Growing Up and Growing Old with My Grandpa

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Growing Up and Growing Old with My Grandpa

Grandpa and my dad in Nicaragua

Dad introducing his first born son, Lorenzo, to his father in Austin, Texas

Dad introduces his second son, Diego, to grandpa in Florida

Grandpa and I in Nicaragua-third kid and finally a daughter!

Growing up and spending time with grandpa in Nicaragua

Grandpa with my sister, Cecilia, and I in Nicaragua

Grandpa visits us in Colorado for the first time when we moved in 2000

Grandpa visits Colorado again

Last time grandpa was in Colorado and spending time at our house

Last visit with my grandpa in 2009 in Texas

My dad with grandpa and grandma in Texas in 2009—the last time they were together before my grandpa passed away the following summer in 2010