Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Hamilton, MA MC 707 ......Winseman, Albert L, Donald O. Clifton,...

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Transcript of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Hamilton, MA MC 707 ......Winseman, Albert L, Donald O. Clifton,...


Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Hamilton, MA

MC 707 - Transforming Leadership in the Local Church

Syllabus: Fall 2018

Tuesday, 1:30-4:30

Jim Singleton

Library 119

978-646-4093 – Office

719-244-3274 – Cell

Office Hours – (see sign-up sheet outside my office)

Guest Adjunct – Ron Bouthillette (rbouthillette@gordonconwell.edu)

Byington: Ben Crelin (bcrelin@gordonconwell.edu)

I. Course Description

There are many roles that ministers play in the current context – teacher, preacher, administrator,

pastor, shepherd, etc. However, a role that is increasingly desired in a congregational context is

that of a leader. As the North American church leaves the context of Christendom behind and

heads into a more missionary encounter with the culture, ministers need to gain experience in

leading change. Making changes in congregations is a very complicated venture, requiring many

different facets of leadership. In this course the elements of leadership in a Christian context will

be examined from a biblical and historical basis. Particular focus will be upon self-

understanding and what parts of leadership will be natural and which ones will need to be


II. Course Relationship to the Curriculum

The course in Leadership (MC 707) is ideally taken by students who are in the last year of their

seminary studies. The course takes into consideration all the studies in exegesis, theology,

history, and preaching—and challenges students to consider how their studies actually are

applied in practical ministry.

III. Course Objectives

1) Growth in self-awareness

2) Begin to reflect on personal leadership styles

3) Examine biblical and historical examples of leadership

4) Begin to learn how leadership can be practiced in the context of a congregation

5) Understand the difference in tactical and adaptive change and identify where each is needed.

6) Grasp the Christian character values needed for effective leadership

IV. Course Textbooks


Barton, Ruth Haley. Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of

Ministry. (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2008) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3513-3) (228 pages)


Benner, David G. The Gift of Being Yourself. (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2004) (ISBN: 978-0-

8308-3245-3) (114 pages)

Ford, Kevin G. Transforming Church: Bringing Out the Good to Get to Great. (Carol Stream,

Ill.: Tyndale, 2007) (ISBN: 978-1-4143-0893-7) (227 pp.)

Linhart, Terry. The Self-Aware Leader: Discovering Your Blind Spots to Reach Your Ministry

Potential. (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2017) ISBN: 978-0-8308-4480-7) (181 pages)

Osterhaus, James, Joseph M. Jurkowski, and Todd A Hahn. Thriving Through Ministry Conflict.

(Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan, 2005) (ISBN: 13:978-0-310-86438-7) (155 pp.)

Overstreet, Jane. Unleader: The Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader (Colorado Springs:

Biblica, 2011) (ISBN: 978-1-60657-039-5) (112 pages)

Robinson, Bill. Incarnate Leadership: 5 Leadership Lessons from the Life of Jesus. (Grand

Rapids: Zondervan, 2009 (ISBN: 978-0-310-29113-8) (122 pages)

Steinke, Peter L. Congregational Leadership in Anxious Time: Being Calm and Courageous

No Matter What. (Herndon, VA: Alban, 2006) (ISBN: 978-1-56699-328-9) (183 pages)

Optional Purchase:

Winseman, Albert L, Donald O. Clifton, and Curt Liesveld, Living Your Strengths: Discover

Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community. (New York: Gallup Press, 2003) (ISBN:

1-59562-002-8) (230 pages)

Beeley, Christopher A. Leading God’s People: Wisdom from the Early Church for Today.

(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012) (ISBN: 978-0-8028-6700-1) (149 pages)

V. Course Requirements and Grading:

1. Class Participation – This includes on Time Attendance and a willingness to be involved

class participation, including role play and case study discussions. This is a class for leaders so it

is time to develop the responsibilities of a leader.

2. Reading Reports - Students will read the required texts which total 1,500 pages (1322 for

required books) and @180 pages from the optional recommended list. If you have already read a

required book, substitutes may be chosen from the recommended list with approval from the

professor. With the required reading, each student will complete a one page (double-spaced)

reading report for each book chosen to meet the 1,500 page requirement. These reading reports

should provide the title of the text, and the number of pages read. First, summarize the thesis of

the book. Then identify the three best, most challenging, or most insightful ideas in each book

and why: What will be different because these ideas have come to you? What actions will you

take? What attitudes will you change? How will your ministry be different? Send the cumulative

reports as one document: Double-spaced, 12 point type. Due: First half (750 pages) is due


Tuesday, October 16, 2018 and the full report on December 18, 2018 (December grads


3. Historical Leadership Challenge: Prepare a case study paper (5-8 pages) on two “Leadership

Challenges” from a real life through reading through a Christian biography for individuals like

Martin Luther, Queen Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Margaret Thatcher, Pope

Francis, Colin Powell, Mother Teresa, or Martin Luther King, Jr, etc). The biography does not

have to be fully read (your extra pages), but enough to discover the leadership challenges. For

this paper, please include the following components: a) Describe 2 different leadership

challenges you discover in the person’s life. What situation or opportunity or problem did this

person face that he or she needed to address? Why are those issues important? What kinds of

changes were required? b) Describe the results in the 2 leadership challenges this person faced?

How would you measure the impact of his or her leadership? c) Describe the strengths and

weaknesses in what was evident in the person’s character. Where was courage needed? What

do those issues of character teach you about your leadership? d) What further study does this

book suggest for your own life and ministry? Due: Tuesday, November 20, 2018.

4. Theological and Personal Reflection Paper (15 pages) that:

a) Summarizes key insights of the course material;

b) Presents a biblical foundation for leadership ministry;

c) Synthesizes the learners’ response to the adaptive challenges of the congregations in this

cultural context;

d) Projects a 12-month personal and ministry development path to move your leadership skills


Due: Tuesday, December 18, 2018

(No Final Exam)

VI. Written Work

Please note: Expectations for unspecified written work:

1. Put your name, box number, and preferred email address in upper right hand corner

2. Use 12-point type.

3. Double-spaced

4. Footnotes may be done within paragraphs instead of below.


VII. Course Calendar

Read Prior to Class: Benner, The Gift of Being Yourself

Part One – Who is the Leader?

September 11 – Introduction to the Course and Each Other

Sharing Leadership Experiences from our Lives

Discussion of Benner’s book

Congregational Expectations of the Roles of a Minister

Self-Identity and the Ways Leadership Will Challenge That Identity

Sanctification and Old Wounds

Brokenness and Impacts from the Fall – Shame, Hiddenness, and Blame

4 Back-Up Fears – Survival, Acceptance, Control, Competence

Read: Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

September 18 – What is Leadership? – Part I

Reflections on Moses as a Leader

Reflection on the Barton book

How is Leadership in a Church different from other places?

Contrasting Leadership and Management

How much leadership is Innate and how much is Learned?

What is the relationship of Competence and Leadership?

What prepares one spiritually to be a leader?

What Character Development needs to be Present?

Read: Robinson, Incarnate Leadership

September 25 – What is Leadership?

Reflections on Daniel as a Leader

Discussion of the Incarnation of Jesus as a Pattern for Leadership (Robinson)

Jesus as Leader – Symbolic Choices

Role Playing Leadership Situations –

“Encouraged Resignation” – Lost Trust

“Forced Resignation” – Pornography Violation

Read: Overstreet, The Unleader


October 2 – The Incarnation of Jesus as a Pattern for Leadership – Part II

Comparison of David and Saul as Leaders (Overstreet)

Character and Relational Qualities of Leaders

The Role of Context

Jesuit Leadership Values

Role Playing - Worship Committee Meeting – Can We Have a 2nd Service?

Read: Linhart, The Self-Aware Leader

Take Strengths Finder Test and Bring Results (see Winseman book)

Write One Page on What You Learn from Your Results

October 9 – Reading Week

Turn In: 1st part of reading report (Oct. 16)

October 16 – Reflections upon Your Strengths and Leadership

Reflection on Ezra and Nehemiah as Leaders

Discussion of Self-Awareness for leaders

Prepare to Share Learning from Strengths Finder

Discussion of Myers-Briggs Personality Profile

Discussion of the ProScan Instrument

Emotional and Relational Intelligence in Leadership

Evaluation and Reflection on our Gifts, Strengths and Weaknesses

Role Playing Leadership Situation:

Youth Committee Meeting – Capture the Flag in the Sanctuary?

Read: Ford, Transforming Church

Part II – What Are You Leading?

October 23– Focus on Congregations and Non-Profit Organizations

Reflection on Peter as a Leader

What Are You Leading?

Church Government

Church Size


Church Health – Family System

Congregational Paradigm

Non-Profit Organization

Leading from a Second Chair

Leading as a Volunteer

Discovering DNA – Reflection on Ford

History and Symbols of Significance

The Nature of Teams in Leadership

Role-Playing – Leadership Issues in Committees

Leadership Issues in a Community Project

Read: Steinke, Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times

October 30 – Family Systems for Church and Christian Organizations

Reflections Paul as Leader and Developer of Leaders

Inter-relationships in Church

Family Roles in Systems

Over-functioning and Under-functioning

Anxiety in Organizational Systems – Health in Organizational Systems

Change in Congregations

Shared Leadership Systems – The Nature of Teams in Leadership

Development of Others – Team Based Vision

Skills for Developing and Mentoring Others in Ministry

Evaluation Processes

Part III – How We Lead

November 6 – Leading Organizational Change

Reflection on change in the Book of Acts

Tactical, Strategic and Adaptive Change

Case Study Discussions – Luther, Calvin, Bonhoeffer, etc

Role Play – Reporting Why We Can’t Stay Here and Must Go There

Read: Osterhaus, Thriving Through Ministry Conflict

November 13 – Reading Week


Write: Biographical Case Study

November 20 – Leading Change through Multiple Platforms

Reflection on Paul and Barnabas

How Can a Leader Facilitate Culture Change?

Visionary Leadership

Leading Through Conflict

Role Play – Conflict over Money in the Church

November 27 – The Dark Sides of Leadership

Ethical Issues Related to Power in Leadership

Healthy Boundaries in Leadership

Role Play – Conflict over a Performance Review

December 4 – Redemption in Leadership

The Power of Inspiration

Poly-Centric Leadership

Concluding Vision of Leadership

The Well Resourced Leader

Finishing Well

December 10-14 (Exam Week – but No Exam for this Course)

VIII. Additional Bibliography

Allender, Dan B. Leading with a Limp: Turning Your Struggles into Strengths. (Colorado

Springs: Waterbrook, 2006) (ISBN: 1-57856-950-8) (206 pages)

Beebe, Gayle. The Shaping of an Effective Leader: Eight Formative Principles of Leadership.

(Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2011) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3820-2). (208 pages)

Benefiel, Margaret. The Soul of a Leader. (New York: Crossroad, 2008) (ISBN: 13:978-0-

8245-2480-7) (191 pages)

Blanchard, Ken and Hodges, Phil. Lead Like Jesus. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2005)

(ISBN: 978-1-4003-1420-1) (250 pages)

Bonem, Mike. Thriving in the Second Chair: Ten Practices for Robust Ministry. (Nashville,

TN: Abingdon, 2016) (ISBN: 978-1-5018-1424-2) (162 pages)


Braufman, Ori and Rod A. Beckstrom, The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of

Leaderless Organizations. (New York: Penguin, 2006) (ISBN: 1-519184-143-7)

(208 pages)

Brubaker, David R. Promise and Peril: Understanding and Managing Change and Conflict in

Congregations. (Herndon, VA: Alban, 2009) (ISBN: 978-1-56699-382-1) (169 pages)

Burns, John S., John R. Shoup, and Donald C. Simmons, Jr. (eds.). Organizational Leadership:

Foundations & Practices for Christians. (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2014) (ISBN: 978-0-

8308-4050-2). (283 pages).

Carroll, Jackson, As One with Authority; Reflective Leadership in Ministry (Louisville, KY:

Westminster/John Knox, 1991) (ISBN: 0-664-25168-4)

Clinton, J. Robert. The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of

Leadership Development (2nd edition) (Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress, 1988, 2012)

(ISBN: 978-1-61291-075-8) (288 pages)

Collins, Jim. Good to Great and the Social Sectors: Why Business Thinking is Not the Answer. A

Monograph to Accompany Good to Great. (Jim Collins, 2005) (ISBN: 978-0-9773-264-

0-3) (36 pages)

Collins, Jim. How the Might Fall and Why Some Companies Never Give In. (Collins, 2009)

(ISBN: 978-0-9773264-1-9) (222 pages)

DeGroat, Chuck. Toughest People to Love: How to Understand, Lead, and Love the Difficult

People in Your Life – Including Yourself. (Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2014) (ISBN:

978-0-8028-7143-5) (177 pages)

DePree, Max. Leadership is an Art. (New York: Dell, 1989) (ISBN: 978-0-440-50324-8)

(148 pages)

Dickson, John. Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love, and Leadership. (Grand Rapids, MI.:

Zondervan, 2010) (ISBN: 978-0-310-32862-9) (196 pages)

Drucker, Peter F. Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices. (New York

Harper Collins, 2000) (ISBN:

Eaton, Philip W. Engaging the Culture, Changing the World: The Christian University in a

Post-Christian World. (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2011) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3929-2)

(206 pp)

Fadling, Alan. An Unhurried Leader: The Last Fruit of Daily Influence. (Downers Grove, Ill:

IVP, 2017) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-4634-4) (180 pages)


Ford, Kevin and Ken Tucker. The Leadership Triangle. (Peoria, AZ: Intermedia Publishing

Group, 2011) (ISBN: 978-1-935906-76-6) (195 pages)

Ford, Lance. Unleader: Reimagine Leadership . . . And Why We Must. (Kansas City: Beacon

Hill, 2012) (ISBN: 978-0-8341-2885-9) (186 pages)

Ford, Leighton. Transforming Leadership: Jesus’ Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values, &

Empowering Change. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1991) (ISBN: 0-8308-1831-6)

Fryling, Robert A. The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are. (Downers

Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2010) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3538-6)

Geiger, Eric and Kevin Peck. Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development.

(Nashville, TN: B&H, 2016) (ISBN: 978-1-4336-9024-2) (234 pages)

Gibbons, Dave. The Monkey and the Fish: Liquid Leadership for the Third-Culture Church.

(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009) (ISBN: 978-0-310-27602-9)

Gibbs, Eddie. LeadershipNext: Changing Leaders in a Changing Culture. (Downers Grove, Ill:

IVP, 2005) (ISBN: 0-8308-3283-1)

Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead

with Emotional Intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2002.) (ISBN: 978-


Greenleaf, Robert K. Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and

Greatness. (New York: Paulist Press, 1977) (ISBN: 0-8091-0554-3) (335 pages)

Greer, Peter and Chris Horst. Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities,

and Churches. (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House, 2014) (ISBN: 978-0-7642-1101-0)

(219 pages)

Hamm, Richard L. Recreating the Church: Leadership for the Postmodern Age. (St. Louis,

MO: 2007) (ISBN: 978-0-8272-3253-2) (130 pages)

Hartwig, Ryan T. and Warren Bird. Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative

Church Leadership. (Downers Grove, Ill; IVP, 2015) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-4119-6)

(267 pages)

Heath, Chip and Dan Heath. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. (New

York: Broadway Books, 2010) (ISBN: 978-0385-5285-7) (305 pages)

Heifetz, Ronald A, and Marty Linsky. Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive Through the

Dangers of Leading. (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002) (252 pages)

Heifetz, Ronald, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky. The Practice of Adaptive Leadership:


Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World (Boston: Harvard

Business Press, 2009) (ISBN 978-1-4221-0576-4) (297 pages)

Herrington, Jim, R. Robert Creech, and Trisha Taylor. The Leader’s Journey: Accepting the Call

to Personal and Congregational Transformation. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers,


Herrington, Jim, Mike Bonem, and James H. Furr. Leading Congregational Change: A Practical

Guide for the Transformational Journey. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000)

(186 pages)

Hesselbein, Frances, Marshall Goldsmith and Richard Beckhard (eds). The Leader of the Future.

(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996)

Hughes, Richard L, Robert C. Ginnett, and Gordon J. Curphy, Leadership: Enhancing the

Lessons of Experience. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-07-811265-2)

Lencioni, Patrick. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002)

(ISBN: 0-7879-6075-6).

Lindsay, D. Michael. View rrom the Top: An Inside Look at How People in Power See and

Shape the World. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014) (ISBN: 978-1-118-90110-6) (218 pages)

Loritts, Crawford W. Jr. Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield

Everlasting Influence. (Chicago, Ill: Moody, 2009) (ISBN: 978-0-8024-5527-7)

(205 pages)

Lowney, Chris. Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That

Changed the World. (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2003). (ISBN-10: 0-8294-2115-7) (330 pages)

Malphurs, Aubrey. Values-Driven Leadership: Discovering and Developing Your Core Values

for Ministry. (Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 1996, 2004) (ISBN: 978-0-8010-6516-3)

Malphurs, Aubrey. Look Before You Lead: How to Discern & Shape Your Church Culture.

(Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 2013) (ISBN: 978-0-8010-1507-6) (271 pages)

Macdonald, Gordon. Building below the Waterline: Shoring up the Foundations of Leadership.

(Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2011) (ISBN: 978-1-59856-669-7) (250 pages)

McIntosh, Gary L. and Samuel D. Rima. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership. (Grand

Rapids, MI: Harper, 1997, 2007) (ISBN: 978-0-8010-6835-5) (254 pages)

McNeal, Reggie. A Work of the Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders. (San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000) (ISBN: 0-7879-4288-X) (205 pages)

Morse, Mary Kate. Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence. (Downers


Grove, Ill: IVP, 2008) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3448-8) (215 pages)

Nieuwhof, Carey. Leading Change Without Losing It: Five Strategies that Can Revolutionize

How You Lead Change When Facing Opposition. (Cummings, GA: Rethink, 2012) (ISBN:

978-0-9854116-5-7) (125 pages)

Nouwen, Henri J.M. The Wounded Healer. (Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1972) (ISBN: 0-


Parks, Sharon Daloz. Leadership Can Be Taught. (Boston: Harvard Business School Press,

2005). (ISBN: 1-59139-309-4)

Parrott, Roger. The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders (Colorado Springs: David

C. Cook, 2009) (ISBN: 978-1-4347-67-49-3) (255 pages)

Peterson, Eugene, Working the Angles (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987). (ISBN-13: 978-


Pier, Mac. Consequential Leadership: 15 Leaders Fighting for Our Cities, Our Poor, Our Youth

and Our Culture. (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2012) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3792-2) (219 pages)

Rendle, Gilbert R., Leading Change in the Congregation: Spiritual and Organizational Tools for

Leaders. (Washington, D.C.: Alban Institute, 1998) (ISBN: 1-56699-187-0).

Robinson, William P. Leading People from the Middle: The Universal Mission of Heart and

Mind. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse, 2009) (ISBN: 978-1-4401-8886-2)

Rodin, R. Scott. The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations, and Communities.

(Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2010) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3878-3) (197 pages)

Roxburgh, Alan J. and Fred Romanuk, The Missional Leader: Equipping your Church to Reach

a Changing World. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006). (ISBN: 13-978-0-7879-8325-3)

Sample, Steven B. The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002)

(ISBN: 0-7879-5587-6) (ISBN: 0-7879-5587-6)

Standish, N. Graham. Humble Leadership: Being Radically Open to God’s Guidance and

Grace. (Herndon, VA.: Alban Institute, 2007) (ISBN: 978-1-56699-336-4) (186 pages)

Stott, John. Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel, and Ministry.

(Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2002) (ISBN: 978-8308-3322-6) (127 pages)

Stowell, Joseph M. Redefining Leadership: Character Driven Habits of Effective Leaders.

(Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan, 2014) (ISBN: 978-0-310-21565-3) (175 pages)

Tokunaga, Paul. Invitation to Lead: Guidance for Emerging Asian American Leaders.


(Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2003) (ISBN: 0-8308-2393-X) (214 pages)

Trebesch, Shelly G. Made to Flourish: Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization.

(Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2015) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-4440-1) (201 pages)

Willimon, William H. A Will to Lead: And the Grace to Follow. (Abingdon: Nashville, TN.:

2011) (ISBN: 978-1-4267-1591-4)

Woodward, J.R. Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World.

(Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2012) (ISBN: 978-0-8308-3653-6) (256 pages)