Graduat - Fergusson College, Pune · Graduat science.teaching was introduced in the college more...

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Transcript of Graduat - Fergusson College, Pune · Graduat science.teaching was introduced in the college more...


science.teaching was introduced in the college more than 100 yearsago. lndependent science departments were progressively establihedto cater to the demands from stakeholders. piesently, the sciencefaculty is a blend of basic and applied science.

Vocational Courses at Undergraduate Level1 Photography & Audio-Visual production with physics major2 Electronic Equipment Maintenance with Electronic Science major3 Vocational Biotechnologywith Botany /zoology/Chemistry major

Autonomous Certificate Courses of 1 year duration1 certif icate course in photography (part-t ime autonomous course

conducted in evening)

Note: For all professional courses, the curriculum for F.yB.Sc. /S.YB.Sc./T.YB.Sc. is different from general science courses.

Degree Courses at UG Level

B. Sc. (Professional Courses)

1 Animation *

3 Computer Science *

B.Sc. (Genera I Science)

1 Botany

3 Electronic Science

5 Geology

7 Microbiology

9 Statistics

2 Biotechnology *

2 Chemistry

4 Environment Science *

6 Mathematics

8 Physics

10 Zoology*These courses are un-aided courses (Self Financed)

F.Y B.Sc.

Rules regarding Choice of Subjects

A student shall offer a combination of FOUR subjects from thefollowing, Vocational Biotechnology (VBT), Botany (B), Chemistry (C),Electronics (E), Geology (G), Mathematics (M), photography (ph),Electronic Equipment Maintenance (Em), Physics (p), Statistics (S),Zoology (Z), Microbiology (Mic.), Environmental Science (En sc.)

!9:h :yblect will have 2 theory counes and one practical course. Thefollowing combinations areavailable at F.yB.Sc.Microbiology and Environmental Science are un-aided / self financedcourses.

Vocational cou rses namely -

- Vocational Photography*- Vocational Electronic Equipment Maintenance*- Vocational Biotechnology** : Un-aided courses

: 3 0

: 3 0

: 3 0


Un-aided : PCM Ph. PME Ph. PME Em. CBZ BT CBZ En Sc. CBZ MicIntake Capacity

F.YB.Sc. (General Science) - Aided : 600

F.YB.Sc. (Microbiologyand Environmental Science) - Un-aided : l20

F.YB.Sc.(ComputerScience)-Un-aided : 160

F.YB.Sc. (Biotechnology)- Un-aided : 24

F.YB.Sc. (Animat ion) - Un-aided : 160

S.Y B.Sc. (General Science)

A student shall offer a combination of THREE subjects out of the fourtaken in F.Y B.Sc. In addition, the student wil l have to opt for onelanguage cou rse in Engl ish / Marathi / Hindi / Sanskr i t .

The following combinations are available at S.Y B.Sc.


S.Y B.Sc. students wil l have to take a Compulsory EnvironmentalAwareness course as per the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Courtand as per Pune Universitydirectives. Thefeesforthis course is Rs. 220l-

T.Y B.Sc. (General Science)

Following subjects are available as specialization in B.Sc.

1 Botany 2 Chemistry 3 Electronic Science

4 Environment Science* 5 Geology 6 Mathematics

7 Microbiology* 8 Physics 9 Statistics

10 Zoology*These courses are un-aided courses (Self Financed)

A students shall offer any one of the three su bjects except the vocationalsubjects taken at S.Y B.Sc.

Choice of subjects at T.Y B.Sc.

Vocational subjects atT.Y B.Sc. are l inked with the following subjects.

r Biotechnologywith BotanyorChemistryORZoology

r Electronic Equipment MainllenaneswithJlectronic Science

r Photographywith Physics

A particular combination of subjects at the F.Y / S.Y /T.Y wil l be allowedif it f i ts within the Govt. rules of teaching work load and if i t can beaccommodated in the college time table. The college reserves its rightto withdraw (or to add) any subject combination given above withoutany pr ior int imat ion.

Computer Science

F.Y. B.Sc.

A student shall offer the following FOUR subjects : Computer Science,

Electronics, Mathematics and Statistics. (Two theory papers and one

practical in each of the subjects).

S.Y B.Sc.

A student shall offer the following FOUR subjects : English, Computer

Science, Electronics and Mathematics. (Two theory papers and one

practical in each of the three subjects) and compulsory Environmental

Awareness course.

T.Y B.Sc.

A student shall offer Computer Science consisting of six theory papers

and three practicals.


r F.Y B.Sc.

r S.Y B.Sc.

r T.Y B.Sc.

r F.Y. B.Sc. : A student shall offer 8 theory papers & 4 practicals

r s.Y B.Sc. : A student shall offer 7 theory papers & 3 practicals

r T.Y B.Sc. : A student shall offer 6 theory papers & 2 practicals

Voc. Degree

r B. Voc. (Media & Communication) : 50 Seats

r B. Voc. (DigitalArt &Animation) : 50 Seats

. ? " -s*,Vss( atgi t"elle$*4Anm. tj_o_d_

lbAll admissions are made as per the rures and regurations of the savitribaiPhule Pune University.

Admissions and Eligibil i ty1 . An application for admission to the colrege wilr have to be made online by all students.(incruding those who'were in this coilege in theprevious year). Apprication form is avairabre at

2' lt should be noted that the payment of the fees by itserf does notconfirm admission 19 tlg .oit.g.. The fees are treiieo as a depositand wil lbe refunded (with dedrlction as perirr. irr. i i i f admission isnot granted.

3. The admission is varid onry if the student pays the prescribed fees onthe day the authorit ies sign the admission form.

4- students who wish to avair of the government concession for feesunder the scheme for Economicaily sackward ctars,-rt,ourd fi i l upthe prescribed application form (within one week from the date ofadmission) and attach the rerevant income certif icaie as per rures.The application forms are avairabre in the cottege ottice.

5. A student applying for admission to F.y B.A. / F.y B.Sc. class afterpassing H.s.c. examinat ion of Maharashtra state Board ofsecondary and,,Higher s.econdary Education wirI have to apprythrough the colrege to the Regisirar; University of pune, for theelig ibi lity certificate.

Bachelorof Vocation

1 . B. Voc. (Media & Communication)

2. B. Voc. (Digital Art &Animation)

It has been a long felt necessity to align higher education with theemerging needs of the economy so as to ensure that the graduates ofhigher education system have adequate knowledge and skills foremployment and entrepreneurship. The higher education system has toincorporate the requirements of various industries in its curriculum, inan innovative and flexible manner while developing a holistic and wdlgroomed graduate.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has launched a scheme onskil ls development based higher education as part of college education,leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) Degree with multiple exits suchas Diploma / Advanced Diploma under the NSeF (National skil lQualifications Framework). The B.Voc. programme is focused onco l leges prov id ing undergraduate s tud ies wh ich wou ld a lsoincorporate specific job roles along with broad based generaleducation.

Fergusson college, Pune has been identified by the UGC to provide thisB.Voc. Degree in two specializations

1 . B. Voc. (Media & Communication)

For details on these programmes, refer to

college website : Q'

The following documents are required for erigibirity certificatei) Original Transfer Certificateii) Attested xerox copy of the ma rk sheet

7 . Students who pass the l.C.S.E. / C.B.S.C. or equivalent examination

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.s,tate;, wiil have to iubmit the-foilowinsj,*g:f:*:.q yl" the etisibitity apptication form (;;lrrb';:u v ! . u r r r s r r r ) d t u l t g w l l n I n e e l l gwell as attested xerox copies)i) Migrationcertif icateii i) Statementofmarksv) Passing certificate

Tra nsference certificateAttenda nce/ Cha racter certificate


8' A student coming from any college affi l iated to Savitribai phulePune University and applying for S.y. B.A. / B.Sc. class can be directlyadmitted to this coilege,-provided seats are avairabre. He / she wirlhave to apply to the pievious college for a TransteienceZ Migrationcertificate afterjoining the coilege. students with backrog/s wiil begranted admission to the college.

9' A student coming_from a University other than savitribai phule puneUniversity for s'y B.A. /T.y a.a. or s.y /T.y B.Sc. / wit have tosubmit the certif icates mentioned at No. 6 along with the duly fi l ledeligibil i tyapplication form to the college office.

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Award DurationCorrespond i ng NSQF level Eligibil i ty

Diploma 1 year 5 1 0 + 2Advanced Diploma 2 years 6 from any

B.Voc. Degree 3 years 7 stream