Gothic architecture, 2º ESO. IES Cervantes, Madrid

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Gothic architecture, 2º ESO. IES Cervantes, Madrid

Gothic architecture

Gothic style was used for religiousbuildings…



… or town halls.

Buildings were very tall

They had huge windows with stained glass

and rose windows

The pointed arch was very common

They mainly used ribbed vaults

Pressure of vaults was counteracted by flying-buttressesand buttresses crowned with pinnacles

Cathedrals had Latin cross plans, with a nave, several aisles and two transepts.

The chancel was bigger and had anambulatory which sometimes was double

There were several apses, generally in theshape of a pentagon

In the interior there were three floors

Doorways consisted of doors under pointedarches.On the west façade there were usually

two towers