GryfX - Virtual Currency Options Market - 2015 - Bitcoin & GryfenCoin

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of GryfX - Virtual Currency Options Market - 2015 - Bitcoin & GryfenCoin

Growing Markets From Nothing.

Financials Withheld

Team•Tyler Dylan Brown: CEO, UI/UX/QA,Biz Dev •Stefano Frangella: CTO Engineer, UI/UX, Coin•Grant Oglesby: CMO, legal & securities.•Brad Rickel: Systems Engineer •Katie Humphrey: COO: Marketer,social media, Ops•Robert Meyers: Writer, promoter, organizer, Ops

GryfenCrypto Inc,

•We create new markets that make our shareholders money in rapidly emerging markets inside of GryfX – cryptocurrency options market.

The Problems

●New emerging markets like CryptoCurrencies are incompatible with standard financial options and new ones are needed for this new financial future

●Too many markets dominated with no lower end entry opportunities

●Regulatory dead ends and nightmares

●Biased and spun financial news leads people into traps

Solution & Product●GryfX securities are 6-72 hours in length

●Freemium CryptoCurrency trading with in-app offers for nominal coin rewards

●Opinionated international news and traffic source

●Get Options for 36 different coins

●Access to 17+ Options: Vanilla & Exotic

●Fees based on home country PPP/capita

Traction & Validation●7,000 Users January 1st. 74,000 Users April 1 2015

●~1,000 - ~2,000 Daily Signups

●400 ID confirmed users on stealth GryfX Launch

●$5,000 in GryfenCoin sold presale

●Digital Currency Council named our CEO Top 30 in Bitcoin

●GryfenCoin at block 164,000(6 plus months)

●Guarantees of Trader Traffic with Firms

Market Opportunity

●Top 5 Bitcoin Exchange's Daily Volume: $107B/day

●Outstanding Forex OTC Derivatives: $6,914/Trillion

●Market Value Forex OTC Derivatives:$17,423/Billion

●All Main Bitcoin exchanges adding options

●Most Bitcoin exchanges are not options first.

Revenue Model

●Options market profits & fees

●Affiliate Marketing Profits from GryfX

●GryfX trade data licensing

●Coin Sales

●Trader profits

●Other deals

Marketing & Growth Strategy

●Content Marketing on Gryio of International Finance

●Social Media Management & Engagement

●Email & Direct Marketing

●Account deals with incumbents

●Incentivized Referral System

Competition & Substitutes

•OKCoin Goptions•BTC Oracle Nadex•Coinut Options Express•BTClevels Trade Architect•Satoshi Option Coinsetter•Crypto Stocks Digital Trading Solutions

What We Offer●Selling shares for 15% of GryfenCrypto Inc,

●1,500,000 shares available; 6 month sale restriction

●Simple Buy-Sell Agreement allows second market trading after restrictions are lifted

●Easy method of ROI; buy in at 35cents a share, sell for dollars later

●Our dividends go back into the company to raise share price for non-Partner shareholders

For follow-up deck with Projections Contact

Tyler Dylan Brown at 415 490 6713 text or call520 955 8113 text or call