Grateful Hearts - November 2013

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Welcome to our November-Movember issue of Grateful Hearts, where we focus on well-being: how to achieve it, and how to maintain it.

Transcript of Grateful Hearts - November 2013

Grateful Hearts

proudly brought to you by - You’re Amazing!

The Care and Maintenance of YouMaking your well-being a priority

We take our cars in for regu-lar oil changes. We back up files on our computers. We meet with financial advisors to discuss the health of our invest-ments. This is how we take care of the things that matter to us. We make the care and well-being of these assets a priority, and schedule time to maintain them.

So why is it then, that so many of us find it all too easy to put off a dentist appointment, skip out on physio, cancel an ap-pointment with a counselor, or cringe when we look at a cal-endar and see that we’re long past due for a physical?

Some of these appointments are not so fun. Some of them are even less fun than oth-ers! But by putting off care and maintenance of our own bodies and minds, what message are we sending to ourselves?

Your health and well-being is your most important asset. And staying on top of a regu-lar schedule of check-ins and check-ups is the best way to maintain your health and well-being.

Consider this a friendly re-minder to take care of yourself. Each of us knows what that means for our individual circum-stances. Commit to making (and keeping!) one appointment this week that you know you’ve been putting off. Put yourself at the top of your priorities and put a check mark beside “well-being” on your to-do list.

And after you’ve accomplished that task, have a read through this latest issue of Grateful Hearts to discover more ways to maintain your well-being.Also, don’t forget to support men’s health, and prostate cancer research, by support-ing the Movember Foundation, by growing a Mo, or supporting someone else who does. How do you make your well-be-ing a priority? Share your tips and suggstions!

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November 2013

2 Nutrition Notes

3 Your B-Day Freebies

4 Tips for 10,000 Steps

5 Gratitude vs. Anxiety



1 tortilla (flour or corn) 1 handful of spinach2 slices or crumbles of cheese (soy, goat or cheddar)


Left over protein from the fridge: chicken, pork, shrimp, hummus, lentil

Place ingredients on one half of tortilla, heat pan with a drop of olive oil, transfer tortilla to pan and fold remaining side over.

Cook a two minutes on each side or until the spinach starts to wilt.

Cut into 4 wedges and eat it up!

Got a quick and easy healthy recipe? Share it with us!

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Spinach: A 10 Minute Meal!

Raw almonds are a runners best friend. When I’ve taught people how to run and invited running experts to comment on training snacks ‘healthy al-monds’ can be heard without exception.

Almonds are the ‘lowest-calorie nuts at 160 per ounce (23 nuts; 6 grams protein, 14 grams fat)’ as per health

Check out this great article from on the best and worst nuts for your diet.,,20585485_2,00.html

Then stock up your cup-boards with this natural food.

Nut allergy? The fastest desert runners I’ve seen are fueled by dates. Super sweet and full of energy they’re definitely an amazzerballs alternative to almonds.

What’s your favourite way to enjoy almonds?

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A runner’s best friend...

Dear Readers,

It was my birthday and it re-minded me of how many wonderful free items stores are willing to share. Im not af-filiated with the stores in this article. This is my personal experience.

Here are three places to visit to sign up for your annual birth-day freebies:

1. Sephora: free mini set2. Red Robin Restaurant: free burger on your birthday 3. Aveda: free custom made ‘pure-fume’ (TM)

Purchases are not required to gain access to these awesome freebies. It’s certainly easy to find something special on any day you do visit these places, I just wanted to mention the no pressure to buy anything ‘more’ I experienced from these places. Red Robin Restaurant I noticed is featuring a healthy presentation of portion sizes so check it out on your next visit.

Some places take longer to enroll in the free programs so be sure to sign up earlier than your actual birthday.

Aveda for example took about Three months to deliver their confirmation I was enrolled. They did however include any missed bonuses I would have collected in that time between submitting my sign up form and getting the confirmation. But since the process took place over my birthday last year I got my present a bit late. No com-plaints here, only gratitude.

Photo: This year’s mini set from Sephora

Share your best freebie find!

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We Free Stuff!


10 tips for 10,000 steps a dayThere’s long been a philosophy that 10,000 steps a day would do a body good. With 10,000 steps equal to about 5 miles or 8 km a day how can we fit this in to our daily routine? Here are 10 tips:

1. Map a walk or run route

2. Wear a pedometer and walk around the office for 5-10 mins every hour.

3. Walk to or from work. If its too far take the bus part way and walk the rest.

4. Make it a priority to take the family or a friend on a walk (or two short walks) each week-end day, include your pet.

5. Cross train: swim or bike at a moderate pace equal to 2/3 the time it would take you to walk 8 km or 5 miles

6. Make a goal to ‘cross’ a country in steps, add up each days total towards the goal. After celebrate!

7. Park the car further away from your destination than usual, walk the remainder of the distance and don’t forget an umbrella!

8. Sign up for a walk or run race and incorporate 10,000 steps a day into your training program.

9. Walk the mall. This is great for bad weather days.

10. Start a walking group in your community.

Can’t walk that far? Don’t worry the message here is to move. Sometimes I even sit on the couch and a curl soup cans to get my motion in for the day.

Seem too much? Breaking up the commitment into four 15 minute segments can help, it’s all about how creative you can get with your self talk and how you frame your motivation.

How do you reach 10,000 steps a day?

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Gratitude vs. AnxietyWhat’s your anxiety level related to your positive goal?

1. Don’t care about result 2. Hope it happens one day3. Want it to happen with time & effort4. Determined it will happen 5. It has to happen no matter what

Aim for number 3. It’s okay to move through these levels. The world around you will respond best to number three. Recognize it? It’s the middle ground between ‘need and want’.

One way to stay grounded in the middle of need vs want is to remember something your grateful for no matter what happens with your positive goal.

I remember when I met my husband. It was when I had finally given up ‘need-ing’ marriage in order to feel complete.

The world can sense your need vs want level. Revisit this exercise to keep your anxiety in check.

Tell us what happens when you give up a “need” and replace anxiety with gratitude. We would love to hear from you!

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Need vs. Want