Greed,Fear, andRushes · But rushes reflect the coordinated timing dec isions of a large mass of...

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Transcript of Greed,Fear, andRushes · But rushes reflect the coordinated timing dec isions of a large mass of...

Greed, Fear, andRushes∗

Axel Anderson


Andreas Park


Lones Smith


October 26, 2014Preliminary Draft


We develop a continuum player unified timing game that also rationalizes sudden massmovements. Payoffs in the game are a logsubmodular functionof time and the stoppingquantile. Time captures the payoff-relevantfundamental— payoffs “ripen”, peak at a “har-vest time”, and then “rot”. Capturing the strategic interaction, payoffs are single-peaked inthequantile. We distinguish betweengreedandfear — i.e., the hunger for greater rewardsfrom outlasting others, and the fear of missing out on early rewards.

Three local timing games can arise in equilibrium: a war of attrition, a slow pre-emptiongame, and a pre-emptive rush. With greed, the harvest time precedes an accelerating war ofattrition ending in a rush, whereas with fear, an inefficiently early rush precedes a slowingpre-emption game ending at the harvest time. The theory yields predictions for the rushsize and time, as well as stopping intensity and duration when fundamentals or the strategicstructure change.

Our theory subsumes a wealth of timing games with large numbers of players, yieldingold and new predictions. For instance, matching rushes, bank runs, social tipping pointshappen before fundamentals indicate, and asset sales rushes occur after. We also explainhow (a) “unraveling” in matching markets depends on early matchingstigma and marketthinness;(b) asset sales rushes reflect liquidity and relative compensation; (c) illiquid bankloans yields complete bank runs before incomplete ones.

∗This supersedes a primitive early version of this paper by Andreas and Lones, growing out of joint work inAndreas’ 2004 PhD thesis, that assumed multiplicative payoffs. It was presented at the 2008 Econometric SocietySummer Meetings at Northwestern and the 2009 ASSA meetings.Most modeling and results, and all of the analysisand exposition now reflects joint work of Axel and Lones since2012. It has profited from comments in seminarpresentations at Wisconsin, Western Ontario, and Melbourne.


1 Introduction 1

2 Model 4

3 The Tradeoff Between Time and Quantile 5

4 Monotone Payoffs in Quantile 7

5 Interior Single-Peaked Payoffs in Quantile Lead to Rushes 9

6 Stopping Rates in Gradual Play 11

7 Joint Predictions about Gradual Play and Rushes 12

8 Economic Applications Distilled from the Literature 168.1 The Rush to Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 168.2 The Rush to Sell in a Bubble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 188.3 Bank Runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 20

A Equilibria with Inaction Phases 21

B Geometric Payoff Transformations 23

C Monotone Stopping Payoff: Final Steps for Proposition 1 24

D Interior Peak Quantile: Proofs of Propositions 2 and 3 25

E Comparative Statics: Propositions 5 and 6 29

F Omitted Proofs for Examples 31

1 Introduction

“Natura non facit saltus.” — Leibniz, Linnaeus, Darwin, andMarshall

Mass rushes periodically grip many economic landscapes — such as fraternity “rush week”;

the “unraveling” rushes of young doctors seeking hospital internships; the bubble-bursting sales

rushes ending asset price run-ups; land rushes for newly-opening territory; bank runs by fearful

depositors; and whites flight from a racially tipping neighborhood. These settings are so far re-

moved from one another that they have been studied in completely disparate fields of economics.

Yet by stepping back from their institutional details, a unified theory of all timing games emerges

for large numbers of players. This theory explains not only the size and timing of aggregate

jumps, but also the more commonly studied speed of entry intothe timing game.

Timing games have so far been applied in settings with identified players, like industrial

organization. But rushes reflect the coordinated timing decisions of a large mass of people. But a

large number of players is a more apt description of almost all cited examples above. This paper

introduces a greatly simplified class of timing games flexible enough for all of these economic

environments. We thus assume an anonymous continuum of homogeneous players, ensuring

that no player enjoys any market power; this also dispenses with any strategic uncertainty. We

characterize the Nash equilibrium of a simultaneous-move (“silent”) timing game (Karlin, 1959)

— thereby also ignoring dynamics, or any learning about exogenous uncertainty.

We venture that payoffs reflect a dichotomy — they are functions of the stopping time and

quantile. Time intuitively proxies for a slowly-evolving payoff-relevantfundamental, while the

quantile embodies strategic effects. A mixed strategy is then a stopping time distribution function

on the positive reals. When it is continuous, there isgradual play, and players slowly stop;rushes

occur when a positive mass of players suddenly stop, and the cdf jumps up. We assume that

payoffs are separately hump-shaped in time and single-peaked in the quantile. This ensures a

unique optimalharvest timefor any quantile, when the fundamental peaks, and a unique optimal

peak quantilefor any time, when stopping is most strategically advantageous.

Standard timing games assume a monotone increasing or decreasing quantile response, so

that the first or last mover has an advantage overall other quantiles. In our more general class

of games, the peak quantile may be interior. The game exhibits greedif the last mover has an

advantage over theaveragequantile, andfear if the first mover does. So the war of attrition is an

extreme case of greed, with later payoffs more attractive than average, and similarly pre-emption

games are extreme fear. We find that every game either exhibits greed or fear or neither.

Mixed strategies require constant payoffs in equilibrium,balancing quantile and fundamental


payoff forces. Two opposing flavors of timing games have beenstudied. Awar of attritionentails

gradual play in which the passage of time is fundamentally harmful and strategically beneficial.

The reverse holds in apre-emption game— the strategic and exogenous delay incentives oppose,

balancing the marginal costs and benefits of the passage of time. When the payoffs continuously

rise and then fall both in time (fundamentals) and quantile,this opposition is impossible with

purely gradual play: To sustain indifference at all times, amass of consumers must stop at the

same time (Proposition 2). Apropos our lead quotation, despite a continuously evolving world,

both from fundamental and strategic perspectives,aggregate behavior must jump.Only in the

well-studied case with a monotone quantile response can equilibrium involve gradual play for all

quantiles (Proposition 1). But even in this case, an early rush must happen whenever the gains of

immediately stopping as an early quantile dominates the peak fundamentals payoff growth. We

call the extreme case with early rushes eitheralarmor —- if the rush includes everyone —panic.

In characterizing all equilibria, Proposition 2 notes thatequilibrium play cannot straddle the

harvest time. Rather, equilibria are eitherearly or late — transpiring entirely before or entirely

after the harvest time. Absent fear, slow wars of attrition start at the harvest time and are followed

by rushes. Absent greed, initial rushes are followed by slowpre-emption games ending at the

harvest time. Sofear-driven rushes occur inefficiently early, and rushes sparked by greed occur

late. With neither greed nor fear, both types of equilibria arise.This yields a useful corollary

insight — that the rush occurs long before fundamentals peaks in a pre-emption equilibrium, and

long after fundamentals peaks in a war of attrition equilibrium.

We prove that there is at most oneinaction phasebetween the rush and gradual play can

emerge in equilibria, when there is no entry; however, a simple and tractable trembling refinement

that prunes such inaction phases. An equilibrium is immune to uncertainty about the accuracy of

the time clock iff there are no inaction phases — namely, it isa safe equilibrium. Proposition 3

also asserts that there is a unique such safe equilibrium given greed, and a different unique such

safe equilibrium given fear — and so at most two altogether. Each admits easy computation: the

rush size equates the rush payoff and the adjacent quantile payoff, and then the constant payoff

requirement fixes the timing and duration of gradual play.

Proposition 4 then characterizes gradual play. Specifically, when fundamental payoffs are

log-concave in time, any pre-emption game gradually slows to zero after the early rush, whereas

any war of attrition accelerates from zero towards its rush crescendo. In other words, stopping

rates wax and wane, respectively, after and before the harvest time. Our dichotomy therefore

allows for the identification of timing games from data on stopping rates.

A strength of our paper is the ease with which comparative statics predictions can be derived


using our graphical apparatus, since one need only see how the two equilibrium curves shift.

But our model yields a rich array of monotone comparative statics. We first consider a change

in fundamentals. Proposition 5 builds on a monotone ratio shift in the fundamental payoffs that

delays the harvest time. While the delay naturally postpones all activity, it has some surprising

implications. Despite the heightened monetary stakes, stopping rates during any war of attrition

phase attenuate, and the terminal rush swells. On the other hand, stopping rates during any pre-

emption game intensify, and the initial rush shrinks. So an inverse relation between stopping rates

and rush size emerges, with higher stopping rates in gradualplay accompanying smaller rushes.

We next explore the effect of a monotone strategic shift. A logsupermodular payoff shift

towards later quantiles spans our class of games, as extremefear transitions into extremegreed.

Proposition 6 reports how as greed rises in the war of attrition equilibrium, or fear rises in the

pre-emption equilibrium, the gradual play phase lengthens; but in each case stopping rates fall

and the rush shrinks. Perhaps counterintuitively, the rushis smaller and farther from the harvest

time the more strategically intense is the game (Figure 7).

One might worry that unmodeled dynamic consideration are essential for comparative statics

analysis. Fortunately, when we express economic applications in our strategic structure, we agree

with established results in existing timing models, but offer a wealth of new testable insights.

We start with a famous and well-documented timing game that arises in matching contexts.

We create a reduced form model incorporating economic considerations found in Roth and Xing

(1994). All told, fear rises when hiring firms face a thinner market, while greed increases in the

stigma of early matching. Firms place weight on learning about caliber of the applicants. We find

that matching rushes occur inefficiently early provided theearly matching stigma is not too great.

By assuming that stigma reflects recent matching outcomes, our model delivers the matching

unravelling without appeal to a slow tatonnement process (Niederle and Roth, 2004).

Next, consider two common market forces behind the sales rushes ending asset bubbles:

a desire for liquidity fosters fear, while a concern for relative performance engenders greed.

Abreu and Brunnermeier (2003) ignores relative performance, and so finds a pre-emption game

with no rush before the harvest time. In their model, the bubble bursts when rational sales exceed

a threshold; also like them, we find that the bubble burst is larger and later with lower interest

rates. Yet by conventional wisdom, the NASDAQ bubble burst in March 2000 occurred after

fundamentals peaked. Our model speaks to this puzzle, sincea sales rush after the harvest time

happens with strong enough relative compensation.

We conclude by exploring timing insights about bank runs. Inspired by the two period model

of Diamond and Dybvig (1983), in our simple continuous time model, a run occurs when too


many depositors inefficiently withdraw before the harvest time. But since withdrawing later

is never strictly better, payoffs monotonically fall in thequantile. Then by Proposition 1, ei-

ther a slow pre-emption game arises or a rush occurs immediately (alarm or panic). We find a

non-monotonicity: as bank fundamentals worsen, a completepanic occurs, but then with even

worse fundamentals, only a partial rush occurs; however, adding a reserve requirement lessens

its chance.

Literature Review. Maynard Smith (1974) developed the war of attrition to modelanimal

conflicts. Its biggest impact in economics owes to the all-pay auction literature (for instance,

Krishna and Morgan (1997)). The economic study of pre-emption games dates back at least

to Fudenberg, Gilbert, Stiglitz, and Tirole (1983) and Fudenberg and Tirole (1985). Recently,

Brunnermeier and Morgan (2010) and Anderson, Friedman, andOprea (2010) have experimen-

tally tested it. Park and Smith (2008) explored a finite player game with rank-dependent payoffs:

rushes and wars of attrition alternated, but slow pre-emption games were impossible. Ours may

be the first timing game with all three timing game equilibria.

All results not immediately argued are proven in the appendix.

2 Model

A continuum of identical risk neutral players[0, 1] each chooses a mixture over stopping times

τ on [0,∞), whereτ ≤ t with chanceQ(t) onR+. Either choices are made irrevocably at time-0,

or players do not observe each other over time, maybe since the game transpires quickly.

By Lebesgue’s decomposition theorem, thequantile functionQ(t) is the sum of atoms and

absolutely continuous portions. IfQ is absolutely continuous att, then thestopping payoffis

u(t, q). But if t is an atomof Q, so thatp = Q(t) > Q(t−) = q, then stopping att earns∫ p

qu(t, x)dx/(p− q), i.e. the average quantile payoff for the player massp− q stopping at timet.

For fixedq, payoffsu are quasi-concave int, strictly rising fromt = 0 (“ripening”) until

an idealharvest timet∗(q), and then strictly falling (‘rotting”). For fixedt, payoffsu are either

monotone or log-concave inq, with unique interiorpeak quantileq∗(t). We embed strategic inter-

actions by assuming the payoff functionu(t, q) is log-submodular, subsuming the multiplicative

special case.1 Since higherq corresponds to stochastically earlier stopping by the population of

agents, this yields proportional complementarity — the proportional gains to postponing until a

later quantile are larger, or the proportional losses smaller, the earlier is the stopping time. In-

1Almost all of our results only require the weaker complementary condition thatu(t, q) bequasi-submodular, sothatu(tL, qL) ≥ (>)u(tH , qL) impliesu(tL, qH) ≥ (>)u(tH , qH), for all tH ≥ tL andqH ≥ qL.


deed, the harvest timet∗(q) is a decreasing function ofq, while the peak quantile functionq∗(t)

is decreasing int. To ensure players stop in finite time, we assume waiting forever is dominated

by stopping att∗(0):


u(t, q∗(t)) < u(t∗(0), 0). (1)

Formally, letT (p) be inverse to the quantile functionQ(T (p)) = p. Then the payoff toτ = t

equals the Radon Nikodym derivativew(t) = dW/dQ, given the running integral

W (t) =

∫ Q(t)


u(T (p), p)dp

A Nash equilibriumis a cdfQ whose support contains only maximizers of the functionw(t).2

We assume agents can perfectly time their actions. But one might venture that even the best

timing technology admits error. If so, agents may be wary of equilibria in which tiny timing

mistakes incur payoff losses. In Proposition 3, we will see that concern for such timing mistakes

leads tosafe equilibria, namely, equilibria in which the quantile functionQ is an atom at time

t = 0, or a cdf whose support is a non-empty time interval, or the union of both possibilities.

3 The Tradeoff Between Time and Quantile

At any point in its support, a cdfQ is either absolutely continuous or jumps, i.e.Q(t) > Q(t−).

This corresponds to slow entry, that we callgradual play, or arush, where a positive mass stops

at a time-t atom. Since homogeneous players obviously earn the same Nash payoff, sayw,

indifference must prevail whenever play is gradual on an interval:

w(t) = u(t, Q(t)) = w (2)

Sinceu is C2, thestopping rateQ′ exists and isC1 during any gradual play phase; it obeys the

differential equation (2):

uq(t, Q(t))Q′(t) + ut(t, Q(t)) = 0 (3)

Because of (3), wheneverQ is absolutely continuous, it is also differentiable in time. The stop-

ping rate is given by the marginal rate of substitution, i.e.Q′(t) = −ut/uq, and sinceQ′(t) > 0,

the slope signsuq andut must be mismatched throughout any gradual play phase. So twopossible

timing game phases are possible on any interval:

2Absent any strategic or exogenous uncertainty, Nash equilibrium of the silent timing game is solvable in open-loop strategies (Fudenberg and Levine, 1988).


Fear:u(t, 0) ≥∫ 10 u(t, x)dx


0 1


quantile rankq

Neither Fear nor Greed



0 1quantile rankq

Greed:u(t, 1) ≥∫ 10 u(t, x)dx



0 1quantile rankq

Figure 1:Fear and Greed. Payoffs — depicted here for a fixed timet — cannot exhibit greedand fear, with first and last quantile factors above average (u), but might exhibit neither (middle).

• Pre-emption game:a connected interval of gradual play on whichut > 0 > uq, so that the

passage of time is fundamentally beneficial but strategically costly.

• War of Attrition: a connected interval of gradual play on whichut < 0 < uq, so that the

passage of time is fundamentally harmful but strategicallybeneficial.

Parsing equilibrium behavior also requires us to make global comparisons of strategic effects

and time effects. LetV0(t, q) ≡ q−1∫ q

0u(t, x)dx be therunning average payoff function. Let us

write thatfundamental growth dominates strategic quantile effects when:


V0(0, q) ≤ u(t∗(1), 1) (4)

When (4) fails, stopping as an early quantile dominates waiting until the harvest time, if one is

last. There are then two mutually exclusive possibilities:alarm whenV0(0, 1) < u(t∗(1), 1) <

maxq V0(0, q), andpanicwhen the harvest time payoff is even lower:u(t∗(1), 1) ≤ V0(0, 1).

Analysis of rushes instead requires comparisons of averageand extreme quantile payoffs. A

“fear of missing out” is a notion that is backward-looking inquantiles. To capture this idea,

we say that therefear at timet if u(t, 0) ≥∫ 1

0u(t, x)dx. Fear therefore rises in the gains of

pre-empting others. By contrast, greed is forward-lookingin quantiles. Greed rises in the gains

of outlasting others. We analogously say that there isgreed at timet if the last quantile payoff

exceeds the average, namely ifu(t, 1) ≥∫ 1

0u(t, x)dx. Both inequalities are tight if the stopping

payoff u(t, q) is constant inq, and strict fear and greed correspond to strict inequalities (see

Figure 1). Greed and fear att are mutually exclusive, asu is single-peaked inq. Respectively,

these might be thought of as last mover and first mover advantage.




0 ✲tt∗(0)

u(t, q) > u(t∗(0), 0)

u(t, q) < u(t∗(0), 0)

u(t,q)=u(t∗ (0


Figure 2: The Equilibrium for Monotone Increasing Payoffs. We depict the unique equilib-rium whenuq > 0, a War of Attrition defined by the indifference curveu(t, q) = u(t∗(0), 0).

4 Monotone Payoffs in Quantile

We focus first on the standard timing game when payoffs are monotone in the quantile. When

the stopping payoff is increasing inq, rushes are impossible, since stopping immediately after

a rush yields a higher payoff than stopping in the rush. Thus,the only possibility is a War of

Attrition engulfing all quantiles. In fact, gradual play must begin at timet∗(0) > 0. For if gradual

plays start att > t∗(0), then quantile 0 would profitably deviate tot∗(0), whereas if it starts

at t < t∗(0), then the required differential equation (3) is impossible— for ut(t, 0) > 0 and

uq(t, 0) > 0. Since gradual play begins att∗(0), the Nash payoff isu(t∗(0), 0), and soQ(t)


u(t, Q(t)) = u(t∗(0), 0) (5)

Figure 2 illustrates the resulting time-quantile indifference curve defining the War of Attrition.

Similarly, whenuq < 0, any gradual play interval must end att∗(1), implying an equilibrium

valueu(t∗(1), 1). For if gradual play ends att < t∗(1) then quantileq = 1 benefits from deviating

to t∗(1). And if gradual play ends att1 > t∗(1), then we haveut(t, 1) < 0 for all t∗(1) < t < t1,

but sinceuq < 0 this violates the differential equation (3). Thus, during gradual playQ must

satisfy:u(t, Q(t)) = u(t∗(1), 1) (6)

Whenuq < 0, a rush at timet > 0 is impossible, since pre-empting it dominates stopping

in the rush. Sinceu(t∗(1), 1) is the Nash equilibrium payoff, inequality (4) rules out a time

zero rush. Note that in the monotone quantile caseuq < 0 , the left side of (4) reduces to

u(0, 0). Absent a rush, the only possibility in this case is a pre-emption game for all quantiles

satisfying (6), as in the left panel of Figure 3.




0 ✲t0 t∗(1)0

u(t, q) < u(t∗(1), 1)

u(t, q) > u(t∗(1), 1)

u(t,q)=u(t∗ (1),1)




0 ✲t∗(1)0

u(t, q) < u(t∗(1), 1)

u(t, q) > u(t∗(1), 1)

Figure 3:Equilibria with Payoffs Decreasing in Quantiles. In both panels, we assumeuq < 0.The indifference curvesu(t, q) = u are upward at timest < t∗(1). Whenu(0, 0) ≤ u(t∗(1), 1), asin the left panel, the red indifference curveu(t, q) = u(t∗(1), 1) defines the unique equilibrium.In the right panel,u(0, 0) > u(t∗(1), 1), as with alarm and panic. In this case, the indifferencecurveu(t, q) = u(t∗(1), 1) intersects theq-axis atq > 0, implying there cannot be gradual playfor all quantiles. Given alarm, the equilibrium involves a rush of sizeq0 at t = 0, followed by aperiod of inaction along the blue line, and then gradual playalong the red indifference curve.

Panic rules out all but a unit mass rush at time zero, since it impliesV0(0, q) > u(t∗(1), 1)

for all q; any equilibrium with gradual play has Nash payoffu(t∗(1), 1). Given alarm, stopping

immediately for payoffu(0, 0) dominates stopping during gradual play for payoffu(t∗(1), 1),

and thus a rush must occur. But givenV0(0, 1) < u(t∗(1), 1), any such rush must be of size

q0 < 1, and the indifference conditionV0(0, q0) = u(t∗(1), 1) then pins down the rush size. But

V0(0, q0) > u(0, q0) givenuq < 0, so that stopping just after the time zero rush affords a strictly

lower payoff than stopping in the rush. This forces aninaction phase— a time interval[t1, t2],

where0 < Q(t1) = Q(t2) < 1, as seen in the right panel of Figure 3.

Appendix C completes the proof of the following result whenu is strictly monotone inq.

Proposition 1 Assume the stopping payoff is strictly monotone in quantiles. There is a unique

equilibrium. Ifuq > 0, a war of attrition with all quantiles starts att∗(0). Whenuq < 0, either:

(a) with neither alarm nor panic there is a pre-emption game for all quantiles ending att∗(1);

(b) with alarm there is a time-0 rush of sizeq0 obeyingV0(0, q0) = u(t∗(1), 1), followed by an

inaction phase, and then a pre-emption game ending att∗(1);

(c) with panic there is a unit mass rush at timet = 0.


5 Interior Single-Peaked Payoffs in Quantile Lead to Rushes

We have just seen that alarm or panic lead to an initial rush. With an interior peak quantile, two

other types of rushes are possible: Aterminal rushhappens when0 < Q(t−) = q < 1 = Q(t),

so that all quantiles in[q, 1] rush at the same timet, collecting terminal rush payoffV1(q, t) ≡

(1 − q)−1∫ 1

qu(t, x)dx. A unit mass rushoccurs when0 = Q(t−) < 1 = Q(t), so that all

quantiles[0, 1] rush at the same timet. The latter is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium.

Proposition 2 If payoffs are non-monotone in quantile, only three types ofequilibria can occur:

(a) A pre-emption equilibrium: an initial rush followed by an uninterrupted pre-emption phase

ending at harvest timet∗(1) if and only if there is not greed at timet∗(1).

(b) A war of attrition equilibrium: a terminal rush preceded by an uninterrupted war of attrition

phase starting at harvest timet∗(0) if and only if there is not fear at timet∗(0) and no panic.

(c) A unit rush at times in an open interval aroundt∗ absent greed att∗(1) and absent fear at

t∗(0). Unit mass rushes cannot occur at any positive time with strict greed or strict fear.

Notice that if strict fear obtains for all timet, Proposition 2 predicts a pre-emption equilibrium,

while strict greed for allt implies a war of attrition.

There is exactly one rush with an interior peak quantile. Forpurely gradual play requires that

early quantiles (for whichuq > 0) stop later (whenut < 0) and later quantiles (for whichuq < 0)

stop earlier (whenut > 0). On the hand, we cannot have more than one rush, since — as we show

in Lemma D.1 — all rushes must include the quantile peak, for otherwise, either pre-empting or

“post-empting” the rush would yield a higher payoff. Still,Propositions 1 and 2 share common

elements: equilibria include at most one rush and at most onetime interval of gradual play, either

apre-emption phaseending att∗(1) or awar of attrition phaseending att∗(0).

The same payoffu(t∗(1), 1) obtains for any pre-emption equilibrium; likewise, the same

payoffu(t∗(0), 0) obtains for any war of attrition. Nonetheless, there is an amazingly rich array

of equilibria. For example, by varying the timing and size ofthe terminal rush, along with the

length of the inaction phase separating gradual play from the terminal rush, one can generally

construct a continuum of war of attrition equilibria whenever one exists. We explore the interplay

between rush size and timing across gradual play equilibriaof each type in Appendix A.

We introduce a natural refinement for timing games that prunes the equilibrium set. Let

w(t;Q) ≡ u(t, Q(t)) be the payoff to stopping at timet ≥ 0 given cdfQ. Theε-secure payoffat

t is:

wε(t;Q) ≡ infs≥0

{w(s;Q)|t− ε ≤ s ≤ t + ε}


Pre-Emption Equilibrium✻



q∗(tv) ✲tv t0 t∗(1)0

u(t,q)=u(t∗ (1


u(t, q) = V0(t, q)

War of Attrition Equilibrium✻



0 ✲t1 tt∗(0)

u(t,q)=u(t∗ (0


u(t, q) = V1(t, q)

Figure 4:Safe Equilibria with Non-Monotone Payoffs. The left graph depicts the pre-emptionequilibrium without inaction phases in Proposition 3. A partial initial rush q0 at timet0 occurswhere the upward sloping gradual play locus (6) intersects the downward sloping peak rush lo-cus (7). Gradual play in the pre-emption phase then follows the gradual play locus on(t0, t∗(1)).In the safe war of attrition equilibrium, gradual play begins att∗(0), following the upward slopinggradual play locus (5), ending in a terminal rush of quantiles [q1, 1] at timet1 where the loci cross.

This is the minmax payoff in the richer model when individuals have access to two differentε-

accurate timing technologies: One clock never runs late, and one never runs early. An equilibrium

Q is secureif wε(t;Q) = w(t;Q) for all t in the support ofQ, and all small enoughε > 0. These

are the only Nash equilibria that are robust to small timing mistakes.

Proposition 3 (a) An equilibrium is safe if and only if it is secure.(b) There is a unique secure

war of attrition equilibrium if there is no fear at harvest timet∗(0). Given no greed at harvest

timet∗(1), there exists a unique secure equilibrium:(i) with neither alarm nor panic, an initial

rush followed immediately by a pre-emption game;(ii) with alarm, at = 0 rush followed by a

period of inaction and then a pre-emption game; or(iii) with panic, a unit mass rush att = 0.

Here we see that panic and alarm have the same implications asin the monotone decreasing,

uq < 0, case analyzed by Proposition 1. In contrast, when neither panic nor alarm obtains, secure

equilibria must have both a rush and a gradual play phase and no inaction:(i) an initial rush at

0 < t0 < t∗(1), followed by a pre-emption phase on[t0, t∗(1)]; or (ii) a war of attrition phase on

[t∗(0), t1] ending in a terminal rush att1. In each case, the safe equilibrium is fully described by

two key curves (Figure 4) that together constitute the quantile function:

• The gradual play locus, either (5) or (6) by the same logic as in the monotone case, is

upward sloping since, respectively,uq andut have opposite signs in gradual play.


• Thepeak rush locusi = 0, 1 is described byqi(t) ∈ argmaxq Vi(t, q), and so indifference

between payoffs in the rush and in adjacent gradual play (“marginal equals average”):

u(t, qi(t)) = Vi(t, qi(t)) (7)

Each is well defined anddecreasingby log-submodularity ofu(t, q), as Lemma D.4 shows.

6 Stopping Rates in Gradual Play

Having found that play consists of rushes and gradual play, we now characterize behavior during

the latter. First, we can immediately deduce thatstopping rates start at zero in a war of attrition

and end at zero in a pre-emption game.To see why, recall that wars of attrition begin att∗(0)

and pre-emption games end att∗(1), by Proposition 2. Sinceut(t∗(q), q) = 0 defines the harvest

time, the first term of the gradual play equation (3) vanishesat the start of a war of attrition and

end of a pre-emption game. It follows at once thatQ′(t∗(0)) = 0 andQ′(t∗(1)) = 0 in these two

cases, sinceuq 6= 0 at the two quantile extremesq = 0, 1.

Now we characterize whether stopping rates are increasing or decreasing in each phase of

gradual play. Differentiating the differential equation (3) yields:

Q′′ = −1



utt + 2uqtQ′ + uqq(Q


Replacing the marginal rate of substitutionQ′ = −ut/uq implied by (3), we find:

Q′′ =1



2uqtuqut − uttu2q − uqqu




The bracketed expression is positive whenu is log-concave int,3 implying Q′′ ≷ 0 ⇔ uq ≷ 0.

Payoff log-concavity is only used here, but yields a sharp characterization of gradual play:

Proposition 4 (Stopping during Gradual Play) Assume the payoff function is log-concave int.

In any gradual play phase, the stopping rateQ′(t) is strictly increasing in time from zero during

a war of attrition phase, and decreasing down to zero during apre-emption game phase.

This result applies to all equilibria in Propositions 1 and 2— even with inaction phases. We

see that war of attrition equilibria are described by waxingexits, possibly climaxing in a rush,3 Sinceuqut < 0, the log-submodularity inequalityuqtu ≤ uqut can be reformulated as2uqtuqut ≥ 2u2


t/u,or (⋆). But log-concavity int andq implies u2

t ≥ uttu andu2

q ≥ uqqu, and so2u2


t/u ≥ uttu2

q + uqqu2

t .Combining this with(⋆), we find2uqtuqut ≥ uttu


q + uqqu2

t .


Pre-Emption Equilibrium✻




War of Attrition Equilibrium✻



0 ✲✲t

Figure 5:Harvest Time Delay. The gradual play locus shifts down inφ. In a pre-emption game(left): A smaller initial rush occurs later and stopping rates rise during gradual play. In a war ofattrition: A larger terminal rush occurs later, while stopping rates fall during gradual play.

whereas pre-emption equilibria may begin with a rush, but conclude with waning gradual play.

So wars of attrition intensify whereas pre-emption games taper off. Figure 4 reflects these facts,

since the stopping indifference curve is(i) concave after the initial rush during any pre-emption

equilibrium, and(ii) convex prior to the terminal rush during any war of attritionequilibrium.

7 Joint Predictions about Gradual Play and Rushes

We now explore how our equilibria evolve as our two key aspects of the economic environment

change:(a) fundamentals adjust so as to advance or postpone the harvesttime, or(b) the strategic

interaction alters to change quantile rewards, increasingfear or greed.

First consider an acceleration in the rate of change of the stopping payoff in time — essen-

tially, speeding up the passage of time. To this end, let us parameterize the stopping payoff by

φ, so thatu(t, q|φ) is log-supermodular in(t, φ) and log-modular in(q, φ). In this way,φ scales

up the impact of time changes, but leaves unaffected the roleof quantiles. An increase inφ is a

harvest delay, sincet∗(q|φ) increases. This change affects gradual play and rushes.

Proposition 5 (Fundamental Changes) Consider safe equilibria with a harvest delay. Stopping

shifts stochastically later. In a war of attrition, stopping rates fall, and a larger terminal rush

occurs later. In a pre-emption game, stopping rates rise, and a smaller initial rush happens later.

Observe that a harvest time delay postpones all activity, but nevertheless intensifies stopping

rates during a pre-emption game. Also, an inverse relation between stopping rates and rush size


emerges, with higher stopping rates during gradual play associated to smaller rushes.

PROOF: We give the arguments for the safe pre-emption equilibrium, assuming an interior peak

quantile (the safe war of attrition proof is similar). Figure 5 depicts the logic for each case, using

our two key equilibrium curves. The same gradual play conditions apply for the monotoneu

case covered by Proposition 1. Our proof below is complete except for the case of a monotone

quantile function with alarm (completed in the proof of Lemma E.2).

Since the marginal payoffu is log-modular in(t, φ) so is the average. So the maximum

q0(t) ∈ argmaxq V0(t, q|φ) is constant inφ. Rewrite the pre-emption gradual play locus (6) as:

u(t, Q(t)|φ)

u(t, 1|φ)=

u(t∗(1|φ), 1|φ)

u(t, 1|φ)(9)

The LHS of (9) falls inQ sinceuq < 0 during a pre-emption game, and is constant inφ, by

log-modularity ofu in (q, φ). Differentiating the RHS inφ and using the Envelope Theorem:

uφ(t∗(1|φ), 1|φ)

u(t∗(1|φ), 1|φ)−

uφ(t, 1|φ)

u(t, 1|φ)> 0

sinceu is log-supermodular in(t, φ) andt < t∗(1|φ) during a pre-emption game. Since the RHS

of (9) increases inφ and the LHS decreases inQ, the gradual play locusQ(t) obeys∂Q/∂φ < 0.

Next, rewrite the differential equation (3) for the quantile function during gradual play as:

Q′(t) = −ut(t, Q(t)|φ)

u(t, Q(t)|φ)

u(t, Q(t)|φ)

uq(t, Q(t)|φ)(10)

Differentiating inφ, and using log-modularity in(q, φ), yields:


∂φ= −





















> 0

The first term in brackets is negative. Indeed,∂[ut/u]/∂φ > 0 by log-supermodularity in(t, φ),

∂[ut/u]/∂Q < 0 by log-submodularity in(t, q), ∂Q/∂φ < 0 as shown above, anduq < 0 during

a pre-emption game. To see that the second term is also negative, note thatut > 0 during a

pre-emption game,∂[u/uq]/∂Q ≥ 0 by log-concavity ofu(q, t) in q. �

Next consider pure changes in quantile preferences, by smoothly indexing the stopping payoff

byγ ∈ R, so thatu(t, q|γ) is log-supermodular in(q, γ) and log-modular in(t, γ). In other words,

increases inγ inflate the relative return to a quantile delay. Given this log-supermodular structure,

the quantile peakq∗(t|γ) rises inγ. Define the cardinal measures of greed and fear at timet as


Pre-Emption Equilibrium✻




War of Attrition Equilibrium✻



0 ✲✲t

Figure 6: Monotone Quantile Payoff Changes. An increase in greed (or a decrease in fear)shifts the gradual play locus down and the locus equating thepayoff in the rush to the adjacentgradual play payoff up. In the safe pre-emption equilibrium(left): Larger rushes occur later andstopping ratesriseon shorter pre-emption games. In the safe war of attrition equilibrium: Smallerrushes occur later and stopping ratesfall during longer wars of attrition.

the ratiosu(t, 1|γ)/∫ 1

0u(t, x|γ)dx andu(t, 0|γ)/

∫ 1

0u(t, x|γ)dx, respectively. Easily, greed rises

and fear falls inγ: Payoffs shift towards later ranks asγ rises; this relatively diminishes potential

losses of pre-emption, and relatively inflates the potential gains from later ranks.

Proposition 6 (Quantile Changes) In the safe war of attrition equilibrium, as greed increases,

gradual play lengthens, stopping rates fall, the stopping distribution shifts later, and terminal

rush shrinks. In the safe pre-emption equilibrium, as fear rises, stopping rates fall and the stop-

ping distribution shifts earlier; also:(a) without alarm the pre-emption game lengthens and the

initial rush shrinks,(b) with alarm, the pre-emption game shortens and the initial rush grows.

PROOF: Since the stopping payoff is log-modular in(t, γ), the harvest timet∗(0) at which a war

of attrition begins and the harvest timet∗(1) at which a pre-emption game ends are both constant

in γ. As in the Proof of Proposition 5, we focus on the pre-emptioncase and delay the final steps

for a monotone quantile function with alarm to Lemma E.2.

DefineI(q, x) ≡ q−1 for x ≤ q and 0 otherwise, and thusV0(t, q|γ) =∫ 1

0I(q, x)u(t, x|γ)dx.

Easily,I is log-supermodular in(q, x), and so the productI(·)u(·) is log-supermodular in(q, x, γ).

Thus,V0 is log-supermodular in(q, γ) since log-supermodularity is preserved by integration by

Karlin and Rinott (1980). So the peak rush locusq0(t) = argmaxq V0(t, q|γ) rises inγ.

Rewrite the gradual play locus (6) as:

u(t, Q(t)|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)=

u(t∗(1), 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)(11)


0 5 10 15 20












Figure 7:Rush Size and Timing. Centered at rush times, circles are proportional to rush sizes.As fear lessens (upward), the unique safe pre-emption equilibrium involves a larger initial rush,closer to the harvest time (t∗ = 10), followed by a shorter pre-emption phase. As greed rises(upward), the unique safe war of attrition equilibrium involves a longer war of attrition, followedby a smaller terminal rush.

The RHS is constant inγ sinceu(t, q|γ) log-modular in(t, γ), andt∗ is constant inγ. Meanwhile

the LHS falls inγ sinceu is log-supermodular in(q, γ), and falls inQ sinceuq < 0 during a

pre-emption game. Altogether, the gradual play locus satisfies∂Q/∂γ < 0.

Differentiate an analogous differential equation for gradual play (10), substitutingγ for φ:


∂γ= −


















> 0

by log-modularity in(t, γ). The first term in brackets is negative, since∂[ut/u]/∂Q < 0 by

log-submodularity in(t, q), ∂Q/∂γ < 0 as shown above, anduq < 0 in a pre-emption game. The

second term is also negative:∂[u/uq]/∂γ < 0 by log-supermodularity in(q, γ), ∂[u/uq]/∂Q > 0

by log-concavity inq, ∂Q/∂γ < 0, andut > 0 in a pre-emption game.

All told, an increase inγ: (i) has no effect on the harvest time;(ii) shifts the gradual play

locus (6) down and makes it steeper; and(iii) shifts the peak rush locus (7) up (see Figure 6).

Finally, Appendix E establishes that the the peak rush locusdetermines changes in rush size.�

Now consider a more general monotone shift. Specifically, assumeu(t, q|ϕ) log-supermodular

in (t, ϕ) and(q, ϕ). Then, an increase inϕ is aco-monotone delay, since the harvest timet∗ and

the peak quantileq∗ both increase inϕ. Intuitively, an increase inϕ intensifies the game, by


proportionally increasing the payoffs in time and quantilespace. The insights from Proposition 5

and 6 carry over to this more general change.

Corollary 1 Consider safe equilibria with a monotone delay. Stopping shifts stochastically later.

Stopping rates fall in a war of attrition and rise in a pre-emption game. Given alarm, the time

zero initial rush shrinks.

8 Economic Applications Distilled from the Literature

We conclude by showing how our theory speaks to some famous and well-studied timing games.

Our aim is to highlight how these diverse applications fit ourcommon structure, abstracting from

details that are surely important features of each example.

8.1 The Rush to Match

We now consider assignment rushes. As with the entry-level gastroenterology labor market in

Niederle and Roth (2004) [NR2004], we assume that early matching costs include the “loss of

planning flexibility”, whereas the penalty for late matching owes to market thinness. For a cost

of early matching, we simply follow Avery, et al. (2001) who allude to the condemnation of early

match agreements. So we posit a negative stigma to early matching relative to peers.

For a model of this, assume an equal mass of two worker varieties, A and B, each with a

continuum of uniformly distributed abilitiesα ∈ [0, 1]. Firms have an equal chance of needing a

type A or B. For simplicity, we assume the payoff of hiring thewrong type is zero, and that each

firm learns its need at fixed exponential arrival rateδ > 0. Thus, the chance that a firm chooses

the right type if it waits until timet to hire ise−δt/2 +∫ t

0δe−δsds = 1 − e−δt/2.4 Assume that

an abilityα worker of the right type yields flow payoffα, discounted at rater. Thus, the present

value of hiring the right type of abilityα worker at timet is (α/r)e−rt.

Consider the quantile effect. Assume an initial ratio2θ ∈ (0, 2) of firms to workers (market

tightness). If a firm chooses before knowing its type, it naturally selects each type with equal

chance; thus, the best remaining worker after quantileq of firms has already chosen is1−θq. We

also assume astigmaσ(q), with payoffs from early matching multiplicatively scaledby 1−σ(q),

where1>σ(0)≥σ(1)=0, andσ′ < 0. All told, the payoff is multiplicative in time and quantile


u(t, q) ≡ r−1(1− σ(q))(1− θq)(

1− e−δt/2)

e−rt (12)

4We assume firms unilaterally choose the start datet. One can model worker preferences over start dates bysimply assuming the actual start dateT is stochastic with a distributionF (T |t).


This payoff is log-concave int, and initially increasing provided the learning effect is strong

enough (δ > r). This stopping payoff is concave in quantileq if σ is convex.

This matching payoff (12) is multiplicative in time and quantile, and therefore always exhibits

greed, or fear, or neither. Specifically, there is fear whenever∫ 1

0(1−σ(x))(1−θx)dx ≤ 1−σ(0),

i.e. when the stigmaσ of early matching is low relative to the firm demand (tightness) θ. In this

case, Proposition 2 predicts a pre-emption equilibrium, with an initial rush followed by a gradual

play phase, and Proposition 4 asserts a waning matching rate, since payoffs are log-concave

in time. Likewise, there is greed whenever∫ 1

0(1 − σ(x))(1 − θx)dx ≤ 1 − θ. This holds

when the stigmaσ of early matching is high relative to the firm demandθ. Here, Proposition 2

predicts a war of attrition equilibrium, namely, gradual play culminating in a terminal rush, and

Proposition 4 asserts that matching rates start low and risetowards that rush. When neither

inequality holds, neither fear nor greed obtains, and so both types of gradual play as well as unit

mass rushes are equilibria, by Proposition 4.

For an application, NR2004 chronicle the gastroenterologymarket. The offer distribution

in their reported years (see their Figure 1) is roughly consistent with the pattern we predict for

a pre-emption equilibrium as in the left panel of our Figure 4— i.e., a rush and then gradual

play. NR2004 highlight how the offer distribution advancesin time (“unravelling”) between

2003 and 2005, and propose that an increase in the relative demand for fellows precipitated this

shift. Proposition 6 replicates this offer distribution shift. Specifically, assume the market exhibits

fear, owing to early matching stigma. Since the match payoff(12) is log-submodular in(q, θ),

fear rises in market tightnessθ. So the rush for workers occurs earlier by Proposition 6, andis

followed by a longer gradual play phase (left panel of Figure6). This predicted shift is consistent

with the observed change in match timing reported in Figure 1of NR04.5

Next consider comparative statics in the interest rater. Since the matching payoff is log-

submodular in(t, r), lower interest rates entail a harvest time delay; therefore, the matching

distribution shifts later by Proposition 5. In the case of a pre-emption equilibrium, smaller initial

rushes occur later and matching is more intense asr falls, whereas for a war of attrition equilib-

rium, larger terminal rushes occur later, and stopping rates fall. Observe that in neither case is

it true that more patience leads to less frantic matching. For in a pre-emption game, the gradual

play is more frenzied, while in the war of attrition game, therushes are larger. By contrast, in a

sorority rush environment (Mongell and Roth, 1991), the extreme urgency corresponds to a high

5One can reconcile a tatonnement process playing out over several years, by assuming that early matching in thecurrent year leads to lower stigma in the next year. Specifically, if the ratio (1−σ(x))/(1−σ(y)) for x < y, falls inresponse to earlier matching in the previous year, then a natural feedback mechanism emerges. The initial increasein θ stochastically advances match timing, further increasingfear; the rush to match occurs earlier in each year.


interest rate. Given a low stigma of early matching and a tight market (for the best sororities), this

matching market exhibits fear and not greed; therefore, we have a pre-emption game, for which

we predict a large and early initial rush, followed by a casual gradual play as stragglers match.

8.2 The Rush to Sell in a Bubble

We wish to parallel Abreu and Brunnermeier (2003) [AB2003],only dispensing with asymmetric

information. A continuum of investors each owns a unit of theasset and chooses the timet to

sell. LetQ(t) be the fraction of investors that have sold by timet. There is common knowledge

among these investors that the asset price is a bubble. As long as the bubble persists, the asset

pricep(t|ξ) rises deterministically and smoothly in timet, but once the bubble bursts, the price

drops to the fundamental value, which we normalize to 0.

The bubble explodes onceQ(t) exceeds a thresholdκ(t + t0), wheret0 is a random variable

with log-concave cdfF common across investors: Investors know the length of the “fuse”κ, but

do not know how long the fuse had been lit before they became aware of the bubble at time 0.

We assume thatκ is log-concave, withκ′(t + t0) < 0 andlimt→∞ κ(t) = 0.6 In other words, the

burst chance is the probability1− F (τ(q, t)) thatκ(t + t0) ≤ q, whereτ(q, t) uniquely satisfies

κ(t+ τ(q, t)) ≡ q. The expected stopping price,F (τ(q, t))p(t|ξ), is decreasing inq.7

Unlike AB, we allow for an interior peak quantile by admitting relative performance concerns.

Indeed, most market activity on the NYSE owes to institutional investors acting on behalf of

others, who are often paid for their performance relative totheir peers. This imposes an extra

cost to leaving a growing bubble early relative to other investors. For a simple model of this peer

effect, scale stopping payoffs by1 + ρq, whereρ ≥ 0 measuresrelative performance concern.8

All told, the payoff from stopping at timet as quantileq is:

u(t, q) ≡ (1 + ρq)F (τ(q, t))p(t|ξ) (13)

In Appendix F, we argue that this payoff is log-submodular in(t, q), and log-concave int

andq. With ρ = 0, the stopping payoff (13) is then monotonically decreasingin the quantile,

and Proposition 1 predicts either a pre-emption game for allquantiles, or a pre-emption game

6By contrast, AB assume a constant functionκ, but that the bubble eventually bursts exogenously even with noinvestor sales. Moreover, absent AB’s asymmetric information of t0, if the thresholdκ were constant in time, playerscould perfectly infer the burst timeQ(tκ) = κ, and so strictly gain by stopping beforetκ.

7A rising price is tempered by the bursting chance in financialbubble models (Brunnermeier and Nagel, 2004).8When a fund does well relative to its peers, it often experiences cash inflows (Berk and Green, 2004). In partic-

ular, Brunnermeier and Nagel (2004) document that during the tech bubble of 1998-2000, funds that rode the bubblelonger experienced higher net inflow and earned higher profits than funds that sold significantly earlier.


preceded by a timet = 0 rush, or a unit mass rush att = 0. But with a relatively strong concern

for performance, the stopping payoff initially rises in thequantile, and thus the peak quantileq∗ is

interior. In this case, there is fear at timet∗(0) for ρ > 0 small enough, and thus an initial rush fol-

lowed by a pre-emption game with waning stopping rates, by Propositions 2 and 4. On the other

hand, for high enoughρ, the stopping payoff exhibits greed at timet∗(1), and we therefore predict

an intensifying war of attrition, climaxing in a late rush, as seen in Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu

(2011). Finally, intermediate ranges of relative performance concern allow for two safe equilib-

ria: either a war of attrition or a pre-emption game.

Turning to our comparative statics predictions in the fundamentals, recall that as long as the

bubble survives, the price isp(t|ξ). Since it is log-supermodular in(t, ξ), if ξ rises, then so does

the ratept/p at which the bubble grows, and thus there is a harvest time delay. This stochastically

postpones sales, by Proposition 5, and so not only does the bubble inflate faster, but it also lasts

longer, since the selling pressure diminishes. Both findings are consistent with the comparative

static derived in AB2003 that lower interest rates lead to stochastically later sales and a higher

undiscounted bubble price. To see this, simply write our present value price asp(t|ξ) = eξtp(t),

i.e. letξ = −r and letp be their undiscounted price. Then the discounted price is log-submodular

in (t, r) and so sales delay with a lower interest rate, leading to a higher undiscounted price.

For a similar quantile comparative static, AB2003 assume the bubble deterministically grows

until the rational trader sales exceed a fixed thresholdκ > 0. In their comparative static, they

show that ifκ increases, then bubbles last stochastically longer, and the price crashes are larger.

Consider this exercise in our model. Assume any two quantiles q2 > q1. We found in§8.2 that

the bubble survival chanceF (τ(q, t)) is log-submodular in(q, t), so thatF (τ(q2, t))/F (τ(q1, t))

falls in t. Since the thresholdκ(t) is a falling function of time, lowert is equivalent to an upward

shift in theκ function. Altogether, an upward shift in ourκ function increases the bubble survival

odds ratioF (τ(q2, t))/F (τ(q1, t)). In other words, the stopping payoff (13) is log-supermodular

in q andκ. Proposition 6 then asserts that sales stochastically delay whenκ rises. So the bubble

bursts stochastically later, and the price drop is stochastically larger, as in AB2003.9

Shleifer and Vishny (1997) also allow for relative performance concerns. Specifically, in their

model arbitrageurs rely on investors for funds, and the terms of trade depend on recent arbitrageur

performance; positive early performance increases later profitability. In their basic model, the

more sensitive are investors to recent arbitrageur performance, the more asset prices diverge

9Shleifer and Vishny (1997) find a qualitatively similar result in a model with noise traders, arbitrageurs, andinvestors. Their prices diverge from true values, and this divergence increases in the noise trader preference shocks.Such shocks act like increasedκ in our model, as prices grow less responsive to rational trades, and in both cases,we predict a larger gap between price and fundamentals.


from true values. This parallels the comparative statics for relative performance concernsρ in

our model. Since our payoff (13) is log-supermodular inq and relative performance concernsρ,

thus increases inρ have the same qualitative effects as increases inκ: bubbles last stochastically

longer and thus prices rise stochastically higher prior to the bubble bursting.

8.3 Bank Runs

Bank runs are among the most fabled of rushes in economics. Inthe benchmark model of

Diamond and Dybvig (1983) [DD], these arise because banks make illiquid loans or investments,

but simultaneously offer liquid demandable deposits to individual savers. So if they try to with-

draw their funds at once, a bank might be unable to honor all demands. In their elegant model,

savers deposit money into a bank in period 0. Some consumers are unexpectedly struck by

liquidity needs in period 1, and withdraw their money plus anendogenous positive return. In

an efficient Nash equilibrium, all other depositors leave their money untouched until period 2,

whereupon the bank finally realizes a fixed positive net return. But an inefficient equilibrium also

exists, in which all depositors withdraw in period 1 in a bankrun that over-exhausts the bank

savings, since the bank is forced to liquidate loans, and forego the positive return.10

We adapt the withdrawal timing game, abstracting from optimal deposit contract design.11

Given our homogeneous agent model, we ignore private liquidity shocks. A unit continuum of

players[0, 1] have deposited their money in a bank. The bank divides deposits between a safe and

a risky asset, subject to the constraint that at least fractionR be held in the safe asset as reserves.

The safe asset has log-concave discounted expected valuep(t), satisfyingp(0) = 1, p′(0) > 0 and

limt→∞ p(t) = 0. The present value of the risky asset isp(t)(1−ζ), where the proportional shock

ζ ≤ 1 has twice differentiable cdfH(ζ |t) that is log-concave inζ andt and log-supermodular in

(ζ, t). To balance the risk, we assume this shock has positive expected value:E[−ζ ] > 0.

As long as the bank is solvent, depositors can withdrawαp(t), where thepayout rateα < 1,

i.e. the bank makes profit(1 − α)p(t) on safe reserves. Since the expected return on the risky

asset exceeds the safe return, the profit maximizing bank will hold the minimum fractionR in the

safe asset, while fraction1−R will be invested in the risky project. Altogether, the bank will pay

depositors as long as total withdrawalsαqp(t) fall short of total bank assetsp(t)(1− ζ(1− R)),

i.e. as long asζ ≤ (1 − αq)/(1 − R). The stopping payoff to withdrawal at timet as quantileq


u(t, q) = H ((1− αq)/(1− R)|t)αp(t) (14)

10As DD admit, with a deposit choice in the first period, if depositors rationally anticipate a run, they avoid it.11Thadden (1998) has shown that the ex ante efficient contract is not possible in a continuous time version of DD.


Clearly u is decreasing inq and log-concave int, and log-submodular in(t, q), sinceH(ζ |t)

log-supermodular in(ζ, t).

Since the stopping payoff (14) is weakly falling inq, bank runs occur immediately or not

at all, by Proposition 1, in the spirit of Diamond and Dybvig (1983) [DD]. But unlike in DD,

Proposition 1 predicts a unique equilibrium that may or may not entail a bank run. Specifically, a

bank run is avoidediff fundamentalsp(t∗(1)) are strong enough, since (4) is equivalent to:

u(t∗(1), 1) = H((1− α)/(1−R)|t∗(1))p(t∗(1)) ≥ u(0, 0) = H(1/(1− R)|0) = 1 (15)

Notice how bank runs do not occur with a sufficiently high reserve ratio or low payout rate.

When (15) is violated, the size of the rush depends on the harvest time payoffu(t∗(1), 1). When

the harvest time payoff is low enough, panic obtains and all depositors run. For intermediate

harvest time payoffs, there is alarm. In this case, Proposition 1(b) fixes the sizeq0 of the initial run



∫ q0


H((1− αx)/(1−R)|0)dx = H((1− α)/(1− R)|t∗(1))p(t∗(1)) (16)

Since the left hand side of (16) falls inq0, the run shrinks in the peak asset valuep(t∗(1)) or in

the hazard rateH ′/H of risky returns.

There is a log-submodular payoff interaction between the payoutα and both time and quan-

tiles, as Appendix F proves. Hence, Corollary 1 predicts three consequences of a higher payout

rate: withdrawals shift stochastically earlier, the bank run grows (with alarm), and withdrawal

rates fall during any pre-emption phase. Next consider changes in the reserve ratio. The stopping

payoff is log-supermodular in(t, R), sinceH(ζ |t) log-supermodular, and log-supermodular in

(q, R) provided the elasticityζH ′(ζ |t)/H(ζ |t) is weakly falling inζ (proven in Appendix F).

Corollary 1 then predicts that a reserve ratio increase shifts the distribution of withdrawals later,

shrinks the bank run, and increases the withdrawal rate during any pre-emption phase.12

A Equilibria with Inaction Phases

Given an interior peak quantile, Propositions 5 and 6 yield covariate predictions across safe equi-

libria. We now consider covariate predictions across all equilibria with gradual play.

12An increase in the reserve ratio increases the probability of being paid at the harvest time, but it also increasesthe probability of being paid in any early run. Log-concavity of H is necessary, but not sufficient, for the formereffect to dominate: This requires our stronger monotone elasticity condition.


Inaction Equilibria with Pre-Emption Games



gradual playlocus❍❍❨

initialrush locus

✲ inaction

Inaction Equilibria with Wars of Attrition



gradual playlocus❍❍❥ terminal

rush locus✛


Figure 8:Inaction Equilibria. The left graph illustrates all equilibria with pre-emptiongames:an initial rush occurs on the initial rush locus, followed byno stopping during an inaction phase;then a pre-emption game follows the gradual play locus. The right graph illustrates all equilibriawith wars of attrition: beginning att∗(0) gradual play follows the indicated gradual play locus;then allow no stopping during an inaction phase that ends in aterminal rush with the rush timeand lowest quantile included in the rush given by the terminal rush locus. In each case the dottedline equates the rush payoff with the adjacent gradual play payoff.

Proposition 7 (Changing Inaction Phases) Assume the inaction phase lengthens. In equilibria

with pre-emption games, the quantile function during gradual play is identical, and larger rushes

occur later and the gradual play shrinks. In equilibria witha war of attrition, the stopping cdf

during gradual play is identical, and larger rushes occur earlier and the gradual play shrinks.

Behavior is consistent across all early (or late) equilibria with phases of inaction: Inaction phases

inflate rush size and shorten the gradual play phase. Figure 8illustrates the set of equilibria. These

covariate predictions of rush size, timing, and gradual play length coincide with Proposition 6.

PROOF STEP 1: RUSH LOCI. By Proposition 2, gradual play ends att∗(1) following an initial

rush, while any terminal rush must be preceded by gradual play beginning att∗(0). Equality

between the rush and gradual play payoff fixes the set of allowable rush times and rush sizes:

Initial Rushes: V0(t, q) = u(t∗(1), 1) and Terminal Rushes:V1(t, q) = u(t∗(0), 0) (17)

PROOF STEP 2: RUSH SIZE/TIME COVARIANCE. Differentiating the initial rush locus (17):

q−1 [u(t, q)− V0(t, q)] dq + q−1

[∫ q


ut(t, x)dx


dt = 0 (18)


Pre-Emption Equilibrium✻






War of Attrition Equilibrium✻



0 ✲✲t



Figure 9: Geometric Payoff Transformations. Assume a payoff transformationu(t, q)β. The(thick) gradual play locus is constant inβ, while the (thin) peak rush locus shifts down inβ for apre-emption equilibrium (left graph) and up inβ for a war of attrition equilibrium.

Since gradual play must end att∗(1), the initial rush must take place beforet∗(1). Givent∗ non

increasing, we must haveut(t, x) > 0 for all x in any initial rush, implying∫ q

0ut(t, x)dx > 0

andu(t, q) rising during the inaction phase. Givenu(t, q) rising during an inaction phase, we

must haveV0(t, q) > u(t, q) for any initial rush followed by inaction, else stopping during the

inaction phase would yield a strictly higher payoff then stopping in the rush.Altogether, for any

initial rush followed by an inaction phase we may rearrange (18) to discover:

dq/dt =

∫ q

0ut(t, x)dx

V0(t, q)− u(t, q)> 0

Similar reasoning establishes that the terminal rush locusis increasing. �

B Geometric Payoff Transformations

We have formulated greed and fear as descriptions of the strategic environment, in terms of

quantile preference. An alternative heuristic use of greedand fear imagines them instead as

descriptions of individual risk preference. For example, as a convex or concave transformations

of the stopping payoff. Given a deterministic stopping payoff, such transformations correspond

to increases or decreases in risk aversion. But, as we have seen, some applications demand a

stopping payoff that is itself an expected payoff. As shown in Klibanoff, Marinacci, and Mukerji

(2005) concave transformations of expected payoffs correspond to ambiguity aversion.

Proposition 8 Assume a geometric transformation of payoffsu(t, q)β, whereβ > 0. Assumeβ


rises. Then rushes shrink, advancing in time in a pre-emption equilibrium, and delaying in a war

of attrition equilibrium. The quantile function is unchanged during gradual play.

A comparison to Proposition 6 is instructive. One might think that greater risk (ambiguity)

aversion corresponds to more fear. We see instead that concave geometric transformations act like

decreases in fear for pre-emption equilibria, and decreases in greed for war of attrition equilibria.

Our notions of greed and fear are therefore observationallydistinct from risk preference.

PROOF: Consider the transformationv(t, q) ≡ f(u(t, q)) with f ′ > 0. Thenvt = f ′ut and

vq = f ′uq andvtq = f ′′utuq + f ′utq, and thusvtvq − vvtq = [(f ′)2 − ff ′′]utuq − ff ′utq yields

vtvq − vvtq = [(f ′)2 − ff ′′ − ff ′/u]utuq − ff ′[utq − utuq/u] (19)

The termutuq changes sign. But if(f ′)2− ff ′′ − ff ′/u = 0, which requires our geometric form

f(u) = cuβ, then (19) is surely nonnegative ifutuq ≥ uutq, whenc, β > 0. So the proposed

transformation preserves log-submodularity. Log-concavity is proven similarly.

To see how the peak rush locus behaves, we focus on a pre-emption equilibrium. Clearly,

f ′ > 0 ensures an unchanged gradual play locus (6). Now consider the peak rush locus (7).

Given any convex transformationf , Jensen’s inequality implies:

f(u(t, q0)) = f(V0(q0, t)) ≡ f



∫ q0


u(t, x)dx


≤ q−10

∫ q0


f(u(t, x))dx

So to restore equality, the peak rush locusq0(t) must decrease. Now consider two geometric

transformations withβH > βL, i.e.uβH = (uβL)βH/βL . �

C Monotone Stopping Payoff: Final Steps for Proposition 1

FINAL STEPS FORuq > 0. The text established that equilibrium must involve gradual play for all

quantiles beginning att∗(0), satisfying (5). We claim that this uniquely pins downQ(t). Indeed,

ut(t, q) < 0 for all t ≥ t∗(0), while limt→∞ u(t, q) < u(t∗(0), 0) < u(t∗(0), q) for all q > 0 by

uq > 0 and (1). Thus, by continuity there is a unique and finitet(q) > t∗(0) satisfying (5) for all

q ∈ (0, 1]. Sinceuq > 0, ut(t(q), q) < 0, andu is c2, t′(q) > 0 by the Implicit Function Theorem.

But thent(q) is invertible with an increasing inverse,Q(t), the unique gradual play cdf. To see

that thisQ(t) is an equilibrium, observe that no agent can gain by pre-empting gradual play, since

t∗(0) maximizesu(t, 0). Further, sincet∗ is decreasing, we haveut(t, 1) < 0 for all t ≥ t∗(0),

thus no agent can gain by delaying until after the war of attrition ends. �


UNIQUE RUSH SIZE WITH ALARM . The initial rushq0 must satisfy indifference between the

rush payoff and gradual play payoff:V0(0, q0) = u(t∗(1), 1). SinceV0(0, q) is continuous and

strictly decreasing inq with endpointsV0(0, 1) < u(t∗(1), 1) and limq→0 V0(0, q) = u(0, 0) >

u(t∗(1), 1), a uniqueq0 ∈ (0, 1) exists. �

UNIQUE GRADUAL PLAY SOLUTION FOR uq < 0. Let q0 be the unique rush given alarm or

instead setq0 = 0 with no alarm or panic. In either case, there exists a uniquet(q) < t∗(1)

satisfying (6) for allq ∈ (q0, 1). Indeed,u is continuous,ut > 0 for all t < t∗(1) (sincet∗

is non increasing), with endpointsu(t∗(1), q) > u(t∗(1), 1) for all q < 1 (by uq < 0) and

u(0, q) < u(t∗(1), 1), where this last inequality follows fromu(0, q) < V0(0, q0) = u(t∗(1), 1)

(given alarm) andu(0, q) < u(0, 0) ≤ u(t∗(1), 1) (with no alarm or panic). Sinceuq < 0,

ut(t(q), q) > 0, andu is c2, t′(q) > 0 by the Implicit Function Theorem. But thent(q) is

invertible with an increasing inverse,Q(t), the unique gradual play cdf. �

D Interior Peak Quantile: Proofs of Propositions 2 and 3

Lemmas D.1–D.5 yield Proposition 2, while Lemmas D.1, D.3, and D.4 complete Proposition 3.

Lemma D.1 When payoffs are non-monotone in quantile, equilibrium involves: an initial rush

and then an uninterrupted pre-emption phase ending att∗(1), a terminal rush preceded by an

uninterrupted war of attrition phase starting att∗(0), or a unit mass rush.

STEP 1: RUSH NECESSITY. Assume gradual play for allQ, starting att0. Sinceq∗(t0) > 0,

we haveuq(t0, 0) > 0 ⇒ ut(t0, 0) < 0 (by (3)), i.e.t0 > t∗(0). But then byt∗ non increasing,

ut(t, Q(t)) < 0 on the support ofQ, and by (3)uq(t, Q(t)) > 0, i.e.Q(t) < q∗(t) for all t. Since

q∗ non increasing, we haveQ(t) < q∗(t) ≤ q∗(1) < 1 for all t ∈ supp(Q), which is impossible.

STEP 2: AT MOST ONE RUSH. Assume rushes att1 andt2 > t1. Sinceu strictly falls after the

quantile peak, we must haveQ(t2−) < q∗(t2) else players can strictly gain from preempting the

rush. Likewise, to avoid a strict gain from post-empting therush att1 we needQ(t1) > q∗(t1).

Altogether,q∗(t1) < Q(t1) ≤ Q(t2−) < q∗(t2), which violatesq∗ weakly decreasing.


play ends att 6= t∗(1). If t < t∗(1) then quantile 1 benefits from deviating tot∗(1). If instead,

t > t∗(1), then we haveut(t, 1) < 0 ⇒ uq(t, 1) > 0, which violatesq∗ < 1.


assume gradual play begins att 6= t∗(0). If t > t∗(0) then quantile 0 profits by deviating tot∗(0).

If instead,t < t∗(0), thenut(t, 0) > 0 ⇒ uq(t, 0) < 0, violatingq∗ > 0.


Pre-Emption No Inaction

tR t

Pre-Emption with Inaction

tR t

Unit Mass Rush

tR t

Figure 10:Equilibrium Payoffs. We graph equilibrium payoffs as a function of stopping time.On the left is the unique safe pre-emption equilibrium with aflat payoff on an interval. In themiddle, a pre-emption equilibrium with inaction. On the right a unit rush equilibrium.

STEP 5: NO INTERIOR QUANTILE RUSH. Assume a rush att > 0, i.e.0 < Q(t−) < Q(t) < 1.

By Step 2, all other quantiles must stop in gradual play. Thenby Steps 3 and 4 we must have

Q(t∗(0)) = 0 andQ(t∗(1)) = 1, but this violatesQ weakly increasing andt∗ weakly decreasing.

STEP 6: ONLY ONE GRADUAL PLAY PHASE. Assume gradual play on[t1, t2] < [t3, t4], sat-

isfying Q(t3) = Q(t4) (WLOG by Step 5). By steps 1, 2, and 5, stopping must begin or end

in a rush. If stopping ends in a rush, then by Step 4,t1 ≥ t∗(0), and sincet∗ is non-increasing,

ut(t, Q(t)) < 0 for all t > t1. But thenu(t2, Q(t2)) > u(t3, Q(t3)), contradicting optimal stop-

ping att2 andt3. If instead, stopping begins in a rush, then by step 3,t4 ≤ t∗(1), and sincet∗ is

non-increasing, we must haveut(t, Q(t)) > 0 for all t < t4. But thenu(t2, Q(t2)) < u(t3, Q(t3)),

again contradicting stopping att2 andt3. �

Lemma D.2 Greed att∗(1) rules out pre-emption, while fear att∗(0) rules out wars of attrition.

By Lemma D.1 any pre-emption phase must end att∗(1), implying Nash payoffw = u(t∗(1), 1).

Also, sincet∗ is non-increasing,ut(t, q) > 0 for all (t, q) < (t∗(1), 1); and thus,w is strictly be-

low the average payoff att∗(1) :∫ 1

0u(t∗(1), x)dx. Altogether,w = u(t∗(1), 1) <

∫ 1

0u(t∗(1), x)dx,

which contradicts greed att∗(1). By similar logic, fear att∗(0) is inconsistent with the Nash pay-

off u(t∗(0), 0) in any war of attrition starting. �

Lemma D.3 An equilibriumQ is secure iff its support is a non-empty interval or the unionof a

t = 0 rush and a non-etmpty interval, and thus an equilibrium is safe if and only if it is secure.13

STEP 1: SAFE EQUILIBRIA . Trivially, any rush att = 0 is secure. Now, assume an interval

[ta, tb] of gradual play with constant stopping payoffπ. So for anyε′ < (tb − ta)/2 and any

13More strongly, equilibria with inaction phases or unit atoms violate an even weaker refinement. Let us call anequilibriumε-secure if|w(t;Q) − wε(t;Q)| = O(ε). Then we find that(a) unit mass rushes are generically notε-secure, and(b) there is at most oneε-secure pre-emption (or war of attrition) equilibrium withan inaction phase.


t ∈ [ta, tb], one of the two intervals[t, t + ε′) or (t − ε′, t] will be contained in[ta, tb] and thus

obtain payoffπ. Clearly security is maintained by adding a rush with payoffπ at ta or tb.

STEP 2: UNIT RUSHES AND INACTION EQUILIBRIA . Assume an equilibrium with initial rush

of sizeq ∈ (0, 1] at timet ∈ (0, t∗(1)]. Since this is an equilibrium,V0(t, q) ≥ u(t, 0). Altogether,

infs∈(t−ε,t] w(s;Q) = infs∈(t−ε,t] u(s, 0) < V0(t, q) = w(t;Q) for all ε ∈ (0, t), where the strict

inequality follows fromut(t, q) > 0 for all t < t ≤ t∗(1) ≤ t∗(q).

Now consider an interval following the rush[t, t+ ε). If, q < 1, gradual play follows the rush

after delay∆ > 0, andV0(t, q) = u(t+∆, q). But, sincet+∆ < t∗(1) we haveut(t, q) > 0 dur-

ing the delay, andw(t;Q) = u(t, q) < V0(t, q) for all t ∈ (t, t+∆). Thus,infs∈[t,t+ε)w(s;Q) <

w(t;Q) for all ε ∈ (0,∆). Now assumeq = 1 and consider the two casest < t∗(1) andt = t∗(1).

If t < t∗(1), thenV0(t, 1) > u(t, 1), else stopping att∗(1) is strictly optimal. But then by conti-

nuity, there existsδ > 0 such thatw(t;Q) = V0(t, 1) > u(t, 1) = w(t;Q) for all t ∈ (t, t + δ).

If t = t∗, equilibrium requires the weaker conditionV0(t∗(1), 1) ≥ u(t∗(1), 1), but then we have

ut(t, 1) < 0 for all t > t; and so,w(t;Q) = V0(t, 1) > u(t, 1) = w(t;Q) for all t > t.

We have established the result for any equilibrium withQ(t∗(1)) = 1. The analysis for an

equilibrium transpiring aftert∗(1) is similar. �

Lemma D.4 A pre-emption (war of attrition) equilibrium exists given no greed att∗(1) (no fear

at t∗(0)). A unique secure equilibrium exists given greed att∗(1), while a unique secure war of

attrition exists given no fear at harvest timet∗(0).

STEP 0: FEAR AND GREED OBEY SINGLE CROSSING. Sinceu(t, y)/u(t, x) is non-increasing

in t for all y ≥ x, fear and greed obey single crossing. Specifically, fear at time tL implies fear

obtains at all later timest ≥ tL, while greed at timetH implies greed at allt ≤ tH .

STEP 1: THE PEAK RUSH LOCUS (7). The marginal and average coincide at a local max (min)

of the average when the marginal is decreasing (increasing), since:

∂V0(t, q)


u(t, q)− V0(t, q)

q⇒ q

∂2V0(t, q)

∂q2= uq(t, q)− 2

∂V0(t, q)


Sinceu is log-concave withq∗(t) ∈ (0, 1), uq(t, 0) > 0, and the average is initially rising:


∂V0(t, q)

∂q= lim


u(t, q)− V0(t, q)

q= lim



uq(t, q)−∂V0(t, q)



⇒ 2 limq→0

∂V0(t, q)

∂q= uq(t, 0)

which we have evaluated using L’Hopital, sincelimq→0 V0(t, q) = u(t, 0) > 0.


Now, let q0(t) > 0 be the smallest solution to (7). Since the average is initially rising,

u(t, q) > V0(t, q) for q sufficiently small andq0 must be a local max ofV0 with uq(t, q0) < 0

(by (20)), implyingq0(t) > q∗(t). Givenu is log-concave,uq(t, q) < 0 for all q ≥ q0(t) > q∗(t);

and so by (20), noq ≥ q0 can be a local min forV0. Further, by continuity, a solutionq0(t) < 1

exists by the Intermediate Value Theorem,iff u(t, 1) < V0(t, 1) (i.e. no greed att), and is

continuous by the Implicit Function Theorem. Altogether, asolution: Existsiff no greed att, is

unique and continuous when it exists, exceedsq∗(t), and is necessarily a global max forV0.

To see thatq0 is non-increasing, defineI(q, x) ≡ q−1 for x ≤ q and 0 otherwise, andℓ ≡

t∗(1)− t, and thusV0(t∗(1)−ℓ, q) =

∫ 1

0I(q, x)u(t∗(1)−ℓ, x)dx. Easily,I is log-supermodular in

(q, x), and so the productI(·)u(·) is log-supermodular in(q, x, ℓ). Thus,V0 is log-supermodular

in (q, ℓ) since log-supermodularity is preserved by integration by Karlin and Rinott (1980). So

the peak rush locusq0(t∗(1)− ℓ) = argmaxq V0(t∗(1)− t, q) rises inℓ, i.e. falls int.

STEP 2: THE GRADUAL PLAY LOCUS (6) IS INCREASING. We claim the solutionqI(t) to (6)

is unique on[0, t∗(1)] × [q∗(t), 1]. First, consider the case whenu(0, q∗(0)) ≤ u(t∗(1), 1). By

q∗ ∈ (0, 1), we haveu(t∗(1), q∗(t∗(1))) > u(t∗(1), 1), while the continuous functionu(t, q∗(t))

is increasing int for t ≤ t∗(1) (by ut(t, q) > 0). Thus, there exists a uniquetv ∈ (0, t∗(1))

such thatu(tv, q∗(tv)) ≡ u(t∗(1), 1) andu(t, q∗(t)) > u(t∗(1), 1) for all t ∈ (tv, t∗(1)]. Further,

by definitionu(t, 1) < u(t∗(1), 1) andut(t, q) > 0 for all t < t∗(1) ≤ t∗(q). Altogether, there

exists a uniqueqI(t) ∈ (q∗(t), 1) solving (6), for t ∈ (tv, t∗(1)). For the reverse inequality,

u(0, q∗(0)) > u(t∗(1), 1), holds thenu(t, q∗(t)) ≥ u(0, q∗(0)) > u(t∗(1), 1) > u(t, 1), for all

t ≤ t∗(1). Again byut > 0, there exists uniqueqI(t) ∈ (q∗(t), 1] satisfying (6) for allt ≤ t∗(1).

In either case,qI(t) ≥ q∗(t), so thatuq(t, qI(t)) < 0 < ut(t, qI(t)), while u is C2, so that

q′I(t) > 0 by the Implicit Function Theorem.

STEP 3: UNIQUE SECURE EQUILIBRIUM . Steps 1 and 2 showed that absent greedq0(t) is well

defined, continuous, and decreasing, whileqI is well defined, continuous and increasing with

qI(t∗(1)) = 1 > q0(t

∗(1)). First assume inequality (4), is violated, which along withStep 1 yields

u(0, q0(0)) > u(t∗(1), 1), and thus,q0(0) < qI(0). Givenq0 decreasing andqI increasing, there

is not0 ≤ t∗(1) satisfyingq0(t0) = qI(t0). By Lemma D.3, the secure pre-emption equilibrium

must involve a rush att = 0, with the size of the rush determined as in Proposition 1(b) and(c),

i.e. a unit rush given panic or the unique rush of sizeqR satisfyingV0(0, qR) = u(t∗(1), 1) given

alarm. With alarm, inaction follows the rush, until the the unique timet1 < t∗(1), satisfying

u(t1, qR) = u(t∗(1), 1), followed by gradual play on(t1, t∗(1)] obeyingQ(t) = qI(t).

Assume instead that inequality (4) obtains. In this case,qI(tv) = q∗(tv) < q0(tv), and there

exists a unique solution(q0, t0) ∈ (q∗(tv), 1) × (0, t∗(1)) satisfyingq0 = qI(t0) = q0(t0). The


unique secure pre-emption equilibrium involves an initialrush size and time(t0, q0), followed by

gradual play on(t0, t∗(1)] obeyingQ(t) = qI(t). �

Lemma D.5 Given no greed att∗(1) and no fear att∗(0), there existT , T satisfying0 ≤ T <

t∗(1) ≤ t∗(0) < T , such that a unit rush at anyt ∈ [T , T ] is an equilibrium. Unit mass rushes

cannot occur at any positive time with strict greed or strictfear.

STEP 1: NO UNIT RUSHES WITH STRICT FEAR OR GREED Assume a unit mass rush at time

tR > 0. Given strict greed at timetR, i.e.u(1, tR) > V0(1, tR), post-empting the rush is strictly

better than stopping in the rush. Likewise strict fear at time tR > 0, i.e. u(0, tR) > V0(1, tR)

implies pre-empting the rush results is a strict improvement.

STEP 2: THE UNIT RUSH TIME INTERVAL [T , T ]. Since fear satisfies strict single crossing

(Lemma D.4 Step 0) no fear att∗(0) implies,∃T1 > t∗(0) such that no fear obtains for allt ≤ T1.

Likewise no greed att∗(1), implies∃T 1 < t∗(1) such that no greed holds for allt ≥ T 1. Since

t∗(1) ≤ t∗(0), we haveT 1 < T ; thus, both no fear and no greed hold on[T 1, T1]. Given t∗

non-increasing,V0(t, 1) is strictly increasing fort < t∗(1). Thus, no greed att∗(1), implies

∃T 2 ∈ [0, t∗(1)), such thatu(t∗(1), 1) ≤ V0(t, 1) for all t ∈ [T 2, t∗(1)]. Likewise,V0(t, 1) is

strictly decreasing for allt ≥ t∗(0) with limt→∞ V0(t, 1) < u(t∗(0), 0) (by inequality (1)). Thus,

if no fear obtains att∗(0), ∃T2 > t∗(0), such thatV0(t, 1) ≥ u(t∗(0), 0) for all t ∈ [t∗(0), T2].

Finally, letT = max{T 1, T 2} andT = min{T1, T2}.

STEP 3: VERIFICATION OF UNIT RUSH EQUILIBRIA . If a unit mass rush occurs attR ∈

[T , t∗(1)), then the stopping payoff rises until the rush, and no fear attR, i.e.u(tR, 0) ≤ V0(tR, 1)

rules out pre-empting the rush. The stopping payoff rises on(tR, t∗(1)] and then falls: Stopping

in the rush is at least as good as stopping after the rushiff u(t∗(1), 1) ≤ V0(tR, 1), which holds

for all tR ∈ [T , t∗(1)] by Step 2. If, instead,tR ∈ [t∗(1), t∗(0)], then as long as we have no fear

at tR, u(tR, 0) ≤ V0(tR, 1) pre-empting the rush is not optimal, while no greed attR, u(tR, 1) ≤

V0(tR, 1) ensures post-empting the rush is not optimal. Finally, IftR > t∗(0), the stopping payoff

rises untilt∗(0) and falls betweent∗(0) and the rush. Thus,u(t∗(0), 0) ≤ V0(tR, 1) rules out

pre-empting the rush, which holds for allt ∈ (t∗(0), T ] by Step 2. The stopping payoff falls after

the rush; and so, no greed attR, u(tR, 1) ≤ V0(tR, 1) rules post-empting the rush. �

E Comparative Statics: Propositions 5 and 6

Lemma E.1 Given an interior peak quantile, the initial rush in the safepre-emption equilibrium

increases inγ, while the terminal rush in the safe war of attrition equilibrium shrinks inγ.


We present the proof for the safe pre-emption equilibrium. The logic for the safe war of attrition

equilibrium is symmetric.

STEP 1: PRELIMINARIES. First we claim that wheneverV0(t, q|γ) ≥ u(t, q|γ), we have:


∫ q


ut(t, x|γ)dx ≥ ut(t, q|γ) (21)

Indeed, usingu(t, q|γ) log-submodular in(t, q):


∫ q


ut(t, x|γ)

u(t, q|γ)dx = q−1

∫ q


ut(t, x|γ)

u(t, x|γ)

u(t, x|γ)

u(t, q|γ)dx ≥

ut(t, q|γ)

u(t, q|γ)q−1

∫ q


u(t, x|γ)

u(t, q|γ)dx =

ut(t, q|γ)

u(t, q|γ)

Defineg(t, q|γ) ≡ u(t, q|γ)/u(t, 1|γ),G(t, q|γ) ≡ q−1∫ q

0g(t, x|γ), andh(t) ≡ u(t∗(1), 1|γ)/u(t, 1|γ),

to write the gradual play locus (6) and peak rush locus (7) as:

Gradual Play Locus:g(t, q|γ) = h(t) and Peak Rush Locus:g(t, q|γ) = G(t, q|γ) (22)

Log-modularity in(t, γ) yields h constant inγ, while ut > 0 in a pre-emption game implies

h′ < 0. By log-submodularity in(t, q) and log-supermodularity in(q, γ), gt > 0 andgγ < 0.

STEP 2: Gt ≥ gt AND −Gγ > −gγ FOR ALL (t, q) SATISFYING (22). Now evaluate:

Gt − gt = q−1

∫ q



ut(t, x|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)−

u(t, x|γ)ut(t, 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)2




ut(t, q|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)−

u(t, q|γ)ut(t, 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)2


≥ −q−1

∫ q



u(t, x|γ)ut(t, 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)2


dx+u(t, q|γ)ut(t, 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)2by (21)

=ut(t, 1|γ)

u(t, 1|γ)2


u(t, q|γ)− q−1

∫ q


u(t, x|γ)dx


= 0 by (22)

Sinceu is strictly log-supermodular in(γ, q) symmetric steps establish that−Gγ > −gγ.

STEP 3: A DIFFERENCE INDERIVATIVES. We have shown that the gradual play locus is upward

sloping and shifts down inγ, while the peak rush locus is downward sloping and shifts up in γ.

We now finish the proof that the initial rush rises inγ by establishing that starting from any

(t, q, γ) satisfying (22) and holdingq fixed, the changedt/dγ in the gradual play locus (22) is

smaller than thedt/dγ in the peak rush locus (22). Evaluating both derivatives, this entails:

gγ(t, q|γ)−Gγ(t, q|γ)

Gt(t, q|γ)− gt(t, q|γ)>

−gγ(t, q|γ)

gt(t, q|γ)− h′(t)


Sinceh′, gt > 0 andgγ < 0 (as shown in Step 1), it is sufficient to show:

gγ −Gγ

Gt − gt>


⇔ gt(gγ −Gγ) > −gγ(Gt − gt) ⇔ −Gγgt > −gγGt

Which follows fromGt ≥ gt > 0 and−Gγ > −gγ > 0 as established in Steps 1 and 2. �

Lemma E.2 Assume alarm. Then the initial rush att = 0 shrinks inφ andγ.

PROOF: The initial rush of quantiles[0, q] obeys: Given alarm, the initial rush occurs att = 0

and obeys:


∫ q


u(0, x|φ)

u(0, 1|φ)dx =

u(t∗(1|φ), 1|φ)

u(0, 1|φ)(23)

Since the initial rush includes the peak quantile, the LHS of(23) falls inq, while log-supermodularity

of u in (q, φ) implies the LHS falls inφ. The RHS rises inφ by the same logic used to establish

that the RHS of (9) is increasing inφ. Altogether, the initial rushq0 satisfies∂q0/∂φ < 0. �

F Omitted Proofs for Examples

Claim 1 The payoffu(t, q) ≡ (1 + ρq)F (τ(q, t))p(t|ξ) in (13) is log-submodular in(t, q), and

log-concave int andq.

Proof: Differentiatingκ(t + τ(q, t)) ≡ q givesκ′(t + τ(q, t))(1 + τt(q, t)) = 0 andκ′(t +

τ(q, t))τq(q, t) = 1. So, τt ≡ −1 and τq < 0 given κ′ < 0. Hence,τtq = 0, τtt = 0 and

τqq = −(κ′′/κ′)(τq)2. Thus,

∂2 log(F (τ(q, t)))

∂t∂qF (τ(q, t))2 =


FF ′′ − (F ′)2]

τtτq + FF ′τtq =[

FF ′′ − (F ′)2]

τtτq ≤ 0

Twice differentiatinglog(F (τ(q, t))) in t likewise yields[FF ′′ − (F ′)2]/F 2 ≤ 0. Similarly,

∂2 log(F (τ(q, t)))/∂q2 = (τq)2[FF ′′ − (F ′)2 − (κ′′/κ′)FF ′]/F 2 ≤ 0

where−κ′′/κ′ ≤ 0 follows sinceκ is decreasing and log-concave. �

Claim 2 The bank run payoff (14) is log-submodular in(q, α). This payoff is also log-supermodular

in (q, R) providedζH ′(ζ |t)/H(ζ |t) is weakly falling inζ .


PROOF: log-supermodularity ofH in (ζ, t), while log-concavity ofH in ζ impliesu log-submodular

in (q, α):

∂2 log(H(·))

∂q∂αH2(1−R)2 = αq


HH ′′ − (H ′)2]

− (1− R)HH ′ ≤ 0

Foru log-supermodular in(q, R), we need:

∂2 log(H(·))

∂q∂RH(·)2(1−R)2 =


1− αq

1− R



(H ′)2 −HH ′′)

−HH ′ ≥ 0 (24)

i.e. x(H ′(x)2 − H(x)H ′′(x)) − H(x)H ′(x) ≥ 0, namely, distributions with a weakly falling

elasticityxH ′(x)/H(x). �


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