Goood job survey mobile recruiting 2013-3

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Goood job survey mobile recruiting 2013-3

Mobile Recruiting 2013 – Survey Results

Mobile Optimization for Recruiting and the

Future of Mobile Employee Referrals

Mobile recruiting is a hot topic in HR circles. And while the primary focus has

been geared towards job-seekers, it’s time to expand it to include another

crucial aspect of the recruitment process - employee referral programs.

Referral programs are an excellent source of hire – yet many companies

face the daunting challenge of effectively driving workforce participation, as

only 10-20% of employees are actively involved.

We asked 150 small,

medium and large

enterprises about their

mobile recruiting strategies.

Mobile in the workplace:

• In over 75% of companies the majority of employees own smartphones

• Over 40% of organizations have implemented a mobile recruiting strategy

• More than half use a mobile-optimized website

Referral programs:

• Over 70% of companies had low rates of hires via referrals (up to 30%)

• Not surprisingly, over 2/3 are not happy with these numbers

Common strategy changes for 2013:

• Revise employer branding approach

• Increase social presence

• Improve the candidate experience

Most companies are unsatisfied with their referral programs – yet with the majority of

employees using smartphones, the solution is clear:

Mobile Employee Referrals!

Optimizing your employee referral program for personal devices is a

great way to enhance engagement.

Making referrals is a social activity, and where are employees the most

social? Not in the office - but rather when they are out and about with their

friends, or connecting on social media.

Mobile referrals are the perfect upgrade for your existing referral program:

• Facilitate easy social exchanges between employees and potential

candidates, enhancing the candidate experience.

• Enable direct communication between your workforce and

recruitment team.

• Raise employer brand awareness and social presence.

With GooodJob, optimize your referral program for mobile devices and

increase referrals to top talent by engaging your entire team.

Our groundbreaking employee referrals solution enables employees to

refer and share your open jobs with their social networks directly from

their smartphones. Built with our award-winning referral technology, it

stands to revolutionize the way organizations approach their referral

programs in this new age of mobile technology.

Learn more at

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