Green Education : Savior of the Earth

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Green Education : Savior of the Earth. “ Each child is an adventure into a better life – an opportunity to change the old pattern and make it new” [Hubert H. Humphrey]. Change- At Grass Root Level. Did you know that the most critical age of my life is up to 5 years ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Green Education : Savior of the Earth

Green Education: Savior of the Earth

“Each child is an adventure into a better life –an opportunity to change the old pattern and

make it new”[Hubert H. Humphrey]

What I learn here remains with me for ever …please teach me right things

Change- At Grass Root LevelDid you know that

the most critical age of my life is up to 5 years ?This is when I

learn most. My personality and my value system develops

Recognizing this fact, our project aims to introduce a subject/course named as “Green Education” as compulsory part of curriculum in all schools at primary level.

Leonardo di Caprio with his insight on environment conservation and his efforts including an upcoming book on global warming, will be the perfect person to guide us along how we can promote Green Education to educational systems all around the world. The media attention he draws can give a massive boost to our project.

Green Education- The Fundamentals

Develop an Attitude: influence children and develop an attitude towards environment protection that will be imbedded in their minds

Child- Your environment ambassador: project will make children an ambassador; they will influence others behavior towards environment protection.

Leaders of tomorrow:

will also instill pride, responsibility, and cooperation among them as life-long learners and future leaders in the world.

First hand experience :

Children will be able develop their value system through firsthand experience and will acts as advocates to promote environment protection as a way of life

Grade 1

• Green Education-1

Grade 2

• Green Education-2

Grade 3

• Green Education-3

Structural Lay out of the courseCourse will be taught in various stages based on age group and class level. As you move up ahead, the course material and activities increase in complexity

The Fun Part!- activities in the course

Name & adopt your own tree

Plant your own garden in school

Neighbor hood recycling marathon

environment friendly painting competition

What do people say?

Practical , and very valuable suggestion. If implemented properly can result in a complete transformation.

Maheen GhauriProfessor at IBA.Expertise in MIS, and Computer Science

Project has tremendous potential . I think the best part is it’s applicability tin almost every country

Waqas QadirPrincipal Consultant at Playback Lounge - UAE.

Amna TubrezProduct Manager at Citibank

The value of environment conservation taught to children in a practical manner can be a real change element

Bilal UmarFreelance writer, Express Tribune

It will give a healthy responsible outlook towards education from a very early age.

Raul RinconSales Head at ABITronixDirect

Project has potential to go a long way in changing lifestyles towards sustainability