Gospel -Parallels A. Synopsis of the First'three Gospels

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Transcript of Gospel -Parallels A. Synopsis of the First'three Gospels

G O S P E L -P A R A L L E L S

A.Synopsis of the First


Three Gospels

With alternat ive readings from the Manuscripts and

Noncanon ical Parallels

Text used i s the Revised Standard Version , 1 9 5 2

The arrangement follows the Huck -Lietzmann

Synops is, Ninth edit ion, 1 9 3 6

Ed i ted by Burton H . Throckmorton, fr .



Second Ed i t ion , rev i sed

COPyrigh t 1 949 , 1 957


D i vi sion of Chr i s t i a n Educat ion of the Na t ional Counc il

of the Churches of Chri s t in the Un i ted S ta tes of Amer i ca .

Perm i ss ion to use the tex t of the Rev i sed S t andard Vers ion

gran ted by the D iv i s ion of Chri s t i an Edu ca t ion of the

Na t ional Counc i l of the Churches of Chr i s t in the Un i ted

S ta tes of Ameri c a

The Interna tional Counc il ofRel igious Educa t ion expresses

i ts deep apprec iat ion to J . C. B . Mohr (P au l S iebeck ) Publisher of theHuck-Lietzmann Synops is ,N i n th Ed i t ion, 1 936,

wh i ch insp ired the p lan fol lowed by the Ed i tors in the

prepara t ion of Gospel Para lle ls .

Reprinted February , 1 9 65



A thorough study of the gospels is possible only when they are prin ted in parallel columns forcom


.Therefore, the American Standard B ible Comm i ttee requested a sub-committee to pre

pare a synops is based on the Revised Standard Version so that the new version m ight better meet theneeds of students . Before the work was undertaken , advice was sought from representative college andseminary professors in order to obtain their ideas on the features which should b e included . The prin

ciplesof arrangement in this volume were adop ted on the basis of the suggestions which were made .

I t seemed advisable, firs t of all, to comp ile a synopsis of the English text which could b e usedconveniently wi th a Greek synopsis . The obvious choice was the latest edition of Albert Huck

’s Synops isof the F irst Three Gospels (9 th ed . by Hans Lietzmann; English by Frank Lesl ie Cross, This ed i

tion is available to American students through the American Bible Society . During the two generations since “Huck firs t appeared it has stea dily come in to ever wider use, until now i t is knownby New Testament students the world over . I t pri nts each gospel in order (with qui te minor exceptions) ; i t repeats each gospel when out of order, and contains adequate subdivisions without being toocomp lex . Hence, we have used the same section numbers and a similar marginal apparatus in order thatthe books may b e used in the same class, where some can profitably follow the Greek and others only

the English text .Gospel Parallels offers two advantages never before available in a synopsis in English . First, the

noncanonical parallels are given in full in addi t ion to the parallels in the o ther canonical gospels .Most s tudents do not have immediate access to the Gospel according to the Hebrews or to the quotations and gospel allusions in the Church Fathers . Yet these are a valuable part of our tradi tion aboutJesus . Secondly, in connection wi th variant reading s, the chief manuscrip t support has been ci ted . We

bel ieve that s tudents who know no Greek can lea rn the significance of the most importan t manuscrip t wi tnesses . We have included all of the var i ants noted in the Revised Standard Version andhave added others which seemed important enough to bring to the attention of serious B ible students .

The t i tles of some section headings have been changed from those used in the l atest edition ofHuck .

" In some cases thi s was required by the new translation . Another difference will b e found in

the printing of the parallels from the Gospel of John, excep t where a very long passage is involved .

The Hazen Foundation made a generous subsidy toward the cost of the p lates in order that thebook might b e available to students at as reasonable a price as possible . The commi ttee supervising

the preparation of the Synop sis was composed of Henry J . Cadbury, Harvard Universi ty Divini tySchool, Frederick C . Grant, Union Theological Seminary, and the late Clarence T . Craig, formerlyof Yale Universi ty Divini ty School and later Dean of Drew Theological Seminary . The detailed work

of preparing the present volume was done by Burton H . Throckmorton, Jr. , then instructor in NewTestament at Union Theological Seminary and lecturer at Columbia University, now Professor ofNew Testament at Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. In the typ ing of the manuscrip t,the verification of references, and the comp let ion of the manuscrip t ci tations, he has made an indis

pensable contribution . Professor Kendrick Grob el of the Vanderbil t Universi ty School of Rel igionkindly assisted in reading the proof.I t has been eight years since Gospe l Parallels was fir s t published . I ts use of the Revised S tandard

Version, i ts arrangement following that of Huck’s Synops is, and its fairly extensive footnotes—the

three major features of this particular harmony" or “synopsis"—have apparently proved useful to a

large number of students . I t is therefore reappear ing in a second edi tion .

In Sp i te of much proofreading, the first edition contained a number of errors . Most of thesehave been el iminated in subsequent printings ; and i t i s our h0 pe that in this edi tion all in i tial mistakes have been corrected .

The major change in this edition, however, i s in the form of an addition . I t has been increasingly evident that the references used in the footnotes required a more adequate exp l anation thanwhat has been provided . The significance of the Greek manuscrip ts, the versions, the church fathers,and the noncanonical gospels referred to has in no way been indicated . Manuscrip t support for various readings is cited in the footnotes ; but the book has not revealed what combinations of manu

scrip ts consti tuted strong support for any given reading. In o ther words, wi thout consulting a number

i i i

of different sources, the student has not been able to use the apparatus sat isfactorily. I t has therefore seemed advisable to prepare an introduction to the references made in the footnotes .

The following introductory material deals only wi th wri ters or documents which are re ferred toin the footnotes of this book . I t is intended to help the non-special is t appreciate the meaning andsignificance of these notes ; and i t is hoped that some, at least, wi ll be led to inquire fur ther .


Greek Manuscrip ts cited

Codex S inaiticus (4th, or perhaps 5th cent .)Codex Alexandrinus (5th cent .)Codex Vaticanus (4th cent .)Codex Ephraemi (5th cent .)Codex Bezae Cantab rigiensis (6th cent . , perhap s 9 th)Washington (Freer) Manuscrip t (5th cent .)Korideth i Gospels (7 th to 9 th cent.)The

"Lake Group (minuscules l , 1 18, 13 1, 209, etc.)The

“Ferrar Group (minuscules 13, 69, 124, 346, etc )The Koine or

“Byzantine" text (EFGH etc. and most minuscules)

P 3 Vienna Papyrus (6th cent .)P 4 Vienna Papyrus (4th cent .)P 3 7 Ann Arbor Papyrus (3rd cent .)P4 5 Dublin Papyrus (3rd cent . , Chester Beatty Collection)

Versions ci ted

i t I tala (the Old Latin version , as reconstructed by Adolf Jul icher)vg Vulgate (ed . Wordsworth and White, 1889-98)sy

e The Old Syriac (edited by Cure ton, 1858)sy

s The Sinaitic Syriac (discovered in 1892)syP The Peshi tta Syriac version (ed . by G . H . Gwilliam, 190 1)

sa The Sahidic version (ed . by G . Horner, l 9 l 1ff. )b o The Bohairic version (ed . by G . Horner,

Introduct ion to Footnote References


Uncial—refers to cap i tal le tters ; manuscrip ts written in cap i tal letters are uncials and predominated unti l the ninth century AD .

M inuscule—refers to manuscrip ts wri tten in small, curs ive letters, often joined to each other.Minuscules and uncials overlapped during the ninth and tenth centuries, and only minuscules occurfrom the eleventh century onward .

Curs ive—refers to small, joined, longhand letters used in minuscules .

Palimpses t—a manuscrip t which has been wri t ten on twice, the first writing having been erased .

Roll—refers to the way in which a book was put together . I f a book were a roll, the writingmaterial was rolled—some times, in the few cases of expensive books, on rollers . To be read, the

manuscrip t had'

to b e unrolled with the right hand and re-rolled wi th the left . There were no“

pages" and, even in the case of the Bible, no chap ter and verse divis ions ; so references could not

be made excep t to rolls themselves, or to works appearing in a roll . Titles and authors were noted

at the end of the roll, whi ch was somewhat inconvenient . Greek rolls seldom exceeded 35 feet andwere usually closer to 25 feet; a gospe l such as Matthew or Luke would have used about 32—35 feet .The material was wri tten in a series of columns about two to three inches wide; there were usually

25 to 45 lines to a column depending on the width of the roll and the size of the le tters . Somet imesthe rolls were wrapped in parchment for protection . When


rolled up, they were about 9 or 10 inchestall and an inch to an inch and a half in diameter. Words were not separated and there was li ttle

punctuation .

Codex—a bound book . With the introduction of codices, page references could b e given, andmuch more material could b e included in one book . The papyrus codex goes back probably to the

firs t century A D , and the Gospels surely appeared together in a


codex in the second century. The

earl iest extant examp le of the Gospels in codex form comes from the third century, but codices werenot universally used even then . Of 304 pagan manuscrip ts of the third century, 275 are papyrus rolls ,26 are papyrus codices, and 3 are vel lum codices .

Papyrus—refers to the wr i t ing material and to the writing i tsel f. The material was used surelyfrom the sixth century B C. Single sheets usually did no t exceed 13 by 19 inches . To make a roll,

p ieces were glued toge ther end to end . Wri ting was usually done on only one side of the papyrus

(the recto) where the fibers ran horizontally; sometimes, however, the other side (the verso) was also

used . In the fourth century AD . the use of papyrus declined probably because larger books than

papyrus could provide were needed, and because the manufacture of vellum was improved, but papyrus was st il l being used in Egyp t in the s ix th century AD .

Vellum— skins of cattle, sheep, and goats, seldom of p igs and asses . These skins were washed,scraped, rubbed with pumice, and chalked . They made an excellent wri ting material . The two earliestvellum documents known were found at Dura in Mesopotamia, and date from 190—189 and 196—195B C. But vellum was rare th is early . All references in Roman literature as far as the end of the firs tcentury AD . are to papyrus . But toward the end of the first century A D . vellum was fairly commonoutside of Rome, al though it had by no means displaced papyrus . In the fourth century vellum dis

placed papyrus both in the roll and in the codex . Vellum'

books , some of which were the mostbeaut iful b ooks ever made, were used for about a thousand years .


Before we take up the manuscrip ts themselves we must remember that more importan t than

the manuscrip ts are the types of text or fami lies" they represent . None of the original manuscrip ts

of the New Testament have survived nor, presumably, any direct copies of the original manuscrip ts .



What we have are cop ies of cop ies . Into these cop ies crep t errors ; moreover additions and correc

t ions were some times made by the copyis ts , for the only Bible of the early church was the OldTestament, and it was not imperative to copy the gospels and ep istles—s till uncanonized—exactlyword for word . The manuscrip ts of the New Testament can b e classified by group s or fami lies,descended from common ancestors and supporting distinctive types of text . Indeed, the chief value of

the majority of manuscrip ts is not their approximation to the original text of the New Testament,but the ir support of one or another of these groups or families . No manuscrip t can b e better than

that from which i t was cop ied . Textual cri t icism since the publ ication of Bengel ’s study of the NewTestament in 1734 has shown that manuscrip ts, l ike animals, can b e classified into families, whi chfamilies are related to each other in varying degrees of intimacy. It is the family, then, that is farmore s ignificant than the manuscrip t, and one manuscrip t cop ied from a good fami ly gives far moresupport to a reading than a hundred manuscrip ts, no matter how accurately cop ied, from a poorfami ly which as a family is late or inaccurate . First must b e asked, how good is the family? and second,how accurate is the copy or text at hand?

How did these famil ies, or types of text, arise? I t is qui te obvious that errors, corrections andadditions made in Rome would b e perpe tuated in manuscrip ts cop ied at Rome, and not a t Alexandria or Antioch or Caesarea . Each rel igious center in the church would preserve and add to i ts own

peculiar readings and gradually the texts in and around the various leadi ng comm unities took ontheir own characteristics . Moreover, when bishop s and scholars edi ted New Testament texts for local

use by copying from the various manuscrip ts in their own commun i ties, the character of the text inthese commun i ties became the more fixed ; so that today, with the help of the early versions (trans

lations in to other languages) and quotations from the Church Fathers , we can assign manuscrip tsto their proper famil ies. There are, of course, cases in which manuscrip ts seem to fit more than one

family, and there is always the possibil i ty of a new fam i ly being isolated by the discovery of new

manuscrip ts or by the t e-arrangement of old ones . Textual cri ticism is by no means a closed study !I t should be added in conclusion that because we are deal ing now primarily with differences amongthe manuscrip ts, they loom far larger than the ir actual significance should allow. The fact is that in

about 90 per cent of the New Testament the manuscrip ts all agree; the differences occur in a small

percentage of passages, and do not aff ect fundamental Christian doctrine .

The main types of text now recogni zed are

( l ) The Alexandrian text (called“Neutral by Westcott and Hort because of the ir bel ief that i t

was uncontaminated) represented chiefly by B, S, and the Cop t ic versions . I t is identified by the

absence of aberrations found in other groups . Its center was Alexandria, hence i ts name; but itwas found throughout the


Eastern church . As i t is represented by the oldes t extant uncials, B and

S, this type of text is very significant .

(2) The Byzantine text, also called Syrian, Antiochene, Koiné, and Received (Textus R eceptas ) ,originated in the late third century around Antioch—hence i ts designation as Antiochene and Syrian .

I t was adop ted in Constantinople and so predominated in the Byzantine world . I t is also refer-redto as the Received text, or Textus Receptas, because i t was this text which was found in almost alllate manuscrip ts and so became the basis of the first printed editions of the Greek New Testamentin the s ixteenth century, beginning with Erasmus

'edition of 15 16 . Through these editions , i t was the

text which was first translated into the modern European tongues . Our King James (Authorized)Vers ion is a translation of this type of text . The oldest and bes t manuscrip ts of this text are A and

parts of C in the Gospels ; W in Matthew and most.

of Luke, and often the Peshi tta ; then followmost of the late uncials and minuscules . By the eighth century i t was practically the only Greek textbeing used . I t is characterized by conflat ions (comb inat ions of read ings from other manuscrip ts) andrevis ions in the interes t of smoothness and intel ligibil i ty. The late uncial and minuscule manuscr ip ts

of this text are referred to by the German cap ital R'

the firs t letter of the Greek word koine,common

,which term is often used to refer to this family.

(8) The term Wes tern text was once used to refer to all pre-Byzantine, non-Alexandrianreadings, but i t more properly refers to the Graeco-Latin manuscrip ts of wes tern Europe such asD ; to the Old Latin version ; and to quota tions from wes tern Church Fathers such as Cyprian . O thernon-Alexandrian, pre-Byzantine readings must be classified in another way. This type of text ismarked by omissions and insertions somet imes the length of several verses, and by eccentric read



ings . The text origi nated in the middle of the second century, and so its readings cannot easily bedismissed . The so-called “Wes tern non-in terpolations, ch iefly found in the las t three chap ters ofLuke, are readings found in all but the Western manuscrip ts and bel ieved by Hort to b e late; hencethey were not interpolated in (or added to) Western manuscrip ts . This designation begs the question of the authenticity of the readings : i t imp lies that they were not in the original autographs butwere in terpolated in the non-Western manuscrip ts, or not in terpolated in the Western manuscrip ts .I t would seem wise not to consider the readings as a uni t, but to decide on the authenticity of each

one separately, on other grounds . The Western text probably ori ginated in North Africa or Egyp t, inGreek, and was early translated into Latin .

(4) The Syriac text, to b e distinguished from the Syr ian (Byzantine), was once thought to belongto the Western text but is now considered by many scholars to b e an independent text . I t wasorigi nally associ ated wi th the Wes tern type of text, but i t was also closely akin to the Alexandriantype. Its Western readings probably came by way of Tatian

's D iatessaron, which was wri tten in Romebut was widely circulated in Syria in the Syriac language . The Syriac family is represented primarilyby the manuscrip ts sy

e and sys. I t was later revised by Rabbula under Byzant ine influence and b e

came the Peshi tta (syp) which is the authorized Bible of the Syrian Church .

(5) The Caesarean text i s found in (9, X, W (in Mark), P4 5

, and quotations in the laterworks of Origen and in the works of Eusebius . I t was used in Caesarea (hence i ts name) but the

di scovery of the third c entury P 4 5 in Egyp t, toge ther with the knowledge that Origen used thi s type

of text in Alexandri a as wel l as in Caesarea, makes i t probable that i t originated in Egyp t, perhap sas early as the second century. This text lies be tween the Alexandrian and the Western . I t ' is assignifican t a group as we possess because i t is as early as the Alexandri an type, but lacks the extrav

agant readings of the Wes tern .

Greek Manuscrip ts of the New TestamentReferred to in the Footnotes

S—Codex S inaiticus, middle fourth century; included both the Old and New Testaments p lus

the Ep is tle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas . The text is Alexandrian . I t often agreeswith B, but not always, for i t has been influenced by another tradi tion similar to the Western .

Among the versions, the Bohairic comes nearest to i t, wi th much support coming also from the

Sahidic . The manuscrip t may have originated in Palestine or in Alexandria .

The story of its discovery is one of the most fascinating true stories of modern times . In 1844

Constantin von Tischendorf made his first visi t to St . Catheri ne's Convent on Mount Sinai , looking for manuscrip ts . While browsing around the l ibrary, he saw a large baske t full of parts ofold manuscrip ts containing fragments of the Old Tes tament in Greek . As they were in a basketwhose con tents, according to the l ibrarian, had already twice been burned as fuel, Tischendorfasked and received permission to take the leaves to his room . He might as well have them,

asfar as the librarian was concerned, because they were about to be burned anyway. But when the

l ibrarian became aware of the fact that the leaves were valuable, he refused Tischendorf permis

sion to see the source from which these comparatively few sheets had been taken . 50 Tischendorftook back the shee ts, forty-three in all, to the Universi ty of Leipzig, and gave them the name of

the reigning king of Saxony, Frederick Augustus . These leaves remain to this day in the Universi tyl ibrary, catalogued as Codex Friderico-Augustanus, and containing several chap ters of 1 Chronicles,some of 2 Esdras, all of Esther, part of Tobit, most of Jeremiah, and about hal f of Lamentations .In sp i te of all the publ icity which these sheets received, Tischendorf managed not to disclose the

p lace where they had been found . He was de termined to return to that convent and secure the otherfragments, whatever they m ight be . In 1853 he did re turn, but in vain ; for no information was givenhim . In 1859 he re turned for the third time under the ausp ices of the Czar of Russia . Again he lookedthrough the l ibrary but found nothing l ike the forty~three leaves he had taken back to Leipzig. OnFebruary 4th while he and the s teward were taking a walk around the convent, they discussed the

Sep tuagint and various texts of i t which they had seen . When they returned to the convent, the

steward invi ted Tischendorf to join him in his cel l for some refreshments . From a corner he tookan object wrapped in a cloth, which he placed before Tischendorf on a table Tischendorf un

wrapped the cloth, and before him lay Codex Sinai ticus—“the Bib le of Sinai . He soon noticed

that the whole New Testament was there . Having received permission to take this treasure to his



room,Tischendorf was so filled wi th emotion that he could nei ther sleep nor even l ie on a b ed;

and so in a cold room, by the l ight of a small lamp , he Spent the night copying the Ep istle of

Barnabas . “All my boldes t dreams , he wri tes,“were surpassed . I was certain of having found the

most important manuscrip t in the whole world— a veri table p illar to sustain D ivine Truth .

"1 Not

successful at the time in obtaining permission to take the manuscrip t on to Cairo, he nevertheless

went to Egyp t ; and by p laying a li ttle game of poli tics, he succeeded in gett ing i t sent to him there.

In 1869 these leaves, 347 in all, were“

given to Czar Alexander II of Russia in exchange for moneyamounting to about seven thousand dollars— a gift which was somewhat slow in arr iving but wasfinally presented to the monastery at Mount S inai and the aflil iated convent of Mount Thabor . Inaddition to this money some Russian decorations were awarded to certain Sinai fathers . In the


s when the Sovie t government was in need of funds— and not particularly interested in Bibl icalmanuscrip ts— a group of Americans was asked to consider the purchase of the new manuscrip t from

the Sovie t government . The figure proposed was a million dollars ; but due to the depression i tcould not b e raised . In 1933 the Bri tish peop le and government bought the famous manuscrip tfrom the Sovie t government for and i t was moved to the British Museum in London,where i t may now b e seen . In addition to the leaves at the Universi ty of Leipzig, there is a smal lfragment of the manuscrip t in the Library of the Society of Ancient Li terature in Leningrad .

As Tischendorf considered this the oldest extant manuscrip t of the Bible, he referred to i t by

the sign N (Aleph), which is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The letter A had al ready beenused to designate Codex Alexandrinus . In this book the letter 8 is used as more s ignificant than

Aleph to students who do not know the Hebrew language.

A—Codex Alexandrinus , firs t half of fifth century; con tained originally both the Old and New

Tes taments, p lus several noncanonical wri tings . Matthew —25z6 (most of this Gospel) is lost ; alsomissing from the New Tes tament are John and 2 Corin thians —12z6. The text isByzantine in the Gospels and Alexandrian in the Paul ine ep is tles .

The manuscrip t is said to have been given to the patriarchate of Alexandria in 1098 . In 1621

i t was perhaps taken'from Alexandria to Constantinop le by Cyri l Lucar who left Alexandria as

patriarch to take up the same posit ion in Constantinople . In 1627 Cyril presented the codex to theBritish ambassador to Turkey, Sir Thomas Rowe, for his king, Charles I . I t was then added to the

Royal Library and subsequently to the British Museum at the time ( 1757 ) when the former was in

corporated in the latter. The Byzantine text of Alexandrinus in the Gospels is the ear lies t repre

sentative of this text (somet imes called“Syrian”

) which, as early as the fourth century, had come to

predominate over all other texts . The Authorized (King James) Version is the English equivalentof this type of text . In the Acts and Ep istles, however, the text of this codex is of th e Alexandriantype, the chief exponents of which are Sinaiticus and Vaticanus . In the Book of Revelation the textis also Alexandrian and is, with the poss ible excep tion of P“ , the best extant text of that book .

B—Codex Vaticanus, fourth century ; contained originally both the Old and'

New Testaments ,but Hebrews —13 z25 , the Pastoral Ep is tles, Philemon, and the Apocalypse—and perhaps, as in Sand A, parts of the Apos tol ic Fathers

—have now been lost . The text is Alexandrian . I t was consideredby Wes tcott and Hort, and after them by many o ther scholars, to b e the best s ingle extan t text of

the New Testament . The text of the Gospels and Acts is the bes t Alexandrian text we have, but thereis a considerable Western element in the text of the Pauline ep is tles . Vaticanus and S inai ticus are

textually closely rela ted, but their common birthp lace cannot now b e determined .

This codex appears in the earl ies t catalogue of the Vatican l ibrary, published in 1475, but no

one knows when it was taken there or any of i ts earlier his tory. There is, then , no interesting storyin connection with a discovery” of this manuscrip t, as i t has been preserved in the Vatican foralmost five hundred years . But the way in which i t was guarded by Vatican authori ties is interes ting. For hundreds of years nobody in the outside world knew what Vat icanus’ text was l ike, as noone was allowed to copy i t or to s tudy a section long enough to remember i t . I t was firs t madeknown ‘in 1553 when a correspondent of Erasmus, one Sepulveda, sent him some selected readingsfrom it. In 1669 a collation (or l ist of its various readings) was made by Bar tolocci, a Vati canlibrarian , but i t was never publ ished and no one knew anything more of i t for a hundred and fiftyyears . Napoleon carried the manuscrip t off to Paris as a victory prize, and while there i t was stud ied

1 This quotation, as well as the story narrated , may be found in Tischendorf’s own record of his d iscovery

of Sinaiticus read b y him at a meeting of the Royal Society of Literature , February 15 , 1865 ,and entitled :

Mémoire sur la De'couverte et I

Antiquité da Codex Sina i ticus .

vi i i


by Hug. He was the firs t to make known its great age and supreme importance In 18 15 i twas returned to i ts home as were the many o ther treasures which Napoleon had robbed from the

various libraries of Europe. Again i t became pract ically inaccessible to scholars . In 1843 , after wai ting for several months, Tischendorf was finally permitted to look a t i t for six hours . In 1844 de Muralt

was allowed to examine i t for nine hours . In the next year the great Engl ish scholar, Tregel les, was

permitted to see i t on condition that he would not copy a word . And so before he entered the pre

cinct where the manuscrip t was kep t, his pockets were searched for all potential writing materials ; andwhen he seemed to b e looking too in tently at any particular passages, the two guards who stood nextto him snatched the manuscript

'away. Meanwhile in 1857 Cardinal Mai published an edi tion of

the work, and in 1866 Tischendorf again app l ied for the Opportunity to s tudy i t . His request wasgranted on condition that he examine i t for no longer than three hours a day, and not copy any of it .By th e end of eight days, however, he had managed to copy out e ight whole pages . His perm issionwas then revoked, but on special entreaty i t was renewed for a period of six days . This gave Tischendorf enough time to enable him to publ ish, in 1867, the bes t edition of the manuscrip t then avai lable.

Finally, in 1889—90 a photographic copy was made of the whole manuscrip t and it became the com

mon property of all scholars .

C—Codex Ephraemi, firs t hal f of fifth century; a palimp ses t containing parts of both the Old and

New Testaments . The text is Alexandrian in general but has many other mixed readings, so i t is

not so important as the texts of Sinaiticus, Alexandri nus, and Vaticanus, because i t does not represent as consis tently any one type oi text .

In the twelfth century a scribe expunged the Bibl ical text and re-used the vellum to record

the discourses of Ephraem (a Syrian Father often referred to as Ephraem Syrus) translated in toGreek . I t was therefore very difficul t to recover the original B iblical text but most of i t has nowbeen deciphered by the use of chemicals . The firs t complete edition of the manuscrip t was published

by Tischendorf in 1843—4 5 . He was able to read almost every word of i t, and had even discovered

several notes by some of the correctors of the text . The manuscrip t seems to have been brought from the

East to Florence in the time of Lorenzo de’ Medici by a Greek named Andrew John Lascar . When

Lascar died in 1535 the manuscrip t, together with all his l ibrary, was bought by Pietro Strozzi . I tthen belonged to Cardinal Niccolo Ridolfi, of Florence, of the de

'Medici family, and later QueenCatherine de ’ Medici owned it . As she was the wife of King Henry II of France, the codex was

brought to Paris and became part of the Bibl iotheque Royale (now the B ibl iotheque Nationale) .

D—Codex Bezae, later fifth century or early sixth; a bilingual manuscrip t of the Gospels andActs

,wri tten in Greek on the left page and in La tin on the right, and the oldes t known manuscrip t

wri tten in two languages . The text is Wes tern .

The Bishop of Clermont borrowed the manuscrip t from the Monastery of S t . Irenaeus in Lyonsto take to the Council of Trent in 1546 . It was then returned to the monastery whence i t wasrescued when Lyons was sacked by the Huguenots in 1562. In some way i t got into the hands ofTheodore de Beze, the Geneva scholar and reformer; and he presented i t to the Universi ty of Cambridge in 1581. Since then it has been called by his name, the le tter D being used to refer to i t.See under Types of Text for a discussion of i ts textual characteris tics .

W—Washington codex, fifth century or perhaps late fourth ; includes Deuteronomy, Joshua,the Gospels, and the Pauline ep is tles, with two small lacunae in the Gospels, Mark —38 andJohn —16z7 .

The manuscrip t is unusually interesting because i t contains four types of text, not corresponding to the four Gospels : the Alexandrian type of text is found in Luke —8zl 2 and in the Gospelof John; the Byzantine type is found in the res t of Luke and in Matthew; the Western type is foundin Mark —5 z30; and the Caesarean in the rest of Mark . The manuscrip t is qui te independentwith regard to i ts reading; for thi s reason i ts origins are difli cul t to determine . An addition following Mark is of special in terest because i t is rather lengthy and is not to be found in anyother known manuscrip t. A translation of this addi tion follows :

And they replied saying, This age of lawlessness and unbelief is under Satan who b y means of unclean Spiri ts does not allow men to comprehend the true power of God ; therefore reveal now Thyrighteousness . Thus they spoke to Chris t; and Christ answered them, The limi t of the years of theauthori ty of Satan is fulfilled ; but other horrors draw near and for the sake of them that sinned wasI delivered unto death that they might return to the truth and sin no more; that they might inheri tthe spiri tual and incorrup tible glory of righteousness which is in heaven.



If these words are inserted be tween verses 14 and 15 of Mark 16, i t will b e seen that they fit wellinto the context . Apparently they were inserted by a scribe to soften the reference to Jesus ’ s trongrebuke of the discip les in verse 14 . The

“quotation" from Jesus was probably composed ad hoc

somewhere around the end of the second century or the beginning of the third . The first part ofthis reading is quoted by Jerome in his treatise against the Pelagians

The manuscrip t was bought by Charles L . Freer from an Arab dealer named Ali in G izeh, nearCairo, on December 19, 1906. I t was taken to Detroi t and later deposi ted in the Freer Gallery ofArt in Washington

, D C ; hence the le tter W refers to i t . I t had once been located, perhaps, inthe Monastery of the Vinedresser, which was si tuated near the third pyramid in Egyp t, until themonastery was destroyed be tween 1208 and 1441. What happened to the manuscrip t between thi sdate and 1906 we do not know, but when Professor H . A . Sanders of the Universi ty of Michi ganbegan to study i t, he found sand in the wrinkles and incrusted on the outs ide. I t had apparen tly

not been opened for centuries .

—Koridethi Codex, probably ninth, perhaps seventh century . I t is difli cult to date because noother specimen of the same kind of wri ting has yet been found . I t contai ns only the Gospels and

is referred to as Theta, G) , the eighth le tter of the Greek alphabet . The text is Caesarean in Mark

and Byzantine in the other Gospels .

Colonel Bartholomée di scovered it in Swanetia on the slopes of the Caucasus in 1853 . In 1869i t was taken to St . Pe tersburg by the mil itary governor of Kutais ; but i t was later taken back to

the Caucasus and sent to the Gelaty convent near Kutais . I t was then forgotten for about th ir tyyears ; and in 190 1 was redi scovered by Bishop Kirion in the treasure room of St . Andrew's Ca

thedral, in which were preserved th e codices belonging to the Gelaty monas tery. Bishop K iri on thentook the manuscrip t to Tifl is in Russia where i t is now to b e found . Sch olars were firs t informed

of i ts existence by von Soden in 1906, in the prolegomena to his edi tion of the New Testament .I t takes i ts name from the monastery of Koridethi, near the Casp ian, to which i t formerly belonged .

I t was edited in 19 13 by Gustav Beermann and Caspar René Gregory.

A— The Lake Group (Family 1)

We are now dealing not with one manuscri p t, but with famil ies or groups of manuscrip ts whi chhave so much in common that they are presumably derived from a common ances tor. Moreover,these manuscrip ts are not uncials but minuscules, and are known by the ir numbers as they stand in

the commonly accep ted catalogue of minuscule manuscrip ts of the Greek New Tes tament . We shallconsider only two— Famil ies l and 13 . Fami ly 1 was isolated for sep arate exam ination and edi ted by

Kirsopp Lake in 1902 (hence i ts name) . This group , also referred to by the Greek letter Lambda,A, consis ts of several manuscrip ts, numbers 1, 1 18, 13 1, 209, etc . of which Codex l is the most important . The family is known by the number (1) of th is codex as well as by the name of the scholar who

edited it . Codex 1 is a Basel manuscrip t dated in the tenth to twel fth centuries . I t is impossible to

establish a place of origin for any of these manuscrip ts .

— The Ferrar Group (Family 13)

The other group of manuscrip ts is the Ferrar Group named after W. H . Ferrar who helped

edi t them,and known by the Greek le tter Phi, In 1877 T . K . Abbot publ ished A Collation

of Four Important Manus cripts of the Gospels, which manuscrip ts had been examined by Abbotand Ferrar and were published after the lat ter’s death . Many pecul iar readings had been foundwhich pointed to a common parent . The four manuscrip ts studied were related to each otherbut not to any o ther known family; so i t was thought that they belonged to a separate fam ilyof manuscrip ts which in turn were derived perhaps from an uncial . These four manuscrip ts

are minuscules, written in the twelfth, th irteen th, and fifteenth centuries . They are : codex 13 ( 12thor 13 th century, in the Bibl iotheque Nationale, Paris) ; codex 69 (the Leicester Codex, 15 th century,in possess ion of the borough of Le icester, England) ; codex 124 (12th century, Imperial Library,Vienna) ; and codex 346 ( 12th century, Ambrosian Library, Milan) . The parent of these manuscrip tshas never been found, but other manuscrip ts, similar to them, have s ince been seen to b e add i tionalmembers of the same family . They are codices 543 ( 12th century) ; 788 ( 1 1th century) ; 826 ( 12thcentury) ; 828 ( 12th century), etc. Most of these manuscrip ts seem to have an I talian-Sicilian originand their texts are Caesarean in character . Codex 69 , however, was written in England .

Q—Koine—see under the Byzantine text, page vi .



The papyri referred to in this book are as fo llows :

P 3— in the o s terrei chische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna ; sixth century; from a lectionary; contain

ing Luke —45 ; —42; the text is Alexandrian .

P 4— in the B ibliotheque Nationale, Paris ; fourth century; from a lectionary ; containing Luke—59 ; —2zl , 6, 7 ; —4 z2, 29—32, 34—35 ; —8 ; the text is Alexandri an .

P 3 7— in the Universi ty of M ich igan Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan ; third century; contain ing

Mat thew 26 : 19—52.

P 4 5— in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, and the Osterreichische Nationalbibl iothek, Viennaknown as Ches ter Beatty Papyrus 1 ; third century; contains parts of all the Gospels and Acts ; the text is

chi efly Caesarean in Mark, Alexandrian and Western elsewhere— very mixed . This collection of Gos

pel papyri represents a large collection of Bibl ical manuscrip ts acquired around 1930 from a dealer

in Egyp t by A . Ches ter Beatty, an American col lector of manuscrip ts, now living in Dublin . Theseleaves of both the Old and New Testaments vary in age from the second to the fourth centuries and

are bel ieved to have been found on the banks of the Nile near Memphis .

The O xyrhynchus Papyri, were firs t known in 1897 when B . P . Grenfell and A. S . Hunt pub

lished a fragment of papyrus from Oxyrhynchus , Egyp t, dating from the middle of the second centuryand contain ing some sayings of Jesus . Six more s ayings were found in 1903 and published the yearfollowing

.Their great significance lies in the fact that they offer parallels to all four Gospels and

mus t have been cop ied from a manuscrip t written as early as 1 10—130 A D . (2207 papyri from Oxy

rhynchus, mostly um-Biblical

,have so far been published in twenty

-three volumes . ) The numbers usedin this text ( 1, 654, 655, 1224) refer to the numbers of the documents as numbered by Grenfell andHunt . Number 1 is found in vol . I of this edition of the papyri ; numbers 654 and 655 are found

in vol . IV; number 1224 i s found in vol . X .

The Egerton P apyrus 2, dated in the middle of the second century and belonging perhaps even

ear l ier in the century, is the second oldest specifically Christian manuscrip t yet discovered . (The

oldes t is the John Ryland’s Papyrus, P5 2

, giving parts of John —33 , 37—38, and dating from the

firs t half of the second century .) I ts provenance is unknown because i t was bought wi th many othermanuscri p ts from a dealer who had collected them ; Oxyrhynchus, however, is not an unlikely p lace,and like the Oxyrhynchus papyri th is papyrus contains sayings of Jesus which are not recorded inour canonical Gospels . I t has been edi ted by H . I . Be l l and T . C . Skeat in Fragments of an Uh

known Gospel, British Museum,1935, wi th three other Egerton papyri .

The Fayum Fragment (Frag. Fajjumense) , p arallel to Mark—30, but omi tting vs . 28, third

century. I t was d iscovered in Vienna, in 1885, in the great papyrus collection of the Archduke RainerThere is a ques tion as to whether i t comes from a gospel text or is only a homi let ical paraphrase

of the passage .


In the begi nning the Church read what was to become i ts New Tes tament al together in the

Greek language in which i t had been wri tten ; but when the Gospel was taken to peop le who didnot speak Greek, i t had to b e translated immediately into the language of i ts new hearers . These

ear ly translations from the Creek are known as “versions,” and this book refers to three of them : the

Latin, the Syriac, and the Cop tic (Sahi dic and Bohairic) . We shall deal with them in this order.Other versions of less value from a textual point of view are the Ethiop ic, the Gothic, the Armenian,the Georgian, the Arabic, the Sl avonic, and the Persian .

The Latin Vers ions (i t vg)

The Latin version is divided into two group s— the I tala (i t) and the Vulgate (vg) . The I tala

(also known as the O ld Latin) refers to all the Old Latin manuscrip ts which are not derived from

Jerome ’s La tin translation known as the Vulgate . Jerome tells us that Pope Victor (ca . 190) was the



first man to wri te theological treatises in Latin ; and Tertullian, who died around 223, also wrote inLatin . Latin then became more and more the language of the Roman Emp ire, and the New Testament had to b e translated into that language. In 383, in his preface to his revised Latin text of theGospels, Jerome wrote tha t he had comp iled one Latin text because there were so many floatingaround which differed both among themselves and from the Greek manuscrip ts ; and Jerome

's contemporary, Augustine, in h is De Doctrina Chris tiana, attests the same wide var iety of Latin inter

pretations . It was in order to give the church what he considered the best available Latin text andto rid the Latin New Testament of i ts varie ty of readings, that Jerome, at the behest of Pope Damasus, published his edition of the Gospels in 383 ; this was followed by the rest of the Bible, com

pleted in 405 . I t was Jerome’s edition of the Bible which became standard in the Roman Cathol icChurch . There is a ques tion as to whether the extant Vulgate of the Acts, the Ep is tles, and the

Apocalypse goes back to Jerome ; but at present there seems to b e no bet ter exp lanation of them .

I t is the earlier Latin manuscrip ts wi th their great variety of readings to which we refer as

the I tala, or the Old Latin . We have no whole Bibles in the Old Latin, but only groups of books orfragments, dating from the fourth to the thirteenth centuries . There are also quotations from the

I tala in the Latin Church Fathers which some t imes amount to whole chap ters . These date from the

second century on.

The Old Latin manuscrip ts may b e roughly divided into three groups

( 1) The African manuscrip ts, such as k, e .

(2) The European manuscrip ts, such as a, b, i .

(3) The I talic manuscrip ts, such as f, q.

I t is probably group number 3 which Jerome took as the basis for h is own revision, and which mayi tsel f b e a mod ification of number 2. Number 1, the African group, represented by manus crip ts kand e, is extremely important because i t is the same type of text as that used in Africa by T er

tull ian and Cyprian in the second and third centuries . Hence the tradi tion is at leas t that old, although the manuscrip ts k and e are later, e coming from the fourth or fifth century and k from the

fifth or six th . In parts of the Gospels , then, we can recover a Latin text which exi sted in the second


In order to arrive at the Greek text which this Latin represents, the Latin manuscri p ts mus t

b e retranslated back in to Greek; and before this can b e done, the translator must decide whe ther

the Latin has i tself been translated from the Greek li terally or in paraphrase . For a l iteral La tinto Greek translation of a Latin manuscrip t which often paraphrased the Greek i t translated, wi ll not

get us back very close to the original Greek ! In addition to this difli cul ty we must try to decidewhether the Latin manuscrip t wi th which we are deali ng is i tself a translati on of a Greek manuscrip tor an edition of another Latin manuscrip t . These are some of the difficulties which accompany al l t heversions—Latin , Syriac, Cop ti c, etc.

We do not know what Greek manuscrip ts Jerome used, but they were apparently of an Alexandrian rather than a Western type . As the years went on, however, Jerome

's Vulga‘

te text i tsel f became

corrupt, being made to conform to Old Latin tex ts which died hard ; and as a resul t there i s scarcelyan Old Latin reading which cannot b e found in some manuscrip t of the Vulgate . There were numerous commentators who preferred the I tala, and its many surv iving manuscrip ts testi fy to i ts havingbeen in use centuries after Jerome had made his great revision . Indeed it was s till being used in B0

hemia at the close of the Middle Ages . As, then, the Vulgate was corrup ted by the Old Latin and bymany and sundry “improvements, i t l ikewise had to b e revised . This was done as early as the sixthcentury by Cassiodorus . .Later Charlemagne, aware of the confus ion of texts in his day, asked anEnglishman

,Alcu in , Abbot of St . Martin at Tours, to revise the Latin Bible; and on Christmas day

in the year 801, Alcuin presented the Emperor with his revision . Other revisions followed and

finally Pope Sixtus V (1585—90) published a text in 1590, accompanied by a bul l declaring i t alone

to be trustworthy . Three months later he died . The College of Cardinals then called in all cop ies of

the Sixtine edi tion and in 1592 Pope Clement VIII ( 1592—1605) issued his own edi tion of th e Vulgate (the Clementine Vulgate) , but under the names of bo th Sixtus and Clement . The bull whichaccompanied Clement

’s Vulgate establ ished it as the s tandard Roman text which i t has remained tothis day . No verses were to b e al tered and no varian t readings were to b e put in the margin; so thatofficially, at any rate, textual crit icism wi thin the Roman Church was apparen tly p roscri bed from

that date .

No text of the New Testament has been so influential and significant in the western church as

the Vulgate. I t was from the Vulgate that the Bible was read t hroughout western Europe for a



thousand years; and it was the Vulgate that missionaries carried with them throughout the worldand later translated into the vernacular of those to whom they had borne the Gospel . The firstcomp lete book to b e printed from a press was a text of the Vulgate, published in 1455 at Mainz, byGutenberg and Fust; the firs t comp lete English Bible was a translation from the Vulgate, made byWycl iffe; i t was in the Vulgate text that the present chap ter divisions of the Bible were worked out,

probably by Stephen Langton, later Archbishop of Canterbury, ca . 1228 ; and it is the Vulgate thatis read in ei ther Latin or in translation, by Roman Cathol ics throughout the world to this day.

The Syriac Vers ions (sye sys syp)

As in the Latin there is an old text (the Old Latin, represented by many manuscrip ts) and anauthorized text (the Vulgate) , so in the Syriac there is an old text (the Old Syriac, represented bytwo manuscrip ts) and an authorized text (the Peshi tta— syp) . In the eighteenth century, the Peshi ttawas the only Syri ac text known ; but scholars like Griesbach fel t certain that an Old Syriac text laybehind it . This Old Syriac text is represented by two manuscrip ts discovered since Griesbach

's time

—the Curetonian and the Sinai tic Syriac (sye and sys) . In 1842 a Syriac manuscrip t of the Gospels

arrived at the Bri tish Museum from the l ibrary of a monastery in the Nitrian Desert in Egyp t .William Cureton, the English Syriac scholar and an officer of the Museum, edi ted the leaves whichwere published in 1858 and are known by his name. They come from the middle of the fifth centuryand were erroneously believed by Dr . Cureton to contain the words of Jesus just as he spoke themlanguage and all ! He stated that the original of his version was made before the ori ginal ofthe Peshi tta . This was hotly disputed by advocates of the Peshi tta but i t has since been generallyrecognized to b e true .

A second aid in ge tting at the Old Syri ac text was made available in 1836 when the Armeniansof the Mechi taris t Monastery of San Lazzaro, Ven ice, published a commentary on Tatian's B iatessaron by Ephraem, the Syrian Father of the fourth century, which they possessed in an Armeniantranslation . This was not widely known until 1876, but since then Zahn and others have reconstructed the text on which this commentary, originally in Syriac, was based . In addi tion to the

commentary, an Arabic translation of the Diatessaron was subsequently found in the Vatican Library;and after that sti l l another Arabic translation was found in Egyp t . From these two manuscrip tsthe D iatessaron was edi ted in 1888 . One should not leave the Diatessaron without also mentioningthe Dura Fragment which was found on the si te of Dura-Europos, a Roman fortified ci ty cap tured

by the Persians in 256 AD . One of the vellum fragments from this si te proved to be fourteen imperfeet l ines of the D iatessaron in Greek . Scholars are still uncertain whether Tatian wrote his B iatessaron in Greek or in Syriac—we have an Arabic translation and a Syriac commentary on i t in anArmenian translation— but we now know that i t existed in Greek, in Mesopotamia, in the early thirdcentury.

Finally, in 1892, two Cambridge ladies, Mrs . A . S . Lewis and her sis ter, Mrs . M . D . Gibson, discovered some pal impses t leaves of a Syriac manuscrip t of the Gospels in the same monastery of S t.Catherine on Mount Sinai where Tischendorf had found his great Greek uncial, Sinaiticus . The

gospel text underlay a Syriac treatise dated in the year 778 and was i tself of the early fifth century.I t was later photographed at Sinai and the photographs were published in 1894 containing aboutthree-fourths of the Gospels . Known as Sinai tic Syriac (sy

s) , the manuscrip t is s til l at Sinai, andalong .with other manuscrip ts there, has been rephotographed by an expedition from the American Schools of Ori ental Research at Jerusalem .

The Old Syriac version, to which sye and sy

s belong, probably originated in the late secondcentury or early third, and was akin to the text of Sinai ticus and Vaticanus, with Western readingsinserted under the influence of the D iatessaron . I t has been observed that the two manuscrip ts donot represent exactly the same text . There is a great deal more difference between them than thereis, for instance, between two cop ies of the Peshitta ; and of the two manuscrip ts the Sinaitic Syriacrepresents the earlier text . I t is the oldest text of the Syriac that is known . But only the Gospels survive in the Old Syriac version ; the res t of the New Testament firs t appears in the Syri ac languagein the Peshi tta .

The Peshi tta (Simp le) version of the Syriac New Testament has been the one used in the Syrianchurch since the fifth century . I t is generally bel ieved that this text is the same one which was edi tedunder the direction of Rab bula, Bishop of Edessa, in 4 1 1—435, to disp lace the D iatessaron in hisdiocese. The Peshi tta thus became the Syriac Vulgate of the Syrian churches and stil l remainsthe bas is of the authorized Syri ac text . It had two early, significant revisions, one by Philoxenus,

xi ii


Bi shop of Mabug, in eastern Syri a, in 508 ; and the other by Thomas of Harkel in Mesopotami a, in6 16, known as the Harclean (or Hark leian) Syri ac .

The Coptic Vers ions (sa bo)

The New Testament spread to Greek-Speaki ng pe0 p1e in Egyp t, thence to natives who spokeCop tic in various dialects, chief of which were the Sahidic and the Bohairic .

The Sahidic . The Sahidic or Thebaic version was current in Upper (southern) Egyp t whosechief ci ty was Thebes, and i ts existence was not known until the end of the eighteen th century .

I t is found only in numerous fragments from which, however, most of the New Tes tament can b e

put together. Many fragments date from the fifth century, some from the fourth . The text is pre

ponderantly Alexandrian but contains some Wes tern readings , especially in Mark and Luke. The

version is dated early in the third century.

The Bohairic . The Bohairic or Memphitic version, which alone of the Cop tic has the com

plete New Testament, was current in Lower (northern) Egyp t . Bohairi c, the most developed ofEgyp tian dialects, ultimately superseded all other dialects , until Cop tic

” came to mean “Bohairic . ”

Over a hundred manuscrip ts, all late, have been found . Three date from the twel fth century; theoldest, containing the Gospels, i s at Oxford and is dated 1 173—74 A D . The remai ning manuscri p ts are

later; but a s ingle leaf of Ephesians may b e dated in the fifth century . The text is mai nly Alexandrian, and the version is dated in the firs t half of the third century, a li ttle after the Sahidic .


I Clement—a letter wri tten from the church at Rome to the church at Cori nth by Clement, a

leading presbyter of Rome, ca . 95 AD . I t admonishes the Corinthians to lead a godly li fe and then

exhorts them to obey their presbyters who have received their leadership from the apos tles . I t is anearly indication of Rome's initiative among the churches .

I I Clement—a sermon , probably origi nating in Al exandria or Corinth ca . 150 A D not byClement, but rece iving i ts name from him because of an early associa tion with his le tter . It follows

I Clement in the manuscrip ts .

Ignatius—bishop of Antioch in Syria who, at the beginning of the second century, ca . 1 10- 1 17 ,

while being led through western Asia Minor to his execution as a martyr in Rome, wrote a letterto each of six churches exhorting unity among the believers . The basis of this uni ty was the threefold ministry of bishop , presbyter, and deacon . The churches wri tten to were at Ephesus, Magnes ia,Tralles, Rome, Philadelphia , Smyrna ; and one personal note to Polycarp , bishop of Smyrna .

D idache—o therwise known as the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles" first appeared ca . 100—1 10 AD .

as a bri ef formulation of the rules of conduct Chris tians should observe .

Barnabas— the Ep is tle of Barnabas wri tten ca . 130 AD . probably in Alexandria, offered Chri sti ansa compromise solution to the problem of the proper significance for them of the Hebrew law. This

compromise held that the Jewish scrip tures were true, not li terally as the Jews believed, but allegorically . The Ep is tle was accep ted as Scrip ture by Clement and Origen, and is found in the manuscrip t

S inaiticus .

Marcion—a Chris tian heretic, excommunicated ca . 144 A D. (He is ci ted in this book only as givingmanuscrip t support . ) He was antilegal istic, rejecti ng the Old Testament and i ts God , substi tuting aDocetic Chris t and a New Tes tament canon composed of S t . Paul

’s ep is tles (not the Pastorals) and theGospel of Luke considerably excised . This was the first New Testament canon to b e drawn up as

far as is known .

j us tin— called the Martyr from his test imony unto death in Rome ca . 165, was born in Samar iaof heathen parents . A student of philosophy, he was gradual ly converted to Chr ist iani ty as the oldest.trues t, and most divine of all philosophies . In i ts defense he wrote his Apology (for Christi an i ty)ca . 155, addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius and his colleagues ; and hi s D ialogue with Trypho,shortly after, which defends Christ ianity against the attacks of Judaism by means of a d iscuss ion b e

tween Justin and a Jew named Trypho.



Ta tian—from Syria or Assyria, writing in the middle of the second century . Known chiefly forhis D iatessaron which interweaves the four Gospels into one continuous narrative .

I renaeus— born in Asia Minor, probably in the second quarter of the second century; madebishop of Lyons, which post he held til l his death, ca . 200 . Known chiefly for his book refuting

var ious Gnostic schools, Refutation of Gnos ticism, or Agains t H eres ies~the oldest surviving work in

which the Church repudiated heresy—he also wrote several other books arid many le tters which musthave been almost trea tises . His Refuta tion is known mostly from an early Latin translation .

Theodotus— la te second century; a follower of the Gnostic here tic, Valenti nus of Alexandria ;excerp ts from his wri tings have been recorded by Clement .

Tertullian— born in Carthage ca . 150—55, s tudied law; converted to Christiani ty ca . 190- 95, butbroke with the

“Cathol ic" Church ca . 207 in favor of the ascet icism of the Montanists . Father ofLatin theology, he wrote 1 11 Latin ; when he died ca . 223, he had left the Montanists and foundeda sect of his own . His chief polemical work was Agains t Marcion in five books wri tten over a period

of about twelve years, 200—12.

Clement of Alexandria— successor of Pantaenus as head of the Alexandrian catechet ical schoolfrom ca . 200 til l his death about 215; he was also a presbyter in the Alexandrian church . Perhap s

not a great theologian, Clement was a kind of Greek puri tan who unders tood philosophy as thehandmaid of Christiani ty having led the Greeks to Christ . Four of hi s more important survivingworks are : the Exhortation to the Heathen; the Protrepticus, or Address, des igned to convert pagans ; the Ins tructor, the fir s t treatise on Chris tian conduct ; and the S tromateis, or M iscellanieswhich is a scrapbook of many thoughts Clement wished to preserve .

O rigen- born in 184—85 A .D . , l ived mostly in Alexandria where he headed the catechet ical schooland in Caesarea where he probably died in 254 during the Decian persecution .

“He was the greates t

Ch ristian scholar and the most prolific Chris tian wri ter of antiquity,” having wri tten thousands of

scrolls about the length of the Gospel of Matthew . He was a Bibl ical cri tic and exegete, in terpreting Scrip ture allegorically. He wrote numerous commentaries and doctrinal works including O n

P rayer; a great apology, Contra Celsum (Agains t. Ce lsus), which is a defense of Chris tiani ty againstthe attacks of the pagan Celsus ; and what may perhap s be considered Chris tiani ty

’s firs t systematictheology, De P rincipi is (On F irs t P rinciples), in four books . He was also the comp i ler of the famous

Hexap la which contained the Old Tes tament in six columns— the Hebrew, a Greek transl i teration of

the Hebrew,the Sep tuagint, and the Greek translations of Aquila, Theodotion, and Symmachus .

This must have been about nine thousand pages long.

H ippolytus— born ca . 170, spent most of his l ife in Rome where he was a presbyter, and bishop

for about seven years (222—23 to 230) when he sp li t with Cal ixtus who had been elected bishop . He

was sent into exile to the mines of Sardinia in 235 and died there or in Rome probably the followingyear ; he was buried on the road to Tivol i . He wrote many books but is known chiefly for his R efu

ta tion of All H eres ies which seeks to show that the heresies had the ir source in Greek philosophyand in pagan ism .

Cyprian—ci ted in this book only as giving manuscrip t support . Born probably in Carthage ca.

200—210; Spent all his l ife there; was bishop of Carthage from 248—4 9 till his death as a martyr in258, when he was beheaded .

Eusebius of Caesarea— born ca . 260, probably in Pales tine; bishop of Caesarea from ca . 3 15 ti llh is death in 340 . Played a prominent part at the Counci l of Nicea; known chiefly for his ChurchH is tory in ten books, wri tten between 323 and 325; also wrote Theophany, a brief exposition ofthe meaning of Christ, toward the end of his l ife .

D idymus— a discip le of Origen ; blinded in early youth ; one of the last presiden ts of the cate

chetical school a t Alexandria ; died ca . 398 . Noted ch iefly for his exegesis of Biblical books and histhree books, O n the Trinity . Also surviving is a treatise on the Holy Sp irit in a Latin translation .

Epiphanius of Salamis—born in Palestine between 3 10 and 320 ; an ascetic; became bishop ofSalamis, cap i tal of Cyprus, in 367 ; spent l ife hunting heretics and died at sea on his way fromConstantinople to Cyprus in 403 . He wrote the Ancoratus , which is a defense of Chr istian doctrine,



in 373 ; and, most important, the Fanarion—his work against heres ies—be tween 374 and 377 . In thi she tracks down e ighty heresies, twenty of which p recede the time of Chris t, and the fir st of which isbarbarism, from Adam to the flood .

] erome— born in S tridon, Dalmatia, between 33 1 and 342; educated in Rome where he was b aptized ca . 370, becoming an ascetic . In 385 he left Rome for Jerusalem where he pres ided over amonas tery ti ll his death in 420 . His supreme gift to Christendom was the Vulgate—hi s transla tionof the whole Bible in to Latin (cf. pp . xi—xi ii) . Al so of great importance are his many commentar ies onBiblical books ; his dialogue against the Pelagians in three books (415 A D ) ; and On I llus trious M en,

wri tten in 392 and 393 , which is a list of ecclesias tical wri ters from the apostles to his own times,with their main works . Many of his letters are also preserved .

Augus tine— ci ted in this book only as giving manuscrip t support; born in North Afri ca in 354,

died in August, 430 . Ch icfly known for his Confes s ions, City of God, commentaries, etc . Tremendousinfluence on subsequent theology .

P eter of Laodicea— a bishop (although not always so acknowledged) of Laodicea, in the seven thcentury, who wrote commentaries on the four Gospels .

P eter of R iga—author of the poem, Aurora, written in the late twelfth century . In the thir teen thcentury McClean manuscrip t of this poem, bequeathed to the Fitzwill iam Museum, are many margimal notations in Latin . One such notation which is an answer to the question asked in the text,Why did not the buyers and sellers resis t our Lord? is found in this book .


Gospel of the Eb ionites—written around th e middle of the second century, or slightly after, bythe Ebionites, or Jewish-Christians who bel ieved that Jesus so fulfilled the Jewish law that God chosehim to b e the Messiah . They were the descendan ts of Paul's Judaizing Opponents and mai ntainedthat the Mosaic law was universally obligatory. Our knowledge of their gospel comes from quotationsfound in Ep iphanius

Agains t Heres ies XXX, 13—22.

Gospe l according to the Hebrews, or the“Jewish Gospel —a gospel, much of which is very Jew

ish in character, known only from quotations in early Chris tian wri tings . Probably wri tten ca . 120

30 A D , i t arose in Egyp t, in Greek . I t i s quoted by Clement, Origen, and Jerome, and is found insome Oxyrhynchus papyri . The references to the Gospel of the Nazarenes may refer to this work .

Gospe l according to the Egyptians—wri tten in Greek ca . 130—4 0; circulated among Gentile Christ ians in Egyp t, and at firs t not regarded as heretical . The author of II Clement quotes i t, and not asheresy; Clement quoted i t (S tromate is, Bk . but Origen regarded i t as heretical , due to i ts s trongascetic quali ty. I t was adop ted by the Egyp t ian Encrati tes .

Gospel of the Naassenes—quoted by Hippolytus in Book V of his Refutation of Al l Heres ies .

The origin of the Naassenes, or Ophites, i .e . Serpent-Worshippers, IS unknown, but they practicedheathen rites and were considered heretics by Hippolytus .

Gospel of Peter—writ ten from the Doceti c point of view, probably in Syria, ca . 130. We had onlymentions of i t in the writings of Serap ion, Origen, Eusebius and Theodoret until 1886 when a fra gment of it was found in Akhmim in Upper Egyp t, belonging perhaps to the fourth century. The

Gospel probably contains some very early materi al, though most of i t is late.

Acts of Philip—a fourth century Gnostic work which we know from fragmen ts of later revisions.



Gospel of PeterII .5b—III .9 (to Matt . 27 : 26b—3 1

8: Mark 15 z15b—20)IV. 1ml4 (to Matt. 27 : 33-44)V. l 5—20 (to Matt . 27 :45—5 1)VI .2l—24 (to Matt . 27 : 57ff.)VII .25 (to LukeVIII .28—33 (to Matt . —66)X I .45—49 ( to Matt. —15)XII .50—XIII .57 (to Matt . —8)

Gospel of the Ebioni tes

( to Matt .

(to Matt . —5)(to Matt. —17)(to Luke

(to Matt . —22) ustin

(to Matt . Apology

(to Matt , (to Luke

(to Matt . —50) (to Matt . -28)

(to Matt. 8c Luke 22: Dialogue

(to Matt .Gospel of the Naassenes (to Luke(to Mark &Luke(to Matt .

(to Matt .

Haimo of AuxerreCommentary on Isaiah

(to Luke

HippolytusRefutation of All Heresies

V.7 .26 (to Mark and Luke 130

V.8. 1 1 (to Matt . 133

V.8 .23 (to Matt . 15 1

IgnatiusEp is tle to the smyrneans

(to Luke

IrenaeusAgainst Heresies

(to Luke —1 1)

JeromeAgainst Pelagius

(to Matt . 10

(to Matt. 18 121—22 8cLuke —4) 99

Commentary on Ephes ians

(to Matt .

Commentary on Ezekiel(to Matt .

(to Matt .

Commentary on Isaiah

(to Matt. —17)40 :9ff. (to Matt .


Commentary on Matthew

(to Matt .

(to Matt .

(to Matt :

(to Matt .

(to Matt .

(to Matt .

Commentary on Micah

(to Matt .

Le tter to Hed ib ia

(to Matt .

On Illus trious Men

3 ( to Matt .2 (to Luke 24 : 36ff .)

OrigenCommentary on Matthew

(to Matt .

(to Matt . —24)

Homily on Jeremiah

(to Luke

(to Luke

(to Matt.

On Prayer

(to Matt .

Oxyrhynchus Papyrus lLogion 1

( to Matt . and Luke

Logion 2

(to Matt .

Logion 5

(to Matt.

Logion 6

(to Luke

Logion 7

(to Matt .

Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 654Logion l

(to Matt .

Logion 2

(to Luke

Logion 3

(to Matt .

Logion 4

( to Matt .

(to Luke

Peter of JLaod-iceaCommentary


on Mat thew

(to Matt . 231535)

Diatessaron,(to Matt . 27 55


£0 1. 2 verso, GO‘I 2 Tertulli an

Against Marcion

IV .3 1 (to LukePeter of


On Prayer26 (to Matt .

3 6136


In troductory Note.

The Index of Parallels which follows is a double one . The firs t set of references (in bold face)contains the main p assages ; the second set contain s those sections which may b e regarded as paralle lsapart from context considerations . The italics in the second set of references denote those passages in theSynopsis indicated only by cross-references without the prin ting of the text) .

The Infancy Narra tives .

A. The Ma tthean Infancy Narrative . Matthew 1, 2.

The Genealogy of JesusThe Birth of JesusThe Vi si t of the MagiThe Flight and the Return

B . The Lucan Infancy Narrative . Luke 1, 2.

The Prologue to the GospelThe Promise of the Bap t ist

’s BirthThe AnnunciationMary ’s Visi t to ElizabethThe Birth of the Bap tis tThe Birth of JesusThe Circumcision of Jesus and the Presentation in the Temp leJesus at Twelve Year s

I . The Gal ilean Sec t ion. Ma t thew 3— 18 z Mark 1 9 : Luke — 9 z50 .

Parallels and Doubletshl ark Luke

1 John the Bap tis t2 John’s Preaching ofRepentance .

3 John’sPreaching toSpecial Groups

4 John’

s M ess ian ic Preaching5 John ’

s Imprisonment .-78

6 The Bap tism ofJesus7 The Genealogy ofJesus -1 6

8 The Temp tation9 The Firs t Preaching in Gal ilee .

10 The Rejection at Nazareth —58

1 1 The Cal l of the Firs t D iscip les .-77

12 Jesus in the Synagogue at Capernaum 31-37 -29

1 3 The Healing of Peter’s Motherin-law 38-39

14 The Sick Healed at Evening . 40 41 -17 -1 1

15 Jesus Dep arts from Capernaum 42-43

16 A Preaching Journey in Gal ilee . 44 8: 76 8, 10 -19


17 The M iraculous Catch of Fish . 5 : 1-11 -22 -20













3 3

















The Sermon on the Moun t . Ma t thew 5— 7 .

In troduction .

The BeatitudesThe Parables of Salt and Light .

Words ofJ esus on the LawOnMurder .

On AdulteryO nDivorce .

On Swear ingOn Retal iationO n Love ofOne’s Enemies

OnAlmsgivingOn PrayerThe Lord’s PrayerWords ofJesus on Fas ting

The Sound EyeWords of Jesus on S erving Two

O nJudgin g

On Profaning the HolyGod’s Answering of Prayer“The GoldenRule”

The Narrow GateTheTes t of aGoodM an

Warning agains t Self-Decep tion .

Hearers and Doers of the Word .

The End of the Sermon .

TheHealing of a Lep er .

The Centurion’s Servan t

The Heal ing of Peter’s Mother

The Sick Healed at Evening .

The Nature of Discip leshipCalming the StormThe Gada-rene DemoniacsThe Heal ing of the ParalyticThe Cal l ofLeviThe Ques tion about Fas ting .

J a i-rus’ Daughter and a Woman’s

Fai th

Two BlindM en Heal edThe Heal ing of a DumbDemoniac

The Sending out of the Twelve .

The Fate of the Dis cip lesExhortation to Fearless Confession .

Divis ion inHouseholdsCondi tions ofDiscipleship

Parallels and Doublets

3 : 70 -3 5

20: 29-34

1 3



5: 1-20


10: 46-52

-3 5


15 : 7-2

8: 110-56

18: 42



End of theDiscourse

64 John’

s Quesn'

on toJ esus

65 Jesus’Words aboutJ ohn66 Woes on the Cities of Galilee .

67 Jesus’Thanksgiving to the Father68



Comfort for the Heavy-ladenPlucking Ears of Grain on the

SabbathThe Heal ing of the Man with theWitheredHand

7 1 JesusHeals theMulti tudes72 The Call of theTwelve

7 3



7 6



7 9


The Sermon on the

The BeatitudesTheWoesOn Love of One’s Enemies


ATest ofGoodness

Hearers and Doers of the WordThe Centurion’s SlaveTheWidow’

s Son at Nain8 1 John’

s Question toJ esus82 Jesus ’Words aboutJ ohn83






The Woman with the Ointment .

The M inistering Women

Accusations agains t JesusAHouse Divided

Against Seeking for SignsThe Return of the Evil Spirit .

89 Jesus’True Relatives90



9 3






The Parable of the SewerThe Reason for Speak ing in

ParablesThe Blessedness of the Discip lesThe Interpretation of the Parableof the Sower .

The Purpose of ParablesThe Parable of the Seed GrowingSecretly .

The Parable of the WeedsThe Parable of the Mustard SeedThe Parable of the Leaven

99 Jesus’Use of Parables100




The Interpretation of the Parableof theWeeds

The Parables of the HiddenTreasure and of the Pearl

The Parable of theNetThe Parable of the Householder .

104 Jesus’True Relatives105 The Stilling of the Storm














Parallels and Doublets

19 —25

16 —4

2, 4




18-81 -50

22-25 23-27

xx i i

M ark


9: 73




—3 5



P lain. Luk e —49 .

-23 4, 6, 1 1, 12


27-38 —42,44-48

87-42 —5 —25



47-49 —27

7 1-10 7: 28 a -13


18-28 —6

24—35 —79

36-50 —13



106 The Gerasene Demoniac107 Ja irus ’ Daughter and a Woman’


Faith108 Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth .

109 The Sending out of the Twelve .

110 Herod Thinks Jesus is John,

1 11 The Death ofJohn1 12 The Return of the Twelve, and

1 13

the Feeding of the Five Thou

The Walking on the Water .

114 Heal ings at Gennesare t .


1 16





13 1


13 3



1 37

1 38

1 39

What Defiles aMan

The Syrophoenician Woman .

The Heal ing of Many S ick Persons—of the Deaf Mute

The Feeding of the Four Thou

The Pharisees Seek a Sign

ADiscourse on Leaven .

The Blind Man of Beths aida .

The Confess ion at Caesarea Ph ilipp i and the First Predictionof the Passion

The Conditions ofDiscipleship .

TheTransfigurationThe Coming ofElij ahAn Ep ilep tic Boy Heal edThe Second Prediction of thePassion

The Temp leTaxThe D ispute about Greatness .

The Strange Exorcis tOnTemp tationsConcerning SaltThe Lost Sheep .

On Reproving One’

s BrotherOnReconciliation .

The Parable of the Unmercifu l23—35



8: 7 70

1 : 32f.


II . Luk e’

s Special Section. Luke

The Samaritan Vill agersThe Nature of Dis cip leshipThe Sending out of the Seventy .

140 The Re turn of the Seventy141 Jesus ’ Gratitude to the Father .

142 The Blessedness of the D isciples143 The Lawyer

’s Question

144 The Parable of the Good Samari

9 51-56


10 1-16

xxi i i

16: 77 78

-3 1

Parallels and Doublets


9: 7-5, 48 102


17 : 1-2

—3 515 : 3—7























17 1


17 3



17 8

17 9





Mar y and MarthaThe Lord ’

s PrayerThe Friend at M idnightThe Answer to PrayerThe Beelzebul Controversy

The Return of the Ev il Sp iri t .The Blessednes s ofJesus ’ Mother .

The S ign for this Generation

Concerning LightDiscours e agains t the Pharisees .

Exhortation to Fearless Confes sion

The Parable of the Rich Fool .Cares about EarthlyThingsWatchfulness and Faithfu lness

The Servant’sWagesInterpreting the Present Time .

Agreement with One’s Accuser

Repentance or Des tructionThe Healing of the Woman wi th

3 Spirit of InfirmityThe Parables of the Mustard Seedand the LeavenExclus ion from the Kingdom

The Departure from Gal ileeThe Lament over JerusalemThe Heal ing of a Man withDropsyTeaching on HumilityThe Parable of the Great SupperThe Cos t ofDiscipleship

The Lost Sheep and the Lost

The Prod igal SonThe Unjus t StewardThe Hypocrisy of the Pharisees .

About the Law and about DiVOI


The Rich Man and Lazarus .

On Causing S inO n ForgivenessOn FaithThe Servant’sWagesThe Heal ing of Ten Lepers

Parallels and Doublets

-1 3


-34 -27

-30 8: 77


—3 6 3 9

2-12 -20,26-3 3 -29


10-17 -12

18-21 -3 3 -32



-3 9

5 -76

16-18 32 72



























The Day of the Son ofMan

The Parousia of the Son ofMan

The Par able of the FigTreeTheTime of the ParousiaMark’s Ending to the Discourse .

Luke’s Endin g to the Discourse .

The Need for WatchfulnessTheWatchful HouseholderThe Faithful and Wis e Servant .The Parable of the Ten Maidens .

The Parable of theTalentsThe Las tJudgment

A Summary of the Days SpeninJ erusalem

Parallels and DoubletsMark



-27 34-3 5 159



-3 6 160


C. The Passion Narra tive . Ma t thew 26—27 Mark 14— 15 2 Luke 22—23 .

lThe Conspiracy against JesusThe Anointing at BethanyThe Betrayal by JudasPreparation for the Pas sover .





7: 36-50

The Last Supper . Ma t thew — 29 Mark — 25 Luke — 38 .

The TraitorThe Ins titution of the Lord’

SupperLas t Words

c) Peter’s Denial Prophes ied .

d) The Two Swords .

The Way to Gethsemane ; PeterDenial Prophes ied .

Jesus in Ge thsemaneJesus Taken Cap tiveJesus before the Sanhedrin .

Peter’s Denial .

Jesus Delivered to PilateThe Death ofJ udas .

The Trial before PilateJesus before Herod .

The Sentence ofDeathThe Mocking by the SoldiersThe Road to GolgothaThe CrucifixionThe Death on the CrossThe Burial ofJesusThe Guard at theTomb




—28 -45

26 30-35

27: 72

The Emp tyTomb

14: 78—27

-3 7


A . The Ma tthean Narrative .—20 .

1. The Bribing of the Soldiers

2. The Command to Bap tize

l . The Road to Emmaus

B . The Lucan Narrative .—53 .

2. The Appearance of the Risen Christ in Jerusalem

3 . The Ascension

C. The Longer End ing of Mark .



-3 4


A . TheMatthean InfancyNarrat ive .

Ma t thew 1—2


Matt . —17 Luke —34 7, p. 11)(In reverse order)

1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David,the son of Abraham .

2 Abraham was the father of Isaac,and Isaac the fa ther of Jacob,and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,3 and Judah the fa ther of Perez and Zerah by Tamar,and Perez the father of Hezron,and Hezron the fa ther of Ram ,


4 and Raru a the fa ther of Amminadab,and Amminadab the father of Nah shon ,

and Nah shon the father of Salmon ,5 And Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab ,and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth,and Obed the father of Jesse,6 and Jesse the father of David the king .

And David was the fa ther of Solomon by the wife of Uriah ,

7 and Solomon the father of Rehoboam,

and Rehoboam the father of Abijah,and Abijah the father of Asa, b8 and Asa b the father of Jehoshaphat,and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram,

and Joram the father of Uzziah ,

9 and Uzziah the father of Jotham,

and Jotham the father of Ahaz,and Ahaz the fa ther of Hezek iah,1 ° and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh.and Manasseh the father of Amos, c

and Amos c the father of Josiah ,

1 1 and Josiah the father of Jechoniah and his brothers, atthe time of the deportation to Babylon .

12 And after the deportation to Babylon : Jechoniah wasfather of Sheal-tiel, d

and Sheal tiel d the father of Zerubbabel ,1 3 and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud ,and Abiud the father of El iakim ,

and Eliakim the father of Azor,1 4 and Azor the father of Zadok,and Zadok the father of Achim,

and Achim the father of Eliud,1 5 and Bl ind the father of Eleazar,and Eleaza-r the father of Matthan ,

M artt . -6— 1 Chronicles -15 ; 3-6— Ruth -22;

Greek-z Aram.b Greek : Ample. text : S B C (9 int sa b e ; 4 Greek

3 4 AbrahamIsaacJacob

3 3 JudahPerez

Hezron, Arni , AdminAmminadab

3 2 Nah shonSalaBoazObedJesse

3 1 David

NathanMatta thaMennaMelea

3 ° EliakimJonamJoseph


2 9 Levi


JorimEliezer, Joshua, 2 8 Er,Elmadam, Cosam, Add i ,Melchi, 27 Neri


Joanan26 Joda



MattathiasMaath, 25 Naggai, Esl i,Nahum, Amos, Mattathias,

24 Joseph, Jannai ,Mel chi, Levi

7-12— 1 Chronicles -19 .

Amon : W S? vg sy°sy




and Matthan the father of Jacob,16 and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband ofMary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Chris t . °17 So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David

to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the

Chris t fourteen generations .


Ma tt. -25

18 Now the birth of Jesus f Christ took p lace in th is way. When hi s mother Mary had been b etrothed to Joseph, before they came toge ther she was found to b e wi th child of the Holy Sp iri t;1 9 and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwill ing to pu t


her to shame, resolved to di vorceher quietly .

20 But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream,

saying,“Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that whi ch is conce ived in her

is of the Holy Sp iri t ; 2 1 she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save hi s

peop le from their sins .” 22 All this took p lace to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophe t :

23 “Behold, a virgin shall conce ive and bear a son,

and his name shall b e called Emmanuel

(which means, God with us) .24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord com

manded him ; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son; 8 and he call ed hi s

name Jesus .


Ma tt. —12

1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold,wise men from the East came to Jerusal em, saying, 2

“Where is he who has been born k ing of the

Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him .

" 3 When Herod the

king heard this, he was troubled, and al l Jerusalem wi th him ; 4 and assembling all the chi ef priests

and scribes of the peop le, he inquired of them where the Chris t was to b e born .5 They told him, In

Bethlehem of Judea ; for so i t is wri tten by the prophet :

6 ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,are by no means least among the rulers of Judah ;for from you shal l come a rulerwho will govern my peop le Israel .

7 Then Herod summoned the wi se men secretly and ascertained from them what time the starappeared ; 3 and he sent them to Bethlehem, saying,

“Go and search diligently for the child, andwhen you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him .

” 9 When they hadheard the king they went their way ; and lo, the star which they had seen in the Eas t went beforethem, t ill i t came to res t over the p l ace where the child was . 1 0 When they saw the s tar, they re

joiced exceedingly with great joy ; 1 1 and going into the house they saw the ch ild wi th Mary hismother, and they fel l down and worshiped him . Then , opening their treasures, they off ered him

gi fts, gold and frankincense and myrrh .1 9 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they

departed to their own country by another way .

Matt . — Isaiah cf. Numbers —M icah — Isa iah

text : S B C W S? Asyp sa bo ; J acob thefather of J oseph, towhom the virginMor) having been betrothed bore J es us who

is called Chris t: 6) (I) it (mos t J acob thefather of J oseph. J oseph, to whammos betrothed the virgin Afar! , was the

father of J esus who is called Chris t: sy°; J acob thefather of J oseph, to whomwas betrothed the virgin Adar! , who (fem ) bore

J esus the Chris t: sy°.

t text : S B C A sy p sa bo ; omit, J esus : it vg sy°sy

s Irenaeus ; omi t, Chris t: W.3 text : S B

A it sy°sy

°sa bo ; herfirs tbom son: C D W 51 vg sy


MATT.—23— LUKE —13



Matt. —23

13 Now when they had departed, behold, an ange l of the Lord appeared to Joseph in adreamand said, Rise, take the ch ild and his mother, and flee to Egyp t, and remain there til l I tel l you ;for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him .

” 1 4 And he rose and took the chi ld andhis mother by night, and departed to Egyp t, 1 5 and remained there until the death of Herod This

was to fulfi l what the Lord had spoken by the prophe t,“Out of Egyp t have I called my son .

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage,and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in al l that region who were two years

old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men.1 7 Then was ful

filled what was spoken by the prophe t Jeremiah :1 8 “A voice was heard in Ramah,wailing and loud lamentation ,Rachel weep ing for her children ;she refused to b e consoled,because they were no more.

19 But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appear ed in a dream to Joseph inEgyp t, saying, 20

“Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to th e land of Israel , for those who

sought the child ’s life are dead .

” 21 And he rose and took the child and his mother, and went to

the l and of Israel . 22 But when he heard that Archelaus re igned over Judea in p l ace of his fa ther

Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district ofGalilee .

23 And he went and dwel t in a ci ty called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets

might b e fulfilled,“He shall b e called a Nazarene .

B . The Lucan Infancy Narrative .

Luk e l , 2


Luke —4

l Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compi le a narrative of the things which have been ac

comp l ished among us,2 just as th ey were del ivered to us by those who from the beginning were

eyewitnesses and minis ters of the word, 3 i t seemed good to me also, having followed all thingsclosely 11 for some time pas t, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 thatyou may know the truth concerning the things of which you have been inform ed .



Luk e —25

5 In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a pries t named Zechariah, 1 of the division of

Abijah ; and he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was El izabeth .3 And they were

both ri ghteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless . 7 But they had no chi ld, because El izabeth was bar ren , and both were advanced in years .8 Now whi le he was serving as priest before God when his division was on duty, 9 according to

the custom of the pries thood, i t fel l to him by lot to enter the temp le of the Lord and burn incense.

1 0 And the whole multi tude of the peop le were praying outside a t the hour of incense .

1 1 And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the al tar of incense .

1 2 And Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fel l upon him .1 3 But the angel

said to him, Do not b e afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer i s heard, and your wife Elizabeth willbear you a son , and you shal l call his name John .

Matt .

— Hosea —Jeremi ah —cf. Isaiah (in Hebrew) . Luke

1 Chronicles

h Or, accurately .

i Greek : Zacharias .

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rews (in Jerome , On Illus trious Men 3 )— O ut of Egyp thave I cal led my son ; and, s ince he has been called, Nazarene . C‘f. also margin of codex 1424 —This was to

fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet,“Out of Egyp t have I cal led my son


LUKE —3 8

14 And you will have joy and gladness,and many will rejo ice at his birth ;

1 5 for he wi l l b e great before the Lord,and he shal l drink no wine nor strong dr ink,and he wil l b e filled wi th the Holy Sp iri t,even from his mother ’s womb .

1 6 And he will turn many of the sons of Israel to theLord the ir God,

1 7 and he will go before him in the sp iri t and powerof Elijah,

to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,and the disobedient to the wisdom of the jus t,to make ready for the Lord a peop le prepared .

1 8 And Zechariah said to the angel , How shall I know this? For I am an old man , and my wifeis advanced in years . ” 1 9 And the angel answered him,

“I am Gabriel , who stand in the presenceof God ; and I was sent to speak to you , and to bring you this good news . 20 And behold , you will

b e s ilent and unable to speak unt il the day that these things come to pass, because you did not b e

l ieve my words, which will b e fulfilled in their t ime .

” 21 And the peop le were wait ing for Zech ari ah ,

and they wondered at his delay in the temp le .22 And when he came out, he could not speak to

them, and they p erceived that he had seen a vision in the temp le; and he made signs to them andremained dumb .

23 And when his time of service was ended, he went to his home .

24 After these days his wife Elizabe th conceived, and for five months she hid hersel f, saying,25 “Thus the Lord has done to me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach

among men .


Luke —38

26 In the sixth mon th the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a ci ty of Gal ilee named Nazareth ,

27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph , of the house of David ; and the Virgin’s name

was Mary .

28 And he came to her and said, Hail , O favored one, the Lord is wi th you !"J'29 But

she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this

might b e .

3 0 And the angel said to her, Do not b e afrai d, Mary, for you have found favor wi th God .

3 1 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus .

3 2 Hewill b e great, and will b e called the Son of the Most H igh ;and the Lord od will give to him the throne of his fa ther David ,

3 3 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever ;and of his kingdom there will b e no end .

3 4 And Mary said to the angel, How can this b e . since I have no husband?” 3 5 And the angel

said to her,

The Holy Sp iri t will come upon you ,

and the power of the Most High will overshadow you

therefore the ch ild to b e born k wil l b e called holy, the Son of God.

3 6 And behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old age has also conce ived a son ; and this is thesixth month wi th her who was called barren .

3 7 For with God nothing will b e impossible .

" 3 8 And

Mary said, Behold I am the handmaid of th e Lord ; let i t b e to me according to your word . And

the angel departed from her.

Luke — Numbers I S amuel — Malachi -6, Ecclesias ticusGenesis — Isaiah 1 :32f.—cf. Isaiah -7 and 11 S amuel -16 .


j text : S B W sa bo ; add, Blessed are y ou among women! A C D 9 d) 1? it vg syp. k text : S A B D

W vg bo ; add, of y ou C 8 X it sa Irenaeus .

LUKE —69


Luk e —56

39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste in to the hill coun try, to a ci ty of Judah, 40 and

she en tered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabe th .

41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb ; and Elizabe th was fi lled with the Holy Sp iri t 42 and she

exclaimed wi th a loud cry, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the frui t of your womb !4 3 And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when

the voice of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy .4 5 And blessed is she

who bel ieved that there would b e a fulfilment 1 of what was spoken to her from the Lord .

” 46 And

Mary I“ said,

My soul magnifies the Lord,

4 7 and my sp iri t rejoices in God my Savior,4 3 for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden .

For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed4 9 for he who is mighty has done great things for me,and holy is his name.

50 And his mercy is on those who fear him

from generation to genera tion .

5 1 He has shown strength wi th his arm,

he has scat tered the proud in the imagination of their hearts,52 he has put down the mighty from their thrones,and exalted those of low degree ;

53 he has filled the hungry wi th good things,and the ri ch he has sent emp ty away .

5 4 He has helped his servant Israel ,in remembrance of his mercy,

55 as he spoke to our fathers,to Abraham and to his posteri ty forever .

56 And Mary remained wi th her about three months, and re turned to her home .


Luke —80

57 Now the t ime came for El izabeth to b e del ivered, and she gave birth to a son .5 8 And her

neighbors and kinsfolk heard tha t the Lord had shown great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with

her.59 And on the e ighth day they came to circumcise the child ; and they would have named him

Zechariah after his father, 60 but his mother said ,“Not so ; he shall b e called John .

" 6 1 And they saidto her,

“None of your kindred is called by this name .

” 62 And they made signs to his father, inquiring what he would have him called .

6 3 And he asked for a wri ting table t, and wrote, His name i sJohn .

” And they all marveled .3 4 And immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and

he Spoke, blessing God .65 And fear came on al l their neighbors . And all these things were talked

about through all the hill country of Judea ; 66 and al l who heard them la id them up in the ir hearts,saying,

“What then will this child b e?” For the hand of the Lord was wi th him .

67 And his father Zechariah was fi lled with the Holy Sp iri t, and prophesied, saying,

68 “Blessed b e the Lord God of Israel ,for he has visi ted and redeemed his people,

69 and has raised up a horn of salva tion for us

in the house of his servan t David,

Luke -55- cf. I S amuel -10 .

— Habakkuk 1 :48~ I S amuel 1 :48bcf. Genesis 1 :49b— Psalm — Psalm — PsalmEcclesiasticus Ezekiel — Psalm — Isaiah 41 :8f.


M icah 11 Samuel —cf. Leviticus — Psalm

Psalm 132z17 .

l O r, believed,for there will be afulfillment. m Elizabeth ins tead of Mary in Origen, some of the Ital a .5


7 0 as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophe ts from of old,

7 1 that we should b e saved from our enemies,and from the hand of all who hate us ;

7 2 to perform the mercy promised to our fathers,and to remember h is holy covenant,

7 3 the oath wh ich he swore to our fa ther Abraham ,7 4 to grant us

tha t we,be ing del ivered from the hand of our enemies,

m ight serve h im without fear,7 5 in hol iness and righteousness before h im all the days of our l ife.

7 6 And you , child, will b e called the prophet of the Most High ;for you will go before the Lord to prepare h is ways,

7 7 to give knowledge of salvation to his peop le

in the forgiveness of their sins,7 3 through the tender mercy of our God,when the day shall dawn upon us from on high

7 9 to give l ight to those who si t in darkness and in the shadow of death,to guide our fee t into the way of peace .

80 And the child grew and became strong in sp iri t, and he was in the wilderness

man ifes ta tion to Israel .


Luk e —20

1 In those days a decree went ou t from Caesar Augustus that all the world should b e enrolled .

2 This was the firs t enrollment , when Qu irinius was governor of Syria .

3 And all went to b e enrolled,each to his own ci ty .

4 And Joseph also went up from Gal ilee, from the ci ty of Nazareth, to Judea,to the ci ty of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to

b e enrolled wi th Mary, h is be trothed, who was wi th child .

6 And whi le they were there, th e timecame for her to b e del ivered .

7 And She gave birth to her firs t-born son and wrapped him in swad

dling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no p lace for them in the inn .

8 And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keep ing watch over their flock by

night . 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them,

and they were fil led with fear . 1 0 And the angel said to them, Be not afraid ; for behold, I bring yougood news of. a great joy which will come to all the peop le ; 1 1 for to you is born this day in the ci tyof David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord .

° 1 2 And this will b e a Sign for you : you will find a babewrapped in swaddl ing cloths and lying in a manger .

” 1 3 And suddenly there was wi th the angel a

multi tude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

1 4 “Glory to God in the highest ,and on earth peace among men wi th whom he is p leased ! P

15 When the angels went away from them into heaven, th e shepherds said to one ano ther, Let

us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us .”

1 6 And they went wi th haste, and found Mary and Joseph , and the babe lying in a manger . 1 7 Andwhen they saw i t they made known the saying which had been told them concern ing this child ; 1 3 andall who heard i t wondered at what the Shepherds told them .

1 9 But Mary kep t all these things , pon~

dering them in her heart . 20 And the shepherds returned , glorifying and praising God for all theyhad heard and seen, as i t had been told them .

Luke — Psalm 1 :72a— Micah 1 :72b— Psalm 105 z8,Jeremiah — Malachi Isaiah 1 z7 9a— Psalm 1 z79b— Isaiah

Or,whereby the day spring will vis it ; text P

‘ S B W O sy°syp sa bo; s ince the day spring has vis ited : A C D

d) 8 it vg.

° text z S A B D W X it vg sy°sy

p sa b o ; Christ of the Lord : fragments of the Pal es tinianSyriac trans lation . p text : S A B D W it vg sa Irenaeus , Origen ; peace, good will among me n: 9 X 4: Si ;peace and good will among men: sy


p bo .


MATT.—5— MARK —5—LUKE —6


Matthew 3—18 Mark 1- 9 Luk e —9 z50

Ma tt . —6

1 In those days

came John the Bap t ist, preachingin the wilderness of Judea,

2 “Repent, for the kingdom of

heaven is at hand .

” 3 For thisis he who was spoken of by the

prophet Isaiah when he sai d,

p. 48

The voice of one crying in

the wilderness :

Prepare the way of the Lord,make his paths straight .

4 Now John wore a garment of

camel ’s hair, and a leather girdle around his wais t ; and his

food was locusts and wild honey .

5 Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all theregion abou t the Jordan,

M att . Mark Luke (cf. Matt . p . 48) -IsaiahLuke -6— Isaiah -5 .


Mark —6

I The beginning of the gos

pel of Jesus Chris t, the Son of

God .u

p. 14

4 John the bap t izer appearedin W the wilderness, preaching abap t ism of repentance for the

forgiveness of sins .cf.

5 And there went out to him allthe coun try of Judea, and all

the peop le of Jerusalem ;

“ text : A B D W S? d) it vg syp sa bo ; omit, the Son af Gad : S 6 .

SW; the prophets (minus, Isaiah) : A W 5? d) .sy

p sa .


Luke —6

l In the fif teen th year ofthe reign of Tiberius Caesar,Pon tius Pilate being governorof Judea, and Herod be ing tet

rarch of Gal ilee, and hi s brother Philip tetrarch of the

region of I turaea and Trach

omi t is, and Lysanias te trar chof Abilene, 2 in the hi gh

priesthood of Annas and Cai a

pb as, th e word of God came toJohn the son of Zechariah inthe wi lderness ; 3 and he wentinto all the region about the

Jordan, preaching a bap tismof repentance for the forgive

ness of sins . 4 As i t is wri tten in the book of the words

of Isa iah the prophet,

p. 59

cf. 3 :3 b

cf. 3 :3a

Mark — Mal achi

v text : S B D € k it vg sa bo'text : S B bo ; was baptizing in: A D W 9 A S? it vg

2 As i t is wri tten in Isaiah the prOphet,


Behold, I send my messen

ger before thy face,who shall prepare thy way ;

3 the voice of one crying inthe wilderness :

Prepare the way of the Lord,make his paths s traight

The voice of one crying in

the wilderness :

Prep are the way of the Lord,mak e his pa ths strai ght .

5 Every val ley shall b e filled,and every mountain and hillshall b e brought low,

and the crooked shall b emade s traight,

and the rough ways shal lb e made smooth ;

6 and al l flesh shal l seethe salvation of God .

MATT .—10—MARK —6—LUKE —16

6 and they were bap tized by him and they were bap t ized by him

in the river Jordan, confess ing in the ri ver Jordan, confessingthe ir sins . their sins .

6 Now John was clo thed wi thCf. camel's hair, and had a leather

girdle around hi s waist,x and

ate locusts and wild honey .

2. JOHN ’


Ma tt . —10

7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees

and Sadducees coming for bap tism, he saidto them,

“You brood of vipers ! Who warned

you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bearfrui t that befi ts repentance, 9 and do not

presume to say to yourselves,‘We have

Abrah am as our father’; for I tell you,God is able from these stones to raise upchildren to Abraham .

1 0 Even now the axe

is laid to the root of the trees ; everynee therefore that does not bear goodfrui t is cu t down and thrown in to the fire.


Luke —9

7 He said therefore to the mult i tudesthat came out to b e bap t ized by him,

“You brood of vipers ! Who warned

you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bear

frui ts that b efit repentance, and do not

begin to say to yourselves,‘We have

Abraham as our father’ ; for I tel l you ,

God is able from these stones to rai se upchi ldren to Abraham .

9 Even now the axe

is l aid to the root of the trees ; every

tree therefore that does not bear goodEm i t is cu t down and thrown into the Y

3 . JOHN’


Luke 3 : 10A M

10 And the multi tudes asked him, Wh at then shall we do?” 1 1 And he answeredthem,

“He who has two coats, let him share wi th him who has none; and he who has

food, le t him do l ikewise .

” 1 2 Tax collectors also came to b e bap tized, and saidto him, Teacher, what shal l we do?

” 1 3 And he said to them,

“Collect no morethan is appoin ted you 1 4 Soldiers also asked him,

“And we, what shall we do?And he said to them, Rob no one by violence or by false accusation, and b econtent wi th your wages .

4 . JOHN ’


Ma tt . —12

x Omit : and had a leather girdle around his wais t : D it .

To Luke c f. John -25 .

Mark —8 Luke —18

15 As the peop le were in ex

pectat ion, and all men questioned in their hearts concern

ing John, whe ther perhap s hewere the Christ, 1 6 John an

swered them al l,

Y cf. M at-t . 41 , p .

To M att . cf. The Gosp e l of th e Ebion i te s, (in Ep iphan ius, Agains t Heres ies , X X X . 73 .6) —In the daysof Herod, king of Judea, when Caiaphas was high pries t, a certain man named John came bap tiz ing wi tha bap tism of repentance in the river Jordan. He was said to be of the family of Aaron the priest, son of Zechariahand Elizabeth, and all went out to him .

To Matt . 5 cf. X X X . 1 3 .4 of above reference—John was bap ti zing ; and Pharisees went out to himand were bap tiz ed, and al l Jerusalem . Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair, and a leather girdlearound his wais t ; his food was wild honey, tas ting lik e manna, like a cake in olive oil

g5- 6

1 1“I bap tize you wi th water for

repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than

1, whose sandals I am not

worthy to carry ;

he will bap tize youwi th the Holy Sp iri t and wi thfire .

1 2 His winnowing fork is

in his hand, and he will clearhis threshing floor and gatherhis wheat in to the granary, butthe chaff he will burn withunquenchable fire .

—4 —1 8

1 1 1 , p. 78 his brother ’s wife,

7 And he preached, saying,

After me comes he who is

mightier than I ,of whose sandals I am not worthyto s toop down and untie .

S I have bap tized you wi thwater ; but he wil l bap tize youwi th the Holy Sp iri t .

MATT.—15— MARK —9—LUKE —21

I bap tize you with water ;

the thong mightier

thong of whosethe

but he who isis coming,

sandalsthan I

I am not worthy to untie;


Luke —20

and for all the evi l that19 Bu t Herod the tetrarch, who had been reproved by him for Herodias,

things Herod had done,

I20 added this to them all, that he shut up John in prison .

Matt . —17

13 Then Jesus came from Gal

ilee to the Jordan to John, tob e bap tized by him .

1 4 Johnwould have prevented him,

saying, I need to b e b ap

tized by you, and do you come

to me?" 1 5 But Jesus answered

him, Let i t b e so now; forthus i t is fi t ting for us tofulfil all righteousness .Then he consented .


Mark —1 1

9 In those days Jesus camefrom Nazare th of Gal i lee

M att . — Then he consented ; and when he was baptized a huge light shone from the water so tha t all who were near

werefrightened. Two manuscrip ts of the Itala .

To M att . -12 of. John -28 . To 6 cf. John -34 .

To Matt . M ark Luke cf. Acts — And as John was finishing his course, hesaid

,What do you suppose that I am? I am not he . No, but after me one is coming, the sandals of whose

fee t I am not worthy to untie .

” Cf. also Acts

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrew s , (in Jerome, Aga ins t Pelagius III .2)— The motherof the Lord and his brothers said to him,

“John the Bap tist bap tizes for the forgiveness of sins ; let us go and

b e bap tized by him . But he sa id to them,

Unless, p erhaps, what I have jus t said is a s in of ignorance .


In what have I sinned that I should go and b e bap tized by him?

he will bap t ize youwith the Holy Sp iri t and wi thfire .

1 7 His winnowing fork isin his hand, to clear h is

threshing floor, and to gatherthe wheat into his granary ; butthe chaff he will burn wi thunquenchable fire .

" 1 8 So, wi thmany other exhortations, he

preached good news to th e

peop le .


1 6 And when Jesus was bap ti zed,he went up immediately fromthe water, and behold, the

heavens were Opened z and he saw

—17—MARK —1 l— LUKE

and was bap tized by John inthe Jordan .

1 0 And when he

came up out of the water, im

mediately he saw the heavens

3 121—26 g7

and when Jesus al so had beenbap tized and was praying,the heaven was opened,

opened and the Sp iri t des

cending upon him like a dove;1 1 and a voice came from heaven,“Thou art my beloved Son ;a withthee I am well p leased .

22 and the Holy Sp iri t des

cended upon him in bodilyform, as a dove, and a voicecame from heaven ,

“Thou art mybeloved Son ;a wi th thee I am

well pleased .

" b

the Sp iri t of God descendinglike a dove and alighting onhim ; 1 7 and lo, a voice fromheaven, saying,

“This is myb eloved Son,a wi th whom I am

wel l p leased .


Luk e —38

23 Jesus, when he began his ministry, wasMatt . —16 (p. 1 )

l The book of the genealogy of JesusChrist, the son of Davi d, the son of about thirty years of age, being the son

Abraham .2 Abraham

was the father of (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of

Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, Hel i, 24 the son of Mat that, the son of Levi,the son of Melchi , the son of Jannai, the

son of Joseph, 25 the son of Mattathias, theson of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son ofEsl i, the son of Naggai,

26 th e son of

Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of

Semein, the son of Josech , the son of

and Jacob the father of Judah and his

brothers, 3 and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the

father of Hezron, and Hezron the fatherof Ram,

4 and Ram the father of Ammi nadab, and Amminadab the father of Nah

To M att . Mark cf. Isaiah,

2 text : S B syesy

ssa ; add,

to him: C D W X S? it vg syp bo . Or, my Son, my (or the) Beloved.

b textS A B W O X (b S? vg sy


p sa bo ; Thou art my Son; today I have begotten thee (Psalm D it Justin, Clement,Origen ,

Augustine , Gospel of the Ebionites .

To M att . -17 cf. Gosp e l of th e Ebion i tes, (in Ep iphanius , Against Heres ies, X X X . 73 . 7—8)— After thepeop le were bap tiz ed, Jesus also came and was bap tized by John . And as he came up from the water

, the

heavens were opened, and he saw the Holy Spirit des cending in the form of a dove and entering into him. And avoice fi'om heaven said, Thou art my beloved Son ; wi th thee I am well p leas ed.

”And again,

“Today I havebegotten thee .

”And immediately a great light shone around the place ; and John,

see ing it, said to him,Who

are you, Lord?”And again a voice from heaven said to him,

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am wellp leased .

” Then John ,fall ing down before h im,

said,“I beseech you, Lord, bap tize me !

” But he forbade him,

saying, Let it b e so ; for thus it is fitting to fulfil all things .

To Matt . -17 cf. Gosp e l accordin g to the Hebrew s, (in Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah —Whenthe Lord as cended from the water, the whole fount of the Holy Sp irit descended and res ted upon him , and

said to him,

“My son, in all the prophets I was waiting for you, that you might come, and that I mightres t in you . For you are my res t ; and you are my firs tborn son

,who reigns forever.

To Luke cf. Gosp e l of the Ebion i tes, (in Epiphanius , Agains t Heres ies X X X . 73 .2)—“There was a

certain man named Jesus, about thirty years old, who chose us .

” Also cf. Jus tin, D ialogue—When Jesus

went down to the water, fire was kindled in the Jordan ; and when he was ris ing from the water, the HolySpirit came upon him like a dove, as the apos tles of our Christ have written.

1 1

§ 8 MATT.—2—MARK —13— LUKE

shon , and Nah shon the fa ther of Salmon,5 and Salmon the father of Boaz by Ra

hab, and Boaz the father of Obed by

Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse,c and Jesse the father of David the king .

And David was the father of Solomon by

the wife of Uriah, 7 and Solomon the

father of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the

father of Ab ij ah, and Abijah the father

of Asa,8 and Asa the father of Jehosh

aphat, and Jehosaphat the father of

Joram, and Joram the father of Uzziah,9 and Uzziah the father of Jotham , and

Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the

father of Hezekiah,1 ° and Hezekiah the

fath er of Manasseh, and Manasseh the

father of Amos, and Amos the father of

Josiah, 1 1 and Josiah the father of

Jechoniah and h is brothers, at the t imeof the deporta tion to Babylon .

12 Andafter the deportation to Babylon : Jechoniah was the father of Sheal tiel ,c andShealtiel c the father of Zerubbabel ,1 3 and Zerubbabel the father of Ab iud , and

Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakimthe father of Azor, 1 4 and Azor the fatherof Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim ,

and Achim the father of Eliud, 1 5 and Eliudthe father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the

father of Matthan , and Matthan the fatherof Jacob, 1 6 and Jacob the father of Josephthe husband ofMary,of whom Jesus was born ,who i s called Chris t .

Joda, 27 the son of Joanan, the son ofRhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of

Sheal tiel,c the son of Neri , 28 the son of

Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam,

the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, 29 the

son of Joshua, the son of El iezer, the son of

Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi ,3 0 the son of Simeon, the son of Judah ,

the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam , the

son of Eliakim,3 1 the son of Melea, the

son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son

of Nathan, the son of David, 3 2 the son ofJesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz ,

the son of Sala, the son of Nahshon ,

3 3 the son of Amminadab , th e son of Adm in ,

the son of Arni, the son of Hezron, the

son of Perez, the son of Judah ,3 4 the son

of Jacob , the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nah or,3 5 son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son

of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shel ah ,

3 6 the son of Cainan , the son of Arphaxad ,the son of Shem, the son of Noah , the son of

Lamech, 3 7 the son of Me thuselah , the son of

Enoch, the son of Jared, the son ofMahalal eel ,the son of Cainan ,

3 3 the son of Enos, the

son of Se th, th e son of Adam, the son of God .


Ma tt . —11

I Then Jesus

was led up by the Sp iri t in tothe wildernessto b e temp ted by the devil .2 And he fasted forty days andforty n ights

and afterward he was hungry .

Luke — I ChroniclesI Chronicles -27 .

Greek : Salathiel .

Mark —13 Luk e - 13

I And Jesus, full of th e

12 The Sp iri t immediately Holy Sp iri t, returned fromdrove him out in to the wilderness . 1 3 And he was in the wil

derness forty days, temp ted bySatan

and he was wi th the wild beasts ;

-34— 1 Chronicles -15 .

-38— I Chronicles -4 .


-33— Ruth -22.

the Jordan, and was led bythe Sp iri t

2 for forty daysin the wi lderness, temp ted

by the devil . And he a te

nothing in those days ; and

when they were ended, he washungry .


MATT .—l l—MARK — LUKE —13

3 And the temp ter came and said to h im,

If you are the Son of God, command these

stones to become loaves of bread .

" 4 But

he answered,“I t is wri tten,

‘Man shal lnot l ive by bread alone, but by every word

that proceeds from the mouth of God .

5 Then the devil took him to the holy

c ity, and set him on the p innacle of the

temple, 6 and said to him, If you are the

Son of God, throw yourself down ; for i t iswri tten,

He will give his angels charge

of you,’ and ‘On the ir hands they wi ll

bear you up , lest you s trike your footagainst a stone.

’ 7 Jesus said to him,

“Again i t is wri tten You shall not temp t

the Lord your God .

8 Again, the devil took him to a veryhigh mountain, and showed him all the

kingdoms of the world and the glory of

them ; 9 and he said to him,

“All these I wil l

give you

if you will fal l down and worship me .

1 0 Then Jesus said to him,

Begone, Satan ! for i t is wri tten,‘You shal l worship the Lord your God, andhim only shall you serve .

cf. w . 5—7

1 1 Then the devil left him,

3 The devil said to him,

If you are the Son of God, command thisstone to become bread .

" 4 And Jesus an

swered him,

“I t is wri tten,‘Man shall

no t live by bread alone .

cf. w . 9—12

5 And the devil took him up ,

and showed him all the kingdoms of the

world in a moment of time,6 and said to him, To you I wi l l give all

th is authori ty and their glory ; for i t has

been del ivered to me, and I give i t to whomI wil l . 7 If you, then, will worship me,

i t shall all b e yours . ” 9 And Jesus an

swered him, I t i s wri tten,‘

You shall worship the Lord your God, andhim only shal l you serve .

and behold, angels came and

ministered to him .

and the angelsminis tered to him .

M att . Luk e — Deut . 8 : 3b . Matt . Luke -1 1— Psalm -12. Matt . LukeA ‘ 12— Deut . Matt . Luke — Deut .

To M att . M ark cf. John And he sa id to him,Truly , truly, I say to you, you will see

heaven op ened, and the angels of God ascending and des cending upon the Son of man .

To Matt . cf. The Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s : The Jewish copy has not to the holy city ,but

to j erusalem.

To Matt . cf. Origen,Homily on j eremiah, 75 : 4— Then my mother

,the Holy Sp ir it, took me b y one ofmy

hairs, and carried me to the great Mount Tabor .Jerome records the above reference in Latin in his commentaries on M icah Isaiah 40 :9ff, and

Ezekie l


9 And he took him to Jerusalem, and se

him on the p innacle of the temp le, andsaid to him, If you are the Son of God,

th row yourself down from here ; 1 0 for i t

i s wri tten,‘

He wi ll give his angels charge

of you, to guard you,’ 1 1 and ‘On

their hands they wi l l bear you up , lest

you strike your foot against a stone .

1 2 And Jesus answered him, I t is said,‘

You shall not temp t the Lord your God .

1 3 And when the devil had

ended every temp tation, he de

parted from him until an oppor

tune time .

MATT.—17— MARK —15— LUKE —19


M att . —17

12 Now when he heard that

John had been arrested, he with

drew into Gal ilee; 1 3 and

leaving Nazareth he went and

dwel t in Capernaum by the sea,

in the terri tory of Zebulun

and Naphtal i , 1 4 that what wasspoken by the prophe t Isaiahmight b e fulfi lled ; 1 5 “The

land of Zebulun and the land ofNaphtali , toward the sea, acrossthe Jordan , Galilee of the Gentiles 1 6 the peop le who sat

in darkness have seen a greatlight, and for those who sa t

in the region and shadow of

death light has dawned .

1 7 From that time Jesus beganto preach, saying, Repent, forthe kingdom of heaven is athand .

Mark —15

14 Now after John wasarrested , Jesus came intoGalilee,

preaching the gospel (1 of God ,1 5 and saying,

“The time is ful

filled, and the kingdom of God

i s a t hand ; repent, and bel ievein the gospel .

Luk e —15

14 And Jesus re turned inthe power of the Sp iri t intoGal ilee,

and a report concern ing h im

went out through all the sur

rounding country .1 5 And he

taught in their synagogues,being glorified by all .


Matt . —58 p.

54 And coming to his

countryhe taught them in the irsynagogue,

M att . -16— Isaiah -2.

Mark —6 108, p. 76)1 He went away from there and

came to his own country ; and

his discip les followed him .

2 And on the sabbath he began

to teach in the synagogue ;

Luke -19— Isaiah -2,

d text : S B (9 it (many MSS . ) syssa bo ; gospel of the kingdom of God : A D W A it (many MSS . ) vg sy


TO M att . Mark Luke cf. John -3— 1 Now when the Lord knew that the Phariseeshad heard that Jesus was making and bap tizing more discip les than John 2(al though Jesus himself did not baptize

, but only his discip les ) , 3 he left Judea and dep arted again to Gal ilee . Cf. also John


Luke —30

16 And he came to Nazare th,where he had been brought up ;and he went to the synagogue,as his custom was, on the

sabbath day . And he s tood upto read ; 1 7 and there was

given to him the book of the

prophe t Isaiah . He Opened th e

book, and found the p lace wherei t was wri t ten ,

1 3 “The Sp iri t

of th e Lord is upon me, becausehe has anointed me to preachgood news to th e poor . He has

sent me to proclaim release tothe cap t ives and recovering of

sight to the blind, to set atliberty th ose who are oppressed,1 9 to proclaim the accep tableyear of the Lord .



Ma tt . 4 118-2218 As he walked by the Sea of Galilee ,

he saw two brothers, S imon who i s calledPeter and Andrew his brother, casting anet in to the sea ; for they were fisher


19 And he said to them,

“Follow me ,

and I will make you fishers of men .

20 Immedia tely they left their nets and fol

lowed him .

21 And going on from there he saw two

other brothers, James the son of

Zebedee and John his brother, in the

boat wi th Zebedee their fa ther, mendingtheir nets, and he called them .

22 Immedia tely they left the boat and their

father, and followed him . f. p. 1 8)

Mark —20

16 And passing along by the Sea of Gal ileehe saw Simon

and Andrew the brother of S imon cas ting anet in to the sea ; for they were fisher


1 7 And Jesus said to them,

“Follow me,

and I will make you become fishers of men.

1 8 And immediately they left their nets and

followed him .

1 9 And going on a l i ttle far ther, he saw

James th e son ofZebedee and John hi s broth er, who were intheir boat mendi ngthe ne ts . 20 And immediately he called them ,

and they left their

father Zebedee in the boat wi th the hiredservan ts, and followed him .

Luke — 1 K ings -9 .

— II K ings

To 1 1 cf. John -42.

To Matt . -22 and parallels (and and p arallels, 10 22-5) cf. Gosp e l of th e Eb ioni tes , (inEp iphanius , Agains t Heres ies , X X X .

—3 ) —There was a certain man named Jesus, about th irty years old, whochose us . (See Luke p . Coming to Capernaum, he entered the house of Simon

,who is called Peter.

and said,“As I pas sed by the lake of Tib erias , I chose John and James

,sons of Zebedee, and Simon, Andrew.

Thaddaeus , Simon the Zeal ot, Judas Iscariot ; and you,M atthew, s itting at the tax offi ce, I called and you fol

lowed me . You, therefore, I des ire to be twelve apos tles , as a witnes s to Israel .


the land ; 26 and Eli j ah was

sent to none of them but onl y

to Zarephath, in the land of

S idon, to a woman who was awidow.

27 And there were many

lepers in Israel in the timeof the prophet El isha ; andnone of them was cleansed,but only Naaman the Syrian .


28 When they heard th is, al l

in the synagogue were fi lled

wi th wrath .

29 And they roseup and pu t him out of the

ci ty, and led him to the

brow of the hill on whichtheir ci ty was bui l t, that

they might throw him down

headlong .

3 0 But p assingthrough the midst of them

he went away .

MATT. MARK —3 1— LUKE - 3 9 g 124 3


Matt . —29 44, p. 3 1 )

28 And when Jesus fin ished

these sayings, the crowds were

astonished at his teaching,29 for he taught them as one

who had authori ty, and not as

their scribes .

M ark —28

21 And they went into Caper

naum ; and immedi ately on the

sabbath he entered the synago

gue and taught . 22 And they wereastonished at his teaching,for he taught them as one

who had authority, and not as

the scribes .23 And imm ediate ly therewas in their synagogue a man

with an unclean sp ir i t ;24 and he cried out,

Whatto do with us,

Jesus of Nazare th? Have

you come to destroy us?

I know who you are, the

Holy One of God .

25 But

Jesus rebuked h im, saying,Be si lent, and come out

of him ! ” 26 And th e unclean

sp iri t, convulsing him and

crying wi th a loud voice, came

ou t of him .

27 And they were all amazed, sothat they questioned among

themselves, saying,“What is

this? A new teaching ! With au

thori ty he commands even the

unclean sp iri ts, and theyobey him .

” 23 And at once his

fame spread everywhere through

out all the surrounding regionof Galilee .

have you

Luk e —37

3 1 And he wen t down to Caper

naum, a ci ty of Galilee .

And he was teaching them onthe sabbath ; 3 2 and they wereastonished at his teaching,for his word waswith authori ty.

3 3 And in the synagoguethere was a man who had the

sp iri t of an unclean demon ;and he cried ou t with a

loud voice, 3 4 “Ah l f What

have you to do with us,Jesus of Nazareth? Have

you come to des troy us?I know who you are, the

Holy One of God .

3 5 ButJesus rebuked h im, saying,Be si lent, and come ou t

of him ! " And when the demon

had thrown him down in the

midst, he came ou t of him,

having done h im no harm .

3 6 And they were all amazed

and said to one another,What is this word? Forwi th authori ty and powerhe commands the unclean

sp iri ts, and they come ou t .

3 7 And reports of himwent out in to every p lace

in the surrounding region .


Matt . —15 47 ,

14 And when Jesus entered

Peter ’s house,he saw his

mother-in-law lying sick wi tha fever;

1 5 and he touched her hand,and the fever

left her,and she rose and served him .

Mark —3 1

29 And immedi ately heg leftthe synagogue, and entered the

house of Simon and Andrew,wi thJames and John .

3 9 Now Simon’s

mother-in-law lay sick wi th

a fever, and immediately theytold him of her.

3 1 And he cameand took her by the hand andlifted her up , and the feverleft her ;and she served them .

To M att . M ark Luke cf. John — The ofli cers

this man !”

To Mark and Luke of. Judges and I Kings

1 Or, let us alone.

17 .

Luke —39

38 And he arose and left

the synagogue, and entered

S imon ’s house .

Now Simon'smother-in-law was il l wi th

a high fever, and theybesought him for her .

3 9 And he stood over her and

rebuked the fever, and i tleft her; and immediatelyshe rose and served them .

answered No man ever spoke like

17 text : B D W 9 R d) it sy°; they : S A C 9 vg sy

’ bo.

14—16 MATT .— MARK —3 9—LUKE —44


Matt . —17 48, p. 3 4)16 That even ing

they brought to him many who

were possessed with

demons ;

out the sp iri tsand healed all

and he cas twith a word,who were sick .

1 7 This was to fulfil whatwas spoken by the prophe tIsaiah,

“He took our infir

mities and bore our diseases ."

Mark —34

32 That evening, at sundown,they brought to him all who

were sick or possessed with

demons . 3 3 And the whole ci ty

was gathered together about

the door . 3 4 And he healed many

who were sick wi th variousdiseases, and cast out many

demons ;and he

would not permi t the demons

to speak, because they knewhim .

Luk e —4 1

40 Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any

that were sick wi th variousdiseases brought them to him ;

and he laid his hands on every

one of them and healed them .

4 1 And demons also came outof many, cry ing,

“You are the

Son of God ! ” But he rebukedthem, and would not allow them

to speak, because they knew that

he was the Christ . ’


Mark —3 8 Luke —43

35 And in the morning, a great while

before day, he rose and went out _to alonely p lace, and there he prayed .

3 6 And Simon and those who were wi th him

followed him,3 7 and they found him and

said to him,

“Every one i s searching foryou .

" 3 3 And he said to them,

“Let us go

on to the next towns, that I may preach

42 And when i t was day

he departed and went in to alonely p lace . And the pe0 p1e sought himand came to him, and would have kep t h imfrom leaving them

4 3 but he said to them, I must preach the

good news of the kingdom of God to the

o ther ci ties also ; for I was sent for this


there also ; for that is why I came out .”


Matt. -25 I I , p. Mark Luke23 And he went about all 39 And he went throughou t all 44 And he wasGal ilee, teach ing in the ir Gal ilee, preaching in the ir preachi ng in the

synagogues and preaching the synagogues and synagogues of Judea.h

gospel of the kingdom and

heal ing every disease and casting out demons .every infirmi ty among the

45, pp. 3 1—32)

Mark -11 7 1, p .53 ) : 1 ° for he had healed many, so that all who had diseases pressed upon him

to touch him.

1 1 And whenever the unclean Spirits beheld him,they fell down before him and cr ied out,

“Youare the Son of God .

(Cf. M att . 16, p . 19 . )

Matt . 7 1, p .53 ) : and ordered them

not to make him known .

Mark 7 1, p . 53 ) : and he s tr ictly ordered

them not to make him known .

58, p .39) : And Jesus went about all the cities and villages , teaching in theirsynagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every dis eas e and every infirmi ty .

Matt . — Isaiah

h text : S B C k sy°sa bo ; Galilee: A D 9 d) 3? it vg sy

p; synagogues qf the j aw s : W.



24 So his fame spread through

out all Syria, and theybrought him all the sick,those affli cted wi th variousdiseases and pains, demoniacs,ep i lep t ics, and p aralytics,and he healed them .

25 Andgreat crowds followed him H “

from Gali lee and the Decapol is

and Jerusalem and Judea andfrom beyond theJordan .

MATT.—25— LUKE — 1 1

7, 8

1 0 for he had healed many,so that all who had diseases

pressed upon him to touch him ;

multi tude from Galilee followed ;also from Judea 3 and Jerusalemand Idumea and from beyond theJordan and from about Tyre andSidon a great mul ti tude, hearingall that he did, came to him .

19 , 17

1 3 and those who weretroubled wi th unclean Sp iri tswere cured .

1 9 And all the

crowd sought to touch him,

for power came forth from him

and healed them all . 1 7 And hecame down with them and stood

on a level place, wi th a

great crowd of h is discip lesand a great mul ti tude of

peop le from all Judea and

Jerusalem and the seacoast

of Tyre and Sidon , who came

M att . 114, p . 8 l ) zAnd when the men

of that p lace recognized him,they sent round

to all that region and brought to him all thatwere s ick.

to hear him and to b e healed

of their diseases .


Luke —1 1

(Cf. Mark —20 and M a tt . —22, 1 1 , p . 16)

1 While the peop le pressed upon him to hear the word of God , he was standingby the lake of Gennesaret . 2 And he saw two boats by the lake ; but the fishermen hadgone ou t of them and were washing their nets . 3 Getting into one of the boats, whichwas Simon ’s, he asked h im to pu t ou t a l it tle from the land . And he sat down andtaught the peop le from the 4 And when he had ceased speaking, he saidto Simon, Put ou t in to the deep and let down your nets for a catch .

” 5 And Simon

answered, Master, we toiled all night and took nothing ! But at your word I will letdown the nets . ” 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a grea t shoal of fishand as their nets were breaking, 7 they beckoned to their partners in the other boatto come and help them . And they came and fi lled both the boats, so that they beganto sink .

8 But when S imon Peter saw i t, he fel l down at Jesus’ knees, saying,


from me, for I am a Sinful man , 0 Lord .

” 9 For he was astonished, and all that werewith him, at the catch of fish which they had taken ; 1 0 and so also were James andJohn , sons of Zebedee, who were p artners wi th Simon . And Jesus said to Simon,

“Dono t be afra id ; henceforth you wi l l b e catching men .

” 1 1 And when they had broughttheir boats to land, they left everyth ing and followed him .

—16, pp. 3 1

Mark -55 1 14, p . 81) : 54 And when they

got out of the boat, immediately the peop le recognized him


5 5and ran abou t the whole ne ighborhood

and began to bring sick peop le on the ir pallets to

any p lace where they heard he was .

Matt . 7 1, p .53) : Jesus, aware of this , withdrew from there . And many followed him, and

he heal ed them all .Cf. Matt . -2 and Mark


§ 18—19 MATT.


The Sermon on the Mount .

Ma t thew 5—7


Ma tt. —2 Luke 20 54; 73 , p. 55)1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the In these days he went out in to

mountai n, and when he sat down his disci the hills to pray ; and all night he

p les came to h im .

2 And he opened his con tinued in prayer to God .

20 And he

mouth and taught them, saying li fted up his eyes on his discip les,and said :


Matt . —12 Luke - 23 73 , p . 55)3 “Blessed are the poor in sp iri t,

2° “Blessed are you poor,for the irs is the kingdom of heaven . for yours is the kingdom of God .

4 “Blessed are those who mourn ,

for they shal l b e comforted .

5 “Blessed are the meek,for they shall inheri t the earth .

9 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst 21 “Blessed are you that hunger now,

for righteousness,for they shall b e sa tisfied . for you shall b e sa tisfied .

7 “Blessed are the merci ful , Blessed are you that weep now,

for they shall obtain mercy . for you shall l augh .

8 “Blessed are the pure in heart,for they shal l see God .

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers,for they shall b e called sons of God .

1 0 “Blessed are those who are persecutedfor righteousness ’ sake,for the irs is the kingdom of heaven .

1 1 “Blessed are you when men

revile youand persecute you and utter all kinds of

evil against you falsely on my account .12 Rejo ice and b e glad , for your rewardis great in heaven ,

for so men persecu tedthe prophets who were before you .

Matt . — Psalm — Psalm

To Matt . cf. Clement of Alexandria,Protrepticus X So the scrip ture natural ly preaches to thos e who

have believed,“And the saints of the Lord shall inherit the glory of God and his power .


22 “Blessed are you when men hate you ,

and when they exclude you and revile youand cast ou t your name as evi l, onaccount of the Son of man !23 Rejoice i n that day, and leap forjoy, for behold, your reward is great inheaven ; for so their fa thers di d to the

prophets .

MARK l ': 39—LUKE MATT.—20 § 20—2l


Matt . —16 Luke —35 121)13 You are the sal t of the earth ; 34 Sal t is good ;

but if sal t has los t i ts taste , how shall but if sal t has los t i ts taste, how shal l

i ts sal tness b e res tored? ‘ I t is no longer i ts sal tness b e res tored?‘ 3 5 I t is fi t

good for anything excep t to b e thrown nei ther for the land nor for the dung

out and trodden under foot by men. hil l ; men throw i t away . He who has earsto hear, le t him hear .

14 You are the light of the world .

A ci ty set on a hill cannot b e hid .

1 5 Nor do men l ight a lamp and put i t 33 No one after l ighting a lamp puts it

under a bushel, but on a Stand, and it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a

gives l ight to all in the 1 6 Let stand, that those who enter may see the

your l ight so shine before men, that light .

they may see your good works and giveglory to your Father who is in heaven .


Ma tt . —20

17 Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets ; I have come

not to abolish them but to fulfi l them .

1 3 For truly, I say to you , t il l heaven and earth

pass away, not an iota, not a dot , wil l pass from the l aw until all is1 9 Whoever theiT relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so,

shall b e called least in the kingdom of heaven ; but he who does them and teach esthem shal l b e called great in the kingdom of heaven .

20 For I tell you , unless yourrighteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you wil l never enter the

kingdom of heaven .

*Mark 132, p .98) :

“Sal t is good ; but if the sal t has lost its sal tness,how will you season it? ”

Mark 94, p .67 ) : And he said to them, Luke 94, p .67 ) :

“No one after lighting 3

I s a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, lamp covers it with a ves sel, or puts it under a b ed,or under a bed, and not on a s tand? ” but puts it on a s tand

,that those who enter may

see the light .”

176, p . 123 ) :“But it is eas ier for heaven and earth to p as s away , than for one dot

of the law to become void.

(Cf. M att . Mark Luke 221, p . 158 . )

To Matt . cf. Oxy rhynchus Papy rus 7, Logion 7 : Jesus says, A city built on the top of a high hil land es tablished can neither fall nor b e hidden .

To M att . cf. Gosp e l of th e Ebion ite s, (in Epiphanius, Agains t Heres ies , X X X .

“I have come todes troy sacrifices ; and if you do not s top making sacrifices , the wrath (of God) wi ll


not leave you .

Gosp e l according to th e Egyp tians, (in Clement of Alexandr ia, M iscellanies “I have come to

des troy the works of the female .

(Cf. also Matt . 187 , p . 129 . )


22- 23 MARK —LUKE

21 You have heard that i t was said to the men of old,

‘You shall not kill ; andwhoever kills shall b e l iable to judgment .

’ 22 But I say to you that every one who isangry wi th his broth er 1 shal l b e l iable to judgment ; whoever insul ts



his bro thershall b e liable to the council, and whoever says ,

You fool ! ’ shall b e l iable to th e hell k of

fire .

23 So i f you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother

has some thing against you ,24 leave your gift there before the al tar and go ;

firs t b e reconciled to your brother ,and then come and offer your gift .25 Make friends quickly with your

accuser, while you are going with himto court, lest your accuser hand you

over to the judge, and the judge to

the guard, and you b e put in prison ;

—59 161 , 5 7 “And why do youno t judge for yourselves what is right?

5 3 As you go wi th your accuser before themag

is trate, make an effort to se ttle wi th him

on the way, lest he drag youto the judge, and the judge hand you over

to the officer, and the offi cer pu t you in26 truly, I say to you , you will never prison .

59 1 tell you, you wil l never

get out till you have paid the l ast get out til l you have p aid the very las t

penny . copper.


Ma tt . —30

27 You have heard that i t was said,‘

You shall no t commit adultery .

’ 2 3 But I say .

to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adul tery

wi th her in his heart . 29 If your ri ght eye causes you to sin, p luck i t out and throw i taway ; i t is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body b ethrown in to hell . k 3 0 And if your right hand causes you to sin . cu t i t off and throw itaway ; i t is bet ter that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go

in to hel l . * 14:

* M att . -9 13 1 , p . 97 )8 “And if your hand or your foot causes causes

you to s in,. cut it off and throw it from

you ; it is better for you to enter lifemaimed or lame than with two hands or

two feet to b e thrown into the eternalfire .

9 And if your eye

causes you to S in, p luck it out andthrow it from you ; it is better for you

to enter with one eye

than with two eyes to be thrown into the

hell of fire .

M att . — Exodus and Deuteronomy — Exodus and Deuteronomy

i text : S B vg Justin, Origen ; add, without caus e : D W G) R h d) it syesy


P sa bo.

Raca to, (an obscure term of abuse ) . k Greek, Geherma .

5Greek, say s

To M att . cf. Gosp el according to th e Hebrew s : The words,“without cause are not inserted

in some cop ies , or in the Jewish gospel .To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s (in Jerome Commentary on Ezekiel And in

the Gospel according to the Hebrews, which the Nazarenes are accus tomed to read, one of the gr eates t s ins is“To grieve the sp irit of one

’s brother . ” And , Jerome on Ephes ians writes : As also we read in the Hebrew

gospel that the Lord spoke to his dis cip les :“And never,

he said,

“be joyfu l excep t when you look on your brother

with love .


Mark -48 13 1, p 97 )43 “And if your handyou to s in

,cut it off;

it is better for you to enter lifemaimed than with two hands

to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire .

45 And if your foot causes you

to s in, cut it off; it is bet ter for you

to enter life lame than with two feet tobe thrown into hell . 4 7 And if your eye

causes you to s in, p luck it out ;it is better for you

to en ter the kingdom of God wi th one eye

th an wi th two eyes to be thrown in to hell ,4 8 where their worm does not die

,and the

fire is not quenched.



Matt . —48

43“You have heard that i t was said,

You shall love your neighbor and hate

your enemy .

’ 44 But I say to you, Love

your enemiesand pray

for those who persecute you,4 5 so that

you may b e sons of your Father who isin heaven ; for he makes his sun rise on

the evil and on the good, and sends rai n

on the just and on the unjust . 4 6 For

if you love those who love you, whatreward have you? Do not even the tax

col lectors do the same? 4 7 And if you

salu te only your brethren, what more

are you doing than others? Do not even

the Gentiles do the same?

43 You , therefore, must b e perfect, as

your heavenly Father is perfect .

Luke —28. 32—36 75,

27 But I say to you that hear , Love

your enemies, do good to those who hate

you ,23 bless those who curse you, pray

for those who abuse you .


Matt : -4

1 Beware of practicing your p iety ? before men in order to be seen by them ;for then you wil l have no reward from your Father who is in heaven .

2“Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpe t before you , as the hypocri tes do

in the synagogues and in the stree ts, that they may b e p raised by men. Truly, I sayto you , they have their reward .

3 But when you give alms, do not let your left handknow what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your alms may b e in secre t ; and yourFather who sees in secret will reward you ! !

M att . 5 :43 —Leviticus

charity : W 6 d) R; g iving : S S? sy°sa bo .

s y°sy


To Matt . cf. Oxy rhy nchus Papy rus 7224, fol . 2 recto, col 7 :


5 :48 —Deuteronomy° text : A B D (9 A (35 52 it vg sa bo ; despairing of no man: S W sy

a syp

. p text : B D it vg sy°syp ;

q text : S BxD x vg sy°sa bo ; add, openly : W 9 (b R it

and pray for your enemies .

3 2 If you love those who love you, what

credi t is that to you? For even sinners

love those who love them .

3 3 And if you

do good to those who do good to you , what

credi t is that to you? For even sinners

do the same.3 4 And if you lend to those

from whom you hope to receive, what cre

dit is that to you? Even sinners lend to

sinners, to rece ive as much agai n .

3 5 But love your enemies, and do good, and

lend, expecting no thing in return ;0 and

your reward wil l b e great, and you wi ll

b e sons of the Most High ; for he i s kindto the ungr ateful and the selfish .

3 6 Be merciful, even as your Father i s

merciful .

MARK —LUKE 5 : 1 1 g

5“And when you pray, you must no t b e l ike the hypocrites ; for they love to stand

and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may b e seen by men.

Truly, I say to you, they have the ir reward .6 But when you pray, go into your room

and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secre t ; and your Father who seesin secret will reward you ! 7 And in praying do not heap up emp ty phrases as theGenti les do ; for they think that they will b e heard for their many words . 8 Do not b el ike them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask h im.

M att . —15

9 Pray then like this

Our Fa ther who art in heaven,Hallowed b e thy name

1 0 Thy kingdom come,Thy will b e done,

On ear th as i t i s in heaven .

1 1 Give u s this day our daily

bread; 812 And forgive us our debts,As we also have forgiven our

debtors;1 3 And lead us not into temp


But del iver us from evil 1 .


1 4 For if you forgive men

their trespasses, your heavenly

Father also wi l l forgive you ;*

1 5 bu t if you do not forgi ve

their trespasses,v nei ther

wil l your Father forgive yourtrespasses .



—26 201 ,

25 “And whenever you stand

praying, forgive, if you have

anything against any one ; so

that your Fa ther also who is

in heaven may forgive you yourtrespasses .

" W

* Cf. Matt . 1 36, p . 100) .

M att . — Isaiah (Sep tuagint) .

rtext : S B D A vg sy


ssa bo ; add, openly : W G) d) 9 it sy


text : S B D x it vg ; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory ,for ever Amen: W (9 d) 3?" text : B W (9 d) 3? it s y

°sa ; omit : their trespasses : S D A vg sy

p bo Augustine .

the evil one.


P sa Didache .

—c f.

Luke -4 146,

2 And he said to them, When

you pray, say“Father,hallowed b e thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

3 Give us each day our dailybread ; 8

4 and forgive us our s ins,for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us ;and lead us not into temp


3 O r, our breadfor the marrow.

1 Or,

v'text : S B W sy°sa b o ; add verse 26 :

“But if y ou do not forgive, neither will y our Father who is in heavenforgive

your trespasses”: A C D 9 k d) 3? it Vg sy

p Cyprian.

M att . -13— D idache

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Heb rew s : (in Jerome, Commentary on Matthew — In the

gospel called according to the Hebrews , for“substantial bread” I found “mahar”

,which means of the mor


; so that the sense is : our bread of the rnorrow,that is

,of the future

, give us this day .

To M att. cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s :

“Amen”are not found in some copies .


The words from “thine is the kingdom.


3 1- 33 MATT. 6 : 16—23 MARK —LUKE


Ma tt. —18

16“And when you fast, do not look dismal, l ike the hypocri tes, for they d-isfigure

the ir faces that the ir fasting may b e seen by men. Truly, I say to you , they have theirreward .

1 7 But when you fas t, anoin t your head and wash your face, 1 3 that yourfasting may not b e seen by men but by your Father who is in secret ; and your Fatherwho sees in secre t wi ll reward you .


M att . —21

19 Do not lay up for yourselves

treasures on earth, where moth andrust I consume and where thieves breakin and steal, 20 but lay up for your

selves treasures in heaven, where

nei ther moth nor rust x consumes and

where thieves do not break in andsteal . 21 For where your treasure i s,there wil l your heart b e also .

Luke - 34 113 )33 Sel l your possess ions and give alms

provide yourselves wi th purses that do not

gr ow old, wi th a treasure in the heavensthat does not fai l , where no thiefapproaches and no mo th destroys .

3 4 For where your treasure is ,

there will your heart b e al so.


Matt . —23

22 The eye is the lamp of the body .

So , i f your eye i s sound, your whole

body will b e ful l of light ; 23 but i f

your eye is not sound , your whole bodywill b e full of darkness . If then the

l ight in you is darkness, how greatis the darkness !

3 O r, worm.

To Matt . cf. Oagrrhynchus Papy rus 7, Logion 2: Jesus says , “If you do not fas t to the world, you shall notfind the kingdom of God ; and if you do not keep the sabbath, you shall not see the Father . ”


Luke —36 109)34 Your eye is the lamp of your body

when your eye is sound, your whole bodyis ful l of light ; but when i tis not sound, your bodyis full of darkness . 3 5 Therefore he careful lest the light in you b e darkness .3 6 If then your whole body is full of

light, having no part dark, i t wi ll b ewholly bright, as when a lamp wi th i ts

rays gives you light .

MARK —LUKE MATT.—32 § 34—35


Matt . Luke 1 74,


p. 123 )24 No one can serve two masters ; 13 No servant can serve two masters

for e i ther he will hate the one and love for e i ther he will hate the one and lovethe o ther, or he will b e devoted to the the other, or he will b e devoted to the

one and desp ise the other. You cannot one and desp ise the other . You cannot

serve God and mammon . serve God and mammon .


Ma tt. —34

25 Therefore I tel l you, do not b e

anxious about your li fe, what you shall

eat or what yeu shall drink ! nor aboutyour body, what you shall pu t on . Isnot life more than food, and the body

more than clothing? 26 Look at the

birds of th e air : they nei ther sow nor

reap nor gather into barns, and yet

your heavenly Father feeds them . Are you

not of more value than they?27 And which of you by being anxiouscan add one cubi t to his sp an of l ife? 2

28 And why are you anxious about clo thing?


the li l ies of the field, how they grow ;they nei ther toi l nor sp in ;

29ye t I

tel l you, even Solomon in all his glorywas not arrayed like one of these .

3 0 But i f God so clothes the grass of the

field, whi ch today i s alive and tomorrow

is thrown into the oven , wi ll he not

much more clo the you , 0 men of

l i ttle fai th? 3 1 Therefore do not b e

anxious, saying,‘What shall we eat?

or ‘Wh at shall we drink?’ or‘What

shall we wear?’ 3 2 For the Gentilesseek all these things ; and

your heavenly Father knows that you needthem all .

y text : B W 03 b o Origen ; wha t y ou sha ll eat and wha t y ou sha ll drink : (9 Q sy° ; omit : what y ou shall drink

5 A it vg syesa some MSS . of Origen .

z Or, s tature.

l“text : P45 S A B W 9 k S? vg syp sa bo ;

lilies,they neither spin nor weave : D it sy



To Matt . 6 :25ff, cf. Oxy rhy nchus Papy rus 655 I a, 0 :“(Take no thought) from morning until evening or from

evening until morning, either for your food, what you shall eat, or for your clothes, what you shall put on . You

are far better than the lilies which grow but do not Sp in . Having one garment, what do you (lack) ? Whocould add to your sp an of life? He, hims elf, will give you your garment .


Luke 112—113 )22 And he said to his discip les,Therefore I tel l you, do not b e

anxious about your l ife, what you Shalleat, nor aboutyour body, what you shall pu t on .

23 For

li fe is more than food, and the bodymore than clothing .

24 Consider the

ravens : they ne i ther sow nor

reap , they have nei ther s torehouse norbarn, and yet God feeds them . Of howmuch more value are you than the birds !25 And which of you by being anxiouscan add a cubi t to his span of l ife? z26 If then you are not able to do as

small a thing as that, why are you

anxious about the rest? 27 Considerthe l i l ies, how they grow ;they nei ther toil nor sp in ; a yet I

tell you , even Solomon in all his glorywas not arrayed l ike one of these.

28 But i f God so clothes the grass

which is al ive in the field today andtomorrow is thrown into the oven, how

much more wi ll he clothe you, 0 men ofli t tle fai th ! 29 And do not seek whatyou are to eat and

what you are to drink, nor b e ofanxious mind .

3 0 For al l the nations

of the world seek these things ; andyour Father knows that you need them .

§ 36—37 MATT.—7z6 MARK —LUKE

3 3 But seek firs t his kingdom and his 3 1 Instead, seek his b kingdom, and

righteousness, and all these things shall these things shall

b e yours as wel l . b e yours as well .3 4 Therefore do no t b e anxious about to

morrow, for tomorrow will be anxi ous for

i tsel f. Let the day ’s own trouble b e sufficient

for the day.


M att . —5


Judge not, that you b e not jud

ged .2 For wi th the judgment you

pronounce you will b e judged,

and the

measure you give wi l l b e the measure

you get .* 3Why do you see the

speck that is in your brother’s eye,

but do not notice the log that is in

your own eye?4 Or how can you say to

your brother,‘

Let me take

the speck ou t of your eye,’

when there is the log

in your own eye?5 You hypocri te,

firs t take the log ou t of your own

eye, and then you will see clearly

to take the Speck out of your brother's



Matt .

6 Do not give dogs wha t is holy ; and do not throw your pearls beforeswine, lest they tramp le them underfoot and turn to attack you .

M ark 94, p .68) : And he said to them, Take heed what you hear ; the measure you give willbe the measure you get, and Still more will b e given you . (Cf. also Matt. and Luke

9 text : S B D sa bo ; God’

s : P 45 A D (cor . ) W 51“

vg sy°sy



To M att . cf. Origen, On P ray er 2, 2; 74, 7 : Ask for the great things , and the smal l things shall b e yoursas well ; and ask for the heavenly things , and the earthly things shall be yours as well . ” (Cf. also Clement of Alexandria, M iscellanies ,To M att . (also Matt . Luke 3 7f. ) cf. I Clemen t “

Be merciful , that you mayobtain mercy . Forgive that you may b e forgiven . As you do, so shal l it be done to you . As you give, so shallit b e given to you . As you judge, so shal l you b e judged . The kindness you show will b e shown you . The measureyou give will b e the measure you get .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrews :“If you be in my bosom and do not the will of my

Father who is in heaven, I will throw you from my bosom .

To Matt . and Luke cf. Oxyrhy nchus Papy rus 7, Logion 7:“And then you will see clearly to tak e

out the speck that is in your brother’

s eye .

To Matt . cf. Didache“But let no one ea t or drink of your Eucharist excep t those who have

been bap tized in the name of the Lord ; for concerning this the Lord said,‘Do not give dogs what is holy

Cf. Ep iphanius, Against Heres ies , X X IV. 5 . Z.


Luke - 38, 41—42 76, pp 56—57)37 Judge not, and you will not b e jud

ged ; condemn not, and you will not b econdemned; forgive, and you will b e

forgiven ; 3 8 give, and i t will b e

given to you ; good measure, presseddown, shaken toge ther, runni ng over,will b e pu t in to your lap . For the

measure you give will b e the measure

you get back" 4 1 Why do you see the

speck th at'

is in your bro ther’s eye,

but do not notice the log that is inyour own eye?

42 Or how can you say toyour brother,

‘Brother, let me tak eout the Speck that is in your eye,

when you yourself do not see the log

th at is in your own eye? You hypocri te,firs t take the log out of your own

eye, and then you wi ll see clearly

to take ou t the speck that is in your

brother’s eye.

MARK —LUKE MATT .—14 38—40

38 . GOD ’


Ma tt . —1 1

7 Ask, and i t will

be given you ; seek, and you will find ;knock, and it will b e Opened to you .

8 For every one who asks rece ives ,and he who seeks finds , and to h im

who knocks i t wi ll b e opened .

9 O r

what man of you, if his son asks himfor bread , will give him a stone?1 0 Or if he asks for a fish, wi l l give him

a serpent?1 1 If

you then, who are evi l, know how to givegood gi fts to your children , how muchmore wi l l your Father who is in heaven

give good things to those who ask him !

a fish , wi l l instead of a fishgive him a serpent ; 1 2 or i f asks for anegg, will give him a scorp ion? 1 3 If

you then, who are evil, know how to give

good gifts to your chi ldren , how muchmore will the heavenly Father

give the Holy Sp iri t to those who ask him !


Matt .12 So whatever you wish that men

would do to you , do so to them; for

thi s is the law and the prophets .

Luke 56)3 1

“And as you wish that men

would do to you, do so to them .


Ma tt. —14

13 Enter by the narrow gate ; for the

gate i s wide and the way is easy,(1 thatleads to destruction , and those who

enter by i t are many .

1 4 For the gatei s narrow and the way is hard, tha t

leads to life, and those who find it

are few.

Matt . — Tobit and Eccles ias ticus

Luke —24 117)23 And some one said to him, Lord


wi l l those who are saved b e few? Andhe said to them,

24 “Strive to enter bythe narrow door ; for many, I tell you,

wil l seek to enter and will not b e able .


text : P“5 B sy°sa ; add , bread, will give him a s tone,

or, if he asksfor : S A D W G) d) if it vg sy°sy

p bo.

d text : B C W O A d) R vg sy°sy

p sa bo ;for the way is wide and easy : S it Clement, Origen .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rew s (in Clement of Alexandria,M iscellanies V. 74) also

cf. Oxy rhy nchus Papy rus 654, Logion 7“He who seeks will not ceas e until he finds ; and having found, he will wonder ;

and wondering, he will reign ; and reigning, he will res t .To Matt . cf. Didache 7

“Whatever you would not have done to yourself, do not do to another.

Luke - 13 1483 11 106)9 And I tell you, Ask , and i t will

be given you ; seek, and you will find ;knock, and i t wi ll b e opened to you .

1 0 For every one who asks receives,and he who seeks finds, and to him

who knocks i t will b e Opened .

1 1 What fa ther among you , i f his son asks

for e

§ 41—42 MATT. 7315-23 MARK —LUKE


M a tt . —20 Luke —4 5 77, p. 57)15 Beware of false prophe ts, who come

to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly

are ravenous wolves . 1 6 You wil l know them

by the ir frui ts . Are grapes gatheredfrom thorns, or figs from this tles?1 7 80 , every sound tree bears good frui t,bu t the bad tree bears evil fruit . ‘

I S A sound tree cannot bear evil frui t, nor 43 “For no good tree bears bad frui t, nor

can a bad tree bear good frui t . 1 9 Every again does a bad tree bear good frui t ;tree that does not bear good frui t is 44 for each tree is known by i ts own fruit . ‘

cu t down and thrown into the fires" For figs are not gathered from thorns, nor

20 Thus you will know them by their fru its . are gr apes p icked from a bramble bush .

4 5 The good man ou t of the good treasure of

his heart produces good, and the evilman out of his evi l treasure producesevil ; for out of the abundance of the

heart his mouth speaks .


Ma tt . —23 Luke 77, p. 57)21 Not every one who says to me, 46 Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,

’ and‘Lord, Lord,

’ shall enter the kingdom of not do what I tell you?

heaven, bu t he who does the will of my

Father who i s in heaven .22 On that day —27 165, pp . 11 7—1 18)

many will say to me,‘Lord, Lord , did

we not prophesy in your name, and cast 26 “Then you will begin to say, W e ate

ou t demons in your name, and do many and drank in your presence, and you

mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then taught in our streets . ’ 27 But he will

will I declare to them,

‘ I never knew say,‘I tell you, I do not know where

you ; depart from me, you evildoers . ’ you come from ; depart from me, al l youworkers of iniqui ty .

Matt . -3 5 86, p . 62 33 “Either make the tree good, and its fruit good ; or make the tree bad,and its fruit bad ; for the tree is known by its fruit . 3‘ You brood of vipers ! how can you speak good, when youare evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks . 3 5 The good man out of his good tr easurebrings forth good, and the ev il man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil . ”

Cf. Matt . and Luke 2, p . 9) .

M att . and Luke — Psalm

To M att . cf. j ustin, Dialogue, For, he says, Many will come in—my name, clothed in sheepskins,

but inwardly they are ravenous wolves and“there will be divisions and heresies .

To M att . cf. II Clement For he says,“Not every one who says to me



shall be saved ;but he who practices p iety .

To Matt . 7 :22f. cf. II Clement The Lord said, If you are gathered together with me in my bosom,

and do not obey my commandments , I will cas t you out and say to you,Depart from me ; I do not know where

you come from, you evil-d oers .

(Cf. Luke


§ 46

Lord,if you wi l l, you can

make me clean .

3 And he stretched

ou t his hand and touched him,

saying,“I wil l ; b e

clean .

” And immediately his

leprosy was cleansed .

4 And Jesus said to him,

See that you say nothing toanyone ; but go, show yoursel f

to the pries t, and offer

the gift that Mosescommanded, for a proof to the

peop le.

" f

If you will , you can

make me clean .

” 4 1 Moved with

p i ty, he stre tched

ou t his hand and touched him,

and said to him,

“I will ; b e

clean .

” 42 And immediately the

leprosy left him, and he was

made clean .

43 And he sternly

charged him, and sent him away

at once, 44 and said to him,

See that you say no thing to

anyone; but go, show yourself

to the priest, and offer for

your cleansing what Moses

commanded, for a proof to the

peOpIe .

” f 45 But he went out

and began to talk freely about

i t, and to spread the news, so

that Jesus g could no longer

openly enter a town, but was

ou t in the country ; and peop le

came to him from every quarter .

—12, § 52, pp. 35- 36)

MATT.—7— MARK —4 5— LUKE —16

Lord, if you will, you can

mak e me clean .

1 3 And he stretchedout his hand, and touched him,

saying,“I will ; b e

clean .

” And immedi ately the

leprosy left h im.

1 4 And hecharged him

to tellno one ; but

“go and show yourself

to th e pri est, and make an offeringfor your cleansing, as Moses

commanded, for a proof to the

people .

” f 1 5 Bu t so much the

more the report went abroadconcerning him ; and great

multitudes gathered to hear

and to b e healed of their infirmities.

1 6 But he wi th

drew to the wilderness and

prayed .


—26, 52, pp . 35—3 6)


Matt . —13

5 As he entered Capernaum,

a centurion came forward to h im, beseeching him 6 and saying,

“Lord, my servan tis lying paralyzed at home, in terr ibledistress . ” 7-And he sa id to him,

come and heal him.

“I will

Cf. Mark and Luke 15, p . 18) .

Matt . Mark and Luke - Lev iticus

Greek,to them.

8 Greek,he.

To 46, cf . John -53 .

To Matt . -4 and paral lels , cf. Egerton Papy rus 2: And behold, a leper, coming to him,said, Mas ter Jes us ,

journeying with lepers and eating with them in the inn,I also became a leper . If, therefore, you will, I can b e

made clean .

”The Lord then said to him,

“I wil l ; b e clean .

And immediately the leprosy left him ,and the

Lord said to him,

“Go and show yourself to the pries ts


Luke - 10 79 , p . 58)l After he had ended all h is sayings

in the hearing of the peop le he enteredCapernaum .

2 Now a centurion had a slave whowas dear to him, who was sick and a tthe point of death .

3 1Vhen he heardof Jesus, he sent to him elders of the

Jews, asking him to come and heal hisslave.

4 And when they came to Jesus,they besought him earnestly, saying,“He i s worthy to have you do this forhim,

5 for he loves our nation, and he

buil t us our synagogue .

MAR-K —LUKE 5 : 16 MATT .

8 But the centurion answered him,

“Lord,I am not worthy to have

you come under my roof;but only

say the word, and my servan t will b e

heal ed .

9 For I am a man under

authori ty, wi th soldiers under me ;

and I say to one,‘Go,

’ and he goes,and to another,

‘Come,’ and he comes,

and to my slave,‘Do this,

’ and he

does i t . ” 1 0 When Jesus heard him, he

marveled, and said

to those who followed him,

“Truly I say to you, not even h in Israel

have I found such fai th .

1 1 “I tel l you, many will come from

east and wes t and sit at table withAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob

in the kingdom of heaven,1 2 while the sons of the kingdom will b e

thrown into the outer darkness ; there

men will weep and gnash their tee th .


1 3 And to the centurion Jesus said,Go ; b e i t done for you as you havebel ieved .

” And the servant was healedat that very moment . i


Matt . —15 ( 2 Mark —3 1 z Luk e 43 8- 39 , § 13 , p. 17)

14 And when Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother-in-law lying sick wi tha fever ; 1 5 he touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she rose and served him .

—3 1 —39

Matt . and Luke — Psalm

h text : S C S? 9 sy°sy

°; with no one : B W X it vg sy

°sa bo.

i text : B W (15 9 it vg sy°sy


sa bo ; and when the centurion returned to his house in that hour hefound the servant well : S C A. Cf. Luke

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l of the Eb ion i te s, p . 16 .


- 15 g47

6 And Jesus went with them . When he

was not far from the house. the cen

turion sent friends to him, saying

to him, Lord do not trouble yourself, for I am n0 t worthy to haveyou come under my roof; 7 therefore I

did not presume to come to you . Butsay the word, and let my servan t b e

healed .8 For I am a man set under

authori ty, with soldiers under me

and I say to one,‘Go,

’ and he goes ;and to another,

‘Come,’ and he comes ;

and to my slave,‘Do this,

’ and he

does i t . 9 When Jesus heard this he

marveled at him, and turned and said

to the multi tude that followed him,

“I tel l you, not even in Israel haveI found such fai th .

—30 p.23 “There you

will weep and gnash your tee th , when

you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob andall the prophets in the kingdom of Godand you yourselves thrust out . 29 Andmen will come from east and west, and

from nor th and south, and s it at

table in the kingdom of God .

3 0 Andbehold, some are last who will b e

first and some are firs t who will b e

las t .And when those who had been sent

re turned to the house, they found the

slave well .

§48—50 MATT.—27 MARK —LUKE,


Matt . —17 Mark —3 4 Luke —41 , 14, p. 18)

16 That even ing they brought to him many who were possessed wi th demons ; and'

he cas t ou t the sp iri ts wi th a word, and healed all who were sick .

1 7 This was to fulfil —34 —4 1

what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah,“He took our infirmit ies and bore our

diseases .


M att . —22

18 Now when Jesus saw great crowds

around him, he gave orders to go over

to the oth er side .

1 9 And a scribe came up and said to


“Teacher, I will follow you wher

ever you go .

” 20 And Jesus said to him,

“Foxes have holes , and b irds of the

air have nes ts ; but the Son of man has

nowhere to lay his head .

21 Another of his disciples said

to him,

“Lord, let me first go and

bury my father ." 22 But Jesus said to him,

“Follow me, and leave the dead to bury theirown dead .

Luke —60 p 1 01 )


Matt . —27 Mark -41 Luke —25, § 1 05, pp. 7 1—72)

23 And when he got in to the boat, his discip les followed him .

24 And behold, therearose a great s torm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves ; bu t:

he was asleep .

25 And they went and woke him, saying,“Save, Lord ; we are perishing .


45 5—41 5 2224 526 And he said to them, Why are you afraid, 0 men of li ttle fai th?" Then he rose andrebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a grea t calm .

2 7 And the men marveled,saying, What sort Of man is this, that even winds and sea Obey him?"

Matt . 8 : 17— Isaiah


57 And as they were going alongthe road, a man sa id to


“I will follow you wher

ever you go .

" 5 3 And Jesus said to him,

Foxes have holes, and birds Of the

air have nests ; but the Son Of man hasnowhere to lay his head.

5 9 To another he said, Follow me .

But he said,“Lord, let me first go and

bury my father . ” 60 But he sai d to him,

Leave the dead to bury their own

dead ; but as for you , go and p roclaimthe kingdom of God .

MATT.— MARK —7— LUKE —21 5 51- 52


Ma tt. —34 ( 2 Mark 5 ,

-1- 20 2 Luke —39 , § 106, pp. 72- 73)

28 And when he came to th e other side, to the country Of the Gadarenes)’

twodemoniacs met him , com ing out Of the tombs, so fierce that no one could pass that way .

29 And behold, they cried ou t,“What have you to do wi th us , 0 Son of God? Have you

come here to torment us before the time?” 3 0 Now a herd of many swine was feedingat some distance from them .

3 1 And the demons begged him,

“ If you cast us ou t, send

us away into the herd of swine.

” 3 2 And he said to them,

“GO . SO they came ou t and 5 : 1—20 —39

went into the swine ; and behold , the whole herd rushed down the steep bank in to the

sea,and perished in the waters . 3 3 The herdsmen fled, and go ing in to the ci ty they

told everything, and what had happened to the demon iacs . 3 4 And behold, all the ci tycame ou t to meet Jesus ; and when they saw him, they begged him to leave the ir

neighborhood .


Ma tt . —8

l And get t ing in to a boat

Mark —12

§ 45, p. 3 1f.)1 And when he returned to

he crossed over and came to Capernaum after some days, i t

hi s own city .

2 And behold, they brought to

h im a paralytic, lying on his

b ed ;

and when Jesus saw their faith

he said to the paralytic, Take

heart, my son ; your sins are

forgiven .

3 And behold , some of the

scribes said to themselves,This


man is blaspheming .

j text : S B C O sy°SyP ; Gergesenes : W x 9 bo; Gerasenes : it vg sa .

to heal them: A C D O k d) 5? it vg syp bo ; was for healing : sy


was reported that he was a t

home .

2 And many were gathered

toge ther, so that there was no

longer room for them, not even

about the door ; and he was

preaching the word to them .

3 And they came, bringing to

him a paralytic carr ied by

four men.

4 And when they could not

get near h imbecause of the crowd, theyremoved the roof above him ;and when they had made an Opening, they le t down the pallet

on which the paralytic lay .

5 And when Jesus saw their fai th,

he sai d to the paralytic, Myson, your sins are

forgiven .

6 Now some Of the scribes weres i tt ing there, questioning in

their hearts , 7 “Why does thisman speak thus? I t is blas

phemy ! Who can forgive sins bu tGod alone?”


Luke —26

—1 6, § 45, p. 3 1f.)17 On one of those _days, -a~s

he was A eaf h’

ing, there werePharisees and teachers of

the law s i tt ing by, who hadcome from every village of Gal

ilee and Judea and from

Jerusalem ; and the power of

the Lord was wi th him toheal . k

1 8 And behold, men werebringing on a b ed a man who

was paralyzed, and they soughtto bring him in and lay him

before Jesus ;1 1 9 but finding

no way to bring him in ,because of the crowd, they

went up on the roof and let

him down wi th his b ed

through the t iles in to the

midst before Jesus .20 And when he saw their fai th

he said,“Man, your sins are

forgiven you .

21 And th e scribes and the

Pharisees began to quest ion ,

saying, Who i s this . thatspeaks blasphemies?

Who can forgive sins but

God only?

k text : S B W 83 ; was present1 Greek, him.

§ 53

4 Bu t Jesus,knowing m their thoughts,

said, Why

do you think evil in yourhearts? 5 For which is easier, to


sins are forgiven,’11 or to say,

‘Riseand walk ’

? 6 But that you may

know that the Son Of man hasauthori ty on earth to forgivesins” — he then said to the


Rise, take up your b ed and

go home .7 And

he rose

andwent home .

8When the crowdssaw i t, they were afraid


and they glorified God, who

had given such au thori ty to

men .

Matt . - 13

9 As Jesus passed on fromthere, he saw a man called

Matthew sit ting at the tax

office ; and he said to him,

Follow me .

And he rose and

fol lowed him .

m text : B O A syp sa ; seeing : S C D W (b 8? it vg sy

° bo .

C W O A X? it (mostand parall els, 58 , p .40 . )

To Matt . -7 and p arallels , cf. John -9 : 5‘Jesus said to him,

8 And immediately Jesus, per

ceiving in his sp iri t thatthey thus questioned wi thin

themselves, said to them, Whydo you quest ion thus in y our

hearts? 9 Wh ich is easier, to

say to the paralyti c,“Your

sins are forgiven,’

or to say,‘Rise, take up your palle t

and walk ’

? 1 0 But that you may

know that the Son of man hasauthori ty on earth to forgivesins” —he said to the paralytic

1 1 “I say to you,rise, take up your pallet and

go home.

12 Andhe rose, and immediately tookup the pallet and

went ou t before th em all ;so that they were all amazedand glorified God,

saying,We never saw anything like

this !"


And he rose and

followed him .

MATT.—9—MARK —14 —LUKE —28

22 When Jesus perceived

their quest ion ings, he

answered them, Why

do you ques tion yourhearts? 23 Which is eas ier, to


sins are forgiven you,’ or to say,

‘Riseand walk’? 24 But tha t you mayknow that the Son Of man hasauthori ty on ear th to forgives ins" he said to the man whowas paralyzed—

“I say to you ,

rise, take up your b ed and

go home.

" 25 And immediately

he rose before them, and took

up that on which he lay, and

went home, glorifying God .

26 And amazement seized them all ,and they glorified God andwere filled wi th awe, saying,“We have seen str ange things

today .


Luke —32

27 After this he went ou t,

and saw a tax collector, namedLevi, s i tting at the tax

ofiice; and he said to him,

Follow me.

28 And he left

every thing, and rose and

fol lowed him .

text : S B D vg sa bo ; have been forgiven° text : S A B C W k S? vg sy

p sa bo ; ] ames : D O (25 it . (Cf. lyi att .

Rise, take up your p al let, and walk .

9 And at once the man was healed, and he took up his pallet and walked.


Mark —17

13 He went out again beside

the sea ; and all the crowdgathered about him, and he

taught them .

1 4 And as he

passed on , he saw Levi ° the son

of Alphaeus si t ting at the tax

office, and he said to him ,

Follow me .


10 And as he sat a t tab le P in

the house, behold, many tax col

lectors and sinners came and

sat down wi th Jesus and his di s

1 1 And when the Pharisees saw

th is,they said to

h is di scip les, Why does yourteacher eat with tax collectorsand sinners?” 1 2 But whenhe heard i t, he said, Thosewho are wel l have no needof a physician , but thosewho are s ick .

1 3 GO and learnwhat this means,

‘ I desiremercy, and not sacrifice .

For 3 2 1 haveI came not to call the right I came no t to call the right not come to call the righteons, but sinners . eons, but sinners . cous, but sinners to re

pen tance .


Matt. —17 Luk e —3 9

14 Then the discip les of

John came to him, saying, 33 And they said to“Why do we and him, The discip les of John

the Phar fas t often and Offer prayers ,isees fast,8 but your discip les and so do the discip les of

do not fast? the Pharisees, but yours eat

and drink .

* To Luk e -30 cf. Luke -2.

M att . Hosea

P Greek, reclined (reclining) . q text : S B W ; and : A C D O k d) 9 sy°sa bo .

r text : S B D W O

it ; add, and drink : A C A (15 S? vg syp sa bo .

° text : S B sa ; fas t of ten: C D W O A (I) 9 it vg sy°

syp b o.

To Mark -17 cf. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 7224, fol . 2 verso,col . 2 : When the scribes and the Pharis ees and

pries ts saw him, they became indignant, becaus e he reclined in the mi dst of sinners . But when Jesus heard them,

he said,

“Those who are well have no need of a physician (but those who are

To Luk e cf. Jus tin, Apology— after “to repentance he adds : “for your heavenly Father prefers

the rep entance of a s inner to his punishment.”


—l 4‘—MARK —18 — LUKE -3 3

15 And as he sat at table inhis house, many tax coll ectorsand sinners were si tting withJesus and his discip les ; for

there were many who followedhim .

1 6 And the scribes q the

Phar isees, when they saw thathe was eating wi th sinners

and tax collectors, said tohis di scip les,

“Why does he

eat r wi th tax collec

tors and sinners?” 1 7 And when

Jesus heard i t, he said to them ,

Those who are well have no needOf a physician, but thosewho are s ick;

M ark —22

18 Now John ’s di scip les andth e Phar isees were fas ting ;and peop le came and said toh im,

“Why do John ’s di scip lesand the di scip les of the Pharisees fas t, but your di scip lesdo not fas t?

§ 54

29 And Levi made him a greatfeast in h is house; and therewas a large comp any Of taxcollectors and others si tt ingat table ! ) with him .

3 0 And the Pharisees andtheir scribes

murmured agains t his discip les, saying,

“Why do youeat and drink with tax collec

tors and 3 1 AndJesus answered them,

“Thosewho are well have no needOf a physician, but thosewho are sick;

55 MATT .

1 5 And Jesus said to them,

“Can the wedding guests mournas long as the bridegroom is

wi th them?

The days will

come, when the bridegroom is

taken away from them, andthen they will fas t .

1 6 And no one puts a p iece of

unshrunk cloth on

an O ld garment, forthe patch tears away

from the garment,and a worse tear is made .

1 7 Nei ther is newwine put in to Old wineskins ;i f i t i s, the skinsburst, and the winei s sp il led , and the skinsare des troyed ; but newwine is pu t in to fresh

wineskins, and so bo th are

preserved .


Ma tt . —26 M ark - 43 2 Luke —56, g107 , pp. 74—75)

18 While he was thus speaking to them ,

“ behold, a ruler came in and knel t'

b efore —43 8

him, saying,"My daughter has just died ; but come and lay your hand on her, and she

wil l l ive .

” 1 9 And Jesus rose and followed him, with his discip les .20 And behold, a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years came

up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment . 21 For she said to hersel f, “If I onlytouch his garment , I shall b e made well .

” 23 Jesus turned , and see ing her he said,“Take

heart , daughter; your fai th has made you well .” And instantly the woman was made well .

23 And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house, and saw the flute players, and the

crowd making a tumul t, 24 he said, Depart ; for the girl is not dead but sleep ing.


And they laughed at him .

25 But when the crowd had been pu t outside, he went inand took her by the hand, and the gi rl arose .

26 And the report Of this went throughall that district .

t text : S A B C WW O x

vg sa b o ; better : A CC O 5?

(15 S? vg sy°Sy

p sa bo ; omit, but new wine is forfresh skins : D it.verse omitted : D it Marcion

,Irenaeus, Eusebius .


“text : S B W

—26—MARK —22 —LUKE —39

1 9 And Jesus said to them,

“Can the wedding guests fastwhile the bridegroom is wi ththem? As long as they havethe bridegroom wi th them, they

cannot fast . 20 The days wil lcome, when the bridegroom is

taken away from them, and

then they will fas t in thatday .

21 NO one sews a p iece Ofunshrunk cloth on

an Old garment ; i f

he does, the patch tears away

from i t, the new from the old,and a worse tear is made.

22 And no one puts new

wine in to old wineskins ;i f he does, the wine wi llburst the skins, and the wine

is lost , and so are the skins ;but new wine i s for fresh skins .” t

—28, § 69, pp. 50—51 )

3 4 And Jesus said to them,

” Can you make wedding gues tsfast while the bridegroom is

wi th them?

3 5 The days willcome, when the bridegroom is

taken away from them, and

then they will fast in thosedays .3 6 He told them a parablealso : NO one tears a p iecefrom a new garment and pu ts

i t upon an old garment ; if

he does, he wi ll tear the

new, and the p iece fromthe new wi ll not match the

O ld .

3 7 And no one puts new

wine in to Old winesk ins ;i f he does, the new wine will

burst the skins and i t wi l lb e sp i lled, and the skinswill b e des troyed .

3 8 But new

wine must b e put in to freshwineskins . 3 9 And no one

after drinking Old winedesires new; for he says


The old is good .

- 5, § 69, pp. 50-51 )

3 8pray therefore the

Lord Of the harves t to

send out laborers into

his harves t .

And he called to

him his twelve discip les

and gave them authori ty

over unclean sp iri ts ,

to cast them out, and

to heal every disease

and every infirmi ty .

2 The names Of the

twe lve apostles are

these : firs t, S imon ,

who is called Peter, andAndrew his brother ;James the son of Ze

bedee, and John his

brother ;

3 Phil ipand Bartholomew ;Thomas and Matthew

the tax collector ; James

the son Of Alphaeus ,andThaddaeus ;V 4Simon

the Cananaean, and

Judas Iscariot, whobe trayed him .

text : A C D 9 it vg sy°syn; add, whom also he named apostles :

v text : S B C vg sa bo ; Lebbaeus : D ; Lebbaeus called Thaddaeus : Wit ; omit : sy ’ .



And he called to him

the twelve, and began

to send them ou t two

by two, and gave them

authority over the

unclean sp iri ts .—19 72, p.

1 3 And he went up

into the hills, and

called to him those

whom he desired ; and

they came to him .

14 And he appointed

twelve,u to b e with him,

and to b e sent out to

preach 1 5 and have

authori ty to cast out

demons :1 6 Simon whom he

surnamed Peter ;1 7 James the son of

Zebedee and John the

brother of James, whom

he surnamed Boanerges,that is , sons of thun


1 8 Andrew, and Philip ,

and Bartholomew,

and Matthew, andThomas, and James the

son of Alphaeus, andThaddaeus, and Simon

the Cananaean, 1 9 and

Judas Iscariot, whobetrayed him .

Luke 1 09 , p . 77)And he called

the twelve together

and gave them

power and authority

over all demons and to

cure di seases,

- 16 72, p. 54)

and chose from themtwe lve, whom he named

apostles ;1 4 Simon , whom he

named Peter, and An

drew his brother, and

James and John, and

Philip , and Bar tholo

mew,1 5 and Matthew,

and Thomas, and James

the son of Alphaeus, and

Simon who was cal led

the Zealot, 1 6 andJudas the son of James,and Judas Iscariot, who

became a trai tor.

S BO )‘


pray therefore the

Lord of the harves t to

send out laborers in to

hi s harvest .

(For v . 3 see parallel

Matt . p. 42)


And when they had

entered, they went up

to the upper room,

where they were

staying,Peter and John

and James and Andrew,

Philipand Thomas, Bartholo

mew and Mat thew,

James the son Of Ai

phaeus and Simon the

Zealot and Judas the son

of James.

W O (I) sa bo.

Q syp ; Thaddaeus called Lebbaew : o

To Matt . and parallels, cf. John He brought him to Jesus . Jesus looked at him, and said,“SO

you are Simon the son of John? You shall be called Cephas”

(which means Rock ) .



5 These twe'l-ve Jresussent out, charging


“GO nowhere among

the Gentiles, and enter

no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather

to the lost sheep of thehOuse Of Israel . * 7 And

preach as you go, saying,

The kingdom of

heaven is at hand .

8 Heal th e sick, raise thedead, cleanse lepers,cas t out demons . Youreceived without pay,

give without pay .

9 “Take no gold, norsilver, nor copper inyour bel ts, 1 0 no bagfor your journey, nor

two tunics , nor sandals,nor a staff ; for the

laborer deserves his

food .

1 1 “Andwhatever town

or vi ll age you enter,find out who is worthyin i t, and stay with him

unti l you depart.12 Asyou enter thehouse,salute i t . 1 3 And if thehouse i s worthy, let your

peace come upon i t ;bu t i f i t is not worthy,let your peace returnto you .


S He charged them to

take nothing for theirjourney excep t a stafi ;

no bread, no bag, nomoney in their bel ts ;9 bu t to wear sandals

and not pu t on two

tunics .

1 0 And he said tothem,

“Where you enter

a house,stay thereyou leave thel l rl til

p l ace.


—5 109 , p . 77 )2 And he sent them outto preach the kingdom

of God and to heal .

3 And he said to

them, Take nothing

for your journey, no

staff, nor bag, nor

bread, nor money ;

and do not have two

tunics .4 And whatever house

you enter,

s tay there,

and from there depart .

see v. 9 below

Luke Carry no

purse, no bag, no

sandals ; and saluteno one on the road .

Matt . 1 16, p .84) : He answered,“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the hous e of Israel .

To Matt . cf. I Timothy — For the scrip ture says, The laborer deserves his wages . (food-S )Also cf. D idache and I Corinthians —In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaimthe gospel should get their living by the gospel .


5 “Whatever houseyou enter, first say,‘Peace b e to this house ! ’

6 And if a son of

peace i s there, your

peace shall res t upon

him ; but if not, i tshall return to you .

7 And remain in the

same house, eating

and drinking what they

provide, for the laborerdeserves his wages ;do not go from houseto house.

8 Whenever

you enter a town andthey receive you , eat

what is set before you ;

1 4 “And if any one

wil l not receive you

or l is ten to your words,

shake Off the dust fromyour feet as you

leave that house ortown .

1 5 “Truly, I say to

you , i t shall b e more

tolerable on the dayof judgment for the

land Of Sodom and Gomorrah than for thattown .

1 6 “Behold, I send you

out as sheep in the midst

of wolves ; so b e wise

as serpents and innocent

as doves .

MATT .—16

1 1 “And if any pl ace

wi ll not rece ive you

and they refuse to hear

you , when you leave,shake off the dust thatis on your feet for ates timony against them .

5 “And whereverthey

do not rece ive you ,

whenyou leave that town,shake off the dust from

your fee t as atestimony against them .

1 2 I tel lyou, i t shal l b e moretolerable on that day

forSodomthan for tha t

town .

3 “GO your way ;behold, I send you ou t

as lambs in the mids t

of wolves .”

To Matt . cf. I I Clement -4 : For the Lord said,

“You will be as lambs in the mids t of wolvs .

But Peter answered him,

“Suppose, then, the wolves tear the lambs?” Jesus answered Peter, Let not the

lambs fear the wolves after their death ; and you ,fear not those who kill you and can do no more to you . But

fear him who, after your death, has power over soul and body , to cas t them into the hell ofCf. also Gosp e l according to th e Hebrews : wiser than serpents .

Greek, Gehenna.


9 heal the sick in i tand say to them,


k ingdom of God has

come near you .

10 “But whenever youenter a town and theydo not receive you, gointo i ts s treets andsay,

1 1 ‘Even the dust

of your town that cl ings

to our feet, we wip e off

against you ; neverthe

less know this, that the

kingdom Of God has

come near .



Ma tt . —25

17 Beware of men; for they will del iver you up to councils, and flog you in the ir

synagogues, 1 8 and you will b e dragged before governors and kings for my sake, tobear testimony before them and the Gentiles. 1 9 When they del iver you up , do not b eanxious how you are to speak or what you are to say ; for what you are to say wi l l b egiven to you in tha t hour ; 20 for i t is not you who speak, but the Sp iri t of your Father

speaking through you .

” 21 Brother will del iver up brother to death, and the fatherhis child

,and children will rise against parents and have them pu t to death ;

22 and youwil l b e hated by all for my name’s sake . But he who endures to the end will b e saved.

23 When they persecute you in one town , flee to the next ; for truly, I say to you , you

will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes .

*M att . 13 215,

p,p . 154-155)9 Then they will

deliver you up to tribulation,

and put

you to death ; and you willbe hated b y all nations formy name


sake .

1 3But he who endures to

the end will b e saved .

4” Luke 12: 1 1 12 (S 155 , p1 1 “And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers

and the authorities , do not b e anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to say ; 12 for the HolySpirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say .

M att . — cf. v . 3 5,and M icah

Matt . -20— cf. John But the Counselor,the Holy Sp irit, whom the Father will send in my

name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you .


M ark -13

9“But ta'ke heed to yourselves ;

for they wil l deliver you up tocouncils ; and you will b e beatenin synagogues ; and you wills tand before governors and kingsfor my sake, to bear testimonybefore them.

1 ° And the gospelmust firs t b e prcached _

to allnations .

1 1 And when they bringyou to trial and deliver you up ,

do not be anxious beforehandwhat you are to say ; but saywhatever is given you in thathour , for it is not you who speak,but the Holy 1 2 And

brother will deliver up brotherto death, and the father h is


and children will riseagains t parents and have themput to death; 1 3 and you willhe hated by all for my name ’ssake . But he who endures to

the end will be saved.

Luke -17,19 215.

pp . 1 54-155)12 But before al l this theywill lay their hands on you and

persecute you,delivering you up

to the synagogues and prisons,and you will b e brought beforekings and governors for myname’s sake .

13 This will be atime for you to bear testimony .

1‘ Settle it therefore in yourminds, not to medi tate beforehand how to answer ; 1 5 for I willgive you a mouth and wisdom


which none of your adversarieswill be able to withs tand or

contradict . 1 5 You will b e de

livered up even by p arents andbrothers and kinsmen and friends


and some of you they will pu tto death ; 1 7 you will b e hated byall for my name

s s ake . (v . 18 ,

see Matt . 1 9 By yourendurance you will gain yourlives .

§ 60 MATT .- 3 1 MARK —LUKE

24 A discip le is not above his teacher, nor a servantx above h is master; 25 i t isenough for the discip le to b e l ike his teacher,

’ and theservan t ! l ike his master . If theyhave called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more wil l they mal ign thoseof his household .


M att . —3 3

26 So have no fear of them ; for nothing is

covered that will not b e revealed,or hidden that will not b e

27 What I tell you in the dark,utter in the l ight ; and what you hearwhispered, pro

claim upon the housetop s .28 “And do not fear

those who kill the body but cannotki ll the soul ;

rather fear him who

can destroy both soul and body

in hel l .’

29 "Are not two sparrows sold for a

penny? And not one of them will fall to

the ground wi thout your Father’s will .

3 0 But even the hairs of your head are all

numbered ! " 3 1 Fear not, the refore ; you are

6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two

penn ies? And no t one of them is forgottenbefore God .

7 Why, even the hairs of

your head are all Fear not ;you are of more value than many sp arrows .

of more value than many sparrows .

Luke 76, p . 57 ) :“A discip le is not above his teacher, but every one when he is


fully taught willb e like his teacher.

Mark 94, p . 68) :“For there is noth Luke 94, p .68) :

“For nothing is hi d

ing hid, excep t to b e made manifest ; nor is any thing that shall not be made manifes t, nor any thingsecret, excep t to come to light .

”secret that shal l not b e known and come to l ight .

215, p . 155) :“But not a hair of your head will perish.

x O r, s lave.

3 Greek, Gehenna .

To Matt . cf. John Truly, truly , I say to you, a servan t is not greater than his mas ter ; noris he who is sent greater than he who sent him.

”Also cf. John — “

Remember the word that I said to you,

‘A servant is not greater than his mas ter .’

To Matt . cf. Oxy rhy nchus Papy rus 654, Logion 4 : Jesus said, Every thing that is not before you, and whatis hid from you will b e revealed to you . For there is nothing hid which will not be revealed ; nor buried, whichwill not b e rais ed .

To Matt . cf. II Clement -4, p .42.

Luke —9 p 111 )2 “Nothi ng is

covered up tha t will not b e revealed,or hidden that will not b e known ! ”

3 Whatever you have sai d in the dark shallb e heard in the l ight, and what you havewhispered in private rooms shall b e pro

claimed upon the house top s .4 “I tell you , my friends, do not fear

those who kil l the body, and after thathave

i '

no more that they can do .

5 But Iwill warn you whom to fear : fear him who,after he has killed, has power to castin to hell ; 2 yes , I tell you , fear him !


“SO every one who acknowledges me

before men, I also will acknowledge

before my Father who is in heaven ;3 3 but whoever denies me before men, I alsowill deny before my Father who is in

heaven !

§ 6 1

8 “And I tel l you, every one who acknowl

edges me before men, the Son ofman also wi llacknowledge before the angels of God ;

9 but he who denies me before men will b e

denied before the angels of God .


Ma tt . —3 6

34 DO not

thi nk that I have come to bring peace on

ear th ; I have not come to bring peace, but

a sword .

3 5 “For I have come to set aman against his father,

and a daughteragainst her mother,

and a daughter-in-lawagainst her mother-in-law ; 3 6 and a man's

foes will b e those of his own household .


M att . —3 9

37 He who loves father or mother morethan me is not worthy of me ; and he wholoves son or daughter more than me i s

not worthy of me ;

3 8 and he who does not take his cross

and follow me is not worthy of me .

* Mark 123 , p . 90) :“For whoever is

ashamed of me and Of my words in this adulterousand s inful generation,

of him will the Son of man

also b e ashamed, when he comes in the glory of hisFather with the holy angels .

Luke 123 , p . 90) :“For whoever is

ashamed of me and of my words ,of him will the Son of man

b e ashamed when he comes in his glory and the

glory Of the Father and of the holy angels .

Matt .-3 6 Luk e M icah cf. al so M att .


Luke —53 p. 1 15)5 1 “Do you

think that I have come to give peace onearth? NO , I tel l you, bu t rather division ;52 for henceforth in one house there willb e five divided, three against two andtwo against three; 5 3 they will b e divided,father agains t son and son against father,mother against daughter and daughter

against her mother, mother-in-law againsther daughter-in-l aw and daughter-in-l awagainst her mother-in-law .

Luke —27 171 , p. 120)26 “If any one

comes to me and does not hate his ownfather and mother and wife and ch ildren

and brothers and sisters, yes, and evenhis own li fe, he cannot b e my discip le .

27 Whoever does not bear his own crossand come after me, cannot b e my discip le .

§ 63

3 9 He who finds his l ife will lose i t,and he who loses his l ife for my sake his life

wil l find it . ‘

MATT .—l l zl MARK — LUKE

p. 126)“lfl mever seeks to gain

will lose i t, but whoeverloses his l ife will preserve i t.


Matt . —1

40 He who receives you receives me, and he who rece ives me receives him who

sentme .

“ 4 1 He who receives a prophet because he i s a prophet shall receive a prophe t’s

reward, and he who rece ives a righteous man because he i s a righteous man shal l receive

a righteous man ’s reward .

42 And whoever gives to one of these l i ttle ones even a cupof cold water because he i s a discip le, truly, I say to you , he shall not lose his re

ward .

And when Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he wen t on from

there to teach and preach in their ci ties .

Matt . -25 123 ,

p . 90) :24 Then Jesus told his disci

p les ,“If any man would come

after me, let him deny hims elfand take up his cross and followme .

25 For whoever would savehis life will lose it, and whoeverloses his life for my sake wil lfind it .

* *Matt . 129, p . 96)Whoever receives one suchchild in my name receives me .

Mark -35 123 , p . 90)3 4 And he cal led to him the

multitude with his discip les, andsaid to them


“If any man

would come after me,let him

deny hims elf and take up his

cross and follow me .

3 5 Forwhoever would s ave his life willlose it ; and whoever loses his

life for my sake and the gospel’s

will save it . ”

Mark 129, p .96)Whoever rece ives one suchchild in my name receives me ; .

and whoever receives me, re

ceives not me bu t him who sentme

3 )

Luke -24 123 , p .90)23 And he sai d to all


“If anyman would come after me


him deny himself and tak e uphis cross daily and follow me .

94 For whoever would save his

life wi ll lose it ; and whoeverloses his life for my sake, he

will save it .

Luke (s 129, p . 96)Whoever rece ives this child inmy name receives me

,and who

ever receivm me rece ives himwho sent me .

Luke 139, p . 103 ) :“He who hears you hears me

,and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who

rejects me rejects him who sent me .

Mark 130, p . 96) :“For truly, I say to you,

whoever gives you a cup of water to drink becaus eyou hear the 'name of Chris t, will by no means lose his reward .

Matt . — John — “He who loves his life loses it,and he who hates h is life i n this world will keep

it for e ternal life .

Matt . — John -45 : 44 And Jesus cried Out and said,“He who believes in me, believes not in me

but in him who sent me .

45 And he who sees me sees him who sent me .

” Also John — “Truly , truly, I sayto you,

he who receives any one whom I send receives me ; and he who receives me receives him who sent me .


65 MATT.- 19

1 0 This is he Of whom it is wri tten,‘Behold, I send my messenger before

thy face,who shall prepare thy way before

thee .

1 1 Truly, I say to you, among those

born Of women there has risen no one

gr eater than John the Bap t ist ; yet

he who is least in the kingdom Of heaven

is greater than he .

(Cf. Matt . 21 :32, 203 , p . 142)

1 2 “From the days of John the Bap tis t

un til now the kingdom of heaven has suf

fered violence,c and men Of violence takei t by force .

1 3 For all the prophets and

the l aw prophesied unti l John ;1 4 and if

you are willing to accep t i t, he i s

Elij ah who is to come.1 5 He who has ears

to hear,d let him hear .16

“But to what shall I compare

this generat ion?I t is like children

si tting in the marke t p laces and call ing

to their p laymates,1 7 ‘We p iped to you , and you did not

dance ;we wailed, and you did not mourn .

1 8 For John came nei ther ea tingnor drinking, and they


He has a demon ’

;1 9 the Son of man

came eating and drinking, and they say,‘Behold, a glu tton and a drunkard , afriend Of tax collectors and sinners ! ’

Yet wisdom is justified by her

deeds .


Matt . Luke — M alachi

° O r, has been coming violently .

To what then shall I comp are the

men of this generation , and what are

they l ike? 3 2 They are like chi ldrensi t ting in the market p lace and cal l ingto one ano ther,

‘We p iped to you , and you did notdance ;

we wailed, and you did not weep .

3 3 For John the Bap tist has come eatingno bread and drinking no wine; and yousay,

He has a demon .

’ 3 4 The Son of manhas come eating and drinking ; and you say,‘Behold, a glutton and a drunkard, a

friend Of tax collectors and sinners ! ’

3 5 Yet wisdom is justi fied by al l her

chi ldren .

Matt . — Malachi

d text : S C W O A d) 5? it vg sy°sy

p sa bo ; omi t, to hear : B D sy~s

° text : S B W syp bo ; children (Luke C D O A 5? it vg sy

°83 .

To Matt. cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rews : The Jewish gospel has : is p lundered .



27 This is he Of whom it is wri tten,‘Behold, I send my messenger beforethy face,

who shall prepar e thy way beforethee .

28 I tell you, among thoseborn Of women none i s

gr eater than John yet

he who is least in the kingdom of Godis greater than he .

29 (When they heard thi s all the peop leand the tax collectors just ified God,having been bap tized wi th the bap t ismOf John ; 3 0 but the Pharisees and the

l awyers rejected the purpose of God forthemselves, not having been bap ti zed byhim .)

p. The l aw and the

prophets were until John ; since then th e

good news of the kingdom of God is preached,and every one enters i t violently .

MARK —LUKE MATT.—27 66—67


M att . —24

20 Then he began to up braid the ci tieswhere most Of hi s mighty works had beendone, because they did not rep ent .21 “Woe to you, Chorazin ! woe to you , Beth

saida ! for if the mighty works done i n

you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, theywould have repented long ago insackclo th and ashes . 22 But I tell you,i t shal l b e more tolerable on th e day

of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for

you .

23 And you , Capernaum, will you b e

exal ted to heaven? You shall b e brought

down to Hades . For if the mighty worksdone in you had been done in Sodom, i twould have remained until this day .

2‘ft Bu t I tel l you that i t shal l b e more

tolerable on the day of judgment for the

land Of Sodom than for you .

Luke —15 139, p. 103 )

13 Woe to you, Chorazin ! woe to you, Be th

saida ! for if the mighty works done in

you had been done in Tyre and S idon, they

would have repented long ago, Si t ting insackcloth and ashes . 1 4 But

i t shall b e more tolerable in the

judgment for Tyre and S idon than for

you .1 5 And you, Capernaum, will you b e

exal ted to heaven? You shall b e broughtdown to Hades .


Ma tt . —27

25 At that

time Jesusdeclared, I thank thee, Father, Lord of

heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden

these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes ;26yea,

Fa ther, for such was thy gracious

will .I

27 “All things have been del ivered to

me by my Father ; and no one knows the

Son excep t the Father, and no one knows

the Father excep t the Son and any one to

whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

M a tt . Luk e — Isaiah 15 .

Or,so it was well-pleas ing before thee.

To Matt . and Luke cf. John — “The Father loves the Son

,and has given all things into

his hand .

”And John — “

I know him, for I come from him, and he sent me .

” Cf. also John —15 ;

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrews : The Jewish gospel has : I am gr ateful to thee .


Luke —22 141 , pp. 103—104)21 In tha t

same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Sp iritand sai d, I thank thee, Father, Lord of

heaven and earth, that thou hast hi dden

these things from the wise and under

s tanding and revealed them to babes ;

yea, Fath er, for such was thy graciouswill .f

22 “All things have been del ivered to

me by my Father ; and no one knows who theSon i s excep t the Father, or who

the Father is excep t the Son and any one towhom the Son chooses to reveal him .

68—69 MATT.—MA_RK —26—LUKE —4


Ma tt . —30

28 Come to me, al l who l abor and are heavy laden , and I will give you res t .29 Tak emy yoke upon you , and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you

will find res t for your souls . 3 0 For my yoke i s easy, and my burden is l ight .”


Ma tt .

l At that time Jesus wentth rough the grainfields on the

sabbath ; his discip les

were hungry, and they began to

p luck ears Of grain and to eat .

2 But when the Pharisees saw i t,they said to him,

“Look , yourdisciples are doing what is not

lawful to do on the sabbath .


S He said to them ,

“Haveyou not read what David did,

when he was hungry, and those

who were with

him : 4 how he

house of God

and ate the bread

of the Presence, which i t was

not lawful for himto eat nor forthose who were with him,

but only for the priests?

entered the

Matt .teronomyI S amuel -7 .

'1 1 :28-29— Ecclesiasticus 51 :23 -27 .

and parallels— Exodus and Deuteronomy

12 :4b and p arallels— Leviticus -9 .

Mark — 28

—22, § 54, p. 37f.)

23 O ne sabbath he was goingthrough the grainfields ; and

as they made their way his disciples began to p luck ears of

grain .24 And

the Pharisees said to h im,

“Look, why are they doing what

is not lawful on the sabbath?"

25 And he said to them, Haveyou never read what David did ,

when he was in need and was hun

gry, he and those who were wi thhim : 26 how he entered the

house Of God, when Ab iathar washigh priest,11 and ate the bread

of the Presence, which i t is

not lawful for any but the

priests to eat, and also gavei t to those who were wi th h im? ”

— Jeremiah 6 16 .

Luk e - 5

(5 3 3—39 , 54, p . 3 7f.)1 On a sabbath; wh ile he was

going through the grai nfields ,

his di scip les p lucked and a te

some ears of grain , rubbingthem in their hands .

2 Butsome of the Pharisees sai d,“IVhy are you doing what is notlawful to do on the sabbath? "

3 And Jesus answered , Haveyou not read what David didwhen he was hungry , he and thosewho were wi thhim : 4 how he

house Of God,

and took and ate the breadof the Presence, which i t is

not lawful for any but the

priests to eat, and also gavei t to th ose wi th him?

entered the

and paral lels—Deu12 :3f and parallelr

8 text : P4 S B W A it vg syp sa bo ; on the secondfirs t sabbath (on the second sabbath after thefirs t) : A C D O

(I) 5? vg.

h text : S A B C O vg sa bo ; omit : when Abiathar was high pries t : D W it sys


To Mark and parallels cf. John —8 0 the Jews said to the man who was cured,“It is the

sabbath, it is not lawful for you to carry your p alle t .”

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrew s (in Clement Of Alexandria, M iscellanies 5)He who wonders shall reign : and he who reigns shal l res t .He who seeks will not ceas e unt il he finds ; and having found, he wil l wonder ; and wondering, he will reign ;

and re igning, he will res t . Ibid.

Let not him who seeks ceas e until he finds ; and when he finds he wi ll wonder ; and wondering, he will reign ;and reigning, he will res t . Oxy rhy nchus Papy rus 654, Logion 7.

MATT. l 2 5—10—MARK —8

S O r have“

you not“

read in the

law ihOw on. the :sab'b asth the

priests in:

the temp le profanethe sabbath, and are guil tl'ess?6 I tell you

, so‘

mething greater than the ter

npl’e is here .

7 And if you had known wha t th is

means ,‘I desire mercy, and

not sacrifice,’ you would not

have condemned the guil tless .

8 For the

Son Of man is lord Of the

sabbath .

27 And. he said to them,


sabbath was ma de for man, notman for the sabbath ; i 23 so the

5 And he said to them,

Son of man is lord even Of the Son Of man is lordsabb a th . sabba th .

” 1


Ma tt: —149 Andhewenton from there and

entered their synagogue .

1 0 Andbehold, there was a man wi th

a wi thered hand . And

they asked him,

“Is i t l awfulto heal on t he sabbath? so

that they might accuse him .

Mark —6

1 Againhe entered the synagogue, and

a man was there whohad a wi thered hand.

2 And

watched him, to see whe ther hewould heal h im on the sabbath ,

so that they might accuse him .

3 And he

sai d to the man who had the

withered ha-nd, Comehere .

Matt . — Nu-mbers -10 . Matt . Hosea

1 text : S A B C O (1) vg syp sa bo ; omit v .27 : D it ; omit v .27b : W sy

". For Luke D reads : On

the same day , seeing some one working on the sabba th,he said to him


,if indeed you know wh at you are

doing, you are blessed ; but if you do not know, you are cursed and a transgres sor of the law .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrew s (in Jerome,Commentary on M atthew I

was a mas on, seeking a living with my hands ; I b eg you,Jesus

,res tore my heal th to me

,so that I need not b eg

for my food in shame.

Luke —1 1

6 On another sabbath, whenhe entered the synagogue andtaught, a man was there whoseright hand was withered .

7 Andthe scribes and the Phariseeswatched him

,to see whe ther he

would heal on the sabbath, so

that they might find an accusa

tion against him .8 But he

knew their though-ts, and he

said to the man who had the

withered hand,“Come and

stand here. And he rose and

stood there .

§ 70

1 1 He said to them, Whatman of you , if he has one sheepand i t fall s into a p it on the

sabbath, wil l not lay hold of

i t and l ift i t out? 12 Of how

much more value i s a man than

a sheep !So i t is lawful

to do good on the sabbath .

1 3 Then hesaid to the man , S tretch outyour hand .

” And the man stretch

ed i t ou t, and i t was restored,whole l ike the other . 1 4 But thePharisees went out and took

counsel agains t him, howto des troy him.

4 And he said to them,

Is i t lawful onthe sabbath to do good or todo harm , to save l ife or to

kill? But they were s ilent?”

5 And he looked around atthem with anger, grieved at

their hardness of heart, andsaid to the man, S tre tch ou t

your hand .

He stretched i t

out, and his hand was res tored .

6 The Pharisees went ou t, and

immediately held counsel wi th

the Herodians against him, howto destroy him .

MATT.—14—MARK —6 = LUK-E —1 1

andsaid to him, S tretch ou t

your hand .

” And he did so,and his hand was restored .

1 1 But they were fil led withfury and discussed wi th one

another what they might do

to Jesus .

~The Cal l of the Twelve.

(Luke —1 6 Mark —19, § 72, p. 54)

Luke -16 163 , p . l 16) : 1 5 Then the Lord answered him,

“You hypocrites ! Does not each ofyou on the sabbath untie his ox or his ass from the manger, and lead it away to water it? 1 5 And ought notthis woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, b e loosed from this bond on thesabbath day?

Luke 168, p . 1 19) 1 And Jesus spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees , say ing,“Is it lawful to hea l

on the sabbath, or not?” But they were silent .



5 And he sa id to them,

“Wh ichof you, having an as s or anox that has fallen into a well ,will not immediately pull himout on a sabba th day?"

And Jesus sai d to them,

I ask you, i s i t lawful on

the sabba th to do good or to

do harm, to save li fe or todestroy1 0 And he looked around on

them all ,

MATT . 12sl 5 —MARK —.LUKE - 19


Matt . —21

15 Jesus, aware of this, with

drew from there . And many fol

lowed him,

16, p . And great

crowds fol lowed him from Gal

ilee and the Decapol is and Jerusalem and Judea and from

beyond the Jordan .

12z15 b andhe heal ed them al l,

1 6 andordered them not

to make him known .

1 7 This wasto fulfi l what was spoken by the

prophe t Isaiah :1 3 “Behold, my

servan t whom I have chosen, mybeloved with whom my soul iswel l p leased . I will pu t mySp iri t upon him, and he shall

proclaim justice to the Gentiles .1 9 He wil l not wrangle or cryaloud, nor will any one hearhis voice in the stree ts ;20 he wil l not break a bruised

reed or quench a smolderingwick, t il l he brings justiceto victory; 21 and in h is name

wi ll the Gentiles hope .

g85, p. 61 )

=”M att . 1 14, p . 81 ) : An d besought Mark 1 14, p .81) : And besought him

him that they m ight only touch a fringe of his that they might touch even the fr inge of his gar

garmen t ; and as many as touched it were made ment ; an d as many as touched it were made well .well .

Matt . 16, p : 19) : SO his fam e spread throughout al l Syria, and they brought him all the s ick,those affli cted wi th various diseas es and pains, demoniacs , epilep tics , and p aralytics , and b e heal ed them .

Matt . -21— Isaiah


Mar k —12

7 Jesus wi thdrew with his discip les to the sea, and a great

mul ti tude from Galilee followed ;also from Judea 8 and Jerusalemand Idumea and from beyond theJordan and from abou t Tyre andS idon a great mul ti tude, hearing all that he did, came tohim .

9 And he told his discip lesto have a boat ready for him

because of the crowd, les tthey should crush him ; 1 0 for

he had healed many, so tha tall who had diseases pressed

upon him to touch him .


1 1 And whenever the unclean

sp iri ts beheld they fel l

down before him and cried out,“You are the Son Of God .

” 1 2 And

he strictly ordered them notto make him known .

Luke — 19

17 And he came down withthem and stood on a level

p lace, with a great crowdof his discip les and a greatmul ti tude of peop le from allJudea and Jerusalem and the

seacoast Of Tyre and S idon ,

who came to hear him and to

b e healed of the ir diseases :

1 8 and those who were trou

bled wi th unclean sp iri ts were

cured .

1 9 And all the crowd

sought to touch him,

* for

power came forth from himand healed them all .

14, p. And

demons also came ou t of many,crying,

“You are the Son of

God ! But he rebuked themand would not allow them to

speak, because they knew

that he was the Chri st .

MARK —19—LUKE —16 MATT .


Matt . -4 58, p. 40)

1 8 , p. 20)

1 And

he called to him his twelve dis

ciples and gave them authori ty

over unclean sp iri ts, to cas tthem out, and to heal every

disease and every infirmity .

2 The names Of the twelve apostles are these : first S imon,who i s called Peter, and An

drew hi s brother; James the son

of Zebedee, and John his brother,3 Phil ip and Bartholomew;Thom

as and Matthew the tax collee

tor ; James the son of Alphaeus,and Thaddaeus ;

l 4S imon the

Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot,

who be trayed him.

Mark 109, p .77) :

Sp ir its .

And he called tohim the twelve

,and began to send them out two

by two, and gave them authority over the unclean

Mark —19

13 And he went

up in to the hills,


cal led to him those whom he

desired ; and they came to him .

1 4 And he appointed twelveJ'


b e with him, and to b e sent ou tto preach 1 5 and have authori ty tocast out demons : 1 5 S imon whom

he surnamed Pe ter; 1 7 Jamesthe son of Zebedee and Johnthe brother of James, whom he

surnamed Boanerges, th at is,sons of thunder ; 1 3 Andrew, and

Phi lip , and Bartholomew, and

Matthew, and Thomas, and

James the son of Alphaeus,and Thaddaeus, and Simon the

Cananaean , 1 9 and Judas Iscariot,

who betrayed him .

—22, § 85, p . 67)

Luk e 6 : 12—16

12 In these days he went

out in to the hi l ls to pray;and all night he con ti nuedin prayer to God .

1 3 And

when i t was day, he call ed

hi s discip les, and chose fromthem twelve, whom he named


1 4 S imon,whom he named Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James

and John, andPhil ip , and Bar tholomew,

1 5 andMatthew, and Thomas, and

James the son of Alphaeus ,and S imon who was called the

Zealot, 1 6 and Judas the son ofJames, and Judas Iscariot, whobecame a trai tor.

(6 : 77—79 , §7 7, p . 53 )

Luke -2 109, And he call ed thetwelve together and gave them power and authorityover al l demons and to cure diseases , 3

and he sentthem out to preach the kingdom of God and toheal .

5 text : A C D A Q it vg syssy

p; add , whom also he named apos tles : S B W O qb sa bo.

l text : S B C vg sa bo ; Lebbaeus : D ; Lebbaeus called Thaddaeus : W O A 3? syP; Thaddaeus called Lebbaeus : 45

it ; omit : sy ° .

To Luke 6 : l4a and parallels cf. John — Jesus looked at him, and said,

“So you are Simon the son ofJohn? You Shall b e called Cephas (which means Rock) .


§ 76 LUKE —3 9

39, p. So whatever you

wish that men would do to you, do so to

them ; for this is the law and the pro

phets .

For if you love those who love you,what reward have you? Do not even the tax

col lectors do the same? 4 7 And i f you

salute only your brethren, what more are

you doing than others? Do not even the

Gentiles do the same?”

5 :45 so that you may b e sons of your

Fath er who is in heaven ; for he makes

his sun rise on the evil and on the good,and sends rain on the just and on the

unjust . 48 You, therefore, must b e p er

fect, as your heavenly Father is p erfect .


3 1 “And as youwish that men would do to you, do so tothem.

3 6 Be merciful ,even as your Father is merciful .


Matt . —5 3 6, p. 28)1 Judge not, that you b e not

judged .

2 For with the judgment you pro

nounce you will b e judged,

and the measure you give will

be the measure you ge t ."

p. Let them alone;they are blind guides . And if a bl ind man

leads a blind man , bo th will fall in to a

p i t .

M ark 94, p . 68) : And he said to them,

“Take heed what you hear ; the measure you givebe the measure you get, and s till more wil l b e given you .

1 text : A B D O A d) 9 it vg sa bo ; despa iring qf no man: S W sy°.

To Luke cf. 11 Clement — God said, It is no credit to you if you love thos e who love you ; butit is a credi t to you if you love your enemies and those who hate you .

3 2 If you love those who love you,

what credi t is that to you? FOr even

sinners love those who love them.

3 3 And if you do good to those who do good

to you, what credi t is that to you? Foreven sinners do the same .

3 4 And if youlend to those from whom you hope to

receive, what credit is that to you? Even

sinners lend to sinners, to receive as

much agai n .

3 5 But love your enemies, anddo good, and lend, expecting nothing inreturn;

I and your reward wi l l b e great,and you will b e sons of the Most High;for he is kind to the ungr ateful and the

selfish .

Luke —42

37 Judge not, and you wi l l not b e

judged ; condemn not, and you wi ll notb e condemned ; forgive, and you wi ll b eforgiven ; 3 3

give, and i t will b e givento you ; good measure, pressed down ,


toge ther, running over, will b e pu t in toyour lap . For the measure you give wil lb e the measure you get back .

39 He also told them a par able : Can abl ind man lead a bli nd man? Wi ll they not

both fall into a p it?

MATT.—MARK 3 : 19

—25 59, p.24 “A discip le

i s not above his teacher, nor a servant

above hi s master ; 25 i t is enough for

the di scip le to b e like his teacher, and

the servant l ike his master . ”

‘Why do you see the speck that isin your bro ther's eye, but do not noticethe log that is in your own eye?

4 O r

how can you say to your brother,‘

Let me take the speck ou t of

your eye,’ when there is

the loghypocri te, first takeyour own eye,

in your own eye?5 You

the log out of

and then you will see

clearly to take the Speck out of

your brother’s eye.

Matt . 7 : 16—2141 , p. 30)

1 3 “You will know

them by their frui ts .

Are grapes ga thered

from thorns, or figs

from thi stles? 1 7 So,every sound tree

bears good frui t, but

the bad tree bears

evil frui t . 1 8 A

sound tree cannotbear evi l frui t, nor

can a bad tree bear

good frui t .1 9 Every tree that

does not bear good

fru i t is cu t down and

thrown into the fire .

20Thus you will know

them by their frui ts .

LUKE —46

i s not above his teacher,but every one when he i s fully taughtwill be like his teacher .

4 1 “Why do you see the speck that isin your brother’s eye, but do not noticethe log that i s in your own eye?

42 Orhow can you say to your brother,

‘Brother,let me take ou t the speck tha t is in

your eye ,

’ when you yoursel f do not see

the log that i s in your own eye? Youhypocri te, firs t take the log out of

your own eye, and then you wi l l see

clearly to take out the speck tha t is inyour brother's eye .


Matt . —35

86, pp. 62—63 )3 3 “Either make thetree good, and i ts

frui t good ; or make

th e tree bad, and i ts

frui t bad ; for the

tree is known by its

frui t . 3 4 You brood

of vipers ! how can

you speak good, when

you are evil? For outof the abundance of

the heart the mouth

speaks .

3 5 “The good man

out of his good treas

ure brings forth

good, and the evil

man out of his evi l

treasure brings forth

evil .

21 Not every one who says to me ,‘Lord

Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven,

but he who does the will of my Father who

is in heaven .

Luke —46

43 For. no good tree bears bad frui t,nor again does a bad tree bear good frui t ;44 for each tree is known by i ts own frui t .For figs are not gathered from thorns,nor are gr apes p icked from a bramble bush .

4 5 “The good man out of the good treas

ure Of his heart produces good, and the

evil man out of his evil treasure pro

duces evil ; for out of the abundanceof the heart his mouth speak s .

46 Why do you call me‘Lord, Lord .

’ andnot do what I tel l you?

To Luke of. John and A servan t is not gr eater than his mas ter .


§ 78—80 LUKE ear MATT .—MARK


Matt . —27 43 p. 3 1 )24

“Every one then who

hears these words Of mine and does themwill b e l ike a wise man who bu i l t his

house upon the rock ; 25 and the rain fell ,and the floods came, and the winds blew

and beat upon that house, but i t did notfall , because i t had been founded on the

rock .

26 And every one who hears thesewords Of mine and does not do th em wi llb e l ike a fool ish man who buil t his houseupon the sand ; 27 and the rain fell, andand floods came, and the winds blew and

beat against that house, and i t fell ; andgreat was the fall of i t . ”

Luke —4 9

47 Every one who comesto me and hears my words and does them,

I will Show you what he i s l ike : 4 8 he

i s l ike a man bui lding a house, who dugdeep , and laid the foundation upon rock ;and when a flood arose, the s tream brokeagainst that house, and could no t shakei t, because i t had been wel l buil t .m49 But he who hears and does not do them is

l ike a man who bu il t a house on the ground

wi thout a foundation ; against which the

stream broke, and immediately i t fell ,and the ruin of that house was great .

m text : S B W sa bo ; founded on the rack : A C D O A d) 5? it vg syP,


Luk e —10 ( : Matt. —13 , 46, p. 32)

1 After he had ended all his sayings in the hearing of the peop le he entered Capernaum .

2 Now a centurion had a slave who was clear 11 to him, who was sick and at the

poin t of death .

3 When he heard of Jesus , he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking

him to come and heal his slave .

4 And when they came to Jesus, they besought him

earnes tly, saying,“He is worthy to have you do this for him,

5 for he loves our nation ,

and he buil t us our synagogue .

” 3 And Jesus went wi th them . “fhen he was no t farfrom the house, the centurion sen t friends to him, saying to him ,

“Lord, do no t troubleyoursel f, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof ; 7 th erefore I d id no t

presume to come to you . But say the word, and let my servan t b e healed .

3 For I ama man set under authori ty, with soldiers under me : and I say to one,


’ and he goes ;and to another,

‘Come,’ and he comes ; and to my slave,

‘Do this ,’ and he does i t .

9 When Jesus heard this he marveled at him, and turned and sa id to the multi tudethat followed him,

“I tel l you, not even in Israel have I found such fai th .

" 1 0 And whenthose who had been sent re turned to the house, they found the slave well .


Luke —17

1 1 Soon afterward 0 he went to a city called Nain , and his discip les and a great crowdwent with him .

1 2 As he drew near to the gate of the ci ty, behold, a man who had diedwas be ing carried ou t , the only son of his mother, and she was a widow ; and a largecrowd from the ci ty was with her.

1 3 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassionon her and said to her,

“DO not weep .

” 1 4 And he came and touch ed the bier, andthe bearers stood still . And he said, Young man , I say to you, ar ise .

” 1 5 And th e

Or, valuable. text : A BO d) 5? it vg sy

P sa ; next day : S C D W sy’ bo.

To 7 9 cf. John -54.


dead man sat up , and began to speak . And he gave him to his mother . 1 3 Fear se ized

them all ; and they glorified God, saying,“A gr eat prophet has arisen among us !

and “God has visi ted his peop le !

" 1 7 And this report concerning him spread through

the whole of Judea and all the surrounding country .


Luke —23 ( : Matt. —6, 64, p. 47)

18 The discip les Of John told him of all these things . 1 9 And John, call ing to him

two of his discip les, sent them to the Lord, saying,“Are you he who is to come, or shall

we look for another?” 20 And when the men had come to him, they said, John the

Bap tis t has sent us to you , saying,‘

Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for

another?’ 21 In that hour he cured many of diseases and p lagues and evil sp iri ts, and

on many that were blind he bestowed sight . 22 And he answered them , Go and tel l

John what you have seen and heard : the bl ind rece ive their sight, the l ame walk ,lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up , the poor have good news

preached to them .

23 And blessed is he who takes no Off ense at me .


Luke ( : Matt. —19, 65, p. 47)

24 When the messengers of John had gone, he began to speak to the crowds concerning John : What did you go out into the wilderness to behold? A reed shakenby the wind? 25 What then did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft raiment?

Behold, those who are gorgeously appareled and l ive in luxury are in kings ’ courts .23 What then did you go out to see? A prOphe t? Yes, I tell you , and more than a

prophe t .2 7 This is he of whom i t is wri tten,

‘Behold, I send my messenger before thyface, who shall prepare thy way before thee .

’ 23 I tel l you , among those born of womennone i s greater than John ; ye t he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than


” 29 (When they heard this al l the peop le and the tax collectors justified God , havingbeen bap tized with the bap tism of John ; 3 0 bu t the Pharisees and the l awyers rejectedthe purpose of God for themselves, not having been bap tized by 3 1 “To what

then shal l I compare the men of this generation, and what are they like? 3 2 They are

l ike children si tt ing in the market p lace and call ing to one another,‘

1Ve p iped to you ,

and you did not dance ; we wailed, and you did not weep .

’ 3 3 For John the Bap t ist has

come eating no bread and drinking no wine ; and you say,‘

He has a demon .

’ 3 4 The

Son of man has come eating and drinking ; and you say,‘Behold, a glut ton and a

drunkard a friend of tax collectors and sinners ! ’ 3 5 Yet wisdom is justified by all herchildren .

Matt . 203 , p . 142) :“For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe

him,but the tax collectors and the harlots believed him ; and even when you saw it

, you did not afterwardrepent and believe him .

Luke — 1 K ings Luke Matt . — Isaiah -19 ; -6 ; LukeMatt . —Malachi

§ 8-3—84

p. 18

p . 39 p. 19 1

27 .

-55 15 .


250 , p. 184)

LUKE —8z3 MATT : 12:2l—MARK


Luk e —50

(Cf. Ma tt .

—13 Mark —9 , § 232, p. 1 63 )

36 O ne of the Phari sees asked him to eat with him, and he went in to the Phar isee’s

house, and sat at table .3 7 And behold, a woman of the ci ty, who was a sinner, when

she learned tha t he was si tt ing a t table in the Pharisee's house, brought an al abasterflask of O in tment, 3 3 and standing behi nd him at his feet, weep ing, she began to wethis fee t wi th her tears, and wiped them wi th the hair of her head, and k issed hi s feet,and anointed them with the Ointment . 3 9 Now when the Pharisee who had invi ted himsaw i t, he said to himsel f, If this man were a prophe t, he would have known who and

what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a s inner . ” 40 And Jesusanswering said to h im, S imon, I have something to say to you . And he answered,

What is i t, Teacher?" 4 1 “A certain credi tor had two debtors ; one owed five hundred

denari i, and the other fifty .

42When they could not pay, he forgave them both . Nowwhich of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered, The one, I suppose, to whomhe forgave more . And he said to him “

You have judged rightly .

” 44 Then turningtoward the woman he said to Simon ,

“DO you see this woman? I entered your house,

you gave me no water for my feet, but she has we t my feet wi th her tears and wipedthem with her hair . 45 You gave me no kiss, but from the t ime I came in she has notceased to kiss my feet . 4 5 You did not anoin t my head wi th oil , but she has anoin tedmy fee t wi th Oin tment. 47 Therefore I tell you, her sins , which are many, are forgiven ,for she loved much ; but he who is forgiven li ttle, loves l i t tle .

” 4 3 And he said to her,“Your sins are forgiven .

” 49 Then those who were at table wi th him, began to say

among themselves,“Who i s this, who even forgives sins?

” 50 And he said to the woman,“Your fai th has saved you ; go in peace.


Luk e —3

1 Soon afterward he went on through ci ties and vill ages, preachi ng and bringing

the good news of the kingdom of God . And the twelve were with him,2 and al so some

women who had been heal ed of evi l sp iri ts and infirmities : M ary, called Magdalene,from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna , the wife of Chuza , Herod

’ssteward, and Susanna, and many O thers, who provided for them ? out of their means .

s 90. p. 65)

Luke -I Samuel

p text : B D W O 9 it vg sy°sy

°; him: S it vg ea bo .

To s 83 of. John -8.



M att . —24

(Matt . —21 , § 71 , p. 53 )

22 Then a bl ind and dumb de

moniac was brought to him, and

he heal ed h im, so that the dumb

man spoke and saw.23 And all

the peop le were amazed,‘ and

said, Can this b e the Son of

David?" 24 But when the Phari

sees hear d i t they

said,“I t is only by Beelze

bul , the prince ofdemons, that this man casts

ou t demons .

Ma tt . -3 7

25 Knowing their th oughts,he said to them,

Every kingdom divided

against i tself is laid waste,and no ci ty or housedivided against i tself

will s tand ;

Mark b—22

—19, 72, p . 54)

19b Then he home ;20 and the crowd came together

again, so that they could not

even eat . 21 And when his

friends heard i t, they went

out to sei ze him, for they

said, He is beside himse lf .


22 And the scribes

who came down from Jerusalemsaid,

“He is possessed by

Beelzebul , and by the prince

of demons he casts ou t the

demons . ”


Mark —30

23 And he cal led them to him,

and said to them in par ables,How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 If a kingdom is divided

against i tself, that kingdom

cannot stand.25 And if a house

i s divided against i tsel f, that

house will not b e able to stand .

23 and if Satan casts out Sat 26 And if Satan has risen upan , he i s divided against him against himsel f and is divided,self ; how then will his king he cannot stand, but is comingdom stand? to an end

Cf. Matt . -34 57 , p . 3 9 . )Matt . 57 , p .39) : But the Pharisees said, “He casts out demons by the prince of demons .


To M ark cf. John 52—“You have a demon !” Also — “He has a demon .

Luke —16 149 , p . 106)

14 Now he was cas ting

out a demon that was dumb ;when the demon had gone out,

the dumb man spoke, and the

peop le mar veledfi"

1 5 But some of them

said, He casts out demons

by Beelzebul the princeof 1 3 whi le others ,to tes t him, sought from hima sign from heaven .

Luke —23 p . 107 )17 But he, knowing their

thoughts, said to them,

Every kingdom divided

against i tsel f is laid waste,

and house falls upon house .

1 8 And if Satan also is divi

ded against himself, how will

his kingdom stand?

27 And

if I cast ou t demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons

cas t them out? Therefore they

shal l b e your judges . 28 But if

i t is by the Sp iri t of God

that I cast out demons, then

the kingdom of God has come

upon you .

29 Or how can one enter a

strong man’s house and p lunder

his goods, unless he first

binds th e strong man? Then in

deed he may plunder h is house .

3 0 He who is not

with me is against and

he who does not gather wi th

me scatters .3 1 “Therefore I tell you,

every s in and blasphemy will b eforgiven men, but the blasphemy

agains t the Sp iri t will not b e

forgiven .3 2 And whoever says

a word against the Son of man

wil l b e forgiven ; but whoever

speaks against the Holy Sp iri t

will not b e forgiven ; ei ther

in this age or in the age to

come .

33 Ei ther make the tree

good, ,and i ts frui t good; or

make the tree bad, and its

frui t bad; for the tree is

known by i ts

M ark 130, p .96) :“For he that is not

agains t us is for us .

and thrown into the fire .

2° Thus you will know them by their fruits .

MATT.—3 3 —MARK - 30

2 7 But no one can en ter a

strong man's house and p lunder

his goods, unless he firs t

binds the s trong man ; then in

deed he may p lunder h is house

23 Truly, I say to you,all sins will b e forgiven the

sons of men, and whatever blas

phemies they utter;

29 but whoever

blasphemes against the HolySp iri t never has

8 forgiveness,but is guilty of an eternal sin"

_ 3 0 for they had said,“He

has an unclean sp iri t .—35 , g89 , p . 64)


p. 1 1 1 )And every one who speaks

a word against the Son of man

wil l b e forgiven ; but he who

blasphemes against th e Holy

Sp iri t will not b e forgiven .

—45 1§ 77 , p . 57)

43 For no good tree bear sbad frui t, nor again does a

bad tree ~bear good frui t ;44 for each tree is known by i tsown fru itf‘

Luke 130, p . 96) :“For he that is not

agains t you is for you .

Matt . -20 41, p . 3o) z 1 5 “You will know them by their fruits . Are grapes gathered from thorns , orfigs from this tles ? 1 7 So

,every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit . 1 5 A sound tree

cannot bear evil fru it, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit . 1 9 Every tree that does not b ear good fruit is cut down

° text : S A B C (15 5? vg syp sa bo ; has not : D W (9 A it .


For you say that I cas t ou t

demons by Beelzebul . 1 9 And

if I cas t out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons

cas t them out? Therefore they

shall b e your judges . 20 But ifi t is by the finger of God

that I cas t out demons, thenthe kingdom of God has comeupon you .

21 When a strong man, fully

armed, guards hi s own p al ace,hi s goods are in peace;22 but when one s tronger than heassails him and overcomes him,

he takes away his armor in

which he trusted, and di videshi s spoil . 23 He who is not

with me i s agai nst me, ‘ and

he who does not gather wi thme scatters .

5 88—89 MATT.—50—MARK —35 LUKE


M att. —4 5

43 When the unclean Sp iri t has goneout of a man, he passes through water

less p l aces seeking rest, but he finds

none .

44 Then he says,‘ I will re turn

to my house from which I came.

’ And when

he comes he finds i t emp ty, swep t, and

put in order .4 5 Then he goes and brings

wi th him seven other Sp iri ts more evilthan himself, and they enter and dwell

there, and the last s tate of that man

becomes worse than the firs t . So shallit b e also wi th this evil generation .

Luke —26

24 When the unclean sp iri t has goneout of a man, he pas ses through water

less p laces seeking res t ; and findi ngnone he says,

‘I wi ll return

to my house from which I came .

’ 25 And whenhe comes he finds i t swep t and

put in order . 26 Then he goes and bringsseven other sp ir i ts more evi l

than himself, and they enter and dwell

there ; and the last s tate of that manbecomes worse than the first .


Matt. —50

46 While he was still speak

ing to the peop le, behold, his

mother and his bro thers stood

outside, asking to speak to

him .t

48 But

he repl ied to the man who told


“Who is my mother,and who are my bro thers?4 9 And stretching ou t h is hand

toward his discip les, he said,“Here are my mother and my

brothers ! 59 For whoever does

the will of my Father in

heaven is my bro ther, and sis

ter, and mother .

Mark 3 3 1- 35

(3 2 3- 30, 86, pp . 61—62)

3 1 And h is mother and his

brothers came ; and standing

outside they sent to him andcalled him .

3 2 And a crowd wassi tting about him ; and they said

to him, Your mother and your

brothers 11 are outside, asking

for you .3 3 And

he rep lied,Who are my mo ther

and my broth ers?" 34 And looking

around on those who sat abouth im, he said,“Here are my mother and my

brothers ! 3 5 Whoever doesthe will of God

is my bro ther, and sis

ter, and mother.

Luke —21

104, p. 71 )19 Then his mother and hi s

bro thers came to him, but they

could not reach him for the

crowd .

20 And he wastold, Your mother and your

brothers are s tanding outs ide,des iring to see you .

” 21 Buthe said to them,

My mother and my

bro thers ar e those who hear

the word of God and do i t ."

text : S B sy°sy

°sa ; add vers e 47 : Some one told him


“Your mother and y our brothers are s tanding outs ide, asking

“ text : 5 B C W 9 d) S? vg sy°syp sa b o ; add, and y our s is ters :to speak to y ou

”: C D W 6 Q bo.

A D it .

To Matt . and p arallels cf. John You are my friends if you do what I command you .

To Matt . -50 cf. Gosp e l of the Ebion ite s (in Epiphanius , Agains t Heres ies , X X X .

—From the

word which the Savior spoke when it was announced to him,

“Behold, your mother and your brothers s tand

without .” “Who are my mother and bro thers ?”

And s tretching out his hand toward his discip les , he said,“Thes e

who do the will of my Father ar e my brothers and mother and s is ters .

MATT.—9— MAR'K —9 -LUKE —8


Mat-t . —9

1 That same day Jesus went

ou t of the house and sat b e

side the sea .

2 And great

crowds gathered about h im, so

that he got into a boat and

sat there; and the whole crowd

stood on the beach .3 And he

told them many things in par

ables, saying :“A sower went

out to sow.4 And as

he sowed, some seeds fel l alongth e path,

and the birds came and

devoured them .

5 Other seeds

fel l on rocky ground, where

they had not much soi l, andimmediately they sprang up ,

s ince they had no dep th of soil ,6 but when the sun rose they

were scorched; and since they

had no root t-hey withered away .

7 0 ther seeds fell upon thorns,and the thorns grew up

and choked them .

3 Other seeds“

fell on good soil and broughtforth grain,

some a hundred

fold, some s ixty, some thirty .

9 He who has ears) ”

let him hear .

v text : S B it sy"; add, to hear : C D W (9

M ark —9

1 Again he began to teachbeside the sea . And a very

large crowd gathered about him ,

so that he got in to a boat and

sat in i t on the sea ; and the

whole crowd was beside the sea

on the land .

2 And he taughtthem many things in parables ,and in his teaching he said to

them : 3 “Listen ! A sower went

ou t to sow.

he sowed, somethe p ath,

and the

devoured i t . 5 0 ther seed

fel l on rocky ground, wherei t had not much soi l , andimmediately i t sprang up ,

s ince i t had no dep th of soil ;6 and when the sun rose i t

was scorched, and since i t

had no roo t i t wi thered away .

7 0 ther seed fel l among thorns

and the thorns grew upand choked i t, and i t yieldedno grain .

3 And other seeds

fell into good soil and brought

forth grain , growing up and

increasing and yielding thirty

fold and sixtyfold and a hund-redfold .

” 9 And he said,He who has ears

to hear, let him hear .

vg sycsy

p sa bo .


Luke —8

—3 , s 84, p . 60)

4 And when a great crowd

came together and p eop le from

town after town came to him,

cf. - 3 p. 19)

he said in a p arable

5 “A sower wentou t


o sow his seed ; and as

he sowed, some fel l alongthe path, and was trodden under

foot, and the birds of the air

devoured i t .

6 And somefel l on the rock;

and as i t grew up ,

i t wi thered away,because i t had no moisture .

7 And some fel l among thorns ;and the thorns grew with i t

and choked i t .3 And some

fel l in to good soil

and grew

and yielded

a hun

dredfold . As he said this,he called ou t, He who has earshear, let him hear .

511-92 MATT.—17— MARK —12— LUKE —10


Ma tt . —15

10 Then the discip les came

and said to him, Why do youspeak to them in parables?

1 1 And he answered them,

“Toyou i t has been given to know the

secrets of the kingdom of heaven ,

but to them it has not been given .

1 2 “For to him who has wi ll

more b e given, and he will

have abundance; but from him

who has not, even what he has

will b e taken away .1 3 This is

why I speak to them in p ara

bles, because

see ing they do not see, andhearing they do not hear, nor

do they unders tand .

1 4 “W i th them indeed is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah

which says‘

You shall indeed hear but

never understand,and you shall indeed see

but never perceive.

1 5 For this peop le’s heart has

grown dull,and their ears are heavy

of hearing

and their eyes they have

closed,lest they should perceive

with .their eyes,and hear wi th their ears,and understand with their

heart,and turn for me to heal

them .

Mark —12

10 And when he was alone,those who were about him with

the twelve asked him concern ing

the parables . 1 1 And he said

to them,

“To you has

been given the secret

of the kingdom of God,

§ 94, p. 68)

but for those outside every thingis in para

bles ; 1 2 so that they may in

deed see bu t not perceive, and

may indeed hear but not understand ; les t they should turn“again , and b e forgiven .


Luke —10

9 And when hi s di scip les

asked him what this par ablemeant, 1 0 he said, To you i t hasbeen given to know the secre ts

of the kingdom of God;

(8 :1 8 b, § 94, p. 68)

but for others they are

in parables, so that

seeing they may not see, and

hearing they may not understand.


Matt . —171 6 “But blessed are your eyes, for they

see, and your ears, for they hear .1 7 Truly, I say to

you, many prophets and righteous men lon

ged to see what you see, and did not

see i t, and to hear what you

did not hear i t .

Matt . and p aral lels— Isaiah -10

hear, and

Matt .

To Matt . -15 of. John

To Matt . cf. Clement of Alexandria, M iscellanies V . 10 Not grudgingly did the Lord declare in acertain gospel,

“My secre t is for me and the sons ofmy house .


Luke —24 p. 104)23 Then turning to the di scip les he

said privately, Blessed are the eyes

which see what you see ! 21 For I tel lyou that many prophets and kings de

s ired to see what you see, and di d not

see i t, and to hear what you hear ,and

did not hear i t .

-15— Isaiah’

-10 .

MATT.—23— MARK —2l— LUKE —16 93- 94


M att.

18 Hear then the parable

of the sower.

1 9 When any one hears the word

of the kingdom and does not

understand it, the evil one

comes and snatches away what

is sown in his heart ; this is

what was sown along the path .

20 As for what was sown on

rocky ground, this is he who

hears the word and immediately

receives i t wi th joy ; 21yet

he has no root in h imsel f,but endures for a while, and

when tribulation or persecu tion

arises on account of the word,immediately he falls away.


22 As for what was sown

among thorns, this is he

who hears the word, but thecares of the world and the

del ight in riches

choke the word, and it

proves unfrui tful .23 As for what was sown on good

soil, this is he who hears the

word and understands i t ; he

indeed bears frui t, and yields,in one case a hundredfold , inanother sixty, and in another


Mark —20

13 And he said to them, Do

you no t understand this parable?

How then will you unders tand

al l the p arables? 1 4 The sow

er sows the word .

1 5 And these

are the ones along the path,where the word is sown ; when

they hear, Satan immedia tely

comes and takes away the word

which is sown in them .

1 6 And

these in like manner are the

ones sown upon

rocky ground, who, when they

hear the word, immediately

rece ive i t wi th joy ; 1 7 and

they have no roo t in themselves,but endure for a while; then ,

when tribulation or persecution

arises on account of the word,immediately they fall away .


1 3 And others are the ones sown

among thorns ; they are those

who hear the word, 1 9 but the

cares of the world, and the

del ight in ri ches, and the

desire for other things, enter

in and ch oke the word, and it

proves unfrui tful . 20 But those

that were sown upon the good

soil are the ones who hear the

word and accep t i t and bear

frui t, thirtyfold and sixty

fold and a hundredfold.

Luke —15

1 1 Now the p arable i s this

The seed is the word of God .

1 2 The ones along the pathare those who have heard ;then the devil comes and

takes away the word

from their hearts, that theymay not bel ieve and b e saved .

1 3 And the ones on the

rock are those who, when theyhear the word,rece ive i t wi th joy ; but

these have no root, they

bel ieve for a while and int ime of temp tation

fall away .1 4 And


Matt . 9 1, p. 66) M ark —25

21 And he said to them, Isa lamp brought inx to b e pu t

under a bushel, or under ab ed, and not on a stand?*

Luke —18

16 No one after l ighting

a lamp covers i t wi th a

vessel, or puts i t under ab ed, but puts i t on a stand,that those who enter may see

the ligh tfi“

Matt . 20, p .21) :“Nor do men light

a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a s tand,and it gives light to all in the house .

Luk e 153 , p . 108) :“No one after


lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel,but on a stand

,that those who enter may see the

light .”

Or. s tumble (stumbles ) . x text : S A B C D 9 k 3? it vg syp; lighted : W 41 sa bo .


as for what fell

among the thorns, they are thosewho hear, but as they go on

their way they are choked bythe cares and riches and

pleasures of l ife, and their

frui t

does not mature .1 5 And

as for that in the good

soil, they are those who, hearing

the word, hold i t fast in an

honest and good heart, andbring forth frui t wi th patience .

12 “For to himwho has will more b e given, and

he wi ll have abundance; but

from him who has not, even what

he has will be taken away .


1 7 For nothing is hidthat shal l not b e made manifest,nor anything secre t that shall notb e known and come to l igh t .


1 8 Takeheed then how you hear ;

for to himwho has will more

b e gi ven ,and from him who has no t,even what he thinks that hehas will b e taken away .

” “ W

p. 71

i i i


Mark —29

26 And he said, The kingdom of God is as if a man should scat ter seed upon theground, 27 and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should Sprout andgrow, he knows not how.

28 The earth produces of i tself, first the blade, then the ear ,

then the ful l grain in the ear.29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the

sickle, because the harvest has come.

Matt . 60, p .44) :“Nothing is covered

up that will not b e revealed, or hidden that willnot be known .

Matt . 3 6, p2 8) :“For With the judg

ment you pronounce you will be judged, and the

measure you give will b e the measure you get .

Matt . 228, p . 161) :“For to every

one who has will more b e given, and he will haveabundance ; but from him who has not, even whathe has will b e taken away .

Mark —J oel


Luk e 155, p . 1 1 1 ) :“Nothing is covered

up that will not be reveal ed, or hidden that willnot be known .

Luke 7 6, p . 56)For the measure you give will b e the measure youget back.

Luk e 195, p . 13 6) :“I tell you,

that toevery one who has will more be given ; but from himwho has not, even what he has wil l be taken awav .

MARK -29—LUKE 8 : 17—118

22 For there i s nothing hid,excep t to b e made man ifest ;nor is anything secre t, excep tto come to l ight . ‘ 23 If any

man has ears to hear , let him

hear .

24 And he said to them, Take

heed what you hear ; the measure

you give wil l b e the meas ureyou and still more will

b e given you .

25 For to him

who has will more b e given ;and from him who has not,even what he

has will b e taken away .

LUKE 8 : 18 MATT.—3 3— MARK —32


Matt . —30

24 Another p arable he pu t before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven may b ecomp ared to a man who sowed good seed in his field ; 25 but whi le men were sleep ing,his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away .

26 So when the

p lants came up and bore grain , then the weeds appeared also .

2 7 And the servants ? of

the householder came and said to him,

S ir, did you not sow good seed in your field?

How then has i t weeds?’ 28 He said to them,

‘An enemy has done this . ’ The servants ?

said to him,

‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said,

‘No ; lestin gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along wi th them .

3 0 Let both grow together until the harves t ; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds

first and bind them in bundles to b e burned, but gather the whea t in to my barn .


Matt . —32

3 1 Another parable he pu t

before them, saying,“The king

dom of heavenis l ike a

grain of mustard seed which aman took and sowed in his field ;3 2 i t is the smallest of al l

seeds,but when i t has grown it

is the greatest of shrubs

and becomes a tree,so that the birds of the air

come and make nests in i tsbranches ."

Mark —32

30 And he said,“W i th what

can we compare the kingdom of

God, or what parable shall weuse for i t? 3 1 I t is like a

grain of mustard seed, which,when sown upon the ground,is the smallest of all the

seeds on earth ; 3 2 yet when i t issown i t grows up and becomes

the greates t of al l shrubs,and puts forth large branches ,so that the birds of the air

can make nes ts in its shade .


Ma tt .them


33 He


toldkingdom heaven

leaven which a woman took and hid in

i t was allthree measures of meal , till

leavened .

ano ther

96- 98

and i t grew

and became a tree,and the birds of the air

made nests in i ts

branches .

Luke - 21 1 64, p. 1 17)

parable .

is l ike

leavened .

Matt . and p arallels— Daniel

Or, slaves .


20 And again he said, To what shall I

compare the kingdom of God? 21 I t is l ikeleaven which a woman took and hid inthree measures of meal, til l i t was all

Luke p. 1 17)18 He said therefore,

“Whatis the kingdom of God l ike?

And to what shall I compare i t?1 9 I t is l ike a

grain of mustard seed which a

man took and sowed in his

garden ;

§ 99 -10 1 MATT .—4 6—MARK —34 LUKE


Ma tt . —35 M ark - 34

34 All th is Jesus said to the crowds in 33 With many such parables he spoke

parables ; the word to them, as they were able to

indeed he said nothing to them hear i t ; 3 4 he did not speak to themwithout a p arable, bu t privately to his

own discip les he exp lained everything.

§ 1 05, p. 71)

wi thout a parable .

3 5 This was to fulfil what was spoken

by the prophet : Z I will open my mouth in

parables, I will u tter what has been hid

den since the foundation of the world .


Ma tt . —43

36 Then he left the crowds and went in to the house . And his discip les came tohim

,saying, Exp lain to us the parable of the weeds of the field .

” 3 7 He answered, He

who sows the good seed is the Son of man ; 3 8 the field is the world, and the good seed

means the sons of the kingdom ; the weeds are the sons of the evi l one, 3 9 and the enemy

who sowed them is the devil ; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are

angels . 40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned wi th fire, so will i t b e at the close

of the age.

4 1 The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his

kingdom all causes of sin and all evil-doers, 42 and throw them into th e furnace of fire;there men will weep and gnash their teeth .

43 Then the righteous will shine l ike the

sun in the kingdom of their Father . He who has ears, le t him hear .


Matt. —46

44 The kingdom of heaven is l ike treasure hi dden in a field, which a man foundand covered up ; then in his joy he goes and sells all that a he has and buys that field .

45“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who,

on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought i t:

M att . — Psalm Matt . l 3 :41 —Zephaniah Matt . — Dan iel

‘ text : B C D W S? it vg sy°sy

p sa bo ; the prophet Isaiah : S (9 A “ text : S D W 9 5? it vg sy°

sy'sy° sa bo ; what : B Origen.


40 He said to them, Why are 25 He said to them,

you afraid? Have you no faith?b" ‘W here is your faith?

27 And the men 4 1 And they were filled with And they were afraid, and they

marveled, saying, awe, and said to one another, marveled, saying to one another,"What sort of man Who then is th is , tha t even “Who then is this, that he com

even winds and sea wind and sea obey him?" mands even wind and water, and

they obey him?”


Matt . - 34 51 , p 35)28 And when he came to the

o ther side, to the country of

the Gadarenes,c two demoniacs

met him, coming ou t of the

tombs, so fierce that no one

could pass that way .

28Whenhe saw Jesus, he cried ou t and

29 And behold, they fell down before him, and sai d

cried ou t,

What have you to do wi th

us, 0 Son of

God? Have you come here to tor

ment us before the time?”

wi th a loud voice,What have you to do wi th

me, Jesus, Son of the Most High

God? I beseech you, do

no t torment me .

” 29 For he hadcommanded the unclean sp iri t tocome out of the man . (For manya time i t had se ized him ; hewas kep t under guard, and

bound wi th chains and fet ters,but he broke the bonds and

was driven by the demon into9 And Jesus f the desert ) 3 0 Jesus then

asked him , I'Vhat is your name?" asked him, What is your name?”

He rep l ied,“My name i s Legion ; And he sa id, Legion”

; for

for we are many .

" many demons had entered him .

5 text : S B D (9 it vg sa bo ; Why arey ou so very afra id ? Why havey ou nofaith? A C S? sy°; W

'hy arey ou so very

afraid ? Havey ou nofaith ? : Why ] . P “. text : S B C O sy°sy

°; Gerasenes : it vg sa ; Gerges enes .

‘ W A

4) S? bo .

d text : S B D it vg sa ; Gadarenes : A C d) S? syp; Gergesenes : G) sy

° bo ; Gergus tenes : W .

text : B C D it vg sa ; Gadarenes : A W 4) S? sy°sy


p; Gergesenes : S 6 A bo.

‘ Greek : he.


Mark —20

1 They came to the other sideof the sea, to the country of

the Gerasenes .d 2 And when he

had come out of the boat, theremet him ou t of the tombs a man

wi th an unclean sp iri t, 3 who

lived among the tombs ; and no

one could bind him any more,

even wi th a chain ; 4 for he had

often been bound wi th fet tersand chains, but the chains hewrenched apart, and the fet tershe broke in p ieces ; and no one

had the strength to subdue him .

5 Night and day among the tombs

and on the mountains he was

always crying ou t , and bruisinghimsel f wi th stones . 6 And whenhe saw Jesus from afar, he ran

and worshiped him ; 7 and cry

ing ou t with a loud voice, hesaid,

“What have you to do wi thme, Jesus , Son of the Most H igh

God? I adjure you by God, do

not torment me .

” 8 For he had

said to him ,

“Come ou t of the

man, you unclean sp iri t !”

Luke -3 9

26 Then they arrived at thecountry of the Gerasenes,

e whichis Opposi te Galilee .

27 And ashe stepped out on l and, theremet him a man from the city

who had demons ; for a longtime he had worn no clo thes,and he l ived not in a housebut among the tombs .


3 0 Now a herd of many swinewas feeding at some distance

from them .

3 1 And the demons

begged h im,

“If you cast us

ou t, send us away into the herd

of swine.

” 3 2 And he said to

th em,

“Go . 80 they came ou t

and went into the swine ; and

behold, the whole herd rushed

down the steep bank into the

sea, and perished in the waters .

33 The herdsmen


and going into the city they

told every thing, and what had

happened to the demon iacs .3 4 And behold, all the ci ty

came out to meet Jesus ; and

when they saw him,

they begged him to leavetheir neighborhood .

8 Greek, him.

MARK —20—LUKE —3 9

1 0 And he begged him eagerly

not to send them out of the

country .

1 1 Now a great herd of swinewas feedi ng there on the hill

side ; 1 2 and they begged him,

“Send us to the swine, let us

enter them .

1 3 So he gavethem leave . And the unclean

sp iri ts came ou t, and entered

the swine; and the herd,numbering about two thousand,rushed down the. steep bank into

the sea, and were drowned in

the sea.

14 The herdsmen


and told i t in the ci ty and

in the country . And peop le

came to see what i t was that

had happened .

1 5 And they came

to Jesus, and saw the demoniac

si tting there, clothed and in

his right mind, the man who

had had the legion ; and they

were afraid .

1 6 And those who

had seen i t told what had

happened to the demoniac andto the swine .

1 7 And they began

to b eg Jesus g to depart

from their neighborhood .

1 8 And as he wasget ting into the boat,the man who had been possessed

with demons begged him thathe might b e with him .

1 9 Buthe refused, and said to him,

“Go home to your friends , andtel l them how much the Lordhas done for you , and how he

has had mercy on you .

” 20 Andhe went away and began to pro

claim in the Decapolis how

much Jesus had done for him;and all men marveled .

3 1 And they begged him notto command them to depart intothe abyss .3 2 Now a large herd of swine

was feedi ng there on the hil l

s ide; and th ey begged h imto let them

enter these . So he gave themleave .

3 3 Then the demons cameou t of the man and entered the

swine, and the herd

rushed down the s teep bank into

the lake and were drowned .


he went away, pro

cl aiming throughout the wholeci ty how much Jesus had donefor him .

b text : B C D sa ; Gergesenes : S O bo ; Gadarenes : W S? sy°sy


34 When the herdsmen saw

what had happened, they fled,

and told i t in the city andin the country .

3 5 Then peop lewent ou t to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus,and found the man from whom

the demons had gone, si ttingat the fee t of Jesus, clothed

and in h is right mind ; and theywere afraid .

3 6 And those who

had seen it told them how he

who had been possessed wi th

demons was healed .

3 7 Then al l the people of

the surrounding country of the

Gerasenes h asked him to depart

from them ; for they were

seized wi th gr eat fear ; so he

got in to the boat and returned.

3 8 The man from whom the de

mons had gone begged that

he might b e with him ; but he

sent him away, saying,3 9 “Return to

_ your home, and

declare how much God

has done for you .

MARK —3 3—LUKE —4 7 MATT .



Matt . —26 55, p. 38)

18 While he was thus speaking

to them,

behold, a ruler came in

and knel t before him,

saying, Mydaughter has just

died ; but come and lay yourhand on her, and she will

l ive .

" 1 9 And

Jesus rose and followed him, wi th

his discip les .

20 And behold, a woman who

had suffered from a hemorrhage

for twelve years

came up behind him and

touched the fringe of his gar

ment . 21 For she said to her

self, If I only touch\ his gar

ment, I shall b e made wel l .

1 text : B D sy°sa ; add , and had spent all her living uponphy s icians : S A W (9 Si sy

e bo.

and those who were with him: S A C D W O A(15 5? it vg syp bo.


As he went, the peop le p ressedround him .

43 And a woman who had had

a flow of bloodfor twelve years 1 and couldnot b e healed by any one,

44 came up behind him, and

touched the fringe of hi s garment ;

and immedia tely herflow of blood ceased .

4 7 And when the woman

saw that she was not hi dden ,

she came trembling, andfall ing down before him de

clared in the presence of al l

the peop le why she had touched

him, and how she had beenimmediately heal ed .

5 text : B sy°sy

° sa ; add ,

Mark —43

21 And when Jesus had crossedagain in the boat to the other

side, a great crowd gatheredabout him ; and he was beside

the sea.22 Then came one of

the rulers of the synagogue,Jairus by name; and seeing him,

he fell a t his fee t, 23 and

besought him, saying,“My

l i ttle daughter is at the point

of death . Come and lay your

hands on her, so that she may

b e made wel l , and l ive.

24 And he went wi th him . And a

great crowd followed him and

pressed round him .

25 And there was a woman who

had had a flow of blood for

twelve years, 26 and who hadsuffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that

she had, and was no better but

ra ther grew worse .27 She had

heard the reports about Jesus,and came up behind him in the

crowd and touched his garment .28 For she said,

“If I touch

even his garments, I shall b e

made wel l ." 29 And immediately

the hemorrhage iceased ; and she

fel t in her body that she was

healed of her di sease.3 0 And

Jesus, perceiving in himselfthat power had gone forth from

h im, immediately turned about

in the crowd, and said,“Who

touched my garments?” 3 1 And

his disciples said to him ,

“You see the crowd pressing

around you , and yet you say,‘Who touched me?’ 3 2 And helooked around to see who had

done i t . 3 3 But the woman ,knowing what had been done toher, came in fear and trembling

and fel l down before him, andtold him the whole tru th .

Luk e 83104 56

40 Now when Jesus returned,the crowd welcomed him,

forthey were al l wai ting for

him.4 1 And there cam e a man

named Jairus, who was aruler of the synagogue; and

fall ing at Jesus ’ feet he

besought him to come to hishouse, 42 for he had an only

daughter, about twelve year sof age, and she was dying.

4 5 AndJesus said,

“Who was i t thattouched me?" When al l deniedi t, Peter J

said,“Master, the

multi tudes surround you and

press upon you !"

46 But Jesussaid,

“Some one touched me;for I perceive that powerhas gone for th from me.

108- 109 MATT —58—MARK —6


Ma tt . —58

(13 .

-5 1-52, § 103 , p . 71

53 And when Jesus had finished these

parables, he went away from there,5 4 and

coming to h is own country he

taught them in their synagogue, so that

they were astonished , and said,“Where

did this man get thiswisdom and these mighty works?

5 5 Is no t this

the carpenter's son? Is no t his mother

called Mary? And are no t his brothers

James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?5 6 And are not all his sisters wi th us? Wherethen did this man ge t all this?

” 5 7 Andthey took offense 1 at him . But Jesus said

to them, A prophet is not without honorexcep t in his own country

and in his own house .

” 5 3 And hed id not do many m ighty works there,

because of their unbel ief.

Mark 6 : 1—6a

Andthey took offense 1 at him .

4 And Jesus saidto them , A prophet is not wi thout honor,excep t in h is own country , and among hisown k in, and in his own house .

” 5 And hecould do no m ighty work there, excep t

that he laid his hands upon a few sick

peop le and healed them .6 And he marveled

because of their unbel ief .


Matt . 9—1 1, 14

58, p .

And Jesus went abou t

al l the ci ties and villages,teaching in their synagogues

and preaching the gospel of the

kingdom, and healing every d is

ease and every infirm ity .


To Matt . cf. John — The Jews marveled at it, saying,“How is it that this man has learning .

when he has never stud ied? ”

To Matt . cf. John — They said,

Mark 6 : 6b—13

6b And he wentthe villages

Luk e —6

(Cf.—12, s 139, p. 1 02)


know? How does he now say ,‘ I have come down from

To Mat t . cf. John — For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country .

To Matt . cf. John — For even his brothers did not believe in him .

1 O r, s tumbled.

Is not this Jesus, the son ofJoseph, whose father and moth er we

1 He went away from there and came tohis own coun try ; and his d iscip les fol

lowed h im .

2 And on the sabbath he beganto teach in the synagogue ; and many whoheard him were astonished, saying,

“Wheredid this man get all this? What is the

wisdom given to h im? What mighty worksare wrought by his hands ! 3 Is not thisthe carpenter, the sonof Mary and brother ofJames and Joses and Judas and Simon


and are not his sisters here with us?

MATT.—2— MARK —16— LUKE —9

And he cal led to h im

hi s twelve discip les and gave

them authori ty over unclean

sp iri ts, to cas t them out, and

to heal every disease and every

infirmi ty .

9 Take no gold, nor si lver, nor

copper in your bel ts , 1 0 no

b ag for your journey, nor two

tun ics, nor sandals, nor a

staff ; for the laborer deserves

his food .

11 And whatever town or village

you enter, find ou t who is

worthy in i t, and stay wi th h im

unti l you depart .1 4 And

if any one wi l l not rece ive you

or l is ten to your words, shake

off the dust from your fee t as

you leave that house or town .


M att . —2

1 At that time Herod the tet

rarch heard about the fame ofJesus ; 2 and he said to his

servan ts, This is John the

Bap tist, he has been raised

from the dead ; that is whythese powers are at work in

him .

7 And he called to himthe twelve, and began to send

them out two by two, and gave

them authority over the unclean

sp iritsfi"

8 He chargedthem to take nothing for their

journey excep t a staff ; no

bread, no bag, no money in

their bel ts ; 9 but to wear

sandals and not pu t on two

tunics .1 0 And he said to them, Whereyou enter a house, stay there

until you leave the p lace .

1 1 And

if any p lace will not receive

you and they refuse to hear

you , when you leave, shake off

the dust that is on your feet

for a tes timony agai nst them .

1 2 So they went out and preached

that men should repent . 1 3 Andthey cast out many demons, and

anointed wi th o il many thatwere sick and healed them .

M ark —16

14 King Herod

heard of i t; for Jesus’m name

had become known . Some n said ,“John the bap tizer has been


from the dead ; that is whythese powers are at work in

him .

1 5 But others said,“I t

Elij ah . And others said,“I t is a prophe t, l ike one ofthe prophe ts of old .

” 1 6 But

when l—lerod heard of i t he said,“

John, whom I beheaded, hasbeen raised .


1 And he called the

twelve together and gave them

power and authori ty over al l

demons and to cure diseases ,2 and he sent them ou t to

preach the kingdom of God andto 3 And he sa id to


“Take nothing for your

journey, no s taff, nor

b ag, nor bread, nor money ; anddo no t have two tunics .

4 And whatever house

you enter,s tay there, and from

there depart . 5 Andwherever they do not receive

you , when you leave that town

shake off the dust from yourfeet

as a tes timony against them .

6 And they dep arted and wentthrough the villages, preaching the gospel and heal ingeverywhere .


Luke —9

7 Now Herod the te t

rarch heard of al l that was

done, and he was p erp lexed,

because i t was said by somethat John had been raisedfrom the dead,

M ark -15 72, p . 54) : 14 And he appointed twelve, to b e with him ,and to be sent out to preach

1 5 and have authority to cas t out demons .

m Greek, his .

n text : B D W it ; he said : S A C (9 X (I) S? vg syasy

p sa bo .

8 by some thatEl i j ah had appeared, and by

others that one of th e old

prophets had risen .

9 Herod said,John I beheaded ; but who isthis about whom I hear such

things? ” And he sought to see

MATT.—12— MARK —29


Matt. —12

3 For Herod had se ized Johnand bound him and pu t him in prison, for

the s ake of Herodias . his bro ther Ph il ip’s

wife ; 0 4 becauseJohn said to him,

ful for you to have her.


5 And though he

wan ted to put him to death, he feared the

peop le, because they

held him to b e a prophet .

I t is not law

6 But when Herod’s

birthday came,

the daughter of Herodiasdanced before the company, and p leased


7 so that he promised wi th an oath to give

her whatever she might ask .

3 Promp ted by

her mother,

she said,Give me the head of John

the Bap t ist here on a p latter .9 And

the king was

of h is oaths and his guests

sorry ; but because

he commanded i t to b e given ;1 0 he sent and had John beheaded in

prison ,1 1 and his head was brought on a

platter and given to the girl, and

she brought i t to her mother . 1 2 And hisdiscip les came and took

the body and buried it ; and they wentand told Jesus .

Luke -20 5, p . 10) : 1 9 But Herod the te trarch,who had been reproved by him for Herodias , his

brother’s wife, and for al l the evil things that Herod had done, 2° added this to them all , that b e shut up Johnin prison.

M ark —29

17 For Herod had sent and se ized John,and bound him in prison forthe sake of Herodias , his brother Philip

’swi fe ; because he had marr ied her.

1 3 For

John said to Herod,“I t is not law

ful for you to have your brother’s wife .

1 9 And Herodi as had a“

grudge against him,

and wanted to kill him . But She could not,20 for Herod fear ed John, knowing that he

was a righteous and holy man, and kep t him

safe . When he heard him, he was much per

p lexed ; and yet he heard him gladly .

21 But an opportuni ty came when Herod on

his bir thday gave a banquet for his courtiers

and officers and the leading men of Galilee.

22 For when Herodias’ daughter came in and

danced, she p leased Herod and his gues ts ;and the king said to the girl , Ask me for

whatever you wish, and I wil l grant i t .”

23 And he vowed to her, Whatever you ask

me, I will give you , even half of my

kingdom .

” 24 And she went ou t, and sa id

to her mother, What shall I ask?” And

she said,“The head of John the bap ti zer .

25 And she came in immediately wi th haste!

to the king, and asked, saying,“I want

you to give me at once the head of John

the Bap tist on a p l at ter .

” 26 And

th e king was exceedingly sorry ; but because

of his oaths and h is guests he did not

want to break his word to her .

27 And

immediately the king sent a soldier of

the guard and gave orders to bring hishead . He went and beheaded . him in th e

prison,28 and brought his head on a

p latter, and gave i t to the gir l ; and the

girl gave i t to her mother .

29 When his

discip les heard of i t, they came and took

his body, and laid i t in a tomb .

° text : S B C W 9 A (P S? sy°syp sa bo ; his brother

’s wife : D it vg.


§ 1 13

1 8 And he said, Bring them

here to me.

” 1 9 Then he ordered

the crowds to si t downon the grass ;

and taking the five loaves and

the two fish he looked up toheaven, and blessed, and broke

and gave the loaves to

the discip les, and the discip les

gave them to the crowds.

20 And they all ate and weresatisfied . And they took up

twelve baskets ful l of the

broken p ieces left over.21 And those who ate

were about five thousand men,

besides women and children .

3 9 Then he command

ed them all to si t down bycompanies upon the green grass .40 So they sat down in groups,by hundreds and by fifties .41 And taking the five loaves and

the two fish he looked up to

heaven, and blessed, and brokethe loaves, and gave them tothe discip les to set beforethe pe0 p1e ; and he divided the

two fish among them all .42 And they all ate and weresatisfied .

43 And they took uptwelve baskets full of

broken p ieces and of the fish .

44 And those who ate the loaveswere five thousand men.

MATT.—27—MARK —50—LUKE —17

1 4 For there were about five

thousand men And he sai d to

his discip les, Make them sit

down in companies, about fifty each .

” 1 5 And they did so,

and made them all si t down .

1 6 And taking the five loaves andthe two fish he looked up to

heaven, and blessed and brokethem, and gave them tothe discip les to set beforethe crowd .

1 7 And al l ate and weresatisfied . And they took up

what was left over, twelvebaskets of broken p ieces .

—22,1 22

, pp ,88—89 )


Ma tt . —3 3

he made the22 Then discip les

get in to the boat and go before him to

the other side, while he

dismissed the crowds . 23 And after he haddismissed the crowds, he went up in to the

hills by himself to pray .

When evening came, he was therealone, 24 but

the boat by this time was many furlongs

distan t from the land,q beaten by the

waves ; for 'the wind was against them .

25 And in the fourth watch of the night

he came to them, walking on the sea .

26 But whenthe discip les saw him walking on the sea,

they were terrified,

ghost l

saying,“I t is a

And they cried ou t for fear .27 But immediately he

spoke to them, saying,is I ; have no fear .

“Take heart, i t

‘1 text : B O 4) sy°sy

°syp sa b o ; omit : many furlongs dis tantfrom the land, and insert : out on the sea : S C D W

k S? vg it .

To 113 cf. John -21 .

text : S A B W (i) sa bo ; omit zfor they saw him and put all at end of v .49 : D (9 it .

Mark —52

45 Immediately he made his discip les

get in to the boat and go before him tothe other side, to Be thsaida, while he

dismissed the crowd .

46 And after he hadtaken leave of them, he went into the

hills to pray .

47 And when even ing came, the boat was

ou t on the sea, and he was alone on the

land .

48 And he saw that they were dis

tressed in rowing,for the wind was against them .

And abou t the fourth watch of the nighthe came to them, walking on the sea. He

mean t to pass by them,4 9 but when

they saw him walking on the sea,

they thought i t was aghost, and cried ou t ;

50 for they al l sawhim r and were terrified . But immedi ately hespoke to them and said, Take hear t, i t

is I ; have no fear .

LUKE 9 : 17

28 And Peter answered him,

“Lord, i f

i t is you, bid me come to you on the

water . ” 29 He said,“Come. So Peter got

out of the boat and walked on the waterand came to Jesus ; 3 0 but when he saw

the wind,8 he was afraid, and beginning

to sink he cried ou t,“Lord, save me.

3 1 Jesus immediately reached out h is hand

and caught him, saying to him, 0 man of

li ttle fai th, why did you doubt?”

3 2 And when they got in to the boat, the

wind ceased .

3 3 And those in the boat

worshiped h im, saying, Truly you are

the Son of God .

MATT.—36—MARK —56

5 1 And he got in to the boat wi th them andthe wind ceased . And they were utterlyas tounded, 52 for they d id not unders tand about the loaves, but their heartswere hardened .


Matt . —36

34 And when they had crossed over, they

came to land at Gennesaret .

3 5And when the men of that p lace recog

nized him, they sent round to all thatregion and brought to him all that weresick,

3 6 and besought him that they might only

touch the fringe of his garment and asmany as touched i t were made well .

M ark —56

53 And when they had crossed over, they

came to land at Gennesaret, and moored tothe shore .

54 And when they got out of

the boat, immediately the peop le recognized him,

5 5 and ran about the whole

neighborhood and began to bring Sickpeop le on the ir pallets to any p lace

where they heard he was . 56 And whereverhe came, in villages, ci t ies, or country,they laid the sick in the market p l aces,and besought him that they might touch even

the fringe of hi s garment ; and as many

as touched i t were made wel l . *

*M att . 16, p . i 9)So his fame Spread throughoutall Syria, and they broughthim all the sick, those affl ictedwith var ious diseases and pains,demoniacs , ep ilep ti cs , and par alyrics , and he heal ed them .

Mark 7 1, p . 53)

For he had healed many , so

that all who had diseas es Dressedupon him to touch him .

Cf. al so 1 :32f. 14 , p . 18) .

text : S B sa b o ; s trong wind : C D G) h d) 3? it vg sy°sy


p; very


Luke -19 7 1 p . 53 )1 8And those who were troubledwith unclean spirits were cured .

1 9 And all the crowd soughtto touch him, for power cameforth from him and healedthem all .

Cf. also 4 z40f. 14, p . 18) .

s trong wind : W.



Ma tt . —20

I Then Pharisees and scr ibes came to

Jesus from Jerusalem

and said, 2“Why do your discip les

transgress the tradi tion of the

elders? For they do not wash the ir hands

when they eat .

” 3 He answered them,


why do you transgress the commandment of

God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For

God commanded,‘Honor your father and

your mother,’ and,

He who speaks evil of

father or mother, let him surely d ie.

5 But you say,‘If any one tells his father

or his mother, What you would have gained

from me i s given to God,It he need not

honor his fa ther . ’ 6 so, for the sake of

your tradi tion , you have made void the

word ? of God .7 You hypocri tes ! Wel l did

Isaiah prophesy of you , when he said :8 ‘This peop le honors me with their l ips,bu t their heart is far from me ;

9 in vain do they worship me,teaching as doctrines the precep ts

of men.

Ci . no . 3—6 .

Matt . M ark — Exodus Deuteronomy Exodus Levi ticus Matt . -9

Mark -7— Isaiah

Or, carefully wash ; text : A B D 9 d) 5? it sy

°sa ; frequently wash : S W vg sy

p bo . text : S B ;baptize : A D W G) d) 5? it vg sy


p ; sprinkle : sa ; bathe : bo .

" text : S B bo ; add, and beds : A D W(9 A d) 5? it vg sy

P sa . Greek, walk .

x Or,an oflering .

9 text : B D 9 it sy°sy


p sa bo Origen ;law : S C d) ; commandment : W k 3? vg .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrew s : The Jewish gospel has : The corban is what youwill gain from us .


Mark —23

1 Now when the Phari sees ga thered to

gether to him, with some of the scribes, who

had come from Jerusalem,2 they saw that some

of his di scip les ate with hands defil ed,

that is, unwashed .3 (For the Pharisees,

and all the Jews, do not eat unless they

wash t their hands, observing the tradi t ionof the elders ; 4 and when they come fromthe marke t p lace, they do not eat unlessthey purify u themselves ; and there are

many other tradi t ions which they observe,the washing of cups and pots and vesselsof bronze . )v 5 And the Pharisees and the

scribes asked him, Why do your discip lesnot l iveW accordi ng to the tradi tion of the

elders, but eat wi th h ands defiled?”

6 Andhe said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy

of you hypocri tes, as i t is wri tten,‘This peop le honors me wi th their l ip s,but their heart is far from me;

7 in vain do they worship me,

teaching as doctrines the precep ts

of men.

8 You leave the commandment of God, and

hold fast the tradi t ion of men.


9 And he said to them,

“You have a fine

way of rejecting the commandment of God,in order to keep your tradition ! 1 0 For

Moses said,‘Honor your father and your

moth er’; and‘

He who Speaks evil of fa theror mother, let him surely die


§ 1 16—I l 7 MATT.—30—MARK —34


Ma tt . —28

21 And Jesus went away from there and

withdrew to the district of Tyre and S idon .

22 Andbehold, a Canaani te woman from that regioncame ou t and cried, Have mercy on me, OLord , Son of David ; my daughter is severely

possessed by a demon .

” 23 But he d id not

answer her a word . And his d iscip les cameand begged him, saying,

“Send her away,for she i s crying after us .

” 24 He answered,

“I was sent only to the lost sheep of

the house of Israel . ” 25 But she came andknel t before him, saying,

Lord, help me.

26 And he answered ,

I tis not fair to take the children ’s breadand throw i t to the dogs . 27 She

said,“Yes, Lord, yet even the

dogs eat the crumbs thatfall from their masters' table.

" 23 ThenJesus answered her,

“0 woman , great is

your fai th ! Be i t done for you as youdesire .

And her daughter was healed instan tly .

Mark —30

24 And from there he arose and went awayto the region of Tyre and Sidon .

° And heentered a house and would not have any oneknow it ; yet he could not b e hi d.

25 Butimmediately a woman

whose l i t tle daughter was

possessed by an unclean sp iri t,

heard of him, and came andfel l down at his feet . 26 Now the womanwas a Greek, a Syrophoenician d by b ir th .

And she begged him to cast the demon outof her daughter . 27 And he said to her,

Let the children firs t b e fed, for i tis not right to take the ch ildren ’s breadand throw i t to th e dogs . ” 28 But she

answered him,

“Yes, Lord ; yet even the

dogs under the table eat the ch il dren'scrumbs ." 29 Andhe said to her, For this saying you may

go your way ; the_ demon has left your

daughter ." 3 0 And she went home, andfound the child lying in b ed, and the

demon gone .



Ma tt . —3 1

29 And j esus went on from there and

passed along the Sea of Gali lee. And he

went up in to the hills, and sat downthere.

3 0 And great crowds came to him,

bringing wi th them th e lame, the maimed,the bl ind, the dumb, and many others,and they put them at his feet, and he

healed them,

text : S A B Ad) S? vg syp sa bo ; omit, and Sidon: D W 9 it sy




an: sy°; Phoenician: D it; a Sy rian, a Phoenician by birth: d) sa bo.


M ark -3 7

3 1 Then he returned from the regionof Tyre, and went through Sidon tothe Sea of Galilee, through the region

of the Decapolis. 3 2 And they brought to

him a man who was deaf and had an impedi

ment in his speech ; and they besought himto lay his hand upon him .

3 3 And taking

him aside from the multi tude privately,he put his fingers in to his ears, and he

sp at and touched his tongue ; 3 4 and

looking up to heaven, he s ighed, and saidto him,

“Ephphatha ,”

that is,“Be Opened .

LUKE 9217 MATT.—3 9—MARK

3 1 so that

the crowd wondered, when they saw the

dumb speaking, the maimed whole, the lame

walking, and the blind seeing; and they

glorified the God of Israel .


(Cf. Matt . 14 .

-13—21 Mark —44 Luke - 1 7, g 1 12, pp.79—80)

Matt . —3 9

32 Then Jesus called his discip les to him

and said,“I have comp assion on

the crowd, because they have been wi th me

now three days, and have no thing to eat ;

and I am unwi l ling to send them away hungryles t they faint on the way .


3 3 And the discip les said to him, Whereare we to get bread enough in the desert

to feed so great a crowd?" 3 4 And Jesus

said to them “How many loaves have you?”

They said, Seven, and a few small fish .

3 5 And commanding the crowd to sit down on

the ground, 3 6 he took the seven loaves

and the fish, and having given thanks he

broke them and gave them to th e di scip les,and the discip les gave them to the crowds .

3 7And they all ate and were

satisfied; and they took up seven baske tsfull of the broken p ieces left over .3 3 Those who ate were four thousand men, b e

sides women and chi ldren .

3 9 And sending

away the crowds, he got in to the

boat and went to the

region of Magadan .

° text : S A B C W 5? vg syP sa b o ; Melegada : D ; Magdala : 6 A d) ; Magadan: it sy

3 5 And his ears were opened, h is tonguewas released, and he spoke p lainly .

3 6 And he charged them to tell no one; butth e more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed i t . 3 7 And theywere astonished beyond measure, saying,“He has done all things well ; he evenmakes the deaf hear and the dumb speak .

Mar k 821—101 In those days, when again a great

crowd had gathered, and they had nothing

to eat, he cal led his di scip les to him,

and said to them,2 “I have compassion on

the crowd, because they have been wi th me

now three days, and have nothing to eat ;

3 and if I send them away hungry to theirhomes, they will faint on the way ; and

some of them have come a long way .

4 And his di scip les answered him,

“How can

one feed these men with bread here in the

desert? 5 And heasked them, How many loaves have you?

They said,“Seven .

6 And he commanded the crowd to si t down on

the ground ; and he took the seven loaves,and having given thanks he

broke them and gave them to his di scip les

to set before the pe0 p1e ; and they set them

before the crowd .7 And they had a few

small fish ; and having blessed them, he

commanded that these also should b e se t

before them .

8 And they ate, and were

satisfied ; and they took up the broken

p ieces left over, seven baskets full .9 And there were about four thousand peop le .

1 0 And he sent them

away ; and immediately he go t in to the

boat wi th his discip les, and went to the

district of Dalmanu tha .


Ma tt . —4

1 And the Pharisees

and Sadducees came, and

to tes t him they asked

him to show them a sign

from heaven .

2 He

answered them,f “When

i t is evening, you say,

‘It will b e fair wea

ther ; for the sky i s

red .

’ 3 And in the

morning,‘I t will b e

s tormy today, for the

sky i s red and threat

ening .

You know how to

in terpre t the appearance

of the sky, but you can

not interpret the signs

of the times .

4 “An evil and adul

terous generation seeksfor a sign, but no sign

shall b e given to i texcep t the sign of

MATT.—4—MARK —13


Matt . —39

3 7, I) .

63 )

38 Then some of the

scribes and Pharisees

said to him,

“Teacher,we wish to see a signfrom you .

” 3 9 But heanswered them,

An evil and adul

M ark —13

1 1 The Pharisees cameand began to argue wi thh im, seeking from him

a sign from heaven , totest him.

1 2 And he

sighed deep ly in hi s

sp iri t, and said,

Why doesterous generation seeks this generation seek

for a sign ; but no signshall b e given to i t

excep t the sign of the

Jonah . So he left them prophet Jonah .


and dep arted .

a sign? Truly, Isay to you, no signshall b e given to this

generation .

" 1 3 And heleft them, and get ting

into the boat again he

departed to the other

side .


f text : C D W (9 A 9 it vg syp bo ; the following words to the end of vers e 3 are omitted : S B d) sy °

sy“sa .

To M att . cf. John —So they said to him, Then what s ign do you do, that we may see, and bel ieveyou

? Vl hat work do you perform?”

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l ac cording to the Hebrew s: That which is marked by an as terisk in the othergospels is not found in the j ewish gospel e i ther .


p .1 08)

29 When the crowds

were in creasing, he

began to say,149, p. 1 06)

while o thers, to try

him, sought from him

a sign from heaven .

12254—56 160, P54 He also sai d to

the multi tudes, When

you see a cloud ri sing in

the west, you say at

once,‘A shower is

coming’ ; and so i t

happens .5 5 And when

you see the south wind

blowing, you say,‘There

will b e scorch ing heat’ ;and i t happens . 5 6 You

hypocrites ! You know

how to interp ret the

appearan ce of earth and

sky; but why do you notknow how to in terpre t

the present time?"

“This generati on

is an evil genera tion ;i t seeks a sign, butno sign shall b e gi ven to

i t excep t the s ign of

Jonah .


-121—122 MATT.-3—16—MARK —29—LUKE —20


Mark —26

22 And they came to Bethsaida . And some peop le brought to him a bl ind man, andbegged him to touch h im.

23 And he took the bl ind man by the hand, and led him ou t of

the village; and when he had sp i t on his eyes and laid his hands upon him, he asked him,

“Do you see anything?” 24 And he looked up and said, 1 see men; but they look l iketrees, walking.

” 25 Then again he l aid hi s hands upon his eyes ; and he looked in tentlyand was res tored, and saw every thing clearly .

26 And he sent him away to hi s home,saying, Do not even enter the village.

” h



Matt . —23 Mark —3 3

13 Now when Jesus came

in to the district

of Caesarea Ph ilipp i,he asked his discip les,

Who do men say that the Son of

man is?” 1 1 4 And they said,“Some say John the Bap t ist,others say Elijah, and others

Jeremiah or one of the prophe ts.1 5 He said to them,

“But who

do you say that I am?” 1 6 Simon

Peter replied, You are the

Chris t the Son of the l iving

God .

h text : B S sy°sy

p sa b o ; add, nor tell it to any in the village : A C D O (b R.

i text : S B vg sa bo ;

Who do men say that I, the Son aj man, am? : C D W O d) 5? it sy°syP Irenaeus .

5met him: B .

To 121 cf. John -7 .

To M att . cf. John -69 : 5 5 Simon Peter answered him,Lord

,to whom shall we go? You have the

words of eternal life ; 6 9and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy O ne of God .


27 And Jesus went on with

his disciples, to the villages

of Caesarea Philipp i ; and on

the way he asked h is di scip les,“Who do men say that I am?

28 And they told him ,

“John the Bap tis t ;and others say, El ijah; and others

one of the prophets .29 And he asked them,

“But who

do you say that I am?” Peter

answered him, You are the

Chris t .”

Luke —22- 1 7 , 1 12, pp . 79—8 0)

18 Now i t happ ened that ashe was praying alone the di s

cip les were wi th him; J'

and he asked them,

Who do the peop le say that Iam?" 1 9 And they answered,

“John the Bap t ist ;but others say, Elij ah ; and others

th at one of the old prophe ts hasrisen .

” 20 And he said to them,

“But who do you say that I am?"

And Pe ter answered,“The

Chri st of God .

MATT.—23—MARK —3 3— LUKE —22

And Jesus answered him,

“Blessed are you, S imon BarJonal For flesh and blood has

not revealed this to you, but

my Father who is in heaven .

1 8 And I tell you , you are Peter, kand on this rock 1 I will build

my church, and the powers of

death In shall not prevail againstit . 1 9 1 will give you the

keys of the kingdom of heaven,and whatever you bind on earth

shall b e bound in heaven, and

whatever you loose on earth

shal l b e loosed in20 Then he strictly chargedthe discip les to tell no one

that he was the Chri s t .21 From that t ime Jesus ’l1

began to show his disciplesthat he must go to Jerusalemand suffer many things

from the elders andchief priests and scribes,and b e killed, and on the thirdday b e raised.

22 And Peter took him and beganto rebuke him, sayi ng,


forbid, Lord !‘

This shall neverhappen to you .

” 23 But he

turned and said to Peter, Get

behind me, Satan ! You are ahindrance ° to me ; for you are

not on the side of God, butof men .

* Matt . 134, p .99 ) :

3 0 And he charged

them to tell no one

about him .

3 1 And

began to teach them

that the Son of man mustsuffer many things, and b e

rejected by the elders and the

chief priests and the scribes,and b e killed, and after threedays rise again .

32 And he said this p lainly .

And Peter took him, and began

to rebuke him .

3 3 But turning andseeing his disciples, he re

buked Peter, and sai d, Get

behind me, Satan !

For you are

not on the s ide of God, butof men.

and whatever you loose on earth will b e loosed in heaven .

k Greek,Petros .

1 Greek, petra .

syp sa ; add

,Chris t : S B bo ; omit both names : Irenaeus , Origen .

1“Greek, the gates of Hades .

21 But he charged and commanded them to tell this to no one,

22 saying, The Son of man must

suffer many things, and b erejected by the elders and

chief priests and scribes,and b e killed, and on the thirdday b e raised.


Truly, I say to you , wh atever you bind on earth will b e bound in heaven,

° text : C D W ® X ¢ R it vg sy°

Greek, s tumbling bloc/c.

To M att . of. John -23 : 22And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them,

Receive the Holy Spirit .“ If you forgive the s ins of any, they are forgiven ; if you retain the sins of any, theyare retained .

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to th e Hebrew s : The Jewish gosp el has : son of j ohn for Bar-] ona .


MATT.—28— MARK — LUKE -27


Matt . - 28

24 Then Jesus told his dis

cip les,

If any man

would come after me, let h im

deny himsel f and take up his

cross and follow me.

25 For whoever would save his

life wi ll lose i t, and whoever

loses his l ife for my sakewill find i t .


26 For what will i t profi ta man, i f he gains the wholeworld and forfei ts

his l ife? Or what shall aman give in return for hisl ife?

27 For the Son of man is tocome with his angels in the

glory of his Fa ther, and thenhe wi ll repay every man for

what he has done.

And he said to them,

28 Truly, I say to you, there Truly, I say to you, there

are some standing here who are some standing here who

will not taste death before will not taste death before

they see the Son of man they see the kingdom of God

com ing in his kingdom . come with power .”

M att . -3 9 62, pp .45-46)3 3 “And he who does not take his cross and followme is not worthy of me .

3 9 He who finds his lifewill lose it and he who loses his life for my sak ewill find it .

my dis cip le .

preserve it .”

M att . 60, p .45) :“But whoever de

nies me before men,I al so will deny before my

Father who is in heaven.

M att . — Psalm

God .

Luk e —27

23 And he

26 For whoever is ashamedof me and of my words,

of him will theSon of man b e ashamed

when hecomes in hi sglory and the glory of the Fatherand of the holy angels .

27 But I tell you truly, thereare some standing here who

will not tas te death beforethey see the kingdom of God .


Luk e “Whoever does nothear his own cross and come after me

,cannot be

184 , p . 126) :“Whoever seek s to gain

his life wil l lose it,but whoever loses his life wi ll

Luke 155,“But he who denies

me before men will b e denied before the angels of

P text : STA B W 4) sa bo ; whoever loses his lifefor the gospel’

: sake will save it : P “D it sy°

To M att . and p aral lels cf. John — “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life inthis world will keep it for e ternal life .

M ark

34 And he called to him the

multi tude with his discip les,and said to them, If any manwould come after me, let himdeny himself and take up his

cross and follow me .

3 5 For whoever would save hi s

l ife wil l lose i t ; and whoever

loses his l ife for my sake andthe gospel

’s wi l l save i t .”3 6 For what does i t profi t

a man, to gain the wholeworld and forfei this l ife? 3 7 For what can aman give in re turn for hisl ife? 3 8 For whoever is ashamed

of me and of my words in

this adul terous and sinful

generation , of him will the

Son of man also b e

when hecomes in theglory of h is Father with the

holy angels .”

said to al l ,“If any man

would come af ter me, let him

deny himself and take up hi s

cross daily and follow me .

24 For whoever would save his

life wil l lose i t ; and whoever

loses hi s li fe for my sake,he wil l save i t .

25 For what does i t profi ta man if he gains the wholeworld and loses or forfe i tshimself?

125—126 MATT.—15—MARK —18—LUKE —39


M att .

9 And as they were coming down the

mountain, Jesus commanded them,

“Tel l no

one the vision, until the Son of

man is raised from the dead .

1 0 And the discip les asked him,

Then why do the scribes say that firs t

El ij ah must come? 1 1 He rep l ied,“Elij ah does come, and he is to restore all

thi ngs ;v. 12 b

12 but I

tel l you that Elijah has already come, andthey did not know him, but did to him

whatever they p leased .

So alsoat their hands .

the Son of man will1 3 Then the discip les


understood that he was speaking to them of

John the Bap tist .


Ma tt . —21

see above 11 . 9

14 And when they came to the


a man came

up to him and kneel ing beforehim said, 1 5 “Lord, havemercy upon my son, for he is

an ep ilep t ic and he suffersterribly ; for often he fallsin to the fire, and often intothe water .

Matt . -1 1 Mark -12— Malachi -6 .

Mark —29

see above 11. 9

14 And when they came to the

discip les, they saw a gr eat

crowd about them, and scribesarguing wi th them .

1 5 And immediately al l the crowd, when theysaw him, were greatly amazed,and ran up to him and greeted

him .

1 6 And he asked them ,

“What are you discussing wi ththem?" 1 7 And one of the crowdanswered him,

“Teacher, 1

brought my son to you , for hehas a dumb sp iri t ; 1 8 and wherever i t seizes him, i t dasheshim down ; and he foams andgrinds his tee th and becomesrigid ;

see below 22

Mark 9 : 12b— Psalm Isai ah

Luk e —43 a37 On the next day, when

they had come down from the

mountain, a great crowd met


3 8 And behold , a man from the

crowd cried,“Teacher, I b eg you

to look upon my son, for he is

my only child ; 3 9 and behold ,a sp iri t se izes him, and he

suddenly cries ou t ; i t con

vulses him till he foam s,and shatters him, and willhardly leave him .

Matt . Mark — 1 K ings 10 .

Mark —13

9 And as they were coming down the

mountain , he charged them to tel l noone what they had seen, until the Son ofman should have risen from the dead .

1 0 So‘

they kep t the matter to themselves,ques tioning what the rising from the deadmeant 1 1 And they asked him,

Why do the scribes say that firstEl i j ah must come?

" 1 2 And he said to them ,

“Elijah does come firs t to restore al lth ings ; and how is i t wri t ten of the Son

of man, that he should suffer many thingsand b e treated with con temp t? 1 3 But Itell you that Elij ah has come, and

they did to him

whatever they p leased, as i t i s wri ttenof him .


1 3 And I brought him to your

disciples, and

they could not heal him .

1 7 And Jesus answered,“0

fai thless and perverse generation,how long am I to b e with you?

How long am I to bear with you?Bring him here to me.

1 3 And Jesus rebuked him,

and the demon came ou t of him,

and the boy was cured instantly.

1 9 Then the disciples came2 3 And when he had entered

to Jesus privately and said,the house, his discip les asked him

Why could we not cast i t privately,“Why could we not cast

ou t?" i t ou t?”

‘1 Greek,he.

v text : P45 S A B C W sy°sa bo ; add, with tears : D 6 d) S? it vg sy


To Matt . cf. John — Jesus said to him,

“Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not knowme, Phil ip ? He who has seen me has seen the Father ; how can you say,

‘Show us the F


—19—MARK —28—LUKE —43 § 126

and I asked your disc iples to 40 And I begged your discast i t ou t, and ciples to cast‘ i t out, butthey were not able. they could not .

1 9 And he answered them, 0 4 1 Jesus answered, 0

fai thless generation, faithless and perverse generation ,

how long am I to b e wi th you? how long am I to be with youHow long am I to bear wi th you? and bear with you?Bring him to me .

" 20 And Bring your son here .

” 42 Whilethey brought the boy to him ; he was coming, the demon toreand when the sp iri t saw him , him and convulsed h iimmediately i t convulsed the

boy,and he fel l on the ground

and rolled about, foaming at

the mouth .

21 And Jesus“l asked

his father,“How long has he

had this? And he said,“From

childhood .

22 And i t has often

cast him into the fire and into

the water, to des troy him ; but

if you can do anything, have

p i ty on us and help us .

” 23 And

Jesus said to him, If you can !

All things are possible to him

who believes ." 24 Immedi ately

the father of the child cried

ou t v and said,“I bel ieve ; help

my unbel ief !" 25 And when Jesus

saw that a crowd came running

toge ther, he rebuked th e unclean But Jesus rebuked the uncleansp iri t, saying to i t,

“You sp iri t,dumb and deaf sp iri t, I command

you , come out of him, and never

enter him again .

” 26 And after

crying out and convulsing himterribly, i t came out, and the

boy was like a corp se ; so that

most of them said,“He i s dead .

27 But Jesus took him by the and healed the boy and gave him

hand and l ifted him up , and he back to h is father. 4 3 And allarose . were astonished at the majes

ty of God .


20 He said to them, Because

of your li t tle fai th . For truly,I say to you , i f you have fai th

as a grain of mustard seed, you

wi ll say to this mountain ,‘Move hence to yonder p lace,

and i t will move ; and nothing

will b e impossible to29 And he said to them, This

kind cannot b e driven out by

anything but prayer.”x

MATT.—27— MARK —32— LUKE —45

180, p. And

the Lord sai d

If you b ad fai thas a grain of mustard seed, you

could say to this sycamine tree,‘

Be rooted up , and b e p lanted


Ma tt . —23

22 As they were gathering ?

in Gal ilee,

Jesus said to them,


Son of man is to b e del iveredinto the hands ofmen,

23 and theywil l ki l l him,

and he will b e raised on

the third day.


And they weretressed .

greatly dis

Mark —32

30 They went on from thereand passed through Gal ilee . Andhe would no t have any one knowit ; 3 1 for he was teaching his

discip les, saying to them, The

Son of man will b e del iveredinto the hands of men, and they

will kill him ; and when he is

killed, after three days he willrise .

" 3 2 But they did not un

derstand the saying,

and they were afraid to ask

him .


Matt . —27

in the sea,’

and i t would

obey you .

Luk e 9 :43b—4543h But whi le they were al l

marvel ing at everything he did,he sai d to his di scip les,44 “Let these words sink intoyour ears ; for the

Son of man is to b e del iveredinto the hands of men.

4 5 But they did not um

derstand this saying, and i twas concealed from them, thatthey should not perceive i t ;and th ey were afraid to askhim about thi s saying .

24 When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the half-Shekel tax went up to

Pe ter and said, Does not your teacher pay the tax?” 25 He said,“Yes .

” And whenhe came home, Jesus Spoke to him first, saying,

“What do you think, Simon? Fromwhom do kings of the earth take toll or tribute? From their sons or from Others?”26 And when he said,

“From others, Jesus said to him,

“Then the sons are free.

27 However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook, and take the

firs t fish that comes up , and when you Open i ts mouth you wil l find a shekel ; takethat and give i t to them for me and for yourself .

="Matt . 201, pp . l 4o And Jesusanswered them,

“Truly , I say to you, if you havefaith and never doubt, you will not only do whathas been done to the fig tree, but even if you say tothis mountain,

‘Be taken up and cas t into the sea,


will be done .

Matt . — Exodus

w text : S B O sy°sy

°sa b o ; add verse 21 :

Of. also MarkC D W k d) 5? it vg syp Origen .

A C D W O t fi vg syssy

p sa bo.

S? sa bo .

Mark -23 201, pp . l 40 22 And

Jesus answered them,Have faith in God .

I say to you,whoever says to this mountain,

‘Be taken up and cas t into the sea,

’and does

not doubt in his heart,but bel ieves that what he says

2“Truly ,

will come to pass , it will b e done for him .

But this kind never comes out except by pray er andfas ting”: P45 A

x text : S B Clemen t ; add, and fas ting : P‘5

y text : S B it vg ; abode or,were returning to : C D W 9 d)

To Mark cf. John — After this J esus went about in Gal ilee ; he would not go about in Judea, becausethe Jews sought to kill him.



5“Whoever receives one such Whoever rece ives one such

MATT.—MARK —4 1— LUKE —50

Whoever receives thischild in my name receives me .

” child in my name rece ives me ; child in my name rece ives me,

and whoever



see 9 b

receives me,

receives no t me but him who sent receivesreceives me

him who sentme ; * for he who is least

among you all is the one whois great .

and whoever


Mark —4 1

38 John said to him,

“Teacher, we saw aman casting ou t demons in your name,

z and

Luke —50

49 John answered,“Master, we saw a

man cast ingo u t demons in your name, and

we forbade him, because he was not we forbade him, because he does notfollowing us . follow wi th us .

3 9 But Jesus said,“Do not 5 0 But Jesus said to him, Do not

forbid him ; for no one who does a mighty forbid him ;work in my name will b e able soon afterto speak evil of me.

40 For he that is not against u s i s forus ." 4 1 For truly, I say to you , whoever

for he that is not against you i s forst ar

gives you a cup of water to drink becauseyou bear the name of Christ, will by nomeans lose his

—56, § 13 7, p .

1 01 )

Matt . 63 , p .46) :“He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who

sent me .

” Cf. also Luke 139 , p . 103 ) .* * Matt . 86

, p . 62) Luke 149 , p . 107 ) :and he who does not gather with me scatters .

M att . 63 , p .46) :“And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup or cold water

because he is a discip le, truly, I say to you ,he shal l not lose his reward .

He who is not with me is agains t me ,

‘ text : S B C O sy'syp sa bog add, who does not follow us : A D W X (I) vg.

To M ark and Luke cf. J Ohn— 44 And Jesus cried out and said,

“He who believesin me , believes not in me but in him who sent me .

45 And he who sees me sees him who sent me .

” Truly ,truly, I say to you,

he who receives any one whom I send rece ives me ; and he who receives me receives him who

sent me .

To Mark and Luke cf. Oxy rhynchus Papy rus 7224, fol . 2 recto, col . 7 :“For he who is not agains t

you is for you . He who today is far away will tomorrow b e near you .


Ma-tt . —9

6 But whoever causes one of

these l i tt le ones“

who bel ieve

in me to sin,21 i t would b e

be tter for him to have a greatmi llstone fastened round his

neck and to b e drowned in the

dep th of the sea.

7“Woe to the world for

temp tations to s in ! b For i t i snecessary that temp ta tions

cOme, but woe to the man by

whom the temp ta tion comes !8 “And if your hand or your

foot causes you to sin ,3 cu t i t

off and throw it from you ; i t

i s bet ter for you to enter l ifemaimed or la-me than wi th two

hands or two feet to b e throwninto the eternal fire .

9 Andif your eye causes you to sin,


pluck i t out and throw i t from

you ; i t is better for you to

enter life withone eye than with two eyes tob e thrown into the hell 0 of

fire .

MATT.—9—MARK —48


M att . -30 23, p .22) : 29 “If your right eye causes you to s in, p luck it ou t and throw it away ; it is

better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body b e thrown in to hell . 3° And if your righthand causes you to s in, cut it off and throw it away ; it is better that you lose one of your members than thaty our whole body go into hell .

Mark — Isaiah

Greek, causes to s tumble.

b Greek : s tumbling blocks . Greek, Gehenna .

d Verses 44,

identical wi th verse 48— omi tted, S B C W syasa bo ; added, A D O d) 5? it vg sy



Mark —4 8

42 Whoever causes one Ofthese l i ttle o nes who believein me to sinfiiL i t would b e

be tter for him if a great

mi'lls tone were hung round hisneck and he were thrown int o the


4 3 “And if your hand

causes you to sin,3 cut i t

off ; i tis better for you to enter lifema imed than wi th two

hands to go

to hel l ,c to the unquenchable

fire .

d 45And if your footcauses you to sin,a cut it Off;i t is better for you to enter

life l ame than wi th two feet

to b e thrown into hell .c d 4 7 Andif your eye causes you to s in,


p luck i t out;i t is be tter for you to

enter the kingdom of God wi th

one eye than wi th two eyes to

b e throw'n into hell,c 4 8 where

their worm does not di e, and

the fire is not quenched .

Luke —2 178, p . 124)1 And he said to h is discip

les ,“Temp tations to sin b are

sure to come ; but woe to h imby whom they come ! 2 I t wouldb e bet ter for h im if a m ill


were hung round. h is neck

and he were cas t in to the sea,

th an th at he should cause one

of these li ttle ones sin .a

§ 132—133 MATT .—14— MARK —50


Matt . 20, p. 21 ) M ark 9 :49L 50

49 For every one will b e

sal ted wi th fire .


You are the sal t of the earth ; 50 Sal t is good ;bu t i f sal t has los t i ts taste, but if the sal t has los t i ts

how shall i ts sal tness b e re sal tness, how wi ll you seasonstored? I t is no longer good for i t?

anything excep t to b e thrown

out and trodden under foot bymen.


Have sal t in yourselves, andb e at peace with one another .


1 87, pp. 1 28—1 29)



Luke —35 171, p. 121 )

34 Sal t is good ;but if sal t has lost i ts tas te,how shall i ts sal tness b e re

stored? 3 5 I t is fi t ne i ther forthe l and nor for the dunghi l l ;men throw it away . He who hasears to hear, let him hear.

Matt . - 14 Luke - 7 1 72, p 121

10 See that you do not desp ise one ofthese l i t tle ones ; for I tell you that inheaven their angels always behold the

face of my Father who is in heaven fi

1 2 “What do you think? If a man has a

hundred sheep , and one Of them has goneastray, does he not leave the ninety-nine

on the hills and go in search Of the one

that went as tray? 1 3And if he finds i t,truly, I say to you, he rejoices over i tmore than over the ninety-nine that never

went astray .

14 SO i t i s not the will of myg Father who

is in heaven that one of these li ttle ones

should perish .

Mark — Levi ticus

° text : S B W sy°sa bo ; add

,and every sacrificewill be saltedwith salt : A C D O 4) 5? it vg sy


‘ textS'B G) A sy

°sa b o ; add verse 1 1 for the Son of man came to save the lost: D W (1) 9 it vg sy


. Cf. also Luke8 text : B 6) sy

ssa b o ;y our: S W 5? it vg sy


° ; our: D .

3 SO he told them this p arable4 “What man of you, having a

hundred sheep , i f he has los t one Ofthem, does not leave the n inety-n inein the wilderness, and go after the one

which i s lost, un til he finds i t? 5And

when he has found i t, he lays i t on hisshoulders, rejoicing.

6 And when he comes

home, he calls together hi s fri ends and

his neighbors, saying to them,

‘Rejoicewi th me, for I have found my sheep whi chwas los t. ’ 7 Just so, I tell you, therewill b e more joy in


heaven over one

s inner who repents than over ninety-n inerighteous p ersons who need no rep entance.




M att . - 35

23 Therefore the kingdom of heaven may b e compared to a king who wished tosettle accounts with his servants . 24 When he began the reckoning, one was brought tohim who owed h im ten thousand talents ; i 25 and as he could not pay, h is lord ordered

him to b e sold, with his wi fe and chi ldren and all that he had, and p ayment to b emade .

26 SO the servant fel l on his knees, imp loring him,

‘Lord, have patience wi thme, and I will pay you everything .

’ 27 And out Of p i ty for him the lord of that servan tr eleased him and forgave him the debt . 28 But that same servant, as he went out, cameupon one Of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii ; i and sei zing h imby the throat he said,

‘Pay what you owe.

’ 29 SO his fellow servant fell down andbesought him ,

‘Have patience wi th me, and 1 will pay you .

’ 3 0 He refused and wentand pu t him in prison till he should pay the debt . 3 1 When h is fellow servants sawwhat had taken p lace , they were greatly di s tressed, and they went and reported to theirlord all that had taken p lace .

3 2 Then his lord summoned him and said to him,


wicked servant ! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me ;3 3 and should

not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ 3 4 And in

anger his lord del ivered him to the jailers ,k t il l he should pay al l his debt . 3 5 So alsomy heavenly Father will do to every one of you, i f you do not forgive your brother

from your heart .”

pp ,128

M att . 30, p2 5) :“But if you do not forgive men their trespasses , neither will your Father forgive

your trespasses .

tal ent was probably worth about a thousand dollars .j The denarius was worth about twenty

cents .

k Greek : torturers .


MATT. LUKE —62 s 137—138

11 . LUKE’




Luk e —56

-50, § 130, p . 96)

5 1 Wh en the days drew near for him to b e received up , he set his face to go toJerusalem . And he sent messengers ahead of him,

52 who went and entered a villageof the Samari tans, to make ready for him ; 53 but the people would not receive him ,

because his face was set toward Jerusalem .

5 4 And when h is disciples James and Johnsaw i t, they said,

“Lord, do you want us to bid fire come down from heaven andconsume them?" 1 5 5 But he turned and rebuked them .

m 56 And they went on to anothervillage.


Matt . —22 49, p. 34)19 And a scribe came up and said to

him, Teacher, 1 wi l l follow you wher

ever you go .

” 20 And Jesus said to him,

Foxes have holes, and birds of the

air have nests ; but the Son of man hasnowhere to l ay his head.

21 Another of the discip les saidto him,

“Lord, le t me firs t go andbury my fa ther . ” 22 But Jesus said to him ,

“Follow me, and leave the dead to bury theirown dead .


Luke — I I Kings 12.

l text : P“6 S B vg syesy'sa ; add, as El ij ah did A C D “7 O ls d) 9 it sy

p bo .

Luke —62

57 And as they were going alongthe road, a man said to

him, I will follow you wher

ever you go .

” 58 And Jesus said to him,

Foxes have holes, and birds of the

air have nests ; but the Son Of man hasnowhere to lay his head .

5 9 To another he said, Follow me .

But he said, Lord, let me firs t go andbury my father . ” 60 But he said to him,

“Leave the dead to bury their own

dead ; but as for you , go and proclaimthe kingdom of God .

6 1 Another said,“I will follow you , Lord ; but let me firstsay farewel l to those at my home.

62 Jesus said to him,

“No one who puts hishand to the p low and looks back is fi t

for the kingdom of God .

m text : P45 S A BC W sy

°sa ; add,

and he said,“You do not know wha t manner of spirity ou are qf

” D ; and he said, 1”ou do not know what

manner of spirity ou are of for the Sonof man came not to destroy men’

s lives but to save them” O A d) 3? it vg sy°syD bo.

Cf. also Luke




Matt . - 38, - 16 39

Then he said

to h is discip les, The harves t is

plentiful , but the laborers are few;3 3pray therefore the Lord of the harvest

to send ou t laborers in to his harvest . ”

“LO , 1 send you ou t

as sheep in the midst of wolves ; so b e

wise as serpents and innocent as doves .9 Take no gold, nor silver, nor copp er

4 Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals ;in your bel ts, and salute no one on th e road .

1 0 1 no bag for your journey, nor two

tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff1 1 And whatever town or vi llage you enter, 5 Whatever house you enter,find out who is worthy in i t , and stay firs t say,

‘Peace b e to this house ! ’

with him until you - depart .1 2 As you

enter the house, salu te i t . 1 3 And if the

house i s worthy, let your peace come

upon i t ; but i f i t is not worthy, let

your p eace re turn to you .

for the laborer deserves his food .

7 And preach as you go, saying,‘


kingdom Of heaven is at hand .

’ 8 Heal

the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers ,cast ou t demons . You rece ived wi thout

pay, give without pay.

1 4 And if any one will not receive you

or l is ten to your words, shake Off the

dust from your feet as you leave that

house or town .

1 5 Truly, I say to you , i t shall b e more

tolerable on the day of judgment for the

l and of Sodom and Gomorrah than for thattown .

To Luke cf. M att . p .41 .

11 text : S A C W O x d) fi it syp b o ; seventy

-two : B D vg sy° sy

a sa Irenaeus .

To Luke cf. John Do you not say,‘There are yet four months, then comes the harves t

’? I tell

you , lift up your eyes , and see how the fields are already white for harves t.”

Luke —16

l Af ter this the Lord appointed sev

entyn O thers, and sent them on ah ead Of

h im, two by two, in to every town and

p lace where he himself was about to come .

And he said to them, The harvest is

p lentiful , but the laborers are few ;

pray therefore the Lord of the harves tto send ou t laborers in to his harvest .3 GO your way ; behold, I send you ou tas lambs in the mids t of wolves .

6 And i f a

son of peace i s there, your peace shallres t upon him ; bu t if not, i t shallre turn to you .

7 And remain in the same

house, eating and drinking what they

provide, for the l aborer deserv es his

wages ; do not go from house to hous e .

8 Whenever you enter a town and they

receive you , eat what is set before

you ;9 heal the sick in i t and say to


The kingdom of God has come near

to you .

’ 1 0 But whenever you enter a

town and they do not receive you , go into

i ts streets and say, 1 1 ‘Even the dust of

your town that cl ings to our feet, we

wipe Off against you ; nevertheless knowthis

,that the kingdom of God has come

near . ’ 1 2 1 tel l you, i t shal l b e more

tolerable on that day for Sodom th an for

that town .

142- 143

27 All things have been del ivered to me

by my Father ; and no one knows the Son

excep t the Father, and no one knows the

Father excep t the Son and any one to whom


22 All thi ngs have been del ivered to me

by my Father ; and no one knows who the Sonis excep t the Father, or who the

Father is excep t the Son and any one to whom

the Son chooses to reveal him . the Son chooses to reveal him.


Matt . - 17

16 But blessed are your eyes,for they see,

hear .

and your ears,

1 7 “Truly, I say to you , many prophetsand righteous men longed to see what you

and to hear

what you hear, and did not hear i t .see, and did not see i t,

92, p. 66)23 Then

said privately,which see what you see !for they

and kings

see, and did not

what you hear, and did not hear i t .

Luke —24

turning to the di sd p les he“Blessed are the eyes

24 “For I tel l you that many prophetsdesired to see what you

see i t, and to hear


Matt . —40 208, p . 147 )34 But when the Pharisees heard

that he had silenced the Sad

ducees, they came together .3 5 And one of them, a lawyer, ask

ed him a question, to tes t

him .3 6 “Teacher, which is the

great commandment in the law?

3 7 And he said to him,

You shall love the Lord your

God with all your heart, and

wi th all your soul , and wi th

all your mind .3 3 This is the

first and great commandment .3 9 And a second is l ike i t,You shall love your neighbor

as yoursel f . 40 On these two

commandments depend all the

law and the prophets .”

Luke — Deuteronomy

Mark —3 1 208, p. 147 )28 And one of the scribes cameup and heard them disputing withone ano ther, and see ing that he

answered them wel l, asked him ,


commandment is the firs t Of all?29 Jesus answered,

“The firs t

is,‘Hear, O Israel : The Lord

our God , the Lord is one ;

30 and you shall love the Lord

your God wi th all your heart, and

wi th all your soul, and with

all your mind, and wi th al lyour strength .

3 1 The second is this,‘You shall love your neighbor

as yourself . ’ There is noother commandment greater than



Luke —28

25 And behold, a lawyer stoodup to pu t h im to the test,saying,

“Teacher, what shallI do to inheri t eternal l ife? ”

26 He said to him,

“What is wri tten in the law? How do you

read?” 27 And he answered,“You shall love the Lord your

God with al l your hear t, and

wi th al l your soul, and wi thall your strength, and wi th al l

your mind ;

and your neighboras yourself . ” 23 And he sa id tohim ,

“You have answered right ;

do this, and you wil l live .

— Leviticus

Luke — “no one knew in Marcion, Justin, Tatian, Eusebius, Clement, but not in any manus crip ts .

To Luke and M att . cf. John — “The Father knows me and I know the Fat her .Cf. also John


MATT .—MARK LUKE —l l z4 § l 44—l 46


Luke —3 7

29 But he, desiring to justi fy himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor?3 0 Jesus rep l ied,

“A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among

robbers , who stripped him and beat him , and departed, leaving h im half dead .

3 1 Now

by chance a priest was going down that road ; and when he saw him he passed by onthe other side .

3 2 So l ikewise a Levi te, when he came to the p lace and saw him, p assed

by on the other side .

3 3 But a Samari tan , as he journeyed, came to where he was; and

when he saw him, he had compassion ,3 4 and went to him and bound up his wounds,

pouring on oil and wine ; then he set him on his own beas t and brought him to an inn ,

and took care of him .

3 5 And the next day he took ou t two denarii q and gave themto the innkeeper, saying,

‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, 1 willrepay you when I come back .

’ 3 6 Which of these three, do you think, proved neighborto the man who fell among the robbers?” 3 7 He said,

“The one who showed mercy

on him . And Jesus said to him,

“Go and do likewise .


Luk e -42

38 Now as they went on their way, he entered a village ; and a woman named

Martha received him into her house .3 9 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at

the Lord’s feet and l is tened to his teaching .

40 But Martha was distracted wi th muchserving; and she went to him and said,

“Lord, do you not care that my sis ter has leftme to serve alone? Tel l her then to help me .

” 4 1 But the Lord answered her, Martha,Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many th ings ; 42 one thing is needful .’

Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not b e taken away from her .

146 . THE LORD ’


Luke —4

Matt . —13 25) Luke —4

1 He was praying in a certain p lace,and when he ceased, one of his discip les

9 “Pray then like this : said to him,

“Lord, teach us to pray, as

Our Father who art in heaven, John taught h is discip les .” 2 And he said

Hallowed b e thy name. to them,

“When you pray, say1 0 Thy kingdom come, Father,s

Thy will b e done, hallowed b e thy name .

On earth as i t is in heaven . Thy kingdom come.

1 1 Give us this day our daily b read,t 3 Give us each day our daily bread; t1 2 And forgive us our debts, 4 and forgive us our sins

As we also have forgiven our for we ourselves forgive everyonedeb tors ; who is indebted to us ;

1 3 And lead us not into temp tation, and lead us no t in to temp ta tion .

But del iver us from evil . V

9 A denarius was worth about twenty cents . text : P“5 A C W O (I) Q vg sycsy

p sa ;few things are need

ful, or only one : P 3 S B A bo .

9 text : S B k vg sy‘ Marcion, Origen ; Our Father, who art in heaven : A C D

W O (b Q it sy°sy

p sa bo. Cf. also M atthew Or, our bread for the marrow. Or, the evil one.

V text : S B D bo ; add, for thine is the kingdom and thepower and the glory , forever . Amen : W O (1) Q sy°Sy

p sa bo

Didache .

To 145 cf. John 1 1 : 1ff —Now a certain man was ill , Lazarus of Bethany , the village ofMary and her s is terMartha .


147- 149 LUKE —16 MATT .—MARK


Luke —8

5 And he said to them, Which of you who has a friend will go to him at mi dnight

and say to him,

‘Friend, lend me three loaves ; 6 for a friend ofmi ne has arrived on a

journey, and I have nothing to set before him’

; 7 and he will answer from within,‘

DO not bother me; the door is now shut, and my chi ldren are wi th me in b ed ; I

cannot get up and give you anything’

? 3 I tell you, though he will not get up and

give h im anything because he is his friend, yet because of his importuni ty he wil l ri seand give him whatever he needs .


Matt . —l l 38, p. 29)7 Ask , and i t wi l l b e

given you ; seek, and you will find ; knock,to you .

every one who asks rece ives, and he whoand to him who knocks it

will_b e opened .

9 O r what man of you, if

and i t will b e Opened

seeks finds,

his son asks him for bread,

8 For


will givehim a stone? 1 0 Or if he asks for afish, will h im



1 1 If you then ,who are evil, know how to give goodgifts to your chi ldren , how much morewill your Father who is in heaven givegood things to those who ask him !

Luk e l l zL IS

9“And I tel l you, Ask, and i t wi ll b e

given you ; seek, and you will find ; knock,and i t will b e Opened to you .

1 0 Forevery one who asks receives, and he who

findswill b e opened .

1 1 What father among you, i fhis son asks for“? a

and to him who knocks i t

fish, will instead of a fish give him aserpent ; 1 2 orwill give him a scorp ion? 1 3 If you then,who are evil, know how to give goodgifts to your chi ldren, how much morewill the heavenly Fatherthe Holy Sp iri t to those who ask him !

i f he asks for an egg,



Matt . —30 85, p. 61 )22 Then abl ind and dumb de

moniac was brought to him , and

he healed him, so that the

dumb man spoke and saw.

23 And

all the peop le were amazed,and said


“Can this b e the Son

of David?" 24 But when the

Pharisees heard i t they said .

“I t is only by Beel zebul, the

prince of demons , that thisman cas ts ou t demons."

Mark - 27 85, p. 61 )

22 And the scribes who camedown from Jerusalem said,He i s possessed by Beel zebul ,and by the prince of demons hecas ts ou t the demons ."

Luke —2314 Now he was cas ting out a

demon that was dumb ; whenthe demon had gone out,the dumb man spoke, and

the peop le marveled .

1 5 But some of them said,

He cas ts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons" ;

1 6 while others , to tes t him,

sought from him a sign fromheaven .


Matt . -34 57 , p . 39) : 32 As they were going away, behold, a dumb demoniac was brought to

him .

3 3 And when the demon had been cas t out, the dumb man spoke ; and the crowds marveled, saying,“Never

was anything like this seen in Israel .” 3‘ But the Pharisees said ,

“He cas ts out demons by the prince of demons .

* * Cf. Matt . 87 , and Matt . Mark 119, p . see below Luke1 51 , p . 108) .

text : P“5 B sy8sa ; add , bread, will give him a s tone; or if he as ks for: S A D WO A (b 3? it vg sy

°syp bo .

Greek, Beelzebul .106

15 1- 153 LUKE —3 3 MATT .—MARK


Luk e —28

27 As he said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him,


is the womb that bore you , and the breasts that you sucked !” 28 But he sai d, Blessed

rather are those who hear th e word of God and keep i t !


Matt . —42 87, p . 63 )38 Then some of the scribes and Phar

isees said to him,

“Teacher, we wish to

see a S ign from you .

” 3 9 But he answered


“An evil and adul terous gen

cration seeks for a sign ; but no sign shall

b e given to i t excep t the s ign of the

prophet Jonahfl‘ 40 For as Jonah was three

days and three n ights in the bel ly of

the whale, so wil l the Son of man b e

three days and three nights in the heart

of the earth .

42 The queen of the South will ariseat the judgment wi th this

generation and condemn i t ; for she

came from the ends of the earth to hear

the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.

41 The men of Nineveh will arise a t

the judgment wi th this generation and

condemn it ; for they repented at the

preaching of Jonah, and behold , something greater than Jonah is here.


Matt . 20,

15 Nor do men l ight a lamp and

pu t i t under a bushel ,but on a stand, and i t gives l ight toall in the house .

* M att . 2,4 1 19 , p .86) : 1 And the

Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to tes t himthey asked h im to Show them a Sign from heaven.

2 He answered them,

“When it is evening, you say ,‘ It will b e fair .weather ; for the sky is red .

’ 4 An

evil and adulterous generation seeks for a s ign,but no s ign shall be given to it excep t the s ign of


”So he left them and dep arted .

Cf. also Mark Luke 94, p . 67 ) .

Luk e — 1 K ings 10 : 1fi'.

— Jonah


Luk e

33 No one after l ighting a lampputs i t in a cellar or under a bushel ,but on a stand, that those who entermay see the

Mark 12 1 19, p . 86) : 1 1 The Ph

came and b egan to argue wi th him ,seeking from

him a s ign from heaven, to tes t him .

1 2 And he

s ighed deep ly in his sp irit, and said, Why doesthis generation seek for a s ign ? Truly, I say to you,no sign shall be given to this generation .

Luk e —32

29 When the crowds were increasing ,he began to say,Cf.

This generation is an evil gencration ; i t seeks a Sign , but no sign shallb e given to i t excep t the sign of

Jonah .

* 3 0 For as Jonah became aSign to the men of Nineveh,

so will the Son of man b eto this generation .

3 1 The queen Of the Sou th wil l ar i sea t the judgmen t wi th th e men of this

generat ion and condemn them ; for she

came from the ends of the earth to hearthe wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something gr eater th an Solomon is here.

3 2 The men of Nineveh will arise at

the judgment wi th this generation and

condemn it ; for they repented at the

preaching of Jonah, and behold, some

thing greater than Jonah is here .



—23 p. 22 The eye is

the lamp of the body . So, if your eye

is sound, your whole body will b e full

of light ; 23 but if your eye is not

sound,your whole body will b e full of

darkness . If then the l ight in you is

darkness, how great is the darkness !

LUKE —4 3


Matt . 23 210. p . 148 If)

25 Woe to you, scribes and

Pharisees, hypocri tes ! for you

cleanse the outside of the cup and of

the p late, but inside they are full of

extortion and rapaci ty .

26 You bl ind

Pharisee ! firs t cleanse the inside of the

cup and of the p late, that the outside

also may b e clean .

23 Woe to you, scribes and Phar isees,hypocri tes ! for you t i the m int and dill

and cummin, and have neglected the

weightier matters of the law, justiceand mercy and fai th ; these you ought to

have done, wi thout neglecting the Others .6 And they love the p lace of honor atfeas ts and the bes t seats in the syna

gogues,7 and salutations in the marke t

p laces,“ and being cal led rabbi by men.

Cf. M att . 15 : 1ff. M ark 7 : l i’f. 1 15, p .82) .M ark -3 9 210, p . 148 3 3 And

in his tea ching he said,

“Beware of the scribes,who

l ike to go about in long robes , and to have salutations in the market places 3 9

and the bes t seats inthe synagogues and the p laces of honor at feas ts .

Luk e M att . — M icah


Luke —12zl

37 While he was speaking, a Phariseeasked him to dine with h im; so he wentin and sat at table .

3 8 The Phariseewas astonished to see tha t he did not

first wash before 3 9 And the

Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees

cleanse the outside of the cup and ofthe dish, but inside you are full of

extortion and wickedness . 4 0 You fools !Did no t he who made the outside makethe inside also? 4 1 But give for almsthose things which are within ; andbehold, everything is clean for you .

42“But woe to you Pharisees !

for you ti the mint and rue

and every herb, and neglect


justiceand the love Of God ; these you ought to

have done, without neglecting the others .43 Woe to you Pharisees ! for you love

the bes t seat in the synagogue and salutations in th e market p laces .

“Beware of theLuke 210, p . l 49) zscribes , who lik e to go about in long robes , and lovesalutations in the market p laces and the bes t seatsin the synagogues and the p laces of honor at feasts .

§ 154

3 4 Your eye isthe lamp of your body ; when your eye

is sound, your whole body is fullOf light ; but when i t i s not

sound, your body is full ofdarkness . 3 5 Therefore b e careful lestthe l ight in you b e darkness . 3 6 Ifthen your whole body is full of l ight,having no part dark, it will b e wholly

bright, as when a lamp wi th i ts raysgives you l ight .

LUKE —12zl

27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,hypocri tes ! for you are like whi te

washed tombs, which outwardly appearbeautiful, but wi thin they are full of

dead men ’s bones and all uncleanness.

4 They bind heavy bur

dens, hard to bear,z and lay them on men’s

shoulders ; bu t they themselves will not

move them with the ir finger .

29 Woe to you , scribes and Pharisees,hypocri tes ! for you build the tombs of

the prophets and adorn the monuments ofthe righteous, 3 ° saying,

‘ If we had

lived in the days of our fa thers, we

would not have taken part wi th them in

shedding the blood Of the prophets .’

3 1 Thus you witness against yourselves, that

you are sons of those who murdered the

prophets .3 ‘1= “Therefore I send you prophets andwise men and scribes, some of whom you

will kill and crucify, and some you will

scourge in your synagogues and persecute

from town to town, 3 5 that upon you maycome all the righteous blood shed onearth,from the blood of innocent Abel to the

blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah ,

whom you murdered be tween the sanctuary

and the al tar . 3 6 Tru ly, I say to you ,

al l this will come upon this generation .

13“But woe to you , scribes and Phar

isees, hypocri tes ! because you shut the

kingdom of heaven against men; for you

nei ther enter yourselves, nor allow thosewho would enter to go in .

C! .12 p .


C! .

p . 87)

MATT . 18 35—MARK

44 “Woe to you ! for you are l ike graveswhich are not seen, and men walk overthem without knowing i t .45 O ne of the l awyers answered him,

Teacher, in saying this you reproachus also .

” 46 And he sai d,“Woe to you

lawyers also ! for you load men wi th bur

dens hard to bear, and you yourselves do

not touch the burdens with one of yourfingers . 47 Woe to you ! for you buildthe tombs of the prophets whom yourfathers kil led .

4 8 So you are wi tnessesand consent to the deeds of your fa thersfor they kil led them, and you build their

tombs .

49 “Therefore also the Wisdom of God said,‘ I will send them prophets and apostles,some of whom they will k i ll and persecu te,

5 0 tha t the blood Of al l theprophets, shed from the foundation of the

world, may b e required of this generation ,

5 1 from the blood of Abel to the blood

of Zechariah, who perished between the

al tar and the sanctuary . Yes, I tell you ,

i t shall b e required of this generation .

52 “Woe to you lawyers !

for you have taken away the

key of knowledge ; you

did not enter yourselves, and you hindered

those who were entering.

53 As he went away from there, the

scribes and the Phar isees began to press

him hard, and to provoke him to speak

of many things, 54 lying in wai t for him,

to catch at someth ing he might say.

In the mean time, when so many

thousands of the mul ti tude had ga theredtogether that they trod upon one another,

he began to say to h is di sc ip les first,“Beware of the leaven of th e Phar isees,which is hypocrisy .

Luke -51 Matt . —Gen. 11 Chronicles -21 .

text : B W O 4) Q vg sa ; omit, hard to bear : S it sy°sy

°syP b o ; not hard to bear : D .

To Luke cf. Origen, Homily on j eremiah — Ih the gospel it is written, And wisdom will send forthher children .

Cf.also Tertullian,

Aga ins t Marcion IV.3 7 —And here it begins : And I have sent to you all my servants the prophets .

1 10

156—157 LUKE —25

59, p.

“When they del iver

you up ,

do no t b e anxious how

you are to speak or what you are

to say; for what you are to say wil l b e

given to you in that hour ; 20 for i t is

not you who speak, but the Sp iri t of

your Father speaking through you .


1 1 “And when th ey bring you before the

synagogues and the rulers and the au

thori t ies, do not b e anxious how or

what you ar e to answer or what you are

to say;

1 2 for the Holy Sp iri t will teach you in

that very hour what you ought to say.



Luke —21

13 One of the multi tude said to him, Teacher, bid my bro ther divide the in

heri tance with me.

” 1 4 But he sai d to him,

“Man, who made me a judge or di vider

over you?" 1 5 And he said to them,

“Take heed, and beware of all cove tousness ; for

a man ’s l ife does not consis t in the abundance of his possess ions .” 1 6 And he told them

a parable, saying,“The l and of a rich man brought forth p lentifully ; 1 7 and he thought

to himself,‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my cr0 p s?

'1 8 And he said,‘ I

will do thi s : I wil l pull down my barns, and bui ld larger ones ; and there —I wi l l s toreall my grain and my goods . 1 9 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have amp le goodsla id up for many years ; take your ease, eat, dr ink, b e merry .

’ 20 But God said to him,

‘Fool ! This night your soul is required of you ; and the things you have prepared,whose will they b e?’ 21 So i s he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not ri ch

toward God .


Matt . - 33 35, pp. 27—28)

25 Therefore I tell you, do not b e

anxious about your life, what you shall

eat or what you shall drink, nor about

your body, what you shall put on. Is no t

life more than food, and the body more

than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of

the air : they nei ther sow nor reap norgather into barns, and yet your heavenly

Father feeds them . Are you not of more

value than they? 27 And which of

you by being anxious can add one cubi t

to h i s span of l ife?b

Luke —3 4

22 And he said to hi s di scip les,Therefore I tel l you, do not b e

anxious about your l ife, what you shal l

eat, nor aboutyour body, what you shall put on .

23 Forl ife is more than food, and the body morethan cl o thing .

24 Consider the ravens :they nei ther sow nor reap , they have

ne i ther storehouse nor barn , and yet Godfeeds them . Of how much more value

are you than the b irds? 25 And which of

you by be ing anxious can add a cubi tto his span of l ife?b

*M ark 215, p . 154) :“And when they

bring you to trial and deliver you up , do not b eanxious beforehand what you are to say ; but saywhatever is given you in that hour, for it is not youwho Speak, but the Holy Sp irit .

Luk e 21 : 14-15 215, p . 154) :“Settl e it there

fore in your minds , not to meditate beforehand howto answer ; 1 5 for I will give you a mouth and wis

dom, which none of your adversaries will be able towi thstand or contradict .”

b O r,to his s tature.

To Luke cf. John — “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,

he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you .


28 And why are you anxious about clothing?


the lil ies of the field, how they grow ;they nei ther toil nor sp in ;

29yet I

tell you, even Solomon in all his glorywas not arrayed like one of these .

3 0 But if God so clo thes the grass of the

field, which today is alive and tomorrowis th rown into the oven, will he not

much more clo the you, 0 men of l it tle

fai th? 3 1Therefore do not b e anxious,saying


‘What shall we eat?’ or

Whatshal l b e dr ink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?

3 2 For the Gentiles seek

all these th ings ; and your h eavenlyFather knows that you need them all .3 3 But seek fir s t his kingdom and hisrighteousness, and all these things shall

b e yours as wel l .

—21 32, p . 26)19 Do not lay up for yourselves treas

ures on earth; where mo th and rust e con

sume and where thieves break in and

steal , 20 but lay up for yourselves treas

ures in heaven, where nei ther moth nor

rust e consumes and where thieves do not

break in and steal ; 21 for where your 3 4 For where yourtreasure is, there will your heart b e treasure i s, there wi ll your heart b e

also .

" also .


Matt . —5 1 225- 226, pp. 1 59—1 60)

C! ,- 1 3 (g227, p . 160)

° text : P“5 S A B W O k d) 5? it vg syp sa bo ; cons ider the lil ies ; they neither spin nor weave: D it sy



d text : S B D szi bo ; God’

s : P 45 A D (cor ) W 3? vg sy°sy


p. Or, worm.

To Luke cf. John -5— Jesus .

4 rose from supper, laid as ide his garments , and girded himself wi th atowel.sThen he poured water into a bas in, and began to wash the disciples

’ feet, and to wipe them with the towelwi th which he was girded .

26 If then you are not able to do as

small a thi ng as that, why are youanxious about the rest? 27 Considerthe l i l ies, how they grow ;they nei ther toil nor sp in,c yet I

tel l you, even Solomon in all his glory

was not arrayed l ike one of these .

23 But if God so clothes the grass which isal ive in the field today and tomorrowis thrown into the oven, how much morewil l he clo the you, 0 men of li t tle

fai th ! 2 9 And do not seek what you

are to eat and what you are to

drink , nor b e of anxious mind .

3 0 For all the nations of the worldseek these th ings ; and your

Father knows that you need them .

3 1 Instead, seek his d kingdom,

and these things shall

b e yours as well . 32 Fear not, li ttleflock, for i t is your Father’s good

p leasure to give you the kingdom .

3 3 “Sell your


possessions, and gi vealms ; provide yourselves with purses

that do not grow old, with a treasure

in the heavens that does not fail,where no thief approaches and no mothdestroys .

Luke —4 6

35 Let your loins b e girded and your

lamp s burning,3 6 and b e like men who

are waiting for their master to comehome from the marriage feast, so that

they may open to him at once when he

comes and knocks . 3 7 Blessed are those

servants whom the master finds awake when

he comes ; truly, I say to you, he will

gird himself and have them si t at table, and

he will come and serve them .

3 8 If he comesin the second watch, or in the third, andfinds them so, blessed are those servants !

g 159—48

43 But know this, that if the house

holder had known in what part of the

night the thief was coming, he wouldhave watched and would not have let his

house b e broken into .

44 Therefore you

also must b e ready ; for the Son of manis coming at an hour you do not expect .

45 Who then is the fai thful

and wise servant, whom his master has

set over his household, to give themtheir food at the proper time?46 Blessed is that servant whom his mas

ter when he comes will find so doing .

4 7 Truly, I say to you , he will set him

over all his possessions .4 3 But if that

wicked servan t says to himsel f,‘My

master i s delayed,’ 49 and begins to

beat his fel low servants,and eats and drinks with the drunken,50 the master of that ser


van t wil l come on

a day when he does not expect him and at

an hour he does not know,5 1 and will

punish g him, and pu t him with the hypocri tes ;there men will weep and gnash their

teeth .


Luke —48

Cf . Luke 181, p . 125)

47 And that servant who knew his master ’s wi ll , but did no t make ready or actaccording to his will, shall receive a severe beating .

4 8 But he who did not know, anddid what deserved a beating, shall rece ive a l ight beating Every one to whom muchis given, of him will much b e required; and of h im to whom men commit much they

wi ll demand the more .

Mark -36 222, p . 158) : 3 5

“Watch thereforch for you do not know when the mas ter of the housewill come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning— 3 5 les t he come suddenl y and

find you as leep .

text : A B W (9 d) 5? it vg syp bo ; omit, would have been awake and : S D sy


’sa .

K O r, cut him

in pieces .


3 9 “But know this, that if the householder had known at what hour

the thief was coming, he wouldhave been awake and f would not have left h ishouse to b e broken into .

40 You

also must b e ready ; for the Son of manis coming a t an hour you do not expect .

41 Peter said,“Lord, are you tell ing

this parable for us or for al l?” 42 Andthe Lord said,

“Who then is the fai thful

and wise steward, whom hi s master willset over his household, to gi ve them

their portion of food at the proper time?43 Blessed is that servant whom his mas

ter when he comes wil l find so doing .

44 Truly I tel l you, he will set him

over all his possessions .4 5 But if that

servant says to himself,‘My

master is delayed in coming,’ and begins to

beat the menservants and the maidservants ,and to eat and drink and get drunk ,

46 the master of that servant wi ll come ona day when he does not expect him and atan hour he does no t know, and wi l l

punish g him, and pu t him wi th the un

fai thful .

162—163 LUKE —17 MATT .—MARK


Luke —9

1 There were some present at that very time who told him of the Gal ileans whoseblood Pi la te had mingled wi th their sacrifices . 2 And he answered them,

“Do you think

that these Gali leans were worse s inners than all the other Gali leans, because theysuffered thus? 3 I tel l you , N0 ; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish .

4 Orthose e ighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fel l and killed them, do you think tha tthey were worse offenders than al l the others who dwel t in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, No ;but unless you repent you wi ll all l ikewise perish .

6 And he told this parable :“A man had a fig tree p lan ted in his vineyar d ; and he

came seeking frui t on i t and found none.7 And he said to the Vinedresser,


three years I have come seeking frui t on this fig tree, and I find none . Cut i t down ;why should i t use up the grourid?

’ 8 And he answered him,

Let i t al one, sir, th is yearalso, t ill I d ig abou t i t and pu t on manure .

9 And if i t bear s frui t next year, we ll andgood ; bu t i f not, you can cut i t down .


Luk e 13 : 10L 17

Cf. Luke —6 168, p 1 19 )

10 Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath .

1 1 And there wasa woman who had had a sp iri t of infirmi ty for eighteen years ; she was ben t over and

could not fully straighten hersel f . 1 2 And when Jesus saw her, he called her and saidto her,

“Woman, you are freed from your infirmity .

” 1 3 And he lai d his hands upon

her, and immediately she was made straight, and she prai sed God .1 4 But the ruler of

the synagogue, indignan t because Jesus had healed on the sabba th, said to the p eop le,“There are six days on which work ought to b e done; come on those days and b ehealed, and not on the sabbath day .

” 1 5 Then the Lord answered him,

“You hypocri tes !

Does not each of you on the sabba th untie his ox or his ass from the manger, and

lead i t away to water i t? 1 6 And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abrah am whomSatan bound for eighteen years, b e loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?"

1 7 As he said this, al l his adversaries were pu t to shame ; and al l the peop le rejo iced atal l the glorious things that were done by him .

M att . 12 7 0, p . 52) : He said to them,

Luk e 168, p . 119) : And he said to them,

What man of you,if he has one sheep and it fal ls Which of you , having an ass or an ox that has

into a p it on the sabbath, will not lay hold of it and fallen in to a well , wil l not immedi ately pulllift it out? 12 Of how much more value is a man out on a sabbath day ?

than a sheep ! So it is lawful to do good on the


Luke — Exodus and Deuteronomy

MATT .—MARK 9 50 LUKE —26 164—165


Matt . 9 7 , 9 8, p 69 ) :3 1 Another p arable he pu t b efore therri , saying,

“The kingdom of heaven

is like a grain of mustard

seed which a man took and

sowed in his field ; 3 2 i t i sthe smallest of al l seeds,

butwhen i t has grown i t is the

greates t of shrubs andbecomes a tree, so

that the b irds of the air comeand make nests in i ts branches . ”

33 He told them another parable .

The kingdom of heaven is l ikeleaven which a woman took and

hid in three measures of meal ,ti ll i t was all leavened.


Matt . - 14 40, p. 29 )13

“Enter by the narrow gate ;for the gate i s wide and the

way is easy,8 that leads to

destruction, and those who en

ter by i t are many .1 4 For the

gate i s narrow and the way is

hard, that leads to life, andthose who find i t are few.

—12 p. 1 60)1 0 “And the door was shut .1 1 Afterward the other maidenscame also, saying,

I_o rd,

lord, open to us .’ 1 2 But he

rep l ied,‘Truly, I say to

you, I do not know you .

—23 42, p . 30)22 “On that day many will sayto me,

Mark —32 97 , p . 69 )30 And he said,

“Wi th what canwe comp are the kingdom of God,

or what p arable shall we use

for i t? 3 1 I t is l ike a grainof mustard seed, which, whensown upon the ground, is the

smallest of all the seeds onearth ; 3 2

yet when i t is sownit grows up and becomes the

greates t of al l shrubs, and

puts forth large branches, so

that th e birds of the air can

make nes ts in i ts shade .

Luke Matt . Mark -Daniel

8 text : B C W O A (I) Q vg w" sy ° sa bo ; for the way is wide and e

Luke -21

18 He said therefore, What isthe kingdom of God like? Andto what shall I compare i t?1 9 I t is like a grain of mustardseed which a man took andsowed in his garden ;

and i t grew and became a tree ,

and the birds of the air madenests i n i ts branches .

20 And again he said,“To what shal l I comp are

the kingdom of God? 2 1 I t is likeleaven which a woman took andh id in three measures of meal,ti l l i t was all leavened .


S it Clement, Origen.

Luk e —30

22 He went on his way throughtowns and villages, teaching,and journeying toward Jerusalem .

23 And some one said to him,

“Lord, wi ll those who are savedb e few?

” And he said to them,

2‘- “Strive to enter by the

narrow door; for many, I tel l

you, will seek to enter and

wi ll not b e able .

25 “When once the householder has risen up and shut

the door, you wil l begin tostand outside and to knockat the door, saying,

‘Lord ,Open to


us . ’ He wi l l answer you ,

‘I do no t know Where you come

from .

’ 26 Then you will beginto say,

‘We ate and drank in your

presence, and you taught in our

streets . ’

166—167 LUKE - 35

‘Lord, Lord, did we not pro

phesy in your name, and cast

out demons in your name, anddo many mighty works in your

name?’ 23 And then wi ll I de

clare to them,

‘I never knewyou ; depar t from me, you evil

doers . ’

- 12 46, p.1 1 “I

tel l you , many will come from

east and west and si t at tablewi th Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

in the kingdom of heaven,1 2 whi le the sons of the kingdomwil l b e thrown into the outerdarkness ; there men will weepand gnash the ir tee th .


27 “But he will say,‘I tell you ,

I do not know where you come

from ; depar t from me, all

you workers of iniqui ty .

2 3 There you will weep and gnashyour teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and al l

the prophets in the kingdom ofGod and you yourselves thrus tout . 29 And men will come fromeast and west, and from nor thand south, and si t at table inthe kingdom of God .

189 , p. But 189 , p. But 3 0 And behold, some are l astmany that are firs t will b e many that are firs t will b e who wil l b e first, and some are

last,and the las t first . last, and the l as t first . first who wil l b e las t .

p. So

that the last will b e first,and the first l as t ."


Luke —3 3

3 1 At that very hour some Pharisees came, and said to him, Get away from here,for Herod wants to kill you .

” 3 2 And he said to them,

“Go and tell that fox,

‘Behold , Icast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish

my course .3 3 Nevertheless I must go on my way today and tomorrow and th e day fo1

lowing ; for i t cannot b e that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem .


Matt . 23 3 7- 39 211 , p. 152) Luke 13 3 4- 3 5

37 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, kill ing thepro

phets and stoning those who are sent to you !Howoften would I havegatheredyour childrentogether as a hen gathers her brood under herwings, and you would not ! 3 8 Behold, yourhouse is forsaken and desolate .

h 3 9 For I tel lyou, you will not see me again,until you say,‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the

Lord .

34, O Jerusalem,Jeru salem,k ill ing the pro

phets and stoning those who ar e sent to you !Howoften would I havegath ered your childrentogether as a hen gath ers her brood under herwings, and you would not ! 3 5 Behold, yourhouse is forsaken . And I tell

you, you wi l l not see me until you say,‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the

Lord .

Luke Matt . — Psalm Matt .

— Psalm Matt .

23 :29)— Psalm 1

ll text : S C D W 0 k d) 3 it vg syP ; omit, and desolate: B sy

° sa bo .

1 18


3 and sent his servants to call those whowere invi ted to the marriage feast ; butthey would not come .

4 Again he sento th er servan ts, saying,

‘Tel l those who

are invi ted , Behold, I have made readymy dinner, my oxen and my fat calves arekilled, and everything i s ready ; come to

the marriage feast . ’ 5 But they made l ight

of i t and went off, one to hi s farm,

another to his business, 6 while the restseized his servants, treated them shame

fully, and killed them .

7“The king was angry, and he sent h is

tr0 0 p s and destroyed those murderers andburned their ci ty.

8 Then he said to h is


The wedding is ready, butthose invi ted were not worthy .

9 6 0 therefore to the thoroughfares, and invi te tothe marriage feast as many as you find .

1 0 And those servants went out in to the

streets and gathered all whom they found,both bad and good ; so the wedding hallwas fil led with guests .


Mat t . - 88 62, p. 45)

37 He who loves father or mothermore than me is not worthy of me; andhe who loves son or daughter more than

me is not worthy of me

3 8 and he who does not takehis cross and follow me i s no t

worthy of me.

*M att . 123 , p .90)If any man would come afterme, let him deny himself and

tak e up his cross and followme .


Luk e 123 , p .90)If any man would come afterme, let him deny hims el f and

take up his cr oss daily and followme .


1 7 and at the time for the banquet hesent his servan t to say to those whohad been invi ted,

‘Come ; for all is now

ready .

’ 1 8 But they all al ike began tomake excuses . The fir s t said to him,

‘I have bought a field, and I must goout and see i t ; I pray you , have me

excused .

’ 1 9 And ano ther said,‘I have

bought five yoke of oxen , and I go toexam ine them ; I pray you , have me ex


’ 20 And another said,‘ I have

married a wi fe, and therefore I cannotcome .

’ 2 1 So the servan t came and re

ported this to his master . Then the

householder in anger

said to hi sservant,

‘Go out quickly to the s tree tsand lanes of the city, and bring in the

poor and maimed and blind and lame .

22 And the servan t said,‘

Sir, what youcommanded has been done, and still thereis room .

’ 23 And the master said to the

servant,‘Go ou t to the highways and

hedges, and compel peop le to come in ,

that my house may b e filled .

24 For Itell you , none of those men who wereinvi ted shall taste my banque t .

Luke —3 5

25 Now great mul titudes accompaniedhim ; and he turned and said to them ,

26 “If any one comes to me and does nothate his own father and mo ther and wi fe

and ch ildren and brothers and sis ters ,

yes , and even his own li fe, he cannot

b e my discip le .

27 \Vhoever does no t hearhis own cross and come after me, cannotb e my discip le .

’ 23 For whi ch of you,

desiring to build a tower, does not firstsi t down and count the cost , whether hehas enough to comp lete i t? 29 Otherwise,

when he has laid a foundation, and isnot able to finish, al l who see i t b e

gin to mock him,3 0 saying,

‘This manbegan to bui ld , and was not able tofinish .

M ark 123 , p .90)If any man would come afterme, let him deny himself and

take up his cross and followme D


To Luke —35 cf. Ma tt.


To Luke —2 of. Ma tt. —1 1 Mark —1 6

Luke —30, 53 , p . 3 7 .

Matt . - 14 133 , p. 98)

12 What'

do you think? If a man

has a hundred sheep , and one of themhas gone astray, does he not leave

the ninety-nine on the hil ls and go

in search of the one that went as

tray? 1 3 And if he finds i t, truly,I say to you, he rejoices over i tmore than over the ninety-nine that

never went astray .

1 4 So i t is not the wi ll of my Fatherwho is in heaven that one of these

l i ttle ones should perish .

Luke —10

l Now the tax collectors and sinnerswere all drawing near to hear him .

2 And the Pharisees and the scribes mur

mured, saying.“This man receives sin

ners and eats wi th them .

5The drachma, rendered here by s ilver coin, was equal to about s ixteen cents.




Cf. Mark


p 98.

3 1 Or what king, going to encounteranother king in war, wi l l not si tdown firs t and take counsel whe ther heis able with ten thousand to meet himwho comes against him wi th twentythousand? 3 2 And if not, while the other

is yet a great way off, he sends anembassy and asks terms of peace .

3 3 So therefore, whoever of you does no t

renounce all that he has cannot be mydiscip le .

34“Sal t is good ; but i f“ sal t

has lost i ts taste, how shall i ts sal tness b e res tored? 3 5 I t is fi t ne i therfor the land nor for the dunghill ; menthrow i t away . He who has ears to hear,let him hear .

3 So he toldthem this parable : 4 “What man of you ,

having a hundred sheep , i f he has lostone of them , does no t leave the nine tyn ine in the wi lderness , and go afterthe one which is los t, until he findsi t? 5 And when he has found it, he laysi t on his shoulders, rejoicing.

6 Andwhen he comes home, he calls toge ther hisfriends and h is neighbors, saying to


‘Rejoice with me, for I have foundmy sheep which was lost .

‘ 7 Just so, Itel l you , there wi ll b e more joy inheaven over one sinner who repents thanover ninety-nine righteous persons who

need no repentance . 8 Or what woman,having ten s ilver coins,J


i f she losesone coin , does no t l ight a lamp and

sweep the house and seek diligently untilshe finds it? 9 And when she has found i t,she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying,

‘Rejoice with me, for I havefound the coin which I have los t . ’ 1 ° Justso , I tell you , there is joy before the

angels of God over one sinner who repents .

t: S B




Luke —32

1 1 And he said, There was a man who had two sons ; 1 2 and the younger of themsaid to h is father,

‘Father, give me the share of property that fal ls to me .

’ And hedivided h is l iving between them .

1 3 Not many days later, the younger son gathered al lhe had and took his journey in to a far country, and there he squandered hi s propertyin loose living.

1 4 And when he had spent every thing, a great fam ine arose in th atcountry, and he began to b e in want . 1 5 So he went and joined himself to one of the

ci tizens of that country, who sent h im into his fields to feed swine .

1 6 And he wouldgladly have fed on k the pods that the swine ate ; and no one gave him anything.

1 7 But

when he came to himsel f he said,‘

How many of my father’s hired servants have breadenough and to spare, but I peri sh here wi th hunger !

1 8 I will ar ise and go to myfather, and I will say to him,

‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you ;1 9 I am no longer worthy to b e called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants .

20 And he arose and came to his father . But whi le he was yet at a distance, hi s fathersaw him and had compassion , and ran and embraced him and kissed him .

2 1 And theson said to him ,

‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you ; I am no longerworthy to b e cal led your son .

’ 1 22 But the father said to hi s servants,‘Bring qu ickly

the best robe, and pu t i t on him ; and pu t a ring on his hand, and shoes on hi s feet ;23 and bring the fa tted calf and kill i t, and let us eat and make merry ; 24 for thi s myson was dead, and is alive again ; he was lost, and is found .

’ And they began to makemerry .

25“Now his elder son was in the field ; and as he came and drew near to the house,

he heard music and dancing .

26 And he called one of the servants and asked what thi s

mean t . 27 And he sa id to him,

‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed thefatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound .

’ 28 But he was angry andrefused to go in . H is father came out and entreated him,

29 but he answered his father,‘Lo

,these many years I have served you , and I never di sobeyed your command ; yet

you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends . 3 0 Bu t when thi s

son of yours came, who has devoured your l iving wi th harlots, you killed for him

the fa tted calf !’ 3 1 And he said to him,

Son, you are always wi th me, and all that is

mine is yours . 3 2 I t was fi tting to make merry and b e glad, for this your brother wasdead, and is alive; he was los t, and is found .


Luk e —13

1 He also said to the discip les , There was a rich man who had a steward, andcharges were brought to him that this man was wast ing his goods . 2 And he called himand said to him,

‘What is this that I hear about you ? Turn in the account of yourstewardship ,

for you can no longer b e steward .

’ 3 And th e s teward said to himself,‘What shall I do, since my master is taking the stewardship away from me? I am notstrong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to b eg.

4 I have decided what to do, so tha t

people may receive me in to their houses when I am put out of the s tewardship .

5 50 ,summoning his master ’s deb tors one by one, he said to the firs t,

‘How much

do you owe my maste r?’ 9 He said,

‘A hundred measures of oi l . ’ And he sai d to him,

‘Take your b ill , and si t down quickly and wri te fifty .

’ 7 Then he said to ano ther,‘And

howmuch do you owe?’

He said,‘A hundred measures of wheat . ’ He said to him


‘Takeyour bill

,and wri te eighty .

’ 8 The master commended the dishonest steward for his

D x d) sy° sa ; filled his belly with : A 6) Q it vg sy

°syp bo ; filled his belly and fed on : W.

G k 9 it vg sy°sy


p sa bo ; add, treat me as one of y our hired servants : S B D .


Matt . —7 13 1 , p . 97 )6

“But whoever causes one of



Luk e —3 1

19 There was a rich man, who was clothed in purp le and fine l inen and whofeasted sump tuously every day .

20 And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, fullof sores, 21 who desired to b e fed with what fell from the rich man's table ; moreoverthe dogs came and licked his sores . 22 The poor man died and was carried by the angelsto Abraham’s bosom . The rich man also died and was buried ; 23 and in Hades, being intorment, he l ifted up his eyes , and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in h is bosom .

24 And he called out,‘Fa ther Abraham , have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to

dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue ; for I am in anguish in this fiame .

25 But Abrah am said,‘

Son, remember that you in your l ifetime received your goodthings, and Lazarus in l ike manner evi l things ; but now he is comforted here, and youare in anguish .

26 And besides all this, be tween u s and you a great chasm has beenfixed, in order that those who would p ass from here to you may not b e able, and nonemay cross from there to us . ’ 27 And he said,

‘Then I b eg you , father, to send him to

my father ’s house , 23 for I have five bro thers, so that he may warn them, les t they alsocome in to this p lace of torment . ’ 29 But Abraham said,

‘They have Moses and the

prophe ts ; let them hear them .

’ 3 0 And he said,‘No , father Abraham ; but if some one

goes to them from the dead, they will repent .’ 3 1 He said to h im,

‘ If they do not hear

Moses and the prophets, ne i ther wil l they b e convinced if some one shoul d rise from

the dead .


Mark 13 1 , p. 9 7)“Whoever causes one of

th ese l i ttle ones who bel ieve these li ttle ones who be lieve

in me to sin,P i t would b e better in me to sin,

D i t would b e be t ter

for him to have a great mill for him i f a great mill stoneround h is neckstone fastened round his neck were hung

were thrownand to b e drowned in the dep th and he

of the sea .7Woe to the world into t he sea.


for temp tations to s in ! ° For i ti s necessary that temp tationscome, but woe to the man bywhom the temp tation comes !


Matt . 134, p. 99 )If your

brother sins against you , go and tel l him

his fault , be tween you and him alone . If

he l is tens to you, you have gained your

brother.—22 13 5, p.

21 Then Peter came

up and said to him,

“Lord, how often shallmy bro ther sin against me, and I forgive

him? As many as seven times?” 22 Jesussaid to him,

“I do not say to you seventimes, but seventy times seven .


Greek, s tumbling blocks .9 Greek, s tumble.

Luk e —4

3 Take heed to yourselves ; i f yourbro ther sins , rebuke him, and i f he

repents, forgive h im;

4 and if he sins against you seventimes in the day, and turns to youseven times , and says,

‘I repent,’

you must forgive him .

0 Or, seventy -seven times .


Luk e —2

1 And he said to his di scip les,Temp tations to sin ° are sureto come; but woe to him bywhom they come ! z 1 t would b ebe tter for him i f a m illstonewere hung round hi s neckand he were cast in to the sea ,

than that he should cause one

of these l i t tle ones to s in .P

MATT . 35—MARK 9 : 50

Matt . 126, p. 94)He said to them,

“Because of yourli t tle fai th . For truly, I say to you,

i f you have fai th as a gr ain ofmustard seed, you will say to thismountain,

‘Move hence to yonder place,’

and i t will move ;and nothing will be impossible to you .

180- 183


Luk e 17 :7—10

7 Wi l l any one of you, who has a servant p lowing or keep ing sheep , say to himwhen he has come in from the field,

“Come at once and si t down at table ’

? 3 Wi l l heno t ra ther say to him,

‘Prep are supper for me, and gi rd yoursel f and serve me, till I

eat and drink ; and afterward you shall eat and drink’

? 9 Does he thank the servan t

because he did what was commanded? 1 0 So you also, when you have done all that iscommanded you, say,

‘We ar e unworthy servan ts : we have only done what was our

duty .


Luk e —19

1 1 On the way to Jerusalem he was p assing along between Samari a and Galilee.

1 2 And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who s tood at a dis tance 1 3 andl ifted up their voices and said,

“Jesus, Mas ter, have mercy on us . ” 1 4 When he sawthem he said to them, Go and show yourselves to the priests .

” And as they went they

were cleansed .

1 5 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back,

prai sing God wi th a loud voice ;1 6 and he fell on his face at Jesus'feet, giving him

thanks . Now he was a Samari tan .

1 7 Then said Jesus, Were no t ten cleansed? Whereare the n ine? 1 8Was no one found to return and give prai se to God excep t thisforeigner?” 1 9 And he said to h im,

“Rise and go your way; your fai th has made youwell .


Luk e —21

20 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answeredthem,

“The kingdom of God is not coming wi th signs to b e observed ; 21 nor wi ll they

say,‘Lo, here i t is !

or‘There ! ’ for behold, the kingdom of God i s in the midst of

you .

”r 1"

* M a tt . 201, p . 140) : And Jesus an

swered them,

“Truly, I say to you,if you have faith

and never doubt, you will not only do what has

b een done to the fig tree, but even if you say to thismoun tain,

‘Be tak en up and cas t into the sea ,


wi ll b e done .

* *M att . 217 , p . 156) :“Then if any

one says to you,

‘Lo,here is the Christ !’ or ‘There

he is !’ do not believe it.”

Or, within.y ou.

To Luke Cf. Oxy rhynchus Papyrus 654, Logion 2

you, and whoever knows himself shal l find it

Mark -23 201 , p .140) : 22And Jesus answered them, Have faith in God .

23Truly, I sayto you, whoever says to this moun tain,

‘Be tak en

up and cas t into the sea,’and does not doubt in his

heart, but believes tha t what he says will come top as s, it will be done for him .

M ark 217, p . 156) :

“And then if any

one says to you,‘Look, here is the Chris t !’ or ‘Look


t-here he is !’ do not believe it .

and the kingdom of heaven is in the mids t of

Luk e —6

5 The apostles sai d to the Lord,Increase our fai th ! ” 6 And the Lordsaid, If you had fai th as a grain ofmustard seed, you could say to thissycam ine tree,

Be rooted up , and b e

p lan ted in the sea,’ and i t would obey

you .



Mate. —28 218, p. 156)

26 So,if they say to you,

Lo, he isin the wilderness,

’ do not go ou t ; if

they say,‘

Lo , he i s in the inner rooms,’

do not bel ieve i t . 27 For as the l ightn ing comes from the eas t and shines as

far as the wes t, so will b e the comingof the Son of man .

—4 1 224, p.3 7 “As were the

days of Noah, so will b e the coming of

the Son of man .3 9 For as in those days

before the flood they were eating anddrinking, marrying and giving in marriage,unti l the day when Noah entered the ark,3 9 and they d id not know until the floodcame and swep t them all away, so will b e

the coming of the Son of man .

62, p. 46)He who finds his life will losei t, and he who loses his l ife for my sake,will find it .”

*M att . -18 216, p . 155) : 1 7 “Let M ark -16 216, p . 155) : 1 5 “Let

him who is on the housetop not go down him who is on the housetop not go down,nor

to take what is in his house ; 1 3 and let him enter his house, to tak e anything away ; 1 5and

who is in the field not turn back to take let h im who is in the field not turn back to takehis mantle . his mantle .

Matt . 16 :25 Mark 123, p .90) Luke 123

, p .90)For whoever would save his For whoever would save his For whoever would save h is

l ife will lose it , and who life will lose it ; and who life will lose it ; and who

ever loses his life for my ever loses his life for my ever loses his life for mysake will find it . sake and the gospel

’s will sake, he will save it .”

save it .

° text : S A W G) (15 Q vg sy°sy

° syp bo; omit, in his day : B D it sa .

To Luke -3 3 cf. Clement of Alexandria, Excerpts from Theodotus 2. 2 : Because of this the Savior said,Be saved, you and your soul .


Luk e —3 7

22 And he said to the di scip les, The

days are coming when you will desire tosee one of the days of the Son of man,and you will not see i t . 23 And they willsay to you,

Lo, there !’


LO , here !’

Do not go, do not foll ow them .24 For

as the l ightn ing flashes and l ightsup the sky from one side to the other,so wi l l the Son of man b e in his clay.


25 But firs t he must suffer many thi ngsand b e rejected by th is genera tion .

26 As it was in the days of Noah , so will i tb e in the days of the Son of man .

27 They ate, they drank, they marr ied, they

were given in marriage, until the daywhen Noah entered the ark, and the floodcame and destroyed them all . 29

Likewi seas i t was in the days of Lot— they ate,

they drank, they bought, they sold, they

p l anted, they buil t, 29 bu t on the daywhen Lot went out from Sodom fire andbrimstone rained from heaven and des

troyed them all — 3 0 so wi ll i t b e on the

day when the Son of man is reveal ed .

3 1 On that day, let him who is on the housetop, with his goods ih the house, not

come down to take them away; and l ikewise let him who is in the field notturn 3 2 Remember Lo t ’s wi fe .

3 3 Whoever seeks to gai n his l ife wi l l losei t, but whoever . loses his l ife will preserve i t . 3 4 1 tel l you, in that n ightthere will b e two men in one b ed ; one wi ll b etaken and the other left .

MATT. 19 : l—8—MARK —9


Mat thew 19—27 Mark 10—15 Luk e —23 z56

A . The Journey to Jerusalem

Ma t thew 19—20 Mark 10 Luk e


Ma tt . —12 - 35, 13 6, p. 100)

l Now when Jesus had finished these

sayings, he went away from Galilee and

entered the region of Judea beyond

the Jordan ; 2 and large crowds followed

him, and he healed them there .

3 And Pharisees came up to him and test

ed him by asking,“Is i t l awful to di

vorce one’s wife for any cause?”

of. W . 7—8

4 He answered, Have you not read that

he who made them from the beginning made

them male and female,5 and said,

‘Forthis reason a man shall leave his fatherand mother and b e joined to h is wife, and

the two shall become one’

?W 9 80 they are

no longer two but one .

W Wh at therefore Godhas joined together, let not man pu t

asunder . ” 7 They said to him, Why then

did Moses command one to give a certifi

cate of divorce, and to pu t her away?”

S He said to them,

“For your hardness ofheart Moses allowed you to d ivorce yourwives, but from the beginning i t was no t

SO .

Mark - 12 —50, § 1 32, p. 98)

6 But from the beginning of creation ,

‘God made them male and female .

’ 7 ‘


this reason a man shall leave his fatherand mother and b e joined to his wife,

V 8 andthe two shal l become So they are

no longer two but one .

w 9 What therefore Godhas joined toge ther, let not man pu t

asunder .

cf. W . 3—5


Matt . Mark — Genesis Matt . M ark -8— GenesisMark — Deuteronomy

V text : A C D W O A 4) Q it vg syp sa bo ; omit, and be j oined to his wife : B S sy


Matt .

Greek, oneflesh.

To M att . M ark cf. I Corinthians -1 1 To the married I give charge , no t I but the Lord ,that the wife should not separate from her husband 1 1 (but if she does , let her remain single or else be reconci ledto her husband)— an d that the husband should not divorce his wife .

l And he left there and

went to the region of Judea and beyondthe Jordan, and crowds ga thered to

him again ; and again, as his custom was,

he taught them .

2 And Pharisees came up and in order totes t him asked, Is i t lawful for a manto divorce his wife?” 3 He answered them,

“What did Moses command you?” 4 They

said, Moses allowed a man to write acertificate of divorce, and to pu t her

away .

” 5 But Jesus said to them, For

your hardness of heart he wrote you th iscommandment .

MATT.—14—MARK —14 —~LUKE —16

9 And I

say to you : whoever divorces h is wife,excep t for unchasti ty,

! f and marries ano ther,commi ts adul tery .


10 The discip les said to him, If suchis the case of a man wi th h is wife, i t isno t expedient to marry .

” 1 1 But he saidto them,

“Not all men can receive this

precep t, but only those to whom i t i s

given .1 2 For there are eunuchs who have

been so from birth, and there are eunuchswho have been made eunuchs by men, andthere are eunuchs who have made themselveseunuchs for the sake of the kingdom ofheaven . He who is able to receive this,let him rece ive i t .

10 And in the house the discip les askedhim again about this matter . 1 1 And he

said to them,

“Whoever divorces his wifeand marries another,

commi ts adultery against her; 1 2 and ifshe divorces her husband and marriesanother, she commits adultery .


Matt. —15

13 Then children were broughtto him that he might lay his

hands on them and pray . The

discip les rebuked the peop le;1 4 but Jesus

said,Let the chi ldren come to me,

and do not hinder them ; for to

such belongs the kingdom of

heaven .

Mark —16

13 And they were bringingchi ldren to him, that he might

touch them ; and the

discip les rebuked them .

1 4 But when Jesus saw i t he wasindignant, and said to them,

“Let the children come to me,

do not hinder them ; for tosuch belongs the kingdom of

God .

*M att . 24,

I say to you

that every one who divorces his wife, excep t on

the ground of unchas tity, makes her an adul teress ;and whoever marries a divorced woman commi tsadultery .

Luk e 17 6, p . 123 ) :“Every one who

divorces his wife and marries another commitsadultery, and he who marries a woman divorcedfrom her husband commits adultery .

1 text : S W (9 Q vg sy“sy

p; exceptfor unchas tity and marries another

,makes her an adulteress ; C ; except on the ground

of unchas tity makes her an adulteress : B b o (cf. M att . except on the ground of unchas tity and marries another,

commits adultery (aga ins t her D (25 it sy°sa .

y text : S D it sy°sy

°sa ; add, and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery : B C W (9 (1) Q vg sy


bo . Cf . also M att . Luke

To M att . of. The Gosp e l according to the Egy p tian s : (a) The Lord said to Salome when she

inquired,“How long shal l death “

As long as“

you women bear children .

” — Clement of Alexandr ia,M iscellanies 3 . Salome said, How long will men continue to die? ” The Lord answered


“So longas women bear children . Ibid. 7 . Cf. al so on Matt . “I came to des troy the works of the female .

Ibid. When she said, I have done well, then, in not bearing children,

”the Lord answered

“Eat every p lant, but do not eat the bitter ones .

”Ibid. When Salome inquired when the things con

cerning which she asked should be known,the Lord said

,When you have tramp led on the garment of shame,

and when the two become one and the male with the female is neither mal e nor female .

”Ibid. 2. Cf.

also II Clement 5 .

Luk e —17

— 14, § 1 86, p . 127 )15 Now they were bringing

ey en infan ts to him that hemight touch them ; and when thediscip les saw i t they rebukedthem .

1 6 But Jesus called themto him, saying,“Let the children come to me ,

and do not hinder them ; for tosuch belongs the kingdom of

God .


p. Truly

I say to you, unless you turnand become l ikechildren, you will never enterthe kingdom of heaven .

And he laid his hands

on them and went away .

Matt . - 30

16 And behold, one came upto him,

saying, Teacher, what gooddeed must I do, to have eternallife?” 1 7 And he sai d to

him, Why do you ask me about

what is good? One there i s whois good . If you would enterlife, keep the commandments ."

1 8 He said to him,


And Jesus said,“You shall not

kill, You shal l not commitadultery, You shall no t steal ,You shall not bear false witness, 1 9 Honor

your father and moth er,and, You shall love your neighbor as yoursel f. ” 20 The youngman said to him,

“Allthese I have observed; what

do I s til l lack?21 Jesus saidto him, If you would b e

perfect, go, sel l what you

possess and give to the

poor, and you wi ll havetreasure in heaven ; and

come, follow me .

” 22 When the

young man heard this

he went away sorrowful ; for

1 5 Truly,I say to you , whoever does notreceive the kingdom of God likea child shall no t enter i t . ”

16 And he took them in his arms

and blessed them, laying his

hands upon them .


Mark —3 1

17 And as he was sett ing ou t

on his journey, a man ran upand knel t before him, and

asked h im, Good Teacher, whatmus t I do to inheri t eternall ife? 1 8 And Jesus said to

him, Why do you cal l me

good? No one i s goodbut God alone .

1 9 You know the commandmen ts :

‘Do notkill, not commitadul tery, Do not s teal ,Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor

your father and mother . ’

20 And hesaid to him,

“Teacher, allthese I have observed from myyou th .

21 And Jesus looking

upon him loved him, and saidto him, You lack one thing ;

go, sel l what youhave, and give to the

poor, and you wi ll havetreasure in heaven ; andcome, follow me .

22 At thatsaying his countenance fel l,and he went away sorrowful , for

MATT.—22—MARK —22— LUKE —22 .

1 7 Truly,I say to you , whoever does notreceive the kingdom of God l ikea ch il d shal l not enter i t .

Luke —3 0

18 And a rulerasked him, Good Teacher, whatshall I do to inh eri t e ternallife?” 1 9 And Jesus said tohim, Why do you cal l me

good? No one is goodbu t God alone .

20 You know the commandments :

‘Do notcommi t adul tery, Do not

kill , Do not steal,Do not bear false wi t

ness, Honoryour fa ther and mo ther. ’

21 And hesa id, All

these I have observed from myyouth .

” 22 And when Jesusheard i t, he saidto him, One th ing you sti l l

lack . Sel l al l tha t youhave and dis tribute to the

poor, and you wi ll havetreasure in heaven ; andcome, follow me .

23 Butwhen he heard this

he became sad, for

Matt . -l 9a M ark Exodus -16 and Deuteronomy -20 ; (Cod . A) .

Matt . 19 : 19b—Levi ticus

To Mark and paral lels cf. John 5 .

To Matt .-24 c f. Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s (in Origen

’s Latin Commentary on Al att . 75 : 74

The second of the richmen said to him,

“Teacher, whatHe answered ,fulfil the law and the prophets .

ood thing can I do and live? ” He said to him “S ir,

I have .

csus said,“Go, sell all that you have and d is tribute

to the_poor ; and come, follow me .

”But the rich man began to scratch hi s head

,for it did not p leas e him . And

the Lord said to him,

’ “How can you say, I have fulfilled the law and the prophets, when it is written in the

law : You shall love your neighbor as yourse lf; and 10 , many of your brothers , sons of Abraham, are clothed infilth, dying of hunger, and your house is full ofmany good things , none ofwhich goes out to them? ” And he turnedand said to Simon, his disciple, who was s itting by him,

“Simon,son ofJonah , it is eas ier for a camel to go through

the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven .

.To Mark and Luke cf. “Gospel of the Naassenes ” in Hippoly tu s , Refutation of All Heresies,

V .7 .26~—“Why do you call me good? O ne there is who is good— my Father who is in heaven— who mak es hissun to rise on the jus t and on the unjus t, and sends rain on the pure and on sinners .

(Cf . also Matt .


§ 190—19 1 MATT.- 19— MARK —34—LUKE - 34


Matt . - 16

1 For the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the

morning to hire l aborers for h is vineyard .

2 After agr eeing wi th the laborers for

a denarius c a day, he sent them in to his vineyard .

3 And going ou t about the third

hour he saw others standing idle in the market p l ace;4 and to them he said ,

‘You goin to the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you .

’ So they went . 5 Going ou tagain about the s ixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same .

6 And about theeleventh hour he went out and found others standing ; and he said to them,

‘Why do

you stand here idle al l day?’ 7 They said to him ,

‘Because no one has hired us . ’ He

said to them,

‘You go into the vineyard too .

’ 8 And when evening came, the owner

of the vineyard said to his steward,‘Call the l aborers and pay them their wages, begin

n ing wi th the last, up to the first .

’ 9 And when those hired about the eleventh hourcame, each of them received a denarius . 1 0 Now when the first came, they thought theywould receive more ; but each of them also received a denarius . 1 1 And on receivingi t they grumbled at the householder, 1 2 saying,

‘These last worked only one hour, andyou have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and scorchingheat . ’ 1 3 But he rep l ied to one of them,

‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you notagree with me for a denarius? 1 4 Take what belongs to you, and go ; .I choose to giveto this las t as I give to you .

1 5 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongsto me? Or do you begrudge my generosi ty?

’ d 1 6 So the las t wi ll b e firs t, and the firs tlast ." (See above,


M ark —34

32 And they were on the road,and

Ma tt . —19

17 And as Jesus was

Luke —3 4

going up to Jerusalem, going up to Jerusalem,

Jesus was walking ahead of

them ; and they were amazed,and those who followed were

he took the twelve afraid . And taking the twelve

di scip les aside, and on the again, he began to tel l them

way he said to them,

1 8 “Behold, we are going

up to Jerusalem ; and the Son

of man will b e delivered tothe chief pries ts andscribes, and they will condemn

him to death, 1 9 and del iverhim to the Gentiles to b e

mockedand scourged and crucified ,

and will b e raised on the

third day .

The denarius was worth about twenty cents .

what was to happen to him ,

3 3 saying, Behold, we are goingup to Jerusalem ; and the Son

of man will b e del ivered tothe chief priests and the

scribes, and they will condemnhim to death, and deliverhim to the Gen tiles ; 3 4 and theywill mock him, and sp i t uponhim, and scourge him, and killhim ; and after three days hewi ll rise.


3 1 And taking the twelve,

he saidto them, Behold, we are goingup to Jerusalem, and every thi ngtha t is wri tten of the Son ofman by th e prophets wi ll b eaccomp l ished .

3 2 For he wi ll b e del ivered

to the Gentiles, and will b emocked and shamefully trea tedand sp i t upon ; 3 3 they willscourge him and kill him, andon th e third day he wi ll rise .

3 4 But they understood none of

these things ; this saying was

hid from them, and th ey didnot grasp what was said .

9 Or : is y our ey e evil because 1 am good?



Ma tt . —28

20 Then the mother of the

sons of Zebedee came up to him,

with her sons, and kneel ing

before him she asked him for


21 And he said to her, What doyou want?” She sai d to him,

Command that these two sons

of mine may sit, one at your

right hand and one at your

left, in your kingdom .

” 22 But

Jesus answered,“You do not

know what you are asking . Are

you able to drink the cup that

I am to drink?”

They said to

him, We are able .

23 He

sa id to them, You will drink

my cup,

but to si t a t my right handand at my left is not mine to

grant, but i t is for those forwhom it has been prepared by

my Father . ”

24 And when the ten heardi t, they were indignant a t

the two brothers . 25 But

Jesus called them to him and

sai d,“You know that

the rulers

of the Gentiles lord i t overthem, and their great men ex

ercise au thority over them .

26 It shall not b e so

among you ; but whoever wouldb e great among you must b eyour servant, 27 and whoever

would b e firs t among you mustb e your slavef

" 28 even as the

Son of man came not tob e served but to serve, and

to give his l ife as a ransomfor many.

Mark —45

35 And James and John , the

sons of Zebedee, came forwardto him, and said to him,

“Teacher, we want you to do for

us whatever we ask of you .


3 6 And he said to them,

“What doyou want me to do for you?3 7 And they said to him,

“Grant us to si t, one at your

right hand and one at yourleft, in your glory .

3 3 ButJesus said to them,

“You do no t

know what you are asking . Are

you able to drink the cup that

I drink, or to b e bap ti zed wi ththe bap t ism with whi ch I ambap ti zed?

” 3 9 And they sa id to


“We are able. And Jesussaid to them,

“The cup that I

drink you will drink ; and wi th

the bap tism with which I ambap ti zed, you will b e bap t ized ;40 but to sit at my right hand

or at my left is not mine to

grant, but i t is for those forwhom i t has been prepared .

4 1 And when the ten heard

i t, they began to b e indignantat James and John .

42 And

Jesus called them to him andsaid to them,

“You know that

those who are supposed to ruleover the Gentiles lord i t over

them, and their gr eat men ex

ercise authori ty over them .

43 But ' i t shall not b e so

among you ; but whoever wouldb e great among you must b eyour servant, 44 and whoeverwould b e first among you mustb e slave of all . * 4 5 For the

Son of man al so came not to

b e served but to serve, andto give his life as a ransomfor many .

Luke —27 23 7, p. 1 67)

Luke 160, p 1 15)

Cf. Mark Luk e 9 :48b 129, p .95) and Matt . 210, p . 149) .

To Matt . cf. “Gosp el of the Naassenes in Hippolytu s, Refutation of All Heres ies, V.S . 7I But” he says ,even if you drink the cup which I drink, you wil l not be able to enter where I go.


—27 (§ 23 7 b, p 167 )24 A dispute also arose amongthem, which of them was to b e

regarded as the greatest .25 And he sa id to them,

“The kings of the Gentiles

exercise lordship over

them ; and those in authorityover them are cal led b enefac

tors . 26 But not so

wi th you ; rather let the

greates t among you become asthe youngest,and the leaderas one who serves . * 27 For whichis the greater, one who si ts a t

table, or one who serves? Is i t

not the one who si ts a t table?

But I am among you as one whoserves .

MATT.—34 —MARK —52— LUKE —4 3


M att . —34

(cf. —3 1 , 56, p. 39)

29 And as they went ou t of Jer

i cho, a great crowd followed

him .3 0 And behold, two bl ind


s i tting by the roadside,when they heard that

was passing

cried out, e

Have mercy on us, Son ofDavid !"

3 1 The crowd rebuked them,

tel l ing them to b e silent ;but they cried out the more,Lord, have mercy on us,Son of David !" 3 2 And Jesusstopped and called them, saying,

What do you

want me to do for you?"

3 3 They said to him,

Lord , let our eyes b e opened .

3 4 And Jesus in p i ty touched

the ir eyes,

and immediately they receivedthe ir sight and followed him .

(21 .

-1- 9, § 19e, pp. 13 7—1 38)

° text : S D 9 d) it sy°; add, Lord : P45 B C W A Q sy

p vg sa bo .

Mark —52

(1 1 .

-1 196, pp. 137-13 8)


Luk e —43

35 As he drew near to Jericho,

Or, Rabbi.

46 And they came to Jericho ;and as he was leaving Jeri chowi th his discip les and a great

multi tude, Bartimaeus, a blind

beggar, the son of Timaeus, wass i tting by the roadside .

47 And when he heard that i twas

Jesus of Nazareth,he began to cry out and

say, Jesus, Son of David, havemercy on me !" 48 And

many rebuked him,

tell ing him to b e silent ; buthe cried out al l the more,“Son of David, have mercy on

me !” 49 And Jesus stopped and

said, Call him . And they

called the blind man, sayingto him,

“Take hear t ; rise, hei s call ing you .

” 59 And throwing off his mantle he Sprangup and came to Jesus . 5 1 And

Jesus said to him,

“What do you

want me to do for you? Andthe bl ind man said to him,

“Mas ter,f let me receive my

sight 52 And Jesus said tohim, Go your way ;your fai th has made you wel l .

And immediately he receivedhis sight and followed him

on the way .

a bhudman was

si t ting by the roadside begging;3 9 and hearing a multi tudegoing by, he inquired whatthis meant . 3 7 They told him,

“Jesus of Nazar eth is passingby .

” 3 8 And he cried,“Jesus, Son of David, have

mercy on me ! ” 3 9 And those whowere in front rebuked him,

tel ling h im to b e silent ; buthe cried ou t all the more,“Son of David, have mercy onme !

” 40 And Jesus stopped, and

commanded him to b e brought tohim;

and when he came near,he asked him,

41 “What do youwant me to do for you?”

He said,Lord let me receive mysight . 42 And Jesus said tohim,

“Receive your sight :

your fa i th has made you wel l .43 And immediately he receivedhis sight and followed him,

glorifying God ; and all the

peop le, when they saw i t,gave praise to God.

§ 195

20 And he who had received the five

talents came forward, bringing five

talents more, saying,‘Master, you

delivered to me five talents ; here I

have made five talents more .

’ 21 His

master said to him,

‘Well done, good andfai thful servan t ; you have been faithfulover a li ttle, I will set you over much ;enter into the joy of your master .

29 And he also who had the two talents

came forward, saying,‘Master, you dcl iv

ered to me two talents ; here I have made

two talents more .

’ 9 3 His master said to


‘Well done, good and fai thful ser

van t ; you have been faithful over ali ttle, I will set you over much ; enter

into the joy of your master .’ 24 He also

who had received the one talent came for

ward, saying,‘Master, I knew you to b e a

hard man , reap ing where you did not sow,

and gathering where you did not winnow ;25 so I was afraid, and I went and hidyour talent in the ground . Here you havewhat is yours . ’ 29 But his master answeredhim,

You wicked and slothful servant !You knew that I reap where I have notsowed, and gather where I have not winnowed? 27 Then you ought to have investedmy money wi th the bankers , and at mycoming I should have received what wasmy own wi th in terest .

28 So take the

talent from him, and give i t to him who

has the ten talents .

29 For to every one who has willmore b e given, and he will have abundance ;but from him who has not, even what hehas will b e taken away .

* 3 0 And cast theworthless servan t into the outer darkness ; there men will weep and gnashtheir teeth .

* Cf. Matt . 91, p .66) M ark



1 6 The first came before him,

saying,‘Lord, your pound has

made ten pounds more .

1 7 And

he said to him,

‘We ll done, goodservant ! Because you have been fai thfulin a very l i t tle, you shal l have authori tyover ten ci t ies . ’

1 9 And th e second came,

saying,‘Lord, your pound has made

five pounds .’

1 9 And he sai d to

‘And you are to b e -over five ci ties . ’

20 Thenanoth er came,

saying,‘Lord, here i s your pound,

which I have kep t laid away in a napkin ; 21 for I was afraid of you, because

you are a severe man ; you take up whatyou did not lay down , and reap what youdid not sow .

’ 22 He said to him,

‘Iwill condemn you out of your own month,

you wicked servant ! You knew that I wasa severe man , taking up what I did notlay down and reap ing what I did no t sow?

23 Why then did you not pu t my money intothe bank, and at my coming I should havecollected i t wi th in terest?’ 24 And he

said to those who stood by,‘Take the

pound from him , and give i t to him whohas the ten pounds .

’ 25 (And they said to


‘Lord, he has ten

tel l you that to every one who has willmore b e given ; but from him who has not ,even what he has wi ll b e taken away .

27 But as for these enemies of mine, whodid not want me to reign over them , bringthem here and slay them before me .

Luke 94, p .68) .


B . The Days in Jerusalem

Ma t thew 21—25 Mark 1 1—13 Luk e —2l z38


Matt . —9

—34, § 193 , p. 154)

1 And when they

drew near to Jerusalem and came

to Bethphage, to the

Mount of Olives,then Jesus sent twodiscip les,

2 saying to them“Go in to the village Opposi teyou,

and immediatelyyou will find an ass

tied, and a colt .wi th her;

untie them and bring them to

me .

3 If any one says anything

to you ,

you shall say,‘

The Lord has

need of them,

’ and he will

send them immediately .

” 4 Thistook p lace to

fulfil whatwas spoken by the prophet,saying,5 “Tell the daughter of Zion ,Behold, your king is

coming to you,humble, and mount ed on an


and on. a col t, the foalof an ass .”

6 The discip les went

and did

Mark —10

(10 . 46—5 3 , 1 93 , p. 1 34)

1 And when they

toBe thphage and Bethany, at the

drew near to Jerusalem,

Mount of Olives,he sent two of his

discip les, 2 and said to them,

“Go into the vill age opp osite

you , and immedia tely as youenter i t you will find a col ttied, on which no one has ever

sa-t ; untie i t3 If any one says to you ,

‘Why are you doipg this?’


The Lord hasneed of i t and will send itback here immediately .

4 And they went away, and

found a colt tied at the door

out inJ

the open street ; andthey un tied it . 5 And thosewho st ood there said to them,

“What are you doing, untyingthe col t?”

Matt .

— Isaiah Zechariah

To 196 cf. John

and bring it .

9 "

32 So those who were sen twent away and found i t as hehad told them .

3 3 And as they were untying the

col t, i ts owners said to them,

“Why are you untyingthe col t?”

Luke —38

28 And when he had saidthis, he went on ahead, goingup to Jerusalem .

29 When he

drew near to

Bethphage and Bethany, at themount that is called Ol ive t,

he sent two of the

discip les, 3 0 saying,Go into the village opposi te,

where on

entering you will find a colttied, on which no one has ever

yet sat ; untie i t and bring i t

here .

3 1 1i any one asks you ,‘Why are you untying it?


shall say this,‘

The Lord hasneed of i t .

197—198 MATT.

as Jesus

had directed them ;7 they brought the ass and the

col t, and put their garments on

them i and he sa t thereon .

3 Most of the crowd spread theirgarments on the road, and otherscu t branches from the trees and

spread them on the road .

9 And the crowds that went b efore him and that followed him

shouted, Hosanna to the Sonof David ! Blessed is he who

comes in the name of the Lord !

Hosanna in the

highest !

—10— MARK —1 l— LUKE —4 4

6 And they told them what Jesus

had said ; and they let them go .

7 And they brought the col t toJesus, and threw their garments

on i t ; and he sat upon i t .8 And many spread their garmentson the road, and others spreadleafy branches which they had

cut from the fields .

9 And those who went before

and th ose who followed criedout


“Hosanna ! Blessed is he

who comes in the name of the

Lord ! 1 0 Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that

is coming ! Hosannahighest !


in the heavenhighes t !

and glory


Luk e —44

Peace inin the

39 And some of the Pharisees in the multi tude said to him, Teacher, rebuke your

di scip les ." 40 He answered,

“ I tell you , i f these were silent, the very stones would cryout . ” 41 And when he drew near and saw the ci ty he wep t over i t, 42 saying,

“Wouldthat even today you knew the things that make for peace ! But now they are hid fromyour eyes . 4 3 For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies wi l l cas t up a bankabout you and surround you, and hem you in on every side,

44 and dash you to the

ground, you and your children wi thin you, and they will not leave one s tone uponanother in you ; because you did not know the time of your visi ta tion .

M att . —17

10 And when he enteredJerusalem, al l the ci ty was

s t irred, saying, Who is



Mark1 1 And he entered


Luk e —46

Matt . Mark 1 1 19-10 Luke — Psalm 118z25-26 . Luke — Psalm 137 z9 .

j text : S B C W A S? vg sa bo ; on it : D it 9 d) ; on the colt : sy° ; phrase omitted : sy °

3 4 And they said, The Lordhas need of i t .3 5 And they brought i t toJesus, and throwing the ir garments on the col t they set

Jesus upon it . 3 6 And as he

rode along, they spread theirgarments on the road.

3 7 As he was now drawing near,a t the descent of the Mount ofOlives, the whole mul ti tude of

the discip les began to rejoiceand praise God with a loudvoice for all the m ighty worksthat they had seen, 3 8 saying,“Blessed is the King who comesin the name of the Lord !

§ 200—201 MATT.—21—MARK —23— LUKE —4 8


Matt . —13 198, p. 139 ) Luk e —4 8

12 And Jesus entered the 45 And he entered the

temp le of God 1 and drove temp le and began to dr iveou t all who sold and out those who sold,

bought in the temp le, andhe overturned the tables of

the money-changers and the

seats of those who sold p ig

eons .

1 3 He said tothem, I t is wri tten ,

‘Myhouse shall b e called ahouse of prayer


but you make i t

a den of robbers .

1 8 And the chief

priests and the scribesheard i tand sought a way to destroyhim ; for they feared him,

See because all the mul titudewas astonished at his teaching .

1 9 And when eveningcame they

m went out of the

ci ty .


M att . —22

20 When the discip les saw i t they mar

veled, saying,

How did the fig tree

wi ther at once?” 2 1 And Jesus answeredthem, Truly, I say to you , if you have

faith and never doubt , you will not only

do what has been done to the fig tree, but

M att . M ark Luke — Isaiah Jeremiah

To 200 cf. John -17 .

l text : C D W A d) S? it vg sy°syp ; omit, q od : S B 9 sa bo .

m te.xt : A B W sy9 ; he : S C D 9 X 4)

8? it vg sy°sa bo. Or, Rabbi.


Mark —19

15 And they came to Jemsalem . And he entered the

temple and began to driveout those who sold and thosewho bought in the temp le, andhe overturned the tables ofthe money-ch angers and the

seats of those who sold p igeons ; 1 6 and he would notallow any one to carry anything through the temp le .

And he taught , and said to

them ,

“Is i t not wr i tten,

‘Myhouse shall b e called ahouse of prayer for al l the

nations ’? But you have made i t

a den of robbers .

43 saying tothem, I t is wri t ten,

‘Myhouse shall b e ahouse of prayer


but you have made i ta den of robbers . ”

47 And he was teachingdai ly in the temp le . The ch ief


and the scribes andthe principal men of the

peop le sought to destroy him ;4 3 but they did not findanything they could do, for

all the peop le hung upon

h is words .

(See 21 .

-37, § 23o, p. 1 62)

Mark —25 (26)20 As they passed by in the morning, they

saw the fig tree withered away to i ts roots .

21 And Peter remembered and said to him ,

“Master,n look ! The fig tree which you

cursed has withered .

" 22 And Jesus answeredthem,

“Have fai th in God .

23 Truly, 1 say

to you,

MATT .—25—MARK —3 1— LUKE —5


i t wi l l

even if you say to this mountain ,

taken up and cast in to the sea,

b e done .


22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,i f you have fai th .

p. For if you forgivemen their trespasses, your heavenlyFather also wi ll forgive you .


Matt . —27

23 And when he entered the

temp le,the chief

priests and the elders of the

peop le came up to him as he was

teaching, and said, By what

authori ty are you doing thesethings, and who gave you this

au thori ty?”

24 Jesus answered them, I alsowill ask you a quest ion ; and ifyou tel l me the answer, then 1

also will tell you by whatauthori ty I do these things .25 The bap t ism of John , whencewas i t? From heaven or frommen? And theyargued wi th one another,

“Ifwe say,

‘From heaven,’

he will

say to us,‘Why then did you

not bel ieve him?’

* M att . 126, p . 94) : He saidto them,

Because of your little faith . For trul y , Isay to you,

if you have faith as a grain of mus tardseed, you will say to this mountain,

‘Move henceto yonder place,

’and it will move ; and nothing

will b e imposs ible to you .

Mark —33

4 Was the bap t ism of Johnfrom heaven or from

men? 5 And they discussed

it wi th one another, saying,“If

we say,‘From heaven ,

he willsay,

‘Why did you not

believe him?’

Luke 180, p . 125) : And the

Lord said , If you had faith as a grain of mus tardseed, you could say to this sycamine tree,

‘Be rooted

up , and be p lanted in the sea ,’and it would obey

you .

0 text : S B W sy°sa bo ; add verse 26 : But if y ou do notforgive, neither willy our Father who is in heavenforgivey our

A C D ® X ¢ § it vg syP Cyp riamtrespas ses

To Matt . 21 :21 22 M ark 11 :23 24 cf. John 14 : 1 3-14 ‘3 “Whatever you ask in my name,I will do it,

that the Father may be glorified in the Son ; if you ask anything in my name , I will do i t .

” Al so John 16 :23“In that day you will ask nothing of me . Truly , truly , I say to you,

if you as k anything of the Father, hewill g ive it to you in my name .

To Matt . and parall els cf. John — The Jews then said to him, What s ign have you to showus for doing th is?


whoever says to this mountain ,

Be taken upand cast into the sea,

’ and does not doubtin his heart, but bel ieves that what hesays will come to pass, i t wil l b e donefor him .

‘ 24 Therefore I tell you , whatever you ask in prayer, bel ieve that you

receive i t, and you will . 25 And wheneveryou stand praying, forgive, if you haveanything against any one ; so that yourFather also who is in heaven may forgiveyou your tresp asses .

27 And they came again toJerusalem . And as he was walking in the temp le, the chief

priests and the scribes andthe elders came to him,

28 andthey said to him, By what au

thori ty ar e you doing thesethings, or who gave you thisauthori ty to do them?”

29 Jesus said to them, I

wil l ask you a question :answer me, and I will tel l youby what authori ty I do thesethings .3 0 Was the bap t ism of John

from heaven or frommen? Answer me .

” 3 1 And theyargued with one another,

“Ifwe say,

‘From heaven ,

he willsay,

‘Why then did you notbelieve him?’

Luk e —8

1 O ne day, as he was teaching the peop le in the temp leand preaching the gospel ,

the chief

priests and the scribes' with

the elders came up2 and said

to him,

“Tel l us by what

authori ty you do these things,or who it is that gave youthis au thori ty .

3 He answered them , I alsowill ask you a question ; nowtel l me,

2“But if we say,‘From


we are afraid of the multitude; for al l hold thatJohn was a prophe t .

to them,

these things.

3 2 But shall we say,

realJohn was a

do not know. And Jesus said“Nei ther wi ll I tel l

you by what authori ty I doto them,

these things ."

‘Fromthey were afra id of

the peop le, for all held that

prophet .27 So they answered Jesus,

“We 3 3 So they answered Jesus,“We

do not know.

” And he saidNei ther will I tel l

you by what au thori ty I do

MATT .—35—MARK — LUKE —10

6 But if we say,‘From


’ all the peop le wi llstone us ; for they are convinced that John was a prophe t .


7 So they answered that theydid not know whence i t was .

3 And Jesus said to them, Nei therwill I tel l you by what authori ty I do these things . ”


Ma tt . —32

28 What do you think? A man had two sons ; and he went to the first and said,

‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today .

’ 29 And he answered,‘ I wi ll not’ ; but af ter

ward he repented and went . 3 0 And he went to the second and said the same ; and heanswered,

1 go, sir,’ but did not go .

3 1 Which of the two did the will of his father?They said, The first . ” Jesus said to them, Truly, I say to you , the tax collectors and

the harlots go in to the kingdom of God before you .3 2 For John came to you in the

way of righteousness, and you did not bel ieve him, but the tax collectors and the

harlots bel ieved him ; and even when you saw i t, you did no t afterward repent andbelieve him .



Matt . —46

33 Hear another parable .

There was a householder who

p lanted a vineyard, and set

a hedge around it, and dug awine press in i t, andbuil t a tower, and let i t outto tenants, and went in to

another country .

3 4 When the season offrui t drew near, he sent hisservan ts to the tenants, to

get his frui t ;

3 5 and the tenants took his ser

vants and beat one, kil ledanother, and stoned another .

Mark —12

1 And he began to speak tothem in parables .

“A man

p l anted a vineyard, and se t

a hedge around i t, and dug a

p i t for th e wine press, andbuil t a tower, and let i t ou t

to tenants, and went intoanother country .

2 When the time came,

he sent aservant to the tenants, to

get from them some of the

frui t of the vineyard .

3 And they took him

and beat him, and senthim away emp ty-handed .

Luke —199 And he began to tell the

peop le this par able : A man

p lan ted a vineyard,

Luke -30 82, p . 59) : 29 When they heard this all the peop le and the tax collectors jus tified God,having been bap tized with the bap tism of John ; 3 ° but the Phar isees and the lawyers reject ed the purpose of

God for themselves, not having been bap tized by him.

Matt . Mark Luke — Isaiah

P text : S B C W (9 d; 3? it vg sa bo ; even wheny ou did not see it, y ou afterward repented : sy°sy

°; whenyou

saw it y ou afterward repented: D sy°


and let i t ou tto tenants, and went intoanother country for a longwhile .

1 0 When the time came,he sent a

servant to the tenants, thatthey should give him some ofthe fruit of the vineyard ;but the tenants

bea t him, and senthim away emp ty-handed .

MATT.—22zl 4—MARK — LUKE

46 But when they tried to 12 And they tried to arres t

arrest him,

they feared the multi tudes, but feared the multi tude,because they held h im to b e for they perceived that he

a prophet . had told the par able against

(Cf. p . 145) them ; so they left him andwent away .

19 The scri bes and the chi ef

priests tried to lay handson him at that very hour,but they feared the peop le;for they perceived that he

had told this p arable agai ns tthem .


Matt . —14

l And again Jesus spoke to them in

parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom of

heaven may b e compared to a king whogave a marriage feast for his son,

3 and sent his servan ts to call those who

were invi ted to the marriage feas t ; but

they would not come .

4 Again he sento ther servan ts, saying,

‘Tel l those who

are invi ted, Behold, I have made readymy dinner, my oxen and my fat calves arekilled, and everything is ready ; come to

the marriage feast . ’ 5 But they made

l ight of i t and went off, one to hisfarm, another to his business, 6 while

the res t seized his servants, treatedthem shamefully, and killed them .

7 The

king was angry, and he sent his tr0 0 p sand destroyed those murderers and burned

their city .

8 Then he said to his ser


The wedd ing is ready, but thoseinvi ted were not worthy .

9 Go therefore

to the thoroughfares, and invi te to the

marriage feast as many as you find .

10 And those servan ts went out in to the

streets and gathered all whom they

found, both bad and good ; so the wed

ding hal l was fi lled wi th guests .1 1

“But when th e king came in to look a t

the guests, he saw there a man who had nowedding garment ; 1 2 and he said to him,

‘Friend , how did you get in here wi thouta wedding garment?’ And he was speechless . 1 3 Then th e king said to t he atten

dants,‘Bind him hand and foot, and cast

him in to the outer darkness ; there men

will weep and gnash the ir tee th .

’ 1 4 For

many are called, bu t few are chosen .


Luke —24 1 70, pp 1 19—120)16 But he said to him, A man once

gave a great banque t, and invi ted many ;1 7 and at the time for the banquet hesent hi s servant to say to those who had

been invited,‘Come ; for all is now

ready .

’ 1 3 But they all al ike began tomake excuses . The first said to him,


have bought a field, and I must go ou t

and see i t ; I pray you, have me excused .

1 9 And another said,‘I have bought five

yoke of oxen , and I go to examine them ;I pray you, have me excused .

’ 20 Andanother said,

‘I have marri ed a wife,

and therefore I cannot come .

’ 21 So the

servan t came and reported this to hismaster . Then the householder in anger

said to his servant,‘

Go ou t quick ly to the

streets and lanes of the ci ty, and bringin the poor and maimed and blind and lame .

22 And the servan t said,‘

Sir, what youcommanded has been done, and still thereis room .

’ 23 And the master sai d to the

servant,‘Go ou t to the highways and

hedges, and compel peop le to come in ,

that my house may b e filled .

24 For Itell you, none of those men who wereinvi ted shall taste my banquet.

MATT.—22— MARK - 17— LUKE —26


Matt . —22 Mark 12: 13—17

15 Then the Phari sees wentand took counsel how to entan

gle him in his talk .

1 6 And

they sent th eir discip les toh im, along wi th the Herodians,

saying,Teacher, we know thatyou are true, and teach the

way of God truthfully, andcare for no man ; for you donot regard the position of men . teach the way of God .

1 7 Tel l us, then, what youthink . Is i t l awful to pay

22 18 i t lawful for us to givetaxes to Caesar, or not? tribute to Caesar, or not?

1 8 But Jesus, aware 23 But he perce ived their

of their mal ice, said,

craftiness, and said to them,

Why pu t me to the test, you

hypocri tes? 1 9 Show me the 24 “Show me amoney for the tax .

” And they coin .r

brought h im a coin .

r 20 AndJesus said to them,


“Whoselikeness and inscrip tion is

this?” 21 They said,Then he said to

them, Render therefore to Cae

sar the things that are Caesar’sand to God the things that

are God’s . ” 22 When theyheard i t,

they marveled ; and they left were am azed at him .

him and went away .Cf. 204,

Greek, 4 denarius .

To Matt . and p aral lels cf. John — This man came to Jesus b y night and said to him , Rabbi,we know that you are a teacher come from God ; for no one can do thes e s igns that you do, unless God is withhim

To M att . 22 : 15H cf. Egerton Papyrus Z— And they, coming to him to tes t him , said, Teacher Jesus, weknow that you are from God, for what you do tes tifies above all the prophets . Tell us , therefore, is it lawfulto give to k ings what p ertains to their rule? Shall we p ay them or not?

And Jesus , knowing their thoughts ,being moved with indignation, said to them,

“Why do you cal l me teacher with your mouth and do not hearwhat I say ? Well did Isaiah prophesy of you,

when he said : ‘This peop le honors me with their lips, but theirheart is far from me ; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men .

(Cf. M att .-8 Ma

rk -7 , s 1 15, p . 82.)


13 And they sent to him some

of the Phar isees and some of

the Herodi ans, to entrap him inhis talk .

1 4 And they came andsaid to

him, Teacher, we know thatyou are true, and care for no

man ; for you do'

no t regard the

posi tion of men, but trulyteach the way of God .

I s i t lawful to paytaxes to Caesar, or not?1 5 Should we pay them, or shouldwe not?

” But knowing the irhypocrisy, he said to them,

“Why pu t me to the tes t?Bring me a

coin, r and let me look at i t .1 6 And they brought one. Andhe said to them,

“Whosel ikeness and inscrip tion isthis?" They said to him,

1 7 Jesus said to

them, Render to Caesarthe things that are Caesar's,and to God the things thatare God ’s ." And they

Luke —26

20 So they watched h im, andsent Sp ies, who pre tended to

b e sincere, that they mighttake hold of what he said, soas to del iver him up to the

authori ty and jurisdiction of

the governor . 21 They askedhim,

“Teacher, we know that

you speak and teach rightly,and show no par t ial i ty,

but truly

Whosel ikeness and inscrip t ion hasi t?” They sai d,“Caesar ’s 2 5 He said tothem, Then render to Caesarthe things that are Caesar’s,and to God the things thatare God's . ” 26 And theywere not able the presence of the p eop le to catchhim by what he said; bu t

marveling at his answer theywere si lent .



MATT.—33—MARK -27— LUKE —40


Ma tt . —33

23 The same day Sadduceescame to him, who say that

there is no resurrection ;and they asked him a question ,24 saying, Teacher, Mosessaid,

‘If a man

dies,having no children , his brothermust marry the widow, and raiseup children for his brother . ’

25 Now there were sevenbrothers among us ; the firstmarried, and died, and havingno children left his wife tohis brother.

26 So too the


third,down to the seven th .

27 After themdied .

thereall, the woman28 In the resurrection ,fore, to which of the sevenwill she b e wife? For theyall had her. 29 But Jesus

answered them,

You are wrong, because you

know nei ther the scrip tures

nor the power of God.

3 0 For in the resurrectionthey ne i ther marry

nor are given in marriage,

but are l ikeangels 11 in heaven .

3 1 And asfor the resurrection of the

dead, have you not read whatWas said to you by God,32 ‘ I am the God of Abraham,

and the God of Isaac, and the

God of Jacob ’? He i s notGod of the dead, but of the

l iving .

3 3 And when the crowdheard i t, they were astonished at his teaching.

See 11 . 46

Matt . M ark Luke — Deuteronomy -6, Genesis

M ark —27

18 And Sadducees came to him,

who say thatthere is no resurrection ;and they asked him a question ,

saying, 1 9 “Teacher, Moseswrote for us that i f a man ’sbrother dies and leaves a wife,but leaves no child , the man 8

must take the wife, and raiseup children


for his brother .20 There were sevenbrothers ; the firsttook a wife, and when he diedleft no children ;

21 and thesecond took her, and died,leaving no children ; and the

third likewise ; and the seven left nochildren . Lastof all the woman also died .

23 In the resurrection t whosewife will she b e? For the

seven had her as wi fe .

24 Jesussaid to them, Is not thiswhy you are wrong, that youknow nei ther the scrip turesnor the power of God?

25 For when they rise fromthe dead, they nei ther marrynor are given in marr iage,

but are l ikeangels in heaven .

26 And as for the deadbeing raised, have you not

read in the book of Moses, inthe passage about the bush,how God said to him,

‘I am the God of Abraham,

and the God of Isaac, and the

God of Jacob ’

? 27 He i s notGod of the dead, but of the

l iving; you are quite wrong .

Mark Luke — Exodus

'Greek , his brother.

Luk e —40

27 There came to him someSadducees, those who say that

there is no resurrection ,

28 and they asked him a question ,

saying, Teacher, Moses

wrote for us that if a man ’sbrother dies, having a wi febut no children , the man fs must

take the wife and raise upchildren for his brother .29 Now there were seven

brothers the firsttook a wi fe, and diedwithout children ;

3 9 and thesecond

3 1 and thethird took her, and l ikewise all seven left no

children and di ed .

3 2 Afterward the woman also died .

3 3 In the resurrection , therefore, whose wife will the

woman b e? For the seven hadher as wife . 34 And Jesussaid to them,

“The sons of

this age marry and are

gi ven in marriage ; 3 5 butthose who are accountedworthy to attai n to thatage and to the resurrectionfrom the dead neither marrynor are given in marriage,

3 6 for they cannot d ie anymore, because they are equalto angels


and are sons ofGod, being sons of the res

urrect ion.3 7 But that

the dead are raised, even

Moses showed, in th e passageabout the bush, where he cal ls

the Lord th e God of Abrah am ,

and the God of Isaac, and the

God of Jacob .

3 8 Now he i s not

God of the dead, bu t of the

l iving ; for all l ive to

him .

” 3 9 And some of the

scribes answered, Teach er,you have spoken wel l .

” 40 For

they no longer dared to ask

him any ques tion .

Matt .

t text : S B C D W syP sa bo ; add, when they shall arise : A 9 k (I) 9 it vg sy


“ text : B D 6 it vg (some MSS . ) sy°sy

°se Origen ; add, of God : S W (1) R SY" bo.


209- 210

M att . -4 6

41 Now when the Pharisees

were gathered toge ther, Jesus

asked them a ques tion,42 saying,

“What do you think of

the Christ? Whose son is he?”

They said to him,

“The son of

David .

43 He said to them,

“How is i t then that David,insp ired by the Sp iri t,

v call shim Lord, saying,44 ‘

The Lord said to my Lord,Si t at my right hand,t ill I pu t thy enemies

under thy fee t’?45 If David thus calls himLord, how is he his son?


4 6 And no one was able toanswer him a word, nor fromthat day did any one dare to

ask him any more ques tions .

MATT .—23 z5—MARK — LUKE —45



Mark —37a Luke -4 4

35 And as Jesus taught in

the temp le, he said, 41 But he said to them,

How can the scribes saythat the Christ is

How can they saythat the Chris t is

the son ofDavid? David’s son?

3 6 David himsel f, 42 For David hims elfinsp ired by the Holy Sp iri t,v v in the Book of Psalms,declared,

The Lord sai d to my Lo rd,Si t at my right hand,til l I pu t thy enemies

under thy feet . ’

3 7 David himself callsLord ; so how is he his son?



The Lord sai d to my Lo rd,Si t at my right hand,

4 3 ti ll I make thy enemi esa s tool for thy fee t . ’

him 44 David thus calls him

Lord ; so how is he his son?"

See above, v . 34 See above


M att . —36

l Then said Jesus to the

crowds and to his discip les,2 “The


scribes and the Phari

sees si t on Moses' seat ;a so practice and observe whatever they tell you , but notwhat they do ; for they preach,but do not practice .

4 Theybind heavy burdens, hard tob ear,W and lay them on men'sshoulders ; but they themselveswill not move them wi th theirfinger . 5 They do all theirdeeds to b e seen by men ; forthey make their phylacteriesbroad and the ir fringes long,

Matt . M ark Luke -43— Psalm

Or, David in the Spirit.v v Or, himself, in the Holy Spirit.

Mark 12:37b—40 Luke —4 7

3 7 b And the great throng And in the hear ing ofheard him gladl y .

3 3 And in his all the peop le he said to hi s

teaching he said, discip les,

1 54, p . And he

said,“Woe to you lawyers al so !

for you load men Wi th burdens

hard to bear , and you yourselves do not touch the bur

dens with one of your fingers ."

Matt . cf. Numbers -39 .

" text zB W 9 (I) S? vg sa ; omi t, hard to bearS it sy


° Syp bo; not hard to bear : D .


MATT.—15—MARK —4 0— LUKE —47

6 and they love

the p lace of honor atfeasts and the best seats inthe synagogues, 7 and salu tations in the marke tand being called rabbi by men .

8 But you are not to b e called

rabbi , for you have one teacher,and you are all brethren .

9 Andcall no man your father on

earth, for you have one Father,who is in heaven .

1 0 Neitherb e called masters, for youhave one master, the Christ .1 1 He who is gr eatest amongyou shall b e your servant ; 1”

1 2 whoever exalts himsel fwill b e humbled, and whoever

humbles himself will b e ex

al ted .

13 But woe to you, scribesand Phari sees, hypocrit es !because you shut the kingdom

of heaven against men; for younei ther enter yourselves, norallow those who would enter togo in.


1 5 “Woe to you , scr ibes and

Pharisees, hypocri tes ! for you

tra-verse sea and land to makea single proselyte, and whenhe becomes a proselyte, youmake him twice as much achild of hell y as yourselves .

* Luke 154, p . 109) :

salutat ions in the mark e t p laces .

Beware of the scribes, who

like to go about in long robes,and to have salutations inthe market p laces 3 9 and the

best seats in the synagoguesand the p laces of honor atfeasts,‘

Cf. Mark (g129 , p . 95)

49 who devour widows'

houses and for a pretensemake long prayers . They willreceive the greater condem

nation .


Beware of the scribes, wholike to go about in long robes,and love salutations in

the marke t p laces and the

bes t seats in the synagoguesand the p laces of honor atfeasts,

Cf. Luke 9 :48 b 129 , p. 96)

Cf. Ma tt. 129 , p.

and Luke 14 .

-1 1 1 69, p.

and Luke 186,

154, p . Woe

to you lawyers ! for you havetaken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered thosewho were entering .

who devour widows ’

houses and for a pretensemake long prayers . They willreceive the greater condem

nation .

(Mark -44 Luke 212, P 152)

Woe to you Phar isees ! for you love the best seat in the synagogues and

Cf. also M att . -27 Mark -44 192, p . 13 3 ) Luk e'

22z26 237b , p . 167 ) .

1 text : S B‘

D G) vg (some M SS . ) sy°sa b o Origen ; add verse 14 (some times put after verse 12) Woe to

you, scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites fory ou devour widows’houses andfor a pretens ey oumake long pray ers ; thereforey ou will

receive the greater condemna tion” Mark and Luk e W (1) 9 it vg (some M SS . ) sy




7 Greek,

§ 210

16“Woe to you, l ind guides ,

who say,‘If any one swears

by the temple, i t is nothing ;but if any one swear s by the

gold of the temp le, he is

bound by his oa th .

’ 1 7 Youblind fools ! For which is

greater, the gold or the temp lethat has made the gold sacred?1 8 And you say,

‘If any one

swears by the al tar, i t is

nothing; but i f any one swearsby the gift that is on the

al tar, he is bound by his oath .

1 9 You bl ind men ! For whichis greater, the gift or the

al tar that makes the giftsacred? 20 So he who swearsby the al tar, swears by i tand by everything on i t ;21 and he who swears by the tem

ple, swears by i t and by him who

dwells in i t ; 22 and he who

swears by heaven , swears by

the throne of God and by him

who si ts upon i t .

23“Woe to you, scribes and

Pharisees, hypocri tes ! for youti the mint and dill and cummin ,and have neglected the weightiermatters of the law, jus ticeand mercy and fai th ; theseyou ought to have done, wi th

ou t neglecting the others .24 You blind guides, straining

ou t a gnat and swallowing acamel !

25 Woe to you, scribes andPharisees, hypocrites ! for

you cleanse the outside of the

cup and of the p late, but ihside they are full of extor

tion and rapacity .26 You bl ind

Pharisee ! first cleanse the

inside of the cup and of the

p late, that the outside alsomay b e clean .



—LUKE 20 4

—42, 44, 47—51

154, P 1o9f)42 But woe to you

Phar isees ! for you

ti the mint and me and everyherb , and neglect

justi ceand the love of God ; these

you ought to have done, wi thout neglecting the o thers.

3 9 “Now y ou Phar isees cl eanse

the outside of the cup and of

the dish, but inside you are

ful l of extortion and wickedness . 40 You fools ! Did not hewho made the outside make the

inside also? 4 1 But give for

alms those th ings which are

wi thin and behold , every

thing is cl ean for you.

211- 213 MATT.—MARK — LUK E —6 '


Matt . —3 9

37 0 Jerusalem, Jerusal em, kill ing the

prophets and stoning those who are sentto you ! How often would I have gatheredyour children together as a hen gathers

her brood under her wings, and you wouldnot ! 3 3 Behold, your house i s forsakenand desolate .

a 3 9 For I tel l you, you wil lnot see me again, until you say,

“Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord .

212. THE WIDOW ’


Mark . -4 4

—40, 210, pp. 148—149)

41 And he sa t down Opposi te the treas

ury, and watched the multi tude puttingmoney into the treasury . Many rich peop le

pu t in large sums .42 And a poor widow

came, and pu t in two copper coins, whichmake a penny .

4 3 And he called his dis

ciples to him, and said to them, Truly,I say to you , this poor widow has pu tin more than al l those who are contributing to the treasury .

44 For they all

contributed out of their abundance ; contributed

Luke-47, § 210, pp. 143—149)

1 He looked up and saw the rich puttingtheir gi fts in to the treasury ;

2 and he saw a poor widow

pu t in two copper coins .

3 And he sai d , TrulyI tell you , thi s poor widow has pu t

in more than all of them ;4 for they al l

ou t of their abundance,

bu t she out of her poverty has pu t in but she out of her poverty pu t in al l

everything she had, her whole l ivi ng . the l iving that she had .


Ma tt . —3

l Jesus left the temple andwas going away, when his dis

ciples came to point out tohim the buildings of the temp le .

2 But he answered them,

“Yousee all these, do you not?

Truly, I say to you, there willnot b e left here one stone uponanother, that will not b e

thrown down .

Mark -4

1 And as he came out of thetemp le, one of his discip lessaid to him,

“Look, Teacher,what wonderful stones and whatwonderful buildings ! 2 And

Jesus said to him,

“Do you see

these great buildings? Therewill no t b e left here one s toneupon another, that will not b ethrown down .


M att . Luke — Psalm

‘ text : S C D W (9 x d) 3? it vg syp ; cf. Jeremiah omit, and des olate : B sy

° sa bo .

q‘) sy

°sy'sa bo ; omit, here : A W 5? vg sy

p; one stone upon another in the wall here : D it .

Luk e —7

5 And as some spokeof the temp le, how i t was

adorned wi th noble stones andofferings, he said, 6 “Asfor these things which you see,

the days wi ll come when thereshall not b e left here b one stoneupon another that wil l not b ethrown down .

l’ text : S B 71° text : S A B R

d) R vg (some MSS . ) sa bo ; add, and after three day s another will be raised up without hands : D W it vg (some MSS . )Cyprian .


Luke —35 167 , p. 1 18)34 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ki l l ing the

prophe ts and stoning those who are sent

to you ! How often would I have gatheredyour chi ldren toge ther as a hen gathersher brood under her wings, and you wouldnot ! 3 5 Behold, your house is forsaken !

And I tell you , you wil lnot see me unti l you say,

‘Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord .


fl (Ola-vies, the dis cipl es game :of -e'

s oppo si te the t emple,Peter and James and John. and

Andrew asked him privately , 7 And they asked him,

Tell us when ll thi s b e 4 “Tell us; When. wil l thi s b e, Teacher, when wi ll this b e,

and what W111 b e the S ign of and wha-t wil l b e the sign and what will b e the sign

close when these things are all to wh en this is about ta‘kebe accompli shed? pl ace?


§ 214-215

The Synoptic Apocalyp se

MATT .—9—MARK —1 1— LUKE —15

Ma t thew —36 Mark —3 7 Luke —36


Ma tt . —8

4 And Jesus answered them,

Fake heed tha t no one leads

you astray .5 For many wil l

come in my name, saying,‘I

am the Chris t,’ and they will

lead many astray .


6 And you wil l hear of warsand rumors of wars ; see thatyou are not alarmed ; for thismust take p lace, bu t the end is

not yet .

7 For nation will riseagainst nation , and kingdomagainst kingdom, and there willbe famines and earthquakes invarious pl aces

8 allthi s is but the beginning ofthe sufferings .

Mark —8

5 And Jesus began to say tothem,

“Take heed that no one

leads you astray .6 Many will

come in my name, saying,‘I

am he !’ and they wil l

lead many astray .


7 And when you hear of warsand rumors of wars, do not b ealarmed ; this must take

p l ace, but the end i s not

yet .

8 For nation will riseagains t nation, and kingdomagains t kingdom ; there wi l lb e earthquakes invarious p l aces, there wi l l b e


this is but the beginning ofthe sufferings .

Luke —1 1

8 And he said,Take heed that you are notled as tray; for many willcome in my name, saying,

‘ Iam he !

’ and,‘

The time is at

hand ! ’ Do not go after them .


9 And when you hear of warsand tumul ts, do not b e

terrified ; for this must take

p lace, but the end will notb e at once.

” 1 0 Then he said tothem,

“Nation will ri seagainst nation, and kingdomagainst kingdom ; 1 1 there willb e great earthquakes, and invarious p lacesfamines and pest il ences ;there wi ll b e terrorsgreat signs from heaven .



Matt . —14

911“Then they wil l del iver you

up to tribulation ,—21 59 , p. 43 )

1 7 “Beware of men; for they wi lldel iver you up to councils, andflog you in their synagogues,1 8 and you wil l b e draggedbefore governors and kings for

my sake, to bear test imonybefore them and the Gentiles .1 9 When they del iver you up ,

do not b e anxious how you are

to speak or what you are to say;

for what you are to say wil l b egiven to you in that hour ;20 for i t i s not you who speak,but the Sp iri t of your Fatherspeaking through you .

Mark —13

9 But take heed to

selves ;for they wil l deliver you upto councils ; and you


will b ebeaten in synagogues ; and youwill stand before governorsand kings for my sake, to beartestimony before them .

1 0 Andthe gospel must firs t b e

preached to all nations .

( = Matt.


1 1 And when they b ring‘

you totrial and deliver you up , do

not b e anxious beforehandwhat you are to say; but say

whatever is given you in th athour, for i t is not you who

speak, but the Holy Spirit .


Luke - 19

12 But before al l this th eywill lay their hands on youand persecu te you , del ivering

you up to the synagogues and

prisons, and you will b e

brought before kings and governors for my name ’s sake .

1 3 This will b e a time for youto bear testimony .

1 4 Settle i t therefore inyour minds, not to meditatebeforehand how to answer ;1 5 for I will give you a mou thand wisdom, which none ofyour adversaries wil l b e

able to wi th stand or con tradict “!

* Cf. Matt . -26 M ark -22 217, p . 156) Luke 184, p . 126) .

Luke -12 155 , p . 1 12) : 1 1“And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rul ers and

the authorities , do not be anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to s ay ;13 for the Holy

Spir it will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say .

Matt . M ark Luke — Danielcf. Isaiah 11 Chronicles

Matt . M ark Luke

M att . -20 M ark Luke cf. John — “But the Counsel or,the Holy Spirit,

whom the Father wil l send in my name, he wil l teach you all things , and bring to your remembrance all thatI have said to YOu .

§ 2l 7—218

19 And alas for those who are

wi th child and for those whogive suck in those days !20 Pray that your fl ight may not

b e in winter or on'

a sabbath .

21 For then there will b e

great tribulation, such ashas not been from the beginning of the world

until now, no, andnever will b e .

22 And if thosedays had not been shortened,no human being would b e

saved ; but for the sake ofthe elect thosedays will be shortened .

1 7 And alas for those who are

wi th child and for those whogive suck in those days !1 8 Pray that i t may not happen

in winter .19 For in those days therewill b e such tribulation as

has not been from the beginning of the creation which

God created until now, andnever will b e.

20 And if the

Lord had not shortened the

days, no human be ing would b esaved ; but for the sake ofthe elect, whom he chose, he

shortened the days .

MATT. 24 : I$28—MARK —23- !LUKE —24

23 Alas for those who are

wi th child and for those whogive suck in those days !

For great distress shal l b e

upon the ear th and wrath uponthis peop le ;

24 they will fal lby the edge of the sword, andb e led cap tive among al l

nations ; and Jerusalem wil lb e trodden down by the Gen


Matt . —25

23 Then if any one says to you,‘


‘There he is ! ’

24 For false Christs andfalse prophets will arise and show greatsigns and wonders, so as to lead astray,

elect .

here is the Chris t ! ’

not bel ieve i t .or

i f possible, even the

I have told you

M ark —23

dodo not bel ieve i t .false prophetssigns

25 LO ,

21“And then if any one says to you ,

‘Look,here is the Chris t ! ’ or

Look, there he is !’

willand wonders,

i f possible, the elect . 23 Butbeforehand . I have told you all things beforehand .

ti les, until the t imes of

the Gentiles are fulfil led.

§ 183 ,22 False Christs and p . 125

arise and showto lead astray,

take heed ;

218 . l 1c. THE DAY OF THE SON OF MAN.

Ma tt . —28

26 So, i f they say to you,do not go out ;


do not bel ieve i t . 27 For as the

lightning comes from the eas t and shinesas far as the west, so will b e the coming

of the Son of man .

28 Wherever the bodywill b e gathered

is in the wilderness,i f they say,

‘Lo, he isrooms,


is, there th e eaglesf


Matt .13 :22— Deuteronomy

° text : S A W G A d) S? vg sy°sy


p bo ; omit, in his day : B D it sa .

Mark — Daniel

Luke - 24, 37 184. pp . 125—127)‘Lo, he

there ! ’



sky from

23“And they wi llor

do not follow them .

say to you ,

‘Lo,‘Lo, here ! ’ Do not go ;

24 For as the

flashes and l ights up the

one s ide to the other, sowill the Son of man b e in hi s day .


3 7 Where the body is, there the eaglesf

wil l b e ga thered toge ther .


Luke 21 :24 - Zechariah Matt . Mark

1 Or, vultures .

MATT .—3 3 ~MARK —29—LUKE —3 1 219- 220


M att . —3 1

29 Immediately after the

tribulation of those days the

sun will b e darkened, and the

moon wi l l not give i ts ligh t,and the stars wil l fall from


and the powers of the heavenswill b e shaken ; 3 0 then wi l lappear the sign of the Son of

man in heaven , and then all the

tribes of the earth will mourn,and they will see the Son ofman coming on the clouds ofheaven with p ower and great

glory; 3 1 and he willsend out his angels wi th aloud trumpe t call, and theywil l gather his elect from the

four winds, from one end of

heaven to the other.

Mark —27

24 But in those days, afterthat tribulation, the

sun will b e darkened, and the

moon will not gi ve i ts l ight,25 and the stars will b e fall ing

from heaven,

and the powers in the heavenswill b e shaken .

29 And then

they will see the Son ofman coming in clouds

wi th great power andglory .

27 And then he willsend ou t the angels,

and gather his elect from the

four winds, from the ends ofthe earth to the ends of heaven .

Luk e 21 :25—28

they will see the Son ofcoming in a cloud

wi th power and great


23 Now when these things beginto take p lace, look up andraise your heads, because your

redemp tion i s dr awing near.



Matt . —3 3

32 From the fig tree

learn i ts lesson : as soon a s

i ts branch becomes tender

and puts forth i ts leaves,you

know that summer is

near . 3 3 So also, whenyou see all these things

you know that he isnear, at the very gates .

M att . —cf. Revelation

M att . M ark -25 Luke — IsaiahMark Luke — Daniel -14.

-14 . Matt .— Isaiah Zechariah

Mark —29

28 From the fig treelearn i ts lesson : as soon asi ts branch becomes tenderand puts forth i ts leaves,

youknow that summer is

near . 29 So also, whenyou see these things taking

p lace, you know that he i snear, at the very gates .

Luke 21 :25— Psalm

Luke —3 1

29 And he told them a parable : “Look at the fig tree,and all the trees ; 3 0 as soonas they come out in leaf,

you see for yourselves and

know that the summer i s al

ready near . 3 1 So also, when

you see these things taking

p lace, you know that the kingdom of God is near

Matt . —cf. Zechariah

M att . M ark

To Matt . -3 1 and parallels cf. 1 Thessalonians -16— 15 For this we declare to you by the word of

the Lord, that we who are al ive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shal l not precede those who havefallen as leep .

call, and wi th the sound of the trumpet of God.


1 5 For the Lord hims elf will descend from heaven with a cry of command, wi th the archangel’s

25“And there will b e signs

in sun and moon and stars,and upon the earth distress of

nations in perp lexity at the

roaring of the sea and the

waves, 26 men fain ting wi thfear and wi th foreboding ofwhat is coming on the worldfor the powers of the heavenswill b e shaken .

27 And then

§ 22l~223 MATT .—36—\MARK —3 7— LUKE —3 6


Matt . - 36

84 Truly I say to you, thisgeneration will not pass awaytill all these things take

p lace.

* 3 5 Heaven and earthwill p ass away, but my wordswill not pass 3 6 But

Luk e —33

32“Truly, I say to you, this

generation wi ll not p ass awaytill all has taken

p lace .

* 3 3 Heaven and earthwill p ass away, but my wordswill not p ass away .

of that day and hour no one

knows, not even the angels of

heaven, nor the Son,8 but the

Father only .


Matt . 25 14- 151) 228, p. 1 60)

14 For i t will b e as whena man going on a journey calledhis servan ts and entrusted to

them h is property ;1 5 1) to each

according to his abil i ty . Then

he went away. ”

225, p. 159)“Watch therefore,

for you do not know on whatday your Lord is comi ng.

227 , p. 1 60)“Watch therefore,

for you know nei ther the daynor the hour.


Luk e —36

34 But take heed to yourselves lest your hear ts b e weighed down wi th dissipat ionand drunkenness and cares of this l ife, and that day come upon you suddenly l ike a

snare ; 3 5 for i t will come upon all who dwel l upon the face of the whole ear th .3 6 But

watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape al l these thi ngs thatwill take p l ace, and to stand before the Son of man .

Cf. Matt . M ark Luke 123 , p .90) .Cf. M att . 21 , p .21) Luke 176


Luke — Isaiah

N ext : S B D G) d) it Irenaeus , Origen ; omit, nor the son: W R vg sy°sy

p sa bo Didymus .

B D ; add, and pray : S A C W G) 3? it vg sy°sy

p sa bo .

1 Greek, a kingdom.


Mark —32

30 Truly, I say to you , th i sgeneration will not pass awaybefore all these things take


* 3 1 Heaven and earthwill p ass away, but my wordswill not pass 3 2 But

of that day or that hour no one

knows, not even the angels inheaven, nor the Son, but onlythe Father .

Mark —37

33 Take heed, watch ; h

for you do no t know whenthe t ime will come .

3 4 I t isl ike a man going on a journey,when he leaves home and putshis servants in charge, eachwith his work, and commandsthe doorkeeper to b e on the

watch .3 5 Watch therefore

for you do not know when the

master of the house wi ll come,in the evening, or at midnight,or at cockcrow, or in the

morning 3 6 lest he comesuddenly and find you asleep .

3 7 And what I say to you Isay to all : Watch .

(14 .

-1- 2, 23 1 , p. 163 )

Luke - 13 6 195, P 135 )

12 He said therefore,“A

nobleman went into a farcountry to rece ive kingly

power 1 and then return .

1 3 Call ing ten of his servan ts ,he gave them ten pounds .

158 p. 114)You also must b e

ready; for the Son of man iscoming at an hour you do not

expect ."

158, p. 113 )If he comes in the secondwatch , or in th e thi rd, andfinds them so, blessed are

those servants l

§ 227—228 MATT.—25 zl 7

delayed,’ 4 9 and begins to

beat his fel low servants,and eats and drinks wi th the

drunken ,50 the master of that ser

vant will come on a day when he doesnot exp ect h im and at an hour he does

not know,5 1 and wil l pun ish k him, and pu t

him wi th the hypocri tes ; there men willweep and gnash their tee th .


Matt . —13

1 Then the kingdom of heaven shall b e compared to ten maidens who took the irlamps and went to meet the b ridegroom.

I 2 Five of them were foolish, and five werewise .

3 For when the foolish took their lamp s, they took no oil with them ; 4 but thewise took flasks of oil wi th their lamp s . 5 As the bridegroom was delayed, they allslumbered and slep t . 6 But a t midnight there was a cry,

‘Behold, the bridegr oom !Come out to meet him .

’ 7 Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamp s . 3 And

the foolish said to the wise,‘Give us some of your o il, for our lamp s are going ou t .

9 But the wise rep l ied,‘Perhap s there wil l not b e enough for us and for you ; go rather

to the dealers and buy for yourselves . ’ 1 0 And while they went to buy, the bridegroomcame, and those who were ready went in wi th him to the marriage feast ; and the doorwas shut . 1 1 Afterward the other maidens came also, saying,

‘Lord, lord, open to us .’

1 2 But he rep l ied ,‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you .

’ 1 3 Watch therefore, foryou know ne i ther the day nor the hour .


M att . —30 Luke —27 195 , pp. 13 i - I 36)14 For i t will b e as when a man going 12 He said therefore,

“A nobleman wenton a journey called his servants and en into a far country to receive kingly

trusted to them his property ;1 5 to one power and then return .

1 3 Calling ten of

he gave five talents ,m to another two, to his servants, he gave them ten pounds , u

another one, to each according to his and said to them,

‘Trade wi th these ti ll

abil i ty . Then he went' away .

1 6 He who I come .

’ 1 4 But his ci tizens hated him

had received the five talents went at and sent an embassy after him, saying,once and traded wi th them ; and he made

‘We do no t want this man to reign overfive talents more .

1 7 So also, he who had us . ’

the two talents made two talents more .

Luke -36 158, p . 1 13) : 35“Let your loins b e girded and your lamp s burning, 3 °

and b e like men

who are wai ting for their mas ter to come home from the marriage feas t, so that they may open to him at oncewhen he comes and knocks .

Luke 165, p . 1 17 ) :“When once the householder has risen up and shut the door, you will begin

to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying,‘Lord, open to us .

’ He will answer you,

‘I do not know where

you come from .

k O r, cut him in pieces .

l text : S B C W 4) Si“ sa bo ; add, and the bride : D 8 X it vg sy° sy


mThistalent was probably worth about a thousand dollars .

n The mina, rendered here by pound, was equal to abouttwenty dollars .

To Matt . -30 cf. Clement of Alexandria, M iscellanies and frequen tly elsewher&“Be skilful

bankers , rejecting some things but retaining what is good.



delayed in coming,’ and begi ns to

beat the menservants and the maid

servan ts, and to eat and drink and

get drunk, 4 6 the master of that ser

van t will come on a day when he doesnot expect him and at an hour he doesnot know, and will punish k him, and pu thim with the unfai thful ."


1 3 But he who had received the one tal

ent went and dug in the ground and hid

his master’s money .

1 9 Now after a long

time the master of those servants cameand settled accounts wi th them .

20 And he who had rece ived the five talentscame forward, bringing five talents more,saying,

‘Master, you del ivered to me five

talents ; here I have made five talentsmore.

’ 21 His master said to him,


done, good and fai thful servant ; youhave been fai thful over a l i ttle, I willset you over much ; enter into the j oy

of your master . ’ 22 And he also who hadthe two talents came forward, saying,‘

Mas ter, you del ivered to me two talents ;here I have made two talents more.

23 His master said to him,

"Wel l done, goodand faithful servan t ; you have been

fai thful over a li t tle, I wi l l set youover much ; enter into the joy of yourmaster. ’ 24 He also who had received the

one talent came forward, saying,‘Mas

ter, I knew you to b e a hard man , reaping where you did not sow, and gatheringwhere you did not winnow ; 25 so I wasafraid, and I went and hid your talent

in the ground . Here you have what isyours . ’ 23 But his master answered him,

‘You wicked and slothful serv ant ! Youknew that I reap where I have not sowed,and gather where I have not winnowed?27 Then you ought to have invested my moneywi th the bankers, and at my coming Ishould have received what was my ownwi th interest . 23 So take the talentfrom him, and give i t to him who has the

ten talents .

29 For to every one who haswill more b e given , and he will haveabundance ; bu t from


him who has not, evenwhat he has will b e taken3 0 And cast the worthless servan t into the

outer darkness ; there men will weep andgnash their teeth .

MATT. 25 : 18—30

1 9 And he said to him .

‘And you are to b eover five ci ties . ’

20 Then another came, saying,‘Lord, here

is your pound , whith I kep t l aid away ina napkin ; 2 1 for I was afraid of you ,

because you are a severe man ; you take upwhat you did not lay down, and reap what

you did not sow.

* Cf. Matt . 91 , p .66) Mark Luk e 94, p . 68) .

To Matt . 25 :22ff . cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rew s (in Eusebius, Theophany ) : The gospe l writtenin Hebrew char acters which has reached our hands , turns the threat not against the man who hid

,but aga ins t

him who had lived riotous ly ; for it told of three servants , one who was ted his mas ter’s substance wi th harlots

and female flute players , one who multip lied it by trading, and one who hid the talent ; and made one to beaccep ted, and one to be only rebuked, and one to be shut up in prison.


1 5 “When he re turned, having receivedthe k ingly power, he commanded theseservan ts, to whom he had given the money,to b e called to him, that he m ight know

what they had gained by trading .

1 6 The

firs t came before him, saying,‘Lord, your

pound has made ten pounds more .

1 7 And he said to him,

‘Welldone, good servant ! Because you

have been fai thful in a very l i ttle, you

shall have authority over ten ci ties .1 8 And the second came, saying,

‘Lord, your

pound has made five pounds .’

22 He said to him,

‘I will condemn you ou t

of your own mouth, you wicked servant ! Youknew that I was a severe man, taking up

what I did not lay down and reap ing whatI did


not sow? 23 Why then did you not putmy money into the bank, and at my comingI should have collected i t wi th in terest?’

24 And he said to those who stood by,‘Take the pound from him, and give i t tohim who has the ten pounds .

’ 2 5 (And theysaid to him,

‘Lord, he has ten

26 ‘ I tel l you , that to every one who haswi l l more b e given .

but from him who has not, evenwhat he has will b e taken away .

* 27 Butas for these enemies of mine, who did notwant me to reign over them, bring themhere and slay th em before me .

229—230 MATT.—46—LUKE —3 8


Ma tt . —46

3 1 When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then hewill si t on his glorious throne .

3 2 Before him will b e gathered all the nations, and hewil l sep arate them one from anoth er as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,3 3 and he will p lace the sheep at his right hand, bu t the goats a t the left . 3 4 Then theKing will say to those at hi s right hand,

‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inheri t thekingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 3 5 for I was hungry andyou gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a s tranger and youwelcomed me, 3 6 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visi ted me, I wasin prison and you came to me .

’ 3 7 Then the righteous wi ll answer him ‘Lord, when didwe see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 3 8 And when did wesee thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 3 9 And when di d wesee thee sick or in prison and visi t thee?

’ 40 And the King will answer them,

‘Truly,I say to you, as y ou did i t to one of the least of these my brethren , you did i t to me .

4 1 Then he will say to those at h is left hand,‘Depart from me, you cursed, in to the

eternal fire prepared for the devi l and h is angels ;42 for I was hungry and you gave me

no food, I was thirs ty and you gave me no drink, 4 3 1 was a stranger and you did notwelcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did notvisi t me .

’ 44 Then they also will answer,‘Lord , when did we see thee hungry or thirs ty

or a s tranger or naked or sick or in prison , and did not minister to thee?’ 4 5 Then he

will answer them,

‘Truly, I say to you, as you di d i t not to one of the leas t of these, youdi d i t not to me .

’ 4 6 And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous

into eternal life .


Luk e 21 :37 _ ss (34—36, 223 , p.

37 And every day he was teach ing in the temp le, but at night he went out and198, 200, lodged on the mount called Ol ivet . 3 8 And ear ly in the morning al l the peop le came

140) to him in the temp le to hear him .

To M att . cf. j ohn -29 — 28 the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear hisvoice 2 9

and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil ,

to the resurrection of judgment.

To Matt . cf. Origen, Commentary on Matthew —And Jesus said,“Becaus e of the sick they were

s ick,and because of the hungry they were hungry , and because of the thirs ty they were thirsty .

To Matt . cf. Clement of Alexandria, M iscellanies 5—“For, he said,

“you have seen your

brother, you have seen your God .

” Of. also Ibid . 5 and Ter tullian On Pray er 26 : He said,“You have

seen your brother; you have seen your Lord.


233- 234 MATT.—19— MARK —16— LUKE —13


Ma tt . —16

14 Then one of the twelve,who was called Judas Iscariot,

wentto the chief

priests 1 5 and said, What will

you give me i f I del iver himto you?” And they

paid him thirty p ieces of sil

ver.1 6 And from that moment he

sought an Opportuni ty to be trayhim .

Mark —1 1

10 Then Judas Iscariot, whowas one of the twelve,

wentto the chief

priests in order

to betray him to them .

1 1 Andwhen they heard i t they wereglad, and prom i sed to give himmoney . And he sought anOpportuni ty to betray him .


Matt . —19

17 Now on the first day of

Unleavened Bread


discip les came to Jesus, saying,“Where wi ll you have us

prepare for you to eat



1 9 He said,

Go into the ci ty to such a


andsay to him ,

The Teacher says, Myt ime is at hand ; I will keepthe passover at your house withmy disciples .

1 9 And thedisciples did as Jesus haddirected them,

and they pre

pared the p assover.

Matt . — ZechariahP Greek, he.

Mark —16

12 And on the first day of

Unleavened Bread, when theysacrificed the passover lamb ,

Luk e —13

7 Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on wh ich the

passover lamb had to b e sac

rificed .3 So Jesus 9 sent

Peter and John, saying, “Goand prepare the passover forus, that we may eat i t .

9 They said to him,

Where wi ll you have us

prep are i t?"

1 3 And they went,and found i t as he

had told them ; and they pre

pared the p assover.

To Matt . (Luke cf. the Gosp e l of the Ebion ites (in Ep iphanius , Agains t Heresies , X X X .22.4)They made the discip les , indeed, say :

“Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?”and (they

made ) him say :“Have I not earnes tly des ired to eat the flesh of this passover wi th you ? ”


his discip les said to him,

“Where will you have us go and

prepare for you to eat the

passover?" 1 3 And he sent two

of his discip les, and said tothem,

“Go in to the ci ty, and a mancarrying a jar of water willmee t you ; follow him,

1 4 and wherever he enters,say to the householder,

The Teacher says Whereis my guest room, where I amto eat the passover wi thmy discip les?

’1 5 And he will

show you a large upper roomfurnished and ready ; there

prepare for us . 1 6 And the

discip les set out and went tothe ci ty, and found it as hehad told them ; and they pre

pared the passover.

Luke —6

3 Then Satan entered intoJudas called Iscariot,

who was of the number of thetwelve; 4 he went away andconferred wi th the chief

priests and cap tains how he

might be tray him to them .

5 And they were glad, and en

gaged to give h im money .

6 So he agreed , and sought an

opportuni ty to betray himto them in the absence of themul titude.

1°He said tothem, Behold, when you haveentered the ci ty, a man

carrying a j ar of water willmee t you ; follow him intothe house which he en ters,1 1 and tel l the householder,‘

The Teacher says to you , ‘Vhere

is the gues t room , where I am

to eat the passover wi thmy discip les?

’ 1 2 And he willshow you a large upper roomfurnished ; theremake ready .

MATT.—25—MARK —21— LUKE § 235—236

The Last Supper

Matthew —29 Mark —25 Luk e —38

20 When i t was evening, he

sat at table with the twelve

d isciplesfll 21 and as they were

eating, he said,Truly, I say to you, one of

you wi ll betray me .

22 And theywere very sorrowful, and beganto say to him one after ano ther,“Is i t 1, Lord?

" 23 He answered,

He who has dipped his hand inthe dish wi th me, wi llbe tray me .

24 The‘ Son of

man goes as i t is wri t ten of

him, but woe to that man bywhom the Son of man is be trayed ! I t would have been betterfor tha t man if he had not

been born .

" 25 Judas, whobe trayed him, sai d,

“Is i t I ,Master?” r He said to him,

“You have said so .


Luk e 21- 23

14 And when the hour came,he sa t at table, and the

apostles with him .

—23 23 7 0 , p . 166)21 But behold the hand of himwho betrays me i s wi th me onthe table .

22 For the Son ofman goes as i t has been deter

mined ; but woe to that man bywhom he i s betrayed !

23 And they began to quest ionone another, which of them itwas that would do this .


Ma tt . —29

Mark — Psalm

Mark —25 Luk e —20

15 And he said to



have earnestly desired to eat

this passover wi th you beforeI suffer ; 1 6 for I tell you Ishall not eat i t s until i tis fulfilled in the kingdomof God .

q text : S A W it vg syP sa b o ; omi t, dZSCZ lee P 37 P‘5 B D (p 5? sy


r O r,Rabbi . t‘ text

S A B C (9 X sa bo ; never eat it again: D W 4) 511 sy° sy“sy p ; eatfrom it until : it vg .

To 23 6 cf. John —30 .

Mark —21

17 And when i t was evening hecame wi th the twelve .

1 8 And as they wereat table eat ing, Jesus said,Truly, I say to you , one of

you will betray me, one who iseating wi th me.

” 1 9'

They beganto b e sorrowful, and

to say to him one after another,“I s i t I? 20 He said tothem, I t is one of the twelve,one who is dipp ing bread inthe same dish wi th me .

21 For the Son of

man goes as i t i s wri tten ofhim, but woe to that man bywhom the Son of man is be trayed ! I t would have been bet terfor that man if he had notbeen born .

MATT.—29 —MARK —25—LUKE —23

See below, 29

26 Now as they were eating,Jesus took bread, and blessed,and broke i t, and gave i t tothe disciples and said, Take,eat ; this is my body .

27 And he took a cup, and whenhe had given thanks he gave i tto them, saying,

“Drink of i t,all of you ; 28 for this is myblood of the u covenant , whichis poured out for many for theforgiveness of sins . 29 I tel lyou I shal l not drink againof this frui t of the vine um

til that day when I drink i tnew wi th you in my Father’skingdom .


See below, 25

22 And as they were eating,he took bread, and blessed,and broke i t, and gave i t to

them . and said Take ;this is my body .

23 And he took a cup , and whenhe had given thanks he gave i tto them, and they all drank of

i t . 24 And he said to them,

“This is my blood of th e" cov

enant, whi ch is poured out formany .

25 Truly, I say toyou, I shall not drink again

of the frui t of the vine‘


til that day when I drink i tnew in the kingdom of God .

237 . LAST WORDS .

Luke —3 8

a) The Be traya l Fore told.

Luk e —23

1 7 And he took a cup , andwhen he had given thanks hesai d,

“Take this, and dividei t among yourselves ; 1 8 for

I tell you that from now on

I shall not drink of the frui tof the vine unti l the k ingdomof God comes .1 9 And

he took bread, and when he hadgiven thanks he broke i t andgave i t to them, saying,

Thi s is my

21 But behold the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table.

22 For theon of man goes as i t has been de termined ; but woe to tha t man by whom he i s b e

23 And they began to question one ano ther, which of them it was that would

I Corinthians -25 : 23 For I received of the Lord what I also delivered to you,tha t the Lord Jesus on

the night when he was betrayed took bread, 2‘and when he had given thanks , he broke it, and said,

“This ismy body which is broken for you . Do this in remembrance ofme .

” 25 In the same way also the cup ,after supp er,

saying,“This cup is the new covenan t in my blood . Do this , as often as you dr ink it, in remembrance ofme .

Matt . M ark [Luke — cf. Exodus Jeremiah Zechariah

text : D it sy°Sy"; add verses 1 9b-20— which is givenfory ou. Do this in remembrance of me.

” 2° And likewi se the cupafter supper, say ing, This cup which is poured outfory ou is the new covenant inmy blood

” S A B C W O (1) Si”

vgsyp sa bo; sy



put v . 1 9 after v .16 . text : P 3 7 S B O ; add, new : A C D W Ad: 9 it vg sy° sy

p sa bo .

V text : S B C D W O sa bo ; add, new : A A d) 5? it vg sy°sy


To Matt . cf. Justin, Apology I .GG.3 —For the apos tles , in the writings composed b y them whichare called gospels , have thus del ivered what was demanded of them : that Jesus took bread, gave thanks and

said,“Do this in remembrance of me ; this is my body .

And lik ewise he took the cup , and when he had

given thanks he said,“This is my blood.


MATT.—32— MARK -28—LUKE —39

d) The Two Swords .

Luke —38

35 And he said to them, When I sent you out with no purse or bag or sandal s,did you lack anythi ng? They said,

“Nothing .

” 3 6 He said to them,

"But now, let him

who has a purse take i t, and likewise a bag . And let him who has no sword sell hismantle and buy one.

3 7 For I tel l you that this scrip ture must b e fulfilled in me,‘


he was reckoned wi th transgressors'; for what is wri t ten about me has i ts fulfillment .3 8 And they said,

“Look, Lord, here are two swords . And he said to them,

“I t isenough .


M a tt . - 35

30 And when they had sung ahymn, they went out to theMount

of Olives . 3 1 Then Jesus saidto them,

“You will all fallaway because of me th is night ;for it is wri tten,

‘I willstrike the shepherd, and the

sheep of the flock will b e

scattered .

’ 3 2 But after I amraised up , I will go beforeyou to Galilee .

Matt . Mark — Zechar iah

w Verse 28 omitted in the Fayum Fragment .

To Matt . and p arall els cf. John — When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth wi th hisdisciples across the Kidron valley, where there was a garden, which he and his discip les entered .

To M att . and parallels cf. John — “The hour is coming, indeed it has come

, when you will bescattered, every man to his home, and wil l leave me alone ; yet I am not alone, for the Father is wi th me .

Luk e39 And he came out, and wentas was his custom, to the Mountof Olives ; and the discip lesfollowed him .

Luk e — Isaiah

To M ark -30 cf. Fayum Fragment while he was going out he said, This night you will allfall away , as it is written,

‘ I wi ll s trike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.

’ When Peter said,

“Eventhough all, not Jesus said, “Before the cock crows twice, you will th is day deny me three times .


Mark —3 1

26 And when they had sung ahymn, they went out to theMountof Olives . 27 And Jesus saidto them, You will all fallaway ;for i t i s wri tten,

‘I willstrike the shepherd, and the

sheep will b escat tered .

’ 23 Bu t after I amraised up , I will go beforeyou to Gal ilee .

” W

—34 23 7 6 , p. 1 67 )3 1

“Simon, S imon, behold,

Satan demanded to have you , thathe might sift you like wheat,3 2 but I have prayed for youthat your fai th may not fai l ;and when you have turnedagain, strengthen your bre thren .

MATT .—3 -9—MA-RK —35— LUKE —4 1

3 3 Peter declared to him,

Though they all fal laway because of you, I wil lnever fall away .

” 3 4 Jesussaid to him,

“Truly, I say to

you, this ve ry ni ght, beforethe cock crows, you wi lldeny me three t imes . ” 3 5 Petersaid to him,

“Even if I must diewi th you , I wil

l not deny you .

And so said al ‘l the discip les .

M att . —46

36 Then Jesus went wi th themto a p lace called Gethsemane,and he said to h is discip les,S i t here, while I go yonderand pray .

” 3 7 And taking withhim Peter and the two sons of

Zebedee, he began to b e sorrowful and troubled .

3 8'Then

he said to them,

“My soul is

very sorrowful, even to death ;remain here, andwatch ywi thme .

3 9 And going a li ttle farther, hefel l on h is face and prayed,

29 Pe ter sai d to him,

Even though they all fallaway, I willnot . 3 0 And Jesussaid to him, Truly, I say to

you, this very night, beforethe cock crows twice, x you willdeny me three times . ” 3 1 But hesai d vehemently, If I must diewith you , I will not deny you .

And they all said the sam e .


§ 239

3 3 And he sai d to himLord, I am ready to go wi thyou to prison and to death .

3 4 He

said, I tel lyou, Peter, the cock will notcrow this day, until you

three t imes deny that youknow me.

Luk e —4 6

40 And when he came to the

p lace he said to them,

“Praythat you may no t enter intotemp tation .

4 1 And he wi thdrew fromthem about a s tone ’s throw


and knel t down and prayed,

Matt . M ark — Psalm

x text : A B O A (b S? vg sy°sy

p sa bo ; omi t, twice : S C D W it .Y Or

,keep awake.

To Matt . and p arall els cf. John -3 8— 3 6 Simon Peter said to h im, Lord, where are you going?’

Jesus answered, “Where I am going you cannot follow me now ; but you shall follow me afterward .

” 3 7 Pe ter saidto him


“Lord,why cannot I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you .

” 3 8 Jesus answered,Wil l you lay’

down your life for me? Truly , truly , I say to you,the cock will not crow,

til l you have denied me three times .

To M att . and p aral lels cf. JohnTo M att . Mark cf. John Now is my soul troubled . And what shall I say ?


save me from this hour’? No, for this purpose I have come to this hour.


Mark —42

32 And they went to a p l acewhich was called Ge thsemane;and he said to his discip les,Si t here, while I

pray .

” 3 3 And he took wi thhim Peter and James and John,and began to b e greatly distressed and troubled .

3 4 Andhe said to them, My soul i svery sorrowful, even to death ;remain here, and watch ”


3 5 And going a l i ttle farther, hefel l on th e ground and prayedthat, i f i t were possible, the

hour might p ass from him .

MATT.—4 6—MARK —42— LUK‘E —4 6

My Father,if i t b e possible, let this

cup pass from me ; nevertheless,not as I will, but asthou wil t . ”

40 Andhe came

to the discip les and foundthem sleep ing ;and he said to Pe ter, So

you could not

watch 8 wi th me one hour?41 Watch a and pray that you maynot enter into temp ta tion ;the sp iri t indeed is wil l ing,but the flesh i s weak .

42 Again , for the second time,he went away and prayed,

“MyFather, if this cannot passunless I drink it , th y wil l b e

done .

4 3 And again he cameand found them sleep ing, for

their eyes were heavy .

44 So, leaving them again , he

went away and prayed for the

third time, saying the samewords . 4 5 Then he came to the

discip les and said to them,

“Are you s ti l l sleep ing and

taking your res t? Behold,the hour is at hand,

and the Son of man is betrayedinto the hands of sinners .46 Rise, let us b e going; see,

my betrayer i s a t hand .

3 6 And he said, Abba , Father,al l things are possible to

thee; remove this cup from me;

yet not what I will, but whatthou wil t ."

3 7 Andhe cameand found

them sleep ing,and he said to Pe ter, . Simon ,are you asleep? Could you notwatch 8 one hour?3 8 Watch a and pray that you maynot enter in to temp tation ;the sp iri t indeed is willing,but the flesh i s weak .

” 3 9 Andagainhe went away and prayed,saying the same words .

40 And again he came

and found them sleep ing, fortheir eyes were very heavy ;and they did not know what toanswer him .

42 “Father,i f thou ar t will ing, removethis cup from me ; neverthelessnot my wi ll , but thi ne, b e


” 43 And there appear edto him an angel from heaven ,

s trengthening him.44 And

being in an agony he prayedmore earnes tly; and hi s

sweat became like greatdrop s of blood fal l ing downupon the ground.

2 45 And whenhe rose from prayer, he came

to the di scip les and found

them sleep ing for sorrow,

46 and he said to them,

“t y

do you sleep?

Rise and pray that you maynot enter into temp tation .

“text : S D O 71 5? it vg sy°sy

P Justin , Irenaeus, Hippoly tus ; omit vers es 43 A B W (b sy°sa bo .

3 Or, keep awake.

To Matt . 26 :39b and par al lels cf. John —Jesus said to Peter,

the Father has given me?”

shall I not drink the cup

To Matt . M ark cf. John Rise, let us go hence .


4 1 And he came the thirdtime, and said to them,

“Are you sti ll sleep ing andtaking your rest? I t is

enough; the hour has come ;the Son of man is betrayed

into the hands of sinners .42 Ri se, let us b e going; see,

my betrayer is a t hand .


Day after day I sat

in the temp le teach ing,and you did not seize me.

56 But all this has taken p lace,that the scrip tures of the

prophets might b e fulfil led .

Then all the discip les forsookhim and fled.

MATT.—58—MARK —54—LUKE —55

49 Day af ter day I was withyou in the temp le teaching,and you did not seize me .

But let the scrip turesb e fulfilled .

50 And they all forsookhim and fled .

5 1 And a young man followedhim, with nothing but a l inencloth about his body ; and theysei zed him,

52 but he leftthe li nen clo th and ran awaynaked .

53 When I was with you dayaf ter day in the temp le, youdid not lay hands on me. Butthis is your hour, and the

power of darkness .


Ma tt . —75

57 Then those who had seizedJesus led him to Ca iaphas the

high priest, where the scribesand the elders had gathered .

5 8 But

Pe ter followed him at adis tance, as far as the courtyard O i the high priest, andgoing inside he sat with the

guards to see the end .

Mark —72

53 And they led Jesus to the

high priest; and all the chief

priests and the elders and the

scribes were assembled .54 And

Peter had followed him at adistance, right into the courtyard oi the high priest ; andhe was si tt ing wi th the guards,and warming himsel f a t the fire .

d text : S A B (15 Q sa bo ; omit, bringing him: D O it vg sy°sy


To M att . 26 : 55b , and p aral lels cf. John — Jesus answered him,

I have always taught in synagogues and in the temp le, where all Jews come together ; I have said nothingsecre tly .

Luk e —7 154 Then they seizedand led him away, bringing him ‘1

into the high priest’s house.

Peter followed at adis tance; 5 5 and when they

had kindled a fire in the

mi ddle of the courtyar d andsat down together, Peter satamong them .

I have spoken openly to the world ;

To Matt 26 z57 and p arallels, cf. John -14 So the band of soldiers and their. cap tain and the officersof the Jews seized Jesus and bound him .

” Firs t they led him to Annas ; for he was the father-ih -law of Caiaphas ,who was high priest that year .“ It was Caiaphas who had given couns el to the Jews that it was exp edi ent thatone man should die for the peop le .

To M att . and p arallels, cf. John -16— 1 5 Simon Peter followed Ja us, and so did another disc ip le . As this discip le was known to the high pries t, he entered the court of the high pries t along wi th Jesus ,1 5 while Pe ter s tood outside at the door. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out andspoke to the maid who kep t the door, and brought Peter in .


174—175 . 1 74

See 67 See 0 . 65


5 9 Now the chief pries ts and 5 5 the chi ef prieststhe whole council sought i


alse the whole council sou ht tes

test-im'ony agains t Jesus that tirnony against Jesus to pu t

they m ight pu t him t o deat h, him to death ; but they found60 but they found none, though none .

5 6 For many bore falsemany false witnesses came for wi tness against him, and the ir

ward . wi tness did not agree.

To M att . Mark of. John -24 .


56 Then a ma id“, see ing him as

he sat in the light and gazingat him, said,

“This man also

was wi th him .

” 5 7 But he de

nied it, saying, Woman, I donot knot/x

r him.

” 58 And a lit tlelater some one else saw h im

and sa id, You also are one ofthem . But Peter said,


I am no t .

59 And after anin terval of about an hourst ill another insist ed, saying, Certainly this man alsowas with him ; for he is a Gal ilean .

” 60 But Peter said, Man,

I do not know what you are

saying . And immediately, while

he was stil l speaking, the

cock crowed .

6 1 And the Lord

turned and looked at Pe ter .And Peter remembered the word

of the Lord, how he had saidto h im,

“Before the cock crowstoday, you wil l deny me threetimes . ” 62 And he went out . “

and Wep t bi t terly .

63 Now the men who were

holding Jesus mocked him and

beat him ; 64 they also bl indfolded him and asked him,

“Prophesy ! Who is i t that

struck you?" 6 5 And they

spoke many other words againsth im, reviling him .

66 When day came, the

assembly of the elders of the

peop le gathered together,both chief priests and scribes ;

they led awaytheir council ,

§ 24 l

At las t two came forward6 1 and

said, This fellow said,‘I am able to destroy the tem

p le of God, andto build i t in three days . ’

62 And the

high pries t stood up

and said Haveyou no answer to make? What isi t that these men test ifyagainst you?” 63 But Jesus wassi lent .And the high pries t said tohim,

“I adjure you by the

l iving God, tel l us i f youare the Christ, the Son of

God .

64 Jesus said to him, Youhave said so . But I tell you,hereafter you will see the

Son of man seated at the

right hand of Power, andcoming on the clouds of hea


65 Then the high priesttore his robes, and said,“He has uttered blasphemy .

Why do we stil l need wi tnesses? You have now heardhis blasphemy .

66 What isyour judgment? They an

swered,“He deserves death .

67 Then theyspat in his face,

and struck him ;and some slapped him,

68 saying,“Prophesy to us, you

Christ ! Who is i t thats truck you?"

5 7 And some stood up and borefalse wi tness against him,

saying, 5 8 “We heard him say,‘I will destroy this temp lethat is made with hands , andin three days I will bui ldanother, not made wi th hands .

59 Yet not even so did theirtestimony agree.

60 And the

high priest s tood up in the

midst, and asked Jesus, Have

you no answer to make? What is

i t that these men tes t ifyagainst you?” 6 1 But he wassilent and made no answer .Again the high pries t askedhim,

“Are you the Christ, the Son of

the Blessed?

62 And Jesus said, I am ;

and you will see the

Son of man si t ting at the

right hand of Power, and

coming wi th the clouds of hean

V6 11 .

63 And

tore his

the high

mantle, andpries t

said ,

Why do_we st ill need wi t

nesses? 64 You have heardhis blasphemy. What is

your decis ion?" And they allcondemned him as deservingdeath .

65 And some began toSp i t on him, and to coverh is face, and to strike him,

sayingto him, Prophesy !

And the guards received him

with blows .

MATT .—68—MARK —65—LUKE —7 1

and they said,

6 7 “If you are the

tell us But he said to

them, If I tel l you, youwill not bel ieve ; 6 8 and if Iask you, you will not answer .

69 But from now on the

Son of man shall b e seated atthe right hand of the Powerof God .

70 And they all said, Are

you the Son of God, then ?

And he said to them,


say that I am .

” 7 1 And theysaid,

What further testimony dowe need? We have heard i t

ourselves from his own lips .

63 (See above, p. 1 73 )Now the men who were hold ingJesus mocked h im and beat him ;64 they also blindfolded himand asked

him, Prophesy !Who is i t that

s truck you?" 6 5 And th ey spokemany o ther words against him,

revil ing him .

M att . = Mark = Luke — Psalm DanielM att . 26 :65f. Mark cf. Leviticus

To M att . and Mark cf. John — Jesus answered them,Des troy this temp le, and in three

days I will raise it up .


5242- 244 MATT.—l l— MARK — LUKE —2


Matt . 27 : 1—21 When morning came, all the

chief priests and the elders

of the peop le took counselagainst Jesus to put him todeath ; 2 and they boundhim and led him away

and del iveredhim to Pilate, the governor .


1 And as soon as i t was morning the chief priests, wi ththe elders and scribes, andthe whole council held a consultation and they boundJesus and led him away

and del iveredhim to Pilate .


M att . —10

3 When Judas, his be trayer, saw that he was condemned, he repented and broughtback the thirty p ieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, 4 saying,

“I havesinned in betraying innocent blood . They said,

“What is that to us? See to i t your

self . " 5 And throwing down the p ieces of silver in the temp le, he departed ; and hewent and hanged himself .6 But the chief pries ts , taking the p ieces of silver, said,

“I tis not lawful to pu t them into the treasury, since they are blood money .

" 7 So they tookcounsel, and bought wi th them the potter

’s field, to bury strangers in .8 Therefore

that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day .

9 Then was fulfil led whathad been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, And they took the thirty p iecesof si lver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel,1 0 and they gave them for the potter

’s field, as the Lord directed me.


Ma tt. —14

1 1 Now Jesus stoodb efore the governor

Mark —5

Matt . -10— Zechariah -1 3 ; Jeremiah -15 ; -3 .

TO 242,cf. John -32. To § 243 cf. Acts -19 .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrews (J erome, Commentary on Matthew — I read.not

long ago in a certain Hebrew book which a J ew of the Nazarene sect gave me—an apocryphal book of Jeremi ah,

in which I found this (M att. 27 :9b -10) written word for word.



2 And they began to accusehim, saying,

“We found thisman perverting our nati on, andforbidding us to gi ve tributeto Caesar, and saying thathe himself is Christ 3 king.


(See above, 1 73 )When day came, the assembly

of the elders of the peop legathered toge ther, both chief

pries ts and scribes ; and theyled him away to their counc il .

Then the whole companyof them arose, and broughth im before Pi l ate.

and the governor asked h im,

“Are you the Ki ng of the Jews?”

Jesus said to him,

“Youhave said so .

1 2 But whenhe was accused by the ch i ef

pries ts and e lders, he madeno answer 1 3 Then Pi latesaid to him, Do you not hear

how manythings they testify againstyou?" 1 4 But he gave them no

answer, no t even to a singlecharge; so that the governorwondered grea tly . wondered .

so that Pilate


Luk e —16


3 And Pi la te asked him,

“Are you the King of the Jews?”

And he answered him “You

have said so .

6 When. Pilate heard this , he asked whe ther the man was a Gal ilean .7 And when

he learned that he belonged to Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent h im over to Herod, who

was himself in Jerusalem at that time .3 When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad,

for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him, and he wash0 p ing to see some sign done by him .

9 So he quest ioned him at some length ; but hemade no answer . 1 0 The chief pries ts and the scribes stood by, vehemently accusing

£ 12 0 3 him .

1 1 And Herod with h is soldi ers trea'

ted h im wi th con temp t and mocked him ;then, a-rraying h im in gorgeous appar el, he sent him back to Pi late .

1 2 And Herodand Pi la te became friends wi th each other that very day, for before this they hadbeen at enmi ty wi th each other .

To Matt . 27 : 1 1ff and p aral lels, cf. John 3 7 . To M att . and M ark of. John -10

9 He entered the praetorium again and said to Jesus,Where are you from? ” But Jesus gave no answer . 1 ° Pilate

therefore said to him ,

“You will not sp eak to me ? Do you not know that I have power to releas e you,

and powerto crucify you ?

” To Luke -5 cf. John — When the chi ef pries ts an d the offi cers saw him,they

cried out,“Crucify him,

crucify him !” Pil ate said to them,

“Take him yourselves and crucif y him ,for I find

no crime in him .


2 And Pi late asked him,

Are you the King of the Jews?”

And he answered him,


have said so .

3 And the chief pri ests accusedh im of many things .

4 And Pi la teagai n asked h im, Have you noanswer to make? See how many

ch arges they bring against you .

5 But Jesus made no furtheranswer,

4 And Pilate said to the

chief priests and the multi tudes,

“I find no crime

in this man .5 But they

were urgent, saying,“He

s tirs up the p eop le, teachingthroughout all Judea, from

Galilee even to this p l ace .

MATT.—22— MARK —12— LUKE —20

13 Pilate then called toge ther the chief pri es ts and the rulers and the peop le, 1 4 andsaid to them,

“You broughtme this man as one who was perverting the people; and af ter

examining him before you, behold, I did not find this man guil ty of any of yourcharges against him ; 1 5 nei ther did Herod, for he sent h im back to us . Behold, nothing deserving death has been done by him; 1 6 I wi ll therefore chast ise him and releasehim.


Ma tt . —26 Mark —15 Luke —25

15 Now at the feast the gov 6 Now at t he feas t he usedcruor was accustomed to re to release for them one

lease for the crowd any one prisoner whom they asked .

prisoner whom they wanted .

7 And among the rebels in prison,1 6 And they had then a noto who had commi tted murder in Cf. v. 19

rious prisoner called Barabhas .


1 7 So when they had gathered,Pilate said to them,


do you want me to release for

you , Barabb as g or Jesus who iscalled Christ? 1 8 For he

knew that i t was out of envythat th ey had del ivered himup .

1 9 Besides, while he wassi tting on the judgment seat,his wi fe sent word to him,

“Have nothing to do wi th thatrighteous man, for I havesuffered much over him todayin a dream .

” 20 Now the chief

priests and the elders per

suaded the peop le to ask for

Barabbas and destroy Jesus .

21 The governor again

said to them,

“Which of the

two do you want me to releasefor you?” And they said,“Barabbas . 22 Pi la te said to

ftext : A B sa bo ; add vers e 17 , Now he was obliged to release one man to them at thefes tival : S W G) X 3? it vg

the insurrection, there wasa man called Barabbas . 8 Andthe crowd came up and beganto ask Pilate to do as he waswon t to do for them .

9 And heanswered them, Do you wantme

to release for you the King of

the Jews?” 1 0 For he perce ivedthat i t was out of envythat the chief priests haddel ivered him up .

1 1 But the ch ief

priests stirredup the crowd to have h imt e

lease for them Barabbas in

stead .

12 And Pilate againsaid to them .

sy"; verse 17 follows verse I 9 :D .

3 text : S A B D W 95 9 it vg sy"sa b o ; j ams Barabbas : (

”D7\ sys.

To 246 cf. John -40 ; -16 .

To M att . cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rew s (in Jerome, Commentary on Matthew

Barabbas , in the gospel which is written according to the Hebrews , is interpreted,“Son of the ir mas ter. ” He had

been condemned because of insurrection and murder .


18 But they all cri ed ou t to

ge ther, Away wi th this man ,

and release to us Barabbas”

1 9 a man who had been thrownin to prison for an insurrectionstar ted in the ci ty, and for

murder. 20 Pila te addressed

th em once more, desiring torelease Jesus ;

247—248 MATT.—32—MARK —21— LUKE —32


Matt . —3 1

27 Then the soldiers of the governortook Jesus into the praetorium, andthey gathered the whole battalion before

him .

28 And they stripped him and pu t

a scarlet robe upon him,29 and p l ai ting

a crown of thorns they pu t i t on his

head, and pu t a reed in his right hand .

And kneel ing before him they mocked him,

saying,“Hail, King of the Jews ! ”

3 0 And they spat upon him , and took the

reed and struck him on the head .

3 1 And whenthey had mocked him, they stripped him

M ark —20

16 And the soldiers led him away insidethe palace (that is, the praetori um) ;and they called together the whole battalion .

1 7 And they clothed him ina purp le cloak, and p lai t ing

a crown of thorns they pu t i t on him .

1 3 And they began to sal ute h im,

“Hai l, King of th e Jews ! ”

1 9 And they struck his head wi th a reed,and sp at upon him, and they knel tdown in homage to him .

20 And whenthey had mocked him, they stripped him

of the robe,clothes on him, andto crucify him .


and pu t h is own

him awayto crucify him .

of the purple cloak, and pu t his ownclo thes on him . And they led h im out See v


Matt .

32 As they were marchingout

,they came upon a man of

Cyrene, Simon by name; thisman they compelled

to carry his


See v . 38

Luke —Hosea

To s 247 cf. John


21 And they compel led a

passer-by, Simon of Cyrene,who was coming in from the

country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry hiscross .

See 0 . 27


Luk e —32

26 And as they led himaway, they se i zed one Simonof Cyrene, who was comi ng infrom the country, and laidon him the cross, to carry i tbehind Jesus . 2 7 And there followed him a great mul ti tudeof the peop le, and of womenwho bewailed and lamented him .

28 But Jesus turn ing to themsaid, Daughters of Jerusalem,

do not weep for me, bu t weepfor yourselves and for yourchildren .

29 For behold, the

days are coming when they wi llsay,

‘Blessed are the barren,and the wombs tha t never bore,and the breasts th at nevergave suck l

’ 3 0 Then they wi llbegin to say to the mountains,‘Fall on us

; and to the hills,‘Cover us . ’ 3 1 For i f theydo this when the wood is green,what will happen when i t isdry?” 3 2 Two oth ers also , whowere crim inals, were led awayto b e put to death wi th him .

MATT.—40fi MARK —30— LUKE —3 5

Ma t t. —44

33 And when they came to

a p l ace called Golgotha,

(which means the p lace of a

skull), 3 4 they offered

him wine to drink, mingled wi thgall ; b u t when he

" tasted it,he would not drink i t .3 5 And when they had cru-ci

fied him,

See v . 38

they divided his garnients among them by castinglots; 3 6 then they sat downand kep t watch over him there.

3 7 And over his head they pu tthe charge against him, whichread,

“This is Jesus the Kingof the Jews . 3 8 Then two

robbers were crucified wi thhim, one on the right and

one on the left . 3 9 Andthose who passed by, derided

him, wagging the ir heads40 and saying, You who woul ddestroy the temp le and buildi t in three days, save yoursel f ! If you are the Son of

God, come down k from the cross . ”


M ark —32

22 And they brought him tothe place called Golgotha

(which means the p lace of askull) . 23 And they offeredhim wine mingled wi th myrrh ;but he did not take i t .

24 And they crucified him,

See v. 27

and divided his garments among them, castinglots for them, to decide whateach should take .

25 And itwas the third hour, when theycrucified him .

26 And the

inscrip tion of the chargeagainst h im read, The Kingof the Jews . 27 And withhim they crucified two robbers, one on his right and

one on his left . 5 29 Andthose who passed by deridedhim, wagging their heads,and saying,

“Aha ! You who would

destroy the temp le and build

i t in three days, 3 0 save yourself,and come down from the cross !

Matt . Mark Luke —cf. Psalm

Luke 23 :34b— Psalm

Luke —4 3

33 And when they came tothe p lace which is calledThe Skull,

See v . 38

See W . 32, 33

See v . 3 7

Matt . MarkM att . M ark Luke — Psalm

i text : S A C (I) Q it vg sy°syp Marcion

,Irenaeus, Origen ; omit, And j esus said,

“Father, forgive them;

for they know not what they do”: B D W (9 sy

asa bo .

scripturewasfulfilledwhich say s , Hewas reckonedwith transgressors ” : O h d) 9 it vg syp

. (Cf. Isaiahj text : S A B C D sy

°sa bo ; add verse 28 , And the

ktext :B W O A (15 Q vg _

sa bo ; save y ourself , if y ou are the Son of God, and come down : S A D it sy°sy


To Matt . and parallels cf. John — So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross ,to the p lace called the p lace of a skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha .

To Matt . and par allels cf. John -24 .

To M att . and p arallels cf. John — Pil ate al so Wrote a ti tle and put it on the cross ; it read ,“Jesus of Nazare th, the King of the Jews .

To Matt . and p arallels cf. John — There they crucified him,and with him two others, one on

ei ther s ide, and Jesus be tween them .

To Luke cf. Gosp e l according to the Heb rew s (in Haimo of Auxerre, Commentary on Isaiah

For as is contained in the gospel of the Nazarenes : at this word of the Lord, many thousands of Jews standingaround the cross, believed .


there they crucified him,

and the criminals, one on the

right and one on the left .3 4 And Jesus said,

“Father,forgive them ; for they knownot what they do .

” i And theycas t lo ts to divide his garments . 3 5 And the peop lestood by, watching ;

§ 249

4 1 So also the chief priests,wi th the scribes and elders,mocked him, saying,42 “

He saved others ; he cannot save himself.

He i s the King of Israel ; lethim come down now from the

cross, and we will bel ieve inhim.

43 He trusts in God ; letGod del iver him now, i f he

desires him ; for he sa i d,‘I

am the Son of God .

See v. 48

See v . 40

See v . 37

44 And the robbers who werecrucified with him also re

vi led him in the same way.

M att . 27 143— Psalm

3 1 So also the chief priestsmocked him to one anotherwi th the scribes, saying,

“He saved others ; he can

not save himself . 3 2 Let the

Christ, the King of Israel,come down now from the

cross, that we may see andbelieve.

See v . 3 6

See v . 30

See v . 26

Those who werewi th him also re

MATT.—44—MARK —32— LUKE —4 3

but the rulers scoffed at himsaying,

He saved o thers ; let him

save himself, i f he is the

Chris t of God, his Chosen One !”

l text : B sy°sy

Ssa bo ; add, in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew : S A D W O d) 5? it vg sy

P. (Cf.

John m Greek, kingdom.

To Matt . -44 cf. Gosp e l of Pe ter IV.

-70-74— 1 ° And they brought two criminals and crucified the

Lord between them ; and he was silent, as one having no p ain.

1 1 And when they had set up the cross , they wroteon it,

“This is the King of Israel . ” 1 2 And they laid his garments before him , and divided them,and cas t lots for

them .

‘3 But one of those criminals reviled them, saying,“We have suffered in this way for the evils we have

done ; but in what way has this man injured you, who has become the Savior of men ?” 14 And they were angry

with him and commanded that his legs should not be broken in order that he might die in agony .


3 6 The soldiers al so mockedhim, coming up and offeringhim vinegar, 3 7 and saying,“If you are the King of the

Jews, save yourself !” 3 3 There

was also an inscrip tion overhim,

1 “Thi s is the Ki ng of the

Jews .3 9 O ne of the criminals whowere hanged railed at him


saying,“Are you not the Christ?

Save yourself and us ! ” 40 Butthe other rebuked him, saying,“Do you not fear God , since youare under the same sentenceof condemnation? 4 1 And we

indeed justly ; for we are

rece iving the due reward of

our deeds ; but this man hasdone nothing wrong .

” 42 And

he sai d,“Jesus, remember me

when you come in your kingly

power .” m 4 3 And he said to him


“Truly, I say to you, today

you will b e wi th me in Par adise .


51 And behold, the curtain of

the temp le was torn in two,from top to bot tom ; and the

earth shook, and the rocks

were sp li t ; 52 the tombs alsowere opened, and many bodies

of the saints who had fallenasleep were raised .

5 3 and

com ing ou t of the tombs afterhis resurrect ion they went in to

the holy ci ty and appeared tomany .

54 Wh en the centurionand those who were with him,

keep ing watch over Jesus, sawthe earthquake and what took

place, they were filled with

awe, and said, Truly thiswas the Son ‘N of God !

55 There were alsomany women there, looking onfrom afar, who had followedJesus from Gal ilee, ministering

to him ; 56 among whom wereMary Magdalene, and Mary the

mother of James and Joseph,and the mother of the sons of

Zebedee .

Luke -Psalm

3 8 And the curtain ofthe temp le was torn in two,from top to bottom .

3 9 And when the centurion,who stood facing him, saw thathe thus q breathed his last,

he said Truly thisman was the Son (IQ of God ! ”

40 There were alsowomen looking on from afar,among whom were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of

James the younger and of Joses ,and Salome, 41 who, when he wasin Gal ilee, followed him, andmin istered to him ; and also

many other women who came upwith him to Jerusalem .

MATT.—56—MARK —4 1— LUKE —4 9

See 11 . 45

th e centuriontaken p lace,

47 Now whensaw what hadhe praised God,

To Matt . 27 :55f Al ark l 5 :40fcf. Luke 84, p.

‘1 text : S B sa ; saw that he having thus cried out breathed his last : A C A d) it vg sy°; saw him having thus cried

out and breathed his las t: D ; saw tha t he having cried out brea thed his las t: W G) sy°; saw tha t he breathed his las t: bo .

q q Or, a son.

To Matt . and parallels cf. John — Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother , and his

mother’s s ister, M ary the wife of Clopas, and M ary M agdal ene .

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s (in Jerome,Letter to Hedibia and Commentary

on Matthew In the gospel that is written in Hebrew letters, we read, not that the curtain of the temp lewas torn, but that the as tonishingly large lintel of the temp le fell down .

To Luke cf. Gosp e l of Pe ter VII . 25— Then the Jews and the elders and the pries ts , when they p erceived what great evil they had done to themselves , began to lament and to say ,

“Woe for our s ins ; the judgmentand the end of Jerusalem has drawn near . ”

To Mat t . 27 :55ff. and p arallels, cf. Tatian, D iatessaron in Dura Parchment 24 of Zebedee and Salome,

and the women who followed him from Galilee seeing h im who had been crucified . It was the day of Prep aration ;the sabbathwas beginning. And when it was evening on the day of Preparation, that is , the day before the sabbath,there came a man from Erinmathaias , a city of Judea, whose name was Joseph. He was good and righteous ,being a discip le of Jesus , but had been condemned secre tly on account of the fear of the Jews , and looked forthe kingdom of God. He had not consented to the purpose .


and said, Certa inly this

man was innocent ! 4 8 Andall the multi tudes who assem

bled to see the sight, whenthey saw what had taken p lace,re turned home beating theirbreasts . 49 And all hisacquai ntances and the womenwho had followed h im fromGalilee stood at a d is tanceand saw these things .

MATT. .27z57—6 1— MARK —4 7— LUKE —56

M a tt. 27 :57—6 1

57 When i t was evening,

there came a rich man fromArimathea , named Joseph, who

also was a di scip le of Jesus .

58 He

went to Pila te and asked for

the body of Jesus .

Then Pilate ordered i t to b e

given to him .

59 And Joseph took the body,and wrapped i t in a cleanl inen shroud, 60 and laid i tin his own new tomb, which he

had hewn in the rock ; and he

rolled a great stone to the

door of the tomb, and

departed.6 1 Mary Magdalene

and the other Mary werethere, si tting Opposi te the

sepulchre .


Mark —4 7

42 And when evening had come,since i t was the day of Pre

paration, that is, the daybe fore the sabbath, 43 Joseph

of Ar imathea, a respected memb er of the council

Luk e —56

50 Now there was a mannamed Joseph from the Jewishtown of Arimathea . He was

a member of the council, agood and righteous man,5 1 who had not consented totheir purpose and deed, andhe was looking for the king,

dom of God .52 This man

went to Pilate and asked forthe body of Jesus .

Matt . -60 Mark -46 Luke -54— cf. Deuteronomy -23, Exodus Luke

— cf. Exodus -10 ; Deuteronomy -14 .

text : B D W it vg bo; whether he had been some time dead : S A C A (35 Q syP sa ; whether he was dead : sy


Greek,was dawning .

To 251 cf. John -42.

To M att . 27 : 57ff. and p arallels, cf. Gosp e l of Pe ter VI . 27-24— 2l And then they drew out the nails fromthe handsZOf the Lord and laid him upon the earth. And the whole earthWas shaken and there came a great fear .22Then the sun shone and it was found to b e the ninth hour . 23 And the Jews rejoiced and gave his body to Joseph,to bury it , because he had seen al l the good things which he did .

2‘ And he took the Lord, and washed him, and

wrapped him in a linen shroud, and brought him to his own tomb, call ed the garden ofJoseph.



who was alsohimself looking for the king

dom of God, took courage andwent to Pila te, and asked for

the body of Jesus . 44 AndPilate wondered if he were

already dead; and summoning

the centurion, he asked himwhe ther he was already dead )

4 5 And when he learned from

the centurion that he was dead,he gran ted the body to Joseph .

46 And he bought a l inenshroud, and taking him down ,wrapped him in th e l inen shroud,and laid him in a tomb which

had been hewn ou t of the rock ;and he rolled a stone against

the door of the tomb .

4 7 Mary Magdaleneand Mary the mother of Josessaw where he was laid.

5 3 Then he took i t down andwrapped i t in a l inen shroud,and laid him in a rock-hewn

tomb , where no one had ever

yet been laid .54 I t was the

day of Preparation , and the

sabbath was beginning s 5 5 The

women who had come with himfrom Gali lee followed, and saw

the tomb, and how his bodywas laid ; 56 then they re

turned, and prepared sp icesand ointments .

On the sabbath they res tedaccording to the commandment .

5252- 253 MATT.—MARK —2— LUKE


Matt . —66

62Next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees

gathered before Pilate 6 3 and said,“Sir, we remember how that imposter sai d, whi le

he was sti l l al ive,‘After three days I wil l rise again .

’ 64 Therefore order the sepulchreto b e made secure until the third day, les t his discip les go and steal him away, and tell

the peop le,‘

He has risen from the dead,’ and the l as t fraud will b e worse than the

first ." 65 Pilate said to them,

“You have a gu ard t of soldiers ; go, make i t as secure as

you can .

"u 6 3 So they wen t and made the sepulchre secure by seal ing the stone and

setting a guard .

Ma tt . —10

1 Now after the sabba th, toward the dawn of the first

day of the week, Mary Magdalene

and the o ther Mary went to

see the sepulchre .

2 And behold, there was a

great earthquake; for an angelof the Lord descended fromheaven and came and rol ledback the stone, and sat uponi t . 3 His appearance was l ikel ightning, and his raiment

white as snow.

4 And for fearof him the guards trembled andbecame l ike dead men.

t Or, take a guard.

To 253 cf. John -10 .


Mark —8

1 And when the sabbath was

past, Mary Magdalene, andMary the mother of James, and

Salome, bought sp ices, so thatthey might go and anoin t him .

2 And very early on the firs t

day of the week they went tothe tomb when the sun hadrisen .

Greek, know .

Luke ( 12)

See 23 :56b

l But on the first day ofthe week, a t early dawn, theywent to the tomb, taking the

sp ices which they had pre'

pared .

To M att . -66 cf. Gosp e l of Peter VIII . 28-33— 23 When the scribes and Pharisees and elders hadgathered with .

each other, 29 they came to Pilate, entreating him,

3 ° “Give us soldiers that we maywatch his tomb for three days , lest his dis cip les come and s teal him away, and the p eop le suppose that he is risenfrom the dead, and do evil things to us .

” 3 ‘ And Pilate gave them Pe tronius , the centurion, wi th soldiers , to watchthe tomb . And the elders and scribes came with them to the tomb .

3 2 And when they, with the centurion and thesoldiers , had rolled a great s tone, all who were there together set it agains t the door of the tomb, 3 3 and havingSpread seven wax seals on it and p itched a tent, they kept watch.

To Matt . cf. Gosp e l according to the Hebrew s, as recorded in a marginal note of some MSS .

The Jewish gospel has : and he delivered armed men to them, that they might s it oppos ite the cave and guard itday and night .



10 Now i t was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Marythe mo ther of James and the

other women wi th them who

told this to the apostles ;1 1 but these words, seemedto them an idle tal e, andthey did not bel ieve them !

9 And behold, Jesus met

them and said, Hail !" And they

came up and took hold of hisfee t and worshiped him .

1 0 Then Jesus said to them,

“Donot b e afraid ; go and tell mybrethren to go to Gal ilee, andthere they wil l see me.



A . The Matthean Narrat ive

Ma t t . —20

1 . The Bribing of the Soldiers .

Matt . —15

11 Whi le they were going, behold, some of the guard went into the ci ty and told the ch ief prie stsall that had taken p l ace .

1 2 And when they had assembled wi th the elders and taken counsel , they gavea sum of money to the soldiers 1 3 and said,

“Tell peop le,‘

His discip les came by n ight and stole him

away while we were asleep .

’ 1 4 And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will sa tisfy him and keepyou out of trouble .

” 1 5 80 they took the money and did as they were directed ; and this story hasbeen spread among the Jews to this day .

y text : D it ; add verse 12, But Peter rose and ran to the tomb ; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by them

selves ; and he went home wondering at what had happened : S A B W (9 d) 9 vg sy°sy° sy

p sa bo . (Of. John

To M att . -15 cf. Gosp e l of Pe ter X I . 4.5-49—45Those who were with the centurion, seeing thes e things ,hastened to go at night to Pilate, and left the tomb which they were watching. They told all that they had seen


greatly disturbed, saying,“Truly he was a son of God.

” 46 Pilate answered,“I am clear from the blood of the

son of God, but this thing seemed good to you .

” 4 7 And they all came and asked him and begged him to order thecenturion and the soldiers to tell no one what they had seen.

48 “For,

” they said,

“it is be tter for us to incur the

greatest s in before God, than to fall into the hands of the peop le of the Jews and b e s toned .

” ‘ 9 Pilate then orderedthe centurion and the soldiers to say nothing .


MATT.—20— LUKE —35

2. The Command .to Bap tize .

Matt . —20

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them .

1 7 And when they saw him they worshiped him ; but some doubted .1 3 And Jesus came and said to


“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me .1 9 Go therefore and make discip les

of al l nations, bap tizing them in thename of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Sp iri t, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you ; and lo, I am wi th you always, to the close of theage.

B . The Lucan Narrat ive

Luk e 24 : 13—53

1 . The Road to Emmaus .

Luke —35

13 That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles 2 fromJerusalem,

1 4 and talking wi th each other about al l these things that had happened .

1 5 While thev

were talking and discussing together, Jesus himsel f drew near and went wi th them .

1 6 But their eyes

were kep t from recognizing him .1 7 And he said to them, What is th is conversation which you

are holding wi th each other as you walk? And they stood sti ll, looking sad .

1 8 Then one of them,

named Cleopas, answered him, Are you the only visi tor to Jerusalem who does not know the thingsthat have happened there in these days?

” 1 9 And he said to them, What things?” And they said to

him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophe t mi ghty in deed and word before God andall the people ,

20 and how our chief priests and rulers del ivered him up to b e condemned to death,

and crucified h im.

2 1 Bri t we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel . Yes, and besides all this,i t is now the third day since this happened .

22 Moreover, some women of our company amazed us .

They were at the tomb early in the morning 23 and did not find his body ; and they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive .

24 Some of those who werewith us went to th e tomb , and found it jus t as the women had said ; but him they did no t see .

” 25 Andhe said to them,

“0 fool ish men, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken !

26Was i t not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 And b eginning with Moses and all the prophets, he in terpreted to them in all the scrip tures the things concerning himself.

28 So they drew near to the village to which they were going. He appeared to b e.

going further, 29 but they constrained him, saying,“Stay with us, for i t is toward evening and the day is

now far spent . So he went in to stay with them .3 0 When he was at table with them, he took the bread

and blessed, and broke i t, and gave i t to them .3 1 And their eyes were opened and they recognized h im;

and he vanished out of their sight . 3 2 They said to each other,“Did not our hearts burn wi thin us

while he talked to us on the road, while he Opened to us the scrip tures?" 3 3 And they rose that same

hour and returned to Jerusalem ; and they found the eleven gathered together and those who werewith them,

3 4 who said,“The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to S imon !

” 3 5 Then they toldwhat had happened-ou th e road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread .

5 Greek (most MS S ) s ixty s tadia; a hundred and s ixty s tadia : S 9 .

To Matt . cf. John — “If a man loves me, he will keep my word , and my Father will love him,

and we wil l come to him and make our home with him .

LUKE —53

2. The Appearance of the Ri sen Chr is t in Jerus alem .

Luke —4 9

36 As they were saying this, Jesus himself s tood among them .3 3 7 But they were star tled and

frightened, and supposed that they saw a sp iri t . 3 8 And he said to them, Why are you troubled, andwhy do questionings rise in your hearts? 3 9 See my hands and my fee t, that i t is I myself ; handle me,

and see; for a sp iri t has not flesh and bones as you see that I have .

” b 41 And while they sti l l disb e

l ieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them,

“Have you anything here to eat?" 42 They gave him

a p iece of broi led fish, 43 and he took i t and ate b efore them .

44 Then he said to them,

“These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was st il l wi th you,that everything wri tten about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the p salms must b e fulfil led .

” 45 Then he opened their minds to underst and the scrip tures 4 6 and said to them,

“Thus i t iswri tten, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 4 7 and that repentanceand forgiveness of sins should b e preached in his name to all nations, ° beginning from Jerusal em .

48 You are witnesses of these things . 4 9 And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you ; butstay in the ci ty, until you are clothed wi th power from on high .

3 . The Ascens ion .

Luke —53

50 Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and li ft ing up his hands he blessed them .51 Whi le he

blessed them, he parted from them .d 52 And they

e returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 5 3 andwere continually in the temp le blessing God .

Luk e —cf. Hosea

3 text : D it ; add, and said to them, Peace toy ou S A B G) k (I) Q sy°sy

°sa b o ; add, and sa id to them,

“It is I ;

do not be afraid ; peace toy ou”

: W (Cf. John add, peace toy ou before it is I : vg sy


b text : D it sy ° Sy° ;add verse 40, And when he had said this , he showed them his hands and his feet . S A B W (9 (15 Q vg sp

p sa bo .

Or, na tions . Beginning from J erusalem y ou are witnesses 4 text : S D it vg ; he was carried up from them


; add, and was carried up into heaven. A B C W (9 k Q5 Q syP sa bo . text : D it sy

°; add , worshiped him

and . S A B C W G X QS Q vg syP sa bo .

To 2 cf. John -23 .

Cf. Gosp e l accord ing to the Hebrews (in Jerome,On Illus trious Men, 2 on James

, the Lord’s brother )

Also the gospel call ed according to the Hebrews, lately tr anslated b y me into Greek and Latin, which Origenoften uses , tells , after the resurrection of the Sav ior :

“Now the Lord, when he had given the linen cloth to theservant of the pries t, went to James and appeared to him (for James had sworn that he would not eat bread fromthat hour in which he had drunk the Lord’s cup until he should see him ris ing again from among them that

and a little further on the Lord says ,“Bring a table and bread” and immediately it is added,

“He tookbread and bles sed and broke and gave it to James the Just and said to him :

‘My brother, eat your bread, forthe Son ofman is risen from among them that sleep .

To Luke cf. Ignatius, Epis tle tothe Smy rneans 3 : 2— And when he came to those with Peter, he said to


“Take, handle me, and see that I am not a bodiless ghost .”