Greater Ohio Showmen's Association GOSAl!t:;, … Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message...

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Transcript of Greater Ohio Showmen's Association GOSAl!t:;, … Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message...

Greater Ohio Showmen's Association

President's Message Dear Members:

By the time this issue reaches you, Gibtown will be over. I hope those of you that attended had a safe and informative trip.

Our first board meeting after convention, held February 3, was long and intensive. We covered our March seminar, new committee assignments, goals and long-term objectives from the membership committee, O.F.M.A. Spring Dinner Awards, the hiring of our new secretary/treasurer and the trustee appointment to fill the seat vacated by Tom Linn being

elected second vice president, just to mention a few. The board voted unanimously to hire Dave Shires as our secretary/treasurer, with an

annual salary of $7,000 per year. The last article of business on the agenda was the appointment of a trustee to full the

vacant seat. This was something I did not take lightly. I spent a good portion of last month thinking, deliberating and talking with my board before making my decision. I appointed Ken Weber. The board members present voted unanimously to except my nomination. Some of the reasons for my decision are that Ken has undoubtedly been one of the hard­est working and most thorough member on the board. He was instrumental in working with the late Sonny Kissel on the development of our reverse raffle, which has been a great success for our organization. Ken is responsible for the procurement of our trade show booth and our initial involvement at the trade shows we now attend. The last three years Ken has shouldered the responsibility of most of our functions at Convention. Items that include creating seminar and round table topics, arranging speakers and moderators. Working with the O.F.M.A. on scheduling these events, our meeting rooms, the Gala and all the equipment needed for each one. Ken has also been the chairman of the committee for our March seminar. This seminar will have an enormous impact on our public relations campaign and be very beneficial to the organization. Congratulations, Ken.

I would like to thank Scott Kowatch, Chuck Zell and Bill Sterling for running for a trustees position this year. This type of willingness to commit time and effort will only help to insure the continued strength of our organization. Please don't be discouraged. 1 would like to see all of you try again next year. Each one of you have a great deal to offer this organization.

Last, 1 would like to thank Bill Bush for his years of service and hard work on the board. He will be missed and I hope he decides to run for a trustee position again in the future.

Yours Truly, Stan Connell, President G.O.S.A.

New Committee's Assigned The 2000 Committee Assignments have been made and we are all looking

forward to settling in and accomplishing our goals. We have many exciting plans for the coming year and will be filling you in on those each month in the Newsletter. A complete listing of Committee's, Committee Chairman and Members will be published in next month's issue.

Inside GOSAl!t:;",b1

Minutes of GOSA Meetings

New Trustee - Todd Sipe

List of GALA Tickets

Dates to Remember March 9, 2000

G.O.S.A. Board Meeting Clarion Hotel, Worthington, OH

11:00 a.m.

March 15 & 16, 2000 1st Annual G.O.S.A. Educational Seminar

for Fairs, Festivals & Special Events Clarion Hotel, Worthington, OH

April 1 O.F.M.A. Spring Dinner, DlST. 1&2

(Location to be Announced)

April 2 O.F.M.A. Spring Dinner, DlST. 5&9

Triway High School, Wooster, OH 1:00 p.m.

April 4 Richland Co. Health Dept. Educational Seminar

For Mobile Food Service Operators OMI Industeries, Crestline,OH

10:00 a.m. -I :00 p.m.

April 6, 2000 G.O.S.A. Board Meeting

Clarion Hotel, Worthington, OH 11:00 a.m.

April 7-9 LA.F.E. Zone 3 Meeting,

Airport Sheraton, Clevel.and, OH

April 15 O.F.M.A. Spring Dinner, DIST. 7&8

Zanesville Holiday Inn, Zanesville, OH

April 16 O.F.M.A. Spring Dinner, DlST. 3,4&6

Fayette Co. Fairgrounds, Washington Courthouse, OH

The G.o.s.A. Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and remind you that all

Board Meetings are open to the Membership.

Greater Ohio Showmen's Association 5002 County Home Rd. • Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-1787· Fax 937-996-1091 E-mail:·

Minutes for G.O.S.A. Officers &Trustees Meetings

February 3, 2000 Board members present were Stan Connell, president; William Prowant,

first vice president; David Shives, treasurer; Michael Albanese, James (Tony) Albanese, Kevin Koski, M. Dean Otterbacher, Ray Prowant, Todd Sipe and Jack Woods.

Guests present were Ken Weber, Ken Jaskiewicz, Colleen May (Division of Tourism & Travel), Bill Clinger (Mercario Group), Ernie Brideweser (Nickles Bakery), Jackie Woods and Jill Shives.

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. The minutes of the January 3, 2000 meeting was read and motion to accept made by Mike Albanese and seconded by Jack Woods. Motion carried. The treasurers repolt was presented and a brief discussion of bills to be paid with Ray Prowant making motion to pay the bills and accept treasurers repolt seconded by Dean Otterbacher. Motion carried.

Ernie Brideweser from Nickles Bakery was recognized. He distrib­uted a listing and map of all the Nickles Bakery locations. The order dates and delivery schedules were then discussed and suggested that Ernie get with Todd Sipe and have an article printed in the newsletter for the general membership.

OLD BUSINESS A. Ken Weber passed out copies of all the paperwork on the March

"Ticket to Success" seminar. It was covered in-depth with every ones assignments and the volunteers needed discussed and confirmed. Everything is going quite well. Bill Clinger reported that we have about SO entries now and they are coming in about two-four per day. On Wednesday, March IS it was decided to send pairs of G.O.S.A. members to the Statehouse to meet with every Senator and Representative just brief drop by to acquaint them with our associa­tion. Ray Prowant and Kevin Koski seconded. Motion carried.

B. Dave Shives will check on the By-laws ;:ll1d the best way to handle late paying dues members and how to handle member applications after the April board meeting. General discussion was to hold the checks and applications until the October meeting and they can be approved and give them a year and a half members for the first year.

C. President Stan Connell reported that it was time to hire a new secre­tary-treasurer. There was a shortage of applicants for the job. From past discussions with the boa.rd and the present treasurer it was moved by Jack Woods and seconded by Dean Otterbacher to hire David Shives for $7,000 per year. Motion carried unanimously.

D. David Shives reported that he would close out the phone in the Circleville office and would be picking up all the office furniture, equipment, supplies and historical mtifacts on February 10. He wi 11 order a new phone installed at the new office location of 5002 County Home Road, Greenville, OH 45331. The new phone number will be confirmed at the next meeting. It was approved by the board to get voice mail through the phone company so when he is on the internet or on the phone numbers calling in can leave a message.

E. David Shives is to look into changing the Aims web-site G.O.S.A. list­ing their address is // Bill Prowant rep01ted on convention recap and what changes need to be made for the 2001 convention. It was decided to move the starting time to 15 minutes later to avoid the problem with getting out of the OAA lun­cheonlate. Out of the Round Table discussions it was decided to keep: 1. Communication Committees; How Fairboards can communicate with exhibitor and concessionaire (NICA); 2. Policing concession and exhibitor contracts; Are they selling/doing what they contracted for (Dave Gallapoo; 3. Rename from Make the Customer Happy no mat­ter what to Is Your Fair Customer Friendly':? From the Front Gate to the Midway; 4. Know Who Your Customers are and market to them (This one possible name change) Bill Clinger. We are discontinuing What Happens When Fairs or Festivals Change Their Dates, (Ray Prowant) and Advantages of MUltiple Year Contracts for your Event (Jack Woods). General board feelings are that the cost of the seminars are more than the rewm'ds with the past attendance. Decided to possibly make the Fire Talk a round table.

F. Lengthy discussion on Kevin Koski's list of long-term goals and what was most important to the least imp01tant. It was decided to break them down into categories and work on them at the next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS A. President Stan Connell opened the meeting up for ideas on who to

nominate for the spring dinner awards. The board went through the districts with nominations and awards.

B. The l.A.F.E. Zone 3 meeting will be held at the Cleveland Airport Sheraton.

C. President Stan passed out the new committee assignments and the appointed chairmen. Every committee is to have at least two meet­ings every year and submit their minutes to the board one week before the regular scheduled meeting.

D. President Stan requested that every board member think on what we can do to improve the election process. A committee will be assigned to work on this at the next meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Membership - There were no new membership applications. B. Roundup - Tony and Mike Albanese have been appointed to improve

the surroundings and the attendance for the upcoming Fall Roundup. C. Games - President Stan decided to send the letter that was mailed to

all board members to the Dept. of Ag. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea to keep the pressure on in order to keep the high standards of quality we have worked so long to achieve.

D. Convention - Discussed in old business above by Bill Prowant. E. Yearbook - Stan Connell is working with Bill Bush on the ads and

getting everything in by deadline. It was brought up that we will need to print an additional 400 books and not assemble them for seminar 200 I, if not printed by March meeting. We will discuss at that time on need and quantity. Motion by Stan, seconded by Bill Prowant. Motion calried.

F. Ride Safety - Ray Prowant had nothing to report. G. Newsletter - Todd Sipe reported on newsJetter errors and cOlTections,

updates and new information. The storage of our historical records was discussed and how to improve our records retention. Jackie Woods suggested that it we had the historical committee receive all pictures from the newsletters and Yearbook and upon their receipt of each item that they record the date, place and people involved on the back and keep them stored in a safe and accessible place.

H. Budget - David Shives asked for everyone (committee chairs) to submit approximate cost for their respective committees so that an accurate report may be completed. Dean Otterbacher reported that he would need $500 for next years game budget.

I. N.I.C.A. Liaison - Jack Woods reported that Monday, February 7 is Florida Week with a Food Show on Tuesday, Education Seminars on Wednesday and general membership meetings. Friday is the annual golf outing. It was decided to have Jack see about trading associate memberships with N.I.C.A. Stan Connell appointed Ken Weber to fill the unexpired vacated by Tom Linns move to second vice president. Ken is the lead trustee of the March 2000 Seminar and has been very instrumental in the cur­rent newsletter format. He will be teaching Todd Sipe the procedures of getting the newsletter out and assisting him in that transaction. Bill Prowant seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Kevin Koski and seconded by Jack Woods. Motion carried at 6:00 p.m. David Shives, secretary-treasurer

Rides· Games· Food

/hicha.el's Antusente1tts

Michael Albanese p.o. Box 306

Hebron, Ohio 43025 740-928-4475

• CLASSIFI NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equip­ment they own. All other classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Todd Sipe at 419-524-9989 or call Todd at 419-524-9988.

FOR SALE: 1999 Show-Me Funhouse 45' open, 32' closed. Can move with pick-up truck. Easy up & down. $39,995 SAVE $10,000 Used one season, EC 937-686-8513. FOR SALE: 40' Vacationaire 5th Wheel House Trailer, 1997 Excellent Condition, All the extras, $22,000, 419-596-3286. FOR SALE: 16' Food Trailer (Pizza) Rite Way - $8,500. Allen Herschell tim Jolly Jeep - $10,000. Allen Herschell g/m Army Tank Ride $6,000. Kins 8 Sweep Parachute Ride, EC, w/truck - $15,000. 1979 F350 Box Truck with attic GC, $2,000, 419-596-3286. FOR SALE: 1996 Chevy Dually. Diesel, Silverado package, 91 ,000 miles. White. Runs excellent, trailer pkg. for Class 4 or Fifth Wheel. $18,000 obo. Gregory Peck, Greenville, OH. 937-547-1099. FOR SALE: 1998 Dutchman 35' Fiftyh Wheel. Very nice condition. Has two bathrooms, queen size bed, pUll out sofa, two bunks. $15,500 obo. Gregory Peck, 937-547-1099.

John Marcum receiving his $10,000 Gala Drawing check from ticket seller Jerry Oeterbacher.

Showman's Shortcuts

Water Filter Holder Using a "whole-house" water filter to help improve the quality of the

water entering our trailer works nicely, but I could not find a convenient place to put the filter when in use. I would lean it against the fairground faucet or the tire of the trailer, and when it rained the filter got dirty. Even the ants got all over it.

To fix this problem, I went to my neighborhood hardware store and purchased an extra filter wrench and a drawer handle. I then mounted it to the side and bottom edge of the trailer, below the city water hookup. Making sure to locate the handle where it would have a strong mount. I then gently heated the filter wrench handle with a torch, bending it into a 90-degree angle.

The wrench is fitted into the drawer handle and the filter into the wrench. It holds the filter nicely off the ground and close to trailer. When not in use, I put the wrench and filter in the sink and the drawer handle rides nicely without sticking out far enough to pose any hazard on the road or to people walking by.

NOTICE: Visit the G.O.S.A. Website at


Greetings Fellow Showman' For those of you who don't know me my name is Todd Sipe, son of George & Maxine Sipe. My dad has been in the concession business since I was a wee lad and thus so have 1. Starting out in 1968 with a taffy tmck, I have fond memories of eating fresh hot taffy while my dad kicked the wrapping machine that once againjanuned up and quit. After a few years we bought a diner that served breakfast, lunch baskets and sausage sandwiches. My job was gradually upgraded from "Bun Cutter", a nickname that stuck with me WAY too long, to "Onion Peeler"! My dad met Augie DiRusso at Randolph Fair one day when one of them ran out of sausage buns (I'm sure it wasn't MY dad) and they started a friendship that led to us starting a route selling DiRusso Sausage. Thirty one years later Papa and I are still working side by side, I bought the business in 1985 so I could have all the "headaches and paperwork" and Papa could cut the buns and peel the onions. Today our whole family is involved. My wife Becky and her dad Bill mn our two ice cream bar trailers (our children Joey (6) and Bethany (5) are always eager to help eat the mistakes) while me, Papa, Mama and my wife's brother Bill Jr. and sons help 11111 our 4 sausage units.

You folks out there have also been like family to me and I believe we are pan of a growing and changing industry that we together shouId work to pro­mote and protect. By banding together and becoming active members of G.O.S.A. we could overcome many obstacles we all face each year. By sharing our resources we could have a list of services that we could all tum to in times of need. Ranging from reputable mechanics to where to dump your holding tanks! Buying power to save money on supplies, vehicles and insurance. The ability to disu'jbute our yearbook to every fair, festival, and special event committee so they can contact us. Create a website that makes all these resources more readily available. But most imponantly is having a strong association that can aid in protecting our rights as independent con­U-actors. Someone to help back you when you've been wrongly treated by a business or event.

I believe these things are velY possible if we would all lend a helping hand. This is why I ran for Tmstee of G.O.SA I think it's time to give some­thing back to the business that has given so much to me. I often hear people out there say ''Things aren't the way they used to be, evelyone is out for themselves." Well, I say we are all the same good people just Hying to make it on our own in a competitive world. The time has corne to start working together and we'll all reap the benefits of a strong organization.

Sincerely, Todd Sipe Sipes Concessions

Thanks To Those Who Donated Door Prizes

We want to sincerely thank those who donated door prizes at this years convention. Your generosity is what helps this Association to be Greater than the rest'

GLO CONCESSIONS/ French Fries • Gyros • Elephant Ears Corn Dogs • Funnel Cakes • Sausage

Steak Burgers • Lemon Shakes • Hot Dogs Cotton Candy • Candy Apples • Caramel Corn

Offering or Suppling

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Phone or Fax 330-723-1814

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P.o. Box 72809 Newport, Kentucky 41072

L. T. Bones


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r---------------------, MEMBERSHIP ApPLICATION










*See Memorial Fund on back.


o REGULAR MEMBER - $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business)

o ASSOCIATE MEMBER" - $100.00 (Businesses who provide product/services to the industry) *Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death Benefits.

o JUNIOR MEMBER - $25.00 (Youth under the age of 18 interested in the industry.

o RETIRED MEMBER - $40.00 (No longer in business)

Received from _

Amount of $ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues,

L Oate _ Signed _ ~

- -- - ----- - --------

List of GALA Tickets 037 John Spaulding, Jr 42 077 Kevin Gift 37 038 Travis Downs 59 078 Dan Otanicar 18

Ticket Number and Buyer Order Drawn 039 Sheilah Otterbacher 53 079 Mike Grimes 122 040 Bo & Jennifer Ramsey 253 080 Fred Poppelman 177

001 Dale Hershberger 295 041 Kaitlyn Zell 54 081 Joe Wilson 34 002 Faith Mayberry 48 042 Denise Woods 30 082 Pauline Bedford 197 003 Jim Molnar 79 043 J.R. Woods II 123 083 Samantha Gift 105 004 Brad & Mary Gentile 261 044 Marly Morehart 121 084 Andy Pocock 19 005 NO.5 Group Prowant.. 159 045 J.R. Woods 219 085 William H. Selby 139 006 Chris & Crew Overholt 125 046 Stan Connell 155 086 John Marcum $10,000 Winner 300 007 Jinx Pfile 88 047 Doris Lehman $500 Winner 225 087 Jerry Otterbacher 248 008 Jack Burbach 158 048 Stan Connell... 196 088 Jasmine Otterbacher 191 009 David Easterwood 109 049 Karen Lehman 281 089 Penny Otterbacher 112 010 Don (Butch) Alheit 146 050 Tammie Dunham 7 090 Candy Petrick 114 011 Kim & AI Bozich 239 051 Kathie & Todd Power 128 091 Wally Durbin l72 012 Drew Bates 117 052 Ed Ebert 205 092 Kay Durbin 198 013 Tim Meers 23 053 Ned H. Dresbach 275 093 Kyle & Amanda Williams 243 014 Alexander Wolf 279 054 Carole Kowatch 108 094 John & Jamie Moore 28 015 Kelly Linn 292 055 Scott & Craig Kowatch 94 095 Steve Rader 50 016 Curtis Otterbacher 233 056 Char Delbne $500 Winner 56 096 Tom Cappella 72 017 Bonnie Cirino 110 057 Steve Matus 271 097 Anissa Prowant 190 018 Todd Sipe 32 058 Tom Linn 273 098 Mike, Bob & Ken 175 019 Faith Mayberry 265 059 Sheila Linn 231 099 Jay Beggs 293 020 Geary & Mary Bates 161 060 Jim Molnar 204 100 JoAnne Prowant.. 257 021 Tony & Pam Campbell 181 061 Kim & AI Bozich 188 101 William H. Clinger 76 022 Dee & Ma Krusz 148 062 Kevin Koski 262 102 Kalker & Ward 215 023 Tim Meers 170 063 Wolf A. Alands 124 103 Bill, Mike, Bob & Rob Clinger 103 024 Deb Orosz $500 Winner 75 064 Wanda Mason 179 104 Paul Oechsle 267 025 Gloria Faint... 111 065 Jennifer Koski 176 105 Bob Halker 98 026 Karen Bates 135 066 David Drake 3 106 Char Delbone 294 027 Geary Bates 132 067 Ron Grosjean 130 107 Jim Molnar 220 028 Terry Albarter 85 068 David Drake 39 108 John McDavid 199 029 Jean Weber 15 069 Wilbert Drake, Sr 6 109 Larry Kotnik 277 030 Ken Weber 193 070 Dan Otanicar .46 110 Gene & Esther Pierson 11 0 031 Kevin L. Wampler 226 071 Ron Pughse 263 111 Tom & Monyca Christy 286 032 Kenneth Bothel 102 072 Stacie Linn 113 112 Mendy Hughes 43 033 Bo & Jennifer Ramsey 218 073 Jay & Vicki Clements 255 113 Linda l'I1artin 35 034 Jackie Woods 20 074 Scott Kolassa 187 114 Steve & Ami Wells 153 035 Dan Otanicar 138 075 Walter Hollman 143 115 Gary Crabtree 8 036 John Spaulding, Jr 274 076 Deb Orosz 16 116 Michael A. Albanese .47

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117 Michaella Albanese 156 197 Pam Ton 258 249 Jeff Pugh 221 118 Dominic Alblanese 91 198 Joseph Mercurio 57 250 Jeff Pugh 55 119 Nancy Albanese 282 199 Joseph Mercurio 11 251 Jeff Pugh 222 120 Michael J. Albanese 250 200 Joseph Mercurio 151 252 Jeff Pugh 131 121 Joe Sanders 270 201 Kevin & Cheryl Nolan 169 253 Danny R. Huston 268 122 Rod Arter 69 202 Matt Gallapoo 73 254 Jeff Pugh 65 123 Nicole & Chad Dilley 63 203 Charles L. Swain 29 255 Jeff Pugh 66 124 Paul Rickenbacher 5 204 Henry Co. Fair 25 256 Gloria & Harry Faint 278 125 Paul Bunting 99 205 Rod Lucas 192 257 Apple Jacks Produce 140 126 John Coutis 246 206 Jim May 152 258 Ann & Bob Kolar 212 127 John Curtis 207 207 Troy Kissel 166 259 Dale Miller 171 128 Jim McClure 291 208 Dean & Kurt Otterbacher 44 260 Dave Stoops 21 129 Drew & Karen Bates 10 209 Kurt & Amy Otterbacher 93 261 Betty Neiger 185 130 Katie Guinsler. 200 210 Dean Otterbacher 149 262 Bob Walter 58 131 Bill Agin 64 211 Jim Molnar 167 263 Robby Walter 182 132 Elizabeth Guinsler 115 212 Howard Call 129 264 Buzzard Family 116 133 Suzanne Guinsler 36 213 Susan Bush $500 Winner 150 265 Kitty Keating 51 134 Beverly Guinsler 77 214 Bill Bush 95 266 Bob & Kitty Keating 201 135 Doug Guinsler 252 215 Stan Woiciechowski 285 267 Loudonville Fair Board 256 136 Robert Bates 90 216 Mory Miles 89 268 Greg Beaver 228 137 Robert Bates 141 217 Tony & Barb Boyer 71 269 Rob Berk 38 138 Andy Pocock 74 218 Denny Irwin 165 270 Rob Berk 62 139 Judy L. Smith 229 219 Jim Bailey 296 271 Alan Weinman 154 140 Roger & Carol Morlock 56 220 Carl Bresson 223 272 Amy Bates 157 141 Pat Bush l07 221 Dennis R. Hammond 145 273 Michelle Bates 214 142 Joe Dickey, Jr 142 222 Leeanne Bush 106 274 Kimberly Oren 101 143 Don Hoover 61 223 Susan Bush 264 275 Jan Burns 241 144 Drew Bates 183 224 Kevin Nolan 213 276 Eric J. Bates 202 145 Dan Morlock & Ann Wade 162 225 Char Delbone 52 277 David Greavu $2,000 Winner 299 146 Maralee Pierce 186 226 Dale Schepman 249 278 Robin Smith 224 147 Jack Breece 82 227 Jim & Jan Otterbacher 160 273 Karl Dearwester 147 148 Jo Violand 133 228 Bridget Albanese 21 0 280 Amy Bates Dempsey 189 149 OFMA Auction 280 229 JoElien & Sugg Albanese .4 281 Renee Tedrick 276 150 Marge Otterbacher 180 230 Mike Wilson 136 282 Cathy & Dick Pilati .40 151 Paul Otterbacher ..70 231 Brian Owen 22 283 Karl Dearwester 251 152 JoAnne & Paul Otterbacher 206 232 Bill Sterling 260 284 Joyce & Pete Konrath 288 153 JoAnne & Paul Otterbacher 17 233 Tony Albanese 168 285 Harry & Gloria Faint 297 154 Dennis Kolb 290 234 Joe Sanders 284 286 Mark & Karla Dalessandro 217 155 Barbara Kissel 100 235 William E. Dempsey 164 287 Billy & Kristy Thornberry 92 156 Barbara Kissel 144 236 William E. Dempsey 235 288 Renee Tedrick 81 157 Troy Kissel 269 237 Amber Albanese Anderson 216 289 Marge Otterbacher 87 158 Bridget Albanese 238 238 Charlie Cox 67 290 Randall Carr 80 159 Lori Brewer 245 239 Brent Bair 83 291 Steve Burbach 103 160 Jill Shives 14 240 Nikki Bair 173 292 Douglas Kolcun 240 161 Tony Boyer 119 241 Shirley Duncan 194 293 Charlotte Jermy 68 162 Penny Downs 287 242 Jody Tilton 49 294 Doug Kolcun, Nicki Bair 12 163 Jay & Vicki Clements 78 243 Gary Duncan 237 295 Greg Dirusso 184 164 Jay & Vicki Clements 118 244 Dean Crumpler 120 296 Lisa Otterbacher 208 165 Dave Shives 283 245 Alissa Pugh $1,000 Winner 298 297 Joseph Garstka 33 166 Rosie Troutman 234 246 Gary Otterbacher 86 298 Bob & Kitty Keating 127 167 Rosie Troutman 227 247 Gary Otterbacher .45 299 Douglas Kolcun 242 168 Doc Mairs 203 248 Danny R. Huston 97 300 Amy Bates Dempsey 289 169 Margie Otterbacher 254 170 Otterbacher Family 178 171 Bob Keating 31 172 #2 Group Wayne Co. Fair 259 173 Barb Otterbacher 137 Living An Active Life 174 Howard Stahl 2 175 Dave Gallapoo 195 It's certainly no secret that maintaining an active lifestyle is beneficial to your heath. Study 176 Kitty Keating 163 upon study provides proof that your mind, as well as your body, profit when you keep up a steady 177 Lois Gallapoo 244 pace. During our busy season staying active isn't usually something we have to be concerned 178 Windy Gallapoo 211

about. However, once the equipment is packed away and the temperature drops, there's nothing 179 Matt Gallapoo 209 180 Kate & Holly Redmond 13 like a few lazy days to soothe the soul. The problem is that too often the few days turn into weeks 181 Paige Titon 236 and we tend to lose our momentum and our bodies begin to pay the price. 182 Matt Pugh 104 Unfortunately our businesses respond to sluggishness in the same manner our bodies do. 183 Makenzie Stuckey 266

When our focus is taken off of business something generally suffers for it. It becomes easy to 184 Gary & Shirley Duncan 60 185 Jeff Pugh 11 96 delay making that phone call or completing the contract that's been sitting on your desk. 186 Greg W. Myers 84 I am not implying that taking that much deserved time with our families, and leaving business 187 Doug Hanefeld 272 behind for awhile is not important. For our families should be our number one priority. 188 Anissa Prowant 232 Nonetheless, balance is the key, setting aside time for our families when we are busy and for busi­189 JoAnne Prowanl. 26

ness when we are not. 190 Debbie Durbin 247 191 Bob Ward 126 A great way to help you to schedule business time is to become An Active Member of 192 Lisa Miller 174 G.O.S.A. During the off season we meet monthly and discuss issues that effect us all and define 193 JoAnne Prowant 24 how to react to those issues. We welcome you to join us in helping to serve the independent show­194 Jeff & Allison Prowant 134

man. Please feel free to come join us or simply call one of your committee members to see how195 Mike Capella 41 196 Ron Smith 230 you could help today.

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RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286



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