Grade 3 English Listening Giving the Main Idea of a Selection Listened To

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Transcript of Grade 3 English Listening Giving the Main Idea of a Selection Listened To

8/11/2019 Grade 3 English Listening Giving the Main Idea of a Selection Listened To 1/5

Giving the Main Idea of a Selection Listened to

I. Learning Objectives

• Identify the main idea listened to

Write the main idea of the selection listened to

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Giving the Main Idea

References: PELC Listening 6 p!"#Reading Marvels $

Lang%age &y 'oresman (cott pp!)*+))

Materials: pict%re of a lion an ant forest and some animals

,al%e 'oc%s: Respect for others

III. Procedure

The Lion and the -nt

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-! Preparatory -ctivities

"! Motivation

What do yo% see in a forest. Gro%p the animals into &ig or small!

/! 0nloc1ing of diffic%lties

2y means of pict%res %nloc1 the follo3ing:

forest cra3l pain

%n1ind creep

$! Motive 4%estion

Who are the characters in the story.

2! 5evelopment of Lesson

"! Presentation

a! (ho3 pict%res of animals that live in the forest li1e lionstigers e&ras sna1es &irds and mon1eys!

&! Let p%pils listen to the selection!

The Lion and the Ant

-ll the animals of the forest came to pay their respect

to Lion their 1ing! Little -nt came too &%t the pro%d Lionsent him a3ay! This 1ing didn7t care a&o%t small animalsli1e the ant!

The 8ing of the -nts got very angry 3hen he heard

a&o%t the %n1ind 3ay 8ing Lion treated Little -nt! To teach

Lion a lesson he sent a 3orm to cra3l into Lion7s ear andma1e him feel so m%ch pain! In an instant 8ing Lion

roared &eca%se the 3orm 1ept &itting his eardr%m! -ll the

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animals came r%nning! They offered to fight Lion7s

enemy &%t none of them co%ld get at the 3orm! When Lionco%ld no longer &ear the pain he &egged the 1ing of ants

to help him! It didn7t ta1e long for Little -nt to creep into

Lion7s ear and p%ll o%t the 3orm!

(ince then 8ing Lion never treated small animals li1ethe ants %n1indly again!

/! -nalysis and 5isc%ssion

"! 9ame the characters in the story!

/! Who didn7t care a&o%t small animals.

$! What did the 8ing of the -nts do to teach Lion a lesson.#! 5id the lion change his attit%de to3ards small animals.

! Was it right for the 8ing -nt to do 3hat he did. Why.

6! If yo% 3ere the Lion 3hat co%ld yo% have done to 8ing

-nt. Why.;! What is the story all a&o%t.

$! ,al%es Integration

<o% may &e strong or may&e rich and po3erf%l &%t yo% 3ill

al3ays need others in times of need and tro%&le!

#! Generaliation

The main idea is the most important message of a selection or a

paragraph! This main idea is called topic! Many paragraphs &%tnot all have a topic sentence! It is the sentence that &estdescri&es or states the main idea of the paragraph! The topic

sentence most often appears first or at the end &%t it can appear

any3here in the paragraph!

C! Post -ctivity

"! -pplication

5irection: Listen to these paragraphs then give the topic


a! Water has many %ses! People %se 3ater for drin1ing andpreparing food! Water is also %sed to irrigate farms! It is

also %sed in generating po3er!

&! Cigar=cigarettes are made from to&acco leaves 3hichcontain nicotine! 9icotine is a harmf%l s%&stance that

affects a person7s health! It can damage the l%ngs and

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the heart! Even those 3ho don7t smo1e can &e affected

&y the smell of the nicotine!

/! Enrichment -ctivities

5irection: Listen to the paragraph and ans3er the >%estions!

The s%n is very important to living things! The s%n helps

people to &e healthy! (%nlight 1ills germs! It helps &%ild strong

&odies! The s%n helps plants and animals too! Plants 3ill die3itho%t the s%n! The animals 3ill die 3itho%t the plants! People

can not live 3itho%t plants and animals!

"! What is the paragraph a&o%t.a! the importance of s%n

&! the composition of s%n

c! the location of s%n

/! What 3ill happen to plants if there is no s%n.

a! The plants 3ill gro3!

&! The plants 3ill die!

c! The plants 3ill &ear &ranches!

$! Which sentence gives the idea a&o%t the paragraph.

a! (%nshine 1ills germs!

&! The s%n helps plants and animals!c! The s%n is important to all living things!

IV. Evaluation

Listen to these sentences=paragraphs then 3rite the letter of the

sentence that gives the main idea of each!

"! 2irds fly ra&&its and 1angaroos hop d%c1s 3addle centipedes cra3lfishes s3im!

a! -nimals move from one place to another!

&! We sho%ld protect the animals!

c! -nimals move in different 3ays!

/! Erryl heard the children cry for help! (he 3as very far a3ay from the

children &%t she heard it &eca%sea! Erryl has t3o ears!&! ?er ears are very clean!

c! Erryl can detect fara3ay so%nd!

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$! 2ees live in colonies! Everyone has a certain 3or1 to do! The &iggest

female &ee is the >%een! (he lays egg for the entire colony! The&iggest male &ee is her partner! Male &ees are called drones! The

3ingless &ees are the 3or1ers!

a! 2ees are 3or1ing insects!

&! 2ees 3or1 in order to s%rvive!c! 2ees have partic%lar 3or1 to do!

#! There are different 1inds of soil! (and is fo%nd in &eaches and

seashores! Clay is stic1y soil %sed in ma1ing pots! Loam is the soilfor gro3ing plants! Gravel is %sed in the constr%ction of ho%ses!

a! There are five 1inds of soil!

&! There are different 1inds of soil intended for different %ses!

c! We need only one 1ind of soil!

! Every&ody in the ho%se is &%sy! Mother is coo1ing sinigang.  'ather

is fi@ing the stairs! Rosa is d%sting the f%rnit%re! 2en is 3atering the

plants in the garden!a! Everyone in the ho%se is &%sy!

&! Mother and 'ather 3ent for a 3al1!

c! Children 3ent to a near&y ho%se!

V. Assignent

Write a paragraph a&o%t yo%r favorite animal!