Group Project The dilemma Group 3 – Benny, Tao, Ruth.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Group Project The dilemma Group 3 – Benny, Tao, Ruth.

Group Project

The dilemma

Group 3 – Benny, Tao, Ruth

The facts

• MAN, 25, wants to marry someone he know. He loves computer games, he smokes and drinks, enjoy hanging out with friends.  His parents own a big company and

• The man would like to marry a girl smart, beautiful and gentle, good at cooking, independent, someone his parents approve of. He don't want his wife play games, smoke and drink, but he don't want his wife stop him when he want to or when he wants to hang out with his friends.

The options

• GIRL A, less smart, very beautiful, aggressive, unruly, loving computer games, likes smoking and drinking, good at cooking, full time employed earning a respectable salary in a clerical position.

• GIRL  B, smart, less beautiful but not ugly, good temper, gentle, no idea about games, hating smoking and drinking, very sociable, not good at cooking, not employed but waiting for a job opportunity that interest her.


• Both Girl A and Girl B would like to marry the man.


HeteronomyAuthoritarian and constrained thoughts

AutonomySystematic, critical and holistic searching

Reflexes or emotional reactions (Dominated by one automatic thought) - I want to please my parents!

 - My friends are important!

 - Future kids should have parents they are proud of!

 - A beautiful wife will impress my friends!   

Valid, relevant values, interests etc. (Who is affected? What are their values?) - Which woman has what is needed for a long-term


- Is it better to please family and friends of myself?  

- Who will make a better wife and mother? 

Dogmatic and uncritical thoughts(Fixation to one important principle)  - I should marry someone who likes my friends!

 - I should marry a girl my parents approve!

 - Obviously I should marry who is most beautiful!

 - My wife should be able to cook!

Possible actions and values (What can be done? How are all values affected?) - Marry a calm woman, less arguments and more

acceptance of my behavior? 

- Choose a woman who my parents like, once my parents happy I’ll also be happy?





All principles, values, interests, duties, feelings, needs etc. of all involved parts Man: Beautiful 

Man: Smart Man: Good at cooking Man: No interruption when playing

Parents: Cooking Parents: Gentle

All reasonable alternative actions to solve the problem

Marry Girl A Possibilities: Satisfied Risks:

Possibilities   Risks: Unsatisfied 

Possibilities: May be good in the future  Risks: Will always be bad 

Possibilities: Most likely no interruption  Risks:  

Possibilities:  Risks: Cannot take care of family 

Possibilities:  Risks: Conflicts arising

Marry Girl B Possibilities:  Risks: Unsatisfied

Possibilities: Satisfied  Risks:

Possibilities:  Risks:

Possibilities:   Risks: Interruption

Possibilities: Take care of family  Risks:

Possibilities: No conflicts  Risks:


All principles, values, interests, duties, feelings, needs etc. of all involved parts Parents: Smart 

Children: Cooking Children: Gentle Children: No drinking and smoking Friends: Gaming Friends: Drinking

All reasonable alternative actions to solve the problem

Marry Girl A Possibilities: They may inherit the mans smartness  Risks: Children not being smart

Possibilities:   Risks: Disliking their mother for her bad cooking 

Possibilities:   Risks: Disliking her mother for never being gentle 

Possibilities:  Risks: Disliking their mother, may also be treated badly due to drinking 

Possibilities: No interruption  Risks:  

Possibilities: No interruption  Risks:

Marry Girl B Possibilities: Children will most likely be smart  Risks:

Possibilities: Satisfied  Risks: Children turning fat

Possibilities: Satified  Risks:

Possibilities: Satisfied, more stable environment  Risks:

Possibilities:  Risks: Interruption

Possibilities:  Risks: Interruption


All principles, values, interests, duties, feelings, needs etc. of all involved parts Friends: Smoking  

All reasonable alternative actions to solve the problem

Marry Girl A Possibilities: No interruption  Risks:


Marry Girl B Possibilities:   Risks: Interruption


Collab link


beautiful She is very beautiful. She is very beautiful. He is obsessive to her beauty

She is not beautiful, but not ugly

smart She is not so smart but not stupid She is very smart. He don't need to worry about a lot.

good at cooking She is not good at cooking, but she may be good in futrue

She is good at cooking, and he loves her food

no interruption when playing She loves playing too, so will not object to his

playingShe will interrupt him when he is playing

The man's parents

good at cookingShe is not good at cooking, so can't tare care of family

She is good at cooking, so can tare care of family

gentle She is not gentle, not easy to get along She is gentle, easy to get along

smartShe is not smart, so her children will be not smart, too

She is smart, so her children will be smart, too

The man's friends

loving computer gamesno interruption interruption

loving drinking no interruption interruption

loving smoking no interruption interruption

The man's children

good at cookingThey don't like a mother good at cooking

They need a mother good at cooking

gentle They need gentle mother They need gentle mother

no drinking and smokingno drinking and smoking mother no drinking and smoking mother


• The Tools are useful for us to identifying interests/values as well as identifying risks with different decisions.

• It would seem like the order of business is the following: First you start with the OLE, depending a bit on the type of problem you have, it seems to be formulated for projects and IT use so we could not use it for our problem. Next one uses the HA, to identify Heteronomy and Autonomy sides, to find interests and principles. These one can later input into the AT, EthXpert or ColLab. Even though the AT is simple in its layout it will soon turn very messy as one tries to have many interests. From our point of view it seems almost simpler to attack the ColLab instantly.

• Both ColLab and EthXpert seems to simplify the Autonomy method, but the better one is ColLab since then it is web deployed and there is a possibility of collaborating with others on these projects, they worked well according to us. The autonomy method is very helpful in decision making and ColLab highlights and simplifies it so that one can perform it with ease.

• Some notes on possible improvements: First regarding the AT if you do it on a computer it would most likely to be better if one replaces the columns and rows, since for the most part there are more interests than there are possible options. Secondly there could be an export function to Excel in both EthXpert and ColLab.