Greening the European Semester - European Commission · 2015 Semester Calendar 1. AGS 2. SADs 3....

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Transcript of Greening the European Semester - European Commission · 2015 Semester Calendar 1. AGS 2. SADs 3....

Greening the European SemesterState of play

3rd meeting of theExpert Group Greening the European Semester29.01.2015, Brussels

Louis Meuleman, DG ENV 1

1. The European Semester in 2015

2. Greening: synergies, alliances, conditions: the governance of change

3. Better data?


New Commission with Vice-Presidents, coordinating themes

10 points plan of Commission President

Commission Work Programme with modifications on Circular Economy & Air packages

Investment Package & Task Force report* with proposed projects

Resources & the environment is one of 5 investment clusters

* See p. 25-26 and 61-66 of the Task Force report:


1. The European Semester in 2015


1. The European Semester in 2015


• Europe 2020 Strategy = the EU's guiding strategy

• 10 year scope, but reviewed every 5 year -> 2015 = review year

• Europe 2020 implemented by Commission and Member States

• Europe 2020 monitored through the 'European Semester' process of economic governance

Merge of Staff Working Documents (SWDs) and In-Depth reviews (IDRs) in to one single document per Member State:

SAD (Single Analytical Document)

SADS published +/- 1st March, before the National Reform Programmes (NRPs -> submission deadline 30.04)

Additional bilaterals Commission & Member States in March and April

Unchanged: Commission adoption CSRs (May); endorsement European Council (June); adoption ECOFIN Council (July)


1. The European Semester in 2015


Semester remains with some process changes:


Semester = annual cycle with key steps:

1.Nov: Annual Growth Survey

2.March: 28x Singe Analytical documents (SADs)

3.April: 28x National Reform Programmes (NRPs)

4.May: 25(?)x Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs)

5.June/July: adoption CSRs by European Council

Plus:•High- level bilaterals COMM-Member States•Fact-finding missions to Member States•Seminars/ Stakeholder conferences with and in Member States•Studies supporting the Semester process

1. The European Semester in 2015

2015 Semester Calendar

1. AGS2. SADs

3. NRPs

4. CSRs

5. CSRs final


Annual Growth Survey 2015

AGS 2015 = Guidance for the MSs' National Reform Programmes, with several environmental statements:

• Sustainable development

• Pressure on resources and environmental concerns (as a main long-term trend);

• Environmental tax reform (mainly the tax shift away from labour to e.g. environment). Not mentioned explicitly: 'phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies' (EHS), but this is strongly linked to environmental tax reform. 8

• Need for better waste recycling and water treatment facilities;

• Reducing traffic congestion (this is relevant for air quality);

• Need for skilled work force in growing sectors such as (…) green sectors; strengthen impact assessments.


Annual Growth Survey 2015

AGS 2015 = Guidance (continued)

2. Synergies, alliances, condition: the governance of change

General observations (EU-wide, on EU and Member States / regions level):

Growing recognition that green growth / resource efficient and circular economy indeed offer new business cases and contribute to growth and jobs.

Therefore, we might need to gradually switch from advocating & convincing to implementation: the governance of the transition process.

In this new phase we need to acknowledge that the transition to green economy will (like always) have winners and losers. The potential losers of green growth might block progress -> need to help them to develop new business cases.


Synergies / Alliance potential check-list


2. Synergies, alliances, condition: the governance of change


Checklist (1)

2. Synergies, alliances, condition: the governance of change


Checklist (2)

2. Synergies, alliances, condition: the governance of change

3. Better data?

New studies presented today



PM office/ Interior

Economic Affairs, Enterprise

Transport / Infrastructure


SME resource eff. support -> competitivene


Better Regulation,

Impact Assessm.

Traffic congestion & Air pollution

Finances, Taxation

Social, labour, employment

Environmental fiscal reform:1.Tax shift labour/env2.Revenue via env taxes3.Env. harmful subsidies

Green jobs; other jobs

created by circul. economy

Investments waste/ water/floods/Green



Agriculture/rural development


Resource efficient,

Circular economy




2. .. € bn in EU savings in 4 SME sectors

3. .. new jobs and … secured in EU in 4 SME sectors

6. .. € bn new revenue potential in EU by environmental taxes; new studies on EHS

8. Quality improvement potential to tap environmental contrib. to green economy through IAs

4. New water/ economy study; updated waste data

5. Air quality IA; Malta congestion pilot study

1. Ranking: eco-innovation scoreboard

7. Tax shift labour to environment

Where do we have good new data?


Working with the Member States


The Commission wants to work in partnership with the Member States

2 European Semester Officers (ESOs) in most COMM Representations

The ESOs and the DG ENV Semester Team volunteer to (co-) organise seminars and stakeholder dialogues in the capitals on green economy and/or environmental fiscal reform

Examples: Rome, Brussels, Riga (2014), Budapest, Brussels, ……. (2015)

Expert Group: Side event on EFR on 28.01.15 seemed very useful. Idea: Side event with business community in September?

Thank you for your attention!

Short video on what is the circular economy:

Website Greening the European Semester with studies and information on the meetings of the Expert Group Greening the Semester: