Great Lions By: Zachary Brown. Table of Contents Introduction…………….....3...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Great Lions By: Zachary Brown. Table of Contents Introduction…………….....3...

Great Lions

By: Zachary Brown

Table of ContentsIntroduction…………….....3Living……………………………..4Growing………………..……....5Look like………………………..6Eating…………………………....7protection……………………..8Interesting Facts………..9Poem………………………….…..10Glossary……………………….. 11


Lions are great animals. They are mammals. That means they feed milk to their babies. They are scary.


Lions live in Africa and Asia. A lion’s habitat is in a large open land where they can hunt. They live in huge grass land.


Lions start as a cub. A cub is a baby lion. Next they grow into an adult. When a cub is 2 moths old he will learn to hunt. When the cub has leaned lots, the adult will leave.

Look Like

Lions are many sizes. They have big strong legs. Lions have lots of thick and golden hair. Males have manes. A mane is a great long fur that goes around their head. Lions do not have back teeth.


Lions are strong hunters. Lions are not picky eaters. They eat antelope and zebra and warthogs. Females do most of the hunting. They will steal cheetah’s food, hyenas food and leopard’s food.


Lions have to protect them self from predators. They can run up to 40 miles a hour. Sometimes lions wont a drink, but a hippo will get him.

Fun facts

They sleeps 21 hours a day. A lioness carries it’s cub to a new place so enemies won’t find it. Also takes it to where there is food. They can live in prides. Prides are a group of lions.


Lazy sleepersIntense hunters On the savannaNight is when they are aggressive


Mane: A long fur around a lion’s head

Cub: A lions baby

Mammal: Animals that feed milk to babies

Pride: A group of lions