Green Ideas for Small Products in Kitchen and Bathroom Nihal Yağmur Aydın Enes Bükte.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Green Ideas for Small Products in Kitchen and Bathroom Nihal Yağmur Aydın Enes Bükte.

Green Ideas for Small Products in Kitchen and Bathroom

Nihal Yağmur AydınEnes Bükte

Introduction Green Ideas for Kitchen and

Bathroom Products Conclusion Reference List.


This study aims to provide examples for small products in kitchen and bathroom which are designed as being energy efficient and environmental friendly.


1. BPA Free Glass Water

Some reusable plastic water bottles are made from polycarbonate plastics. Glass bottles are easy to break.

Bamboo bottles are better than other types.

2. Reusable Lunch Boxes: Bento Boxes

Without wasting any bags, lunch boxes are used for carrying lunches. It is a Japanese tradition which is good for everyday usage.

3. Single-Cup Reusable Coffee Maker

There is one cup and you make the cofee in this cup, no need to boil whole pot. It is much more energy efficient then normal coffee maker.

4. Greenest Napkins

4. Greenest Napkins Linen is the best product for

napkins. Paper and cotton are not so good.

Not So Good—Paper: 7.5 pounds of greenhouse-gas emissions* and uses 24.5 gallons of water

Good—Cotton**: 3.9 pounds of greenhouse-gas emissions and 43.3 gallons of water

Best—Linen**: 1.9 pounds of greenhouse-gas emissions and 8.9 gallons of water

5.Induction Cooktop

Induction coils create a magnetic field that heats food within the pot, rather than heating the base of the pot. It is faster and more energy efficient than electricity or gas.

6.Low Flow Toilet

14% of water at homes is used in toilet.

Low flow toilet reduces the amount of water used in toilets.

7. Recycled Toilet Paper

It is used for avoiding deforestration.

34,000,000 rolls of toilet paper which equals the use of 221,000 trees.

Not only with the paper itself but the energy and water that it takes

8. Inline Water heaters

Heaters keep a large tank of water hot 24 hours a day, but this water is often unused for long periods of time. Inline water heaters heats the water as long as it is used.

9. Tiles made from recycled glass 

If the design in bathrooms use recycled glass, it is better than using only the glass.

The tiles reflect light where ceramic tiles tend to absorb light.

Excellent in eco-friendly bathrooms since mold and mildew don't grow and they prevent the growth of some types of bacteria.

10.  Skylights and Windows in Bathroom

Skylight and windows in bathroom allows sunlight to come into bathroom so that electricity usage descreases.


To make the world a better place to live in we have to start change of something.

Thank you for listening.
