Guerin Associates 2011

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Transcript of Guerin Associates 2011





Michael F. Guerin AIA, PE, CEM, CFM, LEED® GA 908-903-9070



Introduction 1

News 2

Methodology 3

Services 4

Projects 5

Commentary 6

Key Personnel 7

Contact Information 8

For information on Mike Guerin, please go to,

and search for his profile under “Michael Guerin AIA, PE.”

For information on procuring Guerin Associates‟ consulting services through an

American Express account, call 908-903-9070 for GA‟s vendor information.

NOTICE: This document contains confidential and/or proprietary information from Guerin Associates, Inc.

All rights in connection with intellectual property, methodologies, graphics and data are reserved.

This material may not be used, published or distributed to other parties without prior written

permission from Guerin Associates, Inc. For additional information, please contact GA at

908-903-9070 or


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Guerin Associates is a consulting firm serving America's leading companies.

Note: Some additional firms not listed due to contractual confidentiality agreements

Nearly 150 companies have participated in GA studies, on topics including:

Facilities Management Energy & Sustainability Real Estate

Project Management Move Management A/E Peer Review

Corporate Services Employee Services Capital Projects

What do people say about Guerin Associates?

"I was very impressed with the quality of the work you do. It was well organized

and easy to understand . . . You put it together in a way that's very useful."

"I reference your report often. It's a great tool when I need reassurance,

comparison, confirmation . . . thanks for all your hard work, it is paying off."

"Thanks for justifying my confidence in you."

GA’s clients have included numerous industry leaders, such as: Advance PCS Applied Materials BASF

BlueCross BlueShield Bristol-Myers Squibb Chevron

Chubb & Son Colliers Dell Computer

Dow Corning DuPont Eastman Chemical

Harley-Davidson Hewlett-Packard IBM

Johnson & Johnson Juniper Networks Lam Research

Livermore Research Merck Nabisco

Nike Palm PeopleSoft

Pfizer Pharmacia Rubbermaid

Silicon Graphics Telcordia Thrivent Financial

United Properties 3Com 3M


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Guerin Associates conducts conferences on current business issues and challenges.

Mike Guerin (second from right) presents Best Performer awards to (from left) Dan Latal of

Dow Corning, Robert Papa of Bristol-Myers Squibb and Ray Westervelt of AT&T (far right).

Business leaders meet to share experiences, ideas

Facility managers from leading companies gathered December 6 to exchange business

information and ideas, in a cooperative workshop known as “Facilities Forum.” Hosted

by BASF at its North American headquarters in Mount Olive, the session was managed by

Guerin Associates, Inc.

Representatives from AT&T, BASF, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dow Corning, Lucent Technologies

and Sarnoff Corporation met to share data, ideas and experience on a number of

current management issues. Guerin Associates presented awards to overall “best

performers,” and a number of attendees gave presentations on how their companies

have improved performance while lowering costs.

From the Bernardsville News, Observer Tribune, Echoes Sentinel, Hunterdon Review, Randolph

Reporter, Mt. Olive Chronicle and Roxbury Register, May 24, 2001. (Guerin Associates Photo)


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INSIGHT . . . into successful methods and practices

INNOVATION . . . matching external breakthroughs with internal needs

INTEGRITY . . . in managing information, and in working with people


Guerin Associates‟ approach is based on two critical success factors:

Clear, “Apples to Apples” definitions and comparisons

A “Value Methodology” focused on higher service at lower cost

Experienced leaders know it takes more than data to improve a business. We compare

different companies and industries to identify "best practices." We then recommend

strategies to close gaps with "best performers."

We also help clients implement improvements, assisting them in adopting best practices,

redesigning business processes, developing performance management programs and

building executive dashboards.


For more information on Guerin Associates please contact

Michael F. Guerin AIA, PE, CEM, CFM, LEED®GA President, Guerin Associates Inc.


or visit our website:


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Achieving & Demonstrating Value In Today’s Business Climate Many organizations use numerous cost and performance metrics to evaluate and monitor effectiveness, especially vis-à-vis their peers. Some acquire data from published sources. Others rely on service providers. Firms using these sources face a big challenge, however: Assuring themselves --and others-- that data is correctly interpreted, and that resulting decisions are objective and unbiased.

The TOTAL VALUE AUDIT is an effective alternative that: Determines objectively where you stand compared to peers

Quantifies gaps in costs, staffing, productivity and quality

Zeroes in quickly on major savings and improvements

Challenges inertia with objective, external data

Identifies and adapts tested “best practices”

Avoids re-inventing proven solutions

An evaluation done by an outside third party can significantly reduce management skepticism toward positive data. It also lowers internal staff resistance to any negative findings. Finally, it provides realistic, achievable goals, and tested methods to achieve them. Most participants find that audits reveal unexpected opportunities, and solutions to key problems. Best performers know the future is a moving target, and use the data to drive continuous improvement. Guerin Associates can help you acquire this business intelligence. Contact us for information about Total Value Audits, or GA’s unique EXECUTIVE DASHBOARD for regular performance management

Critical Success Factors:

Use a third party to maintain objectivity & confidentiality

Strive for actionable, “apples to apples” information

Focus on positive, win-win outcomes:

Proof where costs and performance are well-managed

Tested solutions to use where improvement is needed


Michael F. Guerin addressed over 200 attendees at IFMA’s World Workplace on Excellence in Project Management – Hallmarks of Best Performers.

Mike Guerin also addressed Tradeline’s “Lean Management Models” Conference on Benchmarks for Capital Projects.

He explained how those responsible for capital programs are using analytical tools to improve performance tracking and project management results. Mike’s background includes over ten years in business consulting, ten years in corporate services, and ten years in architecture, engineering and construction. Guerin Associates works with many of America’s leading firms to reduce costs and improve performance, by applying their unique “value methodology.” Their clients include industry leaders from the biotech, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, consumer products and financial services areas, among others. For additional information, contact:



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Operational Data may be obtained as part of a service provider‟s contract.

Such reports may be based only on their own customers, and more importantly,

they may not be free of bias. Vendors have an understandable incentive to

report that their costs are reasonable. Conversely, prospective new vendors

may be tempted to report that your costs are too high, in hopes of obtaining work.

National or local trade associations and consortium studies provide excellent,

unbiased data. They generally do not customize reports for specific facilities or

different operational needs, or scrutinize your data for consistency with others.

Because they work with individual firms, third parties such as Guerin Associates

can tailor studies to specific facilities. They also serve a role similar to a fiduciary,

where the primary objective is achieving the best interests of the client.


Is my information accurate, unbiased and actionable?


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Degree of Objectivity











Third Party


Local Trade

Assn Studies

National Trade

Assn Studies


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Degree of ObjectivityDegree of Objectivity












Third Party


Local Trade

Assn Studies

National Trade

Assn Studies


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GA helps compare, assess, improve and articulate your Total Value Proposition.

We accomplish this through an integrated strategy that can address all aspects

of Real Estate and Facilities Management, providing a Total Value Assessment.

REAL ESTATE SERVICES TOTAL FACILITY COSTS Analyze your global, US, regional and local

costs of owning, leasing and operating facilities.

Compare overhead expenses often overlooked,

and operating cost ratios often misinterpreted.

SPACE UTILIZATION Analyze space utilization to quantify how each

of three specific, key factors contributes to

underperforming facilities. See how Alternative

Workplaces and Telework can reduce costs.

STRATEGIC PLANNING Review your portfolio, and plan for transition to

an optimal, long-term strategic facilities plan.

Obtain cost data to support location selection.

“VALUE BY DESIGN” Optimize environmental and economic goals,

through analysis of carbon output, space

standards, worker amenities and impartial,

professional peer review of A/E designs.

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES CUSTOMER ALIGNMENT Evaluate customer satisfaction in core customer

accounts. We interview selected individuals,

analyze gaps between needs and KPI goals,

and identify any major service misalignments.

COST BENCHMARKING Compare your costs per SF, per workspace,

per person, etc. with dozens of other facilities.

GA‟s crystal clear definitions result in high-

quality, apples-to-apples cost comparisons.

ENERGY BENCHMARKING Analyze utilities costs, fuel consumption and

best practices in energy management, based

on detailed comparisons with similar sites.

OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Supplement cost benchmarking with over 150

KPIs (key performance indicators). Identify

the “Value Ratio” (balancing service levels

with costs) compared with other firms.


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Client: U.S. Semiconductor Company

With significant new mergers and acquisition activity, this company wished to obtain

internal and external benchmark comparisons, clear cost savings and improvement

opportunities. GA analyzed data in both the client‟s accounting categories, and GA‟s

benchmarking classifications.

Key Performance Indicators were applied in each area, to assess the relative value of

services versus costs. Workshops were held with staffing groups to evaluate cost

differentials, and review and consider “best practices” to improve performance in each

function. Project scope included:

Maintenance & Operations Custodial Site Costs & Utilities

Space Planning Move Management Project Management

Reprographics Security Shuttles

Food Service Fitness Centers Retail Services

Estimated long term costs of ownership and operation were developed, comparing five

major metropolitan areas in different regions of the US.

Estimated potential savings, based on identified cost gaps, are $2 - $5 Million per year.

Early reports indicate expected savings in utilities alone of over $1.0 Million per year.


Client: U.S. Semiconductor Company

The client had conducted internal benchmarking among six of its major sites, totaling 6

million GSF. External cost benchmarks were sought from Guerin Associates to

complement these efforts, and provide a new perspective on performance

measurement and “best practices” in facilities management for non-manufacturing

areas. The project scope included:

Space Utilization Workplace Design Occupancy Strategies

CAD/CAFM Systems Relocation Management Design & Construction

Maintenance & Ops Custodial & Housekeeping Food Services

Mail & Copy Services Security

A Kickoff Orientation workshop was conducted to review survey forms and answer

questions from the facilities staff. Data collection took place over a three month period.

After analysis of the data, a Results Workshop was held at one of the sites. Numerous

improvement and cost saving recommendations were provided for this site, with

representatives from the other five sites in attendance. The Final Report provided

detailed analysis for each of the six sites.

Numerous improvement and cost saving recommendations were provided for this site,

with representatives from the other five sites in attendance. The Final Report provided

detailed analysis for each of the six sites.


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Client: U.S. Computer Manufacturer

Due to a large acquisition, this firm managed facilities in several Midwest and West Coast

locations. Guerin Associates coordinated data collection and validation. Mid-year data

was adjusted to achieve a common reporting year. Site & Utilities costs were normalized

to account for regional variations. The project scope included these service areas:

Maintenance & Op‟s Custodial Roads & Grounds Utilities

Space Planning Move Management Project Management

Mail & Express Mail Reprographics Conference Room Mgt. Security

Food Service Fitness Centers Retail Services

The Final Report was presented on-site to a staff of about twenty-five managers.

Estimated potential savings, based on identified cost gaps, equal nearly $3 Million.


Clients: Major Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Companies

Guerin Associates launched the EMCS (Energy Management Consortium Study), to allow

large firms to objectively compare energy costs and practices in a confidential format.

Five firms submitted detailed data for 11 US sites, and one each in Switzerland and Brazil.

GA‟s “Value Methodology” was applied to report costs relative to service. Fuel costs

were compared per SF and per MBTU. Firms with excellent scores in comfort, air quality,

budget compliance, waste management, etc. received high service levels (KPIs).

Companies demonstrating low utilities costs, high service levels and advanced energy

management practices were highlighted as “best performers” of the EMCS project.


Client: US-Based Chemicals Company

The facility selection involved a major new office building in downtown Houston. GA

conducted a study of peer firms and facilities, to compare and analyze these areas:

Open vs. Closed, Single vs. Shared Spaces Workspace Standard Areas and Footprints

Variation by Size, Features and Accessories Assignment by Grade Level and Job Function

Assignment by Business Unit, Avg. SF / Person Centralized vs. Dispersed Conference Rooms

Conference Sizes and Counts vs. Workspaces Conference Room Mixes by Size, Seats, Type

Conference Technologies (AV, etc.) Room Reservation & Enforcement Methods

GA also developed a comprehensive “5-Star” rating system, to be used for comparison

of design features, construction quality and employee amenities. The system is intended

for use in objectively evaluating the client‟s facilities and worker amenities world-wide.

Based on findings, the client finalized and utilized new workspace standards for a major

new facility, resulting in senior management support, and ultimately board approval.

Based on these findings, the c


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Client: U. S. Software Company

This company had moved from high-growth to a cost-saving mode, and was interested

in evaluating two very different approaches it had adopted to internal space planning.

The client needed to evaluate the long-term implications of two radically different space

planning approaches for their 800K GSF headquarters facility.

GA reviewed and compared space utilization results by building and by floor. Findings

indicated that results of the „enhanced‟ scheme were not as dramatic as expected, due

to circulation requirements. Potential improvements were also identified in workspace

size, occupancy rates, and ratio of conference space to office workspace.

Using conservative estimates to occupy and operate the facility, potential equivalent

savings from these improvements is over $3.5 Million (minus workplace change costs).


Client: European-Based Chemicals Company

The facility is a North American corporate headquarters, with approximately 850K GSF.

Major wings of the building are linked with a series of building cores and atrium spaces.

GA analyzed three major aspects of overall planning:

Space Utilization Workspace Design Occupancy Strategy

Space and Occupancy results were better than average. (Space Utilization, in fact, was

close to “best performer” levels.) Workspace Design, however, was found to be well

beyond average (over 40%) in allocation of building area.

Based on these findings, the client created a corporate-wide task force to re-evaluate

and potentially redesign workspace standards, with senior management support. If

implemented, corporate treasury estimates 12 year after-tax cash flow of $106 Million.


Client: U.S. Pharmaceuticals Company

A major pharmaceuticals firm needed to reduce operating costs for its NJ headquarters

and area facilities. Among its concerns were the amount of office space, the costs of

satisfying user requirements, and the capital investment entailed in new facilities. Office

demands were rising, and rental space was unavailable in sufficient quantities.

Guerin Associates was asked to evaluate approximately 2.3M gross square feet of office

space. Existing plans were compared with four pharmaceutical / medical products

competitors, and “performance gaps” quantified. The client learned how much

additional internal capacity was available, and where planning could be improved.

Based on this analysis of existing capacities, the client was able to confirm plans to

delay over $50 Million in new construction.


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Client: U.S. Semiconductor Company

This firm has a high internal “churn rate,” with approximately 10,000 internal moves per

year in over fifty buildings. GA was asked to evaluate overall process costs and

effectiveness, to assist the client in major upcoming contract decisions. GA compared

detailed cost breakdowns, cycle times and similar service quality metrics with peer

companies and facilities in its own database. GA also reviewed the organization and its

processes, technologies and systems.

Numerous Key Performance Indicators were used to develop a “Value Analysis,”

balancing service quality with costs. An assessment of existing conditions --including a

report of potential cost savings and improvements-- was presented to the full

management staff.

In addition to identifying cost saving and performance enhancement opportunities, GA

assisted the client with contract scope definition, RFP questions, performance-based

contract approaches and service level metrics. GA was asked to identify vendors

providing move coordination and implementation services, and provided a list of

approximately 15 local and national candidates.

Projected annual savings are conservatively estimated at $1.22 Million.


Client: International Chemicals Company

This client retained GA to study locations for a major office facility (300K - 500K GSF). GA

developed the general specifications for a building program, and confidentially

contacted local economic development agencies and development firms. Information

was also obtained from the US Department of Labor and similar public sources.

Analysis included:

Land and construction costs

Real estate and personal property taxes

Local assessed / appraised value ratios

Lease costs (using various lease types)

Tenant improvement allowances

Employment and tax incentives

Utilities rates and incentives

Historical labor costs

Estimated long term costs of ownership and operation were developed, comparing five

major metropolitan areas in different regions of the US.

GA found differentials of 35%, representing potential 10 year savings of over $40 Million.


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Client: U.S. Pharmaceuticals Company

This client required comprehensive benchmarks for launch of a major new facility. Initial

occupancy is 1,400, with an ultimate population of approximately 5,000. Questions

addressed in this study included:

How can world class service be achieved and maintained from the outset?

What are the benchmarks to evaluate cost, performance and customer service?

What specific measures reflect first class service? (Examples: % of work order time

reported representing wrench time; % of work orders completed on time; %

corrective maintenance; % preventive maintenance; etc.)

How are other companies organized to deliver service? What are reasonable costs,

staffing levels, utilities, etc.? What is the impact of union involvement?

What is the extent of outsourcing? Vendor consolidation locally and regionally?

What practices and technologies provide superior performance at lower cost?

Guerin Associates worked with twenty-five sites from twenty-two leading companies to

evaluate management methods, costs and performance. Participants were evaluated

and ranked in fourteen separate categories, including Maintenance & Operations,

Custodial, Space Planning, Security, Site Services, etc.

“Best performers” in each category were interviewed to validate data and understand

reasons for superior results. Results, analysis, recommendations and over 100 integrated

cost and performance metrics were presented in a detailed, comprehensive report.

Guerin Associates also helped the client contact and arrange visits to best performer

sites, for more extensive, firsthand observations and learning.


Client: U.S. Computer Manufacturer

This project had the same functional scope as the project described above, plus

Automotive Fleet Management. Total facility size was approximately 850,000 SF, with

several additional buildings in planning.

By applying GA‟s methodology to one new building alone, this client improved space

utilization by approximately 25,000 SF (almost 10%), deferring future construction and

increasing “internal rent” (costs charged to internal users) by $690,000 per year.


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TESTIMONIALS - Comments on Guerin Associates projects:

“This is very good work, and I really appreciate it. It's very helpful, and we'll probably be

using it not only to address our own group, but certainly with our CFO and the business

units, to show the great work we're doing to try to control costs."

VP, Real Estate & Facility Services, High-Tech Company

"Regardless of what the data shows, this is just a great report. It's such clear information,

simple and easy to read. It's just great reading. I'm really happy with the overall look

and feel of the report. I couldn't be happier with it."

Director, Global Real Estate Planning, High-Tech Company

"Thanks again for your hard and great work. We really appreciate it."

Business Planning Manager, High-Tech Company

"There are too many benchmarks out there that are meaningless . . . . This (study) is going

to be the cornerstone of the content for our offsite (budget review) meeting."

VP, Real Estate & Facility Services, High-Tech Company

"You guys have provided a great service to us. You really have a clear understanding of

the business beyond the numbers. I look forward to working with you in the future."

Director, Worldwide Planning & Design, High-Tech Company

"I attended your (IFMA World Workplace 2007) seminar on Project Management. It was

one of the best of the show . . . We currently have 22 projects going, all over the world . .

. I find that I am referring to your presentation repeatedly."

Facilities Manager, Internet Security Firm

"Your study was very instrumental in getting people in the business units to sign off on the

dotted line and agree, 'Yes, we're going to move into this building'. . . . It was ultimately a

board decision."

Project Manager, Chemicals Company

"When I saw your (Project Management) presentation (at IFMA World Workplace 2007)

I got excited . . . I said, „This is great! This is what I need'."

Procurement Advisory Professional, High-Tech Company

"If you're trying to tell someone they need to change, you need more meat, it has to be

more accurate . . . (like Guerin Associates‟ studies).”

Manager of Bank Business Planning, Architectural Consulting Firm


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TESTIMONIALS - Comments on Guerin Associates projects:

“This is a great start . . . A lot of really good work has gone into this . . . It's leagues ahead

of anything anyone else has in the (client) organization.”

VP, Real Estate & Facility Services, High-Tech Company

“Great stuff! Excellent package. This is going to be very useful and impressive . . . (It's)

very exciting stuff.” Business Planning Manager, High-Tech Company

“The report . . . and its content exceeded our expectations.”

Facility Manager, Biotech Company

“I . . . was impressed with the level of quality and rigor in the study.”

Senior Construction Project Manager, Pharmaceuticals Firm

“We looked around at a lot of options, and kept coming back to you. I'm convinced

you're the right person to do this job.”

Global Space Planning Manager, Networking Company

“You . . . have been a real pleasure to work with . . . very accessible and helpful, with

good camaraderie. (The project) gave us good direction on what we want to look at

and change . . . We know a lot more about our operation now than we did before.”

Director of Technology Services, Chemicals Company

“Overall, your detailed reports were quite good . . . Easy to understand . . . Your

professionalism was excellent.”

Facilities and Six Sigma Manager, Chemicals Company

“Thank you for putting together the final benchmark report with care. It has been a

pleasure to work with you . . . This report, being first of its kind, will certainly be invaluable

in the near future . . .”

Project and Six Sigma Manager, Chemicals Company

“You've done a great job for us. The decision board complimented us on what we did,

and you were part of that.”

Project Manager, Chemicals Company

“My reason for asking for the meeting was simple: I've noted the level of respect they

have for their Guerin Reports. I aspire for us to have a similar level of respect and trust

from our customers.” Director of New Business, Facilities Service Provider

Key Personnel

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A competent professional with 30+ years‟ experience in design,

facilities management and business consulting. A capable

leader with strong analytical abilities, who keeps the "big

picture" in focus. Well-balanced technical and personal skills,

with an emphasis on quality, integrity and good judgment.

Mike has a proven track record on a broad range of different

projects, and has spoken frequently at national conferences.


1996 – Present President

Consults with Fortune 500 companies, primarily in the high-tech, life

sciences, consumer products and chemicals industries. Helps

clients build comprehensive cost and performance improvement

programs, focusing on key metrics and executive dashboards.

Representative achievements:

Analyzed space utilization at the headquarters of a leading

chemicals company, identifying gaps of 40% in critical space

standards. Corporate treasury estimated potential twelve-year

after-tax positive cash flow of $106M (Million).

Identified differentials of 35% in costs of land, construction,

taxes, utilities and operating costs in a detailed location study

for a major prospective new facility (300-500K SF). Potential

ten-year cost advantages of recommended site exceed $43M.

Implemented the global manufacturing benchmarking

program for a major consumer products company, with first

year savings of over $5M, and long-term savings for 40+ plants

estimated at over $20M.

Analyzed operating costs and performance at dozens of

corporate facilities, consistently identifying millions in potential

annual savings, typically ten to twenty times project fees.

Key Personnel

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Excellence in Project Management – Hallmarks of Best Performers

IFMA World Workplace in New Orleans, LA, and in Dallas, TX

Operational Benchmarking – A Streamlined Approach

Society of American Military Engineers, Philadelphia, PA

Benchmark the Leanness of Your Capital Project Management

Tradeline, Inc. Conference in St. Petersburg, FL

Benchmarking – How to Demonstrate Value

Mid-Atlantic Plant Engineering and FM Conference, Somerset, NJ

Using Metrics to Demonstrate the Value of Facilities Services

Northern NJ Plant Engineering Show in Edison, NJ

Evidence Based Facilities Management –

New Directions in Benchmarking

IFMA World Workplace Conference in Philadelphia, PA

How to Demonstrate Value with Key Costs and Metrics

NJ IFMA Professional Development Conference, Bridgewater, NJ

Translating Corporate Objectives Into an Accountable

Design Program for Architects and Engineers

IFMA World Workplace Conference in Salt Lake City, UT

A Quantitative Tool For Translating Management Objectives

Into Enforceable Project Criteria

Tradeline, Inc. Conference in Scottsdale, AZ

Benchmarking Facilities For Performance

MN IFMA Program Panel Discussion, St. Paul, MN

Using Key Metrics to Demonstrate Value

IFMA World Workplace Conference in Toronto, Ontario

Benchmarking and Process Improvement

Tradeline, Inc. Conference in San Diego, CA

Successful Cross-Industry Benchmarking

IFMA World Workplace Conference in New Orleans, LA

Space Planning and Performance Measurement

Executive Forum in Basking Ridge, NJ

World Class Space Management

IDRC World Congress in Baltimore, MD

Key Personnel

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EDUCATION Princeton University Master of Architecture, 1977

University of Pennsylvania Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, 1973

PROFESSIONAL LEED® Green Associate, 2009

CERTIFICATIONS & Certified Facility Manager, 2009

REGISTRATIONS Certified Energy Manager, 2007

National Council of Arch Registration Boards, 1992-2008

Professional Engineer, NJ, since 1989

Registered Architect, NJ, since 1982

PROFESSIONAL American Institute of Architects

AFFILIATIONS New Jersey Society of Architects

International Facility Management Association

Association of Energy Engineers

US Green Building Council

COMMUNITY Honorary Chairman, NJ Business Advisory Council

RECOGNITION Recipient, BAC National Leadership Award

Recipient, BAC 2003 “Businessman of the Year” Award

Contact Information

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Thank you for your interest in Guerin Associates.

For more information please contact:

Michael F. Guerin AIA, PE, CEM, CFM, LEED®GA

President, Guerin Associates Inc.


or visit our website: