Greece Broadband Plan

Post on 20-Oct-2014

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road map and policy framework on broadband plan in Greece.

Transcript of Greece Broadband Plan

Greece - Broadband Action Plan to 2008Greece Greece -- Broadband Action Plan to 2008Broadband Action Plan to 2008

Enhancing broadband by spurring competition…

… or “A journey of a thousand-miles begins with a single step“

Dr Yannis Larios

Advisor to the Special Secretary for Digital Planning

Enhancing broadband by spurring competitionEnhancing broadband by spurring competition……

…… or or ““A journey of a thousandA journey of a thousand--miles begins with a single stepmiles begins with a single step““

Dr Dr YannisYannis LariosLarios

Advisor to the Special Secretary for Digital PlanningAdvisor to the Special Secretary for Digital Planning

Where (and when!) it all started…

… or “the first step“

Where (and when!) it all startedWhere (and when!) it all started……

…… or or ““the first stepthe first step““

- 3 -- 3 -

In 2004, Greece was lagging behind in Broadband – We needed a “Digital Leap”In 2004, Greece was lagging behind in Broadband In 2004, Greece was lagging behind in Broadband –– We needed a We needed a ““Digital LeapDigital Leap””

Where (and when) the “broadband journey” started…Where (and when) the Where (and when) the ““broadband journeybroadband journey”” startedstarted……

Source: 10th Report on the Implementation of the Telecommunications Regulatory Package - 2004

! We wanted to move from these facts...

In 2004, broadband penetration in Greece

was at 0,1%-0,2% of population, admittedly

lagging behind the EU-25 average

! To this new reality…

“…with CAGR (Compound Annual Growth

Rate) of 215%, Greece comes first as the country with the highest broadband annual growth rate in 2006 globally”(Point Topic, World Broadband Statistics, March 2007)

!! We wanted to move from these facts...We wanted to move from these facts...

In 2004, broadband penetration in Greece In 2004, broadband penetration in Greece

was at 0,1%was at 0,1%--0,2% of population, admittedly 0,2% of population, admittedly

lagging behind the EUlagging behind the EU--25 average25 average

!! To this new realityTo this new reality……

“…“…with CAGR (Compound Annual Growth with CAGR (Compound Annual Growth

Rate) of 215%, Rate) of 215%, Greece comes first as the Greece comes first as the

country with the highest broadband country with the highest broadband

annual growth rate in 2006 globallyannual growth rate in 2006 globally””(Point Topic, World Broadband Statistics, March 2007)(Point Topic, World Broadband Statistics, March 2007)

Source: Point Topic, World Broadband Statistics




0,00% 0,02% 0,02% 0,09%















Jul-02 Jan-03 Jul-03 Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 May 07(est.)









BB Lines % Penetration

Years 2005-06: the “magic touch” of competition & the “Digital Strategy” bring Broadband GrowthYears 2005Years 2005--06: the 06: the ““magic touchmagic touch”” of competition & the of competition & the ““Digital StrategyDigital Strategy”” bring Broadband Growthbring Broadband Growth



d co






d co




% o

f br






% o

f br






The first steps of the journey…The first steps of the journeyThe first steps of the journey……

" EC Telecoms Directives transposed

" Bundles bring 2Mbps access to less than €25/mo. (-80% since 2004)

" The Digital Strategy 2006-2013 is announced by the Government

" The “Broadband Action Plan to 2008Broadband Action Plan to 2008” is fully unveiled" The incumbent doubles speeds for the same price, starting Autumn 2006

Speaking of “competition’s magic touch”…Speaking of Speaking of ““competitioncompetition’’s magic touchs magic touch”…”…

- 5 -- 5 -

Prices have been slashed by almost 80% in 2 years…Prices have been slashed by almost 80% in 2 yearsPrices have been slashed by almost 80% in 2 years……

€€/ /




























Jan 04 July 04 Jan 05 July 05 Jan 06 July 06 Jan 07


Average broadband connection cost (January 2004- January 2007)Average broadband connection cost (January 2004Average broadband connection cost (January 2004-- January 2007)January 2007)

Where the market would bring us…Where the market would bring usWhere the market would bring us……

- 6 -- 6 -

Forecast: Penetration at 8% by the end of 2008Forecast: Forecast: Penetration at 8% by the end of 2008Penetration at 8% by the end of 2008

R2 = 0,9999











Jul 02 Jan 03 Jul 03 Jan 04 Jul 04 Jan 05 Jul 05 Jan 06 Jul 06 Jan 07 Jul 07 Jan 08

Estimated GrowthEstimated Growth

driven by marketdriven by market

So… the market would bring us to ~8% of penetration in 2008…SoSo…… the market would bring us to ~8% of penetration in 2008the market would bring us to ~8% of penetration in 2008……

- 7 -- 7 -

but then, we wanted even “more” for Broadband!…but then, we wanted even but then, we wanted even ““moremore”” for Broadband!for Broadband!……

…and that’s where the Broadband Action Plan came !……and thatand that’’s where the Broadband Action Plan came !s where the Broadband Action Plan came !

More for broadband: The Broadband Action PlanMore for broadband: The Broadband Action PlanMore for broadband: The Broadband Action Plan

- 8 -- 8 -

R2 = 0,9999











Jul 02 Jan 03 Jul 03 Jan 04 Jul 04 Jan 05 Jul 05 Jan 06 Jul 06 Jan 07 Jul 07 Jan 08

Estimated GrowthEstimated Growth

driven by marketdriven by market

Digital Strategy 2006-2013:

The “Broadband Action Plan” has set the target of“Broadband Convergence” to the EU avg. by 2009

Additional steps at this “journey”…Additional steps at this Additional steps at this ““journeyjourney”…”…

Enhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural Funds…

… or “paving the way for the next broadband steps!“

Enhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural FundsEnhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural Funds……

…… or or ““paving the way for the next broadband steps!paving the way for the next broadband steps!““

The Broadband Action PlanThe Broadband Action PlanThe Broadband Action Plan

The Broadband Action Plan …The Broadband Action Plan The Broadband Action Plan ……

- 10 -- 10 -

Enhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural Funds (€450 mil)Enhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural Funds (Enhancing Broadband by leveraging Structural Funds (€€450 mil)450 mil)

Development of Development of BroadbandBroadbandInfrastructureInfrastructure

Development of Development of BroadbandBroadbandServicesServices

Demand Demand stimulation for stimulation for Broadband Broadband ServicesServices

• Metropolitan Area Networks in 75 Municipalities (€63 mil)• Wireless broadband networks in 120 Municipalities and 20 TEDK(€42 mil)• 770 wireless hotspots at almost 400 enterprises (€21 mil)• Broadband utilization of the HellasSAT satellite (€10 mil.)• “Broadband large project” at the regions of Greece (€210 mil)• New law on Investments

• Incentives for the development of broadband services by private firms (€36 mil.)• “Smart regions” with the use of broadband (€10 mil.)• Broadband services and Digital TV for disabled persons (€50 mil.)• “Digital Local Authority” (€60 mil.)• New law on Investments

• Broadband demonstration projects in 85 spots throughout the country (€11,5 mil.) • Broadband Demand stimulation across Greece (€50 mil.)• “Communication campaign” for increasing broadband awareness (€4,4 mil.)

BroadbandBroadbandPenetration Target:Penetration Target:

from from 0,1% (2004) 0,1% (2004) to to Broadband Broadband

convergence (2009)convergence (2009)

Interventions The TargetFields ofintervention

- 11 -- 11 -

A major intervention of the Broadband Action Plan…A major intervention of the Broadband Action PlanA major intervention of the Broadband Action Plan……

“Broadband Access Development in under-served Territories”

a project levering Structural Funds and Private Investments (€210 mil.)

to both promote local access and broadband infrastructure

plus stimulate demand across the country

in places where citizens & businesses have difficulties gaining access

““Broadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories””

a project levering a project levering Structural FundsStructural Funds and and Private InvestmentsPrivate Investments ((€€210 210 mil.)mil.)

to both to both promote local accesspromote local access and and broadbandbroadband infrastructureinfrastructure

plus plus stimulate demandstimulate demand across the countryacross the country

in places where citizens & businesses have difficulties gaining in places where citizens & businesses have difficulties gaining accessaccess

! To increase broadband population coverage to 90% by 2008

(compared to less than 40% in 2004)

! To increase broadband geographical coverage to 60%

(compared to less than 10% in 2004).

! To increase competition in the broadband market and achieve

competitive retail prices, converging to the EU average

! To increase demand for broadband services, by also allocating part of

the budget to demand-stimulation actions

!! To increase To increase broadband population coverage to 90%broadband population coverage to 90% by 2008 by 2008

(compared to less than 40% in 2004)(compared to less than 40% in 2004)

!! To increase To increase broadband geographical coverage to 60%broadband geographical coverage to 60%

(compared to less than 10% in 2004).(compared to less than 10% in 2004).

!! To To increase competition in the broadband marketincrease competition in the broadband market and achieve and achieve

competitive retail prices, converging to the EU average competitive retail prices, converging to the EU average

!! To To increase demand for broadband servicesincrease demand for broadband services, by also allocating part of , by also allocating part of

the budget to demandthe budget to demand--stimulation actionsstimulation actions

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

We set ambitious but realistic tangible objectivesWe set ambitious but realistic tangible objectivesWe set ambitious but realistic tangible objectives

! We wanted to engage the market and enhance competition

! We opted for technology-neutrality

! We wanted to utilise Structural Funds in the most efficient way

! We adhered to eEurope 2005 and i2010 principles for Broadband and

regional development

! We opted for transparency and speed of implementation

!! We wanted to We wanted to engage the market engage the market and enhance competitionand enhance competition

!! We opted for We opted for technologytechnology--neutralityneutrality

!! We wanted to We wanted to utiliseutilise Structural Funds in the most efficient wayStructural Funds in the most efficient way

!! We adhered to We adhered to eEuropeeEurope 2005 and 2005 and i2010 principlesi2010 principles for Broadband and for Broadband and

regional developmentregional development

!! We opted for We opted for transparencytransparency and and speed of implementationspeed of implementation

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

Objectives were ambitious, but then we made some …..Objectives were ambitious, but then we made some Objectives were ambitious, but then we made some ……....

Strategic Choices: Strategic ChoicesStrategic Choices: :

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 14 -- 14 -

Strategic Choice 1: Engage the Market – Enhance CompetitionStrategic Choice 1: Engage the Market Strategic Choice 1: Engage the Market –– Enhance CompetitionEnhance Competition

! We divided Greece into 7 regions of

equal broadband potential ( ~65% of

Greece & ~6 mil residents, or ~60%

of the Greek population).

! Each region has been tendered


! Bidders were allowed to participate in

no more than 3 regions, thus ensuring

that at least 3 different telcos would

assume regional broadband


! The project focuses only on “white”

(no broadband at all) and “grey” zones

(insufficient competition/no access to

infrastructure) across Greece,

excluding Athens and Thessaloniki

!! We divided Greece into We divided Greece into 7 regions7 regions of of

equal broadband potential ( equal broadband potential ( ~65% of ~65% of

GreeceGreece & & ~6 mil residents, ~6 mil residents, or ~60% or ~60%

of the Greek populationof the Greek population). ).

!! Each region has been Each region has been tendered tendered


!! Bidders were allowed to participate in Bidders were allowed to participate in

no more than 3 regionsno more than 3 regions, thus ensuring , thus ensuring

that at least 3 different that at least 3 different telcostelcos would would

assume regional broadband assume regional broadband


!! The project focuses only on The project focuses only on ““whitewhite””

(no broadband at all) and (no broadband at all) and ““greygrey”” zones zones

(insufficient competition/no access to (insufficient competition/no access to

infrastructure) across Greece, infrastructure) across Greece,

excluding Athens and excluding Athens and ThessalonikiThessaloniki

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 15 -- 15 -

Strategic Choice 2: Technology-neutralityStrategic Choice 2: TechnologyStrategic Choice 2: Technology--neutralityneutrality

! No technology-specific requirements were set at the tendering process

! Bidders participated on the basis of qualitative & citizen-related service

objectives, such as

# Minimum broadband speeds were set per user category (households, SMEs etc.)

# Maximum retail prices were set per user category

# Minimum population and geographical coverage objectives had to be met per


# We tested our constraints beforehand, by building broadband business-cases per

region, including all local economic and demographic dynamics.

!! No technologyNo technology--specificspecific requirements were set at the tendering processrequirements were set at the tendering process

!! Bidders participated on the basis of Bidders participated on the basis of qualitative & citizenqualitative & citizen--related service related service

objectives, objectives, such assuch as

## Minimum broadband speedsMinimum broadband speeds were set per user category (households, were set per user category (households, SMEsSMEs etc.)etc.)

## Maximum retail pricesMaximum retail prices were set per user categorywere set per user category

## Minimum population and geographical coverage objectivesMinimum population and geographical coverage objectives had to be met per had to be met per


## We tested our constraints beforehand, by building We tested our constraints beforehand, by building broadband businessbroadband business--cases per cases per

regionregion, including all local economic and demographic dynamics., including all local economic and demographic dynamics.

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 16 -- 16 -

Strategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leverage investmentsStrategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leveragStrategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leverage investmentse investments

Total Project Budget: €210 mil.Total Project Budget: Total Project Budget: €€210 210

European Regional

Development Fund: €105 mil.

European Regional European Regional

Development Fund: Development Fund: €€105105 Investment: €105 mil.Private Investment: Private Investment: €€105105

50%50% 50%50%

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 17 -- 17 -

Total Project Budget: €210 mil.Total Project Budget: Total Project Budget: €€210 210

Development of broadband

infrastructure and promotion

of local access: €160 mil.

Development of broadband Development of broadband

infrastructureinfrastructure and promotion and promotion

of local access: of local access: €€160160

Demand Stimulation: €50 mil.Demand Stimulation: Demand Stimulation: €€50 50

7676%% 2424%%

Strategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leverage investmentsStrategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leveragStrategic Choice 3: Efficient use of Structural Funds to leverage investmentse investments

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 18 -- 18 -

Strategic Choice 4: adhere to eEurope and i2010 principles for regional developmentStrategic Choice 4: adhere to Strategic Choice 4: adhere to eEuropeeEurope and i2010 principles for regional developmentand i2010 principles for regional development

! It was designed on a per-region basis, taking into account local


! It provides impetus to regional development, by directly addressing

the specific needs of the regions

! It puts broadband into the equation of regional development.

Broadband investments would come at a delay otherwise.

!! It was designed on It was designed on a pera per--region basisregion basis, taking into account local , taking into account local


!! It provides impetus to regional development, by directly addressIt provides impetus to regional development, by directly addressing ing

the the specific needs of the regionsspecific needs of the regions

!! It puts broadband into the equation of regional development. It puts broadband into the equation of regional development.

Broadband investments would come at a delay otherwiseBroadband investments would come at a delay otherwise. .

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 19 -- 19 -

Strategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of ImplementationStrategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of ImplementationStrategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of Implementation

! Project parameters have been designed in transparent way through a

regional demand-supply broadband model

! Extensive 6-month consultation process with the market

! Winning bids easily determined by an equation known to all

participants, that included all key-project parameters

! Record-times for contract awards:

" Project tendered on September 2006

" Contract awards on February 2007

!! Project parameters have been designed in transparent way throughProject parameters have been designed in transparent way through a a

regional regional demanddemand--supply broadband modelsupply broadband model

!! Extensive Extensive 66--month consultation processmonth consultation process with the marketwith the market

!! Winning bids easily determined by an equation known to all Winning bids easily determined by an equation known to all

participantsparticipants, that included all key, that included all key--project parameters project parameters

!! RecordRecord--timestimes for contract awards:for contract awards:

"" Project tendered on September 2006Project tendered on September 2006

"" Contract awards on February 2007Contract awards on February 2007

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

"The contracts for all Regions have been signed:""The contracts for all Regions have been signed:The contracts for all Regions have been signed:

"" RegionRegion 11 Operator: Hellas on LineOperator: Hellas on Line

"" RegionRegion 22 Operator: Hellas on LineOperator: Hellas on Line

"" RegionRegion 3 3 Operator: TellasOperator: Tellas

"" RegionRegion 4 4 Operator: Hellas on LineOperator: Hellas on Line

"" RegionRegion 5 5 Operator: CYTA HellasOperator: CYTA Hellas

"" RegionRegion 6 6 Operator: ForthnetOperator: Forthnet

"" RegionRegion 7 7 Operator: ForthnetOperator: Forthnet

Strategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of ImplementationStrategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of ImplementationStrategic Choice 5: Transparency and Speed of Implementation

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

- 21 -- 21 -

These innovative aspects, brought the endorsement of the European CommissionThese innovative aspects, brought the endorsement of the EuropeaThese innovative aspects, brought the endorsement of the European Commissionn Commission

Competition Commissioner Competition Commissioner NeelieNeelie KroesKroes

commented on the project:commented on the project:

““I am pleased to endorse public funding I am pleased to endorse public funding

for the deployment of broadband networks for the deployment of broadband networks

in underin under--served regions of Greece. served regions of Greece.

The project has a total budget of The project has a total budget of €€210 210

mil. and is to date mil. and is to date the most significant the most significant

broadband project undertaken by a broadband project undertaken by a

Member StateMember State..””

EC Press Release EC Press Release –– 07.07.200607.07.2006

Broadband Access Development in under-served TerritoriesBroadband Access Development in underBroadband Access Development in under--served Territoriesserved Territories

SIX Innovation points make the difference….SIX Innovation points make the differenceSIX Innovation points make the difference……..

! it leverages €210 mil. of Structural Funds and private expenditure

efficiently to promote broadband growth

! it includes a significant demand-side element, by complementing

infrastructure development with broadband-use stimulation

! it is technology-neutral. Bidders participated on the basis of qualitative &

citizen-related service objectives (retail prices, population coverage, etc.)

! it has a strong regional dimension and the widest coverage!

(~ 60% of Greek population, 50%+ of households!)

! it has been designed in transparent way, with the participation of the


! it secures competition.

!! it leverages it leverages €€210 210 mil. of Structural Funds and private expendituremil. of Structural Funds and private expenditure

efficiently to promote broadband growthefficiently to promote broadband growth

!! it includes a significant demandit includes a significant demand--side elementside element, by complementing , by complementing

infrastructure development with broadbandinfrastructure development with broadband--use stimulation use stimulation

!! it is technologyit is technology--neutralneutral. Bidders participated on the basis of qualitative & . Bidders participated on the basis of qualitative &

citizencitizen--related service objectives (retail prices, population coverage, related service objectives (retail prices, population coverage, etc.)etc.)

!! it has a strong regional dimension and the widest coverageit has a strong regional dimension and the widest coverage! !

(~ 60% of Greek population, 50%+ of households!)(~ 60% of Greek population, 50%+ of households!)

!! it has been it has been designed in transparent waydesigned in transparent way, with the participation of the , with the participation of the


!! it secures it secures competitioncompetition. .

Other complementing steps…Other complementing stepsOther complementing steps……

The Broadband Action PlanThe Broadband Action PlanThe Broadband Action Plan

The Broadband Action Plan …The Broadband Action Plan The Broadband Action Plan ……

- 24 -- 24 -

Development of Development of BroadbandBroadbandInfrastructureInfrastructure

Development of Development of BroadbandBroadbandServicesServices

Demand Demand stimulation for stimulation for Broadband Broadband ServicesServices

• Metropolitan Area Networks in 75 Municipalities (€63 mil)• Wireless broadband networks in 120 Municipalities and 20 TEDK(€42 mil)• 770 wireless hotspots at almost 400 enterprises (€21 mil)• Broadband utilization of the HellasSAT satellite (€10 mil.)• “Broadband large project” at the regions of Greece (€210 mil)• New law on Investments

• Incentives for the development of broadband services by private firms (€36 mil.)• “Smart regions” with the use of broadband (€10 mil.)• Broadband services and Digital TV for disabled persons (€50 mil.)• “Digital Local Authority” (€60 mil.)• New law on Investments

• Broadband demonstration projects in 85 spots throughout the country (€11,5 mil.) • Broadband Demand stimulation across Greece (€50 mil.)• “Communication campaign” for increasing broadband awareness (€4,4 mil.)

BroadbandBroadbandPenetration Target:Penetration Target:

from from 0,1% (2004) 0,1% (2004) to to Broadband Broadband

convergence (2009)convergence (2009)

Interventions The TargetFields ofintervention

Broadband Action PlanBroadband Action PlanBroadband Action Plan

- 25 -- 25 -

Other complementary broadband projects (partly financed by ERDF+ESF)…Other complementary broadband projects (partly financed by ERDF+Other complementary broadband projects (partly financed by ERDF+ESF)ESF)……

! Development of Metropolitan Area Networks in 75 cities across Greece, on

the basis of eEurope access guidelines (€65 mil.)

! Wireless broadband networks in 120 Municipalities and 20 TEDK (€42 mil)

! 770 wireless hotspots at almost 400 enterprises (€21 mil)

! Broadband utilization of the HellasSAT satellite (€10 mil.)

! “Smart communities” with the use of broadband (€10 mil.)

! Broadband services and Digital TV for disabled persons (€50 mil.)

! “Digital Local Authority” (€60 mil.)

! Broadband demonstration projects in 85 spots throughout Greece (€11,5


!! Development of Development of Metropolitan Area Networks in 75 cities across GreeceMetropolitan Area Networks in 75 cities across Greece, on , on

the basis of the basis of eEuropeeEurope access guidelines (access guidelines (€€65 65 mil.)mil.)

!! Wireless Wireless broadband networksbroadband networks inin 120 Municipalities120 Municipalities and 20 TEDK (and 20 TEDK (€€42 mil)42 mil)

!! 770 wireless hotspots at almost 400 enterprises770 wireless hotspots at almost 400 enterprises ((€€21 mil)21 mil)

!! Broadband utilization of the Broadband utilization of the HellasSATHellasSAT satellite (satellite (€€10 mil.)10 mil.)

!! ““Smart communitiesSmart communities”” with the use of broadband (with the use of broadband (€€10 mil.)10 mil.)

!! Broadband services and Digital TV for disabled persons (Broadband services and Digital TV for disabled persons (€€50 mil.) 50 mil.)

!! ““Digital Local AuthorityDigital Local Authority”” ((€€60 mil.) 60 mil.)

!! Broadband Broadband demonstration projects in 85 spotsdemonstration projects in 85 spots throughout Greece (throughout Greece (€€11,5 11,5

mil.) mil.)

- 26 -- 26 -

Broadband Action Plan…Broadband Action PlanBroadband Action Plan……

Structural Funds put into good use +

an approach with the market, facilitating competition in the market +

thorough planning but with a regional focus +

a government deciding not to put its tail into technology-decisions


a “Digital Leap” in Broadband

Structural FundsStructural Funds put into good use +put into good use +

anan approach approach with the marketwith the market, facilitating , facilitating competition in the marketcompetition in the market ++

thorough planning but with a thorough planning but with a regional focus regional focus ++

a government deciding a government deciding not to putnot to put its tail into technologyits tail into technology--decisionsdecisions


a a ““Digital LeapDigital Leap”” in Broadbandin Broadband

A “local recipe” that might be of interest to other Member-StatesA A ““local recipelocal recipe”” that might be of interest to other Memberthat might be of interest to other Member--StatesStates

Thank youThank you……

Dr Yannis LariosDr Yannis Larios


Greece - Broadband Action Plan to 2008Greece Greece -- Broadband Action Plan to 2008Broadband Action Plan to 2008