GreenB_ EBMS Mastery Journal Program Reflection

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of GreenB_ EBMS Mastery Journal Program Reflection

F U L L S A I L U N I V E R S I T Y M A R C H 2 0 1 6


EBMS Graduate Brandie C. Green

About MeMy name is Brandie C.

Green and I am a recent graduate from the Entertainment Business M.S program at Full Sail University. Prior to Full Sail, I attended the University of Central Florida for my B.S in Legal Studies and I also minored in entrepreneurship. I spent my freshman year of college at Kennesaw State University, where I was also a member of the women’s basketball team.

I chose to go to Full Sail because it was the only school that provided programs that were a direct reflection of my desire to work in the entertainment field. I have interests in sports, music, fine arts, and basically all things creative.


to prepare for real world experience. Furthermore,

to use all my assignments graduating with all A’s, and set the personal goal of forward in this program. I wanted to put my best foot this course, I decided that I

Half way through to be successful.and it increased my desire why I chose to act on my impulse to attend Full Sail,

Mastery class was the beginning of my Full Sail journey. I had the pleasure of being taught by Peter Gordon for this month, and he made this class very valuable. During my time in this course, I was forced to reflect on my inner self and my passions. We read Mastery by Robert Greene, and it did wonders for my self-esteem. I was able to take the time to reflect on




Semester 1"Each day is a new day, a new opportunity to work towards making your life the way you

want it." Josie Cluney, Finding Purpose

Executive LeadershipSteve Adkins was my course director for

this month, and he pushed me completely out of my comfort zone. My public speaking skills were put to the ultimate test, as we had to become comfortable with giving presentations in a short amount of time. I also learned how to change my writing style to a business format. Steve’s critiques helped me become a more concise writer.

This class also exposed us different leadership styles. It forced me to reflect on what my natural leadership style is, and I realized that I had to work on myself internally to become a stronger leader. I realize that people will follow the example that you set, and that people are the most valuable asset to Project and Team Management

Nick Carver made this class very enjoyable. My peers and I learned how to implement exercises that would increase the cohesiveness of a group. I actually made a point to retain a list of the activities that we participated in so that I could possibly use them in the future.

Additionally, this class showed me how to plan for a big project. I was exposed to several project management tools that allowed me to break projects down into smaller parts that would create an overall timeline. I also began to learn about assigning tasks to different individuals by analyzing their skill set. This course was very beneficial in learning how to identify skills and matching them with positions.

Business Story Telling &Brand Development

certain colors were chosen for the logo, why the design of the logo had been chosen, and I also began to understand how their company was able to build a reputation and maintain it. This class allowed me to see how much work goes into maintaining a brand, so that it creates trust between the company, its employees, and its consumers.

Our market research paper also allowed me to dive deeper into the brand development process. Luckily, I was able to find a great deal of information that would allow me to develop an effective marketing strategy


became stronger with utilizing excel spreadsheets. Obtaining an A+ in this class meant the world to me,

meant and how they related to one another. I also Pro Forma and could understand what the numbers

Thanks to this course, I was able to create a finance side of business, since it was my weakness.extremely helpful in building my skill set for the happening on Shark Tank! David’s class was and even began to understand what was

quickly. I began to understand finance terminology,

This class challenged me from the first day. Math was never my favorite subject, so I was extremely intimidated going into David Wolfe’s class. However, I found myself soaking up the material

Going into this course, I believed that I had a pretty good grasp on branding. However, I was presently surprised at how much I did not know. Ken DeGilio provided insight on how important it is to carefully design, and maintain, your brand. Not only did we explore the different types of logos that could be used to represent our brands, we also learned how to conduct brand audits.

During this month, I was able to study Roc Nation for our brand audit assignment. I began to understand why



Semester 2Negotiation and Deal-Making

preparing for future situations in which I may need to negotiate a salary, contract,

skills that I obtained in this class are vital for successfully making a deal. The research ahead for negotiations, which is crucial in art of negotiation. I learned how to plan

This class was fun and focused on the

Negotiation and Deal-Making (cont.)Elizabeth Counsman’s coaching was instrumental in my growth within this class, as I also learned how to function as a mediator. I enjoyed the fact that we were given assignments to negotiate terms, as this helped expose us to situations that could arise in any negotiation. I learned the importance of being able to compromise for the bigger

Product and Artist ManagementCassie Willard’s class was one of kind. I had the chance to meet so many individuals who have successfully managed both products and the careers of music artists. I loved the fact that she was able to invite several individuals to our class that we were able to speak with. My favorite guest speaker was Ed Wimp, as his discussion related to my area of interest. He provided valuable insight music Product and Artist Management

(cont.)Another assignment that proved to be extremely beneficial in this class was the endorsement paper. This assignment allowed me to analyze the terms of potential endorsement deals that could be matched with a client. In addition to this, we also dug deeper into our financials and gained more insight into how management is related to



Business Plan Development &

Final Project

class was essentially completed in prior classes, it still did not make our lectures any less important. Bill’s insight on how to deliver a business plan presentation helped me understand how important it is to rehearse and anticipate certain questions. I now feel capable of executing lectures not only in a class setting, but also in a business setting.

In addition to this, Bill provided us with advice on how to land our career

tunnel. By this time, I was so excited to be so close to the conclusion of my degree program. Having already met Bill Thompson, I knew that he would make this class enjoyable and that his advice would be extremely beneficial. Although majority of my work in this

dark a long, the end of light at seeing the was like program, it of the last month I got to the


job in preparing me for the types of questions that an investor would ask me, and I made note of all his constructive criticisms. This class was my most challenging class of the entire program!

walked through the formation of a viable business plan, and his feedback challenged me to become more effective in the overall presentation of my ideas. I feel that he did an excellent

best light possible. I enjoyed being present information in the

on how to valuable insight provided Steve’s lectures obstacle, my writing style

Aside from verbose.habit of being too

people in business overall, need others to “get to the point”. I had to kick my

Business Plan Development was definitely one of the most challenging classes that I took during the past year. Why was it so challenging? The answer is simple…writing style. Although writing is one of my strongest skills, I am used to writing in a certain style. Graduate school has forced me to learn how to be more concise in my writing, and it definitely has been a process learning how to write in a style that is suitable for the business world. Steve Burhoe’s instruction was very clear when he told us that we needed to be able to get our thoughts on paper in the most concise manner possible. He often stressed the fact that investors, and

Semester 3"I will reach for the stars no matter how hard it seems, and fly like a bird with the knowledge this journey brings." - Semetra C. Vanison

Entertainment Media Publishing& Distribution

Kim Craft’s course was one of the classes that I was most excited about because it was about publishing. One of my main reasons for selecting this degree program was to become more privy to the publishing world, as I have a huge interest in licensing music. This class allowed me to gain more knowledge about distribution channels and the publishing world.

I thought it was admirable that Kim provided us with a copy of the textbook that she wrote herself, as this let me know that she is very knowledgeable about this subject matter. I was able to create a press kit, and that press kit has served as a template for others that I have created since this class. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a subject area that I recently took extreme interest in. Prior to this class, I had decided to enroll at Splash Media U for the Master of Social Media Marketing Certification program. I had already graduated from the program by the time I got to this class, so I was equipped with some specialized knowledge that came in handy when I created my marketing plan. The marketing plan was definitely the key assignment in this class, as it allowed me to form a realistic marketing budget.

Kristen Stewart was our course director for this class, and her expertise allowed me to learn more about key performance indicators. While Splash Media U is very good at explaining how to utilize different platforms,

Internship Experience

position, since I was already

apply to this knowledge to valuable before, I had a in merchandise Having worked their operations. familiarized with

was not my first choice (I initially desired to be chosen for the leadership track internship), I kept an open mind and told myself that any opportunity can be valuable for my future goals. After accepting the internship offer, I was given a month to prepare.

The internship started in January. I was told that I would have to attend classes and seminars throughout my time as an intern. The company was very helpful in assisting me with getting

year). Ultimately, the entire experience at La Vie allowed me to put my market research skills to the test, and also gave me a chance to prove my capabilities as a marketing manager.

After concluding my internship at La Vie for the fall, I elected to obtain another internship for the spring semester. After applying to several places, I tried my luck with SeaWorld and was able to land a position with the company. I accepted a position in merchandise, which is relevant to majority of my work experience. While it

which at the time was in serious need of help with their social media presence.

After obtaining more information on the company and their goals, I was able to create and optimize their social media accounts. I created a social media plan for them based upon the knowledge that I gained from my Splash Media U program and my personal experience with the platforms over the years. After running their campaigns for the fall semester, I was able to grow their online following and increased their event attendance by 4400% (from their first event to their last event of the

spa called La Vie. While I completed my studies in the morning and my security job overnight, I would come into the office two to three times a week and work alongside the Director of Sales and Marketing (Lawrence Dampier). Lawrence and I quickly became very productive in our efforts to design a digital marketing campaign for the spa,

local medical internship at a a marketing several, I landed applying to internship. After of obtaining an myself the task Sail, I gave attending Full While I was

Advanced Entertainment Law

for our businesses when we are ready, but they can also be utilized as templates for future registrations.

Our industry liabilities research paper was also an extremely valuable assignment. The research that I conducted for this paper was instrumental in exposing the number of potential liabilities that exists in my industry. I was able to explore topics such as: contracts, copyright infringement, Fair Labor Standards Act violations, defamation, and trademark usage. The knowledge that I gained by reading these cases built upon the

FlashbacksRemembering my time at UCF for my

undergraduate program-Graduated December 2013-B.S in Legal Studies(Specialization: Sports and Entertainment Law & Litigation and Advocacy)- Minor in

This class reminded me of my favorite courses that I had the pleasure of taking at UCF. I would like to dedicate this page to Chad Cronon, Esq. who was my mentor and one of my law professors at UCF. He passed away in December and will always have a place in my heart!

I actually had the pleasure of having Cassie for two months in a row. During this month, we focused on learning about trademarks, copyrights, and other legal issues that surround the entertainment industry. Being that I had studied entertainment law during my undergrad program at UCF, I had a jump start on this course. One thing that I really enjoyed about this class was that it gave us a chance to practice filling out registrations for intellectual property. This was beneficial because not only can we use these forms to file

Bcgreen42@gmail.com321-277-6554 |

Looking Forward…I will honestly miss Full Sail University very much. The faculty has been nothing short of spectacular, and I loved being able to interact with so many individuals that had goals similar to mine. Overall, attending Full Sail was the best decision that I made in my life. I now feel ready to take on the career search for my chosen industry, and I know everything that I learned will prove to be extremely beneficial! I am a proud Full


Brandie C. Green, M.S., CSMP