Grey Color 2º Bachiller para etwinning

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Grey Color 2º Bachiller para etwinning


Here we have a statue of Pep Claramunt, and it is a monument to him because he played in Valencia CF and in the Spanish Football Selection

There is a photo of the windows and the blinds of our High School, and aslo a little part of our playtime yard.Grey is not a happy color for for a school, but at least combined with white it makes our school a little more cheerful.

This is also our High School, but there photos were taken in the corridor.Here grey color seems to be more cheerful, because of the light comming from the sun,as you can see in the picture on the left.

But also there is a bad point, if there is no light comming into the corridor, it seems a bit gloomy landscape, as you can see in the picture on the right.

And in the last place, El Guernica, that it is a painting made by Pablo Picasso in 1937, whose tittle refers to the bombing of Guernica, which ocurred on April 26th of that year, during the Spanish Civil War