Google Glass

Post on 21-Feb-2016

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A presentation about Google Glass

Transcript of Google Glass

Why Google Glass Broke

Why Google Glass Broke

My presentation is for an article from The New York Times, that was written by Nick Bilton, and titled Why Google Glass Broke.


2Why I chose this articleThis story was very intriguing because when Google initially rolled out Google glass it seemed like an amazing idea and when it was discontinued it was so sudden and shocking. I found the article very informative because prior to reading the article, I had no clue why Google decided to discontinue to product. 3What the article is aboutThe article begins by talking about the high expectations when Google glass was first unveiled and then details exactly what went wrong that led to it being discontinued. 4From its unveiling in 2012, it was considered the Gadget, yearned after by everyone from nerds and chief executives, to chefs and fashionistas. It was the must-have toy that was going to set the gold standard for a new class of wearable computers.

5Behind the scenes, there was divide between the engineers about the most basic functions of Google Glass. One side argued that it should be worn all day, like a fashionable device, while others thought it should be worn only for specific functions. Still, nearly everyone was in agreement that the current prototype was just that: a prototype, with major kinks to be worked out.

6Despite this, Sergey Brin, the cofounder of Google, knew Google Glass wasnt a finished product and that it needed work, but he wanted that to take place in public early. Mr. Brin argued that Google should release Glass to consumers and use their feedback to iterate and improve the design.

7The strategy backfired. Tech reviewers who finally got their hands on Glass described it as the worst product of all time, noting that it had abysmal battery life, and that it was a product plagued by bugs. Privacy concerns were raised, with people afraid of being recorded during private moments. It was also banned from bars, movie theaters, Las Vegas casinos and other places that did not want customers recording secretly.

8Additionally, it became news that Mr. Brin had been having an affair with Amanda Rosenberg, a marketing manager on Google Glass. From there, Google Glass withered, many employees left, and Mr. Brin, who was dealing with the fallout of his affair at Google, stopped wearing Glass in public.9What makes this article about technology? What kind of technology? How can you tell it is technology?

The article is about technology because it talks about a product that was created through new knowledge and science to improve quality of life and improve on current products and services that are in existence already. The kind of Technology it is, is Google Glass, which I would describe as eyewear technology. I can tell it is technology because it fit the criteria of the definition of technology but even further than that, in the very first sentence of the article, the author calls the product a futuristic wearable technology.

10How does the author portray technology to the public? Why do you think the author chooses this perspective? The author portrays this technology to the public as a failure and a disappointment. I believe that the author chose this perspective because he was disappointed and wanted to inform people of exactly how Google Glass failed.

11Who do you think is the authors intended audience? How can you tell?I believe the authors intended audience was the general public. I can tell because the author maintained a tone that was easy to follow the entire time and never got too technical. I also can tell because the article is an article for the New York Times, a newspaper that is read by all types of people and not just people who are part of the tech world. 12Is this article a reliable source of information? Why or why not?Yes, this article is a reliable source of information because it comes from a well-respected publication that has journalists with integrity that have an obligation to be truthful about what they write. 13