Greek gods(2)

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Greek gods(2)

Greek Heros and Heroines


● son of zeus

hercules had to fight two snakes

● Most kids would be scared but not hercules

● He killed both of them with his bare hands

Where do we see this name today

● its the name of a movie


● he was a kind man

● he let apollo guard his sheep

● this was not a hard labor

● as time went by apollo began to like admetus

● they became good friends

Where do we see this name today?

● Admetus is a type of cat


god of the sun,archery,music, and poetry

Why was he important?

When someone died suddenly, he was said to have been struck down by one of Apollo's arrows.

As god of music, Apollo is often dedicated playing the lyre.

He did not invent this instrument, however but was given it by Hermes.

where do we see his name today?

there is a theater called the apollo theater


his power was

the god of war

why he was important?

Ares was bested by hercules in battle.

he almost died when he was stuffed in a jar by two giants

there was a hero that wounded him

in the Trojan war

he received scant sympathy from his father Zeus

where we see his name today?

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