Green magazine template 2

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Green magazine template 2

“Let’s be eco-friendly”

Key Stage 1 Using Our Environment

The younger children in Waun Wen have been visiting the local parks to take part in

many different activities this term. No matter what the weather is like they enjoy

working in the fresh air and using our local environment.

This is some colour mixing that some of the Key Stage 1 children produced in the park

this term. Below you can see some children visiting a local park to take part in activities

for the whole day.

GREEN MAGAZINE Onjöskolan September 2010

“Let’s be eco-friendly”

An Eco Friendly Greenhouse.

The children in Waun Wen have been involved in designing a greenhouse as part of our

eco-friendly project. The frame is in position and they are busily collecting any old

plastic bottles to construct the rest of the greenhouse. We hope to be growing things

next year when the weather warms up.

Below is a picture of some of the pumpkins that we grew in our garden this year and

each class used in our halloween celebrations.

GREEN MAGAZINE Onjöskolan September 2010