Grace of Heaven and the Virtues of the Masters. 2 People before you put in the labors so you can...

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Transcript of Grace of Heaven and the Virtues of the Masters. 2 People before you put in the labors so you can...

Grace of Heaven and Grace of Heaven and the Virtues of the the Virtues of the


People before you put in the labors so you can enjoy the fruits!


You got the best of Both Worlds!

Receiving Tao at this Junction of Tao Propagation

Living in America instead of … Learn our History

With Respect and Gratitude

Do you truly know what that means?

Imagine the joy of clean up your computer virus and now your computer can run like New again!

Now, imagine the joy of clean up your spirit and now

you can run like Heaven again!

WE were once angels, run like Heaven.

What Happened? What went wrong?

With Grace of God, we have:Creation (process beyond comprahenchant)

Universe in Motion, Nature Flourish…

Complicated, Intricate, Inter-dependent, Beautiful and Balanced

The Divine is the Dance and We human are the Dancers…

Some how the Dancer thinks he is the Dance;And the Ego takes over, and then the collective Ego…

And then we have the problems we have today.


1.To demolish all and rebuild (the end of the world).

2. To fix the problem and restore its’ balance.


The COMPASSION of the spirits could not bear to seeThe Destruction and Suffering of the good souls

(the living and the passed)

Thus the Mission to SAVE OUR SOULS!

Slowly but Surely to Reverse the problems!

To awaken the unconscious Dancers.

To creating Heaven on Earth, one person at a time, one family at a time!

That is a tremendous Task! Luckily we have all the spirits in Heaven commit to help the Mission!

Do you know how precious it is to receive this Grace?

You are on the path and have a chance to restore yourself, your divine consciousness, your Buddha nature.

And to break the Cycle of Reincarnation.

To realize that there is a spiritual self (divine consciousness) and not the self you think you are (Ego).

That is the true liberation from all the pain and suffering you will otherwise immures your life in.

That this life, compare to all your previous lives, are the one to be awaken and take on the spiritual growth and accumulate good

Karma and Virtues.

From this point on, you are not unconscious.

You Are Awaken!

And that this life is the one that makes the spiritual difference!

To truly be grateful, we have to look into our lineage and see who

and what they did to make it possible.

Maitreya Buddha

Heaven Manager if you will for the White Sun Era

Ji-Gong Living Buddha

Mission Manager

The Lineage not limited to 17th and 18th Patriarch.

Salvation Managers

1717thth Patriarch: Lu, Patriarch: Lu, ZhongYiZhongYi

Buddha Jing-Gong Buddha Jing-Gong 金公祖師 金公祖師 (1849-1925) (1849-1925) ((Incarnation of Maitreya Buddha )Incarnation of Maitreya Buddha )

Holding the Seal In his hands

Spirits gave instructions

In the Dreams of 16th Patriarch

and him.

1818thth Patriarch: Zhang, Tian- Patriarch: Zhang, Tian-RanRan

Buddha Tian-Ran Buddha Tian-Ran 天然古佛 天然古佛 (1889-1947) (1889-1947) ((Incarnation of Ji-Gong Living Buddha, or Holy Teacher)Incarnation of Ji-Gong Living Buddha, or Holy Teacher)

Yellow River (muddy) was cleared for 5 days on his birthday.

It was war time in China.Temple meetings often interrupted by gun fires.

But it never stopped them to propagate Tao.

18th Matriarch: Sun HuiMingZhong-Hua-Shen-Mu Zhong-Hua-Shen-Mu 中華聖母 中華聖母 (1895-1975) (1895-1975)

((Incarnation of Yue-Hui Bodhisattva)Incarnation of Yue-Hui Bodhisattva)

Passing the Test by 17th


Obey Heaven’s

command, take on all the

criticism for the sake of the

new era.

On August 15, 1947, Patriarch Zhang completed the holy mission and returned back to Heaven at the age of 59 in Chengdu, Sichuan province; bestowed by God as Tian Ran Gu Fo.

She made ten thousands bows each day to ask for God’s mercy. She made ten thousands bows each day to ask for God’s mercy. She vowed to imprison herself for the rest of her life (22 years) to She vowed to imprison herself for the rest of her life (22 years) to minimize the hardship of Tao propagation in Taiwan. She returned minimize the hardship of Tao propagation in Taiwan. She returned back to Heaven on Feb. 22back to Heaven on Feb. 22ndnd, 1975 at the age of 81 when God , 1975 at the age of 81 when God bestowed to her the Buddhahood of bestowed to her the Buddhahood of Zhong Hua Sheng Mu.Zhong Hua Sheng Mu.

Han Lao Qian Ren Elder Han 1901-1995Elder Han 1901-1995

All it takes was a verbal agreement with our Teacher

In 1948, Senior Elder Han was ordained by Matriarch Sun In 1948, Senior Elder Han was ordained by Matriarch Sun to lead several senior elders to start the pioneering mission to lead several senior elders to start the pioneering mission in Taiwan instead of going to Xian. in Taiwan instead of going to Xian.

Senior Elder Han and other Seniors left their families and started the Tao propagation in Taiwan.

From 1947 to 1960, the initial years were full of hardships and sufferings. Senior Elder Han continued to guide people to the path of Tao without rest. They often gave lectures on the streets, however, they were constantly be watched by the government.

Holy Teacher said “ God has mandated the Tao propagation so even the president has no control over it.”

Went to Prison for Tao

Elder Han applied Tao in his daily life; focused on self-reflection & improvement and had a simple and frugal lifestyle.

Tao Propagation in the U.S.A.

1982—1st time at age 82

1983–2nd time at age 83

1992—3rd time at age 92

Tao Propagation around Tao Propagation around the world..the world..

Tao was widely spread to Singapore, Kula Lumpur, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, U.S.A., Vancouver, New Zealand, Nepal, Indonesia, Macau, India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, Brazil, South Africa, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Paraguay…

My encounters with Elder Han~

A spirit receiving Tao when I visited Taiwan…

Coming to New York~ 1. Eating (where is the rice?) 2. Penny, Very nice!

On his birthday, instead of celebrating, he stayed in his room all day; reflecting on his mother’s suffering that day.

I witnessed the 1st connection with Tao members after his passing.

He did not like members bowing at him. Instead, he thanked the members.

Chang Qian RenElder Chang 1909-1990

Our beloved Elder Chang~

A hit by a motorcycle that turned into start of one’s Tao journey

A Taiwan’s CIA spy came forward to receive Tao

She propagated Tao with her Bound Foot walking the muddy field of Taiwan

My encounter~ Smiled/ Criticized / Smiled

When she learned about member’s problem, she will, without asking, bows and pray for Heaven’s assistance.

Do you know how lucky you are now?

We inherited these great gifts from Heaven, And the Spirits.

Our Teacher cares so much about us, the disciples. Even when we often forgot that he is our Teacher.

We are descendants of the lineage. We carry the responsibility to further

The virtues of all these Elders and Masters.