<8 works on Turnke# basis alread# placed on 8!1

*EFA at a total cost of ;s. &6(.=6 ?rores. '0B advance pa#ment has been made to 8!1

*EFA on ))!')!)006 and desin and drawin work is in proress. 2s per 1chedule$ work 

is to be completed in a phased manner upto 7ul# )00. 2part from enhancin the

operatin life and performance level of the units$ it is also planned to uprade the

capacit# from ''0 8" to ')0 8" each resultin in total capacit# addition of )0 8".







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The selection of site for Thermal Power Plant is more difficult compared to E#dro

Power Plant$ as it involves number of factors to be considered for its economic

 5ustification. The followin consideration should be e4amined in detail before selection

of the site for the Plant. The location for plant should be made with full consideration not

onl# of the trends in the development and location but also the availabilit# and location of 

the cheapest source of primar# ener#,-


  2vailabilit# of fuel

  2sh disposal facilities

  1pace requirement

  Nature of land

  2vailabilit# of labour 

  Transport facilities

   Public societ# problems

   Development of *ackward 2rea


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    G.N.D.T.P. won an award of ;s. =.'6 crores from Govt. of >ndia for better 

 performance in ':=-:&.

    >t achieved a rare distinction of scorin hart ;ick b# winnin meritorious

 productivit# awards of Govt. of >ndia$ 8inistr# of Fner# for #ear ':9$ ':: and

': due to its better performance.

    >t aain won meritorious productivit# awards durin the #ear ')-'= and

'=-& and has become entitled for the #ear '6-'9 for better performance.

    >t also won awards for reduction in fuel oil consumption under Govt. of >ndia

incentive scheme #ears from ')-'= /awards mone# for ')$ '= and '&

alread# released for '($ '6 and '9 under the consideration of Govt. of 


   G.N.D.T.P. had achieved a eneration of )9)&)&0 A3Cs /at a PAf of 90B and

reisterin an oil consumption as low as '.96ml!kwh durin the #ear '=-& has

 broken all previous records of performance since the inception of plant.




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Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Plant$ *athinda$ in addition to indirect contribution in various

facts of state econom#$ is also responsible for,-

♣  Narrowin the ap between power demand and power availabilit# of the state.

♣ Providin emplo#ment potentials to thousands of workers.

♣ ?overin the backward surroundin area into full# developed >ndustrial


♣ Providin additional relief to aricultural pumpin sets to meet the irriation

needs for enhancin the ariculture production.

♣ ;eliabilit# and improvement in continuit# of suppl# and s#stem voltae.

♣ 2chievin cent percent rural electrification of the state.





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Power plant )=: acres

2sh disposal :&(

Aake ':0

;esidential colon# ):(

8arshallin #ard )(6

Total area ':0&

T@T2A ?@1T, - ;s. ''( crores

1T2T>@N ?2P2?>T, - four units of ''08".each 


8anufacturers *.E.F.A.

8a4imum continuous ratin /8.?.;. =9( T!hr.

1uperheater outlet pressure '= k!cmH

;eheater outlet pressure ==.: k!cmH

inal superheater!reheater temperature (&0°?

eed water temperature )&0°?

Ffficienc# :6B

?oal consumption per da# per unit '&00 tones /2ppro4imate





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8anufacturers *.E.F.A.

;ated output ''0 8".

;ated speed =000 r.p.m.

 Number of c#linders three

;ated pressure '=0 k!cmH

;ated temperature (=(°?

?ondenser vacuum 0. k!cmH


8anufacturers *.E.F.A.

;ated output

/3nit- ' < ) ')(000I2

  /3nit -= < & '=9000I2

Generator voltae ''000 volts

;ated phase current

  /unit J' < ) 6(60 2mps.

  /unit J= < & 9))0 2mps.

Generator coolin h#droen


 Number per unit two of '00B dut# each

T#pe centrifual

;ated dischare &&( T!hr.

Dischare head '60 8"?.

1peed &(00 r.p.m.


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 Numbers for two units five of (0B dut# each

T#pe mi4ed flow

;ated dischare :600 T!hr.

Dischare head )& 8"?.


 Numbers four 

"ater cooled ':000 T!hr.

?oolin rane '0°?

Eeiht ')0!') metres


 Numbers three per unit

T#pe drum-ball

;ated output )9 T!hr.

?oal bunkers '6 per unit


?oal mill 6=0 I"

apour fan =)0 I"

?.". an :00!9&6 I"

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?oal crusher ()0 I"

Primar# air fan =)0 I"

orced drauht fan =)0 I"

*oiler feed pump =(00 I"

>nduced drauht fan 00!'000 I"

?ondensate pump '9( I"


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?oal received from collieries in the rail waon is mechanicall# unloaded b#

"aon Tippler and carried b# belt ?onve#or 1#stem *oiler ;aw ?oal *unkers after 

crushin in the coal crusher. The crushed coal when not required for ;aw ?oal *unker is

carried to the coal storae area throuh belt conve#or. The raw coal feeder reulates the

quantit# of coal from coal bunker to the coal mill$ where the coal is pulveri%ed to a fine

 powder. The pulveri%ed coal is then sucked b# the vapour fan and finall# stored in

 pulveri%ed coal bunkers. The pulveri%ed coal is then pushed to boiler furnace with the

help of hot air steam supplied b# primar# air fan. The coal bein in pulveri%ed state ets

 burnt immediatel# in the boiler furnace$ which is comprised of water tube wall all around

throuh which water circulates. The water ets converted into steam b# heat released b#

the combustion of fuel in the furnace. The air required for the combustion if coal is

supplied b# forced drauht fan. This air is however heated b# the outoin flue ases in

the air heaters before enterin the furnace.

The products of combustion in the furnace are the flue ases and the ash. 2bout

)0B of the ash falls in the bottom ash hopper of the boiler and is periodicall# removed

mechanicall#. The remainin ash carried b# the flue ases$ is separated in the electrostatic

 precipitators and further disposed off in the ash dampin area. The cleaner flue ases are

let off to atmosphere throuh the chimne# b# induced drauht fan.

The chemicall# treated water runnin throuh the water walls of boiler furnace

ets evaporated at hih temperature into steam b# absorption of furnace heat. The steam

is further heated in the super heater. The dr# steam at hih temperature is then led to the

turbine comprisin of three c#linders. The thermal ener# of this steam is utili%ed in

turbine for rotatin its shaft at hih speed. The steam dischared from hih pressure

/E.P. turbine is returned to boiler reheater for heatin it once aain before passin it into

the medium pressure /8.P. turbine. The steam is then let to the coupled to turbine shaft

is the rotor of the enerator$ which produces electricit#. The power from the enerator is





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 pumped into power rid s#stem throuh the enerator transformer b# steppin up the



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  The steam after doin the useful work in turbine is condensed to water in the

condenser for rec#clin in the boiler. The water is pumped to deaerator from the

condenser b# the condensate e4traction pumps after bein heated in the low pressureheater /A.P.E from the deaerator$ a hot water storae tank. The boiler feed pump

dischare feed water to boiler at the economi%er b# the hot flue ases leavin the boiler$

 before enterin the boiler drum to which the water walls and super heater of boiler are


The condenser is havin a lare number of brass tubes throuh which the cold

water is circulated continuousl# for condensin the steam passin out sides the surface of 

the brass tubes$ which has dischared down b# circulatin it throuh the coolin tower shell. The natural drauht of cold air is created in the coolin tower$ cools the water fall

in the sump and is then recirculated b# circulatin water pumps to the condenser.


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  2s the heart is to human bod#$ so is the boiler feed pump to the steam power plant. >t is

used for rec#clin feed water into the boiler at a hih pressure for reconversion into

steam. Two nos. '00B dut#$ barrel desin$ hori%ontal$ centrifual multistae feed pumps

with h#draulic couplin are provided for each unit. This is the larest au4iliar# of the

 power plant driven b# =(00 I" electric motor.

  The capacit# of each boiler at GURU NANAK DEV THERMAL PLANT is

=9( tones!hr. The pump which supplies feed water to the boiler is named as boiler feed

 pump. This is the larest au4iliar# in the unit with '00B capacit# which takes suction of 

feed water from feed water tank and supplies to the boiler drum after preheatin the same

in EP-'$ EP-) and economi%er. The deliver# capacit# of each boiler feed pump is &&(

tones!hr. to meet better requirements correspondin to the various loads$ to control steam

temperature$ boiler make up water etc. The detailed particulars checkin of protections

and inter locks$ startin permission etc. are as below,-

 Part!"#ar$ %& BFP a'( t$ )a' )%t%r:-

 BOILER FEED PUMP: - The ''0 8" turboset is provided with two boiler feed

 pumps$ each of '00B of total quantit#. >t is of barrel desin and is of hori%ontal

arranement$ driven b# an electric motor throuh a h#draulic couplin.

T#pe )00 IE>

 No. of staes 6

Deliver# capacit# &&( t!hr.

eed water temperature '(:°?

1peed &(00 rpm

Pressure at suction :.=0 k!cmH

1tuffin bo4 mechanical seal

Aubrication of pump b# oil under pressure




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2nd motor bearin supplied b# h#draulic couplin

?onsumption of coolin water )=0 A!min.


The water before it can be used in the boiler has to be chemicall# treated$ since untreated

water results in scale formation in the boiler tubes especiall# at hih pressure and

temperatures. The water is demineralised b# >on F4chane Process. The water treatment

 plant has production capacit# of ':00 Tonnes per da# for meetin the make-up water 

requirement of the power station.


?oal 8ill pulveri%es the raw coal into a fine powder before it is burnt in the boiler 

furnace. The pulveri%in of coal is achieved with the impact of fallin steel balls$

weihin ().( tonnes$ contained in the mill drum rotatin at a slow speed of '9.( r.p.m.

The raw coal is dried$ before pulveri%in$ with inert hot flue ases tapped from the boiler.

Three coal mills each with a pulveri%in capacit# of )9 T!hr. are provided for one unit.


Two nos. a4ial flow >nduced Drauht ans are provided for each unit to e4haust ash laden

flue ases from boiler furnace throuh dust e4traction equipment and to chimne#. The fan

is driven b# an electric motor throuh a fle4ible couplin and is equipped with remote

controlled reulatin vanes to balance drauht conditions in the furnace. The fan is

desined to handle hot flue ases with a small percentae of abrasive particles in



The control room is the operational nerve center of the power plant. The performance of 

all the equipments of the plant is constantl# monitored here with the help of sophisticatedinstrumentation and controllers. 2n# adverse deviation in the parameters of various

s#stems is immediatel# indicated b# visual and audio warnin and suitable corrective

action is taken$ accordinl#. The control room is air conditioned to maintain the desired

temperature for proper functionin of the instruments.


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Flectricit# enerated at '' I b# the turbo-set is stepped-up b# unit transformers to

'=)!))0 I for further transmission throuh hih tension lines to 8aur$ 8uktsar$

8alout$ N..A.$ 1anrur and Audhiana. Transmission of power to rid is controlled

throuh 9 nos. ))0 I and '( nos. '=) I. 2ir *last ?ircuit *reakers alon with their 

associated protective s#stems.


The coal received from the collieries$ in more than '00 rail waons a da#$ is unloaded

mechanicall# b# two nos. waon tipplers out of which one serves as a standb#. Fach

loaded waon is emptied b# tipplin it in the underround coal hopper from where the

coal is carried b# conve#or to the crusher house. 2rranements have been provided for 

weihin each rail waon before and after tipplin. Fach tippler is capable of unloadin

6-: rail waons of (( tonnes capacit# in an hour.


?oal unloaded b# the waon tippler is carried to crusher house throuh conve#ors for 

crushin. Two nos. hammer t#pe coal crushers are provided$ which can crush coal to a

si%e of '0 mm. The crushed coal is then supplied to *oiler ;aw ?oal *unkers. The

surplus coal is carried to coal storae area b# series of conve#ors. ?rushin of coal is an

essential requirement for its optimum pulveri%in and safe storae.


 ?oolin Towers of the power plant are the land mark of the *athinda ?it# even for a far 

distance of :-'0 kilometers. @ne coolin tower is provided for each unit for coolin

':000 tones of water per hour b# '0°?. coolin towers are massive erro-concrete

structure havin h#perbolic profile creatin natural drauht of air responsible for 

achievin the coolin effect. ?oolin tower is as hih as &0 store# buildin.


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 >t is a sinle drum$ balanced drauht$ natural circulation$ reheat t#pe$ vertical combustion

chamber consists of seamless steel tubes on all its sides throuh which water circulates

and is converted into steam with the combustion of fuel. The temperature inside the

furnace where the fuel is burnt is of the order of '(00 °?. The entire boiler structure is of 

&)meter heiht.


The flue from the boiler$ after removal of ash in the precipitators$ are let off to

atmosphere throuh boiler chimne#$ a tall ferro-concrete structure standin as hih as the

historic Kutab 8inar. our chimne#s$ one for each unit$ are installed. The chimne# is

lined with fire bricks for protection of ferro-concrete aainst hot flue ases. 2 protective

coatin of acid resistant paint is applied outside on its top '0 meters.


Two nos. of circulatin water pumps provided for each unit$ circulate water at the rate of 

'9)00 T!hr. in a closed c#cle comprisin of Turbine ?ondenser and ?oolin Tower. 2n

additional ?irculatin "ater Pump provided serves b# for two units. The water 

requirement for bearin coolin of all the plant au4iliaries is also catered b# these pumps.


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1ince G.N.D.T.P. units are primaril# coal fired units so each boiler is

 provided with closed millin circuits to pulveri%e the raw coal which is

received from coal conve#in s#stem after coal crushes before it is fired in

the furnace. The necessit# of pulveri%in the coal is to be ensurin its

ma4imum possible combustion in the furnace. The coal data for units are, -


T#pe of ?oal

 Net ?alorific alue


2sh ?ontent

olatile 8atter  


>nlet of ?oal



  &=00 Ical!k

  '0 B

  =0 B

  )& B

  '0 mm


  &9)9 Ical!I

  9.( B

  =) B

  )9 B

  )0 mm

;aw coal of ma4imum si%e '0 mm J )0 mm is pulveri%ed in the millin

circuit and the output from the mill is fine coal. 8illin circuits of the

followin main constituents, -




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'. ;aw ?oal *unkers /;.?. *unkers.

). ;aw ?oal ?hain eeders.

=. Drum 8ill or ?oal 8ill.

&. ?lassifiers.

(. ?#clone 1eparator.

6. apour an.

9. Pulveri%ed ?oal *unkers /P.?. *unkers.



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Fach of three raw coal bunkers is fabricated from the sheet metal and is well stiffened all

around. The storae capacit# of each raw coal bunker is about (00 tones. There are four 

outlet ates with each bunker. The ates are electricall# operated from site. >n case of failure of the electric motors the ate can be hand operated from site. 2t a time onl# one

ate openin is suffices but should be chaned so that there is no pillin within the



The raw coal chain feeder transports coal from raw coal bunker to the inlet chute leadin

to the pulveri%ed!coal mills. There is a double link chain of hih tensile strenth steel$

which moves on wheels and sweeps the raw coal fallin over the top of the raw coal

chute of the mill. The heiht of the coal bed in the chain feeder can be ad5usted manuall#

 b# means of lever operated damper. The ma4imum and minimum heihts of the coal bed

are )00mm and ')0mm respectivel#. The sinalin equipment indicates the absence of 

coal flow in the feeder$ which is annunciated in the unit control board /3.?.*.. The main

shaft on the drivin end is connected to the drivin unit$ consistin of variator$ a ear bo4

and a motor all mounted as a sinle unit. The chain wheel on the drivin end shaft is

 provided with a shear pin$ which will shear off and disconnect the drivin mechanism if 

there is an# overload on the feeder. The speed of the chain feeder is reulated

automaticall#!remotel# b# actuatin the control spindle of the variator throuh a

servomotor. 2 pump for circulatin the oil in the ear bo4 of variator is an interal part of 

variator driven b# a separator motor. 1ome of the technical data about the raw coal chain

feeder is iven here,-

'. @utput of the chain feeder '0-&( tonnes!hr.

). 1peed variations 0.0(0=-0.'('m!sec.=. 8ain motor 9.(k"$ &'($ (0E%.

&. @il pump motor 0.0(k"$ ))0

(. @peratin motor of each ate =EP$ &'( and (0E%.


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Fach mill consists of sinle compartment drum$ bearins drivin motor$ coal inlet

and dischare pipin$ ball chane and lubricatin equipment for mill bearins. 8ill drum

is fabricated from thick steel plates and is supported on to the anti-friction bearins. Themill is driven b# an electric motor of capacit# 6=0k"$ 0 rpm$ 6.6k throuh a

reduction ear$ which reduces the speed to '9.( rpm. The ball chare for the mill consists

of the three different si%es of fored steel balls detailed as below. The capacit# of each

mill is )9 T!hr. in case of unit ' < ) and ): T!hr.

'. &0mm diameter ))(00 k

). (0mm diameter )0000k

=. 60mm diameter '0000k

4. To!" B!"" C#!$% '2'(()%

Durin operation onl# 60mm diameter balls are added is appro4. (00 k per week 

and the uidin factor is the amperae of the coal mill$ normall# it should be 66-ampere

appro4. at full load and when it falls below the above value ball charin of the mill is

carried out. Aubricatin s#stem consists of the oil tank$ ear pump$ oil cooler and base

frame to mount all these equipments. Gear pump is driven b# an electric motor of ratin '

E.P.$ &'( $ '&&0 rpm. 1uction side of the ear pump is connected to the tube oil tank and

the deliver# side is connected to inlet of the oil cooler and after coolin oil oes to the

 bearins. The oil from the bearins is cooled to the required temperature in the cooler b#

the means of plant bearin cooler water.


The classifier is fabricated from the steel plates. >t is an equipment that separates fine

 pulveri%ed coal from the coarser pieces. The pulveri%ed coal alon with the carr#in as

well as dr#in medium /flue as strikes the impact plate in the classifier and the coarser 

 pieces et separated due to the chane in the direction of flow and o back to mill. The

stream then passes to the outlet branch of the classifier throuh an ad5ustable telescopic

tube. 2t the outlet ad5ustable vanes are provided to chane the si%e of coal when required.


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The centrifual t#pe c#clone separator consists of two c#clones made up of welded

sheets. >t is equipment in the millin plant$ which serves for separatin the pulveri%ed

coal from the vapours i.e. carr#in medium. The pulveri%ed coal ets stored in the pulveri%ed coal bunkers and vapours o to suction of vapour fan. 2t the bottom of the

c#clone separator a rotar# valve /Turnikete is provided to transport coal from c#clone

separator to P.?. bunker on the worm conve#or as the case ma# be.


Pulveri%ed coal bunker is welded from thick steel sheets and has a capacit# of & hours

coal consumption at ma4imum continuous ratin of the boiler. The whole bunker is

insulated e4ternall#. The carbon-dio4ide blanketin s#stem has been provided in the P.?.

 bunker to prevent fire ha%ards inside the bunker. The while storae bunker is divide into

four parts namel# 2$ * ? < D. urther four coal feeders are taken out from each bunker 

leadin to each corner of the furnace.


"hen coal reaches the plant$ normal si%e of coal is about (00mm. 2fter unloadin the

coal from the rake is fed to primar# crusher$ which reduces the si%e to ')0mm. Then coal

is fed to secondar# crusher which reduces the si%e to )(mm and this coal oes to bunker 

with the help of conve#or belt from where coal finall# oes to coal mill where coal is

transferred in form of pulveri%ed coal. The coal is heated with the help of hot primar# air.

"e maintain the temperature of about 90°? in coal mill. This temperature is maintained

with the help of cold air and a hot air damper.


*efore the coal reaches the furnace$ we preheat the furnace in order to remove the

moisture and raise the temperature of furnace$ so that coal can catch fire easil# without

an# dela#. This preheatin of furnace is done with the help of oil. "ith burnin of oil$ we


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maintain the temperature of furnace at =(0°?. we cut the oil suppl# after =(0°? because

oil is ver# costl#. 1ource of oil for G.N.D.T.P.$ *athinda is 8athura @il ;efiner#. @ther 

use of oil is in bearin s#stem for coolin. There are lare number of bearins for plant.

or e4ample bearin s#stem of turbine. These bearins et heated upto hih temperature$

which is danerous. 1o we cool the bearin b# circulatin water in bearin.


rom the coal handlin plant$ coal comes in two belts namel# (2 and (* and then b#

 belts 62 and 6* coal comes in bunkers. *unker capacit# is =00 tonnes. Number of outlets

of bunker is three. irst ate is opened for one hour and second and then third. >f open the

one ate for lon time$ then coal will stop oin to mill. That is wh# we open the ate

turn b# turn.


;aw coal chain feeder is 5ust below raw coal bunker. >t is a slidin chain which feed the

coal to mill. "e can chane the quantit# of coal which is fed to mill in two wa#s.

  *# chanin the speed of chain


*# chanin the depth of coal in chain

1peed of chain can be chaned b# addin a ear s#stem to motor. "e connect the

ear s#stem with motor with a pin called shear pin. The prevent the overloadin of motor 

 because when the coal quantit# of coal on chain is reater than its capacit# then the pin

will break and prevent the pin from overloadin. 1peed of ;aw ?oal chain is )L to 6L!sec.


These are mainl# of two t#pes,-

i *all 8ills

ii *owl 8ills


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 Ba## M##$: -  >n *all 8ills there are steel balls which are revolvin in hori%ontal

c#lindrical drum. These balls are free from an# shaft and balls are touchin with each

other and with internal bod# of drum. These t#pes of mills are at *athinda Thermal Plant.

@n the other hand$ bowl mills part of the mill contain drive s#stem i.e. it contains 6.6 k

electric motor and ear s#stem which translates the revolution about hori%ontal a4is to

revolve about vertical a4is. The revolvin vertical a4is contains a bowl about the drivin

s#stem. This bowl is fi4ed with drivin and revolvin with shaft. There are also three

rollers which are suspended at some inclination$ so that there is a ap of few mm between

roller surface. These rollers are free to rotate about the a4is.

Bo*" M+""-  The coal is rinded and then fed into the mill at the center or near of 

revolvin bowl. >t passes between the rindin rin in revolvin bowl and rolls as

centrifual force causes the material to travel towards the out perimeter of bowl. The

sprins$ which load the rolls$ impart the necessar# force for rindin. The partiall#

 pulveri%ed coal continue oin up and down and over the ede of bowl.


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The G.N.D.T.P. units are primaril# coal-fired units and the coal consumption at

ma4imum continuous ratin /8.?.;. per unit is about (: T!Er. the coal used at

G.N.D.T.P. is of bituminous and sub-bituminous t#pe and this is received from some

collieries of 8.P. and *ihar. The desined composition of coal is as below,-

  T#pe *ituminous ?oal

  Net calorific value &=00 kcal!k

  8oisture content in coal '0B

  2sh content =0B

  olatile matter in combustibles )&B

  Grind abilit# inde4 (0 Eard Groove


The coal handlin plant at G.N.D.T.P. has been supplied and erected b# 8!s Flecon

Fnineerin ?ompan# Aimited$ allabh id#a Naar$ Guarat. ?oal is transported from

the coal mines to the plant site b# ;ailwa#s. Generall#$ the raw coal comes b# railwa#

waons of either eiht wheels weihin about 9( to :0 tones each or four wheels

weihin about =( to &0 tones each. The loaded waon rake is brouht b# railwa#s main

line loco and left on one of the loaded waon tracks in the power station marshallin

#ard. The main line loco escapes throuh the enine track. The station marshallin #ard is

 provided with : tracks. The arranement of the tracks in the marshallin #ard is as




Aoaded waons receivin tracks our  

Fmpt# waon standin tracks Three

Fnine escape tracks @ne





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>n order to unload coal from the waons$ two ;oadside Tipplers of Flecon make

are provided. Fach is capable of unloadin ') open t#pe of waons per hour. Normall#

one tippler will be in operation while the other will be standb#. The loaded waons are

 brouht to the tippler side b# the loco shunters. Then with the help of inhaul beetle one

waon is brouht on the tippler table. The waon is then tilted upside down and emptied

in the hopper down below. The emptied waon comes back to the tippler table and the

outhaul beetle handles the empt# waons on the dischare side of the tippler. The tippler 

is equipped with the interal weihbride machine. This machine consists of a set of 

weihin levers centrall# disposed relative to tippler. The rail platform rests on the

weihin irders and free from rest of the tippler when the waon is bein weihed. 2fter 

weihin the loaded waons is tipped and returned empt# to the weihin irders and

aain weihed. Thus the difference of the ross weiht and the tare weiht ives the

weiht of the waon contents. The tipplers are run b# motors of :0 E.P. each throuh

ears onl#.


The tippler is desined to work on the followin c#cle of operation,-

Tippin 0 seconds

Pause (-') seconds


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;eturn 0 second1

"eihin =0 seconds

Total )'(-))) seconds

2llowin :( seconds for waon chanin it will be seen that ') eiht-wheel waons or 

)& four-wheel waons per hours can be tipped. Eowever since the coal carr#in capacit#

is (00 tones per hour load of ') waons comes to : to per hour.


The tippler is also provided with the dust trappin s#stems b# which the dust nuisance

will be minimi%ed. 2s the tippler rotates$ a normall# closed hopper valve opens

automaticall# and the dischared material passes throuh it into the hopper with its dust-

settin chamber$ there is an air valve of lare area$ which opens$ simultaneousl# with the

hopper valve. The ob5ect of this air valve is to blow back throuh the hopper valve into

the tippin chamber$ which must occur if$ the settlin chamber were closed$ it bein

remembered that a lare waon contains some )&0 cubic feet of material and that this

volume of dust air would be forced back at each tip if the hopper chamber were a Mclosed

 bottleL. The air valve and the hopper valve are shut immediatel# on reversal of the tippler 

and are kept shut at all times e4cept durin the actual dischare. The hopper valve is

operated b# a motor of '0 E.P.$ &'( olts and the air valve is operated b# electro-

h#draulic thruster. >nlet valve consists of lare number of plates slidin under the waon

tippler ratin. ?oal in the waon tippler hopper forms the heap and as such obstructs the

movement of slidin valve and damain the plates. The inlet and outlet valves have

therefore been b#passed.

The unloaded material falls into the waon tippler hopper /common to both

tipplers havin a capacit# of )'0 tones. The hopper has been provided with a ratin of 

=00mm =00mm si%e at the top so as to lare si%e boulders ettin into the coal stream.

There is also a provision of unloadin the waons manuall# into the 82N32AA

3NA@2DFD E@PPF; of ''0 tones capacit#. 8anuall# unloadin will be restored to

while unloadin coal from sick waons or closed waons.


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@n belt conve#or no. &2 and &*$ there have been provided hih intensit#

electromanetic pulle#s for separatin out tramp iron particles!pieces from the main

stream of coal conve#in. D.?. suppl# for the manet is taken on &'( volt$ = phase$ (0

c#cles 2.?. suppl# s#stem.

>n addition to above hih intensit# suspension t#pe electromanets have also been

 provided on belt conve#ors &2 and &* for separatin out tramp iron pieces!particles.


>f the receipt of coal on an# da# more than the requirement of the boilers$ the

 balanced material will be stocked via conve#or 92and 9* and throuh telescopic chute

fitted at the end of the conve#or. 2t the end of the chute one tele level switch is provided$

which automaticall# lifts the telescopic chute to a predetermined heiht ever# time. The

tele level switch is actuated b# the coal pile. "hen the telescopic chute reaches ma4imum

heiht durin operation$ which will be cut off b# limit$ switch and stop the conve#in

s#stem. "hen the pile under the telescopic chute is cleared$ the telescopic chute can be

independentl# lower manuall# b# push buttons.

There are five bulldo%ers to spread and compact the coal pile. *ulldo%ers of *harat Farth

8overs Aimited 8ake are fitted with )(0 E.P. diesel enines. Fach bulldo%er is able to

spread the crushed coal at the rate of )(0 tones!hr. over a load distance of 60m the coal

can be stacked to a heiht of 6m the stockpile stores coal for about &( da#s for four units

with an annual load factor of 0.66.

"henever coal is to be reclaimed the bulldo%ers are emplo#ed to push the coal in

the reclaim hopper havin a capacit# of ''0 tones. The coal from the reclaim hopper is

fed either 2 or * belt conve#or throuh vibrator# feeders :2 and :*.



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The crusher house accommodates the dischare ends of the conve#or &2$ &* receivin

ends of conve#or (2$ (* and conve#or 92 and 9*$ two crushers$ vibratin feeders and

necessar# chute work. There are two crushers each driven b# 900E.P. electric motor$ =

 phase$ (0 c#cles and 6.6 k suppl#. The ma4imum si%e of the crushed coal is '0mm. The

capacit# of each crusher is (00 tones!hr. one crusher works at a time and the other is

standb#. rom the crusher the coal can be fed either to the conve#ors (2$ (* or 92$ 9*

 b# ad5ustin the flap provided for this purpose. There is built in arranement of b#passin

the crusher b# which the coal can be fed directl# to the conve#ors b#passin crusher.



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The apparatus includin its associated au4iliaries emplo#ed for switchin$ controllin and

 protectin the electrical circuits and equipments is known as switchear.

2 tumbler switch$ which is an ordinar# fuse$ is the simplest form of switchear and is

enerall# used to control and protect the domestic and commercial appliances and

equipments. or hih ratin circuits$ a hih rupturin capacit# /E.;.?. fuse in

conduction with switch ma# serve the purpose. Eowever$ such switchear cannot be

applied on power s#stem operatin at hih voltaes$ i.e. more than '' I because of the

followin reasons, -

'. "hen fuse blows$ it takes sometime to replace it and consequentl# there is

interruption of power suppl#.

). @n hih voltae s#stem$ a fuse cannot successfull# interrupt lare fault currents.

=. "hen fault occurs$ fault takes sometime to blow. Durin this time the costl#

equipments e.. enerators$ transformers etc. ma# be damaed.

  Therefore in order to protect lines$ enerators$ transformers and other electrical

equipments from damae$ an automatic protective device or switchear are required.

2utomatic protective switchear mainl# consists of the rela#s and circuit breakers. 2

circuit breaker is switchear$ which can be open or close the circuit after an operation.

Therefore$ a circuit breaker is rather preferred even in the instance when a fuse is


 S+t!, : -

  >t makes and breaks the circuit under full load or no load condition but cannot be

operated under fault conditions. >t is enerall# operated manuall#.

 I$%#at%r: -

 >t is onl# operated under no load conditions. >ts main purpose is to isolate a portion of 

the circuit from the other. >solators are enerall# place on the both sides of a circuit


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 breaker from the other in order to make repairs and maintenance on the circuit breaker 

without an# daner. There are two t#pes of isolators, -


• 1inle pole >solator 

• Double pole >solator 


 2 fuse is short piece of metal$ insert in series with the circuit$ which melt e4cessive

current flows throuh it and thus breaks the circuit. The material used for the fuse

element should possess the followin properties, -

• Aow meltin point.

• Eih conductivit#.

• ree from o4idation.

The common materials used for the fuse element are copper$ tin-lead allo# /tin 6=B and

lead =9B$ silver$ aluminum etc. 2 fuse is connected in series with the circuit to be

 protected and carries the load current without overheatin under normal conditions.

Eowever when abnormal condition occurs$ an e4cessive current flows throuh it. This

raises the temperature$ which melt the fuse element and open the circuit. This protects the

machine or apparatus from the damae$ which can be used b# e4cessive currents.



?ircuit breaker is on!off switch operatin in an electric circuit in normal as well as

abnormal operatin conditions. "hile makin or breakin contact there is a transition

stae of arcin between contacts which is overned b# electric dischare between the

contacts at instant of separation$ thus current continuous in the circuit till dischare


  The stud# of this phenomenon is ver# important for desin and operational

characteristics of ?.*.


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of the circuit breaker is eneri%ed$ which pulls apart the movin contacts from the fi4ed

contacts as shown in fi thus opens the circuit.

  "hen the movin contacts are separated from the fi4ed contacts$ an arc is struck 

 between them. The production of arc not onl# dela#s the current interruption process butalso enerates enormous heat which ma# cause damae to the equipments of the power 

s#stem or the breaker itself. Therefore ever# effort is made to e4tinuish the arc produced

in the circuit breaker as quickl# as possible.

Cr!"t Bra0r Rat'$: -

  2 circuit breaker is required to be operated under all conditions. Eowever this ma5or 

dut# of the circuit breaker is to operate the circuit under short circuit condition. 3nder 

short circuit conditions$ a circuit breaker is required to perform three ma5or duties, -

• >t must be capable of operatin circuit on the occurrence of the fault.

• >t must be capable of closin the circuit on fault.

• >t must be capable of carr#in a fault current safel# for a short time$ while another 

circuit breaker /in series is clearin the fault.

2ccordin to the duties to be performed b# a circuit breaker$ there are three t#pes of 

ratins, -

 Bra0' Ca/a!t1: -

The r.m.s. value of current that a circuit breaker is capable of breakin at a recover#

voltae under specified conditions /i.e. recover# voltae and rate of recover# voltae is

known as breakin capacit# of a circuit breaker. *reakin ?apacit# in 82O √= × rated

voltae × rated breakin current × '0-6.

 Ma0' Ca/a!t1: -

 The peak or ma4imum value of the current /includin d.c. component durin the first

c#cle of the current wave after the circuit is closed b# the breaker /under dead short


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circuit is called makin capacit#.8akin ?apacit#O √=×  '.: ×  1#mmetrical breakin


 S,%rt T) Ca/a!t1: -

The period for which the circuit breaker is able to carr# the fault current while remaininclosed is called short time capacit# of the circuit breaker.

 N%r)a# C"rr't Rat': -

The r.m.s. value of the current which a circuit breaker is capable of carr#in continuousl#

at its rated frequenc# under specified conditions without overheatin the arc or contacts is

called normal current ratin.

O# Cr!"t Bra0r: -

>n this circuit breaker+ the current carr#in contacts are immersed in transformer oil.

"hen the contacts are separated$ arc is struck between them. The heat of the arc

dissociates the oil and ases viz. E#droen etc are evolved. The h#droen as bubble

surrounds the arc and cool it downs which help in de-ioni%ation of the medium between

the contacts and e4tinuishes the arc. 8oreover$ ases setup turbulence in the oil and

force it into the arc space when the current is %ero which further helps in e4tinuishin

the arc.

 A(2a'ta$: -

• >t absorbs the ener# of the arc b# decomposin the oil into ases.

• The ases evolved provide ood coolin effect.

• The surroundin oil enclose the pro4imit# to the arc provides coolin effect.

• >t has abilit# to flow in the arc space after the current is %ero.

• >t acts as insulator between the live contacts and earthed tank.


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• >t is easil# inflammable.

• >t ma# form an e4plosive mi4ture with air.

• >t requires more maintenance.

 M')") O# Cr!"t Bra0r: -

>n bulk oil circuit breaker$ transformer oil is not onl# used e4tinuish the arc but also

serves as insulation between the live and earthed parts. 2 heav# quantit# of oil$

dependin upon s#stem voltae$ is used in the bulk oil circuit breakers /about (000 liters

in ))0I s#stem. This not onl# increases the e4penses but also increases the fire risk.

Therefore minimum oil circuit breakers are desined in which onl# '0 B of the oil is

used to e4tinuish the arc. The container of minimum oil circuit breakers is supported on

 porcelain insulators. To provide the required insulation between the live and earthed

 parts. Thus the minimum oil circuit breakers also require less space for installation.



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 MOCB3$ have followin merits and demerits, -

 Mrt$: -


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a. >t requires lesser quantit# of oil i.e. onl# for arc e4tinction.

 b. >t requires smaller space for installation.

c. ;isk of fire is considerabl# reduced.

d. Aesser maintenance.

 D-Mrt$: -

a. Due to smaller quantit# of oil the deree of carboni%ation is increased

therefore oil needs replacement after each operation.

 b. Proper desin is required to remove the ases from the contacts space

in time




  >n 6.6!0.&'( I switchear we have two unit transformer and one station T!f that after 

steppin down the voltae$ fed it to two 6.6 I unit buses and to station bus. arious

feeders are connected to 6.6 I buses and in order to avoid complete shutdown$ suppl#

is maintained b# drawin suppl# from station bus$ to =* < &* bus. 1uppl# from =2 bus

is stepped down to &'( b# '000 I2 1"G; T! J ' < fed to &'( bus. 1ame in &*

 bus. >n case of trippin standb# bus used. arious feeders are connected to these

 buses."e enerate electricit# at '' I < step-down to 9 I b# 32T. ;atin of 32T T!

is '( 82 < station T!f is ))( 82$ ''!9 I.


8ainl# two t#pes of ?*Cs are used in switchear accordin to the requirement, -

'. 6.6I 8@?*Cs


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 39/120

). &'( 2?*Cs

 M')") O# CB 46.6 KV5: -

>t is provided for each motor feeder of ratin 6.6 I and as incomin breaker for 6.6 I

 bus. >n these ?*Cs arc is quenched in arcin chamber with minimum quantit# of oil.


;ated oltae 6.6 I$ (0 E%$ =-pole

;ated current ')(0 2mperes

*reakin ?urrent =&.9 I2 /1#m-=9: /2s#m

*reakin ?apacit# =( 82

8akin ?apacit# :: Peak I2

1hort Time ?urrent ?apacit# =&.9 I2 for ' 1ec

8@?* uses solid material for insulatin purposes and use 5ust minimum oil for arc

quenchin. The arc-interruption device is enclosed in a tank of insulatin material$ which

is a line voltae in normal operation. Thus are also known as live tank breathers.

arious protections rela# are used in con5unction with 8@?*Cs accordin to requirement

of connected equipment are, -

• @ver current rela#

• >nstantaneous rela#

• Aocked rotor rela#

• 3nbalanced protection rela#

• Farth fault protection rela#

• 3nder voltae rela#

41'V ACB-  


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>n these ?*Cs air at atmospheric pressure is used for quenchin the arc.

 S/!&!at%'$ %& ACB3$: -

;ated oltae 660 /2?

;ated ?urrent '600 2mperes

;ated 8akin ?apacit# ( I2 /PF2I

;ated *reakin ?apacit# &( I2 /rms

8a4. 1witchin requenc#!hour '( make!break open

@penin Time )0msec

T%ta# O/'' T) I'!#"((

2rcin Time =0.=( msec

?losin Time (00 msec

T,$ CB $ Pr%2(( Wt, T,r Ma' Pr%t!t%' Tr/$: -

'. T,r)a# D#a1( O2r C"rr't Tr/:  

This consists of three bimetal strips$ each headed b# a current T!$ which is slid on to the

appropriate phase conductor. Tunin the calibrated knob var# the settin. 2 temp$

compensatin strip is also used which makes the trippin time larel# independent of 

ambient temperature.

2. I'$ta'ta'%"$ O2r C"rr't Tr/: -

This is fitted in contact assemblies. The 3 shaped manet cores with associated armature

are mounted on the conductor and eneri%ed b# breaker current.

3. U'(r V%#ta Tr/: -


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>t opens the breaker instantl# if the au4iliar# as main voltae drop to (0B of the rated

coil voltae.


a. 2ll the ?* should be three-pole and there should be suitable for remote!local

electrical operation and manual operation also.

 b. The ?* should be suitable for the operation on ))0 dc au4iliar# control suppl#.

c. The ?* is required to drive motors and also be suitable for incomin from AT T!.

d. The closin @f ?* should be direct motor drive t#pe as stored ener# t#pe.

e. The ?* should be provided with manual closin and trippin device also.

f. The ?* should also provide with shunt trippin coil suitable for ))0 .

. ?* should have mechanical indication for @N!@ position.

h. ?* should be provided with the device$ which does not allow closed breaker 

reached in as reached out

i. The ?*Cs should be suitable for lockin$ test < service position < it should also

 be suitable for electrical!mechanical operation in both testin service position.

 B"$ Bar$ 46.6 KV789 V5: -This term is used for main bar on conductor carr#in electric current throuh which man#

connections are made for connectin switches and the equipments like bus bar made of 

2luminum because it has hiher conductivit#$ corrosion resistant and lower cost as

compared to copper 


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 S+t!, Gar 6.6 KV ?ircuit *reakers 8inimum @il T#pe

;upturin ?apacit# =(0 82

?urrent ;atin ')(0 2mperes

 S+t!, Gar 89 V 

?ircuit *reakers 2ir T#pe

;upturin ?apacit# ==) 2

?urrent ;atin 0.:2mpere


D.? 1uppl# is the brain of the plant. Fach unit has its own ))0volts D.? s#stem located

in the electrical ba#. &: batter# of requisite ratin are also bein provided. Fach D.?

s#stem comprises of the followin,-

'. 1torae batter#

) *atter# ?hares

=. Distribution < sub-distribution boards

The batteries are of lead acid t#pe. *atter# cells have hih dischare performance cell

t#pes each of )volts. *atter# chare are static t#pe < capable of trickle charin < boost

charin. 2dequate standb# provision is also made for the outae of the charer in the

form of installation of standb# chares.

The D.? distribution < sub-station boards are compartmentali%ed+ draw out t#pe$construction$ housin switches < fuses for various feeders are as per the requirements for 

the plant.

The batter# rooms are well ventilated < well lihted < there is adequate provision for 

e4pellin acid fumes < fumes h) as out from the batter# room.


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'. Dr# cell batteries

). Aead acid batteries

=. 2lkaline cell batteries.

Aead acid cells are of further two t#pes,-

' 2utomobile batter#

) 1tationar# lead acid batter#.

@ut of theses three t#pes of the cells lead acid cell < alkaline cells are rechareable

whereas dr# cells cannot be rechared. >n case of lead acid ell both the electrodes are of 

the same material i.e. Aead in case of 2lkaline cell electrodes are of two t#pes,-

'. Nickle$Aead

). >ron$Nickle.

 Flectrodes$ which is mostl# used is potassium h#dro4ide. 2s the batter# dischares$

concentration of lead sulphate oes on increasin$ at a specific ravit# for '.)=

discharin stops < the batter# will not provide an# amount of D.? ener#.The batteries

which are used at G.N.D.T.P. >s havin the ratin of 600 2h. >f these havin '0 ratin$ the

 batter# supplies 602mp. @f current ratin '0 hours.

*atteries used in the G.N.D.T.P. for the main purpose of,-

'. Fmerenc# lihtenin

). Protection

Two sets of the batteries are used for each circuit. 1o that if one fails second comes in




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The various requirements for charin the batteries are listed bellow

'. Power requirement

). 2cid

=. connections of cells

&. connections polarit#


2 D? source capable of deliverin current as specified. The voltae required will be two

times the No. of cells in batter#. The initial charin of the batter# will takes appro4imate

(( to 0 hours.


The acid used fillin batter# is sulphuric ravit# '.'00.00(/at )9 c



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The Qve terminal lu of the cell in one row is connected to the Jve lu of the end cell in

the other row. The connections b!w the two rows ma# be made with the necessar# lenth

of ?3 of the si%e used b!w the switchboard < batter#.


>tCs ver# important that Qve terminal of the batter# is connected to the Qve lead of the

charin source.

 To ascertain the polarit# of the charin leads connected a lamp in the series < dip the

ends in a lass of slihtl# saline water. 1witch on the suppl#. ine bubbles of the as will

 be iven off from the Jve lead. The lamp connected in the series eliminates the daner of 

accidental short circuit.



*atteries  have to be chared occasionall# to restore them to be in workin condition.

Durin the charin D? current is passed throuh the batter# in the direction opposite to

that when the batter# is bein used. ?harin current is usuall# obtained from batter#

charer$ which is the selenium or transformers desined to step up the voltae or down to

suitable values.


The charin of batter# is done b# a s#stem known as trickle charin unit.


loat charer 


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*oost charer 


'. loat charer operates on constant voltae mode < maintains the D? output

within Q!-'B of the set value.

). The boost charer operates on constant current mode till the o!p current reaches

set value$ be#ond which it operates in constant current mode.

=. Durin charin or providin the equali%in charer to the batter# the boost

charer operates in constant current mode.

  3nder normal runnin condition the D? load is connected across the float

charer < the batteries are also connected across the float charer throuh the D?

contactor < ets the trickle charer from the float charer so that if in case suddenl#

the 2? suppl# fails the batteries will suppl# the D? power to the continuous D? load

< disturbance will not be created. The float charer floats on the D? bus thatCs wh# it

is called float charer. *asicall# the float charer is provided for the continuous Dc

load < at the same time trickle charers the batteries so that when the mains fail the

load demand meet the batter# immediatel#. Now if the batter# ets dischared while

suppl#in the load. To chare the batter# aain boost chare is provided which

 boostl# chares up the batter# to the desired level of the voltae.*oth the boost <

float chares are th#irosterised power supplies havin automatic voltae current

reulation features.


The workin of the boost charer depends on the voltae of the cells of the batter# i.e.

when the voltae of the a sinle cell of the batter# reaches '.: volts!cell the boost charer 

is automaticall# tuned @N 9 starts charin the batter# cells < remains @N till the

voltae reaches ).9 volt!cell i.e. =(.' volt of the total batter#.

  The float charer will determine the load voltae. "hen the 2? suppl# is

available both the float charer < the batteries are connected across the D? cont. load.


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The float charer simpl# converts the 2? suppl# to D? suppl# < feed the continuous Dc

load as well as to float the batteries at ).'6 volts!cell.

  1uddenl# if now 2? fails the batteries will come across the Dc load current

requirement. Now when the 2? supplies resumes the boost charer is connected to the

 batteries to rechare them with the boost ener#. *oost charer operates in the constant

current mode.


'. >nput switch

). E;? fuses

=. ?ontractor with thermal overload rela#

&. indication lihts

(. Dc voltmeter < ammeter 


The circuit "orks on the 2? phase control principle. The 1?; is a semiconductor device

with = terminals i.e. anode cathode ate. The main load current is carried b# the anode$

cathode$ while the control current flows throuh the ate < cathode. ?haracteristics of 

the 1?; are such that iot blocks the forward voltae when ate is not supplied with the

anode current. "hile it oes into conduction when ate current reaches a specified level

therefore charin the instant at which the ate current or the pulse is supplied can

control the instant at which the 1?; oes into conduction. @nce the 1?; is triered it

remains in conduction until anode current is reduced to %ero or reverse voltae is applied

anode.Thus chanin the instant of firin of the 1?;. Potentiometer ; ' is used for 

ad5ustin the output voltae settin can control the output voltae of the rectifier bride.

The D? output load current is sensed b# the Dc shunt. The sinal proportional to this load

is fed to the controller. >n the event of the load current e4ceeds the rated full load current$

the output voltae starts droppin$ thus limitin the load current. This inherent is

 provided in the float charer apart from the back-up.


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durin this time. The boost voltae is set to ).'6 volts!cell < would remain constant

within Q!-'B of the set voltae.

  There are special desined features which are incorporated in the boost charer 

enables it to be used as a float charer so that the dela# cause durin rectif#in the float

charer does not effect the D? suppl# s#stem.


The charer is so called because if floats on the D? bus. The charer is fed from = phase

2c suppl# < ives the D? stabili%ed @!P at rated full load current. The variation in D?

@!P voltae is limited to Q!-'B for 0-'00B load variation < simultaneousl# 2? voltae

variation of Q!-'0B < frequenc# variation of Q!-(B from (0 ER.


;ela# is a device that detects the fault mostl# in the hih voltae circuit. < initiates the

operation of the ?* to isolate the defective section from the rest of the circuit."henever 

fault occurs on the power s#stem$ the rela# detects that fault < closes the trip coil circuit.

This results in the openin of the ?* which disconnects the fault# circuit. Thus the rela#

ensures the ensures the safel# of the circuit. equipment from damae which the fault ma#



The capital investment involved in a power s#stem for the eneration$ transmission <

distribution if electrical power is so reat that the proper precautions must be taken to

ensure that the equipment not onl# operates as nearl# as possible to peak efficienc# but

also that it is protected from accidents. The normal path of the electric current is from the

 power source throuh copper conductors in the enerators$ transformers < transmission

lines to the load < it is confined to this path b# insulation. The insulation however ma#

 be broken down either b# effect of temp. < ae or b# a ph#sical accident$ so that the


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 51/120

current then follows an abnormal path enerall# known as short-circuit or fault.

"henever this occurs the destructive capabilities of the enormous ener# the power 

s#stem ma# be causes e4pensive damae to the equipment$ severe drop in the voltae <

loss of revenue due to interruption of service. 1uch faults ma# be made infrequent b#

ood desin of the power apparatus < lines the provision of protective devices$ such as

sure diverters < round fault neutrali%ers$ but a certain number will occur inevitabl# due

to lihtenin < unforeseen accidental conditions.The purpose of protective rela#s <

rela#in s#stems is to operate correct ?.* so as to disconnect onl# the fault# equipment

from the s#stem as quickl# as possible.


2ll the rela#s have followin three essential fundamental elements,


1ometime it is also called measurin element. >t is element which is the responsible to

the chane in manitude or phase of the quantit#.


 >t is the element which compares the action of the actuatin quantit# of the

rela# with the pre-desined rela# settin. The rela# onl# picks up if the

actuatin quantit# is more than the rela# settin.


"hen the rela# picks up it accomplishes a sudden chane in controlled quantit# such as

closin of the trip coil circuit.


 2ccordin to the conc. < principle of operation rela#s are of followin three t#pes.


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 The operation of these rela#s depends on the headin effect of the electric current.


These are the electromanetic rela#s. The operation of these rela#s depends

on the movement of armature under the influence of attractive forces due to

manetic field up b# current flowin throuh the rela# coil.


The operation of these rela#s depends on the electromanetic induction phenomena. *#

induction$ edd# currents are induced in the 2A in the disc$ free to rotate$ which e4erts

torque on it.




 >n this protection trip coil is eneri%ed when current in the circuit is '0 times the normal

current. This protection is applied b!w = phases.


The time operation of this rela# is 0.' sec. >t is more effective where impedance b!w the

sources <rela# is small as compared with the impedance of section be operated.


 This protection is applied b!w ) phases. >n this protection the trip coil is eneri%ed when

the current usuall# durin startin the current is ( to 6 times the normal current.



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>t protects aainst Jve phase sequence current. The rela# normall# used is an >D8T rela#.


The s' terminals of = ?.*Cs are connected to = phases ;$$* < second terminals 1) are

connected toether. This form neutral thus connections are star connected. >deall# there is

no current in neutral. *ut if b# an# reason the circuit. 1tart to flow in the neutral the earth

fault occurs < trip coil is eneri%ed thus trippin the ?.*Cs.


  >n this protection the coil is eneri%ed when the voltae drops to 90B of the normal

value. >tCs app. >s reverse time under voltae protection of a.c circuit capacitor$ rectifier <

m!c such as induction motorS


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actual testin it has been found that emission level from F1PCs was about =.0 m!8 =. The

hih level of emission is due to the fact that coals burnt in the boiler have much hiher 

ash content than what boilers are desined for. The pollution control board of Pun5ab

Govt. has specified an emission level of =:0 m!8 = from chimne#. >n order to achieve

this new emission level additional F1PCs have been installed at GNDTP *athinda.

Wo$)+% P$+5+6", -

 The Flectrostatic precipitator utili%es electrostatic forces to separate the dust particle

form the as to be cleaned. The as is conducted to a chamber containin M?urtainsL of 

vertical steel plates. These curtains divide the chamber into a number of parallel as

 passaes. The frames are linked to each other to form a riid framework.The entire

framework is held in place b# four supports insulators$ which insulates it electricall# from

all parts$ which are rounded. 2 hih voltae D? is applied between the framework and

the round thereb# creatin a stron electrical field between the wires in the framework 

and the steel curtains. The electrical field becomes stronest near the surface of the wire$

so stron that an electrical dischares. MThe ?oronaL dischare is developed alon the

wires. The as is ioni%ed in the corona dischare and lare quantities of positive and

neative ions are formed. The positive wires are immediatel# attracted towards the

neative wires b# strenth of the field induced. The neative ions however have to travel

the entire space between the electrodes to reach the positive curtains. @n routes towards

the steel curtains the ions collide with each other and et chared and also this chare is

transferred to the particles in the as. The particles thereb# become electricall# chared

and also bein to travel in the same direction as the ions towards the steel curtains. The

electrical force on each particle becomes much reater than ravitational force. The speed

of miration towards the steel curtains is therefore much reater than the speed of 

sedimentation in free fall.


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G'ra# D$!r/t%': -

 There various parts of the precipitators are divided into two roups, -

a. 8echanical s#stem comprisin of casin$ hoppers$ as distribution s#stem$

collectin and emittin s#stems$ rappin mechanism$ stairwa# and alleries.

 b. Flectrical s#stem comprisin of transformer rectifier units with Flectronic

?ontroller$ 2u4iliar# ?ontrol Panels$ 1afet# >nterlocks and ield Fquipment


1)   Pr!/tat%r Ca$' : -

The precipitator casin is an all welded pre-fabricated wall and roof panels. The casin is

 provided with inspection doors for entr# into the chamber at each field. The doors are of 

heav# construction with machined surface to ensure a as tiht seal.


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 The roof carries the precipitatorCs internals$ insulator housins$ transformers etc. The

casin rests on roller supports which allows for free thermal e4pansion of the casin

durin operatin conditions. Galleries and stairwa# are provided on the sides of the

casin in eas# access to rappin motors$ inspection doors$ transformers etc. walkwa#s

are provided inside FP between fields for inspection and maintenance. The dust is

collected in lare quantities on the curtains$ the collected electrodes. Due to periodic

rappin$ the dust falls into the hopper.

2)  Ho66$, -

The hoppers are si%ed to hold the ash for : hrs. ?ollection. *uffer plates provided in

each hopper to avoid as leakae. >nspection door is provided on the one side of 

hoper wall. Thermostaticall# controlled heatin elements are arraned at the bottom

 portion of the hopper to ensure free flow of ash.


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3) G! D+$+78+o S9:, -

The ood performance of the precipitators depends on the event distribution of as over 

the entire cross-section of the field. 2s the as e4pands ten-fold while enterin the

 precipitator$ uide vanes$ splitters and screens are provided in the inlet funnel to

distribute the flue as evenl# over the entire cross section of the FP.

4) C%##!t' E#!tr%( $1$t): -


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The collectin plates are made of '.6 mm cold rolled mild steel plate and shaped in piece

 b# roll formin. The collectin plates and shaped in one piece b# roll formin. The

collectin electrode has unique profile with a special confiuration on its lonitudinal

edes. This profile is desined to ive riidit# and to contain the dust in quiescent %one

free from re-entertainment+ collectin plates are provided with hooks at their top ede for 

suspension. The hooks enae in slot of the supportin anle. 2ll the collectin plates in

arrow are held in position b# a shock bar at the bottom. The shock bars are spaced b#



5)  E)tt' E#!tr%( $1$t): -

The most essential part of precipitators is emittin electrode s#stem. our insulators

support this$ the frames for holdin the emittin electrodes are located centrall# between

collectin electrodes curtains. The entire dischare frames are welded to form a riid bo4

like structure. The emittin electrodes are kept between the frames.


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F:  R( &ra) ($!,ar #!tr%( ($'

6)  Ra//' S1$t): -

;appin mechanism is provided for collectin and emittin electrodes. Geared motors

drive the rappin mechanism. The rappin s#stem emplo#s tumblin hammers$ which are

mounted on a hori%ontal shaft. 2s the shaft rotates slowl# the hammers which are

mounted on a hori%ontal shaft. 2s the shaft rotates slowl# the hammers tumble on theshock bar!shock$ which transmits blow to the electrodes. @ne complete revolution of the

rappin shaft will clean the entire field. The rapper prorammer decided the frequenc# of 

rappin. The tumblin hammers disposition and the periodicit# of the rappin are

selected in such a wa# that less than )B of the collectin area is rapped at one time. This

avoids re-entertainment of dust and puffin at the stock outlet.


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The rappin shaft of emittin electrodes s#stem is electrical isolated from the eared

motor driven b# a shaft insulator. The space around the shaft insulator is continuousl#

heated to avoid condensation.


ollowin 2re the 8odules for the @utoin eeders, -

• Eopper heater for each field

• 1upport insulator heaters.

• 1haft insulator heaters.

• ?ollectin electrode-rappin motor for each field.

• Fmittin electrode rappin motor for each filed.

 *, V%#ta Tra'$&%r)r R!t&r 4*VR5 +t, E#!tr%'! C%'tr%##( 

4EC5: -

The rectifier supplies the power for as particle charin and collection. The basic

function of the F? is to feed the precipitator with ma4imum power input under constant

current reulation should there be an# flash between collectin and emittin electrodes$

the F? will sense the flash and quickl# react b# brinin the input period voltae to %ero


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and blockin it for a specific period. 2fter the ioni%ed ases are cleaned and the dielectric

strenth restored$ the control will quickl# brin back the power to a present value and

raise it to the oriinal non-sparkin level. Thus the F? ensure the electrical disturbance

within precipitator. ;eulated 2? power from F? is fed to the primar# of the

transformer$ which is stepped up and rectified to ive a full wave power output. The

transformer is mounted on roof of the precipitator while the F? is located in an air 

conditional room.

 A";#ar1 C%'tr%# Pa'# 4ACP5: -

 The 2?P houses the power and circuits required for eneri%in rappin motor and

heatin elements of the precipitator. 2?P controls each as path. The complete 2?P is of 

modular t#pe with individual module for each feeder. Fach module houses the power and

control circuit with meters. Push buttons$ witches and indicatin lamps are mounted on

the door of the compartments.

 Ma;)<' T, Pr&%r)a'! OF ESP : -

The performance of the F1P is influenced b# a number of factors man# of which ma# be

controllable. >t should be the aim of ever# operator to ma4imi%e the performance b#

 5udiciousl# ad5ustin the controllable variables.

C#a'' O& E#!tr%($: -

The performance of the F1P depends on the amount of electrical power absorbed b# the

s#stem. The hihest collection efficienc# is achieved when ma4imum possible electric

 power for a iven set of operatin conditions is utili%ed on the fields. Too thick a dust

la#er on the collectin plates will lead to drop in the effective voltae$ which

consequentl# reduces the collection efficienc#. >t also leads to unstable to unstable

operatin conditions. Therefore the rappin s#stem of collectin and emittin electrodes

should be kept in perfectl# workin condition. 2ll the rappin motors have been

 prorammed to achieve the optimum efficienc#.

 A$, *%//r E2a!"at%': -


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  >mproper!incomplete hopper evacuation is a ma5or cause for the precipitator 

malfunction. >f the hopper are not emptied reularl#$ the dust will build up to the hih

tension emittin s#stem causin shot circuitin. 2lso the dust can push the internals up

causin misalinment of the electrodes. Thouh the hoppers have been desined for a

storae capacit# of : hours$ under 8?; conditions$ this provision should be used in case

of emerenc#. Normall#$ the hopper should not be rearded as storae as storae as

storae space for the collected ash.

O# !%)="$t%': -

The combustion of oil used durin start up or for stabili%ation of the flames can have an

important impact on precipitator operation. 3n burnt oil$ if passed into F1P can deposit

on the emittin and collectin electrodes and deteriorates the electrical condition i.e.reduce the precipitators operatin voltae due to hih electrical resistivit# and

consequentl# the F1PCs performance is affected adversel#. The precipitator performance

remains poor until the oil vapori%es and the ash la#er ets rapped off$ which usuall# takes

alon time.




'. Total No. of collectin plates

). Nominal heiht of collectin plate

=. Nominal Aenth of collectin plate



  ').( m

  &00 mm

  D+% Co;++o U+1,3,4

'. Gas flow rate

). Temperature

=. Dust concentration

&. Number of precipitator 

(. Number of as path per boiler 

6. No. of fields in series in each

as pass


  '&(0 ?

  =:. ms!Nm=






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8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 65/120

). requenc# of ;ap

=. Driver

&. Aocation

  '0 raps!hour 

Geared Flectric 8otor controlled b#

  1#nch. Prorammer   @n the side of emittin frame

middle position


'. T#pe

).No of Eoppers

=. ?apacit#



  : hour storae


'. Kuantit#

). ;atin


=. Aocation

  '0 Nos.

  Geared 8otor

0.==hp!).( rpm at =-

 phase &'( (0 E%

@n the top FP



8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 66/120

'. Kuantit#

). ;atin

=. Aocation


'0 Nos.

  Geared 8otor$ ==

hp!).( rpm at =

Phase &'( (0 E%.

  @n the top FP



'. ;ectifier ;atin

). Number!*oiler 

=. T#pe

&. Aocation

  90 I /peak

  :00 82 /8ean


  1ilicon Diode ull "ave$

*ride connection

  8ounted on the top of



'. T#pe of ?ontrol

). Aocation


  >n the ?ontrol ;oom


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 B%#r $!t%'


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The steam eneratin unit is desined to meet the nominal requirements of ''08" turbo

enerator set. The unit is desined for a ma4imum continuous ratin of =9( tones!hr. at a

 pressure of '=k!cm) and a steam temperature of (&00°?. the reheated steam flows at

8?; =)E tones!hr. at the feed water temp at 8?; is )&00°?. The unit is a balance

drauht dr# bottom+ sinle drum natural circulation$ vertical water tube t#pe$ construction

with skin casin and a sinle reheat s#stem. The furnace is arraned for dr# ash dischare

and is fitted with burners located at the four corners. Fach corner burner comprises coal$

vapour oil and secondar# air compartments. The unit is provided with three ball mills and

arraned to operate with intermediate cool powder bunker. The steam super heater 

consists of & staes i%. ?eilin$ convection$ platen and final superheated. The ceilin

super heated forms the roof of the furnace and hori%ontal pass and finishes as the rear 

wall of the second pass. The convection super heated is made up of hori%ontal banks

located in the second pass. "hile the platens are located at the furnace e4it$ the portion

above the furnace nose encloses the final superheated reheater are in two staes$ first

stae is the triflu4 heat e4chaners located in the second pass$ which absorbs heat from

superheated steam as well as from the flue ases. The second stae is e4it reheater 

located in the hori%ontal pass as pendant tubular loops.

/a The flue as for dr#in the cool in the mills is tapped off after the triflu4 heat

e4chaners. The damper located in the hot flue ases pipe leadin to mill controls the

quantit#. ?ontrol the circulatin vapour of the mill entr# effect temperature control.

>mmediatel# after the triflu4 heat e4chaner$ the air heaters and economi%ers are located.

The air heater is in ) staes.

/b The hot air for combustion from air heater stae ) is led into the common wind bo4

located on the sided of the furnace. & cool air mi4ed pipes from pulveri%ed coal bounders

are connected to & cool burnersC no%%le at the corners. There will be totall# '6 coal

no%%les. & located in each corner. @il uns will be located in the secondar# air no%%le for 

coal burnin. The turn down ratio of the uns will be so selected that it will be possible to

use them also for pulveri%ed fuels flame stabili%ation while operatin under load below

the control point.


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/c Take into consideration the hih B ae of ash and the relativel# poor qualit# of coal

due reards has been paid to wide pitchin the tubes and to the as velocit# across the

heatin surface areas. >n order to insure reliable and continuous operation sample sot

 blowin equipment is provided. There are short retractable steam root blowers provide at

the top of furnace full# retractable rotar# t#pe blowers are located for cleanin of the

secondar# super heater and final heater partl# retractable steam blowers are arraned for 

the hori%ontal reheater and super heaters in the second pass. The steam root blowers are

electricall# operated.

/d ;oot blowin no%%les usin blow down from boilers drum are provide for the

cleanin of areas around the burners no%%les %one for dislodin of sla boulder if an# in

the bottom ash hopper in the furnace.

/e Two D fans are provided per boiler. The D fans are of the a4ial t#pe driven b#

constant speed motor. The reulation of quantit# and pressure is done b# inlet vane

control. The flue ases are sucked throuh the mechanical and electrostatic precipitators

 b# >.D. fans and delivered into the chimne#. Two >.D. fans are provided for each boiler 

and the# are of the a4ial t#pe driven b# constant speed motors. >nlet vane control effects

the capacit# chane with reference to load. *oth the >.D. and D fans have been

dimensioned takin into account the minimum marins of '(B on volume and =)B on



• 8anufacturer *.E.F.A

• 8a4imum continuous ratin =9(tones!hr.

• 1uper heater outlet pressure '=k !cm)

• ;eheater outlet pressure ==.: k!cm)

• inal super heater temperature (&0 de.c

• eed water temperature )&0de.c

• Ffficienc# :6B /stae-'

:9B /stae-)

• ?oal consumption per da# '(00 tones


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The ash deposited at the bottom of the furnace is collected in a water impounded hopper 

where a continuous flow of water is maintained to limit the temperature of ash inside the

hopper. The bottom ash cleanin is done in ever# c#cle of : hours. The bottom ash

s#stem is local manuall# operated. @n openin of feed ate ash is allowed to dischare

into a double roll linder rinder where it is rounded to smaller si%e$ which can be

transported throuh the pipe line below the linker rinder there is a venturi which sucks

the round ash the vaccum created at the venturi throat b# the flow of hih pressure water 

tapped. Dawn stream of the dischare of the ash water pumps. The pressure recovered at

the end of venturi is adequate to conve# the slurr# to disposal area.


The desin of the power c#cle based on the modern concept$ where a unit consists of a

steam enerator with its independent firin s#stem tied to the steam eneration. The

steam enerator is desined for ma4imum continuous ratin of =9(-tonnes!hr. and steam

Pressure of '=-k!cm)  at temperature of (&0°? respectivel#. The steam enerator is

desined to suppl# to a sinle reheat t#pe condensin steam turbine with a : non

reulated e4traction points of steam for headin the condensate and feed water. The

steam c#cle can be classified into the followin three divisions, -

a. 8ain steam /b ;eheat steam /c e4traction steam


1aturated steam from the steam enerator drum is led to the super heater bank to heat if 

up to (&0°? saturated steam from the drum is led to the ceilin super hearter /between

1EE' and 1EE) from ceilin super steam oes to convection super heater /between

1EE) and 1EE= the first reulated infection for at temperature takes place after 

convection super heater /between 1EE and 1EE'0. *efore entr# to final super heater 


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the steam is aain at temperature b# reulated in5ection. The steam is comin out from

the final super heater normall# at a pressure of '= k!cm)


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Temperature takes place after convection super heater /between 1EE and 1EE'0.

*efore entr# to final super heater the steam is aain at temperature b# reulated in5ection.

The steam is comin out from the final super heater normall# at a pressure of '= k!cm )

at a temperature of (&0o?. This steam is feed to the control valve. >n each of the two live

steam lines there is one turbine side main steam stop valve and one hih pressure quick 

closin valve alon with two control valves.


1team for heatin of the condenser and the feed steam is e4tracted from : non reulated

e4traction points from the turbine. Eeatin is carried out in five staes of A.P. heaters$

one deareatin heater and in two E.P. heaters e4traction '$)$=$ is taken from A.P. turbine.

F4traction &$ ($ 6 and 9 are taken from 8.P. turbine. F4traction : is obtained from ?.;.E.

line first and second stae of heatin is done b# two sets of twin low-pressure heaters

mounted directl# in the A.P. casin of the turbine. F4traction =$& and ( are connected to

the deaereatin heater placed above feed water storae tank 9 th and :th e4traction steam is

fed to the vertical E.P. heaters respectivel#.


F4it steam from the E.P. turbine is taken back to the reheater section of the steam

eneratin unit. ;eheatin is done in two staes both b# flue as and b# super heated

steam. The steam to be reheated is first pass throuh the triple-heated e4chaner$ where

super heated steam is used as the heatin media. The steam is finall# reheated in final

reheaters /;EE= ;EE& and ;EE( suspended in the hori%ontal pass of the furnace.

;eheat steam at a normal pressure of =6.& k!cm) at a temperature of (&0 °? respectivel#

is fed to the 8.P. c#linder b# two hot reheat steam pipes throuh strainers and combined

stop and interceptor valves. >n each of the cold reheat steam lines from E.P. c#linder a

non-return valve is operated b# oil pressure is provided.


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The crushers crush the coal upto the dia of )0 mm. This coal comes to the raw coal

 bunker throuh conve#er belts. This coal is fed into the ball mill throuh chain feeder$

operated b# motor. >n drum the steel balls are used to make it pulveri%ed. 2t one end coal

enters the mill and from the other end pulveri%ed coal is sucked b# vapour fan. The

 pulveri%ed coal is used for burnin in the furnace. @n its wa# the p.c. /pulveri%ed coal

 bunker$ it oes from classifier and c#clone separator function of classifier is to use the

coal for burnin coal which could not pass the classifier$ is collected on the ravit#

damper. "hen the weiht of this coal is enouh$ ravit# damper is opened because of the

weiht of the coal and this coal oes back to mill throuh run back pipin and is further 

 pulveri%ed. >n c#clone separator much finer particles of coal is stored in P.?. bunker 

 because of centrifual force. This coal is fed to the P.?. bunker throuh the warm feeder.

Throuh warm feeder$ we can collect the pulveri%ed coal in an# of the P.?. bunker. "arm

feeder runs with the help of motor and earbo4.


?oal mill pulveri%es the raw coal into a fine powder before it is burnt in the boiler 

furnace. The pulveri%in of coal is achieved with the impact of fallin steel balls$

weihin ().( tones contained in the mill drum rotatin at a slow speed of '9.( rpm. The

raw coal is dried before pulveri%in with inert hot flue ases tapped from the boiler.

Three coal mills each havin a pulveri%in capacit# of )9 tones per hours are provided

for one unit.


 Numbers Three per unit

T#pe Drum ball

;ated output =0-=) tonnes!hr.


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The turbine is the prime mover for the enerator in the power plant Different t#pes of 

steam turbines used in thermal power plants$ but the ones. "hich are used at G.N.D.T. P.

are cateori%ed as follows

1.No. T#pe of Turbine Turbine at G.N.D.T.P.

'. Eori%ontal!vertical Eori%ontal

). 1inle!multi c#linder 8ulti c#linder  

=. ?ondensin!non condensin condensin

&. ;eheat! non-reheat ;eheat

(. ;eenerative!non reenerative ;eenerative

6. "ith b# pas!without b# pass with b# pass /stae-'

"ithout b# pass /stae-)


irst of all the turbine is run on ear motor with the help of e4citer. 2t that time steam is

kept on recirculatin with the help of b# pass valve. "hen the pressure of steam is

increased to on optimum level and turbine acquires a particular rpm then steam is

introduced in the E.P. /hih-pressure c#linder first. The temperature of steam at entrance

is (&0°? and pressure is about '= I!cm). 2fter doin its work on the E.P. Turbine$ the

steam is taken out for reheatin rated temperature of steam at reheater inlet is =60 °?. The

temperature of steam is increased upto (=(°? in the boiler shell and steam is aain

introduced in 8.P /8edium pressure turbine. 2fter 8.P.turbine$ the steam is passed on

to A.P. /Aow-pressure turbine. This process helps the turbine to reach the speed of =000

rpm. 2fter A.P. turbine$ the steam is condensed in condenser$ build below the turbine unit.

The condenser contains a number of brass tubes throuh which coolin out from A.P.

turbine it comes in contact with colder brass tubes then steam et transformed into water.

This water et collected in E@T "FAA 5ust below the condenser. rom here the hot


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water is aain pumped with the help of condensate pumps. The coolin water is used to

condense steam ets heated up and is cooled b# fallin from coolin tower. This

completes the processin of steam throuh turbine and condenser.


2ll the rotors are manuall# b# means of riid couplin$ includin the rotors of the

enerator. The speed of whole s#stem of rotor lies in the followin ranes of the speed at

the operatin conditions, -

1<(( o 2((( $6: B noticed on the 8.P. and A.P. rotors and enerators.

23'( $6: B noticed on E.P. rotor.


The a4ial load of the entire s#stem of rotors is taken up b# a double-sided a4ial bearin

located in the bearin stand between the E.P. and 8.P casin. These are two protections

mounted near the a4ial bearin one h#dro chemical and one electromanetic$ which fouls

the turboset durin the non-permissible movement of the rotor.

The rotors are placed on radial bearin which are machined to elliptical shape. urther 

scrappin operations or chane top and side clearances and chane in temperature of oil$

influence the oil wede and the position of the 5ournal bearin to maintain the same

condition as e4isted durin the initial assembl#.

>n the lower half of bearin a hollow roove is provided in the babbit metal throuh

which oil the supplied throuh a drilled hole throuh E.P. 5ackin oil pumps.

The hih-pressure oil rotors are lifted in the bearin so that an# scrappin of the bearin

is prevented.


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The hih-pressure part of turbine is consisted of two-concentric hori%ontal casin. >nner 

casin is connected in such a wa# to the other casin that it enables to e4pand in all

direction. The no%%les are attached to the inner casin. The steam pipe is connected to the

condensers and the condensers are supported b# sprins. The casins are inter connected

 b# the s#stem of uide ke#s throuh bearin pedestals in such a wa# that thermal

e4pansion of casin does not destro# the various parts of turbine.

The displacement-bearin pedestal between 8.P. and E.P parts is measured b# the

electromanetic pick up. This valve is about of '( mm to prevent deformation at the

casin. >t is ver# important that slidin part clean lubricated and free from ha%ard for 

connectin parts bolts elements. The heatin of bolts before tihtenin up and before the

lockin presents. The flanes of 8.P. and E.P. casins are desined to heat up b# steam

durin the startin up of turbo boost b# which the difference in temperature between the

c#lindrical position of the casin flanes and connected bolts is reduced to limited

deformation. The thermo couples are used for measurin temperatures. The thermo

couple is partiall# connected to the indicated apparatus. ?oolin fluid is enerall# used

for reducin the temperature of various parts.



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The qualit# of steam enterin in the turbine is reulated b# the four overnin valves on

the inlet to the 8.P. part. The amount of openin at an# instant of these valves is

controlled b# the pressure of secondar# oil$ which is indirectl# dependin on the primar#

oil pressure and directl# dependin upon the sprin force in the transformer durin the

stand still and durin startin of the turbo set. The pressure of primar# oil is directl#


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dependin on the speed of the set throuh the speed-sensin element. @peratin the speed

chaner or the normal speed chaner can ver# the tension in the sprin in the transformer.

Thus make it possible to var# the speed before s#nchroni%in. >n case break down of an#

equipment of the block the quick closin devices are provided in the reulation s#stem of the turbo set. E.P. quick closin valves /E.P.K.? 8.P. quick closin valves /8.P.K.? at

return flap valves are operated b# either directl# b# the triplin lever or throuh the rela#

manet on the main rela# which creates instantaneousl# loss of pressure of the quick 

closin oil b# the chane of flow of oil inside the rela#.

Distribution is used for checkin the function of E.P.K.? and 8.P.K.? valves. The E.P.

and 8.P quick closin valves$ the non return flaps and non return e4traction valves

durin normal operatin condition have onl# two positions one is full# opened another 

full# closed.


The desin of the power c#cle based on the modern concept$ where a unit consists of a

steam enerator with its independent firin s#stem tied to the steam eneration. The

steam enerator is desined for ma4imum continuous ratin of =9(-tonnes!hr. and steam

Pressure of '=-k!cm)  at temperature of (&0°? respectivel#. The steam enerator is

desined to suppl# to a sinle reheat t#pe condensin steam turbine with a : non

reulated e4traction points of steam for headin the condensate and feed water. The

steam c#cle can be classified into the followin three divisions, -

/a 8ain steam /b ;eheat steam /c e4traction steam


1aturated steam from the steam enerator drum is led to the super heater bank to heat if 

up to (&0°? saturated steam from the drum is led to the ceilin super hearter /between

1EE' and 1EE) from ceilin super steam oes to convection


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1uper heater /between 1EE) and 1EE= the first reulated infection for at temperature

takes place after convection super heater /between 1EE and 1EE'0. *efore entr# to

final super heater the steam is aain at temperature b# reulated in5ection. The steam is

comin out from the final super heater normall# at a pressure of '= k!cm )  at a

temperature of (&0o?. This steam is feed to the control valve. >n each of the two live


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steam lines there is one turbine side main steam stop valve and one hih pressure quick 

closin valve alon with two control valves.


1team for heatin of the condenser and the feed steam is e4tracted from : non reulated

e4traction points from the turbine. Eeatin is carried out in five staes of A.P. heaters$

one deareatin heater and in two E.P. heaters e4traction '$ )$ =$ is taken from A.P. turbine.

F4traction &$ ($ 6 and 9 are taken from 8.P. turbine. F4traction : is obtained from ?.;.E.

line first and second stae of heatin is done b# two sets of twin low-pressure heaters

mounted directl# in the A.P. casin of the turbine. F4traction =$ & and ( are connected to

the deaereatin heater placed above feed water storae tank 9 th and :th e4traction steam is

fed to the vertical E.P. heaters respectivel#.


F4it steam from the E.P. turbine is taken back to the reheater section of the steam

eneratin unit. ;eheatin is done in two staes both b# flue as and b# super heated

steam. The steam to be reheated is first pass throuh the triple-heated e4chaner$ where

super heated steam is used as the heatin media. The steam is finall# reheated in final

reheaters /;EE= ;EE& and ;EE( suspended in the hori%ontal pass of the furnace.

;eheat steam at a normal pressure of =6.& k!cm) at a temperature of (&0 °? respectivel#

is fed to the 8.P. c#linder b# two hot reheat steam pipes throuh strainers and combined

stop and interceptor valves. >n each of the cold reheat steam lines from E.P. c#linder a

non-return valve is operated b# oil pressure is provided.

'. T8$7+ A55o$+ !; A8>+"+!$+

>. 1urface condenser.

>>. 1team 5et air e5ector 

>>>. AP and EP heaters.

>. ?himne# steam condenser.

. Gland steam condenser.

>. @il purifier or centrifue.

>>. ?lean oil pump with clean oil tank 


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>>>. Dirt# oil pump with clean oil tank.

>. 2u4iliar# oil pump with au4iliar# oil tank 

. 1tartin oil pump.

>. Fmerenc# oil pump.


Two surface condensers are used for condensin the steam which has worked in the

turbine. The coolant for condensin the steam is circulatin water which is inside the

condenser brass tubes and steam is outside.

T5#+5!" ;!! o? Co;$

• ?oolin 2rea ==00 msq.

•  Number of brass tubes 6000

• ?irculatin water required 9(00 tonnes!hr.

• acuum in the condenser 0.0 k!cm sq.


1tartin e5ector is used for quick evacuation of the turbo set durin startin whereas main

steam 5et air e5ector is used to maintain acuum in the condenser. >t works on the

 principle of FNT3;>C with steam workin media to e5ect air from the condenser.


>n reenerative s#stem there is a steam of ( AP heaters$ one Deaereator$ ) EP heaters. 2ll

AP and EP heaters are of surface t#pe i.e. condensate or feed water is   inside the heater 

tubes in the heater shells. A.P. heaters are of sinle flow whereas EP heaters are of double

flow t#pe. Deaereator is contact t#pe heater in which steam and condensate come in

direct contact.


two heatin staes provided in the reeneration s#stem of the turbine for heatin the


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condense flowin throuh it steam leaks off from the turbine lands is used for heatin

the condensate in these heaters.


?entrifue is an oil purifier used to remove moisture and other impurities from the

turbine oil. 8a4imum allowable moisture content in the turbine oil is 0.)B. >n case the

oil level of the main oil tank is to be made up then either oil can transferred from clean

oil tank to main oil tank with centrifue or from dirt# oil tank to main oil tank with



1tartin oil pumps suppl# the necessar# turbine oil durin startin of the turbine and upto

turbine speed of )=0 rpm till the main oil pump mounted on the turbine rotor at the EP

e4tension takes manuall# in order to provide lubrication oil for the turbo set. Fmerenc#

oil pumps are meant to start on auto$ when turbine trips and lubrication oil pressure falls

in order to provide lubrication to the turbine and enerator bearins.


a) T, Ba$! Para)tr$

• ;ated output measured at terminal of the enerator. ''0$000I"

• Fconomical output. ($000I"

• ;ated speed =$000 ;P8

• ;ated temp. @f steam 5ust before the stop valve. (=(°?

• 8a4 temp. @f steam before the stop valve (&(°?

• ;ated pressure of steam before the 8P casin ='.6= ata

• 8a4. Pressure of steam before the 8P casin =( ata

• ;ated temp. @f steam before the 8P casin (=(°?

• 8a4. Temp. of steam before the 8P casin (&(°?


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4a5 S1$t) %& t"r=':

Governin valves ) interceptor valves

EP c#linder ) ;ow ?urtis wheel Q: movin wheels.

"t. of EP rotor is appro4. ($(000k.

8P c#linder ') movin wheels.

"t. @f 8P rotor is appro4. ''$000k

AP c#linder & 8ovin wheels of double flow desin.

"t. of 8P rotor is appro4. )&$000.

Direction of the turbine rotation is to the riht when lookin at the turbine from the front

 bearin pedestal.


Protective rela# is a device that detects the fault and initiates the operation of the circuit

 breaker to isolate the defective section from the rest of the s#stem.

"e have seen that whenever fault occurs on the power s#stem$ the rela# detects the fault

and closes the trip coil circuit. This results in the openin of circuit breaker$ which

disconnects the fault# section. Thus a rela# ensures the safet# of the circuit equipments

from damae which ma# be causes b# the fault# current.


2ll the rela#s have the followin three essential fundamental elements as shown in block 

diaram see fi.

/a S+% ":- 1ensin or measurin element is the element which responds to

the chane in manitude or phase of the actuatin quantit# e.. current in the over current



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/IV0 D+$5+o!" o$ $@$ 6o*$ $"!9- These rela#s operate when the applied

voltae and current assumes a specified phase. Displacement and no compensation is

allowed for fall in voltae.

/V0 D+!5 $"!9- The operation of these rela#s depends upon the ratio of the voltaeto the current.

/V+0 D+??$+!" $"!9- The operation of these rela#s takes place at some specific

 phase difference or manitude difference between two or more electrical quantities.

=.  A!!%r(' t% t, t) %& %/rat%':-

/i I!!o8 $"!9->n these rela#s$ complete operation takes place

instantaneousl# i.e.$ the operation is complete in a neliibl# small interval of time from

the incidence of the actuatin quantit#.

/ii D?++ +: "!% R"!9- >n these rela#s operation takes place after definite

time la which is independent of the manitude of actuatin quantit#.

/iii I@$ +: "!% R"!9- >n these rela#s the time of operation is inversel#

 proportional to the manitude of actuatin quantit#.

I@$ D?++ M++:8: T+: L!% R"!9-  >n these rela#s$ the time of operation is

appro4imatel# inversel# proportional to the actuatin quantit#$ but is never less than a

definite minimum time for which rela# is set.


2 rela# in which heatin effect of electric current is used for its operation is known as

thermal rela#s. These rela#s ma# be actuated b# a.c. or d.c.



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The schematic diaram of an indirectl# heated eneral purpose thermal rela# is shown in

fi. >t has a bimetallic strip which is heated b# heatin element which ets suppl# from a

current transformer. 2n insulated contact arm carr#in a movin contact is pivoted and is

held b# a sprin. The other contact of trip circuit is a fi4ed contact. The sprin tension

can be varied b# chanin the position of contact arm with the help of sector plate.

WORKING3nder normal conditions$ the current flowin throuh the heatin element is proportional

to the normal full load current of the circuit. The heat produced b# the heatin element$

under this condition is not sufficient to bend the bimetallic strip. Eowever$ when fault

occurs current flowin throuh the heatin element increases which produces heat

sufficient to bend the bimetallic strip. This releases the contact arm and because of the

sprin tension the rela#s contacts are closed which closes the trip coil circuit or the alarm

circuit once the alarm circuit or the trip coil circuit is closed+ it operates the alarm circuit

or the circuit breaker to open the circuit respectivel#.

These over current trippin rela#s are use mostl# for motor controls. The heatin

elements of such rela#s are desined to with stand short time overload up to 9 times the

normal full load.


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Flectromanetic attraction t#pe rela#s are operated b# virtue of an armature bein

attracted towards the poles of an electromanet. These rela#s ma# be actuated b# D.?. or 

2.?. quantities.


The schematic diaram of an electromanetic attraction t#pe rela# is shown in fi. >t

consists of a manet which carries a rela# coil havin number of tapins. The armature is

held b# the sprin attached it. The armature has sprin loaded movin contact which

 brides the trip coil circuit.


3nder normal conditions$ the current flowin throuh the rela# coil is such that sprin

tension is more than the attractive force of the electromanet. Therefore armature is held

in the open position. Eowever when fault occurs$ current flowin throuh the rela# coil

increases. This increases the attractive force of the electromanet. 2t the instant when

attractive force of electromanet is more than the sprin tension$ the armature is tilted


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down wards and movin contact brides the fi4ed contacts. This closes the trip coil


The current settin can be ad5usted b# chanin the number of turn of rela# coil. The

larer numbers of turns are introduced in the operatin coil$ the smaller is the value of actuatin current. The time settin can ad5ust b# chanin the tension of sprin b# a

screw. Terminal 2? act as normall# can also be used for the operation of another circuit.


The basic principle of operation of these rela#s is electromanetic induction. These rela#s

are onl# actuated b# a.c. 2n induction rela# essentiall# consists of a pivoted aluminumdisc place in between two alternatin fields of the same frequenc# but displaced from

each other b# some anle. 2 torque is produced in the disc b# the interaction of two

fields. 1uch rela#s ma# be over current reverse power or directional over current rela#s as

discussed in the comin articles.



2n induction t#pe over current rela# is shown in fi. ( /a it consists of an aluminum disc

which is free to rotate to be placed in between the two electromanets. The upper manet

has three limbs whereas lower manet has two. The tapped windin is wound on the

central limbs of the upper manet. This windin is connected to the ?T of the line to be

 protected. The tapins one connected to a plu settin bride as shown in fi.( /a b#

chanin the position of plu b# which the number of active turns of the primar# windin

can be varried$ thereb# the desired current settin is obtained. The secondar# is a closed

windin and wound on the central limb of the upper manet and both the limbs of the

lower manet. The windin is eneri%ed b# the primar# windin.

The controllin torque is provided b# connected a spiral sprin on the spindle of the disc.

The spindle of the disc also carries a movin contact$ when the disc rotated throuh a

 preset anle$ the movin contact brides the two fi4ed contact of the trip coil circuit as


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 91/120

shown in fi.( /b. The preset anle can be ad5usted to an# value between @ ° and =60°$

 b# ad5ustin the anle$ the travel of the movin contact can be ad5usted and the rela# can

 be set for an# desired time settin.


"hen current flows throuh the primar# windin$ an e.m.f. is induced in the secondar#

windin b# induction. 1ince secondar# is closed$ a current flows throuh it. The flu4es

are produced b# the currents flows throuh primar# and secondar# windin. These flu4es

are separated in phase and space and produces a drivin torque on the disc. This torque is

opposed b# the restrainin torque provided b# the sprin. 3nder normal conditions$ the

restrainin torque is more than the drivin torque$ therefore$ the disc remains stationar#.

Eowever when a fault occurs$ the current flowin throuh the primar# e4ceeds the preset

value. The drivin torque becomes more than the restrainin torque consequentl# the disc

rotates and movin contact brides the fi4ed contacts when the disc rotates throuh a pre-

set anle.

S65+?+5!+o o? o@$ 58$$ $"!9

1.No. 8))()=

8odel N@. ?DG ='FG ')') 2(

T#pe 2u4iliar# voltae ))0 d.c.

8anufacturer 7#oti Atd. *aroda.


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The basic requirement of "ater Treatment in the thermal power station is to provide

suitable water for the boiler i.e. the water$ which is free from dissolved$ suspended$ and

an# other t#pe of impurities. >f the water is taken as such without an# treatment then this

will result in scale and slude formation$ caustic embrittlement and corrosion in the boiler 

and the pipes. "ater Treatment at GNDTP$ *hatinda ma# be broadl# divided into

2 F4ternal "ater Treatment.

* >nternal "ater Treatment.

A. E>$!" W!$ T$!: 5o:6$+ o?-

a ?hlorination.

 b 1edimentation < ?larification.

c ilteration.

d Deminerali%ation.


*acteria and other livin oranisms results in the formation of alae on the surface of 

tanks$ pipes and other equipments. 2ddition of o4idi%in aents such as chlorine <

 bleachin powder destro# the bacteria or an# other micro oranisms. 2t present$ chlorine

dosin is done at >ntake. Pump Eouse and at both ?" Pump Eouse with Gas ?hlorinator 

of vacuum t#pe at the rate of '0 I!Er.


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The suspended impurities in water are removed b# sedimentation and clarification. "hen

the river or cannel water is allowed to stand for sometime in a bi tank or reservoir most

of the suspended material settles down. The process of clarification is done in clarifier 

and is accelerated b# addin coaulant such as alum /aluminium and ferrous sulphate or 

1odium 2luminate. These results in the formation of precipitate of aluminium h#dro4ide$

which tends to alomerate colloidal$@ranic and suspended impurities in water. The

 precipitates so formed settles at the bottom of clarifier. These are removed b# operatin

desludin valve.

  2l)/1@&=  Q  =?a/E?@=)   =?a1@& Q )2l/@E= Q?@).

>mpurities not removed in this process are removed b# filteration. 2t present$ we have &

clarifiers with a clarif#in capacit# of ')00 8T!Er each to reduce turbidit# upto )0ppm.


>t is the process of passin of liquid containin suspended matter throuh a suitable

 porous material /ilterin 8edium to effectivel# remove the suspended matter in the

liquid. or the process of filtration there are = pressure filters in each D.8.Plant havin a

capacit# of )9 8=!Er each. Turbidit# of filtered water from pressure filters is not reater 

than ) ppm.

ilter media commonl# emplo#ed are raded and washed sand of effective si%e of 0.=(

mm to 0.( mm restin on supportin underbed of crushed ravel and pebbles of four 

var#in si%e with coarsest si%e at the bottom of the bed.


The development of modern hih-pressure boilers has been accompanied b# serious

 problems connected with the formation of scale$ corrosion etc.

The principle scale formin and hardness producin substances found in natural water are

the soluble salts of calcium and manesium. The most common are bi-carbonates


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?a/E?@=)$ 8/E?@=).The sulphate ?a1@&$81@&. The chlorides ?a?l)$ 8!?l) and

sometimes nitrates are also present. The processes which are used for water softenin are,

'. *oilin /or removin temporar# hardness onl#.

). Aime 1oda Treatment.=. *ase F4chaner Reolite process.

&. >on F4chane.


The deminerali%ation of water at GNDTP$ *2TE>ND2 is done b# ion e4chane process.

There are two D.8. Plants each havin capacit# 00 8T!da# desin for (B station make

up. The ion e4chane process is used in removin all the above scale formin

constituents. This is the most modern and latest method. The ion e4chane is the process

in which there is irreversible interchanes of ions of like sin between a solution and an

insoluble solid. >n this process the cations in water are e4chaned with E Q ions of cations

resins and anions are e4chaned with @Eions of anion resins.


;esin consists of a iant oranic molecule arraned in the form of porus framework$

havin replaceable EQ

ions attached to it in case of cations resin and replaceable @E-


in case of anion resins.

The deminerali%ation process consists of = units in series$ one is called M?ation F4chane

3nitL and the other is called M2nion F4chane 3nitL. 8i4ed bed unit follows this.

9. C!+o E>5#!% U+-

This e4chaner removes all the cations such as 1odium /NaQ$ Potassium /I Q$

?alcium/?aQQ$ 8anesium/8QQetc. "hen the water passes throuh cations resin the

functional h#droen ion are replaced b# the cations with the formation of respective acid.

The equation is represented as,

/a ; 'EQ Q ?a/E?@=) →  ; '?aQ  Q E)?@= 

/b ; 'EQ  Q ?a1@&  →  ; '?aQ Q E)1@&


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8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 97/120

8i4ed bed contains both the cations and anion resins. 2n# cation or anion which has

slipped from the cation e4chaner and anion e4chaner are removed here in the mi4 bed

unit. 2fter mi4es bed treated water is quit suitable for use in boiler.

PE O 6.: to 9.)

  ?onductivit# O '.0 micromhos!cm

  1i@) O U 0.0) ppm.

  @thers O N>A

. I'tr'a# Watr Trat)'t:

"hen after standard treatment it is necessar# to further condition the boiler feed water 

 because D.8. "ater dissolves ?@) and@) in the storae tanks and becomes slihtl#

acidic and corrosive in character. This is treatment at various staes of feed water is

called internal water treatment. >nternal "ater Treatment is required b# chemical dosin

to combat the followin,

/a ?orrosion.

/b 1calin

/c Pittin

/d oamin

/e ?austic Fmbrittlement.


/!0 Co$$o+o-

?orrosion is the radual destruction of metal b# chemical or electro chemical reaction of 

metal with the surroundin medium. ?orrosion beins at the surface and raduall#

 penetrates into the metal. >t also chanes the mechanical and ph#sical properties of 


/70 S5!"+%-


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@nce in boiler the water is heated to saturation. The temperature thus evaporates at the

 point of contact with heated tube surface. The impurities are left in boiler water whose

concentration thereb# increases. The impurities to deposit on the tube surface a scale.

1calin ma# take place in boiler drum$ water walls heater and feed water pipin. >t

reduces the flow requirin an increase in pressure to maintain water deliver# and more

fuel consumption. Then this condition occurs tube failure due to overheatin$ blisterin

and rupturin ma# be e4pected.

/50 P++%-

"hen minute holes are created on metal surface b# o4idation it is know as pittin. This

t#pe of corrosion is caused b# dissolved o4#en in water. The residual o4#en is removed

 b# treatment with h#dra%ine.

/;0 Fo!:+%-

oamin primin and carr# over are closel# associated terms production of stable foam

over the surface of water is called foamin. Too hih concentration of dissolved salts is

the cause of foamin.

/0 C!8+5 E:7$+":-

The tendenc# of caustic /1odium E#dro4ide to concentrate in drum seals$ under rivets or 

at rolled tube 5oints in5urin the metal is called caustic embrittlement. oamin$ primin$

carr#over$ caustic embrittlement can be controlled b# maintain proper alkalinit#$

operatin blow down and maintainin proper drum level i.e. =0 to J 60 mm.


To take care of scalin and corrosion followin chemical dosin is done to neutrali%e

effect of ?@)$ @) ?alcium 8anesium$ 1alts and silica etc.

/' 8orrholine do%in.

/) E#dra%ine do%in.

/= Phosphate do%in.


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 99/120

/10  Mo$$#o"+ ;o+%-

This do%in is done to increase the pE of the feed water and remove an# in the s#stem

)?&E@N Q )?@)  →  )?&E?@=  Q N)

The pE of the feed and steam c#cle is maintained between :.& to :.: to minimi%e

corrosion$ it is do%ed at the dischare of condensate e4traction pump.

/20  H9;$!+ ;o+%-

>t is a powerful reducin aent which reacts with dissolved o4#en under boiler water 

condition to produce water and nitroen onl# as follows.

 N)E&  Q @)  →  )E)@)  Q N)

E#dra%ine also reduces non-protective iron o4ide to protective manetite.

/30 P#o6#! ;o+%-

>t is done with two aims,

'. 2n# hardness /salts of ?a and 8 enterin the boiler is likel# to form scale in

 boiler. The addition of phosphate prevents this. The phosphate reacts with

calcium and manesium to form slude$ which can be removed b# blow

down. >n this wa#$ ?a and 8 scales are completel# removed from the boiler 


). T.1.P. maintains proper pE of the boiler water. T.1.P. on h#drol#sis with boiler 

water liberates Na@E with the reaction.

 Na=P@& Q E)@ →  Na)EP@& Q Na@E

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The electricit# enerated at '' I.. b# the turbo enerator sets is step up b# power 

transformers up to '=) I in case of stae-' and ))0 I in case of stae-). or further 

transmission of power from power station to rid is controlled throuh 9 noCs ))0 I

and '( noCs '=) I air blast circuit breakers alon with their associated protective


 2ccordin to desin substation are classified,-

'. >ndoor substation.

). @utdoor substation.



8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 102/120

>n these substations the equipments are installed within the buildin of the substation and

hence the name indoor substation. 1uch substations are usuall# desined for '' I but

can be erected for == I or 66 I$ if the surroundin atmosphere is containin

impurities$ which ma# damae the equipments.


>n these substations$ the equipments are installed open and hence the name outdoor 

substation. 1uch substation can be desined to handle low$ hih and e4tra hih voltaes.

The outdoor substations ma# be further classified as,

/> Pole mounted substation

/>> oundation mounted substation


1uch substations are desined for monthl# distribution transformers of capacit# unto =00

I2. 1uch substations are cheapest simple and smallest of other substations. 2ll the

equipmentCs are of outdoor t#pe and mounted on the supportin structure of ET

distribution line. Tripple pole mechanicall# operated switch is used for switchin on and

off of E.T transmission line. To control A.T. side$ iron clad low-tension switch of suitable

capacit# with fuses is installed. Aihtin arrestors are installed over the ET line to protect

the installation from the sures. 1ubstations are earthed at two or more places. Generall#

transformers of capacit# upto ')( I2 are mounted on double pole structure and for 

transformers of capacit# above ')( I2 & pole structure with suitable platform is used

such substations are situated in ver# thickl# populated location.


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The ma5or equipmentCs installed at G.N.D.T.P. substations are

'. Transformers.

). ?ircuit breakers.

=. >solators.&. *us *ars.

(. Aihtnin arrestors.

6. ?urrent Transformer  

9. Potential Transformer.

:. >nsulator.

. "ave traps.

/10TRANSFORMER:  >t is a static device which transfers a.c. electrical power from

one circuit to the other at same frequenc#. >t is used to step up or step down the voltae.

>n all the substations e4cept the eneratin station transformers are emplo#ed. These are

of followin t#pes, -

/A0  POWER TRANSFORMER-These are provided for steppin up the voltae. or 

units '<) the power transformers step up the voltae from '' I to '=) I and for 

units =<& the power transformers step up the voltae from '' I to ))0 I. 2ll the four 

transformers have a rated capacit# of ')( 82.


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 106/120

S65+?+5!+o o? 6o*$ $!?o$:$

• 1r. No. 600)9=9

• Flectrical specific No. 600)(0

• 8anufacturer Eeav# electrical Atd. /*hopal

• ear of manufacturin '9)

• >nsulation level ,

E.. 6(0 I peak  

E.. neutral =: I rms

A.. 9( I peak  

• "eiht of core and windin &000 k

• "eiht of oil =9)00 k.

• Total weiht '::::0 k

• @il quantit# &=:0 liters

• @il circulation litre!min. ) V )9)&

• 2ir circulation cubic!metre '0 V =:(

/B0 I$ 78 "+)+% /!8o0 $!?o$:$-  T# auto transformers are used to balance

the load between '=) kv bus bars and ))0 Iv bus bars. These transformers have a

capacit# of '00 82 each.


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 107/120

S65+?+5!+o o? I$ 78 "+)+% $!?o$:$

• 1.No. &'=96)'

• Flectrical specification No. &'0)'6

• 8anufacturer Eeav# Flectrical Atd. /*hopal

• ear of manufacturin 8a#$ '9)

• "eiht of core and windin 9()00 k.

• Total weiht '(''0& k.

• ;ated capacit# '00 82

/C0U't a";#ar1 tra'$&%r)r -

 There is one unit au4iliar# transformer provided on

each unit to step down the voltae from '' Iv to 6.6 Iv$ which is required to run the

ma5or plant au4iliaries.


• 1.No. 0)0'6

• 8anufacturer Eeav# Flectrical Atd. /*aroda


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 108/120

• ear of manufacturin '9)

• ;ated ?apacit# '( 82

• "eiht of core of windin ''6:( I.

• Total weiht ))':: k.

• @il in main tank '))00 litre.

• @il in cooler includin pipes )=00 litre.

• Total oil quantit# '(6)0 litre.

• @il in @AT? '')0 litre.

/D0  Stat%' Tra'$&%r)r -  There are two station transformers one for each unit is

 provided to step down the voltae from '=) Iv to 6.6 Iv. These transformers have

capacit# of )).( 82. The# serve as a stand b# source of suppl# to au4iliaries.


• 1. No. )=600

• Total weiht 90 tones


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 109/120

• 8anufacturer 8ade in *omba# 8artin *urn Atd.

• ear of manufacturin '9)

• @il in main tank '&&0 lt.

• @il in cooler includin pipe work &(00 lt.

• @il in @AT? '960 lt.

• Total oil )')00 lt.


?ircuit breaker is a device$ which ma# be operated under different conditions i.e. no load$

full load fault conditions. Eowever the ma5or dut# of a circuit breaker is to operate the

circuit breaker under fault conditions under short circuit conditions$ a circuit breaker 

required to perform three ma5or duties,-

/i >t must be capable of openin the circuit under abnormal conditions.

/ii >t must be capable of classin the circuit on to a fault.

/iii >t must be capable of carr#in a fault current safel# for a short time while another 

circuit breaker is clearin the fault.


2 circuit breaker is a device which.

/i 8akes or breaks a circuit either manuall# or b# remote control under normal


/ii *reaks a circuit automaticall# under abnormal conditions.

/iii 8akes a circuit manuall# or b# remote control under abnormal conditions.

Thus$ circuit breaker is 5ust a switch which can be opened under normal abnormal

conditions both manuall# and automaticall#.

To perform the above operations$ a circuit breaker essentiall# consists of fi4ed and

movin contacts$ called electrodes$ under normal operatin conditions+ these contacts

remain closed until and unless these are not operated manuall# or b# remote control.


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8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 111/120

short circuit conditions depends upon its abilit# to with stand the effects of 

electromanetic forces. These forces are proportional to the square of the peak value of 

the current on closin.

The peak value of the current durin the first c#cle of current wave after the circuit thefirst c#cle of current wave after the circuit is closed b# the circuit breaker is called

makin capacit#. The makin capacit# is stated in terms of a peak value of current instead

of and r.m.s. value.

To find out the makin capacit# the s#mmetrical breakin current is multiplied b# √) to

convert the r.m.s value to peak value and then it is multiplied b# '.: to include the

doublin effect of ma4imum as#mmetr#. 8akin capacit# O √) V '.: V s#mmetrical

 breakin capacit# O ).((V s#mmetrical breakin capacit#.

45S,%rt t) !a/a!t1 - 1ometimes fault occurs in the power s#stem in such a wa#

that one circuit breaker is clearin the fault at that time the other circuit breaker 

connected in series must carr# the fault current safel# for a short period. 8oreover 

sometimes the fault on the power s#stem is of ver# temporar# nature and presets for a

small period after which the fault is automaticall# cleared. >n the interest of continuit# of 

suppl# the circuit breaker should not be allowed to trip in such situations and should be

capable of carr#in the fault current safel# for a short period.

The period for which the circuit breaker is able to carr# the fault current while remainin

closed is called short time capacit# of the circuit breaker.

2t G.N.D.T.P switch #ard !+$ 7"! 5+$58+ 7$!)$ and  SF  5+$58+ 7$!)$  are

emplo#ed instead of oil ?ircuit breakers due to followin reasons,-

/i There is no risk of fire ha%ard and e4plosion.

/ii Due to less arc duration in it as compared to that in oil circuit breakers$ burnin of 

contact is less.

/iii >t requires less maintenance

/iv The# provide facilit# of hih speed reclosure.



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2 schematic arranement of an a4ial-blast air circuit breaker is as shown in fiure. The

arcin potions of the fi4ed and movin contacts are coated with silver tunsten allo#. The

movin contacts are coated to a piston and shaft of the contact is uided b# uide sprin.

@penin the lower air valve closes the circuit breaker and under normal conditions the

valve remains open. "henever a fault occurs$ the upper valve is opened and the lower 

valve is closed b# the mechanism not shown in fiure. 2ir enters the upper vessel at a

hih pressure$ which separates the movin contacts from the fi4ed. 2n arc is struck 

 between the contacts$ which is e4tinuished b# the a4ial blast of cold air and current is

interrupted. @nce the arc is e4tinuished$ the upper valve is closed and the lower valve is

opened to close the circuit.



1ulpher he4afluoride ?* is shown in fi. >n this the movable c#linder is coupled with the

movin contacts$ whereas the piston is fi4ed. "hen fault occurs$ the movin contacts areseparated from the fi4ed contact. 1ince the movable c#linder is attached with the movin

contacts$ it moves aainst the fi4ed piston. Thus the as filled in the c#linder is

compressed and released throuh the no%%le as shown in fi. The as moves alon the arc

and reduces its diameter b# a4ial convection and radial dissipation. 2t %ero current$ the


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 113/120

diameter becomes too small and the arc ets e4tinuished. The as is not e4hausted to the

atmosphere+ it is rather aain used for arc e4tinction.


• The# are smaller in si%e because of hih dielectric strenth of 16 as.

•  No daner of or e4plosion.

• The# require minimum maintenance.

• 1ince same as is rec#cled$ a small quantit# of 16 as is required for lon run.

• The# ive silent operation+ the# do not make an# sound like 2.?.*. durin


• >t requires less maintenance.


• 1.No. 9)!'=

• ;ated voltae '=) Iv

• ;ated frequenc# (0 E%

• ;ated as pressure ': k!cm)

• ;eplaced with 16V 9 k!cm)

• ;ated current '600 2mp.

• ;ated makin capacit# '9:(0 82

• ;ated breakin capacit# 9000 82

/5 I$%#at%r -  These are knife switches which are operated onl# at no-load. Their main

function is to isolate a portion of the circuit from the other. These are enerall# placed on

 both sides of a circuit breaker in order to do repair and maintenance on the circuit breaker 

without an# daner. or maintenance first of all circuit breakers are opened then isolators

are opened and properl# earthed. @nl# then maintenance is done. >solators do not have


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the arc control devices and therefore cannot be used to interrupt current at which an arc

will be drawn across the contacts. The open arc that would be drawn in such a case is

ver# danerous in that it will not onl# damae the isolator and the equipment surroundin

it$ but will also as a rule will cause flash over between phases. >n other words results in

short circuit in the installation. That is wh# isolators are used onl# for disconnectin and

connectin parts or units after first de-eneri%in them b# openin their circuits with

respective circuit breakers.


• 1.No. 0

• 8anufacturer Ei-elm industries Pvt. Atd.$ 8adras

3nit t#pe TEP• >solator (&'!=

• 2u4iliar# switch no. of pairs ')

• Pressure '6 k!cm)

• >solator k '=) k

• ?ontrol voltae ))0

• >solator current :00 2mp.

( 85 B"$ Bar$:  The thick conductors run on the towers at the eneratin stations$ rid

stations or sub-stations operatin at constant voltae required to connect a number of 

enerators or feeders operatin at the same voltae are called bus-bars.

The bus bars are arraned in different manner. The main aim of an# particular 

arranement of bus bars is to achieve adequate operatin fle4ibilit#$ sufficient reliabilit#

and minimum cost. 2t G.N.D.T.P. there are two noCs '=) k *us bars are made up of aluminum. The bus coupler number two connects the '=) k bus bars and ))0 k bus

 bars with each other.

/'0 L,t'' Arr$t%r : 2 lihtnin arrestor or sure diverter is a device which

 provides an eas# conductin path or relativel# low impedance path for the flow of current


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 115/120

when the s#stem voltae increases more than the desined value and reains its oriinal

 properties of an insulator at normal voltae.These are the arc apparatus devices desined

to protect insulators of power lines and electrical installation from lihtin sures b#

divertin the sure to earth and instantl# restorin the circuit insulation to its normal

strenth with respect to earth. These are connected between earth and line. Their purpose

is to protect the t!f windin aainst over voltaes.

N5+9 o? "+%#+% !$$o$

The round wires and earth screens do not provide protection aainst the hih voltae

waves reachin at the terminals of costl# equipment such as transformers. These hih

voltae waves ma# cause the followin damaes.

/i The waves ma# cause flash over in the internal windins of transformer and

spoils the windin insulation.

/ii >t ma# cause internal flash over between turns of the same windin of transformer.

/iii >t ma# cause e4ternal flash over between the terminals of electrical equipment$

which ma# cause damae to insulator.

/iv >t ma# cause internal or e4ternal flash over causin buildin up of the oscillations

in the electrical apparatus. Eence it is absolutel# necessar# to divert this hih


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 116/120

voltae wave to earth before it reaches at the terminals of the equipments. This is

achieved b# connectin a lihtin arrestor between line and earth.

465C"rr't Tra'$&%r)r$- The current transformers are basicall# step up

transformers. The connections of an ammeter when used in con5unction with a current

transformer for measurement of current are shown in fi.

 The primar# windin havin one or a few turns of thick wire is connected in series with

the line$ whose current is to be measured. The secondar# windin havin lare number of 

turns of fine wire carries the instrument directl# connected across it. The workin of 

current transformer is slihtl# different to that of on ordinar# power transformer. >n case

@f current transformer$ the load impedance or burden on the secondar# is ver# small$

therefore it is considered to be short circuited. Eence current transformer works under 

short circuit conditions. 8oreover the current in secondar# windin is not overned b# its

load impedance rather it depends upon the current flowin throuh the primar#.

/ 5P%t'ta# Tra'$&%r)r -The potential transformers are basicall# step down

transformers. The connection of a voltmeter is used in con5unction with a potential

transformer for measurement of hih ac voltaes. The voltae to be measured is applied

across primar# windin$ which has a lare no. of turns. The secondar# side$ which has

much smaller number of turns$ is coupled maneticall# to the primar# windin. The turn


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 117/120

ratio is so ad5usted that the secondar# voltae is ''0$ when full rated primar# voltae is

applied to primar#. Potential transformers are used to operate voltmeter$ the potential

coils of wattmeter and rela#s from hih voltae lines. The desin of potential

transformers in quite similar to that of a power transformer$ but the loadin of a potential

transformer is ver# small in comparison to that of a power transformer. The loadin of 

 potential transformer sometimes is onl# a few volt amperes. These transformers are made

shell t#pe because this condition develops a hiher deree of accurac#. or medium

voltae i.e. unto 6.6 I to '' k the# ma# be either dr# or oil immersed but for voltae

more than '' k the# are alwa#s oil immersed t#pe. 2n out door t#pe oil immersed

voltae transformer havin ratin 66000!√= or ''0! √=. The workin of potential

transformer is essentiall# the same as that of a power transformer$ the main point of 

difference is that the power loadin of a potential transformer is ver# small and

consequentl# the e4citin current is almost of the same order as that of secondar# current.

"hereas in power transformers e4citin current is ver# small fraction of secondar# load


/0I8"!o$-  The# are used to prevent the flow of current from bare conductors to

earth throuh line support+ the conductors are secured to insulators. The# provide

insulation between the conductors and earthed steel towers. The insulators are usuall#

 placed on the cross arms which is clamped on line support. Thus the successful operation

of transmission s#stem depends to a reat e4tent on the qualit# and maintenance of line

insulators. Generall# suspension and strain t#pe insulators are emplo#ed at the



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/<0W!@ $!6-  These are used in carrier communication circuits and are mounted on

lines. "ave trap or line trap contains a main coil$ lihtnin arrestor and a tunin device.

2ll are connected in parallel as shown in fi..


The main coil has an inductance of 0.) 8E to ).0 8E. This inductance offers hih

impedance to the frequenc# /(0 kE% to (00 kE% carrier sinals and blocks them here. >t

does not allow them to enter the power s#stem equipment. Eowever it offers ver# low

impedance to the power frequenc# sinal /i.e. power s#stem voltae and current. Eence

it acts as an insulator for hih frequenc# carrier sinals and a conductor for the low.

1ince the main coil is connected in series with the line$ it has to carr# the line current

even under fault conditions. There fore it is desined from the current ratin point of 

view. The current ratin of the main coil ma# var# from &00 2 to &000 2.

The lihtin arrestor is used to protect the main coil from hih voltae sure whereas the

tunin device is used to block the sinals of narrow band carrier frequenc#.

2ll these components of the wave trap are haned in air throuh a strin of insulators as

shown in fi.

1ometimes these components of wave trap are immersed in oil and are enclosed in a

drum t#pe porcelain container havin sufficient mechanical strenth.


8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 119/120

1pendin m# si4 months of trainin in Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Plant$ *athinda$ >

concluded that this is a ver# e4cellent industr# of its own t#pe. The# have achieved

milestones in the field of power eneration. The# uide well to ever# person in the

industr# i.e. trainees or an# worker. > had an opportunit# to work in various sections

namel# switch ear$ *oiler section$ Turbine section$ De-minerali%ed water plant$ F.1.P$

F8-) ?FAA etc. while attendin various equipments and machines. > had ot an

endeverous knowlede about the handlin of coal$ various processes involved like

unloadin$ beltin$ crushin and firin of coal. The other machines related to m# field

that > ot familiar with boiler$ turbine$ compressors$ condenser etc. > found that there

e4isted a bi ap between the workin in an institute workshop and that in the industr#.

2bove all the knowlede about the production of electricit# from steam helped me a lot

to discover and sort out m# problems in m# mind related to the steam turbine$ their 

manufacture$ their capacit#$ their anle of blades and their manufacturin. The trainin

that > had underone in this industr# will definitel# help me to appl# theoretical

knowlede to the practical situation with confidence.




8/9/2019 Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power 120/120

'. 2 Te4tbook of electrical technolo# /2.? < D.? 8achines J B.L.THERAA, A.K.THERAA

). 2 course in electrical power, - .B.GUPTA

=. 2 course in electrical < electronic measurement and instrumentation, - A.K.SAWHNEY

&. 2 course in electrical power, - M.L.SONI, P.V.GUPTA

(. 2 te4tbook of power plant enineerin, - E$. R.K.RAPUT




