Grade 2 Learning Metrics Task Force Pilot...

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Transcript of Grade 2 Learning Metrics Task Force Pilot...

Child Name: ________________________

School Name:


Middle High Higher Sec.

School level School type

Boys & GirlsSchool

Boys OnlySchool

Girls OnlySchool

What is the medium of instruction in school?






Male: ___________________

Female: _________________

Class Enrollment

Grade 2 (Sample 1)

Male Female Total Male Female Total

Total # of Teachers Total Enrollment

Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto Math English Cognition

Learning Metrics Task ForcePilot Testing


1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Total time for the test is 45mints.

3. For multiple choice questions (MCQs), encircle

the correct option.

Name: ___________________________

Class: ____________________________

School: ___________________________


English ToolsSample 1 Grade 2

Read the poem and answer the questions given below

Mano is my pet cat. Mano is brown. She sleeps with me. She is fat. She likes milk.

I love my cat.

(5)(Circle the right answer)

(5)Q2. Read the poem and answer the questions given below

I have a basket

The basket is blue

The basket is full of fruits

The red red apples

The green green grapes

The little yellow mangoes

I love them all

(I) What is color of the basket?





(II) The basket is full of _________





(I) What is the color of the cat?





(II) Mano likes __________





(III) Fill in the blank

I __________ my cat

(IV) Write name of the cat


(III) Fill in the blank

The little ________ mangoes

(IV) Write any two fruits from the poem


(Circle the right answer)

(Circle the right answer)

English ToolsSample 1 Grade 2

Q3. Write two words that begin with letter P

Q4. Put these words in the right order to form sentences

This a doll is _________________________


Q5. Complete the sentence replacing pictures with words (4)

I see a _____________

I see a _____________ I see an _____________

I see a _____________




Q7. Fill the blanks with “A” or “An”

________________ tree

Q6. Make plural of the following words


_______________ old man

_____________________ duck___________________ orange

Q8. Insert the missing letters

Boa________d Mi________k


Like my I school ________________________




Q. 1 (5) Q. 2 (5) Q. 3 (2) Q. 4 (4) Q. 5 (4) Q. 6 (2) Q. 7 (4) TotalQ. 8 (2)

Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 



Instructions   All questions are compulsory. 

All MCQ’s carry equal marks. 

Encircle the correct answer for each MCQ’s 

Total time for the test is 60 minutes. 

Total marks for the test are 40. 

 Name: _____________________  Class: ______________________  School: _____________________ 

Encircle the correct answer. All MCQs carry equal marks. 1x10

(1) Which one is the largest number?

a. 4

b. 9

c. 13

d. 17

(2) How many balls you can see here?

a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d. 9

(3) 8 birds were sitting, 4 fly away. How many are sitting now?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6

(4) Which one is smallest number?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 7

d. 8

Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


(5) Complete the series.

13 14 5 16

a. 17

b. 18

c. 19

7. 20

(6) 3 and 2 more is?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

(7) How many sticks you can see here?

a. 30

b. 31

c. 32

d. 33

(8) 6 is ______ more than 4?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

(9) 3 + 7 =

a. 8

b. 9

c. 10

d. 11

Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


(10) Which one is a longest stick?





(11) Ali bought , , , and

. Which one is heaviest?

a. Rubber

b. Pencil

c. Book

d. Ruler

(12) Select the shortest object.





(13) According to this clock, the time is:

a. 3’ o clock

b. 6’ o clock

c. 9’ o clock

d. 12’ o clock

(14) __________ is 12th month of Solar year.

a. January

b. June

c. November

d. December

Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


(15) 2nd day of the week is?

a. Sunday

b. Monday

c. Tuesday

d. Wednesday



a. 2

b. 5

c. 7

d. 8

(17) This is a currency note of _________ rupees:

a. 10

b. 20

c. 50

d. 100

(18) Price of a chocolate is 5 rupees. Ali had 10 rupees. He bought a chocolate. How much money he is left with? a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

(19) Encircle the similar shape





Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


(20) The full moon has a shape like __________.

a. Rectangle

b. Circle

c. Square

d. Triangle

Fill in the blanks. All Blanks carry equal marks. 1x10

1. 15, 14, 13, 12 numbers are arranged in

__________ order.

2. Number 7 in words is written as ___________.

3. Complete the series 2, 3, 4, 5 , __________.




4. There are ________ sticks in one bundle.

5. 4 + 5 = __________.

6. 8 – 2 = __________.

7. There are ________ birds in the picture.

8. 10 – 4 = _________.

9. Read and write the time here ____________.

10. Which one of them is lighter in mass? Bike or car

Write the name of lighter object here ____________.

11. From the note of 10 rupees we can get ________ coins of 5


Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


12. Which one is heavier either goat or elephant ? Write the name

here __________.

13. Wednesday is ________ day of the week.

14. There are _______ months in the year.

15. Complete the patterns. ____________.

Answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. 2x5

1. Write the numbers in descending order from 9 to 1.

2. Arrange the numbers in ascending order.

50, 37, 34, 36, 40, 45, 27

3. There are 36 students in class. 24 are boys. Find the numbers of girls.




Sample 1  Mathematics Tools  Grade 2 


4. Price of a bag is 63 rupees. Sana has 78 rupees. She buys a bag. How much money she is left with?




5. Extend the given patterns.

+ x ÷ +


Cognition Tool     Grade 2 

Instructions   All questions are compulsory. 

All MCQ’s carry equal marks. 

Encircle the correct answer for each MCQ’s 

Total time for the test is 30 minutes. 

Total marks for the test are 10. 

 Name: _____________________  Class: ______________________  School: _____________________ 

Q1.  Look at the first pair of shapes and study the pattern. Which of the six numbered shapes should 

come after C? Circle your answer. (5)

Q1.  For the following diagram, select the item below it which matches with the pattern (2.5) 


Correct Answer: _______________ 

Cognition Tool     Grade 2 

Q2.  For the following diagram, select the item below it which matches with the pattern (2.5) 


Correct Answer: _______________