Goteborg posten case 2011

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Goteborg Posten, the second largest newspaper in Sweden, challenged the students of Jonkoping International Business School in order to develop its commercial strategy. The short outcomes are presented above.

Transcript of Goteborg posten case 2011

GP+ in a 5D Format: Strategic Ideas for a Business Model Advancement of a

Regional Digital Edition

JCSD27 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Renewal Prepared by Group ONE: Yulia Kazakulova Kateryna Khozroshyna Mihai Leontescu Wei Li Supervised by Leona Achtenhagen Khizran Zehra

Presentation Outline

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Framework

3. Practical Suggestions:

– Product

– Customer

– Delivery

– Revenue & Price

4. Conclusions

Introduction Purpose: increase sales of

GP+ by taking it to the next level

Challenge: weakened and

quantity-oriented business model of the GP+

Solution: utilization of corporate entreprenuership and strategic renewal

Theoretical Framework Business Model in a 5D Format

(Fetscherin and Knolmayer, 2004):


Product GP+

• Substitute vs. Complement

– Positioning within GP

• Product Differentiation

– Intermedia: online features

• Collaboration vs. Competition

– News-sharing

Customer GP+

• Interaction (feedback)

- Comments

- Articles evaluation, voting

• Citizen journalism

– Readers-newsmakers

– Readers-journalists

– Readers-observers

– Best Citizen Journalist

Delivery GP+

• Multi-channel Delivery

– Internet, mobile devices (phones, tabletes)

• Channels are complementary, but different in popularity

• Technical knowledge required for multi channel deliveries of GP news (Hedman, 2006)

• Website Layout


• Experiment: Subscription to GP+ for 24 hours

Revenue & Price GP+

• Target different groups of potential subscribers

• Charge different target groups differently

Why? To charge for a certain type of articles more than

others and customize the service and its cost according to these factors

How? - Free trial 10 day-period access to the GP+

(registration needed)

- Analyze readers´ online actions and preferences

Conclusions Be a Corporate Entrepreneur!

• Proactive - Position GP+ as a complementary product

• Networking - Collaborate with competitors

• Motivated - Encourage interactivity with customers

• Creative/Innovative - Change Website Layout

• Risk-Taking - Price Differentiation/Customization

Thank You for Your Attention!

Team ONE.

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