Green economy : carbon neutral and resource efficient society

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Green economy : carbon neutral and resource efficient society. Riina Antikainen Finnish Environment Institute HENVI Seminar Series spring 2013 Towards green economy February 28, 2013. Outline. What is green economy ? Why green economy is needed ? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Green economy : carbon neutral and resource efficient society

Green economy: carbon neutral and resource

efficient society

Riina AntikainenFinnish Environment Institute

HENVI Seminar Series spring 2013 Towards green economy

February 28, 2013

● What is green economy?● Why green economy is needed?● Some examples and challenges● Finnish strenghts● Take home messages



Landfill harmonic


Green economy is based on holistic change in whole society

Smart and sustainable solutions for global challenges- Technologies- Systems- Services

Green economy- Systems transition and societal change reacting opportunities and challenges of future

- New networks between companies and communities, new business models

- Sustainable lifestyle and cultural change supporting well-being

Current consumption and

production system

Source: Antikainen et al. Vihreän kasvun mahdollisuudet. In print.

Global material extraction 8-folded between 1900 and 2005

Lähde: UNEP 2011


In Finland, total material requirement has almost doubled from 1970 to 2011


● Resource decoupling means reducing the rate of use of (primary) resources per unit of economic activity.

● Impact decoupling requires increasing economic output while reducing negative environmental impacts.

Objective is to decouple

UNEP 2011


Relative decoupling, but not absolute decoupling

Total material requirement, GNP and material intensity in Finland, 1975-2011

Gross Domestic Production and Domestic Material Consumption in OECD countries,1980–2000

Lähde: UNEP 2011


● transition to energy systems using renewable energy sources,

● reduction in use of non-renewable resources and substituting them with sustainably produced renewable resources,

● smart and efficient use of energy, raw-materials and other natural resources,

● waste prevention, recycling, closed cycles

● cleantech and green business models (servicizing, value added from intangible resources)

● digitalization, ICT in smart solutions

● structural and functional changes in different levels and between different actors

Overall tools in promoting carbon neutrality and resource efficiency


Top-down and bottom-up – both are needed

Good examples exist, but why they are not mainstream?

ACROS Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall, fig:ääntöpöytä. Photo: Kirmo Kivelä / Dodo ry


● The rebound effect is the quantitative difference between the projected savings of resources that should have been derived from a given set of technological changes and the actual savings derived in practice (%) (UNEP 2011).

Rebound effect complicates things


1. Direct effect occurs when a drop in the price of using an energy service causes a rise in demand

2. Money saved through efficiency is spent on another product, such as a new phone. If extra energy is needed to manufacture and use the additional item, indirect effect occurs.

3. The latest fuel-economy standards passed by the United States will reduce demand for oil there. But, because that will drive down the price of oil globally, they could encourage people elsewhere to drive more, leading to a ‘macroeconomic price’ effect.

4. Greater energy efficiency can spur pockets of industrial growth, leading to a ‘macroeconomic growth’ effect. Higher energy efficiency in one sector can create opportunities or technologies in others that consume more energy.

(Gillingham et al. 2013. Nature 493: 475-476)

4 types of rebound – micro and macro levels


Example of rebound

Gillingham et al. 2013. Nature 493: 475-476

Carbon Neutral Municipalities – An innovative approach to climate change mitigation

at local level

Municipalities act as forerunners by working to curb their greenhouse gas emissions ahead

of schedule (-80% by 2030)

HINKU municipalities


• Emission inventories• Studies on energy efficiency and renewable energy potential• Commitment of municipal governments• Emission reduction targets (80 % 2007-2030)• A yearly action plan included in the municipal budgets• Over 70 reported measures during the first two years• Support to local companies, organizations and residents• Pilot projects, side projects, surveys, events• Network of key actors• New partner municipalities

Spreading the best practices

• HINKUmappi online service (in Finnish only)

• HINKUteko• Open Homes• Newsletter HINKU• Media• Seminars, meetings, international cooperation• HINKU-forum as a platform for new initiatives



Finland has good starting position in transition to green economy

● Abundant biomass resources● Knowhow in central sectors

○ Forestry, pulp and paper, chemical industry○ Water sector○ Transport, infrastructure○ Energy sector○ Digital products and solutions

● Networks and cooperation between actors● Grass root level initiatives and start-ups ● Political support exists (e.g. in Katainen’s Programme of the

Finnish Government

Programme of Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen’sGovernment:

”Finland will be developed with the aim of becoming a forerunner in efforts to protect biodiversity and to mitigate climate change. The Government’s goal is to make the future Finland a carbon-neutral society, to propel Finland to a leading position in environmental technology, and to develop the nation into the most environmentally conscious society in the world.”


1. Current society is not sustainable

2. Smart and efficient solutions (technologies, systems and services) exist and they can be further developed

3. Global challenges are not one-sided – ecological, economic and social impacts in political and scientific context

Take home messages


Thank you!

● More information:

● Sustainable and regenerative economic systems – research programme

● Antikainen ym. 2013: Vihreä talous suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa.

● Antikainen ym. Vihreän kasvun mahdollisuudet. In print, in Finnish.

Kuva: Raili Malinen