Guide to GS1Trade Image - GS1 Denmark · GS1Trade Image is a service that provides product images...

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Transcript of Guide to GS1Trade Image - GS1 Denmark · GS1Trade Image is a service that provides product images...

Guide to GS1Trade Image

Version 1



About GS1Trade Image ................................................................................................................. 2

About images in GS1Trade Sync ..................................................................................................... 2

Included in the standard package ................................................................................................... 3

How to see your images from GS1Trade Image ................................................................................ 4

Requirements of marketing images ................................................................................................. 4

Mixed modules ............................................................................................................................. 6

Marketing images of pack units ...................................................................................................... 7

Split packs ................................................................................................................................... 8

Environment images ..................................................................................................................... 9

Planogram images ........................................................................................................................ 9

Naming of images ....................................................................................................................... 11

Particular details for planogram images of display-ready packs ......................................................... 14

Marketing images of alcohol in tube or box .................................................................................... 15

Overview of pictures in relation to packaging types ......................................................................... 15

If you can provide us with professional product images ................................................................... 18

Product photos based on artwork .................................................................................................. 18

Time-limited images: .................................................................................................................. 19


About GS1Trade Image

GS1Trade Image is a service that provides product images in accordance with the

GDSN standard. The image package is a standard package which includes both planogram and marketing images. The number of images and their angles will vary

with the packaging type. This will be described in more detail in this guide.

The image package is developed and maintained in cooperation with the GS1Trade

Service Working Group and steering committee with input from GS1Trade Sync members. European and global GS1 groups will also be involved in collaboration on the general maintenance and updating of the image standard. The image package

applies to and is used by retailers on the Danish market who are active in the GS1Trade Service working group and steering committee.

The rights to pictures taken by GS1Trade Image belong to the individual data supplier.

Read more about prices and terms at under GS1Trade Image.

GS1Trade Image does not maintain or delete images in GS1Trade Sync. However, any existing images with the same names will be overwritten when using the service.

About images in GS1Trade Sync

You can upload images in GS1Trade Sync using the tab “Referenced File Detail

Information” or by including URL references to images in files submitted to GS1Trade Sync. Please note that the links must be open and not require username + password.

However, the retailers have chosen not to receive images from other parties than approved photographers, such as GS1Trade Image, which means that they cannot use them in marketing contexts or for space planning (planogram). You can contact

GS1Trade Image for more information.

If suppliers are able to deliver their own professional product images, they can be

certified in the applicable image specifications and provide their own images which will be automatically redistributed to data recipients. Certification is a non-recurring process that remains valid for as long as the specifications are met. If the certification

is revoked, it will require a new certification process, including invoicing, to become certified again. Read more about this later in this guide.

Please contact GS1Denmark for further details about certification in image specifications for the Danish market.


Included in the standard package

Marketing image(s) of base unit

Planogram images of base unit

Planogram images of the first pack item if it is in display-ready packaging

Please note:

Photographs will not be taken of pack units that are not in display-ready packaging

Planogram pictures will not be taken of more than one display-ready pack unit per product.

Please note

In order for GS1Trade Image to deliver the ordered product photos, the relevant

product must be created and published in GS1Trade Sync.

The product images from GS1Trade Image reflect the delivered physical products. This means that you should avoid unnecessary use of tape, etc., on the submitted

products wherever possible (particularly display-ready pack units) as this may make it impossible to take useful product photos.

Products that can be cooked/prepared will not be prepared, but photographed as


GS1Trade Image may assess that plastic, etc., around the product must be removed

to produce a satisfactory image without reflections.


How to see your images from GS1Trade Image

Product images from GS1 Trade Image are uploaded to GS1 Trade Sync and can be

seen under the tab “Referenced File Detail Information” and in the item list.

The rights to the images belong to the individual data supplier.

You can receive your own images through an FTP service. Please contact GS1 Denmark for further information.

Requirements of marketing images

• Perspective correction must be performed for all products

• (You can use keystone correction in Phocus)

• Facing must always be lighter than the other sides (sides and top)

• Edges must be dark and delimited

• The picture must be colour neutral

• The product must be in sharp focus

• The picture must be trimmed

• There must be no reflections in product text, logo or claims

• Claim marks such as organic or keyhole must be clear, sharp and distinct

• The clipping path must always be stated as “Path 1” (JPG)

• The clipping path must be active (JPG)

• Exposed, the background must be transparent (PNG)

• Dates and LOT labels must be removed

• The image must be optimised in the sense that any errors, damage, etc., on the packaging must be corrected

• Images are delivered in two formats: JPG and PNG.



When more than one angle is shown, e.g. at _C1L1 & _C1R1, both the top and side

can be shown, and the angle must be 15 degrees on both sides.


At least 2,401 pixels on one side

A maximum of 4,800 pixels on one side

300 ppi

Angle: 15 degrees from above

Angle: 15 degrees from above and 15 degrees from the left


Mixed modules

Mixed modules will be processed as base units. This means that marketing and

planogram pictures will be taken of the mixed module unit. Pictures will not be taken of included base units. If the mixed pack unit is delivered as a pack in display-ready

packaging, planogram pictures will be taken as for normal base units.


Marketing images of pack units

In GS1Trade Image, you can select marketing images of a pack unit as an additional

service, which we call “Case marketing”. These are not part of the “Image” standard package.

When selecting this service, marketing photos will be taken of the pack unit according to packaging type.

See the price for ”Case marketing” in the price list at

Example marketing images of a case unit:


Split packs

Split packs are packs in display-ready packaging which must be split up or processed

in order to be displayed on a shelf.

Planogram photos will be taken of a single unit after being split up.


Staged images

If images are requested in addition to packshots, such as images promoting or

displaying a product in a particular setting, GS1Trade Image offers staged images.

Read more about terms, pricing, etc., at under GS1Trade Image.

Examples of stages images:


Planogram images

• Perspective correction must be performed for all products

• (Use keystone correction in Phocus)

• Facing must always be lighter than the other sides (sides and top)

• Edges must be dark and delimited

• The picture must be colour neutral

• The product must be in sharp focus

• The picture must be trimmed

• Exposed, the background must be transparent (PNG)

• There must be no reflections in product text, logo or claims

• Claim marks such as organic or keyhole must be clear, sharp and distinct

• Dates and LOT labels must be removed

• The image must be optimised in the sense that any errors, damage, creases, etc., on the packaging must be corrected

• Images are delivered in PNG.


The products must always be photographed at a perpendicular angle to the products


A maximum of 2,365 pixels or 1 MB.

72 PPI


Naming of images

All images must be named according to the GDSN standard.

Name Description Example

GTIN_C1N1 Marketing image

High resolution


Front view (facing)

GTIN_C1C1 Marketing image

High resolution


Front view and

15 degrees from above

GTIN_C1L1 Marketing image

High resolution


15 degrees from the left side and 15

degrees from above

GTIN_C1R1 Marketing image

High resolution


15 degrees from the right side and


15 degrees from


GTIN.1 Planogram image


Front view (facing)

GTIN.2 Planogram image


Perpendicular from the left side

GTIN.3 Planogram image

Angle: Perpendicular from


GTINT.1 Planogram image

”T” designates display-ready



Front view


GTINT.2 Planogram image

”T” designates display-ready packaging


Perpendicular from the left side

GTINT.3 Planogram image

”T” designates display-ready



Perpendicular from above

Front, bottom



Planogram image

”A” designates a picture of an alternative front.

Only used when several fronts are



Front view

Primary front:

Alternative front:

Particular details for planogram images of display-ready packs

Planogram images of display-ready packs are uploaded under the pack unit GTIN with

the suffixes ”CASEGTINT.1” (Front view), ”CASEGTINT.2” (From the left side), ”CASEGTINT.3” (From above).

Example: 12345678910123T.1.png

In addition, the same images are uploaded under the base unit GTIN with the suffixes ”BASEUNITGTINT.1”, ”BASEUNITGTINT.2”, ”BASEUNITGTINT.3”

Example: 01234567891011T.1.png


Marketing images of alcohol in tube or box

GS1Trade Image takes two marketing photos of the following product type/packaging.

GTIN_C1N1 GTIN_C1N0 (0=zero)

The images must reflect the product as delivered, but pictures are also taken of the

bottle when removed from the packaging/tube box.

C1N0 (zero) indicates that the product is out of the packaging.

For non-circular gift boxes containing alcohol, pictures are taken of the gift box according to the overview, as well as one marketing image of the bottle removed from the packaging.

This requires that the gift box is labelled with a GTIN created and published in GS1Trade Sync.

Overview of pictures in relation to packaging types

Type / Example Description

C1N1 All products


C1L1 Products with a natural bottom, presented

standing, with a depth of more than 2 cm at the greatest point

Not products in circular packaging

Not products in rolls

Not products without defined edges

Not products in bags with glued sides and/or bottom

Not products in back with excess, loose, gathered packaging (flaps)

C1R1 Products with a natural bottom, presented

standing, with a depth of more than 2 cm at the greatest point

Not products in circular packaging

Not products in rolls

Not products without defined edges

Not products in bags with glued sides and/or bottom

Not products in bag with excess, loose, gathered packaging (flaps)



Products in a tub with important information on the surface below the front (e.g. alternative front)

Not products in a tub with blank packaging sides

Round products with front on the top surface


All products


Not products in square packaging

Not products in circular packaging


All products


If you can provide your own professional product images

As a general rule, Salling Group, Dagrofa and Coop Danmark can only be expected to

accept marketing and planogram pictures taken by GS1Trade Image, with some exceptions (contact your customer for more details).

If you have your own photographer, GS1 can certify the person as an approved photographer. This is done by GS1 reviewing the requirements and specifications to

be met by the images, before verifying images of 10 products. After approval, the photographer will be certified and subsequently allowed to upload images to GS1Trade Sync which are automatically redistributed to the data recipients. The images will

indicate the sender.

Read more about prices and terms for certification as an approved photographer at under GS1Trade Image.

Product photos based on artwork

When launching new products, images may be required before the product has been manufactured. Both a planogram image for space planning and a product image for

marketing use.

In such cases, GS1Trade Image offers a solution with a graphically rendered image based on packaging + artwork.

If a product with the same packaging type is available, the image will be based on this, with digital manipulation of the new artwork. If the packaging is also new, it may

be necessary to make a dummy of the new packaging.

Digital artwork images are ordered in the order form, and artwork must also be uploaded here at the same time.


Time-limited images:

The specifications for product images allow you to state an end date after which the

image is no longer current. This may be applicable for seasonal goods, special campaign layouts for goods, etc.

The end date is stated in the naming of the file, with the format: GTIN_xxxx_mmyy, with mm indicating month and yy indicating year.


Here, the image to the right will cease to be current on 1 January 09. The image to

the left does not have an end date.

Images with indicated end dates facilitate periodical management of images. GS1 will not withdraw non-current images.