Guerilla Marketing: Cheap And Effective Marketing Strategies

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Men and women around the globe have become more open to the idea of setting up a small-scale business as their primary means of income. Independence is still the top reason why a lot of people are putting up small businesses.

Transcript of Guerilla Marketing: Cheap And Effective Marketing Strategies

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Guerilla Marketing Transform Everyday Items Into Powerful Advertising Instruments

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More and more individuals worldwide are becoming more amenable to the thought of

establishing a small business as a chief source of income. The reason that most proprietors

give when asked why they quit their day jobs and started a small business is freedom.

Having your own business meant being able to control your time, arrive at decisions

independently, and select your own battles. While there is really much to be desired about

starting your own business enterprise, some just don't prosper as previously hoped.

A commonly cited reason why these small stores close down is due to lack of understanding

about marketing or how to carry it out effectively. Also, a number of companies put

marketing efforts on the back burner thinking that people will eventually notice them, and are

thus unwilling to spend money to finance an organized marketing campaign. One thing that

owners often do not realize is that for their businesses to truly prosper, they simply cannot

rely exclusively on word-of-mouth to bring in customers. They need to actively promote their

products each and every working day.

Advertising activities doesn't have to be costly for them to show good results. You do have to

become more imaginative, and be willing to invest some elbow grease and time though.

Such is the end goal of guerilla marketing - have the ability to come up with cost-effective,

innovative, and truly captivating idea to improve public awareness of your brand. Its focus on

time, effort, and imagination as main requirements for marketing make it inherently different

to traditional marketing which relies heavily on money. There are several other points where

both strategies differ. For starters, guerilla marketing is created with small-scale businesses

in mind.

Additionally, it uses increments in profits to gauge the efficacy of a marketing campaign, not

improvement in sales. Also, instead of concentrating resources to acquire new customers,

guerilla marketers puts more emphasis on following up old ones, utilizing referrals, and

finding ways to encourage existing clients to come back more frequently, and going for

larger transactions. In addition, businesses that follow this marketing strategy would rather

focus on producing a small variety of offerings and set a standard of excellence, instead of

offering a wide array of products. It is also not afraid of utilizing technology to further one’s

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brand. They pick a segment small enough so that they can become the leader, stick with

their niche, and build from that.

There are several ways on how guerilla marketing can be applied. An example of which is

the tissue-pack marketing, which started in Japan but is already becoming popular in other

countries, US in particular. In this type of marketing, small stores make use of personalized

napkins packets which move advertising copy straight onto the consumer's hands. These

custom napkins are distributed in areas of high foot traffic like subways. Custom napkins are

very cheap, it is not difficult to find suppliers for custom napkins, is one such

online supplier.

Studies show that these personalized napkins are more effective than fliers and leaflets,

because people are more inclined to accept and keep them. This translates to increased

effectiveness for ads placed on tissue packs. The advertising copy is printed onto the

packaging for custom napkins or a logo or message on the napkins itself. Hence the

message is more likely to be retained by the consumer because of their personal exposure

to it. Ads can also be placed on other kinds of merchandise like plastic cups which are

handed out during big sporting events.