Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1922-02-08 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · made .in unique offer...

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Transcript of Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1922-02-08 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · made .in unique offer...


N ' I- r "ft.>„r s

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i » «»£" ,'. le—£. in formation for the womanls page of the morning editlob , i 7» HeraJ/i should be in ihe hands of .the editor of that page, before s o clock ,in the e.\;ening. After that hour no Items will be accepted for puMieation on tV.e; women's page in the morning edition ol the following



Large Attendance At ^ JL. T. L. Party Tues.


1 nr.


ORCHID FROCK About ninety Children attended the

party giver. for the Loyal Temperance Legion in the gymnasium. of the ,Y. i *V. 0. A. on Tuesday afternoon under the supervision of >ysa Isabcile Mc-Phail. superintendent, and others o£ i.he-teaehers.

A valentine p'nr>t . office, presided over by M lia3 Kthul (rosmmiU, furnish­ed a thrill to the youngsters who ! \v\rn furnished, with ! ioketa numbered i *'.< correspond w'.ili number:- on l.he<» \a>'s in the. "post office." and as the post mistress called 'the numbers ! iv>tr-'l on va.l;i>linas. the child* i holding the ticket to correspond; ciill-

. *d nt the office Cor his mail. Generous . lots? of valentines were supplied by tho . Pca.i:d;i!ivvi:i;i -.%nd American W. O. T. ; V. Oisrainza' io is. and these women as v»*<M! ;:rt theparent;: of tho' members of the L.' T: ! •. s^ni donations of food to he steryeU to tt« •> children.

p'ollowlng the delivery 'ot the valen­tine;!, ":i. program of songs and read­ings rvii'i iiiven, anil Mr.--. O. E. Ham-and tow very pretty fairy tale. Miss j Franocu Wagar was at the piano .and ! Miss Mas*gar6i Hy.tiop ha<l' charge of j tho refreshment:-. \ j

Ai U*.? conoiuKion of' tho aftejnoon, j in appreciation «> ihe. efforts of the i teacher*. Mr?. Geo, )•;. Black enter- j trained the; teachers a', dinner at. her 1

> home, 100!! Belmont avenue.

M i8a,.j>cllie Whaling, 1 SO I interna­tional avenue. ha« gone to Winnipeg *o he ' hr- guest of her hrpther-'.n-iaw anr.1 sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. I,. AT or- '

•* risor. for fan day.'. M>ss 'Whaling will • attend the Winter Carnival while in Winnipeg. »; ;

' + * • '

Mrs. ,(ri (i. K. Black is in chargp. of' the program • at the meeting: of the V . C. T. IT. to b«- held Friday after- :

noon at the home, of Mrs. J. P. Keade. ! 72S Chestnut street. The program ' *111 deal "with medical lempprancc. and Miss Krelyn Swerwon. • ounty school nurse, will give a talk on -:The Modem Health Crusad*." In addition ' to this talk, there will b^ several nv.i- ' wical numbers. A special invitation is extended to r.he young motlter^ of Grand Forks, tr'no. it is believed, will benefit by t;h,e discussions at this ; meeting. The meeting will be i.-alled

> if o'clock. . •i * '•

,Tu«s4*y marked the fifth wedding but this viir anrnverearj* <>f }>r.-and Mrs. Oeorro • ' , . -I P. .lorgenst-n, Oil Hover avenue ^ th« Iritnrrunp; Grand Forks, and in honor of <he occasion. !Dr. j].nd Mrs. .Jor^rensrm er.-t»rtain«a a company of friends on uiesday evening. Valentine efTects were used to make the rooms attrae-\t"" ant ' :».he diversion. Mrs. K. J. Coliton won the lady's hlph .-'•ore, and Frank Brislan look first P aee among the men. Tuesday was also Hr. Jorjjonson's birlhrtay anni-*. crsary. * *

t ' * yr *.;; * Mrs. <.!. A. Abbott ••ntcrialrieci a

.r-otio- of university faciiliy women at


You niav^think th3.t' little' Elephants, never get into.trouble,- . You may also , think that, you are the/o'nly one that! gets iHifl'slied for (loing •wronp. You may think diet you are t.he : only one | thai everi f«j!lf'intp. a nitid-holc. AVeli.'y ! little Tl.nv. .WQht' idd^'n to the :river to. " j'gef. :i. ili-irik. W'hile Tinker. Boh wan ; i .show ing hir.-tnV-ther.-the Magic Ba'ket i and the Kyautitul Creature. Tim. liked I to play in t^ie water, and h<> would : I thrus; his loug trunk i:i o the river lnrul then blow the waer into the air. ' | 11' he caw a bird i»v ('he tree h-; would i try to nit the little feathered fellow' j with the. stream of water. • , Well, be was havinj; the time of his I life playing in the water. He was very | brave when-he knew'that his mother

j was near. He thought |f those natives ; I would only come along then he, would . i give them a .showpr-'*ith, that would :

'send them :tway in ,a'hurry. He felr. • I tha: he wa^s the. greatest creature in !

the JuhgleSi and if Is dariwrous to feel j loo brave, -at least i*. was dangerous for little

WCariys^ H. H dlconhb,

" .TIM^'IS A;I^T?r **'• iV' '' ; / >*N •.



who have large mouths filled .with r^'V. i;. -great xeethV Well they are. and Ihey.i'' . * v , t get hungry for something to eat be- - i tr9.'^ ' V°,Jfsc,10 ,'r*v 10 GeL i sides fish and turtles, and ffow and : a;h° id on hls £»°V, th« load.M:L sPranK | snakes. So *hey>atch for the ore^-"^ yoMw,r. ;«na- i-a»tc«e«1. j i lures who come to the river to drink. f-'at 'ww l-n "m s unJ.. { and if they feel sure that there i.s a,i Tim couldn't soutnl h trumpet lor I chance-to get a 'gorfd dinner they bis trunk was faV. As he began to ' jtinio n'j'. of the river- and drag thc-ir Pull back he found that he could I-vlctiiu into the water. ; warcely niovc the sreat crcature. rij

} <s , ^

^ 1



Forest preserve belt^'iroujid. the city acquired 3,48-7- acres.-. ruo.i*^) total of 21,53 C acres t.i this Outer rltelrlnt. ' £ * * < ^•4 i distrlot.

. Chicugo.-^PIling" for the parkway that Chicago is preparing to build in the lake for- fi'Vo miles along the south side'Is already in place for six blocks, according to the 12th aqnuai report

Permission was obtained from . th#. governrtient kO ptish the sh-ore 'Vitt ot 0 r^nt park,' OhlcAgp'.V'dotvn' towllAlake f^ont playjfrountl, 5l4 feet rurihfei"-itrtO the lake.

Start was made on the ji^eation of a 7on. expected to be the'- largest in

, the west.' . * -of tho'Chicago plan commission just j .roi:tt action of Illinois with Indiana, completed. The estimated cost of -the j W8S authorized toward establishment city's lake front improyen^ent is ! „f an enorrtrous lake and rail transfer $40.000.000., j harbor near fhe state iirie.

Ifiighty-seven city improvements arc, Chicago public school teachers pending before the commission for! whose classes are studying the city

• coneideration. the report noted, ad--! plan were given copies of the. com-I ding: "Our work extends into every j miesion'6 ten year report. 1

section- of the ci 'ty and affects every J —^—— citizen.'' Here are other developments' Neither - turtle, a tortoise, nor a

j in this- field the pa,st year which the , toad has teeth. ' | commission chronicle,*:


i Hei-ild Want Ads Bring Results, Cn,mels sometimes lire to .the age

of a .hundred years.'

M,rs. Jessie 1>. BlacUstone.

Well these creatures heard about ten you just. why. The creature's itamcv.'was- Mr. Crocodile, agd lie was i Till! from ctet Pup awnv

!| tugeiher -,11 of the creature* of their , JJjj river: 'Tt *«t imiPOMibig for poor Kin.] mid decided to Tim down 1 "u,t ' to P"'1 1-'lT. *''"T ; tWe.\ Sow. all -of this was coins on ! rroc?d»Ies. W hen Tinker Bob fo n>,. while little Tim was rlaying'at the I hi,™ h,e, wf? hi S « edge of the rivet. When it was de- j w»h his tiny tail, and his feel, were • •idea the;.- moved toward t»e edge of braced, but his trunk was being

• the r'iver, on^> after the r-t.her. 1 stretched terribly-,, i. Watching ca r e f u l l y t i l l Tim woi l l d J Tomorrow—Tlio Kin« of the .Tnnglo

Mi's. .Jessie D. Blaekstone of Mel- j rose Highlands, near Boston, has j made .in unique offer to "tho other] woman" In her. husband's affection.-;, j Mrs. Hlack.-.tone would allow the j woman to enter the Blackstone home and live as his wife for six months. I Fancy Celery, each. "I want to prove to her," says Mrs. j Head Jjcttueo. each. I'.lackstone. "that she is an inspiration j rmit, 3 for. .

Soodlcfis Uaisins, per pound

FLOUR, 98 ib. Sacks .... . . -. $3.95 APPLES, Winesaps, Per Box $2.80 & $3 ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy, Doz. . . 25c

to my husband as a "once in»a while,' but. let. her lie his 'every minute' and the inspiration won't work."

18c 10c 28c

. 25c

. 35c

Ilcd I'calhcr Sliced Pine- j

apple. JVo. si/.e j

i-.ut his trunk deep i

into the water, for .IUver.



Ca!>. f'JK'll

Fort Tot ten Yellow Pcacho*. \o. S'i size each. . . ,

t'OCOO. S |H>UmlH. i Chili Sancc, | 16 ox. bottle 28^:

I ^"nrt Totten Black Itasp- j Fort Tottrn Sliced ! Iierricf, No. - si/c ' I*cachcs. N<t. 2 ] j 1 can. each 83cj size can. each. . . . . Red Feather Xiicod !

Pearlies. No. 2'j | Fort Totten t'olTec. size can. c«ch^ . . .33c! 1 Ib. can, each. .

. S2c

. 85c


Cooking Figs, per lb. 16c i'lire t'onib Hom-y,

each ,33c .Matclic;:. (» boxes to

carton, each ,23c'

5 Ib. can pure Itaspberry and Strawberry Prc-S 'ttcs. cadi SI.28

CaroJene Milk. each can . t ...... . 10«

Campbell's Beans. each can 10c

The- parly which llu- Catholic. . /IJIJI PSYCHOLOGIST TJausiiters of America planned to hold : , jUU ' ri»I wWliWW 1

i-iist season

on Tuesday evening. '-Voi-uary '.4. wiil not be given on that date, but wiil :

; be held on Monday. February !3. in-.!' i rftead. it is announced. Proceeds 1'ronv] I the affair will be used for charitable j | purposes' a:ul the women in charge j jure asking Tor u generous patronage. 1

beading was popular, j *i hirty tables played at the card mhroidery (leads ail else : party given in the Kn'ghls of Colum- i

lm-. »r?rl*rht colors hu-> hall on Tuesday evening by the! • l.adv Foresters. Th? prizes were won j


< Alleged to Have Forced , Persons Under His Influence

to Commit Crimes.

Free delivery on $3.00 orders in both cities.

»n are good for string and the new peri- £ OHvir.s „n<j Mr... K. o'Ktefe.

[winkle blues i:»Vl luehsia red.s lead ail j (Refreshments \\*ere at the elosc |e!.se. ( >r'-lvid. however, is bcc.nming' of the evening.. (more fashionable every day. There * ;|; •* are suits, conts and frocks made 'of | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miiier and this delieal.? shade and all are very | .•, jn, gijn, .Ir.. are expected to arrive spring-like and lovely. Kven the J |n Cran'd' Forks <itl»er this i;v«.ain? or roughest twred 'materials are more on *niursrlay (o h». the guests of Mr. attractive than over in lavender t!nt^ J Miller's paretua^Mr. arul Mrs. Sin\

This one-piece frock is made of j Miller. !»2:i Letvis . bou!'-vard. v Mr*, orchid colored c-rejje. it, is trimmed i Miller \\s«« formerly Viola 'Coutts of

'with lattice embroidery in canary y?l- j Grand Forks. low. The basque bodice is nut thc- j * * * tight basque of former generations. Mi{S! (-*|adyR Bu m s , who has been

1,'infined to a local hospital for some it"* ^ °f bridge in her home, 505 \ but a straight-line basouo for the I.arnhne avenue, this afternoon. : modern lincorseted figtire. An apron

^>n Friday afternoon Mrs. Abbott j tunic front and back trims the skirt, nl give an informal afternoon for! •**•

•vonty-flve guestn. ! r •" 1 —= • — —•- •• * 11

Miss Mar'.e Weisbeciter. in company j Q, S. A. Will HttVP ith her mother, Mrs. C. F. Weis- *

ocker. returned home ' on Tuesday 1 •ening from St. Paul. Miss Weifi- i

eo!ter. who has been in the nursea' raining department of St, Luke's hos- i The, Rt. rtev. James lital iiv St. Paul since September^ has ' bishop been ill for the li^st month and

Distinguished Gaest

time, is reported 10 be improving ^ 1

O11 Friday evening the .Catholic ! Guild will give a card party in the | auditorium of St. Mary's church for I ' the purpose of raising funds to finance j i their welfare work- This organiaa-! tion has for the pas: four years been ! engaged, in aiding poor families ol ,

4 O'-Rcilly iCrarid -l-'orks and has worked in c.011-of Fargo, will be'the honor ! .iunction with the city poor

haa; guest a.t the next regular meeting of; slcn for some f". J* vvi.ia v eve come home to spend a week with her] the'Catholic Students' association 0r:<nur;re ot the part> <,n 1 mJaj V parents at their home, 320 Walnut; tbr un'versity' to be held on Friday V°qU . I < i Ud woi k

| evening in the Knights of ColumbM ! «r<!

Announcement hae been made of a' 'V""'."*. . ! .# * * reception t^ be given by the local W. C

lodge rooms. In addition to an address by ^the . *j*jie niembers of the choir of the

'• T. 17. for the new members of the i bishop, a sociological paper on "kvo- i ;,^rst l.utheran church, with a party . _ _ 1 1 • « m t . . . . . . . I u H i m i ' ' t *ri T1 ha lit* Vm m t : . . . . . _ . 1 • .1 >-> organization, including the men hav- ! iution ing honorary memberships, on Febru- 1 Webb. a**y 18. ifl the Commercial club rooms. I Eleanor


will be presented by Frank j 0j 'friends. 'w<*re Kdward Kettcr and Miss j. (Sv>oggan party

entertained at a the Riverside slide

Kelly, members of the asso- 1 on Tue=da\- evening and were later

he general officers have charge of j ciation. Following this section «t-j takei to the home of Major and Mrs. the aftair and will present a Frances the program, these numbers will bo i -f.> Boyd, SOS Lewis- boulevard.

Willard memorial program. | given: " i where a hot supper was served. The * * * • Song—Valerie Sherlock.

The high score at the play of the; Dance—Barbara Trepanier. ruesday Night Bridge club was woh • Vteading—Grace Miller. I by Dr. E. E. Sherman. The club met ( Bdward Ketter is general chairman at the home of Mrs. Paul J. Davis, j in charge of arrangements for the 1.117 University avenue, on Tuesday | Friday meeting atid has asked that, all evening. j members be in attendance to avail

.There-wm beVmeeting of the Past i ^^^Reill^ & °f hCar'n5

Ariday i M'ks Thelmi Bonnett is chairman V.iLV't£ ^«,hmCJU, committer. program will deal wHh Lincoln and his | Mrs. W-.^H. Alexander of Gra.nd lire; and in special observance of: jrr,:-ks, whp has spent the last four Lincoln s birthday _ anniversary, each , nths ;./UnB Beach. Ca.l., is now

hours were from *

The gisma Chi "props'

until 12 o'clock. *

gave ait in-

Acc-ordt* year-old ese children have keener

| Berlin. — German criminologists, j j psychologists, medical and legal ex-I ports will hold a "congress" over the ' | case of Leopold Miceyslaw Kittay. a i ; (ialician. They have been summoned j 1 for opinions 011 psychology, hypno-;

hint, suggestion and mental responsi- ! I hiilry oj persc-ns who commit crimes ! while hypnotized. ,

Must Answer Charges. Kittay, \vho jiracticed hypnotism

: undef ihe name of Lo Kittay. is ai- : ; leged to have influenced his clients to i sell or pawn their valuables and give 1 hirii the money. Jle will also be held I to answer charges of immorality for

: he is said to have had great influence \ , over women, one -if whcni. the wife I 1 of a well known merchant, tried to, ! sell her house and furnishings without ! : hor husband's knowledge and sue- ; j ceeded in raising a considerable sum! ! whiph she gave' the hypnotist. ; He used part of the mo'ney in inak- ! ling a brief lour of German cities' j where he .gave public exhibitions of i his power over the merchant's wife. • i who, with a friend, accompanied him. ; | Girl Tndrr Power. | The complaint against Kif'ay c.itcs' t j.-in example of his. influence that he ' j hypnotized' a dancing girl while she was on the stage, 'compelling her 10

! fall a,sleep and abandon the perform- ; lance. This girl is said to have de-1 tested the hypnotist hut e6uld no; re-| sist his hypnotic power. ; A numhor of husbands whose wives ' I were addicted to drug habits appealed ! ti- Kitta.v for assistance and in some 1 instances he is Alleged 10 have put|| • tlie women asleep and while , in this ! condition suggested they sell or pawn i their own valuables or the property | of their husbands, proceeds of wlvch i transactions he pocketed.

Miss Sarah 22- j Kittay'f; defense will attemp; to esc* psychologist." Chin- i f-'h^w; the clients themselves were


L EWIS BROS. PURE FOOD C Werstlein Bros., Props. 0 Beef Roast, lb .. .. 12V2-15c Sv/eet Clover Links ... 30c Round Steak, 2 lbs... . .35c Bulk Sausage, 2 lbs ... .35c

.. . 25c Hamburger, 2 lbs .... j-. 25c

.. . 55c Boiled Ham, sliced, lb .. . 60c Sirloin Steak, lb .. B u l k L a r d , 4 l b s . .

PKAN IT BI TTF.R. 5 pound p«il

l.O?; CABIN SYHI P. large oa.n

1.0<; CABIN SYP.VP, inodium can


85c SI.00

59c 25c

APPI/KS. WrNKS.YPS, jier box

(iR.M'i: ruriT. large

i.i'MONS. per ilor/'ii

ri\i:.M'Pi.iis. I're.-li

.53,00 10c


Sarah Lcc.

liSirr to t.'hinw

. „ ... ... minds thnn ; criminally inclined and committed the formal dance at Guild hall on Tlies-, American 'Children. They compreherid offenses without undue influence on day evening, favoring the active niul 1 more qui< kl^ and retain with a mini-, the part of the hypnotist. alumnae members of their fraternity. . muni of effort, is her belief. Miss j ,ur The patrons and patronesses were. Uee. who is a resident of Oakland, j fUKNl&M JUlNfc Mr. and Mrs. .John Adams Taylor. Mr. Cnl.. and a graduate of the state uni-and Mrs. Paul Goodman, and Mr. anrt j versity. based her comparison of the | Mrs. IXobert Benner. J two. groups of children upon tests I

member will be askr i to respond to roll call Witl) a quoi.. 'on from Lin­coln. • Hostesses with M Ttohde w' be Mrs. Mande Adams a-i-i . i ' '. u L. Bathgate.

^.Mias Mar'.e Kocisko, Theodore Giese and Miss Clara Buegel were~ hostesses i

ail r.os Angeles, and will leave there

Mrs. riand Smith and Mrs. P. W. Miller were-winners of first and sec­ond high scores respectively, at "the afternoon bridge whiftfi Mrs. S, H. Ashley and Mrs. W. C. Stebbins gave

whicli she made~"in the California schools with the Binet system.


Highland Light. Mass.. Feb. S.— The Furnoss line freighter Thistle-more was piled high oil Cape Cod

und&y en route for Vancouver. B. C.. jn Mrs. Ashley's home, 504 Belmont where she will visit for a short time with her brother, A. D. Mcljoan. Mrs. Alexander will leave with Mrs. It. II. McCoy, formerly of Grand .Forks, and who has been at Long Beach also.

avenue on Tuesday afternoon.

and host at the meeting of the Young . anr' they will go to the. latter s home People's society of the Emanuel Luth- ! at Bonner s Forty, Tda. After a few eran church held on Tuesday evening. '• df,ys there Mrs. Aiexaudcr will con-The subject of dancing was discussed 1 tinun oh to Vancouver. at. this meetinjsr and Attorney Albert! "xl1'- :lr,c! ^rR- James Dinnie, Mrs. Ponath of Hankinson addressed the i Ale-Ktuider foeiety. i cently been making a number of mo-I in Mrs. Ashle

» * * •* i lor trips to points in California. They • beginning at Tnere were twenty-four guests at j were at the Arlington hotel in Santa, ten tables.

1 he. dinner party/which . Mrs. , T. J. Barbara over tho last vyee.k-end.: . ! Smith gave on Tuesday evening in her j Mr. Pinnie will return here within home, 185 Reeves avenue. Red hearts j, a few days, but' Mrs. Dinnie expects were used in decorating and In placing I to stav on for a time with her mother. the guests at tables.. Bridge was the ; Mrs. Jessie Blackburn, ait Los Angeles.

• diversion after dinner and prizes went i , # # * to the winners of the high scores. ,| The Pro-Cathedral club will give a

I • . • * * | card party in the auditorium of St. MiM Mildred Metcalf. *1448 vViets Michael's church on Thursday even-

avenue, with a groo*» of eight friends, j jng. playing to begin at' 8 o'clock. The enjoyed a toboggan party at the. committee in charge of the party in-Rtverside Park slide on Tuesday even- eludes the old and new members of

>y's hon 2:15. O 'I

ing. \ the organization.

THE LEADING GROCERS. and Retail. 122-134- South Third St.

If You Want Quality Canned Fruits I and Vegetables, Buy Curtice Bros.

Miss Jean Leonard was plea«9ntly surprised by a group of twelve of her \ beach today, a total wreck probably, friends on,Tuc'Fday evening, in her I witii her crew endangered. Ocas;

. - j .home. 209 Cottonwood street, the |~unrds at the request of Captain For­ced roses and red n.arrs w . • | or,cflSj0n being the anniversary of her ; time, rigged up their breeches buov

in decorating the rooms and blrthday- 110 lakP of|- ti,e fifty mert. The sea, tines marked tho places of In . j? ^ .. Kollowing an^vrninp of music nnd'lwor.? running hipli.

j AFstetlns Mrs. A^iley and Ail.,,. J- fian<.|n^f luncheon "was served hy . Who-i the steamship settled into her i bins were: Me.sda.mes L. A. V% a - | ̂(rs. J. P.\ Leonard and Mr.-:. A. C. j sandy bcil it was decided that the men, ! ken. K. P. .Rutherford. W. tJ. > un. : Lawre.nre. Streamers of red and !*p.boavd were no: in imminent dangpr j stine and C. H. Madsen. ^ ! white were hung from the clmndeliers and the rescue apparatus was. merely ! The second of the ;,ei ies ot | ? |to th*1 table, and red hearts wrc used • kept up ready for use.

. ,, ,, , i bridges at which Mrs. Asniey ana : afj pjac0 rar^s. Centering lh<> table j .The Tli!«tlemore left Boston y'ester-and .Mrs. .McCoy have re- ; Mrs. Stebbins are hostesses was given ; a |arpr*> white l>irthda.y cake hold- d.v.* for New Vork. PIV" registers 14,-

home this afternoon, : , rcd tM)ina,WI. . | 116 tons. clock, Tliere were j * * =:• J

i The > Royal Neisrhbors will give a ' . * ' • * ' ! card party in the odd Feilows' hall !

Mrs. P. A. MeClernan. Mrs. I-aly | this evening. Play will begin prompt-McColgan and Mrs. Fred Mullen will . jy ai R: i r. o'clock. Lodge will lie entertain^he Women's Relief Corps j called at 7:30. at tho second silver tea of a series on ; « s;: Thursday afternoon in the - home -of j The First. Lutheran Aid soc'ietv will Mrs. MeClernan. 220 Fourth avenue, meet in the church parlors on Th-jrs-from three to five o'clock. Each day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. J. p. member of the corps is asked to at- Taylor and Mrs. F. L. Tallackson will tend and to bring a guest. j be hostesses.

* $ $ !. ——i——• * St. Mary's Social club will meet on TTOTETJ HAS WIRKLKSS.

Thursday evening in the church audi- ' Minneapolis, Minn -—To tittraet torium, and dancing will be enjoyed meetings and conventions' because of from nine to twelve o'clock. Kmard's its facilities in disseminating news

which might follow them. a. local 'ho­tel1 has installed a wireless 1 outfit. Officials of the hotel declare t liat the radio service will be of oMpeeinl benefit } to national conventions which might | desire nation-wide distribution of the reports of their mect'nas. Xo charge is made for the use of the apparatus.

Special antenna has bceti in«t>Uled on a 40-foot tower on th:> roof <jf th" hotel building, and th" nutf't is strong enough to send reports anywhere in North America.

• &r-r t 41'- ta-. '•







orchestra will furnish the music.

i' TOMATOB&— E*tra family, a whole red ripe hand packed H . tomato. Special Z cane (or . CONCENTRATED TOMATO~Tl»e seedless ptilp, fine for m&k 1 ing tomato coup, Ho. 1 nan, apodal 3 (or

8BOOOTASH—the famoos early sweet variety 'oorn and Lima -t. Beua, apodal 3 cans (or J; CORN—Bine Label (ancy malse, packed when It Is gnmjk

Special, 3 cana (or .............. REFUGEE BKANS—Fancy, whole demies Refugee, the

b e s t ' . ' v e g e t a b l e b e a n g r o w n . S p e c i a l , 3 « H > a f o r . . SirRIKGI£86 BEANS—The only real

packed. ' Kxtra imall green. Special, 3 cafes tof

99c 53c 69c 79c

$1.19 $1.43

,Y8TAXi WHITE SOAP, CQ. 10 bars for wOv

^pORAX SOAP, 4Qp I; 10 ban (or W6 tiLKNOI SOAP,

TOniETF. PAPiai, 10 -rolls (or .. . '/A A'

TOIURT PAPKR, 20,U<I sheets, S mllx

BORAX, for Shampoo,

riryg Otrr breakfast, the best «>rfcc value in tl»c city. Special, 3 pounds (or

Mrs. A. ,T. Tagley ha^= returned to her home in the Herald apartments after being js.oijfined to a local hospital

i for "Ihe' paijt^ mo|ith. Mrs. Taglcy's j health is greatly improved.

* * * L Delta. Sigma fraternity gave, an i f t -j formal program dancing party on' Monday evening in Guild hall between eight, and eleven o'clock. The pa- :

| trons and patronesses were. Dr. and, ! Mrs. H. W.' F. Law. Dr. and Mrs. ffc"; j A. Abbott. Major and Mrs. A. K'; j Brown. Mr. and Mr- -V R. JacoblJ-, I and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H. Wilder.

Save the bird in hand— The others may be hard to catch

Miss Margaret. Heflican will leave j at noon Thursday to atteni the auto i show in Minneapolis. While there she I will be the guest, of Miss Irene Fee. j * if # r North Dakota; chapter of Pi Beta j Phi sorority announces the format in-| itiation on Tuesday afternoon of tho

j Misses Lillian Hendricks of Westhope, : Lorna Laney of Napoleon, N. I)., and Catherine. Cplosky of -Manvel,- N. 1")

"cookie shine"'followed the serv­ices. :• . • ' >

V" The Aid society of. the Lutheran

Free church will meet on Friday; afternoon in the church parlors. Mem­bers of the society will serve refresh­ments. . " , ,

' * * • .. - •«•». I •£ThC ,pckt;'^!ile,: for tWe^i»i6T)o'''.>el'Nb. j

. c-vneert tp';bo giyen Friday evening is'.; j! no#;'undeiv way'n ntfl gives promise of',)

:t very good attendance at'"the firsts appearance of the local si|igers!'l lOvery -jnember, of f|»e ..etxtpon in th^'i:

i Apollo

Between Meals Give the Kiddies) Some

Barker Raisin Bread • '• m ft is good for them ' ; '

. ' • '

EdiS:er fystem 8?kery Sam FHpvneas^er, Kgr.

n*M*r* Ifiiuo# OtB'u.l


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