Greenlime is the way to go!

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Greenlime is the way to go!

Greenlime’s Smart Cleaning Tips

Greenlime Cleaning Solutions are specially formulated powerful disinfectants which leave surfaces sparkling clean and germ – free.

Greenlime ProShine Utensil Cleaner removes sticky stains, disinfects and deodourises utensils.Cleaning your utensils does not take much extra effort but it is extremely important for your well – being. Nothing works better than hot water to clean utensils, along with a powerful disinfectant.

Clean the kitchen counter before placing utensils on it.Never use the same instrument for different foods. For example, knives, chopping boards and spoons.Use Greenlime Kitchen Towel to wipe utensils instead of sponges. Bacteria can breed inside sponges and spread to your utensils and kitchen surfaces.Always rinse stored utensils with water before use.

Greenlime Prosafe Toilet Cleaner is a superior, specially formulated disinfectant with lime powder. It is tough on dirt and germs, removes stubborn stains and leaves the toilet clean, fresh and sparkling!

Mixing bleach and acid as a toilet cleaner produces the potentially fatal chlorine gas!

Greenlime ProFresh multi – purpose cleaner is a powerful general purpose cleansing agent for a variety of household items such as computers, windows, electrical appliances and gas stoves.

Cleaning can also be fun! Attach a cleaning cloth/brush to your child’s remote controlled car and play with it while your floor is cleaned!

Disinfecting your laptop every few days is a must! Use a toothbrush to remove dirt and debris from the vents and a lint free cloth for the screen. NEVER spray any cleaner directly onto your laptop! We the cloth with the cleaner and use.

The best way to clean cast iron is with salt and a soft sponge. Salt, a natural abrasive, absorbs oil and scrubs out bits of food.

This treatment of lime and salt for polishing copper amazes everyone who tries it! The best part is that it’s chemical free!

Freshly ground spices cling to the grinder. For a quick clean – up, run soft, fresh white bread through the grinder to pick up the pieces and absorb the oil they leave behind.

Vinegar, baking soda and lime are the most handy natural cleaning agents found at home!

Greenlime Cleaning Solutions are available online on at special prices.

Happy cleaning with Greenlime!

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