Great Modern Artists Part One Their Stories and Their Art.

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Transcript of Great Modern Artists Part One Their Stories and Their Art.

Great Modern Artists

Part OneTheir Stories and Their Art


• Norman Rockwell• Andy Worhol• Jackson Pollock• Edvard Munch

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell’s Art

• Norman Rockwell was very prolific, and produced over 4,000 original works, most of which have been either destroyed by fire or are in permanent collections.

• Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life scenarios he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over more than four decades.

• The 1994 film Forrest Gump includes a shot in a school that re-creates Rockwell's Girl with Black Eye with young Forrest in place of the girl. Much of the film drew heavy visual inspiration from Rockwell's art.

• In the film Lilo & Stitch , the end credits include a parody of Rockwell's Thanksgiving . The participants in the dinner include three aliens, a native Hawaiian woman and child, and an African-American man.

Based upon this selection, you can infer that Norman Rockwell




created pa... never beca... had money ...

1. created paintings about everyday life that are still very influential.

2. never became famous.

3. had money problems his whole life because his paintings were stolen.

Famous “Rockwells” The Shiner


Famous “Rockwells”Freedom From Want

Rockwell’s painting entitled Cubs sold at auction for $662,500


Which Rockwell do you like best?




25% 1. Freedom From Want2. Cubs3. The Shiner4. Sunset

Norman Rockwell1897-1978

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol’s Art

• It was during the 1960s that Warhol began painting pop art of American products such as Campbell's Soup Cans and Coca-Cola bottles, as well as paintings of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley Muhammad Ali and Elizabeth Taylor.

• He once said "I've got to do something that will have a lot of impact that will be completely different from other artists.”

Short Bio of Warhol

In third grade, Warhol had a disease of the nervous system that caused involuntary movements of his legs and hands. He became a hypochondriac and developed a fear of hospitals and doctors.

Often bed-ridden as a child, he became an outcast among his school-mates and bonded strongly with his mother. At times when he was confined to bed, he drew, listened to the radio and collected pictures of movie stars around his bed. Warhol later described this period as very important in the development of his personality. When Warhol was 13, his father died in an accident.

Famous “Warhols”

… and his most Famous piece …


In 2008, Eight Elvises sold for $100 million


Campbell’s Soup Can

Muhammad Ali

Which of Warhol’s paintings sold for $100 million?




Marilyn Eight Elvi... Muhammad Ali Campbell’s...

1. Marilyn2. Eight Elvises3. Muhammad Ali4. Campbell’s Soup Can

If you HAD to, for which Warhol would you pay $100 million?




25% 1. Marilyn2. Eight Elvises3. Muhammad Ali4. Campbell’s Soup Can

Andy Warhol1928-1987

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock’s Art

• “My painting does not come from the easel. I prefer to tack the unstretched canvas to the hard wall or the floor. I need the resistance of a hard surface. On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting. When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing.”

• A young photographer went to Pollock’s studio to photograph him painting. Here is his account of what he saw:

“A dripping wet canvas covered the entire floor. . . There was complete silence. . . Pollock looked at the painting. Then, unexpectedly, he picked up can and paint brush and started to move around the canvas. His movements, slow at first, gradually became faster and more dance like as he flung black, white, and rust colored paint onto the canvas. He completely forgot that I was there; he did not seem to hear the click of the camera shutter.

My photography session lasted as long as he kept painting, perhaps half an hour. In all that time, Pollock did not stop. How could one keep up this level of activity? Finally, he said 'This is it.’”

What can you infer, based upon the passage?




Pollock ga... Pollock wa... Pollock’s ...

1. Pollock gave the photographer art lessons.

2. Pollock was just learning to paint.

3. Pollock’s painting style looked almost like a dance.

Short Bio of Jackson Pollock

After struggling with alcoholism for the whole of his adult life, Pollock's career was cut short on August 11, 1956 at 10:15 p.m.when he died in a single-car crash in his convertible while driving under the influence of alcohol. One of the passengers was also killed in the accident, which occurred less than a mile from Pollock's home. Another passenger, Pollock's girlfriend survived.

After Pollock's death at the age of 44, his widow, Lee Krasner, managed his estate and ensured that Pollock's reputation remained strong despite changing art-world trends. A large boulder marks his grave and a smaller one marks hers. Pollock was 44 when he died.

Based upon the reading selection, one can infer which of the following:




Pollock ha... Pollock’s ... Pollock ne...

1. Pollock had an easy, uneventful life.

2. Pollock’s life was ruined by his alcoholism.

3. Pollock never knew his children.

Pollock at Work


The Flame Mural

One of the most expensive paintings in history:

Number 5 by Jackson Pollock sold at auction for $140 million.

Number 5

Jackson Pollock1912-1956

Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch’s Art

• Munch's figures appear to play roles on a theatre stage (Death in the Sick-Room), whose fixed postures signify various emotions. Since each character embodies a single psychological emotion, as in The Scream, Munch's men and women now appear more symbolic than realistic. Death in the Sick-Room depicts the death of his sister Sophie.

The characters in Munch’s paintings:




look like ... were actua... were nudes.

1. look like characters in a play and represent different emotions.

2. were actually stage actors from local theatre.

3. were nudes.

Short Bio of Edvard Munch Edvard’s mother died of tuberculosis in 1868, as

did Munch's favorite sister Johanne Sophie in 1877. After their mother's death, the Munch siblings were raised by their father and aunt Karen.

Often ill for much of the winters and kept out of school, Edvard would draw to keep himself occupied. Christian Munch instructed his son in history and literature, and entertained the children with vivid ghost stories and tales of Edgar Allan Poe.

In 1908, Munch's anxiety, compounded by excessive drinking, led to mental instability. “My condition was verging on madness—it was touch and go.” Subject to hallucinations and feelings of persecution, he entered a clinic where he received “electro-shock therapy.” This stay in the hospital stabilized his mental problems and after he became a world-celebrated artist.

What can you infer about Munch as a child?




He was a n... He had lot... He was fro... He spent m...

1. He was a normal kid.2. He had lots of friends

and was popular with girls.

3. He was from a rich family and he was very active in school sports.

4. He spent much of his time at home with few, if any, friends.

Based on this information, what can you infer about the treatment that Munch received

during his hospitalization?




It helped ... It was not... He opened ...

1. It helped him to recover.

2. It was not helpful.3. He opened a

hospital of his own after.

Famous Art of Munch

Death in a Sick-Room



… and, of course, the masterpiece …

The Scream

Self Portrait

Edvard Munch1863-1944

Pick Your Favorite

• Of the four artists highlighted in this piece, choose your favorite based on the background information as well as the art itself.

• Ask yourself: “About whom would I like to learn more?”

Which Artist is Your Favorite?




25% 1. Andy Warhol2. Edvard Munch3. Norman Rockwell4. Jackson Pollock

And One Final Question

• How well do you know Ms. Jordan’s tastes? Though she enjoys the art of all four of these artists, one, and only one, of them is on her Top-5-favorite-artists-of-all-time list.

• Get that clicker ready!

Which artist is on Ms. J’s Top 5?




25% 1. Andy Warhol2. Edvard Munch3. Norman Rockwell4. Jackson Pollock

The End

• Hope you enjoyed getting to know more about modern art and artists.