Great facts about great war (world war i) part v

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Great facts about great war (world war i) part v


Great Facts About Great War (World War I) - PartV

To increase the size of the U.S. Army during WWI, Congress passed the Selective Service Act, which was also known as the conscription or draft, in May 1917. By the end of the war, 2.7 million men were drafted.

During WWI, people of German heritage were suspect in the U.S. Some protests against Germans were violent, including the burning of German books, the killing of German shepherd dogs, and even the murder of one German-American.

Herbert Hoover, who would become president in 1929, was appointed U.S. Food Administrator. His job was to provide food to the U.S. army and its allies. He encouraged people to plant Victory Gardens, or personal gardens.

The total cost of WWI for the U.S. was more than $30 billion.

The term dogfight originated during WWI. The pilot had to turn off the planes engine from time to time so it would not stall when the plane turned quickly in the air. When a pilot restarted his engine midair, it sounded like dogs barking.


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