Govt. of Maharashtra District Irrigation Plan of … Govt. of Maharashtra District Irrigation Plan...

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Transcript of Govt. of Maharashtra District Irrigation Plan of … Govt. of Maharashtra District Irrigation Plan...


Govt. of Maharashtra

District Irrigation Plan of Washim District

Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

District Superintending Agriculture Office,

District – Washim



Sr. No. CONTENTS Page No.

1 Executive Summary 1

2 Chapter No. I General Description Of Washim District 2

3 Chapter No. II District Water Profile 10

4 Chapter No –III Water Availability 20

5 Chapter No. – IV Water Requirement/ Demand 23

6 Chapter No. V Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation In District Under PMKSY 27


List of Tables

Table No. Title Page No.

1.1 General Information of The District 2

1.2 Demography 5

1.3 Biomass and Livestock 5

1.4 Agro Ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography 6

1.4.1 Information on Land Use Pattern 6

1.5 Soil profile 6

1.6 Soil erosion and runoff status 7

1.7 Land Utilization Pattern of Washim District 9

2.1 A Area wise, crop wise irrigation Status – Kharif Season 10

2.1 B Area wise, crop wise irrigation Status – Rabi Season 11

2.1 C Area wise, crop wise irrigation Status – Summer Season 11

2.1 D Area wise, crop wise irrigation Status – Total of all season 12

2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crops 13

2.3 Irrigation Based Classification 19

3.1 Status of Water availability 20

3.2 Status of Groundwater availability 21

3.3 Status of command area 21

3.4 Existing type of irrigation 22

4.1 Domestic Water Demand 23

4.2 Crop water Requirement 23

4.3 Live stock Water Demand 24

4.4 Industrial Water Demand 24

4.5 Water Demand for power Generation 25

4.6 Total Water demand of the district for various sectors 25

4.7 Water Budget. 26

5 Strategic Action Plan For Irrigation In District Under PMKSY 27


List of Map

Map No. Title Page No.

1 Location map of Washim District 28

2 Ground Water Potential Map of Washim District 29

3 Land use Land Cover Map of Washim District 30

4 Soil Depth Map of Washim District 31

5 Geomorphology Map of Washim District 32

6 Soil erosion of Washim District 33

7 Soil Land Capability Map of Washim District 33

8 Soil Slope Map of Washim District 34

9 Soil Texture MAP of Washim District 35

10 Watershed Map of Washim District 36


Executive Summary:- Introduction: “Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana” (PMKSY) is launched with the motto of ‘Har Khet Ko Paani’ giving high priority to water security as “Each drop of water is precious”

As per PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAYEE YOJANA (PMKSY) operational Guidelines, District Irrigation Plans (DIPs) shall be the cornerstone for planning and implementation of PMKSY

DIPs present holistic irrigation development perspective of the district outlining medium to long term development plans integrating three components viz. water sources, distribution network and water use applications incorporating all usage of water like domestic use, irrigation and industry. Vision: The overreaching vision of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) will be to ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farms in the country, to produce ‘per drop more crop’ thus bringing much desired rural prosperity. Objectives:

The broad objectives of PMKSY will be:- a) Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level b) Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under

assured irrigation c) Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of

water through appropriate technologies and practices. d) Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability

both in duration and extent, e) Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies f) Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices g) Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach

towards soil and water conservation, h) Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop

alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries. This will in turn increase agricultural production and productivity and enhance farm income.


Strategy & Focus Areas: To achieve above objectives, PMKSY will strategize by focusing on end-to end solution in

irrigation supply chain, viz. water resources, distribution network efficient farm level applications, extension services on new technologies & information etc. Broadly, PMKSY will focus on:- a) In Washim District of defunct water sources; through minor irrigation department b) Promoting efficient water conveyance and field application devices within the farm through Drip and Sprinkler irrigation

c) Encouraging community irrigation through registered user groups/farmer producers’ organization and farmer oriented activities like capacity building, training and exposure

visits, demonstrations, farm schools, skill development in efficient water and crop management practices (crop alignment) including large scale awareness on more crop of water through mass media campaign, exhibitions, field days; and extension activities through Agriculture Technology Management Agency, Washim.

d) Integrated Watershed Management Programme through earthern nala bund, cement nala bund, deep continuous contour trench, graded bunding, nala deepening, loose boulder structure and also convergence with MGNREGA.

CHAPTER I General Information of the District

Background of district

Washim is one of the eleven districts of Vidarbha region and was formed after splitting Akola district on 1 July, 1998. Washim has a strong history. Vatsagulm, today known as Washim, was once the capital of a branch of the Vakatak kingdom. The name Vatsagulm is said to have been derived from the name of Sage Vatsa. Our former Indian Agriculture Minister Hon. Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh, the legendary in Green Revolution has completed his education here.

Geographical Location:

Washim district is situated in the middle east of Maharashtra state. The district lies


between 19.61 to 21.16 north latitude and 76.07 to 77.14 east longitudes. Akola lies in the north, Amravati lies to its north-east, Hingoli to its south, Buldhana lies to its west and Yavatmal to its east.

Table No. 1.1 General Information of The District 1.1 District Profile: Name of the district District Code Latitude Longitude

1 Washim 502 19°.61' to 21°.16' N. 76°.07' to 77°.14' E

Source: SREP

1.2 Demographic profile:

According to the Census of population of 2011, Washim district has a total population of 11.97 lakh of which 620302 are males while 576858 are females. The total population of Washim is 1.06% of total population of Maharashtra state. The sex ratio is 926 females per thousand of males as against the state average of 925 females. Out this total population, 229462 are SC category persons and 80471 are ST category persons. The Demography of Washim District given in table 1.2

For administrative convenience, the district is divided into 6 Tehsils, namely-1) Washim 2) Risod 3) Malegaon 4)Mangrulpir 5) Manora and 6) Karanja. District Collector’s office is located in Washim town. There are four Nagar Parishad, six Panchayat Samitis and seven hundred and eighty nine total villages and four towns. 1.3 Biomass and Livestock:

In Washim District , there are 81332 poultry birds ,16890 pigs, 131305 goats, 10640 sheeps, 255373 indigenous cow, 4779 hybrid cows, 66754 descriptive Buffalo and 19198 draft animals. The Biomass and livestock population is given in table 1.3

1.4 Agro ecology, Climate, Hydrology, and Topography of the district Washim District falls in two agro ecological zone type viz Assured rainfall zone (ACZ-7) and Moderate Rainfall Zone (ACZ-8). Risod and Karanja falls under Assured rainfall zone (ACZ-7) covering 170583 ha area and Washim, Malegaon, Manora and Mangrulpir falls under Moderate Rainfall Zone (ACZ-8) covering 342541 ha area. Washim district has average annual rainfall of 798.7 mm. On an average, there are above 42 rainydays. In summer (April- May) , minimum temperature is about 22 degree Celsius and maximum temperature is about 45 degree Celsius with mean temperature of about 33.5 degree Celsius whereas in winter (October-March), minimum temperature is 10 degree Celsius and maximum temperature is about 28 degree Celsius with mean temperature of about 19 degree Celsius and that in rainy season (June – September), minimum temperature is about 18 degree Celsius and maximum temperature is about 26 degree Celsius with mean temperature of about 17 degree Celsius.

The district forms part of Deccan Plateau with slope towards southeast from Sahayadri hills and has a varied topography consisting of hills, plains and undulating topography near riverbanks. The district forms a part of Godavari and Tapi basins. The Balaghat Plateau comprises of Low-lying hills forming water divide. Many of the tributaries to Godavari and Tapi rivers originate from the Balaghat Plateau. Penganga River is the main river of the district. It flows through the Tehsil of Risod. Later it flows through the boundary of Washim and Hingoli districts. River Kaas is the main tributary of Penganga. River Kaas meets Penganga about 1 km from the village of Shelgaon Rajgure. River Arunavati and its tributaries originate in the Tehsil of Washim and then flow through the tehsils of Mangrulpeer and Manora into the district of Yavatmal. River Katepurna originates in the hilly areas of the


district and flows northwards through the tehsil of Malegaon and enters the Akola district. There are hilly ranges extending from through the tehsils of Malegaon, Washim, Mangrul Pir and Manora. There is plain region in the basins of River Penganga in the Risod Tehsil. Other important rivers include Chandrabhaga, Adan, Pus and Bembala.

1.5 Soil Profile: The soil of the district is basically derived form Deccan Trap Basalt and major part of the district is occupied by medium black soil of 25-50 cm depth occurring in the plains in entire south western, north eastern and northern parts of the district, whereas the shallow black soil of 7.5 to 25 cm depth occur in restricted hilly parts of the district in central elongated part and the northern peripheral part. The soil profile data is not available in figures given in the proforma. 1.6 Soil Erosion and Runoff status:

Based on geomorphological setting and drainage pattern, the district is divided into 35 watersheds. The information obtained from GSDA,Washim is given in Table 1.6. 1.7 Land Use Pattern:

Total geographical area of Washim district is 513124 ha. Out of which 429173ha area under gross cropped area and 420361 ha area is net sown area. The area sown more than once is 21680 ha. Area under forest is 37068 ha, under wasteland is 8003 ha and under miscellaneous use is about 7831 ha. The land Use Pattern is given in Table 1.7

1.2 Demography Source : Census of India Name of the state: Maharashtra

Name of the District: Washim Name of the

Taluka/Block Number

of the Village covered

Code of


Population SC ST General Total

M F CH* Total No. of House hold

No. of Members

No. of House hold

No. of Members

No. of House hold

No. of Members

No. of House hold

No. of Members

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1.Washim 128 50 92496 84305 12547 189317 9053 41424 1188 5738 28431 142155 38672 189317

2.Risod 100 51 90286 83123 12531 185940 8715 40680 1797 8711 27310 136549 37822 185940

3.Malegaon 121 46 98035 90016 13645 202699 8189 37549 5519 25804 27869 139346 41577 202699

4.Mangrulpir 135 47 74919 79306 9557 153782 7459 31882 2096 9926 22395 111974 31950 153782

5.Manora 136 49 80931 75413 10461 166805 4860 19594 4245 22121 25018 125090 34123 166805

6.Karanja 169 48 75060 70857 8774 298617 7187 29058 1188 5104 52891 264455 61266 298617

Total 789 502 511727 483020 67515 1197160 45463 200187 16033 77404 183914 919569 245410 1197160

Note- In the Coloum No.6 Population of 1 to 6 Years Available (Rather Than 1-14 Years)

1.3 Biomass and Livestock Source : Livestock Census of India Name of the state: Maharashtra Name of theDistrict:Washim Name of

the Taluka

Small Animals Large Animals Any other Milch or Meat Anim

al (No)

Draft Anima

l (Buffa

lo, Bulls, Any


Poultry (No)

Ducks (No)

Pigs (No)

Goats (No)

Sheeps (No)

Indegenous cow (No)

Hybrid Cow (No)

In descriptive Buffalo (No)

Hybrid Buffalo (No)


1.4 Agroecology, Climate , Hydrology and Topography Source : IMD, regional ICAR centre(s), SAUs, KVKs, Internet etc. Name of the State - Maharashtra Name of the District - Washim Sr

Agroecological zone


Types of the terrain

Agroecological Zone Normal








No of rainy



Maximum rainfall intensity (mm)

Name of the


Area ofAgroecological Zone


Total Area ofAgroecological Zone


Up to 15 min

Beyond 15 but

up to 30


Beyond 30 but

up to 60

min 1 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Assured

Rainfall Zone(AEZ


Risod 87390


750.7 N.A 44 N.A

Karanja 83193 750.8 39

2 Moderate Rainfall

Zone (AEZ-8)

Washim 94150


911.6 45

Malegaon 91598 839.9 41

Manora 78224 760.3 40 Mangru

lpir 78569 778.9 44

Total 798.7 42


1.Washim 15051 0 3230


148 35333 1397 13929 0 0 7459

2.Risod 6624 0 1576


614 55481 632 14772 0 0 3176



0 2146


44 38962 1035 10476 0 0 1911



0 790 24363

0 41152 599 8803 0 0 2579

5.Manora 16708

0 323 23365

420 39178 598 9891 0 0 1605

6.Karanja 17930

0 8825


9414 45267 518 8883 0 0 2468

Total 81332 0 16890



255373 4779 66754 0 0 19198


1.4(2) Agroecology, Climate , Hydrology and Topography Source : IMD, regional ICAR centre(s), SAUs, KVKs, Internet etc. Sr

Agroecological zone


Average weekly temp. (°C) Potential Evapo Transpiration (PET)

Elevation (m)

Period Period Cummulative Tota





Summer (April-May)

Winter (Oct-March)

Rainy (Jun-Sep)



Rainy Mi

n Max








1 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



Assured Rainfall


22 0c

45 0c

33.5 0c

10 0c

28 0c

19 0c

18 0c

26 0c

17 0c

N.A 542


Moderate Rainfall

Zone (AEZ-8)







1.6 Soil Erosion and Runoff Status Source: GSDA

Name of the State :Maharashtra year – 2014-15

Name of the District :Washim

Name of the GSDA Watershed

Area of the watershed

Name of the Taluka covered Name of the Sediment Monitoring Station

Longitude Soil erosion (Tone/ha)

Latitude Runoff Peak Rate (cum/h\r.)

Frequency of Peak (No. in Months)

Total Runoff volume of Rainy Season (Ha-m)

Time of return of Maximum flood

Drought Frequency

5 Years 10 Years

in years

1a 1b 1c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

PTK-2 157.17 Malegaon - - - - - - - - - - -

PTK-3 289.42 Malegaon, Washim, Mangrulpir - - - - - - - - - - -

PTK-4 13.24 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

PTKP-1 102.81 Mangrulpir, Karanja - - - - - - - - - - - PTMN-1 84.72 Malegaon - - - - - - - - - - -

PTR-3 193 Malegaon - - - - - - - - - - -

PTU-1 125.39 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

PTU-2 60.74 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

GP-3 57.26 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

GP-4 15.75 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-5 8.73 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-6 107.88 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-7 12.74 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-8 198.71 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-9 52.34 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -


Name of the GSDA Watershed

Area of the watershed

Name of the Taluka covered Name of the Sediment Monitoring Station


Soil erosion (Tone/ha)

Latitude Runoff Peak Rate (cum/h\r.)

Frequency of Peak (No. in Months)

Total Runoff volume of Rainy Season (Ha-m)

Time of return of Maximum flood

Drought Frequency

PG-22 240.42 Washim - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-23 243.09 Washim - - - - - - - - - - -

PG-24 86.18 Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PGA-1 267.81 Washim, Malegaon, Mangrulpir, Karanja

- - - - - - - - - - -

PGA-2 100.77 Mangrulpir, Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

PGA-3 346.79 Washim, Malegaon, Mangrulpir, Karanja

- - - - - - - - - - -

PGA-4 82.68 Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGAA-1 135.4 Mangrulpir, Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGAA-2 76.98 Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGAA-3 250.94 Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGAA-4 108.99 Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGAK-1 20.75 Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

PGD-1 253.34 Malegaon, Risod - - - - - - - - - - -

PGKA-1 165.79 Risod, Malegaon - - - - - - - - - - -

PGP-1 270.69 Washim, Mangrulpir - - - - - - - - - - -


PGP-2 188.64 Washim, Mangrulpir, Manora - - - - - - - - - - -

WRB-2 93.06 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

WRB-3 328.51 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

WRB-4 8.09 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -

WRB-5 49.11 Karanja - - - - - - - - - - -


1.7 Land Use Pattern Source: DAP, PPR, Land Use Plan Name of the State :Maharashtra Name of the District :Washim

Area in ha. Sr No. Name of Taluka Number of the

Villages Covered Total Geographical

Area Area under Agriculture Area under

Forest Area under Wasteland

Area under Other uses

Gross Cropped Area (1)

Net Sown Area (2)

Area sown more than once (1-2)

Cropping intensity

(%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Washim 128 94150 86649 79317 7332 109 2118 1924 2145

2 Risod 169 87390 71471 77905 6434 91 1919 1438 895

3 Malegaon 135 91598 72263 69703 2560 103 12852 1400 1385

4 Mangrulpir 100 78569 64507 63253 1254 101 3813 933 552

5 Manora 121 78224 58471 57390 1081 101 13033 806 1289

6 Karanja 136 83193 75812 72793 3019 104 3333 1502 1565

7 Total 789 513124 429173 420361 21680 101.5 37068 8003 7831




2.1 A) KHARIF Season Taluka Cereals Coarse Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Vegetables Total Name Irrig

ated Rainfed




Total Irrigated


Total Irrigated


Total Irrigated


Total Irrigated


Total Irrigated




0 0 0 0 982 982 0 13106 13106 0 62504 62504 0 458 458 0 806 806 0 77856 77856

Risod 0 0 0 0 652 652 0 13275 13275 0 60234 60234 0 205 205 0 500 500 0 74866 74866


0 0 0 0 1240 1240 0 2902 2902 0 55180 55180 0 0 0 0 400 400 0 59722 59722


0 0 0 0 1054 1054 0 9716 9716 0 46157 46157 0 2984 2984 0 367 367 0 60278 60278

Manora 0 0 0 0 4284 4284 0 10012 10012 0 30317 30317 0 16380 16380 0 250 250 0 61243 61243

Karanja 0 0 0 0 1822 1822 0 10504 10504 0 42127 42127 0 14375 14375 0 547 547 0 69375 69375

0 0 0 0 10034 10034 0 59515 59515 0 296519 296519 0 34402 34402 0 2870 2870 0 403340 403340


2.1 B) Rabi Season Taluka Cereals Coarse Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Vegetables Total

Name Irrigated


Total Irrigated


Total Irrigated





Total Irrigated





Total Irrigated

Rainfed Total

Washim 5183 0 5183 5617 5616 11233 0 0 0 0 35 35 0 0 0 47 807 854 10847 6458 17305

Risod 3660 0 3660 9899 9899 19798 0 0 0 0 179 179 0 0 0 17 224 241 13576 10302 23878

Malegaon 1385 0 1385 2774 2774 5548 0 0 0 0 606 606 0 0 0 8 624 632 4167 4004 8171


2936 0 2936 3029 3028 6057 0 0 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 80 287 367 6045 3344 9389

Manora 4073 0 4073 3179 3179 6358 0 0 0 0 67 67 0 0 0 3 182 185 7255 3428 10683

Karanja 3043 0 3043 2449 2448 4897 0 0 0 0 215 215 0 0 0 2 347 349 5494 3010 8504

20280 0 20280 26947 26944 53891 0 0 0 0 1131 1131 0 0 0 157 2471 2628 47384 30546 77930


2.1 C) Summer Season Taluka Cereals Coarse Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Vegetables Sugarcane Fruit crop Total Name I R To

tal I R Tota

l I R Tot

al I R Tota

l I R Tota

l I R Tota

l I R Tota

l I R Total I R Total

Washim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 293 0 293 64 0 64 15 0 15 3 0 3 2827 0 2827 3202 0 3202

Risod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 0 330 8 0 8 4 0 4 0 0 0 386 0 386 728 0 728

Malegaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 0 606 111 0 111 4 0 4 6 0 6 624 0 624 1351 0 1351

Mangrulpir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 413 0 413 46 0 46 13 0 13 2 0 2 460 0 460 934 0 934

Manora 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591 0 591 596 0 596 14 0 14 2 0 2 5 0 5 1208 0 1208

Karanja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 0 240 177 0 177 0 0 0 1 0 1 407 0 407 825 0 825


2.1 D) Total Season

Cereals Coarse Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Vegetables Fruit crop Total

Taluka I R Total I R Total I R Total I R Total I R Total I R Total

I R Total

I R Total


5183 0 5183 5617 6598 12215 0 13106 13106 293 62539 62832 64 458 522 62 1613 1675 3 0 3 2827 2827

Risod 3660 0 3660 9899 10551 20450 0 13275 13275 330 60413 60743 8 205 213 21 724 745 0 0 0 386 386


1385 0 1385 2774 4014 6788 0 2902 2902 606 55786 56392 111 0 111 12 1024 1036 6 0 6 624 624


2936 0 2936 3029 4082 7111 0 9716 9716 413 46186 46599 46 2984 3030 93 654 747 2 0 2 460 460


4073 0 4073 3179 7463 10642 0 10012 10012 591 30384 30975 596 16380 16976 17 432 449 2 0 2 5 5


3043 0 3043 2449 4270 6719 0 10504 10504 240 42342 42582 177 14375 14552 2 894 896 1 0 1 407 407

20280 0 20280 26947 36978 63925 0 59515 59515 2473 297650 300123 1002 34402 35404 207 5341 5548 14 0 14 4709 0 4709


2.2 (1) Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Washim Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total


Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation

(Rs./ha) Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield (


cost of cultivation


Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 982 4134.2 421 18000 4134 421 18000 Pulses 13106 31095.8 328 20000 31096 328 20000 oil seeds 62504 249391 399 28000 249391 399 28000 cotton 458 531.2 116 40000 531 116 40000 vegetable 0 0 0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 5183 0 78522 1515 20000 78522 1515 20000 coarse cereals 11233 27237.6 485 20000 36510 650 20000 63748 1135 20000 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 35 82.25 235 30000 82 235 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0

vegetable 1613.5

5 197889.8 309 30000 197890 309 30000


cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 0 0 0 0 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 293 30000 3062 1045 45234 3062 1045 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 0 0 0 0 fruit crop 2827 248753 235 30000 248753 235


cereals 5183 0 0 0 78522 1515 20000 78522 1515 20000 coarse cereals 12215 31371.8 906 38000 36510 650 20000 67882 1556 38000 Pulses 13106 31095.8 328 20000 0 0 0 31096 328 20000 oil seeds 62832 249473.25 634 88000 3062 1045 25000 252535 1679 88000 cotton 458 531.2 116 40000 0 0 0 531 116 40000 vegetable 1613.55 197889.8 309 30000 0 0 0 197890 309 30000 fruit crop 8010 0 0 0 327275 1750 50000 327275 1750 20000


2.2 Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Risod Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total Area

Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation



Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


Production (ha)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0


0 0 coarse cereals 652 4755.2 701 18000

4755.2 701 18000

Pulses 13275 49219.5 400 20000 0 0

49219.5 400.3333333 20000 oil seeds 60234 266234.3 442 28000

266234.3 442 28000

cotton 205 270.6 132 40000

270.6 132 40000 vegetable 0 0

0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 3660


41284 1128 20000 41284 2256 20000 coarse cereals 19798 54444.5 550 20000 69293 700 20000 123737.5 1250 20000 Pulses 0 0

0 0

oil seeds 179 411.7 230 30000

411.7 230 30000 cotton 0 0

0 0

vegetable 224 62500 309 30000

62500 309 30000


cereals 0 0

0 0 coarse cereals 0 0

0 0

Pulses 0 0

0 0 oil seeds 330

30000 34485 1045 45234 34485 1045 30000

cotton 0 0

0 0 vegetable 0 0

30000 0 0

fruit crop 386

75200 203

75200 203


cereals 3660 0 1128 0 41284 1128 20000 41284 2256 20000 coarse cereals 20450 59199.7 1251 38000 69293 700 0 128492.7 1951 38000 Pulses 13275 49219.5 400 20000 0 0 25000 49219.5 400.3333333 20000 oil seeds 60743 266646 672 88000 34485 1045 0 301131 1717 88000 cotton 205 270.6 132 40000 0 0 0 270.6 132 40000 vegetable 224 62500 309 30000 0 0 50000 62500 309 30000 fruit crop 4046 0 1128 0 116484 1331

116484 2459 20000


2.2 Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Malegaon Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total Area

Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation



Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


Production (ha)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 1240 13850 1117 18000 13850 1117 18000 Pulses 2902 36050 249 20000 0 0 36050 249.3333333 20000 oil seeds 55180 214100 388 28000 214100 388 28000 cotton 558 664 119 40000 664 119 40000 vegetable 0 0 20000 0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 1385 18295.8 1321 20000 18295.8 1321 20000 coarse cereals 5548 18031 650 20000 37338 1346 55369 1996 20000 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 2 4.6 225 30000 4.6 225 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 347.8 94959 309 30000 94959 309 30000


cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 0 0 0 0 Pulses 0 0 45234 0 0 oil seeds 606 30000 6332.7 1045 6332.7 1045 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 0 0 30000 0 0 fruit crop 624 25015 225 25015 225


cereals 1385 0 0 0 18295.8 1321 20000 18295.8 1321 20000 coarse cereals 6788 31881 1767 38000 37338 1346 0 69219 3113 38000 Pulses 2902 36050 249 20000 0 0 25000 36050 249.3333333 20000 oil seeds 55788 214104.6 613 88000 6332.7 1045 0 220437.3 1658 88000

cotton 558 664 119 40000 0 0 0 664 119 40000

vegetable 347.8 94959 309 30000 0 0 50000 94959 309 30000

fruit crop 2009 0 0 0 43310.8 1546 43310.8 1546 20000


2.2 Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Mangrulpir Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total Area

Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation



Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


Production (ha)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 1054 6440 611 18000 6440 611 18000 Pulses 9716 40510 372 20000 0 0 40510 372.3333333 20000 oil seeds 46157 210480 456 28000 210480 456 28000 cotton 2984 3490 117 40000 3490 117 40000 vegetable 0 0 20000 0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 2936 43600 1485 20000 43600 1485 20000 coarse cereals 6057 16654 550 20000 23081 762 39735 1312 20000 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 29 69 238 30000 69 238 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 287 80430 309 30000 80430 309 30000


cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 0 0 0 0 Pulses 0 0 45234 0 0 oil seeds 413 30000 4316 1045 4316 1045 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 0 0 30000 0 0 fruit crop 920 144720 235 144720 235 289440 470


cereals 2936 0 0 0 43600 1485 20000 43600 1485 20000 coarse cereals 7111 23094 1161 38000 23081 762 0 46175 1923 38000 Pulses 9716 40510 372 20000 0 0 25000 40510 372.3333333 20000 oil seeds 46599 210549 694 88000 4316 1045 0 214865 1739 88000 cotton 2984 3490 117 40000 0 0 0 3490 117 40000 vegetable 287 80430 309 30000 0 0 50000 80430 309 30000 fruit crop 3856 144720 235 0 188320 1720 333040 1955 20000


2.2 Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Manora Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total Area

Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation



Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


Production (ha)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 4284 32730 764 18000 32730 764 18000 Pulses 10012 32610 337 20000 0 0 32610 337.3333333 20000 oil seeds 30317 128850 425 28000 128850 425 28000 cotton 16380 19660 120 40000 19660 120 40000 vegetable 0 0 20000 0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 4073 68752 1688 20000 68752 1688 20000 coarse cereals 6358 12716 400 20000 19074 600 31790 1000 20000 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 67 166.8 249 30000 166.8 249 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 182 47940 309 30000 47940 309 30000


cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 0 0 0 0 Pulses 0 0 45234 0 0 oil seeds 591 30000 6176 1045 6176 1045 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 0 0 30000 0 0 fruit crop 5 600 12 600 12


cereals 4073 0 0 0 68752 1688 20000 68752 1688 20000 coarse cereals 10642 45446 1164 38000 19074 600 0 64520 1764 38000 Pulses 10012 32610 337 20000 0 0 25000 32610 337.3333333 20000 oil seeds 30975 129016.8 674 88000 6176 1045 0 135192.8 1719 88000 cotton 16380 19660 120 40000 0 0 0 19660 120 40000 vegetable 182 47940 309 30000 0 0 50000 47940 309 30000 fruit crop 4078 0 0 0 69352 1700 69352 1700 20000


2.2 Production and Productivity of major crops Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the Block : Karanja Name of the district : Washim

Season Crop Category Total Area

Rainfed Irrigated Total

Production (qtl)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation



Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


Production (ha)

Productivity or Yield ( kgs/ha)

cost of cultivation


A. Kharif

cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 1822 13140 721 18000 13140 721 18000 Pulses 10304 24852 240 20000 0 0 24852 239.6666667 20000 oil seeds 42127 155870 370 28000 155870 370 28000 cotton 14375 21560 150 40000 21560 150 40000 vegetable 0 0 20000 0 0

B. Rabi

cereals 3043 26200 861 20000 26200 861 20000 coarse cereals 4897 8249.8 337 20000 15918 650 24167.8 987 20000 Pulses 0 0 0 0 oil seeds 215 526.7 245 30000 526.7 245 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 347.75 96447.5 309 30000 96447.5 309 30000


cereals 0 0 0 0 coarse cereals 0 0 0 0 Pulses 0 0 45234 0 0 oil seeds 240 30000 2508 1045 2508 1045 30000 cotton 0 0 0 0 vegetable 0 0 30000 0 0 fruit crop 407.7 103780 215 103780 215


cereals 3043 0 0 0 26200 861 20000 26200 861 20000 coarse cereals 6719 21389.8 1058 38000 15918 650 0 37307.8 1708 38000 Pulses 10304 24852 240 20000 0 0 25000 24852 239.6666667 20000 oil seeds 42582 156396.7 615 88000 2508 1045 0 158904.7 1660 88000 cotton 14375 21560 150 40000 0 0 0 21560 150 40000 vegetable 347.75 96447.5 309 30000 0 0 50000 96447.5 309 30000 fruit crop 3450.7 103780 215 0 26200 861 129980 1076 20000


2.3 Irrigation based Classfication Name of the state : Maharashtra Name of the district : Washim

Name of the Block: Irrigated (Area in ha.) Rainfed (Area in ha.)

Gross Irrigated Area Net Irrigated Area Partially Irrigated / Protective Irrigation

Un-Irrigated or Totally Rainfed

1 2 3 4 5 Washim 13920 6307 6458 77856 Risod 14275 4180 10302 74866 Malegaon 5389 3570 4004 59722 Mangrulpir 6838 4630 3344 60278 Manora 7848 2351 3428 64165 Karanja 5732 1276 3010 69375 54002 22314 30546 406262




There are no major irrigation projects in Washim district. There are two medium projects i) Ekburji Project in Washim taluka and ii) Sonal Project in Malegaon and Mangrulpeer taluka of the district. There are total 112 minor projects in the district. The total amount of water available in the district through surface irrigation and groundwater sources is 1.147 BCM. According to geographical point of view of the district, the final amount of irrigation capacity that can be created in the district is 1.341 Lakh hectare (33.42% of cultivable area of the district).

3.1 Status of water availability Source : CWC, CGWB, District irrigation & agriculture office records BCM

S. No Sources Kharif Rabi Summer Total

1 surface irrigation

I Canal (Major & medium irrigation ) 0.039 II Minor irrigation tanks

III Lift irrigation /Diversion IV Various water bodies including rain water harvesting 0 0 0 0

V Treated effluent received from STP 0 0 0 0 VI Untreated effluent 0 0 0 0

VII Perennial sources of water 2 Ground water

I Open well & Bore well 0.092 II Deep tube well 0 0 0 0

III Medium tube well 0 0 0 0

IV Shallow tube wells 0 0 0 0


3.2 Status of ground water availability Source: CGWB

Name of the State:- Maharashtra Name of the District : Washim

Name of the Block: Status of block as per central ground water board notification Ground water (BCM) Critical Semi crictical Safe Draft Recharge Gap

Washim - - Yes 0.071409999 0.18985157 - Risod - - Yes 0.096331808 0.242549185 -

Malegaon - - Yes 0.065987977 0.17868071 -

Mangrulpir - - Yes 0.05248254 0.193412893 - Manora - - Yes 0.054599838 0.167436067 -

Karanja - - Yes 0.093025845 0.169554284 - 3.3 Status of command area Source CADA, CGWB

Name of the State:- Maharashtra Name of the District : Washim Area in Ha.

Name of Taluka

Number of the


Information of canal command Information on the other services command Total area Total area Developed area Undeveloped area Total area Developed

area Undeveloped area Developed

command (4+7)

Undeveloped command


Washim 7531 7531 0 5333 5083 250 12614 250

Risod 2726 2698 28 587 514 73 3212 101

Malegaon 4735 4555 180 805 642 163 5197 343

Mangrulpir 6013 6013 0 2529 2529 0 8542 0

Manora 8004 8004 0 26 26 0 8030 0 Karanja 2648 2465 183 663 663 0 3128 183 Total

31657 31266 391 9943 9457 486 40723 877


3.4 Existing type of irrigation Source: NWDA, CGG

Name of the State:- Maharashtra Name of the District : Washim

Source of irrigation

Surface irrigation (1) Ground water (2) Other sources

including traditional WHS


Treated effluent discharged from


Water extraction devices/ lift


Canal Based Tanks /Ponds /Reservoirs Tube wells Open Wells Bore Well electricity

pump (4)


pump (5)

Others (6)


Sources (1+2+3)

Water extracting units (4+5+6)



Community /PVT.


Community ponds including




Govt. / Reservoirs/ Dams

Govt. .


Community /Govt. .


Govt. .


Washim 15 0 41 344 24 0 0 5589 400 0 0 6413 0

Risod 9 0 52 329 11 0 0 7108 301 0 0 7810 0

Malegaon 13 0 81 391 16 0 0 4991 458 0 0 5950 0 Mangrulpe

er 7 0 55 277 14 0 0 4266 340 0 0 4959 0

Manora 20 0 74 739 21 0 0 4547 278 0 0 5679 0

Karanja 7 0 27 522 9 0 0 6675 528 0 0 7768 0

71 0 330 2602 95 0 0 33176 0 2305 0 0 0 0 0 0 38579 0


Table No 4.1 Domestic Water Demand

Sr.No Block Population in 2015

Projected population in 2020

Gross Water Demand (BCM) in 2015

Existing Water potential (BCM)

Water Potential to be created (BCM)

1 Washim 273481 297997 0.049198277 0.021647242 0.027551035 2 Risod 222068 241496 0.036458865 0.0160419 0.020416964 3 Malegaon 202162 219691 0.032033386 0.01409469 0.017938696 4 Mangrulpir 187494 203933 0.031038213 0.013656814 0.017381399 5 Manora 167079 181422 0.02541944 0.011184553 0.014234886 6 Karanja 229179 249759 0.041490864 0.01825598 0.023234884

Total 1281463 1394298 0.215639044 0.094881179 0.120757864 4.2 Crop water Requirement :-

Table No 4.2 Crop Water Requirement

Sr.No Block Crops Area sown (ha)

Irrigated Area (ha)

Crop water demand (mm)

Water Potential Required(BCM)

Existing Water Potential (BCM)

Water Potential to be Created(BCM)

1 Washim 19 99113 15691 5810 0.0442468 0.00569595 0.03855085 2 Risod 19 99900 15329 7440 0.04112335 0.00442045 0.0367029 3 Malegaon 19 77727 5736.8 5680 0.03273885 0.00198561 0.03075324 4 Mangrulpir 19 70443 8761 8730 0.03117896 0.00268485 0.02849411 5 Manora 19 73322 8772 7580 0.03453349 0.00324745 0.03128604 6 Karanja 19 77319 5988 8090 0.03515871 0.00211905 0.03303966

Total 19 497824 60277.8 43330 0.21898016 0.02015336 0.1988268

In Washim district, 497824 ha area sown under kharif and rabi season. Out of this 60277.8 ha area under irrigated area crop. Water potential required

for crop is 0.21898016 BCM. Existing water potential crop is 0.02015336 BCM, then 0.1988268 BCM water potential need to be creation for crop growth.

(See Table No. 4.2)


4.3 Livestock Water Demand Total number of live stock in Washim district is 572498. Present water demand is 0.005245681 BCM and water demand is as in 2020 is 0.00577 BCM (See table no.4.3)

4.4 Industrial Water demand The industrial water demand in the district is 0.00002205 bcm in 2015 and 0.00006516 bcm in 2020 as given in table 4.4

Table No 4.4 Industrial Water Demand

Sr.No Block Number of the Industry

Water demand (BCM)

Water demand in 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water potential (BCM)

Water potential to be created (BCM)

1 Washim 37 0.00001268 0.00002767 0.00001268 0.00001499 2 Risod 14 0.00000357 0.00001426 0.00000042 0.0000107 3 Malegaon 7 0.00000128 0.0000051 0.00000128 0.00000383 4 Mangrulpir 5 0.00000002 0.00000009 0.00000002 0.00000007 5 Manora 16 0.000001 0.000004 0.000001 0.000003 6 Karanja 32 0.00000351 0.00001403 0.00000351 0.00001053

111 0.00002205 0.00006516 0.0000189 0.00004311

Table No 4.3 livestock Water Demand

Sr.No Block Total number of Livestock

Present Water Demand (BCM)

Water Demand In 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water

Water potential to be created (BCM)

1 Washim 94243 0.000875916 0.00096351 0.000578105 0.000385403 6 Risod 82875 0.001070897 0.00117799 0.000706792 0.000471195 4 Malegaon 90095 0.000796557 0.00087621 0.000525728 0.000350485 2 Mangrulpir 91460 0.000811339 0.00089247 0.000535484 0.000356989 3 Manora 92088 0.000782914 0.00086121 0.000516723 0.000344482 5 Karanja 121737 0.000908057 0.00099886 0.000599318 0.000399545

Total 572498 0.005245681 0.00577025 0.00346215 0.0023081


4.5 Water Demand for power Generation

In Washim district, there is no water requirement for power generation.(See table no 4.5)

Table No 4.5 Water Demand for Power Generation

Sr.No Block Power requirement MW

Water demand (BCM)

Water demand in 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water potential (BCM)

Water potential to be created


1 Washim Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Risod Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3 Malegaon Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 Mangrulpir Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 5 Manora Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 6 Karanja Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Total 4.6Total Water demand of the district for various sectors

Total water demand of the district for various sector is 0.4597 BCM out of this crop water demand is 0.2189 BCM. Water demand for power

generation is nil, due to there is no any power generation unit in the district. Water demand for various sector is given in table no 4.6

Table No 4.6 Total Water Demand (2020) of the district for Various sectors

Sr.No Block Components Total (BCM)

Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial Power Generation

1 Washim 0.0537 0.0442468 0.000963508 0.00002767 0 0.098937978 2 Risod 0.0397 0.04112335 0.001177987 0.00001426 0 0.082015597 3 Malegaon 0.03484 0.03273885 0.000876213 0.0000051 0 0.068460163 4 Mangrulpir 0.0338 0.03117896 0.000892473 0.00000009 0 0.065871523 5 Manora 0.02762 0.03453349 0.000861206 0.000004 0 0.063018696 6 Karanja 0.0453 0.03515871 0.000998863 0.00001403 0 0.081471603

Total 0.23497 0.21898016 0.005770249 0.00006516 0 0.459785569


Table No 4.7 Water Budget

Sr.No Name of Block Existing water availability (BCM)

Total (BCM) Water Demand (BCM) Water Gap (BCM)

Surface water Ground water Present Projected (2020) Present Projected (2020) 1 Washim 0.0070628 0.015188126 0.0222509 0.0951969 0.0989380 0.0729460 0.0766871 2 Risod 0.0036765 0.019403935 0.0230804 0.0797240 0.0820156 0.0566436 0.0589352 3 Malegaon 0.0093583 0.014294457 0.0236528 0.0663654 0.0684602 0.0427126 0.0448074

4 Mangrulpir 0.0031889 0.015473031 0.0186619 0.0638399 0.0658715 0.0451779 0.0472096

5 Manora 0.0053306 0.013394885 0.0187255 0.0615188 0.0630187 0.0427933 0.0442932 6 Karanja 0.0101325 0.013564343 0.0236968 0.0784657 0.0814716 0.0547688 0.0577748

Total 0.0387496 0.091318777 0.1300684 0.4451106 0.4597856 0.3150422 0.3297172


CHAPTER - V Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY Name of the


Concern Ministry/

Dept., Component Activity

Total no./Capacity


Command area

/Irrigation potential


Period of implementation

(5/7 yrs)

Estimated cost (in


1 Washim MoWR AIBP Major irrigation 0 0 0 0

2 MoWR Medium irrigation 0 0 0 0

3 MoWR Surface irrigation 0 0 0 0

4 MoWR Lift irrigation 0 0 4 0


Ground water development 0 0 0 0

RRR/ZP 43 2084 4 541.91

6 MoWR RRR of water bodies 98 40454.6 4 21292.4

7 MoWR

Construction of field channels 0 0 0

7.1 MoWR Lined field channels 0 0 0 0

7.2 MoWR Unlined field channels 0 0 0 0


8 MoWR Micro irrigation 0 0 0 0

9 MOA & FW DAC & FW DPAP Drip 0 0 0 0

10 MOA & FW DAC & FW

PER DROP MORE CROP (micro irrigation)

DPAP Sprinkler 0 0 0 0

11 MOA & FW DAC & FW

Non-DPAP Drip 3491 3849.1 5 1181.9

12 MOA & FW DAC & FW

Non-DPAP sprinkler 48150 38519.4 5 7600.74

13 MOA & FW DAC & FW

Topping up of MGNREGA 0 0 0 0

14 MOA & FW DAC & FW

PER DROP MORE CROP (supplementary water management activities)

Drought proofing through check dams/water harvesting structures 0 0 0 0

15 MOA & FW DAC & FW

Secondary storage stuctures 0 0 0 0

16 MOA & FW DAC & FW

On farm development( Extension activities by ATMA functionaries.) 35586 0 5 78.6021

17 DoLR-MoRD

PMKSY Watershed

Newly created WHS 0 0 0

17.1 DoLR-MoRD Farm pond 0 0 0


17.2 DoLR-MoRD CHECK DAMS 0 0 0 0

17.3 DoLR-MoRD

Earthern Nala Bund 129 0 0 600.33

17.4 DoLR-MoRD

Cement Nala Bund 79 0 0 724.03

17.5 DoLR-MoRD

other ground water recharge structure 0 0 0

Deep CCT 129 4631 5 712.82

Graded Bunding 1006 34878.5 5 2758.44

Nala Deepening 3512 122860.85 5 111.59

Loose Boulder Structures 1788 0 5 88.04

17.6 DoLR-MoRD

village tanks/ K.T Weirs 0 0 0 0

18 DoLR-MoRD

renovated WHS 0 0 0

18.1 DoLR-MoRD Farm pond 0 0 0 0

18.2 DoLR-MoRD CHECK DAMS 0 0 0 0

18.3 DoLR-MoRD

nallah bunds (Earthern) 0 0 0 0

18.4 DoLR-MoRD

percolation tanks 0 0 0 0


18.5 DoLR-MoRD

other ground water recharge structure 0 0 0 0

18.6 DoLR-MoRD

village tanks/ K.T Weirs 0 0 0 0

19 DoLR-MoRD

convergence with MGNREGA


19.1 DoLR-MoRD

Water conservation( CCT In Ha.) 179 6270.38 5 1226.84

19.2 DoLR-MoRD

Water harvesting (Farm Pond) 210 0 5 255.9

19.3 DoLR-MoRD Well Recharge 962 0 5 107.23

19.4 DoLR-MoRD

Plantation on bund 33 3312.82 5 89.21

19.5 DoLR-MoRD Horticulture 407.68 0 5 159.21

20 DoLR-MoRD LBS 50 0 5 3

20.1 DoLR-MoRD

Renovation of water bodies including desilting 0 0 0

20.2 DoLR-MoRD

Renovation & maintanace of irrigation canals & drains 0 0 0



state planned scheme of irrigation 0 0 0


state irrigation department

name of the scheme

Major irrigation 0 0 0


state irrigation department

name of the scheme

Medium irrigation 0 0 0


state irrigation department

name of the scheme

Surface irrigation 0 0 0 0


irrigation scheme of state agriculture department

name of the scheme 0 0 0


irrigation scheme of other line dept of state govt.

name of the scheme 0 0 0


externally aided projects

name of the scheme 0 0 0


other loan projects like NABARD

name of the scheme 0 0 0

total dist 95852.68 256860.65 37532.19