
Post on 08-Sep-2015

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Transcript of grammar

But, However, So, Because , And, Also

1. Principio del formulario She can speak French, she can't write it.

Jane speaks French. Sam______speaks French. He's going to work in Colombia,he's learning Spanish. I went into town. I bought some foodI went to the library. I don't have a car,I have a motorcycle She's working late next Friday,she can't come to the party We enjoyed the vacation., it rained a lot.

I love chocolate. I______love pizza. She went homeshe was tired The weather wasn't very appealing. Ialsowanted to stay home and finish my book. That's why I didn't go to the beach. He worked hard,he passed all his exams.

Frank can come with us. Nancy can_____come with us.

Final del formulario