Grade 9

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Grade 9

Grade 9 Visual ArtAVI10 Sarah Kim and Jennifer Ellis


The transition into high school can be daunting…..

Building on prior knowledge can give students confidence…..

The grade 9 curriculum focuses on the students’ culture and perspectives.

Use this knowledge to create more sophisticated art in Grade 9

Grade 8 Expectations: What do they already know?

organize their art works to create a specific effect, using at least two of the principles of design specified for this grade

produce two- and three-dimensional works of art that communicate a range of thoughts, feelings, and experiences for specific purposes and to specific audiences;

describe, in their plan for a work of art, the main idea they wish to communicate and the artistic decisions they have made to support that message.

Grade 9 Expectations: How they will build

use materials and processes to create art objects that express their intent;

apply the elements and principles of design;

produce two- and three-dimensional artworks, using a variety of materials, tools, processes, and technologies;

apply the creative process (i.e., perception, exploration, experimentation, production, and evaluation) in their work;

explain the function of research and technology in visual arts.

Overall, The Students will…..

Apply their knowledge of the principles of design and create work that is more research based and one that exemplifies a process to making art.

The work will deal with issues of social and cultural issues that are often perceived in art.

The students will refine their drawing and painting skills by learning different techniques and perspectives used in art.

Sample Student WorkGrade 9: Level 4 Exemplar

What Can Art Lead to?Many parents assume that art leads to a life of poverty and struggle.

However, art can lead to a wide range of interesting possibilities for students who wish to pursue their artistic side.

Jobs Related to ArtInterior/Exterior Design

Creative Director


Animation and Technology

Fashion Design



Web Designer

Art Therapy

Set Design/Production


Make-Up Artist

Magazine Layout

Product Designer

Art Conservation


Art Schools in Canada

Ryerson University: Urban Planning, Interior Design, Film, and Fashion.

Sheridan Tech College: Animation

York University: Fine Arts

The Art Institute of Vancouver: Graphic Design

Concordia University: Art Therapy

University of Toronto: Architecture

Queen’s University: Art Conservation

OCAD: Criticism and Curatorial Practice

More than just Paint!We work with other disciplines to explore and showcase our talent!

Cross-Curricular ConnectionsArt with no Borders

Production Design Students can use art and creativity to get involved in school productions, such as plays and musicals.

HistoryHistory and art go hand in hand. While viewing master works, students will learn the artists’ political and social intentions.

ScienceStudent learn aspects of movement, perception, depth, and colour in visual arts.

MathematicsStudents will learn the “golden ratio” in a composition, a classical compositional technique used to divide the picture plane using an easily-calculated formula corresponding to the golden ratio of 1:1.6, which can be seen in examples like da Vinci's Vitruvian Man


The Requirements for the OSSD

earn 18 compulsory credits;

earn 12 optional credits

complete 40 hours of community involvement activities;

successfully complete the provincial school literacy test.

Compulsory Credits

4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)

1 credit in French as a second language

3 credits in mathematics (at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)

2 credits in science

1 credit in Canadian history

1 credit in Canadian geography

1 credit in the arts

1 credit in health and physical education

.5 credit in civics

.5 credit in career studies

PLUS1 additional credit in English, or a third

language, or social sciences and the humanities,

or Canadian and world studies

1 additional credit in health and physical

education, or the arts, or business studies

1 additional credit in science (Grade 11 or 12)

or technological education (Grades 9–12)

Types of Art Courses: Academic, Applied, and Open

Academic- Emphasis on theory and abstract concepts, application.

Applied- Focus on practical applications and concrete examples.

Open- An overview in the arts to enrich their overall study.

Transfer Courses

Should goals change, students may take a transfer course which will allow them to change focus of their Diploma.