Group Discussion Guide Part 2 - Grace...

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Transcript of Group Discussion Guide Part 2 - Grace...

Group Discussion Guide

Part 2

8500 West 159th Street Overland Park, KS 66223


last update = 4Oct2017

Exodus Discussion Guide

PART ONE: (separate guide) 1. Our Slavery (Exo 1-2) 2. Our Savior (Exo 3-4) 3. Our Slave Master (Exo 5-11) 4. Our Sacrifice (Exo 12-13) 5. Our Salvation (Exo 14) 6. Our Song (Exo 15)


Series Overview

Israel’s story in Exodus is a picture of our spiritual journey in our life with Christ.

Purpose of This Guide

The primary purpose of this group guide is to reinforce and deepen the lessons of the Grace Church message series: Exodus.

You may choose to use this guide: with your Grace Group. with any group of people interested in knowing what the Bible says about these topics.

7-Our Sustenance (Exo 16) 2 .....................................................................

8-Our Strife (Exo 17) 4 ..................................................................................

9-Our Support (Exo 18) 6 .............................................................................

10-Our Service (Exo 19-31) 8 ....................................................................

11-Our Sins (Exo 32-34) 10 .......................................................................

12-Our Success (Exo 35-40) 12..............................................................

Exodus [ ! ]1

7-Our Sustenance (Exo 16)

Icebreaker: What’s It Like?

Make a list of unusual foods that some people in your group have not seen or eaten. Ask a person who is familiar with the food to describe it to the others.

Discussion Questions: Manna

Compare Israel’s not knowing what the manna was to people not knowing what the Word of God really is (Exo 16:15).

What was the people’s complaint in Numbers 11:5-6? List things some people would rather have than God’s Word.

How did God answer the people’s complaining about the manna (Num 11:31-33)? What lesson could we take from this story?

For what reason did God make Israel wander in the wilderness 40 years (Deu 8:1-3)? What are some ways God tests you to check your level of commitment?

What was the purpose of keeping a jar full of manna for generations of people to see (Exo 16:32-34)?

[ ! ] Exodus2

Dig a Little Deeper: True Sustenance

For each passage, list what the person described as true sustenance.

Application Exercise: Remind Yourself

Pick one of the verses in the True Sustenance table. Use it as a reminder during the week. For example, you could:

Write it on a few cards to place around your home. Each time you see a card, read the verse aloud. Set yourself an electronic reminder that alerts you to read the verse several times a day.

Job 23:12

Jer 15:16

Mat 4:4

John 6:35

1Pet 2:2

Exodus [ ! ]3

8-Our Strife (Exo 17)

Icebreaker: Prayer Is…

What does prayer mean to you?

Discussion Questions: Prayer as a Weapon

We may feel surrounded by trials but be unaware of the spiritual battles taking place. ‣ In 2Kings 6:15, what did Elisha’s servant see? ‣ How did Elisha reassure him (2Kgs 6:16)? ‣ When Elisha prayed for the Lord to open his servant’s eyes,

what was the young man able to see (2Kgs 6:17)? ‣ When someone you know is fearful, how can your prayers be


What was Timothy’s urgent request in 1Timothy 2:1-2? ‣ Give an example of when you prayed for a felt need

(supplication)? ‣ In what way do you use prayer to acknowledge that you depend

on God (prayer)? ‣ Give an example of when you made a prayer petition for

someone (intercession)? ‣ In what way do you use prayer to thank God for who He is and

what He does (give thanks)?

True intercession is a demanding activity. How does Paul describe it in Colossians 4:12? ‣ How often do you pray for others? ‣ When have you prayed so fervently that it drained your energy?

[ ! ] Exodus4

Dig a Little Deeper: The Rock

In Exodus 17:4-7, the LORD told Moses to strike the rock once so that water came out. In Numbers 20:7-12, God told Moses to speak to the rock, but Moses struck it. Why was this a problem?

The rock symbolizes Christ, smitten for us on the cross (1Cor 10:4). Water represents the Holy Spirit. Christ’s death and resurrection made the coming of the Holy Spirit possible (John 7:37-39). Speaking to the rock pictures praying to Christ (Php 4:6-7). This explains why Moses was wrong to smite the rock later when he should have spoken to it. Christ died to sin once for all (Rom 6:10 and Heb 7:27).

Application: Pray for Those in Authority

Each day this week, pray for someone in authority (1Tim 2:1-2).

Some possible things to include are:

That God continues to put circumstances into the person’s life that point to Him (1Tim 2:3-4). That the person seeks God and listens to Him (Eph 6:12). That God turns the person’s heart to conform to biblical ethics (Pro 21:1).

Exodus [ ! ]5

9-Our Support (Exo 18)

Icebreaker: How Busy Are You?

On a scale of 1-10, how busy are you?

Discussion Questions: Challenge Level

This diagram portrays Bill Hybels’ suggestion for achieving optimal performance. You must keep appropriately challenged, with an occasional over-challenge, to stimulate growth. What is your current challenge level?

What did Jethro tell Moses about his period of prolonged high challenge (Exo 18:13-18)?

When others share the burden, it lightens your load. What are other advantages of having others bear the burden with you (Exo 18:22-23)?

As you continue to mature as a Christ-follower, what is your responsibility to teach others (2Tim 2:2)?

[ ! ] Exodus6

Dig a Little Deeper: Leadership Tips

Let God make the final decision. Jethro didn’t command Moses to adopt his plan. He urged Moses to talk to God about it and obey Him (Exo 18:23). In matters of organization and management, God’s people can learn from outsiders (Luke 16:8). Caution: We must understand the principle behind their practices. They should be in agreement with Scripture (Jas 3:13-18). The key to effective delegating is to choose people who have godly qualities (Exo 18:21). Note the qualifications the early church used to find people to assist the apostles (Acts 6:1-7).

Application Exercise: Adjusting My Challenge Level

Make a list of all your current responsibilities. For each item, use the decision tree to decide how to handle it.

Exodus [ ! ]7

10-Our Service (Exo 19-31)

Icebreaker: Taking Out Egypt

Sometimes, we let worldly concerns control our lives. Discuss how this quote pictures that struggle.

Discussion Questions: The Law

God expected all His people to know the law (Exo 19:5-8 and Deu 26:17-18). Why is it unwise to depend entirely on someone else to read and interpret God’s Word for you (Heb 4:12)?

The Law points out where we have done wrong, but it cannot fix the problem (Exo 20:1-17). ‣ How does James describe the Law’s ability to confront us

(Jas 1:22-25)? ‣ What is the only way to fix our sin problem (1John 1:7-9)?

Whenever God does a work through us, He has a plan (Exo 25:9 and 1Chr 28:19). ‣ What is God’s plan to work through people in a local church

(Php 2:5-16)? ‣ What is God’s plan for working in the life of an individual Christ-

follower (Eph 2:8-10)?

Rather than memorize all the laws, what simple standard can we use to please God (Mat 22:36-40)?

[ ! ] Exodus8

It took one night for God to take Israel out of Egypt, but forty years to take Egypt out of Israel. -George Morrison

Dig a Little Deeper: Ark Picturing Christ

Consider how the components of the Ark of the Covenant picture Christ.

Application Exercise: How Am I Serving Him?

Ark Component Pictures Christ

Wood His Humanity (John 11:35)

Gold Overlay His Deity (Col 1:19)

Table of the Law Law of God in Christ’s Heart (Heb 10:5-9)

Pot of Manna He is the Bread of Life (John 6:32)

Aaron’s Budded Rod His Endless Life (Heb 7:16)

Mercy Seat He is Our Mercy Seat (Rom 3:25)

How true are the following statements for you? not true <—-— >completely true

When I approach God to worship and serve Him, I do it with reverence (Heb 12:28).

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

As His priest, I proclaim praises of Christ (1Pet 2:9). 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

My top priority is my relationship with Christ (John 15:4-5). 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Exodus [ ! ]9

11-Our Sins (Exo 32-34)

Icebreaker: Allergy

Imagine you developed a severe allergy to your favorite food. What could you do to reduce the temptation to eat that food?

Discussion Questions: Sin

When people around him gave in to sin, Aaron accommodated them (Exo 32:1-4). What can you say to Christ-followers when they get caught up in sin (Rom 6:14-16 and Rom 6:23)?

In what way did Moses intercede for the people (Exo 32:30-35)? What should your motive be when you pray for someone who is struggling with sin (Rom 7:4-6)?

Discuss why people with good intentions cannot avoid sin under their own power (Rom 7:18-25).

What role does the Holy Spirit play in helping us resist sin (Rom 8:13 and Gal 5:16-18)?

What provision has God made for those times when you sin (1John 1:5-10)?

[ ! ] Exodus10

Dig a Little Deeper: Reasons People Forget God

Consider how the following things can draw you away from God.

Application Exercise: Dangers Today

For each item from the Reasons People Forget God table, list the temptations that you face.

What can you do to prevent these temptations from causing you to lose your focus on God?

Pray, confessing the temptations that cause you the biggest problems. Ask God to give you strength to turn more control over to the Spirit.

Idolatry, love physical things more than God Exo 32:1-8

Prosperity, comfort Deu 6:10-12

Pride, stubborness Neh 9:16

Believing lies Jer 13:25


Prosperity, comfort

Pride, stubborness

Believing lies

Exodus [ ! ]11

12-Our Success (Exo 35-40)

Icebreaker: Celebrate the Finish

Describe the exhilaration of finishing a difficult task. Share some examples of how you celebrate your success.

Discussion Questions: “Finishing” Stories

David desired to build the Temple, but God changed the goal (2Sam 7:1-13). Tell about when you or someone you know had a goal and later learned that God had a different goal in mind.

How did David respond to God changing the plan (2Sam 7:18-22)? When God chooses a different path for us than the one we planned, how should we respond?

Solomon followed God’s plan to build the Temple (1Kgs 5:5 and 1Kgs 6:38). What can you do to be sure you are following God’s plan?

God assigns each of us a specific part: ‣ Zerubbabel: rebuild altar and temple (Ezra 3:3-13) ‣ Ezra: teach the law to the people (Ezra 7:10) ‣ Nehemiah: rebuild walls (Neh 2:17-18) How do you know which part God has assigned you (1Cor 12:4-7)?

[ ! ] Exodus12

Dig a Little Deeper: Spiritual Revival

If you have no urge to understand and finish the work God has called you to do, you may need a spiritual revival. Consider the six-step example in Ezra 1-6.

Application Exercise: Pray for a Strong Finish

Each day this week, pray for God to give you the strength and determination to have a strong finish (2Tim 4:6-8).

Israel’s Example Believer’s Application

1 Get back to the place of blessing (Ezra 1-2).

Return to the promise of the Gospel (1John 5:11-13).

2 Rebuild the altar (Ezra 3).

Yield your heart to Christ (Heb 13:10-13).

3 Build the temple (Ezra 3).

Serve and witness for the Lord (1Cor 3:11).

4 Be on alert for adversaries (Ezra 4).

Be prepared for frustrations and temptations (1Pet 5:8).

5 Respond to God’s prompting (Ezra 5-6).

Maintain a direct relationship with God’s Word (Acts 20:29-32 and Rom 1:16).

6 Finish the work (Ezra 6). Be faithful and obedient to what God calls you to do (Rom 12:1).

Exodus [ ! ]13

8500 West 159th Street Overland Park, KS 66223
